A2 media portfolio evaluation a


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A2 Media Portfolio Evaluation

Following Andrew Goodwin's theory, there are multiple parts to my music video that show relationships between the lyrics and the visuals. In the video, the chorus says bang bang which is represented through the artists popping a balloon, making a bang noise. There is also the clip in which one of the artists hair is shaped like hearts for the lyrics : there goes your heart.

The relationships use the typical conventions of a real music video, explained by Goodwin, and make the video visually appealing for the audience to watch. By doing this, it also helps clarify a meaning of a song, or creates interpretations of the audiences thoughts behind the lyrics. I think my music video has developed this convention of a real media product, as instead of trying to develop a storyline through relationships between lyrics and visuals, it shows the relationships by representing the same sounds as the lyrics (bang) and the literal imagery of the lyrics (hearts in he artists air).

Goodwin explained that demands of the record label include the need for close ups of the artists. This is also a common characteristic of a popular culture music video. Therefore, we used and developed this convention widely and effectively in our music video. This was to conform to the expectations, from other music videos of this nature, and to appeal to our target audience. Through showing close ups of our artists, their girly makeup, hair and outfits are made obvious and noticeable to the audience, so an element of personal identity can be made when relating or aspiring to be like them. Music Video


Sexual representations are common features of music videos from this genre. It is usually to appeal to the male gaze (theory by Laura Mulvey), and appeal to a male audience. Existing media products are very obvious when presenting the women in the videos to the male audience. A common way of doing this is focusing on body parts that are seen to be sexually appealing and enticing to men such as lips and legs, and to show as much flesh as possible. Our video has developed this convention as our target audience is for younger teenagers, therefore we made the male gaze more appropriate and less provocative. Although our video does show the girls in skirts, revealing some flesh, it is not as much as existing music videos show.Music Video


To portray the male gaze in our music video we used camera panning to show the female artists body. On two occasions in our music video, sexual representations occur when clips show the girls legs. The camera moves up slowly to show the whole of the girls body image, and to portray a desirable look to attract a male audience. This can also relate to the female target audience as they would aspire to be and look like their idols.

The mis-en-scene in pop music videos are generally very similar. The studio appearance, whether a green screen has been used or just a plain background is common in music videos that are targeted at the younger audience, who may need entertaining more. A party scene is also a common feature of music videos of this genre as they are appropriate for the fast, upbeat tempo of the style of music. Our music video follows this convention of existing music videos


. We also used props as part of the mis-en-scene to appeal to our target audience of young girls. The feather bowers, hats and headbands appeal to the younger audience, whereas the alcohol reference, party dress and heels appeal more to an older audience. Existing music videos also use props to appeal to their target audiences, therefore our music video follows this convention effectively.
