mhallmultimediaFinal presentation1


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MULTIMEDIAFinal PresentationMiriam Hall

Most useful tool

Easy to UseANIMOTO was easy to use since the site is very streamlined - without lots of samples and/or ads cluttering up the dashboard. The sequence and directions are very clear - so creating a presentation can happen quickly.

AudioAdding music is simple with pre-licensed music library that can be accessed from add another song.

Intuitive EditingIt can also be customized with transitions, highlighting and themes. It has a nicely sequenced beginners guide.

ComfortIts a comfortable site to work on especially for people just getting started. This would be great to use with younger students as well.

Successes Flickr

Posting pictures to Shutterfly and learning to edit them was a first for me as was grabbing the URL and having it link properly to the site.

Audio recording in QuickTime Player was straightforward enough for a simple recording. Getting to the audio display in Audacity and learning how to cut/insert and use the displays and tools was rewarding.

Audio was easier than I expected and I could see teachers/students being able to create presentations with ease.

iMovie was intriguing. I was able to import clips from my iPhone something I always wanted to be able to do. I plan to use many of these tools to organize personal photos and create slideshows for volunteer teaching.

Challenges The availablity of so many sites could be overwhelming.

Although I was aware of photo sites for storage, learning to use and share photo sharing sites was a new experience.

Initially, I tried Flickr but had trouble posting the URL. I switched to Shutterfly which seemed to work better for me since the help menu was easy to access.

For me and it takes a while to realize what might be obvious to a more frequent users.

The vocabulary could be confusing (for example: 'canvas' and 'deck').

Finding the correct view and moving through files to find the correct file was often frustrating.

The audio editing tools such as Audacity were initially perplexing .

Importing /exporting content was definitely the most difficult skill for me. iMovie presented a real puzzle since the level of detail, combining the video, text and audio as well as using other editing tools for example the tiny speed up/slow down buttons proved elusive and my video editing will need a great deal of refinement.

Online LearningFrom my perspective online learning has it's pros and cons. It certainly allows constant access for many more students. On the other hand, for students in early stages may be spent a lot of time in figuring out the basic uses of tools and how to post URLs and how contact the instructor.

Many sites did not have clear directions and also required/requested a student to sign up for related sites (Facebook/Linkedin) and that generated more e-mail as well as many offers to sign up for paid sites. One site expired and my URL was no longer available. There's no doubt that online learning is amazingly powerful and convenient.

The resources at iTunesU is a stunningly good example- for the most part- free. With such massive resources at times it is difficult to select content. The issues of copyright also may encourage a student/teacher to create their own content instead of pursuing a license/s.


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REFLECTIONSTaking Multimedia in the Classroom has pushed the learning curve for me. After a rough start, I started to make some progress and began to feel positive about the experience. Now I have more confidence that I will be able to remember sequences and figure out new programs. Its starting to be intuitive.

One thing that I have always wanted to do is organize the many pictures in our family and I think I now have the tools to necessary to accomplish that. Thank you