Release with confidence


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About Me

Currently CTO at a health tech start-up AristaMD Developing in PHP for ~14 years Author of Dialect (advanced PostgreSQL for

Eloquent) I like to surf, scuba dive, travel, and read San Diego native The last movie I watched was “What we do in the

Shadows” I occasionally say something at: @darrylkuhn

Ground we’re going to cover

Quick intro to postman (calling web services) Quick intro to Jenkins (build automation) Test automation using postman/Jenkins Generating code coverage reports Some philosophy about test automation

This presentation utilizes Laravel 5 but nothing here is really Laravel specific…

A simple service app

We’re going to demo using a fictitious application called

Exposes a RESTful interface to Authenticate with a simple oAuth layer

Get user data

Manage Blog entries

Source at:

…but before we get started a little survey:

Survey: Who is familiar with the term API?

What about REST or RESTful (who’s going to correct me for using them interchangeably)?

Who’s consumed a web service? Built web services?

Who’s built unit tests? Who’s built integration tests?

Who knows what code coverage is?

Who’s using test automation now?

Who’s ever pushed a change to a production and crossed their fingers?


API workflow tool (more @ It’s FREE! Create requests quickly Replay and organize into Collections Switch context quickly with Environments Use JetPacks (a $10 add-on) to test responses with

simple JavaScript Use newman (free) to run tests (built in postman)

on the command line

Postman Interface

Collections give you a simple way to organize your web services, and call them over and over

Postman Interface

Environments provide variables which make it easy to switch from test to production

Postman Interface

Make GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc… calls. Easily include JSON, XML, or plain text payloads

Postman Interface

See your responses

Postman Interface

Test your responses with simple JavaScript (using Jetpacks). Set elements in a “tests” array to capture test results.

Let’s make some calls


Build automation tool (more @ It’s also FREE! Create “Jobs” which are just a series of actions to run in

sequence. Keeps a history of job runs, who ran them, what the result

was. Plugin architecture allows for a rich set of customizations.

Some of the stuff I use: Git Client (build from github source) Junit/CloverPHP (run unit tests and see coverage) Post-Build Script (deploy build artifacts) LDAP Plugin (centralize authentication)

Jenkins Interface

Push button deployment with progress indicator

Jenkins Interface

Dashboard overview of current coverage and test results

Jenkins Interface

Get a history of the jobs you’ve executed. Who, what, when. You get a full change history (if integrated into git) and shell output.

Jenkins Interface

See code coverage (which tests covered which lines of code)

Let’s build a job

Jenkins/Postman Coverage Recipe

1. Create a command to start / stop capturing coverage

2. Add coverage capability to our app3. Create a command to merge newman results

into our PHPUnit results4. Configure Jenkins job to execute the test suite

and capture pass/fail and coverage details


But First…

Let’s quickly dive into sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage


php-code-coverage project

Authored by Sebastian Bergmann (PHPUnitanyone?)

Provides several classes that we’ll be using to store and write coverage details including: PHP_CodeCoverage (this is the main class)

PHP_CodeCoverage_Filter (only capture coverage on specific files/directories)

PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Clover / PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_HTML to output coverage details in different formats


Step 1: Start/stop capturing coverage

Web Service calls take place over several PHP life-cycles unlike PHPUnit (which runs in a single master thread)

We need to Identify at the start of the call’s lifecycle that code

execution should be covered

Persist the captured coverage data somewhere until we’re done with all requests

Persistent storage engine: file (you can use anything really – I use redis in the real world)


Let’s see some codeapp/Console/Commands/TestCoverage.php

Step 2: Add coverage capability to our app

For Laravel that means adding a small piece of Middleware to HTTP/Kernel.php

1. Check if we should be recording coverage

2. Pull any existing coverage from cache or create a new coverage object

3. Register a shutdown function to save off the coverage details when the process is complete


Let’s see some more codeapp/Http/Middleware/Coverage.php

Step 3: Merge results

Load PHPUnit XML Load Postman/Newman JSON Walk the JSON results adding each testsuite &

testcase to the XML result set Write the merged results


Step 3: Merge results

Full XSD at:

<testsuites><testsuite name="Suite Name" tests="int" assertions="int" failures="int"

errors="int" time="seconds"><testsuite name="Request Name" time="seconds" tests="int"

assertions="int" failures="int"><testcase name="Test Name" time="seconds" />



General Structure of the output:

"results": [{

"name": "Request Name","totalTime": int (seconds),"tests": {

"Test 1 Name": bool,"Test 2 Name": bool


General Structure of the input:


Step 3: Merge results

Load PHPUnit XML Load Postman/Newman JSON Walk the JSON results adding each testsuite &

testcase to the XML result set Write the merged results


Code please…app/Console/Commands/MergeTestResults.php

Step 4: Create Jenkins job

Add build action to Turn on coverage collection

Run phpunit

Run newman

Write and merge test and coverage data


Let’s take a look under the hood…

Real life Jenkins example Build Script:composer install

./artisan Testing:Coverage collect

vendor/bin/phpunit --log-junit results/phpunit/phpunit.xml -c phpunit.xml

mkdir -p results/newman/

newman -c postman/collection.json -e postman/build.json -o results/newman/build.json --noColor

./artisan Testing:Coverage write

./artisan Testing:MergeResults

Post-Build Script (success):mkdir -p /var/builds/project/ #Make sure the path exists

cp -rpf ../workspace /var/builds/project/release_$BUILD_ID #Save artifacts

chmod -R g+w /var/builds/project/release_$BUILD_ID

chown -R :ops /var/builds/project/release_$BUILD_ID

rm -f /var/www/project #Remove symlink to old build

ln -s /var/builds/project/release_$BUILD_ID /var/www/project #Symlink new build

cd /var/www/project

./artisan migrate --force #Required for production environment

/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/project/ #Push build out to all servers


In our production environment we have: 549 tests across 111 requests On my Sandbox testing takes

~4 min 30 seconds with coverage

~1 min 30 seconds no coverage

Coverage object reaches 3,350,401bytes (3.2MB) Writing coverage output

Coverage XML: ~15 seconds

Coverage HTML: ~10 seconds

Some philosophy about test automation and coverage

What is the purpose of test automation?

I can change code with confidence

Some philosophy about test automation and coverage

Unit Tests v.s. Integration tests

Write unit tests to test your code, unit tests are for developers

Write integration tests to test your application, integration tests are for the business

Some philosophy about test automation and coverage

What does code coverage really get you?

✓ I know where to focus my testing✓ I know when I add lots of new code that isn’t tested

⃠ I know all my code works all the time

Some philosophy about test automation and coverage

How much coverage is “good”?

✓ 100% coverage doesn’t mean 100% perfect code✓ Coverage establishes a baseline to manage to

✓ Worry about the things that matter – go after low hanging fruit

⃠ Don’t chase a number


