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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 1

Better Livable Town


Chong Jia Yi | 0320869

FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 2


1. Introduction

2. Investigation on Better Township or Town or City Guidelines and Issues

3. Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient and old cities/town: Tenochtitlan

4. Investigation & Data Collection: The present towns/cities : Venice

5. Investigation & Data Collection: The future and better township : Lilypad and X-scraper

6. The New “X” Town : The Noah

7. The Conclusion

8. References list

9. Process

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 3

In our final project in ENBE subject, we have to pretend ourselves as a mayor of the X-

town and design a future proposed city because present city is not suitable for

human living anymore. As a mayor, we have to propose a new X-town layout within

5 optional conditions :

Underground City

Floating on water city

Underwater City

A City on the air

A city next to river and sea

The size of the city must be in 20-40 km2 and the population in the city must between

150’000 – 300’000. All citizens are Malaysian. While planning the city, we are required

to consider and include the following:

The geometric shape, form, pattern, hierarchy, system and structure of the


The main focus of the city

The zoning of the city

The people, population, social issue, activities, food distribution, culture

and religion

Transportation and networking

Infrastructure, utility, service, amenities

Sustainable initiative and climate change consideration and resilience

Other service


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 4

2.1 What is CITY ?

A center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of

significant size and importance.

2.2 How City developed?

Early humans led a nomadic existence, relying on hunting and

gathering for sustenance. Between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago,

systematic cultivation of plants and the domestication of animals

allowed for more permanent settlements. During the fourth millennium

B.C., the requirements for the "urban revolution" were finally met: the

production of a surplus of storable food, a system of writing, a more

complex social organization, and technological advances such as the

plough, potter's wheel, loom, and metallurgy.

Cities exist for many reasons, and the diversity of urban forms can be

traced to the complex functions that cities perform. Cities serve as

centers of storage, trade, and manufacture. The agricultural surplus

from the surrounding countryside is processed and distributed in cities.

Cities also grew up around marketplaces, where goods from distant

places could be exchanged for local products. Throughout history,

cities have been founded at the intersections of transportation routes,

or at points where goods must shift from one mode of transportation to

another, as at river and ocean ports.

2.3 .Significant element of the city


Every modern city contains an amazing array of pathways to carry

flows of people, goods, water, energy, and information. Ancient cities

relied on streets to carry foot traffic and carts. The modern city contains

The City

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 5

a complex hierarchy of transportation channels, ranging from ten-lane

freeways to sidewalks.


Buildings are the most visible elements of the city, the features that give

each city its unique character. Residential structures occupy almost half

of all urban land. Commercial buildings are clustered downtown and at

various sub centers, with skyscrapers packed into the central business

district and low-rise structures prevailing elsewhere, Industrial buildings

come in many forms ranging from large factory complexes in industrial

districts to small workshops.

Open Spaces

Open space contributes greatly to the quality of urban life. "Hard"

spaces such as plazas, malls, and courtyards provide settings for public

activities of all kinds. "Soft" spaces such as parks, gardens, lawns, and

nature preserves provide essential relief from harsh urban conditions and

serve as space for recreational activities.

2.4 Characteristic of a good modern city

1. Fixed transit, preferably rail, above and below ground. Subways along

all major travel corridors; buses or trams on all secondary corridors

2. Use renewable energy

3. Buildings of different age, condition, and size

4. Living spaces everywhere, especially near downtown

5. Large or small public squares at all significant intersections

6. Street trees and rooftop gardens for pleasure.

7. Light rail or a rapid train connection to the airport. Freight and

passenger rail depots in town

8. Working farms adjacent to or (better yet) within city limits

9. Shops that open onto the sidewalk, not onto parking lots. All automobile

parking is underground or mid-block, not between street and shop.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 6

2.5 Seasteading: The most possible proposed future town

Seasteading is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called

seasteads, outside the territory claimed by the government of any standing

nation. It will be the most possible proposal of the future town because the

land in future predicted will be submerge by water and it are not longer

suitable for human living. Most proposed seasteads have been modified

cruising vessels. Other proposed structures have included a refitted oil

platform, a decommissioned anti-aircraft platform, and custom-built

floating islands.

