Food safety & hygiene by Duminda 4 Edna




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  • 1. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 1 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 What is the Food safety? , Prevent contaminating food with pathogens / . HAZARDZ? A biological/Chemical or Physical Agent that is reasonably likely to Cause illness or injury in Absence of its control // . That is contaminated with any of these hazards is unsafe and unsuitable to eat. . - Biological hazards Microorganism (bacteria, viruses)/ parasitic worms & etc / . - Chemical hazards Oil/food supplements/pharmaceuticals/bleach/caustic soda, Detergents/ pesticides & etc / / ..
  • 2. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 2 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 - Physical hazards Any Potentially harmful extraneous matter not normally found in food Glass/wood/stones/Metal/Plastic & etc. , s`m`n&@yn , ... Why we SAFE/CARE foods ? Saves the Business money long run v&` ... Avoids Poising our Customers . Food safety Standards increase pY . Ensures Complaint with the law . Food Quality Standards increase pY . Organizes process to produce Safe foods kQY . Organizes Staff promoting teamwork efficiency kQY . Due diligence defense in Court .
  • 3. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 3 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 What is the Food Poisoning? ? An acute gastrointestinal disorder caused by bacteria or their toxic products or by Chemical residues in food wQY . Bacterial food poisoning . Bacteria are single-celled living micro-organisms. . The most common form of food poisoning is bacterial food poisoning. , . India toxic alcohol kills 143 in West Bengal - 15 December 2011 (BBC News) 143 Lead poisons at least 615 children in China - August 14, 2009 (CNN News) 615 . Chocolate may have poisoned more than 40 Watchdog says Cadbury's should have acted earlier Contamination caused by leak of waste water The Guardian, Saturday 24 June 2006 40 .
  • 4. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 4 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 To survive and multiply, bacteria need: & , Water Food correct temperatures pY Time most, but not all, need oxygen ( ) Under these conditions, bacteria will multiply by dividing in two every 10-20 minutes. 10-20 2 . After 6 hours, 1 bacterium can multiply into 262,144 bacteria, more than enough to cause food poisoning 6 1 , 262,144 . pY . Food poisoning bacteria come from five main sources: pY pY 5 . Food handlers {especially their hands(three Roller/Filling Station)}
  • 5. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 5 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Raw foods/material, such as Cocoa Beans qY& Pests and animals Air and dust pY Dirt and food waste Potentially hazardous foods support the growth of bacteria. They need to be kept at temperatures either below 5C or above 60C to prevent the growth of any food poisoning bacteria that may be present in the food. 5C -60C . .
  • 6. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 6 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Food at incorrect temperatures Under ideal conditions, bacteria multiply rapidly between 5C and 60C (the danger zone for food). 5C -60C . . Below 5C, bacteria multiply slower. 5C . At freezing temperatures, bacteria stop multiplying and become Dormant. Freezing does not kill bacteria. . . Most bacteria are killed at temperatures above 60C. 60C . Cross-contamination Cross-contamination occurs when food becomes contaminated with bacteria from another source pY .. Bacteria can be transported by hands, utensils, surfaces, equipment, raw food and pests. ,,,qY&, .
  • 7. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 7 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Common examples of cross contamination include & : Unclean hands Dirty utensils equipment and food contact surfaces (eg:Tempering Tank/Packing Politeness) (eg:Tempering Tank/Packing Politeness) Storing raw Beans Contaminate with Treated Cocoa mass pY . Storing & Packing Coco mass uncovered . Using dirty cleaning cloths . Poor personal hygiene . Examples of poor personal hygiene include: . : Dirty hands and clothing Uncovered cuts and wounds Long dirty fingernails Excess jewellery on hands and wrists . Coughing and sneezing over food . Handling food while ill . Not washing hands after going to the toilet .
