This is called love


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As you arrive to your work place... 進辦公室的時候 . . .

Pray to God and ask his guidance!!


Greet your colleagues...和同事寒暄幾句 . . .

That is called friendship!!這是友誼 !!

Give to everybody the

best of yourself...竭盡所能的幫助大家 . . .

That is called sincerity!!這是誠摯 !!

Program and organize your


你的這一天 . . .

That is called reflection!!這是「三思」 !!

That is called taking action!!這是採取行動 !!

Now that you have planned

everything begin to work...現在一切準備就緒著手開始 . . .

Trust that everything will

be O.K….相信凡事都會順利進行 . . .

That is called faith!!這是信心 !!

That is called enthusiasm!!

這是熱衷 !!

Work with happiness...樂在工作 . . .

That is calledexcellence!!這是卓越 !!

Give the best of

yourself...全力以赴 . . .

Help those with more difficulties than you...向需要幫助的人伸出援手 . . .

That is called compassion!這是體恤 !!

That is called tolerance!!這是包容 !!

Understand that not everybody

is at your level... 體諒不是每個人

都有你這樣的程度 . . .

Receive praise with reticence...

含蓄的接受稱讚 . . .

That is called humility!!這是謙卑 !!

God is with you...God is with you...

上帝與你同在上帝與你同在 ......

That is called LOVE!!That is called LOVE!! 這就是愛這就是愛 !!!!