The closest things to a seastead that have been built so far are large

ocean-going ships sometimes called "floating cities", and smaller floating


WHY Seasteading?

Sea level rise

Lack of land



generate from sea

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 7

3.1About the city

Tenochtitlán was an Aztec

city that flourished between

A.D. 1325 and 1521. Built on

an island on Lake Texcoco,

it had a system of canals

and causeways that

supplied the hundreds of

thousands of people who

lived there.

It was largely destroyed by

the Spanish conquistador

after a siege in 1521, and

modern-day Mexico City

now lies over much of its


It is as big as Seville or

Cordoba. The main streets

are very wide and very

straight; some of these are

on the land, but the rest and

all the smaller ones are half

on land, half canals where

they paddle their canoes.

3. Investigation & Data Collection:

Ancient Cities / towns: Tenochtitlan

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 8

3.2 Significant details of the city

3.2.1 Transportation

The Aztec city-states in the valley were hydraulic societies. They used bridges,

causeways, dikes, sluices, canals, aqueducts, terrace farming, and chinampas

(artificial, floating gardens) to

sustain the population and

allow for navigation about the

city. The city was quartered

into campans or zones with

twenty calpullis or districts in

each. There were main roads

and canals crossing the

calpullis. Bridges were made to

be removed at night in

defense of the city. Each

calpullis had a market. Public

buildings that served spiritual

and educational functions

were in the center of the city.

All new development had to

be approved by the city

planner, the calmimilocatl.

Model of Canoe

used to cross

across canal

The transportation

network of the


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 9

3.2.2 Drainage and water system

Tenochtitlán had a sophisticated water system for its time. Two large terracotta

aqueducts fed the city fresh water from springs at the on-shore hill of

Chapultepec. Each aqueduct possessed a double channel and each was more

than 4 km (2.5 mi) long. Lago de Texcoco itself was brackish (salty), although fed

by fresh underwater springs. A dike was completed that separated the fresh,

underwater springs from the broader, brackish

areas of the lake. The levee of Nezahualcoyctl,

when completed, was between 12 and 16 km

(7.5 to 9.9 mi) in length. The new areas of fresh

water adjacent to the island were used to

create the famous chinampas, or floating

gardens, some of which still exist. Although the

Aztecs had no citywide drainage system, and

much of the wastewater ended up in the lake

surrounding the city, they had a system to

handle human waste by means of privies in all

public places and many private dwellings

from which excrement was collected in

canoes. The excrement was applied as

fertilizer to chinampas (floating parcels of land)

or sold in the market to be used for tanning

animal hides. Urine was collected in pottery

vessels to be used later as a mordant for dyeing cloth. The Tenochtitlán

environment was obviously healthy for its time

Furthermore the great city on an island was joined to the mainland by four

causeways. The causeways were also used as dikes to control flooding and to

separate the fresh waters from Texcoco’s brackish water. There

were 3 aqueducts from the surrounding hills

and a sewer system. It is estimated that 200,000 to 250,000 people inhabited

Tenochtitlan and up to 700,000 occupied the surrounding

shoreline of the main land.

Water channel

discovered under several

layers of the plaza

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 10

3.2.3 City Planning

Tenochtitlan was at first constructed like other city-state capitals with an organized

central area and an unorganized region outside the center precincts. When the

Mexicas came to power and Tenochtitlan's population began to grow explosively

there was a need to organize. The Mexicas' decided that, since Tenochtitlan had

become the capital of the Aztec

civilization, it was time to renovate.

They wanted it to have a renewed

splendor and to look prestigious and

important. They decided to

renovate it along grid lines. Not only

the central region was renovated to

match this grid, but also the outskirts

to make the entire city more

organized. The people of

Tenochtitlan borrowed a lot of

stylistic designs from Teotihuacan

and Tula to rebuild their city,

including using a grid, certain

architectural styles, and sculpture.

