


English Campaign for Empire Earth

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/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| 0. Table of Contents ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

0. Table of Contents1. Version History2. Controls3. Walkthrough>3.1 Greek Campaign >>3.1.1 Early Heliactic Peoples: 10,000-2,000 BC>>3.1.2 Warriors From the Sea: 2,000-1,500 BC>>3.1.3 The Trojan War: 1,300-1,100 BC>>3.1.4 The Rise of Athens: 1,000-500 BC>>3.1.5 The Peloponnesian War: 427-404 BC>>3.1.6 Young Alexander: 336-334 BC>>3.1.7 A Conqueror is Born 334-332 BC>>3.1.8 And Alexander Wept 332-330 BC>3.2 English Campaign>>3.2.1 The Return of Young William: 1040 AD>>3.2.2 William, Duke of Normandy: 1047 AD>>3.2.3 The Battle of Hastings: 1066 AD>>3.2.4 The Hundred Years War Begins: 1340-1346 AD>>3.2.5 The Black Prince: 1356 AD>>3.2.6 We Band of Brothers: 1414-1415 AD>>3.2.7 The War Against Napoleon: 1808-1815 AD>>3.2.8 The Battle of Waterloo: 1815 AD>3.3 German Campaign>>3.3.1 Cavalry of the Sky: 1915 AD>>3.3.2 Supply and Demand: Winter 1915-1916 AD>>3.3.3 The Red Baron: Spring 1916 AD

>>3.3.4 The Somme: 1918 AD>>3.3.5 Lightning Warfare: 1939 AD>>3.3.6 Preparations for Invasion: 1940 AD>>3.3.7 Operation "Sea Lion": 1941 AD4. Contact Info5. Legal

/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| 1. Version History ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

Version 1.0 (Not Submitted) -Controls -Greek CampaignVersion 1.1 5/23/2010 -fixed width problems -added missing essentials (legal & contact info sections)Version 1.2 6/30/2010 -Alternate strategy for "The Peloponessian War" -Redid scenario ratingsVersion 2.0 7/1/2010 -English Campaign (other two coming soon)Version 3.0 (Not Submitted) -German CampaignVersion 3.1 -Campaign Info -Campaign Ratings

/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| 2. Controls ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

Left Click: Select unitLeft Click+Drag: Select all units in boxDouble Left Click: Select all visible units of that typeRight Click: Move to spot/attack unit/repair building/etc.F3: PauseF4: Quick Save

/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| 3. Walkthrough ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

-------------------------------3.1 Greek Campaign------------------------------

The first campaign in this game is the Greek campaign. This campaign features

two scenarios about the founding of various greek cities such as Argos(Warriors from the sea). It then moves on to the Trojan War, the much debatedstory by Homer. It then continues to the rise of Athens, the most famous greekcity in history, and future capitol of the nation. After Athens, you followthe successes of Alexander the Great, a military strategist whose tactics arestill used today.

Campaign Ranking: 2nd

Favorite Scenario: "And Alexander Wept" (8)

>>3.1.1 Early Heliactic Peoples: 10,000-2,000 BC

Difficulty: 5/10Length: 5/10Fun: 6/10

Colors:You:Blue- AnatoliansEnemies:Green- DoriansOrange- Troas

Leaders/Important People:Anatolians:Herikles- Warrior Hero, leader of your people.Kalkas- Your prophet.

When you start off you are in this wierd little town. Take all ofyour people down the road to the bend with the gold and iron put a settlementin the middle and divide your citizens amongst gold, iron, wood, and food.When you have resources advance to the stone age and build a barracks. Startmaking spearmen (15-20 should cut it). When you have your army gather up yourpeople (except the citizens in wood and food) and send them along the roaduntil you see the town of Troas. Head off the road and up the hill on yourright and proceed south until you reach the sea then proceed south along thecoast until you find a small sheltered cove have herikles stay there with yourcitezens and half your spearmen then send kalkas and the other macemen up thecoast until you come across the dock the Troas soldiers will attack you, justdistract them with the spearmen and have kalkas proceed directly to their dockwhen he reaches it turn tail and flee. Only a few will follow you have yourother force of spearmen come up and slaughter them. Now that you havedock technology, build one in your sheltered cove. when it finishes buildtwo war rafts and transports for the people you brought.

Load up and set sail across the very small Agean sea. if the Troaswar rafts attack you leave your war rafts behind to cover you. When you landin thessaly quickly proceed west to the plateau. If the horse annoyancesattack you use your spearmen (which you should have given attack and healthupgrades) to annihilate them. When you reach the plateau send your spearmento the north end as the horse people's base is in that direction. Set yourcitizens about building a settlement and barracks. When you are done Kalkaswill require you to build a temple. While you're doing this the horse peoplewill attack once or twice, just kill them with your spearmen. Should theykill some citizens and make you understand why I call them horse annoyances

you can exact revenge by sending Kalkas to cast firestorm on their outpostnorth west of you. Get in the sprit and raze the whole thing to the ground.When the temple finishes building you win.

>>3.1.2 Warriors from the Sea: 2,000-1,500 BC

Difficulty: 7/10Length: 6/10Fun: 6/10

Colors:You:Blue- DanaansEnemies:Red- MesseniansPurple- MinoansYellow- Achaians

Leaders/Important People:Danaans:King Pelops- Warrior Hero, your King (must survive)Sons of Pelops- 3 swordsmen (one must survive)

You start on the island of Crete with 6 citizens. Have them quicklybuild a capitol and immediately go build a dock. When that's done put themin wood and begin building transports and war rafts. The objective here isto leave the island as quickly as possible (AQAP :) ). If you stick arounda huge minoan army comes to kick your ass. don't think you stand a chance,they come from off the map and continuously regenerate. When your littlefleet is ready, load up and get out of there. A couple minutes after youland in Greece the army comes and razes your capitol and dock.

Sail north toward the illuminated area when the minoan battleshipsattack you leave your war rafts behind to cover your escape. When youreach land unload and take your people north to build a capitol on the Argosplateau. Hunt for food until you have 750 then advance into the copper age.Now have your citizens build a granary and farms. When you have more foodbuild more citizens and put them in gold, iron, and food. Then make moreand build a barracks. Get the civ-buildings, walls, and towers costreduction upgrade, and start walling in your city. When you run out of stonebuild up a force of macemen, spearmen, and sampsons and head south to thestone mine you should have passed on your way in (bring 5 citizens also).when you reach it have your citizens build and populate a settlement into atown center. Build four to six more citizens and put them to work in stone.Meanwhile send your troops south to the coast (leave a couple macemen andspearmen to gaurd). proceed west and find the Achaian archery range useyour sampsons to destroy it. Then return to your stone outpost. Use yourstone to finish fortifying your city, build towers and an archery range toattack your attackers form inside your walls. Also build a hospital to healand temple for priests.

Now that you have defended the flourishing city of Argos startbuilding your army. You will need approx 20-25 spearmen and about 5 sampsons,plus optional priest or two if you want your own horsemen. Set out northwestyou should find a small gap in the trees making a path that heads up a hillsend in your spearmen and priest but have the sampsons stay back as they areeasily killed and can't fight people. you emerge into a clearing that is partof the first Achaian base kill or convert all the horsemen in the clearingthen make sure none are hiding in the town. When you have hunted them all

down send your spearmen to raze the stable so they can't make more horseidiots. Meanwhile send your sampsons to destroy the town center. When youhave destroyed that proceed to destroy the rest of the military buildings andthen the houses. When the town has been razed head back to your city. Startmaking your homeland security forces (archers) as the Achaians come forrevenge with a horse army ~80% of the time.

