Homeworks 3 Industrial Revolution



Homeworks Subject 3 Industrial Revolution 4º ESO

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Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal


U N I TU N I T 33 .. I N D U S T R I A L R E V O L U T I O NI N D U S T R I A L R E V O L U T I O N ..

KEYS FOR THE EXAM (you have to know…):

- Define: • Industrial Revolution. • Guild (Gremio). • Domestic system. • Adam Smith. • Proletarial. • Trade Unions (Sindicatos).

- Compare: • Craft and industry. • Protectionism and Free trade (Librecambio). • Physiocracy and capitalism. • Luddite, unionism (Sindicalismo), Chartism and Utopian Socialism.

- Explain and connect each other the causes of the industrial revolution. - Resume in a conceptual map the causes of industrial revolution. - Place in time and space the industrial revolution. - Analyse graphics about economy, population… - Know the main characteristics about most important industries,

transportation and energy sources of each of the three stages of industrialization.

- Resume in a table and compare the main characteristics of each stage of industrialization.

- Understand and relate each other the consequences of each of the developments.

- To be concerned for environmental damage caused by industry and intensive agriculture.

- Outrage living conditions caused by the industry.

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Complete in your notebook this table comparing the factory system to the craft workshop.


2. Define:

a) Guild (Gremio): b) Domestic system: c) Industrial Revolution:


1. Using the table below to explain in your own words the Norfolk system:

Norfolk System 1st year Wheat crop damage the terrain. 2nd year Farming turnips (nabos) or radishes (rábanos) fertilize the terrain. 3rd year Barley (Cebada) crop damage the terrain. 4th year Clover (Tréboles) and forage the land. 5th year Ground ready for planting.

2. Define and compare: a) Enclosure acts: b) Production and productivity: c) Fallow (Barbecho): d) Subsistence agriculture and market agriculture: e) Protectionism:

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Read the resume (The point one) and make a concept map. A concept map is a diagram showing the relationship between the main ideas:

for that use arrows and words-link. • Read the text and identify the main ideas. • From each idea, show with arrows the secondary ideas that are inside. • Square the ideas and concepts. • Indicate the relations by lines. • Write the word hat sums up the relationship between them.

2. Comment the graphic below using the questionnaire.

a) Observation and presentation. • What kind of graphic is it? What is the graphic about? • What are the variables represented? How are expressed? When? b) Description and analysis. • What is the general trend of each variable? Comment its maximum and

minimum. • Relate the evolution of birth, mortality and population. • Can we set different stages according to the population growth? c) Interpretation of data. • How do you call changing demography trend we see in the picture? • What are the causes of the decline in mortality and increase in fertility? • When did the birth start to fall?

d) Conclusions. Rate: Do you think that the population growth is positive for economic development?

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal


1. Define: a) Adam Smith: b) Economic liberalism or capitalism: c) Proletarial: d) Trade unions (Sindicatos):

2. Read the text and answer the questions:

a) Place the document chronologically and geographically. b) Describe the characteristics of that city. c) Analyse the causes that contribute to the city to have that aspect. d) Find out what is done today to avoid what is reported in the

document where industries are placed, what conditions exists for discharges…

3. What arguments are used to justify some workers alcoholism?

“It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but it was a town of unnatural red and black colour. It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever. It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill-smelling dye, and vast piles of building full of windows where there was a rattling and a trembling all day long, and where the piston of the steam-engine worked monotonously up and down, like the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness. It contained several large streets all very like one another, and many small streets still more like one another, inhabited by people equally like one another, who all went in and out at the same hours, with the same sound upon the same pavements, to do the same work, and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and to-morrow, and every year the counterpart of the last and the next.”

Charles Dickens. Hard times for this times.

“There are still other causes that undermine the health of large number of workers. First, drink. All temptations come together to push the workers to the passion of drinking. Vodka is for workers almost the only source of enjoyment. The worker returns to his home tired and hungry. Find a room with no comfort, dirty, inhospitable. Need some relief as compelling, something to offset fatigue work, let him tolerable hard and difficult days. Their sociability can only be met in a tavern, it has no other place to meet friends.”

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Read the text and answer:

a) From your point of view, Can violence be justified in some cases? b) Do you know any current case when violence seems justified?

2. List the requests made to government by the workers. http://www.chartists.net/The-six-points.htm

3. Complete, in your notebook, the comparative table about the utopian

socialists. Search for information in any encyclopaedia. Utopian Socialists Alternative social organization proposal Saint Simon Fourier Owen Proudhon

“We have information that you are one of those owners having these detestable mechanical scissors, and I have been commissioned to write for make a warning and advise to putting them out. Take you noticed that if they are not removed by the end of next week I will send one of my mates with no less than 300 men to destroy them, and besides, you also notes that if you cause us some damage we will increase your misfortune burning buildings and reducing them to ashes. And if you have the audacity to shoot my men, they have orders to kill you and burn your house.”

Letter of Luddites of Nottingham to Mr Smith. February, 1812.

“Unto the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled, the Petition of the undersigned, their suffering countrymen:

The few have governed for the interest of the few, while the interest of the many has been neglected, or insolently and tyrannously trampled upon (…) It was the fond expectation of the people that a remedy for the greater part, if not for the whole, of their grievances, would be found in the Reform Act of 1832.

We demand that, in the making of the laws, the universal voice shall be implicitly listened to. We perform the duties of freemen; we must have the privileges of freemen. Therefore, we demand universal suffrage. The suffrage, to be exempt from the corruption of the wealthy and the violence of the powerful, must be secret.

We are forced to choose our representatives among men incapable of appreciating our difficulties: retired merchants, landowners… We ask that the approval of the electors is the only condition required and that all representatives would be compensated for fair salary”

The people Charter´s. Birmingham, 1838..

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Complete, in your notebook, the table comparing the society of the old regime and the 1st industrial Revolution. In coming subjects, we will complete the columns of the 2nd and 3rd Industrial Revolution.

Old Regime 1st Industrial Revolution

2nd Industrial Revolution

3rd Industrial Revolution


Main Countries

Main inventions

Energy sources

Main economic sector

Working system

Types of companies

New industries

How was agriculture?




Social division

Labour movement

2. Explain, in your words, the relationships between: a) Population growth and rural exodus: b) Revolution transport and growth of international trade: c) Technological innovations and industrial concentration.