The entire city of Tenochtitlan was

divided into five quadrants, if you

count the center one. Canals

divided the city in the four

cardinal directions. The central

plaza was not the only

administrative and religious center in

Tenochtitlan. In the center of each of the four surrounding quadrants there was also

a central plaza(Smith 197). The Incas also chose to organize their city layouts along

gridlines in their early empire.

3.2.4 Market Place and Public space

Each calpulli had its own tiyanquiztli (marketplace).There were also specialized

markets in the other central Mexican cities.

In the center of the city were the public buildings, temples and prostis. Inside a

walled square, 300 meters to a side, was the ceremonial center. There were about

45 public buildings including: the Templo Mayor, which dedicated to the Aztec

Rough sketch of the map

of tenochtitlan

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 11

patron deity Huitzilopochtli and the Rain God Tlaloc, the temple of Quetzalcoatl,

the tlachtli (ball game court) with the tzompantli or rack of skulls, the Sun Temple,

which was dedicated to Tonatiuh, the Eagle's House, which was associated with

warriors and the ancient power of rulers, the platforms for the gladiatorial sacrifice,

and some minor temples. Outside was the palace of Moctezuma with 100 rooms,

each one with its own bath, for the lords and ambassadors of allies and

conquered people. Also located nearby was the cuicalli or house of the songs,

and the calmecac.

The city had a great symmetry. All constructions had to be approved by the

calmimilocatl, a functionary in charge of the city planning. It planned everything

that needed to be done, as of today.

3.2.5 Chinampa

Chinampa is a method of Mesoamerican agriculture which used small,

rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in

the Valley of Mexico.

Sometimes referred to as "floating gardens," chinampas were artificial islands that

usually measured roughly 98 ft × 8.2 ft (29.9 m × 2.5 m). Chinampas were used by

City4 Zone


- Market Place

-Public building(shrine)

Model of Tenochtitlan show its great symmetry

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 12

the Aztecs.In Tenochtitlan, the chinampas ranged from 300 ft × 15 ft (91.4 m × 4.6

m) to 300 ft × 30 ft (91.4 m × 9.1 m). They were created by staking out the shallow

lake bed and then fencing in the rectangle with wattle. The fenced-off area was

then layered with mud, lake sediment, and decaying vegetation, eventually

bringing it above the level of the lake.

Chinampas were separated by channels wide enough for a canoe to pass. These

"islands" had very high crop yields with up to 7 crops a year. Chinampas were

commonly used in pre-colonial Mexico and Central America.

It has been


that 10’000

hectares of


fields, under



would have


sufficient to

supply half a


peoples with

basic food


3.3 Information and element that I used to my new future city

From the research of this ancient city, Tenochtitlan, I extracted 3 of the element that

suitable to propose to my X- Town:


I choose this element because it solved the problem of lack of land to

grow crops in my future city

Well-organized and Centralized city layout

Underground water channel to deliver clean water

Aqueducts to store clean water

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 13

9.1 About the city

Venice is a city in northeastern Italy sited on a group of 118 small islands separated

by canals and linked by bridges. It is located in the marshy Venetian Lagoon which

stretches along the shoreline, between the mouths of the Po and the Piave Rivers.

Venice is renowned for the beauty of its setting, its architecture and its artworks. The

city in its entirety is listed as a World Heritage Site, along with its lagoon. It is also an

only car-free city in the Europe.

4.2 Layout of the city

Venice has one of the most confusing, frustrating, and unfathomable

layouts of any city on Earth.

On the surface, it looks simple enough: a few big islands wrapped around

the sweeping backward-S curve of the breathtaking, palace-lined Canale

Grande (Grand Canal), with lots of smaller canals—nearly 180 of them—

worming their way through those islands across a tangle of alleys.

Venice lies 2.5 miles from dry land, connected to the mainland sister city of

Venezia-Mestre by the Ponte della Libertà, which leads to Piazzale Roma—

the only bit of Venice accessible by car.

