Social Media & Evangelism | Lexis Nexis | 4th June 2014



Developing Social Media (Lexis Nexis event) - 4th June 2014.

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Social Media and Business.


1. Make Social Less Scary 2. Encouraging Partners to use Social Media 3. Personal Branding 4. Creating/Developing New Brands

5. Working in a Globalised Market

6. Summary/Finish

7. Roundtable

Making Social Less Scary.

Making Social Less Scary.

Making Social Less Scary.

•  74% of B2B marketing companies use Twitter to distribute content

•  58% of marketers who have been using Social Media for

more than 3 years report it has helped them improve sales •  For B2B companies, LinkedIn was the most effective, with

65% having acquired a customer through the professional network

•  55% of B2B survey respondents search for information on Social Media

The Stakeholders.

•  Marketing team •  PR agency/team and other communication agencies

•  Company-wide management

•  Legal team

•  Campaign managers

•  Human Resources •  Owners/Directors

The Haters.

•  People are always going to talk about your business

•  Doing nothing is the worst thing a company can do in a crisis

•  Trust is built on listening, not talking

•  Education is the key to successful Social Media execution (training, communication)

•  Consider the competition

The Rest Are Doing It.

Source: HubSpot 2013

Partner Buy In.

Partner Buy In.

Partner Buy In.

•  When you talk about Social Media people look at you like you are crazy?

•  People tell you that Twitter is for telling people what sandwich

you ate? •  Professionals/Partners/Associates ignore your emails? •  You feel like you can not make any headway?

Benefits of Social Media marketing:

•  Generating more business exposure (85%) •  Increasing traffic (69%) •  Providing marketplace insight (65%)

Convert Them.

•  Social Media is about people. It always was, always will be

•  Employers/clients/customers will look at your profile

•  Hiding ‘behind the curtain’ will ruin your chances of career development

•  Everyone else is doing it

•  Marketing and sales is changing. You can’t stand still and do nothing

•  A changing digital landscape

•  SEO is adapting > more social influenced results

•  Financial, marketing, branding, risk management

Convert Them. Action Points.

1.  Present what the competition are doing

2.  Present success stories

3.  Start a plan (including goals) of what you want to achieve. Start by just listening

4.  Provide them with as much (free) material as possible – eBooks, white papers, blog content

Case Study.

Plan •  Engage with B2B marketing professionals •  Raise awareness of HubSpot’s inbound marketing

expertise •  Set HubSpot apart from competitors   Results •  16,500 followers and 82,000 group members •   Exponentially higher conversions for customers than

other social networks

277% LinkedIn more effective for lead generation than

Facebook & Twitter 

Personal Branding.

The Choice of Channels.

Leading The Personal Brand.

•  Social Media is about people

•  Employers/clients/Partners/Associates will look at your profile

•  Hiding ‘behind the curtain’ will ruin your chances of career development

•  Everyone else is doing it

82% of employees say they trust a company more when the CEO and leadership team

communicate via Social Media

LinkedIn Branding.

1. Use a consistent profile picture 2. Always link to your proudest work – you are what you link! 3. Keep your updates and profiles public 4. Promote others, whilst keeping self-promotion to a minimum 5. Follow, connect and communicate with fellow industry experts 6. Be consistent

Personal Branding. SG.

Offered full time employment

Gets headhunted by Skype

Networks with

connections via Twitter

Lives in Madrid. Freelancer. Tapas 24/7

Takes unpaid Intern job

Personal Branding.

1. Lead the way. Show your Partners/Associates how it should be done. #PracticeWhatYouPreach 2. Always link to your proudest work – you are what you link! 3. Keep your updates and profiles public 4. Promote others, whilst keeping self-promotion to a minimum 5. Follow, connect and communicate with fellow industry experts. Share these with others 6. Be consistent – Keep updates topical

Action Points.

Creating & Developing a Brand.

Creating & Developing a Brand.

•  A consistent messaging •  A consistent voice •  Social Media training and easy to understand

documentation •  Visible staff members

•  Communicating thought leadership

•  Personality

•  Policy document •  Crisis plan •  Brand guidelines •  Publishing guidelines

•  Content Calendar

Social Media Documentation.

Social Media Content Calendar.

Items Platform(s)

Core Message (including character length)

Geographic targeting


Social assets

Launch date/time

Approval date/time


Social Media Policy.

•  Introduce the purpose of Social Media •  Emphasise the responsibility of what you write •  Be authentic and exercise ‘good judgement’ •  Understand the concept of community •  Respect copyright and fair use •  Protect confidential and proprietary information •  Bring value by using Social Media •  Enforce it with iterative updates


Working Globalised.

Challenges Working Globalised.

•  Different time zones

•  Different languages

•  Different technologies

•  Different cultures and expectations

•  Different platforms of choice

•  A globalised audience wants a globalised presence

Benefits of Being Globalised.

•  Non-proprietary platform, technology •  Real-time communication

•  Allow customer feedback to dictate future marketing tactics

•  Increase collaborative teamwork

  Messages need to stay consistent regardless of the

region, language, cultural reference points, platform and tactics; they all need to be tailored per

each market.

Getting Your Name Found. Alerts.



Hootsuite. Killer Extras.

Geo-target messages

Archive brand mentions


“Use the tool that will facilitate your aims, objectives and business goals. Don’t be fooled by shiny buttons. Shiny buttons,

dull features.”

Steven Gradidge

Main Learnings. 1. Social business is a journey, not a destination 2. Define and articulate a vision 3. Educate and empower 4. Show your team how they will benefit personally and professionally 5. Bring believers in early 6. Know your stuff 7. Know your goals and how to measure them 8. Stop the random acts of marketing 9. Be social, not foolish 10. Practice what you preach 

Main Action Points. 1. Get your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles polished and up to scratch 2. Join/Follow some industry relevant groups/accounts/profiles 3. Go to and claim your usernames 4. Register with Hootsuite, Buffer and Feedly; add profiles, add competitor handles and start making updates 5. Develop a plan incl: calendar, guidelines, policy documentation 6. Look at investing in a dedicated CM (Community Manager) 7. Take Social Media seriously

Social Media Resources.

The Boiling Frog.

