Lower yangzi dream梦里江南


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自動換頁 音樂:夢裡江南(秋意)自動換頁 音樂:夢裡江南(秋意) Advance automaticallyMusic: Lower Yangzi Dream (Autumn melancholy)

夢裏江南 ( 秋意 ) 原唱:符號Lower Yangzi Dream (Autum Melancholy)Composed and sung by Fu Hao

詞:劉波 曲:符號詞:劉波 曲:符號 夢裏江南 夢裏江南 (( 秋意秋意 ) ) 原唱:符號原唱:符號Lower Yangzi Dream (Autum Melancholy)Sung by Fu HaoLyric : Liu Bo Composed by Fu HaoLyric : Liu Bo Composed by Fu Hao

樓閣深藏的月光 寂靜的讓人心慌 Deeply hiding in the garret,The moon light is so calm to confuse one’s nervous.

有沒有一種力量有沒有一種力量 敲開這緊閉的窗敲開這緊閉的窗Has there been any strength,to open the tightly closed window.

柳岸朦朧的雨巷 潮濕的讓人惆悵 The hazy lane in the willow bank during raining,It is wet enough to feel of melancholy.

能不能鎖住過往能不能鎖住過往 封存這惱人的傷封存這惱人的傷 Is it able to lock the past,To store the annoying sorrow.

花紙傘底眺望 失落在人來人往To over look under a bright-colored umbrella,I feel alienated from the stream of people.

梧桐樹下打量 久違後別來無恙To think of under a phoenix tree,Hope you would be fine after long separation.

夢裏江南 近鄉情怯的驚慌 My dreamland Lower YangziI’m flurried while approaching you.

聽一段吳儂軟腔聽一段吳儂軟腔 聞一樹桂花飄香聞一樹桂花飄香 To listen a passage of story-telling spoken in Wu dialect,And smell the fragrance drifted from a blossoming laurel.

夢裏江南 日思夜想的神往My dreamland Lower Yangzi,I’m enchanted with you day and night.

搖一回烏蓬船槳 尋一戶酒肆茶坊To row with an ebony oar for a while,And look for a wine shop or teahouse.

就這樣 就這樣 踏一座石橋細細思量That’ right, That’ right,

To step on a stone bridge and think carefully.

就這樣 就這樣就這樣 就這樣 煮一壺老酒細細品嘗煮一壺老酒細細品嘗That’s right, that’s right

To heat a pot of wine and taste carefully.

柳岸朦朧的雨巷 潮濕的讓人惆悵The hazy lane in the willow bank during rainingIt is wet enough to feel of melancholy.

能不能鎖住過往能不能鎖住過往 封存這惱人的傷封存這惱人的傷Is it able to lock the past,To store any annoying sorrows.

花紙傘底眺望花紙傘底眺望 失落在人失落在人來人往來人往To over look under a bright-colored umbrella,I feel alienated from the stream of people.

梧桐樹下打量梧桐樹下打量 久違後別來無恙久違後別來無恙To think of under a phoenix tree,Hope you would be fine after long separation.

夢裏江南夢裏江南 近鄉近鄉情怯的驚慌情怯的驚慌My dreamland Lower YangziI’m flurried while approaching you.

聽一段吳儂軟腔聽一段吳儂軟腔 聞一樹桂花飄香聞一樹桂花飄香 To listen a passage of story-telling spoken in Wu dialect,And smell the fragrance drifted from a blossoming laurel.

夢裏江南夢裏江南 日思夜想的神往日思夜想的神往My dreamland Lower Yangzi,I’m enchanted with you day and night.

搖一回烏蓬船槳 尋一戶酒肆茶坊To row with an ebony oar for a while,And look for a wine shop or teahouse.

就這樣 就這樣 踏一座石橋細細思量That’ right, That’ right,To step on a stone bridge and think carefully.

就這樣 就這樣 煮一壺老酒細細品嘗 That’s right, that’s rightTo heat a pot of wine and taste carefully.

煮一壺老酒細細品嘗煮一壺老酒細細品嘗To heat a pot of wine and taste carefully.

煮一壺老酒細細品嘗煮一壺老酒細細品嘗To heat a pot of wine and taste carefully.

Original version: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/73c0de23bcd126fff7050b55.htmlEnglish transcript translated by zqPei