Investigation & Data Collection:

Present Towns : Venice

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 14

ZONING of the city:

1) San Marco: - The centre of Venice

- Tourism area

2)Castello: -The east of San Marco

- Residential area and less expensive hotel area

- old ship-building sector of the city—still a navy yard

3)Dorsoduro: -Most southern of the city

-residential area

4)Cannaregio: - above the top curve of the Grand Canal's backward


-Train station

5) San Polo: - commercial district

6) Santa Croce: -industrial area

4.3 Construction of the city

In order to have their buildings on a solid foundation, the Venetians first drove

wooden stakes into the sandy ground. Then, wooden platforms were constructed on

top of these stakes. Finally, the buildings were constructed on these platforms. A

17th century book which explains in detail the construction procedure in Venice

demonstrates the amount of wood required just for the stakes. According to this

book, when the Santa Maria Della Salute church was built, 1,106,657 wooden stakes,

each measuring 4 metres, were driven underwater. This process took two years and

two months to be completed. On top of that, the wood had to be obtained from

the forests of Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro, and transported to Venice via

water. Thus, one can imagine the scale of this undertaking.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 15

The secret to the longevity of Venice’s wooden foundation is the fact that they are

submerged underwater. The decay of wood is caused by microorganisms, such as

fungi and bacteria. As the wooden support in Venice is submerged underwater,

they are not exposed to oxygen, one of the elements needed by microorganisms to

survive. In addition, the constant flow of salt water around and through the wood

petrifies the wood over time, turning the wood into a hardened stone-like structure.

4.3 Significant details of the town

4.3.1 Drainage

Venice is very unique in terms of its sewage disposal; the canals are the main way

waste is disposed of in Venice, though new technology has improved the sewage

aspect of Venice's infrastructure. Below shows the process to dispose household

waste in Venice:

The Structure of building’s

foundation in Venice

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 16

Waste water from houses and buildings travel down the house.

The waste reaches the sewer system underground.

The sewage collects in these tunnels and flows into the canals

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 17

Household waste is washed out into the ocean twice a day with the tides,

exchanging old water with new water.

4.3.2 Sea wall: MOSE Project

MOSE (MOdulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico, Experimental Electromechanical

Module) is a project intended to protect the city of Venice, Italy, and the

Venetian Lagoon from flooding. The project is an integrated system consisting of

rows of mobile gates installed at the Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia inlets that

are able to temporarily isolate the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea during

high tides. Together with other measures such as coastal reinforcement, the

raising of quaysides, and the paving and improvement of the lagoon, MOSE is

designed to protect Venice and the lagoon from tides of up to 3 metres (9.8 ft).

MOSE consists of rows of mobile gates at the three inlets, which temporarily

separate the lagoon from the sea in the event of a high tide. There will be a total

of 78 gates divided into four barriers. At the Lido inlet, the widest, there will be two

rows of gates of 21 and 20 elements respectively linked by an artificial island (the

island connecting the two rows of gates at the centre of the Lido inlet will also

accommodate the technical buildings housing the system operating plant); one

row of 19 gates at the Malamocco inlet and one row of 18 gates at the Chioggia

inlet. The gates consist of metal box-type structures 20 metres (66 ft) wide for all

rows, with a length varying between 18.5 and 29 metres (61 and 95 ft) and from

3.6 to 5 metres (12 to 16 ft) thick, connected to the concrete housing structures

with hinges, the technological heart of the system, which constrain the gates to

the housing structures and allow them to move.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 18

Under normal tidal conditions, the gates are

full of water and rest in their housing

structures. When a high tide is forecast,

compressed air is introduced into the gates

to empty them of water, causing them to

rotate around the axis of the hinges and

rise up until they emerge above the water

to stop the tide from entering the lagoon.

When the tide drops, the gates are filled

with water again and return to their housing.

The inlets are closed for an average of

between four and five hours, including the

time taken for the gates to be raised (about

30 minutes) and lowered (about 15


To guarantee navigation and avoid

interruption of activities in the Port of

Venice, when the mobile barriers are in

operation, a main lock is under construction

at the Malamocco inlet to allow the transit

of large ships, while at the Lido and

Chioggia inlets there will be smaller locks to

allow emergency vessels, fishing boats and

pleasure craft to shelter and transit.

