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KANGEN Alkaline Water Beauty Benefits

Japanese women have been known for centuries to have the most beautiful, delicate skin. Every cosmetic company has attempted to duplicate this beauty by producing lotions, moisturizers, cleansers, toners and treatments that try to artificially restore the natural acid mantle of the skin. This protective mantle is what helps maintain moisture in the skin, protect the skin from the environment, maintain healthy bacterial levels and support the health and texture of the skin. But exposure to chemicals, synthetic products, harsh cleansers and pollution will all compromise this important protective layer and speed the aging process of the skin. Resorting to peels, lasers, even cosmetic surgery can create additional problems and over the long term may even damage the skin further.

More and more Skin Care Esthetic Spas use KANGEN Beauty Water ™ combined with their products to create the most perfect skin imaginable. Many of these Spas provide KANGEN Beauty Water ™ for you to take home to extend the benefits of your treatment. In this way your skin can become youthful, soft and free of blemishes naturally without surgery, chemicals or expense.

But nothing compares to having your own ENAGIC Machine at home. You can, at your own convenience, produce this Beauty Water for washing your face, spritzing on before bed and applying throughout the day to avoid the drying summer heat. KANGEN


Beauty Water ™ is ionized to the exact pH of the acid mantle of the skin, 5.5, helping to reverse the damage done to the acid mantle of the skin and revealing skin that is not only healthy but looks half its age.

The founder of ENAGIC, Mr. Hironari Oshiro is often thought to be in his early 30's when he steps up to a podium to speak, but in fact is twice that age. Both gentlemen are 67 years old. KANGEN Water ™ is the reason.

KANGEN Beauty Water ™ can be added to bath water and not only keeps the skin beautiful, but tones and firms the skin. It is a wonderful toner for after shaving and when used to rinse the hair after shampooing it will reduce tangles and bring out a radiant shine.

But the true benefit of KANGEN Beauty Water ™ is its antioxidant effect, which is a result of the ionization process. The antioxidant strength of this water can be as much as 400% more than any other product available.

KANGEN Water ™ is not only available at your kitchen sink. The ANESPA made by ENAGIC provides 5.5 Beauty Water with high filtration for your bath and shower. It sits on the edge of your bath with a spout for bath water and also has an attached showerhead for hand showering, or for placement in a wall mount. This incredible system removes damaging chlorine and high mineral levels to make your skin and hair silky smooth and as shiny as a child's. Many people even have to use very little shampoo and no conditioner to get optimal results with their hair.


Creating a bath becomes not just a luxury, but also a healing experience for skin irritation, dryness, skin rashes and signs of aging. The high levels of chlorine and treatment chemicals that are present in tap water can strongly affect how your skin feels and how much aging your skin will show. Your skin is the largest organ of detoxification your body has, and chemicals can have a profound effect on the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, cellulite and other toxic effects.

But with the ANESPA, this can all be eliminated with your bath and your shower. Now you can actually treat yourself with age reducing therapy right in your own home, every day. You can even add bath salts, oils and healing herbs for the ultimate spa experience at home. Even detoxification baths are dramatically more effective with the ANESPA system.

Now you can have perfect skin every day. Make your own Kangen Beauty Water right from the comfort of your home...

Questions? 081 514 5615

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