After you fight off the counter attack, get down to healing andrebuilding/adding to your army. If you want to finish off the second Achaianbase in one shot you'll need approx. 30 spearmen and 10 sampsons, plus priests(there are more horsemen gaurding the town). When you are done, send you armydue north until you reach the trees, then head west. Stop when you are justnortheast of the second Achaian villiage. Cautiously enter the town, DO NOTbe lulled into a false sense of security by the sight of no horsemen. Theyare hiding just out of sight on the other side of town and will appear andkill your sampsons if you just send them in to destroy the town center.Instead send your spearmen and priests straight across the town to where thehorsemen are waiting. Slaughter them. Then send in your sampsons to destroythe town center, it's the only thing you need to destroy so you can let yourspearmen do want they want but keep them selected because more horsemen tendto show up via the stable. When the town center collapses you win.

>>3.1.3 The Trojan War: 1,300-1,100 BC

Difficulty: 7/10Length: 8/10Fun: 8/10

Colors:You:Blue- ArgosAllies:Yellow- AchaeaPurple- IthacaRed- SpartaEnemiesGreen- DoriansOrange- Troy

Leaders/Important People:Argos and allies:Agamemnon- King of Argos (must survive)Menelaus- King of Sparta (must survive)Achilies- King of Achaea (must survive)Odysseus- King of Ithaca (must survive)Troy:King Priam: King of Troy (must be killed)

You start out with 4 "Elite Warriors" and 10 citizens. Put eightcitizens to work in a farm (Build it next to your town center (outside ofcity)). Build 13(:/) more citizens. Send Agamemnon and his elites west outof the city and up the hill to recruit Menelaus. Then take your royal armynorth through Sparta, and cross the road into Achaea. After recruitingAchillies just inside the town head west along the road to the Achaian dock.Send just Agamemnon over to Ithaca to recruit Odysseus. Take Odyseus,Agamemnon, and the Ithacan Warriors back to meet up with the rest of your army.Meanwhile, send all the boats you have recruited to the Argive dock(Argive-Argos, Spartan-Sparta if you were wondering). Send your army back toArgos to meet up with your extra citezens.

Now build a wall from the West corner of argos diagonally until youreach either trees or the coast. Then build a gate and send your army and fiveof the citizens north up the road to the first gold mine. Defend your citizensfrom the Dorians as they completely wall in the gold mine. ADD SPACE FOR ASETTLEMENT! (Also make sure one of the walls is at least 5 segments long).Build a gate and put your citizens inside to build a settlement populate itinto a town center and lock the gate. Now you have a pretty well secured basethat puts out gold build 4 more citizens and start the gold production. Takeyour army back to your side of the long wall down by the beach and load themup on transports. Put the Kings all on the Argive transport and the troops onthe Odyssean transports. Now you only have one ship that would catastrophicto lose as opposed to 4 (you also can tell it apart). Send your other tencitezens to work in stone and wood (located southwest of argos). When youhave the resources make 20 Archers, and 5 sampsons to add to your force. Alsomake ten more citizens. When all is ready load up the citizens, sampsons, andarchers and set sail!

Head due east until you reach the edge of the map, then head north.Eventually you will reach a beach you can land on, unload the kings, archers,and citizens. Have your citizens build a fort on the beach. Include: a dock,a temple, an archery range, a hospital a settlement (populate into towncenter), a space in the middle(the beach) to hold your troops, a gate to getin and out, and at least four towers. When you are done put the citizens backon the boat to "store them". Now the best way to defeat the seemingly endlessarmy the Trojans have is to use a lure tactic. First, make 2 to 3 priests.Then, unlock the gate out of your fort and have Menelaus ride forth andattract a bunch of Trojans. Then ride back to camp and lock the gate behindyou. Kill or convert the Trojans who followed you with your archers andpriests.


When the army is finally gone send forth Agamemnon and the sampsons.Have the sampsons bring down both of the towers out side the city in front ofthe gate. Have Agamemnon heal their injuries as they work. Move on to thegate to get the "this is folly dialogue". But Odysseus has an idea, send yourcitizens in their transport up north to the grotto. Bring two battleships asescourts. unload and build the temple. When it completes a Trojan horse popsout of the ground (literally) back on the beach. Gotta love 1990's graphics.Anyway load the kings, the sampsons and as many elites as you can fit (if nosampsons died it's about 11). Bring the horse to the gates of the city. Afterthe cinematic unload your troops. Send the sampsons to raze the palace andhave everyone else gang up on King Priam and kill him. If any stray troopsdecide to attack the temples quickly send them to do something else likeburn down a house. When the palace is razed and Priam is dead you win.

>> 3.1.4 The Rise of Athens: 1,000-500 BC

Difficulty: 4/10Length: 5/10Fun: 6.5/10

Colors:You:Blue- AthensFuture Allies:

Orange- AphidnaGreen- EleusisPurple- PalleneEnemies:Red- SpartaYellow- Thebes

Leaders/Important People:Athens:Theseus- Your Leader (must survive)Athenian Nobility- 5 swordsmen (two must survive)

You start with a priest, 5 Athenian Nobility, and 9 citizens. In orderto beat the other towns you need an army. Make 6 Spearmen and 10 Archers.Then put your citizens to work by building a granary. You will then run outof wood, make four more citizens. Send them and the extra 9th originalcitizen to chop down trees. When you have 100 make a settlement. Meanwhiletake your army northwest along the road leaving the north side of Athens.When you reach the junction continue forward into the town of Aphidna. Afteryou kill the army, back in athens make 5 citizens. Send them to Aphidna tobuild a settlement in the middle of the resources. Populate it into a towncenter and make 15 citizens. Put four in gold, iron, and 2 on each stone.The other three should build a wall all around the resourses and town center.Then build a hospital and heal your wounded army.

Now on to rebuilding your army. Back in Athens make 10 spearmen, 10macemen, 10 archers, 5 cavalry, and 5 sampsons. By now 90% of the time Aphinawill have killed the Pallene army. If so send Thesseus and two nobles torecruit them. Otherwise just send in your new army(don't bring sampsons).Now for Eleusis, This time send your army down the West road in the directionof sparta but turn off into Eleusis. Use your sampsons to bring down the gate.Also use a flare to call in your allies to help. When citezens come to repairthe gate or when it falls the gate will open. Rush in and kill the army.

Now you must return to athens. When you get there thesseus will get"taken up". Now you will be attacked by Sparta and Thebes. bring the woodcitizens inside and lock all gates. Now make 10 more archers. Use your 30 orso archers to kill the attacking Spartans and Thebans. Also use your citizensto repair gates. Your allies will help you. When all Spartans and Thebans inAttica are dead you win.

>>3.1.5 The Peloponessian War: 427-404 BC

Difficulty: 5/10Length: 6/10Fun: 4/10 (kinda annoying)

Colors:You:Blue- AthensAllies:Green- RhegiumPurple- TarasOrange- SegestaEnemies:Red- SpartaNeutral:Yellow- Corinth

Leaders/Important People:Athens:Pericles- Strategic Hero

First off get everyone inside athens. Once you do that put allcitizens in wood. If a citizen or soldier gets plague send them to thehospitals. Send Pericles to the parthenon to find out that you need 10,000food (!?!?). To do this you need two diplomats but bring a thrid also. Sendthem to the docks to get diplomatic ships. Now build an escourt of 4battleships, 4 frigates, and 4 galleys. When your fleet is ready set sail,sail due south. When you reach the edge of the map turn west and head for thetwo ports in Magna Gracea (italy). Send a diplomatic ship to each one to get atotal of 6 grain ships. Then you will be told of a town called Segestia, sendthe third diplomatic ship there to gain control of the city. have thecitezens immdiately build a stable and archery range before going to work ingold. Build up an elephant army (Sparta will attack later).

