Nadeem Qureshi


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Nadeem Qureshi

Nadim Qureshi hails from Gujar Khan and former vice principal of Army Public School at Bhimber and Gilgit. Prior working for Channel-7, he has served in Thoughts and Adgroup. He has been writing social features in Sunday magazine of Daily Jang. Organizational audit is his main forte thus he wrote a remarkable book, Daman-e-Shab. His heart bleeds over dismal economic condition of Pakistan. He believes in importance of interactive communication for public sector clients like Ministry of Health and Ministry of Population.

In last 12 years, Nadim has successfully managed communication campaigns. He finds Hamlet and Bakistan, one of best English op-eds of Pakistan. Well dressed and soft spoken Nadim Qureshi is loved by students and colleagues. He is married and has two intelligent sons. Hopefully his sons would be effective economists like John Kenneth Galbraith and Dr. Mehbubul Haque. One of his best friends is Syed Sabir Jamil.