Caroline Eduarda e Marina - Nestlé Perguntas


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Students: Caroline Rosa Eduarda A. Duarte Marina R. Vinotti

01. Why is the Nestlé logo represented by a nest?

• A) Nestlé means nest in French• B) The last name of the brand creator is Nestlé• C)It represent the coat of arms of Nestlé family• D)The creator liked birds very much

Correct Answer• C)It represent the coat of arms of Nestlé family

• The nest in the logo represent the coat of arms of Nestlé family

Nestlé’s logo

02. First launch of the company was…• A)Chocolate• B)Coffee• C)Ice Cream• D) Lactea Flour

Correct Answer• D) Lactea Flour

• The first launch of the company was Lactea Flour, because Henri Nestlé was worried about child malnutrition, and it’s a simple but tasty and nutritious food

First Nestlé product Nestlé’s child food nowadays

03. In the historic trip to the moon the team had available at the lunar module

• A)Chocolate and lactea flour• B)Coffee and a Sugary grape drink• C)Chocolate and a apple drink• D)Coffee and lactea flour

Correct Answer• B)Coffee and a Sugary grape drink

• In the historic trip to the moon on the ship Apollo 11, in 1969, the team had available at the lunar module a soluble coffee Nescafé and a sugary drink of grape produced by Nestle.

Members of the trip to the moon Soluble coffee Nescafé

04. What brand belongs with Nestlé?• A) Lacta• B) Nest• C)Garoto• D)Hershey’s

Correct Answer• C)Garoto

• The brand that belongs with nestlé is Garoto, the company was facing crises among partners, it was sold to Nestlé in 2002


05. Who created the brand• A)Henri Nestlé• B)Harry Nest• C)Henry Nest• D)Henri Johnson

Correct Answer• A)Henri Nestlé

• the company's founder is Henri Nestlé, that’s why the brand is called like that.

Henri Nestlé
