品牌故事撰写实例 Brand story


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品牌故事撰写实例“Le Tue Torri”—Brand Story

大家刚上班,我却还在休假,不太好意思过于懒散。把之前的一个小品牌故事润色了一下放了出来。下图这位女士,叫 Cathy,写有一本畅销的葡萄酒小说《Hungry for Wine》。在这一年多几次的见面交流中,她都在传递这一个理念,葡萄酒的滋味纵然千变万化,对大多数消费者而言,他可能也就独善一味,而众多品牌的生命力就更加依赖于,品牌故事。听故事要比盲品容易太多,主人公眉眼的变化甚至是一个场景的不同都能迅速引起听众不同的反应,相较于今天某些地区同质化的葡萄酒生产,如同福音。

所以一个好的葡萄酒从业者,都首先应该有讲故事的能力,而在讲故事的背后,则是如何塑造一个有效真真实,真诚,有感动力的故事。“Le Tue Torri”

双塔,意大利语为“le tue torri”是博洛尼亚市中心的地标建筑,反映了繁荣的中世纪,博洛尼亚豪门相互攀比,构建象征家族权利的高塔故事。如今,两座塔在博洛尼亚中心矗立,相互之间的和谐让人忘却了它们修筑者当年相互之间满怀心机的相互倾轧,如同博洛尼亚历史上的神学与科学的相互斗争。时间涤荡仇怨和不满,如今剩下的都是执子之手,两眼相望泪眼的彼此珍惜。于是,想到了用这作为一个品牌的基础,写下了“le tue torri”的故事。

From Life experience to the work of artBologna is the heart of Italian excellence. It is the home to the most exciting automobile manufacturers: Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Ducati; It is also the origin of various worlds’ famous dishes: tagliatelle with ragu, lasagne and tortellini. It’s the place where the traditional culture collides with the innova-tive technology. Imagine that a man dressing nicely riding a roaring Lamborghini Hurricane to a narrow alley hidden in the corner of the city, and he’s in such a hurry because he might be late for the reservation of Osteria Broccaindosso (whose history dates back to 19th century) for a plate of vegetarian lasagne. All these are in harmony with the atmosphere and would only make sense here.

It is under this background, the founder of “Le tue Torri” laid its foundation in the Colli area of Bologna. Bologna is the city of science, both modern wine-making and medical science thrive here. Sangiovese and Pignoletto are said to be the most prominent varietals in Emilia Romagna region since hundreds of years ago. With respect to tradition and modern technology, for 100 years, the family has continuously planted, harvested, vinified and aged wines from Sangiovese and Pignoletto following an up-to-date innovative system which you may find in many new world countries. Picking the symbol of the famous landscape of Bologna out, Le Tue Torri, as the wines’ name, the white Frizzante Pignoletto and red Sangiovese still wine are just like the two towers standing in the heart of Bologna old town, really standing for the unique life style of Bolognese: respect the tradition while em-bracing the modern technology.

Conquering the worldFor years, Le Tue Torri wines are considered the pride of Bologna, largely con-sumed by the local upper class, they represent quality life style and elegance. While the emerging of wine markets like China and the US, the winery took a journey to redefine its core value.

First stop, China! The great traveller, Marco Polo, is believed to be the person who bridged China and ancient Roma from food to culture. “Le Tue Torri” aims to be the modern Marco Polo, to fill the gap between Italy’s abundance

in wine resource with China’s vast wine market. To allow the customer to un-derstand the wine, Le Tue Torri developed a series of 12 wines symbolized by Chinese 12 Zodiacs. With each wine correlates with and represents one animal, Le Tue Torri uses the characters of each animal to describe the wine. “Year of Monkey” reveals “energetic”, “swift”,“rule breaker”; the corresponding wine is a light, fresh, acid wine blended from Albana and Trebbiano.

In the US, “Le Tue Torri” upgrades its tone from “quality life style” to “Lead the Fashion”, sweet version Pignoletto Frizzante, Rose Sangiovese sparkling together with major customised wine such as: selection of President Donald Trump sparkling, Met-ball Barbera. These wines take the advantage of the trending Italian sparkling Prosecco, attracting a new branch of customers. It reacts to the American Dream Concept. An Italian brand innovates to thrive in American market, like the old immigrants working day and night to fight for a living there.

Never ending JourneyFrom product-centred strategy to Market-centred orientation, Le Tue Torri, like the constantly titling Pisa tour, keeps push off the limit and adapting to the en-vironment. The winery enhances its performance in China by deeply explore the cultural figures in various regions (Peking Opera wine in Peking, Panda wine in Sichuan). While in the US, it invests heavily in the field of social respon-sibility to adapt its image to be more environmentally friendly and organic ori-ented. It’s a never ending journey, Le Tue Torri is ready for the next millennial.