Meanwhile, send your convoy back to athens to get 2,500 food for each grain boat that makes it, in other words, if more than two are sunk, you lose.When they arrive back in athens the plague will end. Now use the gold fromSegestia to make another elephant army (20 elephant archers, 10 war elephants).Now watch them crush the Spartan army. Then proceed to corinth along withyour phalanxes. Use the phalanxes to destroy the baslitae (plural fo balista)while the elephants annihilate everyoone else. When all Spartans on your sideof corinth are dead, you win.

>Alternate strategy from Worm King:When you have the diplomatic ships ready don't make war ships just run!!!!!!the ships' hit points and speed are good for this tactic and do the same withthe the grain shipments.that saves you gold to make the elephant army.

>>3.1.6 Young Alexander: 336-334 BC

Difficulty: 6/10Length: 4/10Fun: 7/10

Colors:You:Turquiose- MacedonEnemies:Yellow- ThebesBlue- AthensRed- SpartaPurple- Hill Tribes (dont appear after cinematics)Neutral:Orange- MytilleneTurquiose- Macedon (the buildings you don't control in your city)

Leaders/Important People:Macedon:Alexander- Strategic Hero (must survive)Aristotle- Prophet (useful but not essential)

Yay! Alexander the Great! At first just watch and follow thecinematics, get horses, kill assassins, and send Alex to the town center. Nowsend Aristotle to Mytillene to get the herbs so he can learn milaria. Watchout for the two Hurricanes! Put your citizens to work in the farm. Now to

build your army, you need 3 more phalanxes, 5 chariot archers, and 5 companioncavalry. Now proceed to the yellow flags. Save, it takes a try or two. Putyou companion cavalry off to the side. Have aristotle run foward and castmilaria. this weakens the troops as well as lures them after him. Retreatbehind your phalanxes and tear the Theabans to shreads after they rush pastyour cavalry, swing the cavalry aroud and take out the balistae. If Aristotledied, Use the traditional stategy. Put your Cavarly off to the side, then sendyour Phalanxes foward until they reach the army. Knock-out the Balistae fromthe side with your cavalry, and watch the now pretty weak army get sluaghtered by your men.

After they are all dead Thebes allies with you. Now rebuild yourarmy, make 10 more companion cavalry and phalanxes. Advance down the roadand repeat with the Athenian army. After they ally with you rush back toPella (your capitol) to defend against the Spartans. Bring in your graincitizens, and make as many more archers as you can and send your companioncavalry to the northwest gate. Lock the other two. Use your archers to killoff the bulk of the phalanx troops, and have the citizens repair the spots thesiege engines are attacking. Now have your cavalry ride out and wipe out theengines. When the last Spartan falls you win.

>>3.1.7 A Conqueror is Born: 334-332 BC

Difficulty: 6/10Length: 8/10Fun: 8/10

Colors:You:Turqoise- MacedonAllies:Blue- AntiochEnemies:Yellow- PersiansOrange- TyreNeutral:Red- Issus

Leaders/Important People:Macedon:Alexander the Great- Strategic Hero, your leader (must survive)General Philotas- Warrior Hero, mounted (must survive)General Craterus- warrior Hero, foot (must survive)General Meleger- Strategic Hero, foot (must survive)Persians:General Arsannes- Warrior Hero (must be killed)General Memnon- Strategic Hero (must be killed)

You start with good sized army and two generals. Move your army tothe cyan colored flags. Set aside Alexander and Philotus. Have Philotus runacross the river and attract some enemy troops. now have him run back pastyour army. The Persians, bent on his destruction will let the rest of yourarmy slaughter them without a fight. When all who followed Philotus are dead,have Agamemnon heal. Lather rinse and repeat. If you get a lot per run it'sover after two runs. When the Persian army flees, you find out about two newobjectives. Issus and Tyre. March southeast to Issus!

When you arrive, set up your army facing south on the north side ofthe town. The Persians are on the other side of the river south of the town.

Repeat the tactic from before. Make sure Agamemnon heals all troop betweenruns. When just the two generals, Arsannes and Memnon are left send yourwhole army across the river. And kill them.

Now march south to where General Meleger is waiting. Send Philotus toEnlist the town of Antioch. You now need to establish naval supremacy. Step1: you need the bronze age equivelent of radar. Send two citizens to whereyour army is. Find a large flat spot along the coast. Build walls (6 to 7segments long) facing northwest and southwest. Now build four or so towerson the outside along the coast. GET THE RANGE UPDATE. Or you will commitsuicide in frustration, when the Persians attack the towers from just outsidetheir range. Anyway when done with your defenses build a "Pharos Lighthouse"inside the arrow (<) shaped wall.

Now you can see pretty much the entire ocean, and the ships on it.Back in Antioch put have your citezens build a settlement between the stonemine and the east gold and iron mines. Now put 6 on gold, iron, and stone,and 10 on wood. If you dont want to get any upgrades (shame on you!) you'llneed at least: 2,500 gold, 4,500 wood, and 2,000 iron =0. So instead of justwaiting, go take a week off to go to Europe and leave the game running whileyou do (nah just go have lunch).

You will want 6 battleships, and 4 firgates, galleys, and catapultships. First, build one of each type of warship, and get the followingupgrades. 2 attack, 2 health, and 1 speed, for each ship. Finish your fleetand set out for the southwest corner of the map. Kill all boats in your pathand avoid the island (it's crap loaded with towers). Sail around to the southharbor of Tyre. Burn it down and flee before you lose your whole fleet. Nowbuild four more catapult ships back in Antioch. Send them east to the coast,and select the narrow arrow :) formation to minimize your formation's width.hug the coast until you are due west or the Tyrean north harbor. Sail overand burn it down too. Now kill off any remainig Persian vessels. The Tyreansdon't have any citizens so they can't build new docks!

When you have total supremacy in the ocean start building anotherfleet of 10 catapult ships. Have them destroy any thing they can hit on theisland. Starting with towers. Meanwhile send your amry to meet Philotus inAntioch. When the all the Tyrean buildings that could be destroyed have beendestroyed, build 6 transports and load up. Drop your troops of at the northerntip of the island. and send them straight to the capitol killing all in theirpath. Have the siege engines take out the capitol while your army defendsthem. When the Capitol building on the island of Tyre collapses, you win.

>>3.1.8 And Alexander Wept: 332-330 BC

Difficulty: 5/10Length: 7/10Fun: 10/10

Colors:You:Turqoise- MacedonAllies:Blue- GazaEnemies:Green- BabylonYellow- Imperial Persian ArmyRed- PersepolisOrange- Hill Tribes

NeutralPink- GaugamelaNeither seen nor heard but apparently there:Gray- Bedouins

Leaders/Important People:Macedon:Alexander the Great- Strategic Hero, your leader (must survive)General Craterus- Warrior Hero, foot (must survive)General Philotas- Warrior Hero, mounted (must survive)Imperial Persian Army:King Darius Strategic Hero, mouted (must be killed)General Bessus- Warrior Hero, mounted (must be killed)

The most fun scenario in the game. Anyway have your citezens build agranary. Also make five more for a town center near the trees. Now make 3more companion cavalry and 5 more archers and phalanxes. When you are ready,March north then south west(when you can) toward Gaugamela. You discover thehill tribes. Slaughter the stone age idiots and raze every building. You nowlearn that even more plunder can be found in Babylon.