Operating procedure dictates that the

gates will be raised for tides of more than

110 centimeters (43 in) high. The competent

authorities have established this as the

optimum height with respect to current sea

levels, but the gates can be operated for

any level of tide. The MOSE system is also flexible and depending on the winds,

atmospheric pressure and level of tide, it can oppose the high water in different

ways – with simultaneous closure of all three inlets in the case of exceptional tides,

by closing just one inlet at a time, or by partially closing each inlet—given that the

gates are independent—for medium-high tides.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 19

4.4 Conclusion about the towns

In conclusion, Venice considered as a good city. The history of the city is well

preserved and there were less carbon emission as it is a car free zone. However,

there are several things that need to improve, such as the drainage system. The

traditional drainage is not hygienic because it disposes the sewage to the

seawater without any sewage treatment.

4.5 What information or element that you can use to your new


I choose 3 elements to propose to my X-town design, that is :

Underground drainage system

Seawall (but in membrane form)


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 20

1)Lilypad by Vincent Callebaut

An ecologically friendly floating city able to house 50,000 people completely self-

sufficiently. Inspired by the lilypad of the Amazonia Victoria Regia but enlarged over

250 times, the city is aesthetically pleasing while producing more energy than it

consumes and cleanly recycling most of its waste products.

Lilypad was designed for the Oceans 2008 conference to meet the four main

environmental challenges as seen by the Organization of Economic Co-operation

and Development (OECD): climate change, the lack of fresh water, biodiversity, and


Investigation & Data Collection:

The future of towns and Better Towns:

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 21

With global sea levels predicted to rise significantly over the next century due to

climate change, a lot of people living in low lying areas are expected to be

displaced from their homes. Architect Vincent Callebaut has come up with a

possible relocation destination for these climate change refugees in the form of the

“Lilypad” concept – a completely self-sufficient floating city that would

accommodate up to 50,000.

With a shape inspired by the highly ribbed leaf of Victoria water lilies, the double skin

of the floating “ecopolis” would be made of polyester fibers covered by a layer of

titanium dioxide (TiO2), which would react with ultraviolet rays and absorb

atmospheric pollution via a photocatalytic effect in the same way as the air-purifying

concrete and paving stones we looked at last year.

Three marinas and three mountains would surround a centrally located artificial

lagoon that is totally immersed below the water line to act as ballast for the city. The

three mountains and marinas would be dedicated to work, shopping and

entertainment, respectively, while suspended gardens and aquaculture farms

located below the water line would be used to grow food and biomass.

The floating city would also include the full complement of renewable energy

technologies, including solar, thermal, wind, tidal, and biomass to produce more

energy than it consume.

Centred around a lake which collects and then purifies rain water, the Lilypad will

drift around the world following the ocean currents and streams.

1.2 Inspiration of the project

The design of the city is inspired by the

shape of the great Amazonia Victoria

Regia lilypad.

The giant lilypad, in the family of

nymphpaeaceae, with very large green

leaves that lie flat on the water's surface.

Victoria amazonica has a leaf that is up to

3 m (9.8 ft) in diameter, on a stalk 7–8 m

(22.9-26.2 ft) in length. The leaf of Victoria

is able to support quite a large weight due

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 22

to the plant's structure, although the leaf itself is quite delicate. To counter the fragile

nature of the leaf, the weight needs to be distributed across the surface through

mechanical means, such as a sheet of plywood. This allows the leaf to support up to

70 pounds.

The architect incorporate this feature into his future city design to make it floatable.

The below diagram show how was the city will build with the design inspire by lilypad.

1.3 Elements inspire my idea of X-town

Underground air sac that act as ballast to make the town float

Titanium dioxide cladding of my town building

Solar roof

2) The Underwater Skyscraper by Sarly Adre Bin Sarkum

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Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 23

The underwater skyscraper that harvests renewable energy and grows its own food. Touted

as a self-sufficent floating city, Sarly Adre Bin Sarkum’s Water-Scraper utilizes a variety of

green technologies. It generates its own electricity using wave, wind, and solar power and it

produces its own food through farming, aquaculture, and hydroponic techniques. The

surface of the submerged skyscraper sustains a small forest, while the lower levels contain

spaces for its inhabitants to live and work. The building is kept upright using a system of

ballasts aided by a set of squid-like tentacles that generate kinetic energy.

