Experience of (Ichikaway iteigo1)




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Experience ofCakeFest speaker

2010/10/29ITEigo #1

@ichikaway / @cakephper

I am ...

Yasushi Ichikawa (@ichikaway) I've used CakePHP since 2008 not use English in my work

What is CakeFest?

CakePHP: PHP Flamework International conference of CakePHP

– 2008(USA), 2009(Berlin) CakeFest2010@Chicago Cake core devs and users from many countries 2days workshop, 2days conference


Why did I attend?

Cakefest2010 – speaker– “How to use MongoDB with Cake”

– Author of MongoDB Datasource of CakePHP Great chance and callenge!

– Have a topic to talk

– MongoDB is hot now

– hesitated to submit my proposal at first

– improve my English(Big pressure)

– make many friends of Cake develpers


Don't hesitate

Read “More bad English please”– encourage me, give me confidence

Some tips

Make friends before attending– contact with Twitter or Tweet with Hashtag

– attending party Presentation

– Have a enough time to speak and Demo

– Don't remember everything• need a lot of practice

– Speak slowly, loud

Thank you!Thank you!