  • 8. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 8 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Unclean food premises pY Dirty Packing Area increase the risk of cross-contamination pY . Poor pest control Common pests found in food premises include: rats and mice Flies Cockroaches These pests can carry food poisoning bacteria and may also cause physical contamination of food with their droppings, eggs, fur and dead bodies. & ,, Prevention of food poisoning . Temperature control
  • 9. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 9 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Minimise the time that potentially hazardous foods spend in the danger zone. . Always remember to keep: . cold food cold at 5C or colder 5C Hot food hot at 60C or hotter 60C . Natural Cocoa mass Must Treat in 4 Hrs (After Reaching Vacuum 650mmHg & Temperature 1050 C) v$kQyEm 650mmHg 1050 C 4 b` . - Temperature 1050 C +/-5 - Vacuum - 650mmHg Treated Cocoa mass must pack in less than 300 C It help full for Proper Liquor Solid pY 300 C (qY & ) . Avoid cross-contamination Keep food covered until use. . Practise correct personal hygiene. , Separate raw and Prepared, and old and new food at all times. qY& q& , . Clean and sanitise all equipment, utensils and food contact surfaces. . Store chemicals separate to food. qY& .
  • 10. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 10 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Personal hygiene Clean hands and clothing. . Minimise jewellery on hands and wrists. . Cover hair . Clean and short fingernails. . Avoid unnecessary contact with food. & . Cover all cuts and sores with a brightly coloured waterproof dressing. Do not prepare food when you are ill. , Avoid touching your face and hair. . Do not cough or sneeze over food. . When should you wash your hands? ? Before commencing or resuming work After using the toilet After smoking After handling rubbish After using a handkerchief or tissue After touching your hair or face
  • 11. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 11 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Before and after handling raw Beans qY& Before handling Treated Cocoa mass pYwQk`rQw After any cleaning task Cleaning . Essential for the safe operation of any food business. &` kQY &`&. Must be continuous and ongoing. v` . Thoroughly clean and sanitise all food surfaces, equipment and utensils with hot water and detergent and chemicals (sanitisers). Remember that most detergents do not kill bacteria, but hot water and sanitisers do! . Implement a cleaning schedule to ensure that cleaning is conducted on a regular basis (including hard reaching places). . Pest Control Seal the food premises. qY` . Keep food premises clean. . Conduct regular pest inspections or services. Remove all unnecessary equipment and items. & . Report all pest sightings or evidence of pest activity to your supervisor. kQYy`k`rkm| .
  • 12. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 12 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Waste management Place waste in plastic lined bins. , Remove all waste from the premises as required. , . Empty and clean waste bins regularly. kY . Ensure all external bins are covered. . Protect external waste bin area from pests and birds , .. What is the Basic Food Safety Management Concept? ? HACCP ( Hazards Analysis & Critical Control Point ) , HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. . qYv& ,, , ,, .
  • 13. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 13 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 How we implement Food Safety Management Basics for our Plant? kQY 01.Factory Process for Food safety kQY . 02. Personal Responsibility for Food safety 01. Factory Process for Food Safety kQY . 01. Ware house () What are the actions we do to prevent hazards & importance it - Stack Gunny Bags on Corrugated Kraft Sheets . - Fumigation - Pest Controlling - How the Apply Hazards Concept . Etc. .
  • 14. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 14 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 02. Bean Cleaner - Why we Stack Gunny Bags on pallet Pallet - What is the De stoner? What is the importance it? De stoner ? - Why we use Magnet in Hopper Hopper 1 Magnet 1 - Frequently Cleaning Importance? - Zoning - How the Apply Hazards Concept - . - Etc. . 03. Roaster - Proper cleaning and prevent hazards - Most suitable Roasting Temperature & How it effect on Food Safety @y`g& . - What is the importance of using magnet? Magnet 1 - What is the winnower role in food safety? winnower x`vQwy - Importance about keeping Shell in nibs less than 1% NIBS pY 1% - How the Apply Hazards Concept . - Zoning - Etc. .
  • 15. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 15 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 04.3 rollers & Natural Cocoa mass Tanks - Why Cleaning is more important? ? - Magnet Role In 3 roller Station & Where it placed? Magnet . - Why mess in There & Description about the Mess? - How the Apply Hazards Concept - Zoning - Etc. 05. Alkalizer - CCP? ? - What is the sterilization? ? - Area Cleaning Importance . - Alkalizing Parameters - Alkalizing Proper way and why does like that? - Importance of Alkalizing Foods Alkalizing . - Zoning - Etc. .
  • 16. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 16 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 06. Treated Cocoa mass Tanks - How the Apply Hazards Concept - Frequently Cleaning Importance? - Etc. . 07. Packing Area - Safely Food Packing Temperature - Why we must Seal in proper - Why Cleaning is important? ? - Most Efficiency Room temperature & Humidity a`rqYw`vy - Packing Material Handling . - Zoning - Etc. .