The architects “envision a future where land as a resource will be scarce; it is only natural

progression that we create our own. Approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface is ocean, even

more if climate change has its way, hence it is only natural progression that we will populate

the seas someday.” As anyone who has seen Waterworld will attest, it’s a grim future indeed

— which is why it’s essential that we do what we can to stem the course of the world’s rising


5.2 Elements that inspired the idea of my X-town

System of ballast aided by a set of squid-like tentacles – To generate Kinetic

Energy and make the town float

Vertical zoning

---THE NOAH---

6.1 Overview According bible, Noah ark is a ship that is sacred and firm to withstand the any

natural disaster as well as keep creatures inside it safe. I named my town as ‘The

Noah’ because it will to provide shelter for future climate change refugees. In the

future, the land of the earth will no longer livable because of the pollution, natural

disaster, rising of the sea level. In order to solve this problem, I design my town to be

floating on the sea far away from land or near the coastal. It is shield by a layer of

nano membrane that protects the town from ultraviolet ray and natural disaster such

as tsunami so that the harsh environment will not affect the condition of the town. It

is a hexagonal town that centralized by a telecommunication park and vista. The

The New “X” Town

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Chong Jia Yi | 0320869 | Msis Ida | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University 24

seawall surrounded form a boundary of the town. The town consist of a central

business district, industrial area, agriculture area (centre and beside residential area),

recreational area, artificial beach, energy processing area, research and control

centre, and 6 residential area. The 6 residential areas are placed surrounded the

central business district to maximize the accessibility of the residents to the central

business district. The central business district is the busiest area of the city as it consist

business and trade centre, largest commercial area in town and government

administration. All the areas of the city are well linked by the underground train and

magnetic road for private mobile car.

The Noah is a city that surround with green area to provide enough oxygen and

foods for the citizen, some of the green area function as recreational area.

Furthermore, the Noah is design according the zero carbon emission concept and

self energy sustain concept. All the vehicles in the town didn’t not emit carbon

dioxide so the air quality of the town is good. All the building in the town are clad in

titanium dioxide concrete, which is able to neutralize pollution, turning harmful smog

into harmless compounds that can be washed away by react with the sunlight. So

that the city always stay clean and the air is cleaner.

The Noah also equipped with abundant technology to prepare it to cope with

various disaster such as nano membrane shield that protect the town against


Moreover, it also reserves an area for research and control centre to make sure the

infrastructure and facilities runs smooth. The control centre will have the equipment

and device that inspect the condition of the town gradually, and provide

maintenance for all elements in the town. Therefore, the town will operate smoothly

over hundreds of years. The research centre will explore the new technologies and

conduct research for the better life of the citizen in the future.

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6.1.2 Zoning

There are 15 types of area in the town. Telecommunication tower and vista located in

the centre of the town to smooth the telecommunication process. The health centre,

universities and other education institutes, business centre, religious centre,

commercial area, and the government administration centre located in the town

central to ensure citizen from all the area easy to assess to it. The residential area

located in between the areas

that require human energy to provide dwelling that nearest working place to the

workers. Recreational area and artificial beach located nearby the business and

commercial area but far from educational area, health centre to provide a peaceful

environment to the student and patient. The industrial area, research and control

centre, and the energy and water processing area are more related so they located

close to each other. Agriculture centre and sewage processing centre are located in

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the same area because the sewage processing centre provide fertilizer for

agriculture centre. Furthermore, some of agriculture area located nearby residential

area to provide most fresh and healthy food for the residents.

6.1.3 Support system

1) Ballast system

The town is floating on the water by indicating ballast system. All the area beneath

consist an air sac or ballast tank and covered with a thick hull to ensure it floating on

the water.

2) Squid-like tentacles

Itt have 2 function, the main function is to provide addition support to the residential

area and additional function is to generate electrical energy from kinetic energy.

