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Aim: Why did the United States enter World War Two?

Do Now: Read the transcript of FDRs fireside chat and answer the questions below;What happened on September 3, 1939?According to FDR, can Americans remain detached?What is the precedent that goes back to the days of President Washington?What does FDR promises the American people of?

The Great Depression impacted the word and led to the rise of totalitarian governments

A Totalitarian Government is.A form of government that restricts personal freedoms and prohibits political opposition.


Russia a.k.a. Soviet Uniona.k.a. USSR

Totalitarian Governments & LeadersCountry:Russia a.k.a. Soviet Union a.k.a. USSR

Leader:Joseph Stalin


The man of steel



Il Duce (the Leader)Country:Italy

Leader:Benito Mussolini

Ideology:Fascism Totalitarian Governments & Leaders




Leader:HirohitoHideki Tojo (GeneralJapans true leader)

Ideology:Bushido CodeTotalitarian Governments & Leaders

the Razor



Fhrer (the Leader)Totalitarian Governments & LeadersCountry:Germany

Leader:Adolf Hitler



Adolf HitlerFuhrer

Hitler Gets BusyGestapo Created -- April, 1933Jewish Boycott April, 1933Jewish Books Banned & Burned May, 193327,000 People in Camps July, 193360,000 People in Camps 1938Illegal to Leave Germany October, 1941

Countries Invaded By Germany, Pre-1939

Rhineland: March 1936

Austria: March 1938

Sudetenland: September 1938

Bohemia-Moravia: March 1939

Slovakia: March 1939


Meeting at Munich, 1938A treaty was signed agreeing to Hitlers capture of Sudentenland in exchange for his promise not to invade anymore territories.Such an approach is known as appeasement, the practice of giving aggressors what they want and hoping they will be satisfied and stop the aggressive behavior.

Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war.


WWII Begins in EuropeIn September 1939 Hitlers army invaded Poland using a new type of military strategy the Germans called blitzkrieg (meaning lightening war). This strategy involved striking fast with tanks and airplanes, catching other nations off guard. Immediately after the invasion Britain and France declare war on Germany.


Axis Powers1940,Germany, Italy and Japan form an alliance known as the Axis Powers


Allied PowersGreat Britain, France, and the Soviet Union form the Allied Powers


How did the US react to the outbreak of WW2?

U.S. Policy: Isolation & NeutralityDespite the concerns caused by war in Europe, the United States continued to practice isolationism.

Congress passed the Neutrality Act. The Act prohibited the sale of weapons to warring nations and was meant to keep the U.S. from forming alliances that might drag the nation to war.


What should the US do????

The Great Arsenal of Democracy1941: Roosevelt is convinced that the U.S. cannot stay out of the war much longer, even though most citizens favor neutrality.March 1941: Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act, which enables the president to send aid to any nation whose defense is considered vital to the United States national security. This enables the U.S. to aid Great Britain.

We must be the great arsenal of democracy


Was the US really neutral?

Lend-Lease Supply Routes

Destroyers for Bases Agreement gave Great Britain 50 US Navy destroyers in exchange for land rights on British possessions (Jamaica, Bahamas, Trinidad)

Cash and Carry deal allowed the Allied powers to buy US war supplies if they paid in full (cash) and transported them (carry).

Japanese AggressionJapan had become an imperialist force in Eastern Asia. Its military invaded foreign territories in the region with the goal of gaining resources.Japan invaded Manchuria, a province of China, in 1931.Between 1937 and 1939 Japan tried to seize the rest of China. They were successful along the coast, but not in the countryside.


FDR delivers his 4 Freedoms SpeechThe first is freedom of speecheverywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own wayeverywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from wantwhich will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fearwhich, means a world-wide reduction of armaments (weapons) to such a point that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of aggression against any neighboranywhere in the world.

The U.S. declares War on Japan: In 1941, the United States imposed an embargo on oil and steel.

The US embargo angered Japan.

In retaliation, Japanese planes attack the US naval fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.


In less than two hours, the Japanese air attack sank or seriously damaged a dozen (12)naval vessels, destroyed almost two hundred (200) warplanes, and killed or wounded nearly three-thousand (3,000) people.President delivers a speech. He describes December 7, 1941 as:

a day which will live in infamy!


Allied Powers+ the United States


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