March south to Babylon you discover they have strange warriors... Whocares?! Kill them all. When the Babylonian army is all gone send Alexanderinto the city to recieve its coffers. Now back in Gaza you should have plentyof money to make more troops for your army. Make as many as you can but tryto make about the same amount for everything. Regroup with your original armywhere the hill tribes used to be.

March on to Gaugamela but stop on the west bank of the Tigris river.Now use the tactic from the last senario in Palestine. Make sure Alexandergets a chance to heal your army's wounds as the Persians have War elephants.And if you paid attention during the Peloponessian war, you know war elephantsslaughter phalanxes. Don't pursue the Persians. Instead, let Alexander heal,THEN form up and march.

March west across the Euphrates river and on to the pass. Kill Dariusand his men outside the wall, then quickly kill the towers. Have your menBring down the gate while Alexander heals them. When the gate falls rush inand kill Bessus and his men. When the Persians gaurding the pass are dead,have Alexander heal, then march.

Go through the pass and kill the persian army outside Persopolis.When the last annoying war elephant dies, Persopolis surrenders. March intothe city and to the tomb. Oh no assassins! Kill them. When the lastconspiritor dies, you win. Now watch the final cinematic as Philotus"dramaticly" dies and celebrate your victory as well as the completion of theGreek campaign!

------------------------------3.2 English Campaign-----------------------------

The Second Campaign is the English campaign. It starts of in France(?) withthe backstory for William Duke of Normandy (northern france). For those of youwho don't know, William goes on to be king of England (scenario 3). Anyway,after covering William's rise to kingship, the campaign jumps to the HundredYears War, between England and France. Featuring, the Black Prince. Afterthat there's a kinda annoying scenario about Henry V (we band of brothers).Finally, we get to the two good scenarios(in my opinion) about Sir Arthur

Welesley and the Napoleonic Wars.

Campaign Ranking: 4th

Favorite Scenario: "The Battle of Waterloo" (by a lot)

>>3.2.1 The Return of Young William: 1040 AD

Difficulty: 4/10Length: 5/10Fun: 5/10

Colors:You:Red- WilliamEnemies:Yellow- Lord ToustainOrange- BanditsNeutral:Blue- NormandyHelpers:Blue- Siege Workshop

Leaders/Important People:William:Young William- Strategic Hero (must survive)

1370 years later... In France....... Never mind, take your small bandof men east along the road until you come across some archers, kill them.Continue east until you reach the junction, then head south. Recruit thevillage soldiers and head back north past the junction. Kill the bandits andcontinue north. Recruit the second village and head back to thebandit-attacked village. Head southeast to the bridge. Kill the gaurds andcross the bridge. follow the road to Falaise and kill the gaurds outside.When you speak with the mayor the city is yours.

Send 5 citezens through the southeast gate to build a town center nextto the forest along the city wall. Make 2 more citezens to work in wood and 4more inside the city. When have sufficient wood have your spare citezens tobuild a granary inside the town. Now make another 5 citezens and send themAND your army through the south east gate and head south along the road.Take the east fork and get the siege weapon town. Head back and take the westfork. Kill the soldiers who attack you and head southeast off the road. Headeast when you reach the trees until you find and opening. Make a town centerthere and make four more citezens on the other side. Send them to work in thegold and iron mines on the edge of the bandit city (don't worry they wont beattacked). Send your army back to Falaise. Make another 5 citezens and againsend them through the southeast gate. Now go northeast, then east, then killsome soldiers. Proceed southeast into the Norman mining town to get 1,500stone build a town center near the mines and put four citezens to work instone. Return to Falaise.

Now round off your army you should have: 10 long swords, 5 knights, and10 Archers. When done march out of the northeast gate and head northeast tothe junction. Wait until you 2,500 stone and build 5 trebuchets. Also if youhave over 5,000 food (which you should) send them to work in stone. Send yourtrebuchets to the junction where your army is. On the way get the attack,

health, and range upgrades (now you are ready to kick ass). Send them northand have them destroy all the towers outside the city. Toustain's army thenrushes out and destroys them (:( boo hoo). Make three more. Meanwhile sendyour army forth and decimate Toustain's army. Rebuild and wait for thetrebuchets to show up. Again send in the trebuchets but this time raze thegate. When it falls send in your army. Kill all the soldiers, and then attackthe keep with your trebuchets. Use William to heal them as the remainingtowers like to attack them. When the Keep falls you win.

>>3.2.2 William, Duke of Normandy: 1047 AD

Difficulty: 7/10Length: 6/10Fun: 5.5/10

Colors:You:Red- WilliamAllies:Turquoise- King HenryEnemies:Yellow- RebelsNeutral:Blue- NormandyBlue- Bayeux

Leaders/Important People:William:William, Duke of Normandy- Strategist Hero (must Survive)Sir Tresson- Warrior Hero, mountedKing Henry:King Henry- Warrior Hero (must survive)Rebels:Guy of Burgundy- Warrior Hero (must be killed)

You start in a city on the Norman coast with a joker (good odds huh?). Go west out of the city along the road until you are attacked by rebels runback to town and the town gaurd slaughters them. Continue west along the road.If you were injured go "investigate" the sound. Kill the wolf and get thehealing chest. Continue west until you get the message saying you are nearVallongnes, then go north throught a gap to the farm. Now that you look likea peasant, enter the city and go to the highlighted house.

Go due east to find a gap in the wall continue southeast until you'reback on the road. Now head west until ther's a gap in the cliffs then headsouth. Pass through the bandits and head east along the river. When you reachthe reeds head south across it. Turn and kill the bandits who followed you.Proceed south to the church and pray(send william inside). Cross thee roadand hide in the bushes. Continue south and get 3 knights from the town. Nowhead east when you reach the Rebels have the knights attack the south flankwhile William and Gollet go around the north side of the battle. Enter Falaiseand get some men. Now head northeast out of Falaise. When you reach thejunction head west and go into the village. Kill their champion and recruitthe town's soldiers. Go back east to the junction. Continue along the roadto the marsh to get even more men. Now go east along the road past the darkdirt road (spooky). Anyway continue along the road and go north east into thecity. Recruit the soldiers and march back to the dark road. This time gonorth along it. When you reach the junction, SAVE! It takes a try or two.

Now continue north! To battle! After the cinematic divide yourtroops, 5 kinghts to gaurd William, and the rest under Sir Tresson. HaveGeneral Tresson's men charge the left flank of the Rebel army. Fall backwhen you see Guy of Burgandy (good with names Sierra is!). Turn and kill themen who gave chase. Then go and kill the remaining disorganized clumps of menthat King Henry's men left behind. When the Rebel army is almost gone haveWilliam join what's left of your men and charge Guy of Burgandy. When Guy diesyou win.

