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RUMANIAThe “chorba de perisoare” is a soup with meatballs.

This soup contain lots of vegetables. We eat this soup in any moment. The most important ingredient is the meat , to do this tipe of meatballs you need: beef and pig meat, you also need rice, salt and onion. You mix

all the ingredients and you do meatballs.It is all delicious!!

RUMANIAThe “sarmale” is a very famous food in Rumanian celabration. We usualy eat them in cristmas .The

“sarmale” is a miced meet with rice and onion.They are roll up with a leaf of “varsa”and they boil it. You

can eat it with “mamaliga and smantana”. smantana is a melted cheese.It is all delicious.

RUMANIA“Mici”is a speciality of sausages. is a very popular

Romanian food, they are a kind of grilled meatballs. Some products are Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish. The

sausages includes other ingredients like, bicarbonate.You only have to mix it good and then put

it for fry them All is delicious!
