Yr4 CB Term 1 2011-12


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  • 8/4/2019 Yr4 CB Term 1 2011-12


    Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary SchoolYear 4 Class Bulletin

    Term 1 September 2011

    Dear Parents / Carers,

    Welcome to Year 4sTerm 1 Cla s s Bul l e t in! We hope you had a good summer break and your children are happy to be back at school. We have an exciting term ahead of us whichwe hope you will hear about through your children!

    Our topic for this term is A Global Village. We have already begun discussing how we are global citizens as well as citizens ofsmaller, local communities and we will continue this theme by finding out about our local area and about communities around theworld. We will be completing an exciting mission (it is top secret but your child may tell you about it ) to put Streatham on themap. This will culminate in the class making a TV style documentary that shows what they have found out. The class will also write

    letters to children in our partner school in Malawi and, we hope, have opportunities to contact children around the world using thesecure education platform ThinkQuest (www.thinkquest.org). In addition to the ICT activities planned, we will be using Artand Design to enhance our understanding of this topic.

    Mrs Laing & Mrs McCraw

    olaing@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk bmccraw@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk

    T o p i c s t h i s t e r mL i t e r a c yThis term we will be learning about Recounts focusing on Newspapersand magazines. The class will look at the organisational features of anewspaper and the language used. The aim is for Year 4 to produce aclass newspaper for the rest of the school to read. In addition, we will be

    focusing on literacy skills whilst creating our TV-style documentary.

    N u m e r a c yEach week we will be focusing on a different aspect of number or topicwork, based on the Primary Framework for Numeracy. By the endof Year 4 children should know multiplication facts for the 7, 8 and 9times tables! This means that they should already be confident with the 2,3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times tables! Please encourage your child toregularly practise the times tables throughout the school year.

    I m p o r t a n t N o t e s :Thursday 29th September No Pens DayA day of learning through speaking and listening activities.Tuesday 4th October School PhotographsWednesday 5th October - Parents' EveningMonday 10-12th October -Year 5 School JourneyMonday 10th October Black History WeekMonday14th November - Anti-Bullying WeekH o m e wo r kHomework will be given out on Thursday and will be dueback the followingT u e s d a y.Homework will include Maths and Literacy tasks, time

    tables and spellings each week.The majority of the Maths homework will be set onEducation City.com. If you do not have internet access at home, please let us know so that we can set your child alternative homework.For extra support at home please see the list of websitesprovided on the back of the newsletter.

  • 8/4/2019 Yr4 CB Term 1 2011-12


    S c i e n c eHabitats children will look at the concept of a habitat,how it provides organisms found there with conditions for lifeand how animals depend on plants or other animals whicheat plants for food.S p e l l i n g sChildren will have their spelling test and handwritingpractise everyW e d n e s d a y . There will be 10 spellings tolearn each week. Please support your child with learningtheir spellings. I am sure that they will be eager to show offany new spellings that they have learned

    Re a d i n gPlease continue to bring book bags to school on a daily basis.Books from the school reading scheme will be given to the

    children and changed every week (The dates will beconfirmed) Please continue to listen to your child read, askthem questions about the text that they are reading and signthe reading journal so we know that they have read to anadult at home. Children will also have the opportunity totake out and change library books on a weekly basis.

    Us e f u l w e b s i t e sFor further games and activities linked to Topics,Numeracy and Literacy for Key Stage 2, pleaseencourage your children to visit the following websites:www.bbc.co.uk/schools/k s2 bitesize/http://www.mad4maths.com/http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/http://nrich.maths.org/public/www.thinkquest.org

    Our school website has links to Purple Mash, Fronter(London MLE) and Education City:http://www.immanuelschoollambeth.org/

    Cr e a t i v e M a t h sCreative Maths is timetabled for Friday mornings. Pupils will becarrying out investigations in order to deepen their understanding ofMathematics.

    P EI n d o o r P . E The children will be goings w i m m i n g o n Tuesday s . Pleaseremember to bring swimming kits and towels. It is also very importantthat the children wear a coat (with a hood or hat) for the journey.

    O u t d o o r P . EThe children will haveo u t d o o r P . E o n Friday s . Pleaseremember to bring:

    Navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms

    Pale blue T-shirt Trainers are optional

    Shorts and T-shirts can be bought from the school office along withImmanuel and St. Andrew sweatshirts on Tuesdays.

    REThe Muslim way of life

    Children will look at the key beliefs andteachings of Islam, making comparisons with Christianity. They willhave the opportunity to ask questions and suggest answers about key aspectsof Islam.A few of the children have volunteered to share their personal experiencesof Islam or Christianity with the rest of the class and we are looking

    forward to this.

    IC TWe will be using ICT across the curriculum particularly during ourtopic work. We will be using the London MLE: Fronter in class

    and we encourage you to ask your child to demonstrate this site to you athome. This site can be accessed via our school website(www.immanuelschoollambeth.org) by clicking on the London Grid forLearning icon on the home page and logging on with your childsUSO. These details were sent to you last term, please let MrsMcCraw know if you need a new copy.