>>3.2.3 The Battle of Hastings: 1066 AD

Difficulty: 7/10Length: 5/10Fun: 6.5/10

Colors:You:Red- WilliamAllies(ish):Orange- VikingsEnemies:Yellow- EnglandPurple- BanditsNeutral:Blue- NormandyYellow- London

Leaders/Important People:William:William, Duke of Normandy- Strategist Hero (must survive)England:Harold Godwinson- Warrior Hero (must be killed)

The Battle of Hastings.... The last time England was conquered.......Anyway, you have an army to build so get cracking! send 3 citezens and yourknights southwest to the gold mines and have another 4 go with 2 longswords tothe iron mines. Now make 7 more. Put four to wood and 5 to build a granary.Build an army consisting of 5 pikemen, 15 longswords, 9 knights, and 15archers. DO NOT include the troops at your mines. When you have enoughresouces to complete the army delete the gold miners and gaurd as well as thefarmers. When you have 500 iron delete the iron miners and gaurd too. Whenyour army is complete go to the docks and start building 5 transports, 2galleys, and 2 frigates. To help wood production make 6 more wood gatheringcitezens. When your fleet is ready, load up and set sail!

Head northwest toward the highlighted beach use your frigates andgalleys to defend your transports. When you arrive, Unload and head northeast,ignore the archers when you reach the battle field your archers turn and killthem anyway. Charge the English army! Oh no William died... Naht! send himup the hill. When most of the army is gone, Rush Harold Godwinson. When heretreats regroup and heal with William. Then send a knight forward and lurethe huskarls, and Harold after him run around but have your army fight Harold.When he dies the huskarls lose so much morale they die in one or two hits.Send William northwest to get a horse. Then take your army into London. WhenWilliam arrives you win.

>>3.2.4 The Hundred Years War Begins: 1340-1346 AD

Difficulty: 7/10Length: 8/10Fun: 6/10

Colors:You:Red- The Black PrinceRed- English FleetAllies:Marroon- EnglandEnemies:Yellow- French FleetYellow- CaenPurple- CalaisGreen- French Rurals

Leaders/Important People:English Fleet:Demolition Ship- Absolutely useless renamed bronze age galleyFrench Fleet:Flagship- Sink to kill french naval moraleThe Black Prince:The Black Prince- Strategist Hero (must survive)

Now for your first real naval battle. Anyway, add to your fleet bybuild two more of everything. When your fleet finishes send your Demolitionship along the coast of England toward the French fleet. Turn and run whenyou reach them. The ship will be sunk (it's pretty useless anyway) but itwill drag out the french fleet along the English Coast. Now, Send your fleetsoutheast and have them work their way along the coast of France. Slip pastsouth of them, and sink the flagship. Now that the French Fleet has almost nomorale, you can sink them at 2 hits a piece.

Cut to 6 years later (only 94 left...). You now have a sizeable armyand a new hero exactly like Alexander and William. March west along the road.Destroy the gate and march on in to decimate the French army. Raze the fourbuildings and collect the stone. Now have the citezens leave the city and getone round of wood. You should now have 125. Send them north out of the westgate and build a town center near the gold and iron mines. Meanwhile makemore citezens and put them to work in the fields. When you have enough food,put 4 citezens to wood, and 2 to gold and iron. Make 4 more citezens and putthem to stone when they have enough, rebuild the gate that you destroyed. Nowhave them build a barracks and a dock.

Now to rebuild your army, you need at least: 10 archers, 10 longswords,5 pikemen, and 5 knights. When you are ready, build four transports at yourdock. Load up and set sail north past the hurricane until you are due westof Calais. Head west and unload your transports behind the wall.Rush in and destroy the town center. Have the Black Prince heal thetrebuchets, also if you want send a couple men to go kill the annoyingpriests. When the town center falls run as hard as you can back to england.Nah you win.

>>3.2.5 The Black Prince: 1356 AD

Difficulty: 5/10Length: 6/10Fun: 7.5/10

Colors:You:Red- The Black PrinceEnemies:Yellow- FrenchNeutral:Blue- Villages

Leaders/Important People:The Black Prince:The Black Prince- Your leader (Must Survive)French:French King- The King of France (appears breifly at the end)

Yay! Pillaging! I knew a pirate once, and we sailed the world and pill....Never mind. Anyway, Form up and head south east. Destroy the stupid Frenchsoldiers (btw I like the French, they make good pastries :) ) and take theirbeautiful treasure. Continue southeast until you reach the junction, then headwest to the shrine for treasure number 2. Kill the soldiers and the priest andtry to avoid the volcano. Now head back east past the junction and into thenext town. Get the treasure and continue east across the river and throughthe suspicious canyon. Go north east and raid the final city. Now head northas the canyon is blocked. Turn west and follow the road to the abandoned town.Kill the ambushers and continue on your way. Defeat the threeMusketeers/bandits and load up the ships. Sail back to where you started.Unload to find you have a army to fight. Sail to the other side of the riverand wait for your magical teleporting army.

Form up and head east, then north east until you get a dialog telling you tofind a battle field. Head up the hill to the northwest, and start razing thevillage until the French army comes out stay on the hill and kill them as theycome up. When the army is defeated, destroy the gate and march in and razethe keep. When it falls you win.

>>3.2.6 We Band of Brothers: 1414-1415 AD

Difficulty: 5/10Length: 7/10Fun: 5/10

Colors:You:Red- EnglishEnemies:Yellow- LollardsTurquoise- FrenchNeutrals:Maroon- EnglandBlue- France (civilians)

Leaders/Important People:English:Henry V- Warrior Hero, your leader (must survive)Earl of Westmorland- Strategist hero (must survive)

Lollards:Sir John Oldcastle- Civilian, leader of lollards (must be killed)

After the hundred years war�. The British and French still hate each other(no surprise). Anyway you start off in Oxford England with a grand total of�5 people. Start off by making 8 citizens. Put four to work in wood in thenearby forest, and have the other four build a granary. Now for your army,you will need about 15 swordsmen, 10 archers, 5 pikemen, and 5 cavalry. Make5 more citizens and send your army southwest to Bristol. Determine whetherthey are loyal or not by simply walking up to them. If they are then you willgain control of the church. If not, kill the soldiers and raze the church.Once you have done this use your citizens to build a town center by the gold.Then put four citizens to work in gold and make five more citizens. Nowcontinue along the southwest road to Exeter. Lather rinse and repeat theprocess used in Bristol. Once you have cleared the southwest of Lollards sendyour five citizens to make a town center near the stone and iron. Put 4 onboth iron and stone. Enough of your troops should have died by now to makeroom in your pop count for the miners, but if you�ve been a good general, andnot lost any men, you can reward yourself by executing them (select and pressthe delete key on your keyboard).

Send your army back to the junction of the southwest and northwest roads.Repeat this process with Wells and Carmarthen. Leave out the citizencolonizing as you now have 4 citizens on each resource. Now return to Oxfordto heal and regroup. If you�re a really bad general, and lost a lot of men,then you can make some reinforcements while you�re at it. When you are ready,head northeast and secure Cambridge then take the due south road toPortsmouth. If you still haven�t found all the Lollards, take the road eastto Dover otherwise, head for London. After A LOT of talking like Shakespeare,you will be given a new objective, reach your pop count limit and then loadon to the ships bound for France. Now you should stockpile masses of resourcesbecause they�re a pain to get once you are in France. If you are a reallypatient person you should wait until you have ~5000 of each resource. Or ifyou�re like me you can go when you only have 2000 and promptly run out of goldwithin two battles. Once you have done this, kill off your citizens until youhave only 5 left, then make sure your army is as follows, 15 swordsmen, 10cavalry, 9 archers, and 10 pikemen. Now load everyone, citizens included ontothe ships by sending them to the docks. Away to France we go!