(Refer to pg 22)

3) Honeycomb structure on the surface that submerge in the water


concept is apply

on the town, the

inspiration of the

design is get from

the giant lily pad

The Honey comb

structure must

construct with light

weight material so it

does not sink

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6.2 Inspiration

Before I design my city, I get my inspiration from website images

that are related to my city building concept : Green building


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6.3 Significant characteristics and elements

6.3.1 Town Central

The town central is the central area of the town that consist of government

administration centre, business and trade centre, commercial area, health

centre(hospital), education centre(university), telecommunication centre,

public hall and religious centre.

This area is highly accessible because the centre station of the train is

located at here.

The central park will be the tourism highlight as it is the largest park in the

town and the highest building in the town, telecommunication tower and

vista located at here too. It also functions as recreational area for the

citizen work in the surrounding area. It also functions as water discharge

area to collect excesses rainwater. There have an ample underground

parking space for the citizens who drive to work. The plaza in front of each

centre can provide a walking space for the citizen and to hold some events.

Government administration centre and public hall are linked because they

are public building, Business centre and commercial area are linked

because they are most busiest area.

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6.3.2 Agriculture

There are floating forest surround the town to produce food and oxygen.

It locates nearby the residential area to provide fresh and healthy food for the

residents. Furthermore, the floating forest increase the aesthetic value of the town

Zoning of the town central

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The town has science research

centre to renovate the agriculture

system to produce more crop in

short time.

The agriculture area contain green house, live stock breeding area, fisheries,

and various research centre.

Green house is the place to plant crops that require special condition to

grow. Live stock breeding area rear animal for food. Fisheries are the place

that cultivates seafood.

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6.3.2 Transportation

Public transportation: Underground Magnetic train

Transportation Route Cross section of transportation tube

Walking space/ Train station

Underground train

Electrical wire

Water pipe

Sewage pipe

Cargo Pipe

Underground train station located under each residential area.

Convenience for residents to travel to the central city to work and school

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Private transportation: 1) On ground magnetic car

2) Bicycle

Magnetic car only travel on

specific land with magnetic


Zero carbon emission

No energy required

Less probability of car

accident as all car move

in constant speed

Express lane for

emergency such as

ambulance and fire car

Bicycle used for short




Bicycle lane

provide in the

central town to

reduce the

needs of car


Avoid traffic


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6.3.3 Residential area

There were 6 residential areas in the town. Each area able to

accommodate up to 25’000 residents. It is well equipped by various

infrastructures such as park, religion area, parking, sport area, shops, school,

health centre, playground and train station. The sewage produced will

transfer to the underground sewer. The sewer then joins our network of other

sewers and takes the wastewater to a sewage treatment centre.The excess

water and energy will be store beneath the tower for emergency uses.

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6.3.4 Park

1) Linear Park

A linear park will connect

the residential area to

the central of the town.

The park provides a

public space for citizen

for recreational purpose.

Sitting area, bicycle path,

magnetic road and

green area are provided.

This will be a tourism

highlight of the town.

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6.3.5 Renewable Energy

a) Solar energy

Solar panel placed on top of the roof of the building in the town and the sea wall

to generate electrical energy.

b) Biomass fuel

Biomass fuel is

generating from the

sewage disposed. It is

used to generate energy

for the town. It is

generated in sewage

processing area

c) Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is generated from the

residential area. It generated by a set of

squid-like tentacles that aided to keep the

building upright. It is generated in residential


d) Wave energy

Wave energy is generated by the turbine at sea wall.(Refer to pg36)

Solar panel that

located on the roof of

all the building in the


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6.3.6 Wireless electricity In my city, there is electricity wire underground for industrial uses but all domestic

electrical usage is using wireless electricity.

The reason to use wireless electricity is to reduce wastage of the energy while

transmission of energy through wire. However, the electrical energy used by

industrial area must use underground wire to transfer it because the amount of

energy required is abundant.

The electrical energy produced by energy processing centre will convert into laser

beam and send to photovoltaic cell panel. Then it will send to the users via laser

beams. Therefore no wire required for the domestic electricity usage.

