Giáo án tiếng anh 10 unit 12 reading


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I. Class detail:

Class: 10B5 Grade level: 10 Class size: 40 students

II. Time allotted: 45 minutes

III. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Develop the skill of guessing meaning of the words based on the text. Understand about the roles of music. Enrich their types of music vocabularies.

IV. Lexical iterms: communicate, emotion, integral part, lull, delight, mournful, soleum.

V. Lesson focus: Reading

VI. Teaching aids and materials:

Teacher: laptop, textbook, handouts, picture, projector, speaker. Students: textbook.

VII. Anticipated problem and solution:

1. Anticipated problems: Students may encounter certain difficulties in doing tasks related to the topic (e.g. students don’t understand the question or difficult words).

2. Solution: Teacher tries to give explanations and instructions as clearly as possible.

VIII. Procedure (T: teacher; Ss: students).


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Work arrangement

Warm-up(6 mins)

Game: What kind of song is it?-T divides class into 2 groups, group A and group B.

Work in group

-T gives instructions: “I will play 7 songs. When the song is played, any group who can guess the kind of that song can raise their hands to answer. If the answer is correct, that group will get 1 mark, In the end, the group with the hightest score will be the winner”.-T checks the instructions:1. “What are you going to do?”2. “Will you work in group or in pairs?”- Teacher keeps control over the game, gives feedback to students’ answers, checks the makes and claims the winner.

*Lead-in: (1 minute)-T questions “Who can guess the topic today?”-T says “Yes, today we will know more about the lexical words and the importance of music. Now we move on to unit 12-Music, part A-Reading.-T writes the name of the lesson on top of the board.

- Students listen the instruction carefully and play the game.

-Guess the kind of songs.-In group. *Expected answers:1. Pop music2. Folk music3. Rock music4. Classical music5. Jazz6. Country music7. Ballad music

-Ss answer, “Music”.

Pre-reading(15 mins)

I. Activity 1: Teaching vocabulary-T says “Before you read, I will give you some new words”Steps for teaching vocabulary:-T elicits the new words by some techniques.-T reads each word three times and asks all Ss to repeat it chorally.-T asks four or five Ss to read all -Listen to T and repeat


the words loudly in front of the class.-T listens and helps Ss to correct their pronunciation.-T repeats the same process for the other word.-T asks Ss copy them down.*Vocabulary (written on the left side of the board)1.Integral (adj): thiết yếu, cần thiết.Eliciting technique: translationT asks, “How do you say ‘Thiết yếu’ in English?”2.Solemn (adj): trang nghiêmEliciting technique: visuals

-T asks, “What are they like?”3.Lull (v): ru ngủEliciting technique: visuals

-T asks, “What is mother doing?”4.Funeral (n): Đám tangEliciting technique: Visuals

chorally the individually.

-Ss copy them down.

-Ss answer, “Integral”

-Ss answer, “They are soleumn”.

-Ss answer, “She is lulling baby”

-T asks, “What is this?”5. Mournful (adj): tang thương, buồn thảmEliciting technique: explanation-T asks, “How do you feel when you look at the picture or present at funerals?”II.Activity 2: Checking vocabulary

*Filling in the blanks-T delivers handouts (handout 1) for the whole class.-T asks Ss to work in pairs and do the task in handout.-T goes round and provides helps if necessary.-T calls some Ss to read aloud their answers.-T gives the correct answers.

-Ss answer, “This is a funeral”.

-Ss answer, “it’s very sorrow or mournful”.

-Ss receive handouts from T.-Ss discuss and fill in the blanks.

-Some Ss read their answer.



(16 mins)

I.Activity 1: Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).-T asks Ss to work individually.-T gives instructions: “Open your book on page 125, read the passage carefully in 5 minutes.-After that, T delivers handouts (handout 2) and asks Ss to work in pairs.-T gives instructions: “Work in pairs, discuss and do the task in

-Ss listen to T and read the passage individually.-Ss receive handouts.

Work individually

Work in pairs

handout. Decide if the statements are true or false in 7 minutes”.-T checks the instructions:1.Do you work in group or in pairs?2.How much time do you have?-T lets Ss to do the task and goes round to supervise.-T calls some representatives from each pair to read their answer.-T writes Ss’ answers on the board.-T checks and shows the correct answers.-T gives feedback.II.Activity 2: Multiple choice-T delivers handouts (handout 3)-T gives instructions: “Work in group of 4, complete the task in handout in 3 minutes.-T goes round to supervise.-T calls some representatives of each group to read their answer.-T checks and give feedback.

1. In pairs.

2. 7 minutes.-Ss work in pairs in order to do the task.-Some Ss read their answer.

-Ss copy it down.Expected answers:1.F; 2.T; 3.F; 4.T; 5.T

-Ss receive handout.-Ss listen to T’s instructions carefully.

-Groups do the task.-Representatives read their answer.Expected answers:

1. C2. C3. B4. B5. C

Post-reading(7 mins)

Activity: Discussion-T show a video.-T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the importance of music in our lives in 2 minutes.-T checks instructions:1. What are you going to do?

2. in 2 or 3 minutes?-T calls a representatives of some

-Ss watch the video.-Ss work in pairs and write down after discussing.

1. Discuss the importance of music in our lives.2. 2 minutes.-Ss present in front of

Work in pairs

pairs to present.-T gives feedback.

the whole class.


(1 minute)

-T asks Ss learn vocabularies by heart and prepare for the speaking lesson.

-Copy homework into notebook.

The whole class


Handout 1:

Complete the sentences by using the words/pharses in the box below.

emotion communicate integral part solemnlull delights mournful

1. If you know English, you can _____________ with people from the English-speaking world easily.

2. Every night, the mother tells her daughter a fairy tale to _____________ her to sleep.

3. Nam’s success at school ______________ his parents.4. He is an _____________ of the team, we can’t do without him.5. The teacher criticized him with a __________ expression on his face.6. Like a lot of men, he finds it hard to express his ________________ .7. With a ____________ look on his face, he told us about his uncle’s death.

Handout 2:

Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

T F1. Language is thing that make humans different from other

animals.2. Music is a powerful means of communication because it

can express ideas, thoughts and feelings.3. Music adds sadness to the atmosphere of a festival and

makes a funeral more solemn and mournful.4. Music makes people happy and excited. It delights the

senses.5. Music always been a big business because it is a billion-

dollar industry.

Handout 3:

Task 2: Read the passage and choose the correct answers.

1. Two things that make humans different from all other animals are__________.A. language B. emotion and music C. Language and music

2. __________ can express one’s anger, love, hate or friendship.A. Dream B. Will C. Music

3. Music is __________ during almost all important events and on occasions.A. made B. played C. turned off

4. The atmosphere of a festival will be __________ if it has music.A. sad B. joyful C. sorrow

5. It is ___________ to imagine what our lives would be like without music.A. easy B. hard C. difficult