When you land have your citizens build a base which includes; a barracks, anarchery range, a siege factory, a stable, and finally, once you�ve done that atown center. Now that you have space for 5 in your pop cap, build twotrebuchets and make a 10th archer. You should also get both range upgradesfor your trebuchets. When you are ready, march northeast to Harfleur. Haveyour trebuchets knock down the gate and destroy the nearby towers. Then, sendin your army and wreck havoc on the town, make sure you are using the Earl ofWestmorland to heal while you are doing this or you will lose a lot of men.When the last building inside Harfleur falls, the town surrenders. Follow thecinematic until you get your army back. Now, use your base to restore yourarmy to its original size. When you are ready, assemble your army south ofthe river.

Now for the battle of Agincourt. First off, have your trebuchets take out thebombard cannons on the hill from outside their range. Now send the Earl ofWestmorland onto one of the hills to get him out of the way. Sometimes thebest strategy, is simply charge. You will lose men much slower than theFrench if you are using the Earl of Westmorland. If you drop below ten men,retreat to the south bank of the river and make some reinforcements at yourbase. When the reinforcements arrive, head back into the fray(this is why youneed so much resources, as this tends to happen at least once). When 90% of

the French army lies dead, you win.

>>3.2.7 The War Against Napoleon: 1815 AD

Difficulty: 7.5/10Length: 6/10Fun: 7.5/10

Colors:You:Red- Sir Arthur WelesleyAllies:Orange- Spanish RebelsEnemies:Blue- FrenchBlue- French navyNeutrals:Maroon- PortsmouthMaroon- British flaresMaroon- ToledoPink- TalaveraGreen- LisbonYellow- SalamancaPurple- Badajoz:

Leaders/Important People:Sir Arthur Welesley:sir Arthur Welesley- Warrior Hero, your general (must survive)French:Gerneral Junot- French General

400 years later�. A lot has changed since Henry V. England is aconstitutional monarchy now, and soldiers carry guns, not swords to battle.Anyway, tactics haven�t changed much so Wellington�s Iberian campaign shouldbe a synch. You start off with just Sir Arthur Wellesley and order to getyour troops at Portsmouth. Well, what are you waiting for, get on with it!Receive your troops and load up. Sail to the little green speck on theminimap that is Lisbon. Make sure that your frigates are in front, to wardoff any French Warships. Upon landing at Lisbon have your frigates sail tothe docks and have them attack the French army standing nearby. When you havekilled everyone in your reach, charge in with cuirassiers. The French willsoon counter-attack with a platoon of cuirassiers. Put your cuirassiers infront to protect your infantry and cannon while they blast the enemy to bits.You are now told to get rid of General Junot.

March north of Lisbon to a field where you'll find Junot's army.Kill the soldiers and Junot surrenders. After some dialogue you gain controlof Lisbon. First, build two or three bombard cannons and send them to siegeBadajoz. You need to destroy a gate and four towers. When you have done so,the Spanish rebels will come out and start attacking the French at Talavera.You can go help them or you can let them kill themselves. Now rebuild yourarmy. You should have 3 bombards, 3 serpentines, 3 field guns, 15 infantry,5 halberdiers, 5 dragoons, and 5 cuirassiers. When you are ready, march toSalamanca! By now the Spanish rebels will have liberated Toledo (if you helpedthem) so don�t bother with that town. To defeat the army at Salamanca, parkyour cannons inside the town where assault is harder and then charge with yourinfantry. When the army falls, you should get reinforcements, as you will

have lost some men. Make sure you bring 4-5 citizens and a medic. Have yourmedic heal and then set out eastwards to the Pyrenees Mountains. Kill thefour snipers and have your citizens build towers on the hill. Put your unitsin stand ground, so that you will just shoot down at the attacking French.When most of them are dead, you win.

>>3.2.8 The Battle of Waterloo: 1815 AD

Difficulty: 8/10Length: 4/10Fun: 9/10

Colors:You:Red- Duke of WellingtonAllies:Purple- BrusselsGreen- Prussians (former name of Germany)Maroon- BritishEnemies:Blue- FrenchGray- Marshal Ney's CorpsNeutrals:Blue- Quatre BrasPink- BelgiumPink- WaterlooBlack- LingyYellow- Wavre

Leaders/Important People:Duke of Wellington:Sir Arthur Welesley- Warrior Hero, your general (must survive)Marshal Ney's Corps:Field Marshal Ney- French General

After the invasion of Iberia, Russia, Austria, Prussia (Germany), and GreatBritain formed an alliance and crushed the French Army, and expelled Napoleonto the Island of Elba. Within a few weeks, Napoleon escaped and returned toFrance. A battle between the forces of Europe is imemnent. Buckle your seatbelt though, because this one is a clipper! You start off in Brussels withSir Arthur Wellesley and a messenger. Send the messenger to Wavre (yellow onthe minimap). You will then be given control of Blucher�s Prussian army for 2seconds. During this time you should decimate the forces attacking him.

After a cinematic you will be back in Brussels with a small contingent of anarmy. Take your entire force (engineers included) to Monte St. Jean (the hilldirectly southeast of Brussels). At Monte St. Jean build 2 stables, 2barracks, a siege factory and a hospital. To get them out of the way, haveyour citizens(engineers) go mine some stone. Now build up your army youshould have a total of; 15 infantry, 10 halberdiers, 7 dragoons, 8cuirassiers, 5 field cannon, and 2 bombard cannons. When your army is ready,March south along the road until you reach the junction. Head southeast intothe town of Quatre Bras. If by this time you have heard the �The French areattacking Quatre Bras!� dialogue, you need to move your ass!

Within a couple of minutes the French will arrive. Kill most of themand they will retreat to Lingy to meet up with the rest of their forces. Sendyour army back to Monte St. Jean. Heal them at the hospital, replace the

dead, and have your citizens build towers around Monte St. Jean. Afterawhile, General Bucher will arrive with the Prussian Army. Within twoseconds, you will be attacked by Napoleon�s army. Just stay on the hill withyour hospital to heal while the Prussians take out about half of them. Thencharge them. When the last annoying serpentine cannon is destroyed, you win!Congratulations on beating the English Campaign!

----------------------------3.3 German Campaign--------------------------------

>>3.3.1 Cavalry of the Sky: 1915 AD

Difficulty: 4/10Length: 3/10Fun: 5/10

Colors:You:Grey- GermanyAllies:Gery- Germany (German Camp)Yellow- PolandEnemies:Brown- Russia

Leaders/Important People:Germany:Manfred von Richtofen- Future Red Baron (must survive)Count Holock- Strategist Hero (must survive)Prince Freidrich- Leader of German Army (doesn't fight)

A nice scenario about World War I on the easten front, with your favorite warhero of the 20th century, that's right: The Red Baron. Anywho, you start off in the middle of nowhere, with a pilot and a strategist Hero. Start by goingeast (it's the only way you can go) towards a small polish village. Talk tothe villagers and then save one of thier wives from being raped by russiansoldiers. Just go east and then north until you find the fort. Then kill theamazing force of two people.

Once you do this the three villagers will join you (temporarily). Use then tocut down a tree in your way near the wrecked plane. Once you go through thegap, the villager go back to thier lives. Continue throught the woods west andthen north until you reach your first Russian depot. Now you have to find andPhotograph 4 out of 6 sites (walk up next to one to photgraph it). So goaround photographing stuff and avoiding russian patrols until you have foursites photgraphed.

Now you will gain control of the German Army. Continue going west with Manfredand Holock until you reach Wicznice (wis-ni-chay). At this point have Manfredand Holock go straight to the german camp throught the russian lines. At thesame time, send in your army to cover them. When you reach the German Camp,You win!