  • 17. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 17 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 08. Factory premises - Bait Stations - Glue Taps - Glue Boards - Cleaning equipment Stations - Why we cant Grow Plant in premises k - Frequently Cleaning Importance? - - Etc. . 02. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR FOOD SAFETY (PERSONAL HYGIENE) Why we must understand? ? To Understand sources of bacterial contamination from people pY &` how to control the contamination &` What is personal hygiene? ? Means maintaining a clean body and clean clothing .
  • 18. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 18 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 We are as a Food handlers, , Can carry bacteria that can cause illness in people who eat the food handlers have prepared &` . Food Handler Coco mass as Food Sick consumer Why is it important? ? This is important because dirt and microorganisms present on the skin and on outdoor clothing can be transmitted to the food , sm|@pYXNy . Micro organisms can also be transmitted to the food via cough, colds and wounds ,,, kYmNy . In fact, people are one of the most common sources of Food contamination , .
  • 19. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 19 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 How are diseases spread? &` ? Source of bacterial contamination from persons pYxv Intestinal waste (faeces) is a major source of bacterial contamination (Salmonella, Shigella and enterococci) Because of poor personal hygiene, the bacteria found in faeces are often found in foods a`nwQYkmy qYv& () qYv& . Food can carry several illness . Respiratory disease, e.g. cold, sore throats, pneumonia, scarlet fever and tuberculosis , ,, Gastrointestinal disease, a`nwQYk e.g., vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery , ,,, . Typhoid fever tyQ@p`yQd| uN Infectious hepatitis
  • 20. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 20 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Bacterial disease Diarrhoea Infects HBV Droplets are usually formed by sneezing, coughing and talking ,, s`m`n&@yn . sm|@pYXNy
  • 21. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 21 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 How microbes from people contaminate food ? Skin, fingers, fingernails, jewellery, hair, eyes, mouth, nose, throat, lungs, waste (faeces) ,,, ,,,,,.,, qYv& Employees may carry disease-causing microorganisms even if they do not have symptoms of The illness . Hand washing is the most important action kQYy`. How to Control ? Protective clothing (hairnet, coats, trouser, aprons, gloves and boots) are used to protect the food and the processing environment against contamination from people. .: , ,, kQYy` . Hand washing with soap and water removes more bacteria than quick hand washing. Very important especially after using toilet, blowing their nose, handling anything dirty, handling money or smoking pYm`nvw . pYm`nvw , , , .
  • 22. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 22 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 Best way of Hand Washing 01. Wet hands @wwmny shQw @qaw 02. Soap Hands sbn shQw @qaw 03. Rub Thoroughly Wrists, Forearm, between fingers m$NQk ktEv,b`hE,a#gQlQ awr @h`qQn awOllnn 04. Rinse in Clean Water @qaw pQrQsQqE jl@yn @h`qQn @s`qnn 05. Dry on Paper Towel kdq`sQ pQsn mgQn @qaw @h`qQn vQylny kr gnn. 06. Sterilization with IPA IPA @y`q` @qaw @h`qQn jWv`NEhrNy krnn
  • 23. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 23 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 WHAT IS NOT ALLOWED . Sneeze on the Food Use nail varnish & grow Finger in the nose . Wear Prohibited Jewelry & Accessories . Brings Drugs & Tobacco Related Food & Drinks To Production Area pY Come to work in Medically Unfit w` .
  • 24. FOOD SAFETY & HYGIENE 24 EDNA COCOA PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD| EDNA Group 2012 WE ARE AS AN ISO 22000:2005 CERTIFIED FACTORY We are contribute all Personal Hygiene Equipments for Staff ,Workers & Visitors 01. Shoe Covers 02. Head Covers 03. Uniforms 04. Safety Shoes 05. Masks 06. Detergents & Disinfects 07. Mano Centers We Are maintain Quality Documents For Personal Hygiene 01. Shift Check List 02. Personal Hygiene Check list We have 01. Personal Hygiene Policy 02. Sick Policy 03. Personal jewelry Policy 04. Visitors Policy 05. Quality Staff for Check Personal Hygiene