Intro to AdWords eMTI


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Google AdWords

AdWords Coordinator





na doume mazi kapia endiaferonta highlights apo tin parousiasi Tourismos kai Prokliseis diadiktiou ta opoia sxetizontai me ayta pou tha sizitisoume sti synexeia


61% online

+22% 2008

171 . Google


Hitwise Monthly Category Report, June 2007

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Search is a core consumer behaviour, in fact Search is the #2 most popular activity on the web, second only to email. In November normally a slow month for travel bookings, over 2.8m search queries were made on vacation-related terms. In fact more than 52% of consumers cite search as being important to the travel planning process.

When your think about search, you most likely think about search advertising, but the truth is search is a natural behavior that starts early and ties what you hear from other people (friends, families, co-workers) to your own curiosity. You see an ad on TV, you hear a radio spot on your way home work and the first thing you do is go straight to search to find more information. It doesnt matter what time of day it is available 24/7. Its easy, convenient .and always on!



holidays in Crete



***Click to add red highlight of natural results***

***Click to add green highlight of top paid-for results***

***Click to add green highlight of side paid-for results***

In this instance we can see paid-for results dominated by specialist players rather than the major operators.


This example is for searches holidays in Crete from Germany.

***Click to add red highlight of natural results***

***Click to add green highlight of top and side paid-for results***

In this instance leading brands such as Thomas Cook, Alltours and Ltur are leading the paid-for advertising results.


A third example, this time the more general holidays in Greece, from Italy.

***Click to add red highlight of natural results***

***Click to add green highlight of top and side paid-for results***

This search returns advertisements from a wide range of players including TUI, CTS, Expedia and lastminute.


Google Search

Source: comScore MediaMetrix, November 2006





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100,000+ sites


Google -

Source: Custom Analysis by comScore Networks, April 2006

Slide Title: The Google Content Network is the Largest Online Ad Network in Europe

The content network allows you to extend your reach across the internet. When you take advantage of both our search and content networks, youll show your ads across the #1 advertising network in Europe. This statistic refers to third-party networks, rather than propriety networks such as MSN, Yahoo etc.

Alone, the Google content network has 42 billion pageviews per month, and reaching 119 million unique viewers per month equaling almost 82% of internet users.

We have hundreds of thousands of sites in the content network, giving unrivalled choice and immense breadth of categories.



Paradeigmata tetoiwn isgtoselidwn opou I dikia sas diafimisi mporei na emfanistei


Luxury Cruise to Mars. Visit the red planet in style.Low-gravity fun for everyone!www.example.comYou dont just need to stick with text ads on the content network. You can show image or flash ads in sizes like leaderboard or banner. You can also show video ads. With video ads, well again automatically show them on sites relevant to the content of the Ad Group. A user can click on the ad to play your video clip so this is a great way of engaging a user with your product.

Video Ad Demo On Blank Page:

**Text and image ads have been around for some time, so lets talk about video ads in a little more detail today. Video ads can be easily created within your Ad Groups Details page when you wish to create a new ad, it can be easily created through the Video ad link.


Hotels HeraklionGr8 deals for Call 020 7111 1222

., eMarketer, July 2007

Mobile Ads



The first step is to visit the AdWords site and click Sign up now.

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You can choose from two different levels of account. Starter Edition is a pared down, simplified version of AdWords. If youre nervous of advertising online, this is a great way to start you set up a single ad, and what you want to spend on your advertising. You can graduate to Standard Edition at any time. Its as simple as that! Today, its Standard Edition well focus on. This offers you the fullest range of features within your account, at no extra cost. Once we bear a few simple principles in mind, its easy and effective to use. And by the end of todays session, well all be pros!

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You also want to choose the keywords or search terms that will trigger your ad when a user searches on Google. The more closely these relate to your specific service or offering the better. In this case, weve chosen keywords like plumber london and plumbing service london meaning our ad will show on Google when these terms are typed in by a user.


Mention the provision of the AdWords voucher here

The final step were going to talk about here allows you to choose your cost and payment settings.

Pay either before or after you gain clicks on Google. You can use methods such as bank transfer or credit card payment.

Your CPC is your cost-per-click. Its the maximum amount youd be willing to pay for a click to your ad. Your CPC bid, along with the relevance of your keywords and ad text determines your position on Google.

Finally, your budget is the most you want to pay per day on advertising clicks. If your budget runs out on a given day, your ad simply stops showing. So you never pay more for clicks than your overall budget allows.

Set your budget
There's no minimum spending requirement--the amount you pay for AdWords is up to you. You can, for instance, set a daily budget of five dollars and a maximum cost of ten cents for each click on your ad.

Avoid guesswork
We provide keyword traffic and cost estimates so you can make informed decisions about choosing keywords and maximizing your budget. (Estimate keyword costs)

Pay only for results
You're charged only if someone clicks your ad, not when your ad is displayed.





StatistikaRythmiseis kampanias


: = clicks

= /click (CPC) x (QS)


clicks !




CTR - clicks

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More specific keywords tend to convert at a higher rate than general keywords

Users searching for brand names and product IDs, have typically already researched their product and want to make a purchase.



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Google AdWords online .



Conversion tracking ( )




Google AdWords


30 EUR 0.30 CPC = 100 clicksConversion Tracking: 10 = EUR 10 30 EUR >>> 100 EUR

Ideally, you want your advertising to pay for itself, with you making greater and greater profits! Heres roughly how your budgeting should work. Supposing you invest 30 in AdWords initially; for this, you gain about 100 clicks at a cost-per-click of 0.30. If 10% of those clicks then covert into sales on your site, and if the average value of each sale is 10, then your original investment of 30 has brought you 100 in sales. From here, you can reinvest your profits, increase your budget, and bring in more and more sales over time.

Google AdWords :

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: Google 85% .

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Ad scheduling: run your ads on the days and hours you want.



Learning Center


50 EUR




Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Google Confidential and Proprietary