Oh, if you had trouble finding depots or anything else i mentioned, Heres amap of the area:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ German camp # (*2) (*1)

### # () swamp / // ### # _____ Pilboxes || / forest // Fort # | |==========||========\ /=====/ \ # |Wicznice || \\ // () \ # |____| Pilboxes () \\ // ^ | Woods Wrecked | # Woods \===/ Cliffs\________ Plane | Russian ()// ^ Woods \________| Front ^ Polish Village------------------------------------------------------------------------------

()=Depot__ or / or \ or | = path= or // or \\ or || = road _|_| = town*1 = Depot has "map" (shows where all depots are)*2 = Depot has pistol for Holock, and Bullets for Manfred.

>>3.3.2 Supply and Demand: Winter 1915-1916 AD

Difficulty: 5/10Length: 6/10Fun: 4/10

Colors:You:Grey- GermanyAllies:Yellow- German PortsEnemies:Red- British fleetRed- British flyersNeutrals:Cyan- Denmark

Leaders/Important People:Germany:Manfred von Richtofen- Red Baron (in a plane this time) (must survive)Spy- Renamed diplomat

And now for possibly my least favorite scenario. The only thing redeemingabout this is it's a naval battle, which i prefer to land battles (that's justme). You start off with four cities:

Wilhelmshaven (w)Bremerhaven (b)Kiel (k)Rostock (r)

And they are arrayed in this fashion:

|Denmark| | K\ _______/B * \______/w I G R|I G S Forest

I = ironG = goldS = stone

To start this off you have some preparation to do. Make 4 citizens inWilhelmshaven and 8 at all the other cities. Put 4 citizens to the iron andgold outside Bremerhaven, have 8 harvest wood at Rostock and have the other 8from Kiel build a granary between Bremerhaven and Kiel. Now you will need 3docks (one at Wilhelmshaven, Bremerhaven, and Kiel) you will also need a Navalyard at Bremerhaven and an areodrome at the (*) symbol on the map. So haveyour four citizens at Wilhelmshaven do this (you can use the shift key to givecitizens multiple construction orders). Now just let the ships come in.There's nothing more for you to do except slowly build fleets at Bremerhavenand Rostock (~2 Dreadnoughts and 3 destroyers per fleet), and have somecitizens mine stone.

After a while you will recieve your next mission: send a sub to England. Youmay have noticed that England is currently bombing the crap out of you andsinking 50+% of your supply ships, thats about to change. At your navy yard inBremerhaven build and upgrade 4 u-boats. Now send them to the western edge ofthe map aka: England. When you get close you will be swamped by destroyershave 3 subs draw their fire while the fourth goes to the nearest dock. Sendthe spy to london to shut down the british airforce and make your life mucheasier.

Now you should build a lighthouse in Wilhelmshaven (you should have the nessaryresources by now). Now that you can see 3/4 of the sea, send out your fleetsfrom Bremerhaven and Kiel and have them destroy all british ships in lighthouserange. You can even have Jasta 11 (aka: "The Red Baron's Flying Circus") joinin if you built an areodrome like I told you to. Now just let the ships comein, and destroy all british ships within the lighthouse range. When the 20thone arrives, you win!

>>2.3.3 The Red Baron: Spring 1916 AD

Difficulty: 4/10 or 9/10Length: 5/10 or 10/10Fun: 5/10 or 1/10

Colors:You:Grey- GermanyEnemies:Blue- French FortsBlue- French ArmyBlue- French FlyersNeutral:Yellow- French Towns

Leaders/Important People:Germany:The Red Baron: The only hero in a plane, this is first scenario you definitely get to use him (Optional for Supply and demand) (must survive)

You may have noticed that there are two sets of ratings for this scenario.That is because there are two distinct ways to do this mission, the hard wayor the easy way. You can use a massive army to overpower the equally massiveFrench defenses, or you can use strategic bombing to win without a single

soldier leaving your camp. I will only be explaining the strategic bombingmethod, as the kill-all-your-soldiers method is just stupid. Before you doanything you should get rid of the southwestern French base. Send in yourartillery spotter balloon and click on the building that looks like a keepfrom the English Campaign. The fort will be obliterated.

Now, first things first, make 9 citizens at your capital. Then have 8 build agranary while the other 5(you start with four) go build a town center in thehills to the north where the resources are. When you have done this put 4citizens in iron, gold, and stone (you already have tons of wood). Now at youraerodrome, build as many planes as you can fit in, and then put the rally spotover your nearby troops (you will get attacked by annoying airplanes a lot).Now to bolster your defenses. Make a few tanks and a small contingent to guardthe northwest corner ~10 infantry, 3 anti-tank, 3 howitzers. Now make 2 morecitizens at your capital and have them build an aerodrome in the southerncorner of your base. Now build a gotha bomber and upgrade. You should getboth area damage upgrades and one attack upgrade, the rest is up to you. Nowbuild another one and send them to the spot on the river with the flowerlooking things. As soon as you get there, turn south into the French Fort.If you do it right, you can fly through a gap in the French flak positions.Now pick a building. Two bombers worth is good for buildings, 1 for tents(if a tent is next to a bombed building it will be destroyed due to the areadamage upgrade. Now Lather, Rinse and Repeat until the fort is destroyed. Ifsome French fighters harass you, you can send in your own fighters (which youshould have upgraded by now).

Now for the last base. Have the citizens who made your second aerodrome maketwo more in the northern (not northwestern) corner of your base. Send anyleft over bombers there when you finish. Now at one aerodrome have 4 gothabombers and the other have 7 or so fighters. Now send out your bombers. Makea bee-line for the fort, when you see the AA guns, bomb them (2 bombers each). After you get rid of the air defenses, replace any lost planes and send themstraight to the Fort. Make sure you send the fighters two as there will beplenty of enemy planes. Once you have destroyed all the buildings, you win.

Just kidding, you have one last thing to do. Eliminate all members of the�Anti-Richtofen Squad�. This should be a cake walk. The easiest way toaccomplish this is to make them chase your fighters over AA gun placements.When the last plane is shot down you win, honest.

>>3.3.4 The Somme: 1918 AD

Difficulty: 7/10Length: 9/10 (takes forever, epescially if you suck at video games like me :))Fun: 4.5/10

Colors:You:Grey- GermanyEnemies:Red- Great BritainRed- British FlyersBlue- Roye DefendersBlue- Mondiddier DefendersNeutral:Yellow- French Towns

Leaders/Important People:

Germany:The Red Baron- You know who this guy is (must survive)

This scenario is like the hard way for the last one. Anyway, for your army.First, build a second aerodrome and make 8 gotha bombers. Have your fighterspatrol the edge of your camp, to kill anyone who might discover you. Then send some citizens south to build a dock, make 4 transports. Now back at base,make a massive army ~15 infantry, 10 machine gunners, 10 tanks, 3 artillery,5 howitzers, 5 anti-tank guns. Make sure you upgrade everything before youreach your pop cap (you will lose all your resources when you do). When yourarmy is ready march south to your dock and load up. Destroy the defenses onthe south side of the river (AA guns included) and then march south to Perrone.Destroy all enemy buildings. Now send 5 citizens from your starting base. Atthe base put four citizens on each resource (wood included).

Back in Perrone, have your citizens build a lot of AA guns (you will be almostconstantly be attacked by planes). When you can build and populate asettlement into a town center and make 4 more citizens. Off to the side builda barracks (NOT ON THE BLUE SQUARE). Also build a siege factory and a tankfactory. Now make 2 aerodromes. Transfer your gotha bombers from your mainbase, but leave your fighters behind (you may be attacked later). Now sendyour bombers to the southeast corner of the map and attack the Britishaerodromes. If you don�t succeed in destroying them, rebuild your bomberforce and go in again. When the Roye air support is gone send 2/3 of yourarmy there.