6.3.6 Sea wall

The sea wall is a structure that locate surround the city. There are solar panels on top

of it, while buoyant that used to convert wave energy to electrical energy attached

with the sea wall underwater. There is also a nano particles disperse machine

located at every corner of the hexagonal shape seawall.

Function of the sea wall :

Disperse nano particle membrane wall that acts as shield of the city

Generate wave energy

Treat sea water into drinkable water

From electricity

processing centre For domestic uses

The process to generate wave

energy and purify sea water by

sea wall

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1) Desalination

Desalination is the process that removes some amount of salt and

other minerals from saline water. There are several method to purify

water by desalination, I apply reverse osmosis technology to purify

water in my town as have lower energy consumption compared to

other method. Reverse osmosis technology apply by using semi

permeable membranes and pressure to separate salts from water.

2) Nanotechnology Membrane

Nanofiltration is a membrane filtration based method that uses nanometer sized cylindrical

through-pores that pass through the membrane at a 90°.

In future, it may apply to become an UV shield and tsunami barrier.

Zero Emission

desalinated water

CETO Technology Hydraulic Motor

Sea water intake

Buoyant that used to generate wave


It is attached to the sea wall.

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How the Nano particles acts as

the shield of the town ?

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6.3.7 Drainage

The sewage of the city will collect by the underground sewer that connected to

sewage processing centre. The sewage from the residential area and recreational

area will transfer into fertilizer catalyst to process into fertilizer for agriculture centre.

The sewage from industrial area and science research centre are usually not

suitable to process into fertilizer so it will be burn into fuel then send to fertilizer

catalyst to provide energy needed by it.

All the sewage processing area is located underground to guarantee the living

quality of the citizen.

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6.3.8 Industrial area

The industrial area of my town differentiate into 2 categories, one is light industrial

area and industrial companies, which manufactory product that does not causing

any pollution to the environment; one is heavy industrial area which located

underground because there will causing slightly pollution to the environment. The

reason it located underground is to collect the pollutant efficiently and send it to

sewage processing centre as soon as possible to create an unpolluted

environment to the citizen. The beneath of the heavy industrial area is the cargo.

The cargo is used to store all the products manufactured before it send to

commercial area.

The industrial

area is

surrounding by

green area and

parks. The

function of the

green area is to

purify the air


improve the

aesthetic sense

of the

environment and

provide a

recreational area

for the workers in

the area.

Each factory

have their own

sewage, water,

cargo pipe that

link to 3 main

pipes that

connect with the



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6.3.9 Recreational Area

The recreational area consists of Water Park, theme park, stadium, artificial lake,

park and green area, opera house and theatre, library, museum, and train station.

6.3 Conclusion of my new X-Town

In summary, the Noah is suitable for human living because it is fulfill the basic needs of

humans such as clean air, water, food, dwellings, recreational needs, transportation etc.

Despite to be livable and sustainable city, The Noah consists of many interesting element

that make it unique. It have zero carbon emission transportation system, wireless electricity

technology, CETO technology that generate wave energy and purify the sea water and

nano membrane shield that protect city from tsunami and UV rays. Moreover, The Noah not

just functionally, it also cover with much of green area so its aesthetic value increase and the

citizen live in it will live more comfortably.

Zoning of recreational area

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In conclusion, I learned a lot of knowledge about what make a city

better and how to design a city that are sustainability after I did the

research by the website in this few weeks.

That is important to design a city that fulfills the needs of human,

but we also cannot overlook the conservation and preservation of

nature in the urban design scheme. We should design a city that is

sustainable, and livable by both human and the nature.

Therefore, when we design the city, we should consider the green

area in our design. The green area not only benefits the wildlife but

also human because we cannot live without nature. Without nature,

we may die because we need oxygen and food from the nature.

Moreover, we should not destroy nature habitat when building a

city. Any structure and elements in the city should be environmental

friendly. For instance, I design the nano membrane shield

underwater that used to control the wave movement in the city but

at the same time, it does not destroy the marine life because they

can move in and out through the membrane.

The knowledge that I learned from this project will always remind

me to preserve nature in my future design because the nature is

extremely important to mankind.


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I produce a digitally collage drawing of the 3d view of my new X-town.

