Agapia mp (nx power_lite)


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Mănăstirea Agapia a fost construită de Hatmanul Gavril Coci, între anii 1642-1644 şi sfinţită la 12 septembrie 1647, de �Mitropolitul Varlaam al Moldovei, în prezenţa domnitorului Vasile �Lupu. Biserica a fost pictată, la interior, de Nicolae Grigorescu (între anii 1858 – 1861). Biserica mănăstirii deţine o icoană făcătoare de �minuni a Maicii Domnului, primită de domnitorul Alexandru cel Bun de la Impăratul Bizantin Manuel Paleologul.În incinta mănăstirii se găseste un muzeu de artă medievală şi religioasă, o bibliotecă cu un patrimoniu de peste 12.000 de volume. 

AGAPIA MONASTERY.  Agapia was built by Hatman Gavril Coci (Vasile Lupu’s brother), between 1642-1644. It stands in a lovely setting in the foothills of the Carpathians. The church was painted by Nicolae Grigorescu in 1858 when he was 18. This was before he went to study in Paris and Barbizon. The painter left his self-portrait here in the figure of Daniel, one of the saints in the upper left hand side of the iconos-tasis.     The monastery museum was opened in 1922 and presents religious objects from the XlX-XXth centuries. The library of the monastery has 12,000 volumes including many manuscripts and old books from the XVI-XVIIth centuries. Agapia has a miracle-working icon of The Virgin Mary. It was one of several icons given to Alexandru cel Bun by the Byzantine Emperor Manuel Paleolog.

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