In Roye, like Perrone, destroy all enemy buildings. Then, have your citizensbuild three aerodromes as well as a barracks, tank, and siege factories. Again, do not build the barracks on the town center ruins. If you do, theBritish will start attacking you by land en masse. When you have done this,transfer the remains of your bombers to Roye, then add to that so that you have12-18 bombers (4-6 at each aerodrome). Also build a few fighters as scouts.Find the British aerodromes at Montdidier (in the middle of the western sideof the map) and decimate them with your bombers. Now that they have no airforce the British are sitting ducks, send your army from Roye with a couplecitizens to sieze Montdidier. Build all three barracks to win.

-Note: Credit for the "wait to build barracks strategy" goes to Llama Guy

>>3.3.5 Lightning Warfare: 1939 AD

Difficulty: 5/10Length: 4/10 (Ligthning warfare means keep it quick)Fun: 9/10

Colors:You:Grey- GermanyEnemies:Red- Great BritainBlue- France & the BeneluxCyan- Norway & DenmarkYellow- PolandNeutral:Maroon- Soviet Union

Leaders/Important People:None.

Scenario Map:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \ |Norway x Oslo / | \ \ ____ / / | |__|Sea \ Sweden | /England\ * of \ | / / --- Skaggerak____/ /------/ | | ---/ ___/ _______/ \___________ / / Benelux p\ \ USSR------/ Warsaw \ \ (In Soviet Russia...) # Berlin x \ \France # \ \ # Germany Poland\ \Paris x # \ \>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-: Coast line#: Maginot Line*: Landbridge allowing infantry access to Sweden/Norwayx: Site to build Town Centerp: Site to make port Jahwol mien furher! Hail Hitler! (...). Anyway, an extremely fun scenarioawaits. You start off with several citizens, have them build AA gunsaround the riechtstag and your production buildings. Build 5 bombers at yourairport, and use the rest of your pop limit on building your army (makesure you upgrade). Once you are ready send your army to the polish border,then send the bombers to Warsaw, capitol of Poland. Declare war on Poland andbomb the capitol building. Meanwhile send in your army and decimate thebuildings around Warsaw. Finally send in 5 citizens and build a town centerto secure your victory over Poland. Send your army home, and put citizens towork in gold and iron. Lastly, send about five citizens to the coast (in thenorth) about halfway between Berlin and Warsaw. Build two docks, two navy yards, and some AA guns. Leave your citizens at your new port (you see whyin a bit)

Now Rebuild your army and repeat this process on France. The only differenceis they have a much better army so don�t just rush in and get slaughtered.Also make sure you avoid the Maginot line. Now that Paris and Warsaw areyours, it�s time to take on Denmark and Norway. Remember the harbor in Polandyou built? Time to use it. Build 4-5 u-boats and send them to the sea ofSkagerrak (see map). Now send in your bombers. The bombers should take outthe capitol and surrounding towers, while your u-boats sink the Norwegian fleet. When the battleships are gone, build a transport at your dock. Putthe 5 citizens on it and sail to the Skagerrak sea (which you should havesupremacy in by now). I recommend sending in an escort of at least 1battleship, 2 destroyers, and 2 cruisers. DO NOT unload your transport.Now send in your army. When they reach where Oslo was, unload your citizensand build a settlement on the site of the Oslo capitol building. Populate itto win.

>>3.3.6 Preparations for Invasion: 1940 AD

Difficulty: 7/10Length: 7/10Fun: 7/10(all 7's I should win something...)

Colors:You:Grey- GermanyEnemies:Red- Great BritainRed- British ConvoysRed- Home GaurdMaroon- Home FleetNeutral:Yellow- IrelandYellow- Iceland

Leaders/Important People:Germany:Bismark- A Bismark Class Battleship with supe-up attack and range.

Pretty simple, just win the battle of Britain� as Germany? The re-writinghistory part of this campaign starts here. Send the fleet at Wilhelmshaven toStravanger, where the Bismark is being built. Now make a fleet of 12 subs.Meanwhile, make as many citizens as you can and put them to work in variousresources. Then build an airport and make 4-5 bombers. Assemble your u-boatfleet on either side of England vertically, 6 boats guarding the northern tip,and the other 6 blockading the channel. Now, use your bombers to get rid ofthe docks on the West coast. Now build some AA guns and go have lunch,serious. German High Command gives you resources for every transport yousink (250 of each resource). So not destroying all the docks means the shipskeep coming and you keep sinking.

After Lunch and some serious resource stockpiling, build a radar station.Now have your bombers destroy all the docks and airports in England. Now backat Wilhelmshaven, make 3 Tirpitz class battleships, 2 cruisers, and 2destroyers. Send a transport with some citizens to build a lighthouse on thenorthern coast of Ireland. Now make as many more subs as you can. Now thatthe threat of England getting supplies is gone, rally your fleet of the coastof Ireland. Once you can see them, send your fleet to do battle with theBritish Home Fleet. By the way, if this had really happened, Jutland would notbe the largest sea battle of the 20th century. Anyway, the trick to sinkingthe home fleet is to destroy all enemy destroyers :). Once you do that, yousubs are invincible. When the last ship says hi to Davy Jones, you win.

>>3.3.7 Operation "Sea Lion": 1941 AD

Difficulty: 6/10Length: 4/10Fun: 7/10

Colors:You:Grey- GermanyEnemies:Red- Great BritianRed- RAFGreen- United StatesGreen- 8th FleetBlue- Free FrenchNeutral:Yellow- France

Leaders/Important People:None.

Another really fun scenario. You continue to re-write history as you try topull off the scraped, operation Sea Lion. First, at the center-east town,make 9 or so transports, and make sure you have at least, 5 citizens. Nowsend your reconnaissance planes out in search of Buckingham palace. Now sendin your bombers, destroy all the defenses you can between Buckingham and thecenter-east town (airports included).

When you get your army, load up on the transports and set sail. Makeyour way to Buckingham. When you arrive, tell your entire air force to flyoverhead. When the palace falls, take refuge inside the walls. If at least5 citizens survived, build a town center anywhere within the walls.Otherwise, make some more at the far-east town. Now at your far-west townhave your bombers all attack the two US buildings. If you find yourselfshort on troops to guard your new capitol, have a spy go and requisition a tank factory and make some panzers. When the two US buildings fall, you win.No joke, it�s really that short. Congratulations! You�ve won the SecondWorld War, and you�ve beaten the German Campaign!

/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| 4. Contact Information ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

If you have any questions/complaints/constructive critisism i'd be glad to hearit.

my e-mail is dcmcilrath@gmail.com

I will accept:a. constructive critisismsuch as: (hey, you can do scenario x better by...)b. questionsThese i can use to make an FAQ section

I will not accept:a. chain mailsb. flamingc. horrendous grammar (dont talk to me like you're texting)d. non-construstive critisism (you suck/your guide sucks/i hate you etc, etc)while quite possibly true this is utterly unhelpful :)

/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| 5. Legal ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/

This guide is (c) Copyright 2010 to me, Douglas McIlrathIf you wish to post this guide on another site you must

a. let me know at dcmcilrath@gmail.com

b. must be in original text formatc. may not be accopanied by any adsd. you may NOT sell this guide

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