Words for Production 1.diving [ `daIvI9 ] n. [U] the sport or activity in which one jumps into water...


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Words for Production

1. diving [] n. [U] the sport or activity in which one jumps into water head first with one’s arms held straight above the head 跳水Good diving is exciting, especially when it is done from a high diving board. 詞類變化

dive [] vi.; n. [C] 跳水

He dived from the bridge to save the drowning woman.

The beginners are practicing their dives at the edge of the pool.* the drowning man 溺水的人 the drowned man 溺死的人

Words for Production

2. admit [] vt. to agree, often without wanting to, that something is true 承認My younger sister made a mistake, but she wouldn’t admit it.

make a mistake = commit a mistake 犯錯

Words for Production

3. whenever [] conj. at whatever time 每當Whenever I take an exam, I always have butterflies in my stomach.have butterflies in my stomach緊張欲嘔的感覺

Words for Production

4. average [] adj.neither very good nor very bad 普通的There is nothing special about his IQ─it is only average.詞類變化

average [] n. [U] 一般,標準

My work at school is above (the) average; that is, my grades are better than most students’ grades.

Words for Production

5. suspect [] vt. to assume something to be true 猜想Ted didn’t go to school this morning. I suspected that he was ill.

Words for Production

6. local [] adj. of or in a certain place or area 當地的,地方的Many local stores will be forced to close if the new department store is built.

Words for Production

7. splash [] n. [C]an act or sound of water flying about in drops 水飛濺 ( 聲 ) The swimmer jumped into the water with a loud splash.


splash [] vi.; vt. 飛濺

It rained cats and dogs. Great drops of rain splashed on the window.

He splashed some cold water on his face to wake himself up.

It rained cats and dogs.=It rained very hard.

Words for Production

8. coach [] n. [C]a person who trains sportsmen or sportswomen for games, competitions, etc. 教練The basketball coach was teaching the players how to run faster and jump higher.

Words for Production

9. technique [] n. [C] a way of doing some specialist activity or artistic work 技巧,技術The techniques for producing special efforts in movies have highly developed in the last few years.

Words for Production

10.escape [] vi. to find a way out; to get out 逃跑,逃脫Two prisoners escaped from the prison but were caught by the police soon after.

Words for Production

11.mashed [] adj. crushed into a soft substance 搗碎的She fed her baby some mashed banana, which was easy to swallow.詞類變化

mash [] vt. 搗碎

Mother mashed the boiled eggs with a fork to make salad.

* boiled eggs : 煮熟的蛋 過去分詞可表示完成*make salad make a cake make coffee make milk

Words for Production

12.roar [] n. [C] a deep, loud sound 巨大的聲響,轟鳴聲I live on a noisy street. The roar of traffic often makes me sleepless.


roar [] vi. 發出很大的聲音

His jokes made the audience roar with laughter.

Words for Production

13.afterward [] adv. later 之後They met at a party and went out on a date immediately afterward.

Words for Production

14.praise [] n. [U] expression of admiration 稱讚Her new book has received a lot of praise from the readers. They all seem to love it.


praise [] vt. 稱讚

The writer is praised for her creativity and sense of humor.

sense of humorsense of responsibilitysense of dutysense of honorsense of shame

Words for Production

15.eventually [] adv.at last; in the end 最後He worked so hard that eventually his dream came true.

* eventually = at last = in the end * come true 實現

Words for Production

16.graceful [] adj.(of movement) attractive to see 優雅的Those graceful ladies at the party are talking and smiling to one another. 詞類變化

each other : 兩者互相one another : 三者互相

grace [] n. [U] 優雅

The models on the stage are walking with grace.

Words for Production

17.meanwhile [] adv.at the same time; in the same period of time 同時I’ll prepare a simple meal. Meanwhile, you can set the table.

* meanwhile = at the same time* set the table 將餐具擺在餐桌上

Words for Production

18.area [] n. [C]a space with a particular purpose ( 特定的 ) 場地There is a large parking area in front of the shopping center.

Words for Production

19.competition [] n. [C]a test of strength, skill, ability, etc. 競賽,比賽Teams from 20 different schools entered the dancing competition.


compete [] vi. 競爭,比賽

How many runners will be competing in the race?

competitive [] adj. 競爭的

Computer businesses are highly competitive. If you don’t have new products, you’ll lose your market share.

competitor [] n. [C] 競爭者

Jack was a strong competitor in the race. I beat him by less than one second.

Words for Production

20.reward [] n. [C][U](something given or gained as) return for work or service 獎勵,報償I did pretty well on the exams, so my parents bought me a CD player as a reward.


reward [] vt. 獎勵,報答

Mrs. Wang rewarded the boy for bringing back her lost dog.

Words for Production

21.realize [] vt.to understand and believe (a fact) 了解,認清At last, the man realized that he had done something wrong.

Words for Production

22.accomplishment [] n. [C]a skill; something successful that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work 才藝;成就

Words for Production

Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments. Besides playing the piano, she dances, paints and sings very well.

Some people believe the invention of the computer was the greatest accomplishment of the twentieth century.


accomplish [] vt. 完成

If we work together, we’ll accomplish what we are told to do in a very short time.

Words for Recognition

1. community center [] n. [C] a place that is specially provided for the people, groups, and organizations in a particular area, where they can go in order to meet one another and hold activities 社區活動中心

Words for Recognition

2. board [] n. [C] a flat piece of wood or other material used for a particular purpose 板,牌,欄

Words for Recognition

3. loudspeaker [] n. [C] a device for making voices louder 擴音器

Words for Recognition

4. medal [] n. [C]a round flat piece of metal with a picture and/or words marked on it, which is usually given to a person as an honor for an act of bravery or strength 獎牌;勳章

Words for Recognition

5. swan dive [] n. [C]a kind of dive with the arms spread out until one is close to the water 燕式跳水

Idioms and Phrases

1. look backto think about something in one’s past 回顧,回想Looking back on her school days, she wished she had worked harder.

* look back on : 回顧* S + wish + that 子句 ( 假設語氣 )

Idioms and Phrases

2. from then onfrom that time on 從那時起Kevin had an accident last month. From then on, he has been more careful when crossing the road.

from then on = from that time on