No One Succeeds In A Silo


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  • by Faisal Hoque founder of:


    IN A SILO 9 Essen/al Principles

    for Crea/ng Successful Partnerships

  • Today's stranger may be tomorrow's partner.

    It doesn't ma@er how smart or savvy we are when it comes to technology, product development or

    any single skill. Nobody succeeds in a silo. Whatever we venturepersonal, professional, philanthropic, poli/cal, or privatewe must remember the people

    involved in and essen/al to our success.

  • PURPOSE Every organiza/on needs to pin down why we do what we do.

    Thats the organiza/ons North Star, guiding every aspect from product development, sales, and recruitment of customers and partners.

    A strong purpose drives growth and profitability.

  • PLATFORM If vision is an expression of the soul of a organiza/on,

    plaQorm is its body.

    The assets, whether internal or external, lend the organiza/on its capabili/es and character. These competencies are plaQorms, or

    assets with business applica/ons.


    The best and brightest will be toppled if they cant inspire others.

    It takes a dynamic person with a posi/ve, honest, forward-looking aStude to

    inspire and influence the people involved in building and growing partnerships.

  • COMMUNITY A business ecosystem is "an economic community supported by a founda/on of interac/ng organiza/ons and individuals.

    They are the structure that surrounds and supports our businesses. These ecosystems, encourage organiza/ons to coevolve their capabili/es.

  • COMMUNICATION Direct communica/on leads to


    If you cant say something clearly and directly, wait un/l you can ar/culate it

    to yourself.

  • THINK AHEAD We need to surround ourselves with forward thinkers.

    Since we know that what were doing today will change tomorrow, we need to forge trus/ng, resilient teams, a constella/on of partnerships.

  • THINK LONG TERM To thrive within a vola/le world, leaders must be aware of the present moment while simultaneously seSng their sights on long-term goals.

    Since value crea/on is qualita/ve as well as quan/ta/ve, no metric can completely capture success.

  • Partnreships are oXen unpredec/blecomfort with uncertain/es provide confidence for success.

    SeSng smaller goals offers us posi/ve reinforcement when we achieve them.



    Partnership needs changes, leaders need to keep evolving at the right pace.

    That requires introspec/on, self-awareness, and a keen sense of strategy

    both in the short- and long-terms.

  • Shadokas porQolio of offerings enables entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact. Our customers and partners aspire to create sustainable value. They are focused on repeatable and measurable impact. We enable their aspira;ons. We bring together the management frameworks, digital plaQorms, and thought leadership for:

    Evalua/on, execu/on, and

    monitoring of programs Scaling sales, revenue, and

    profitability Crea/on and management of digital

    communi/es and marketplaces

    About SHADOKA

    Follow us @shadokaventures

  • About Me Founder of Shadoka and other companies. Shadoka enables entrepreneurship, growth, and social impact.

    Formerly of GE and other global brands. Author of several books, including Everything Connects How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Crea:vity, Innova:on and Sustainability (McGraw Hill, 2014) and Survive to Thrive 27 Prac:ces of Resilient Entrepreneurs, Innovators, And Leaders (Mo/va/onal Press, 2015).

    Follow me @faisal_hoque