Case Study: - Engaging First Time Voters through Peer-to-Peer Journalism



A Case Study on the blog project that engaged First Time Voters through Peer-to-Peer Journalism in an effort to inform them about the elections to the european parliament 2014.

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Case Study: !Engaging First Time Voters through Peer-to-Peer Journalism

The challenge

Voting age: 16 years 44% said they would want to vote Only 29% did (2009) !

Main reason not to vote: they don’t feel informed they don’t think their vote matters

BUT: youth is generally pro-European. They don't know a life with passports and money exchange


There’s no lack of information:

But: the information is only provided by authorities

Election & Campaign Blogs









…but they are all run by “experts”

Our Solution

Our Solution

28 students Age 15 to 19 Who comment, analyze, report on campaigns

What they did

Portraits of 28 Member countries

What they did

What they did

Expert Guests

Online Action - Offline Impact

Peer Experts


91000 visits 2 Minutes/visit Up to 2000 readers/day !

Reached: Influencers through Twitter Broad appeal through Facebook First-time and Young Voters through in-school, peer-to-peer conversations

What we learned

How to reach young people: Everywhere, but never everyone

What we learned

The "first past the post" deal helped Schulz in Germany, but hurts S&D now. Helpes the European Parliament position vs council

What we learned

Despite Europe-wide campaigns by social democrats and green parties, results are still national BUT awareness for European politics (Junker vs Merkel/Cameron) is rising.

Thanks! Discussion?

Yussi Pick


@yussipick !