[Osaka]AMIMOTO(HHVM) hands-on #cmsdou


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  1. 1. HANDS-ON July 4,2015 - Osaka
  2. 2. CEO + HBT DigitalCube Co. Ltd. AWS SAMURAI 2013
  3. 3. Amazon Web Services Advanced Consulting Partner
  4. 4. Were in love with Community.
  5. 5. Sapporo Aomori Akita Yamagata Sendai Nagaoka Fukui Tokyo Wakayama Kobe Osaka Kochi Tokushima Kagawa Ehime Fukuoka Kumamoto Oita Kagoshima Okinawa Bangkok HiroshimaSingaporePhilippines San Francisco Hands-ON-Training 26 8Co-Organizer JAWS-UG 2013,2014 JAWS-UG JAWS FESTA 2013,2014 JAWS DAYS 2013,2014,2015 JAWS-UG
  6. 6. AMIMOTO User Group
  7. 7. ?
  8. 8.
  9. 9. What is HHVM?
  10. 10. HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve superior performance while maintaining the development exibility that PHP provides. HHVMPHP HHVMPHP JIT
  11. 11. ?
  12. 12.
  13. 13. ?
  14. 14. eCommerce Media
  15. 15. Enterprise Multilingual
  16. 16. ?
  17. 17. HHVM vs php-fpm Cache: OFF : Loader.io : c3.large Duration: 1 Type: 0- 300(Maintain client load) http://ja.amimoto-ami.com/2015/05/07/amimoto-hhvm/
  18. 18. HHVM vs php-fpm (TOP) hhvm
  19. 19. HHVM vs php-fpm (TOP)
  20. 20. HHVM vs php-fpm (admin) php-fpm150-200 50x HHVM
  21. 21. PHP7 vs HHVM http://talks.php.net/uent15#/wpbench
  22. 22. ?
  23. 23. !
  24. 24. ..
  25. 25. Cache / Memory PHP 5.6 Plugin
  26. 26.
  27. 27. PHP
  28. 28. $ sudo git -C /opt/local/chef-repo/cookbooks/amimoto/ pull origin master $ sudo vi /opt/local/amimoto.json # { "hhvm" : { "enabled": true }, "run_list" : [ "recipe[amimoto]" ] } # hhvm php-fpm { "phpfpm" : { "enabled": true }, "run_list" : [ "recipe[amimoto]" ] } $ sudo /opt/local/provision Command
  29. 29. Great performance!
  30. 30. FreeTrial
  31. 31. Price https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00V5JYXTO $0.025*720/h=$18/mon $0.02*8640/h+$40=$215.2/yr RI(1/yr)$126+8640/h+$40=$166/yr
  32. 32.
  33. 33. HANDS-ON
  34. 34. Login to AWS
  35. 35. EC2: Elastic Cloud Compute Provides the exibility you need Scales up on high trafc Scales down on low trafc
  36. 36. Amimoto EC2 Instance
  37. 37. Associate IP Address
  38. 38. Paste to your browser.
  39. 39. You can now enjoy posting!
  40. 40. Scale Up of Instances The Elastic nature allows you to instantly scale up to meet spikes in trafc or demand.
  41. 41. Before you scale up your instance, you must rst STOP the current one. Currently, you have t2.micro instance.
  42. 42. Change the Instance Type:
  43. 43. Scale up from t2.micro to t2.small
  44. 44. Scale Down of Instances
  45. 45. Before you scale down your instance, you must rst STOP the current one. Currently, you have t2.small instance.
  46. 46. Scale down from t2.small to t2.micro
  47. 47. SFTP
  48. 48. to access & manage les on remote le systems to transfer les between hosts SFTP clients are programs using SSH (Secure File Transfer Protocol) encrypts commands & data (unlike FTP) preventing passwords & sensitive info transmission functionally similar to SSH, but uses different protocols you cannot use standard FTP to connect to SFTP servers you cannot use clients that only support SFTP to connect to FTP servers
  49. 49. FTP (FileTransfer Protocol) SFTP (SSH Secure FileTransfer) Cyberduck Transfer anything Distribute your contents in the cloud Open Source Multilingual https://cyberduck.io/
  50. 50. $ chmod 600 { }xxxx.pem $ ssh -i { }xxxx.pem ec2-user@{IP} $ curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amimoto-ami/run-httpd-as-ec2-user/master/ run-httpd-as-ec2-user.sh sudo bash Log in with SSH
  51. 51. Terminating the Instance You stop getting billed Instance shutdown
  52. 52. And thats it, youve terminated the instance!
  53. 53. Release EIP Address *After releasing an Elastic IP address: you cannot get it back stopped getting charged
  54. 54. Create an AMIMOTO instance Associate EIP Address Launch AMIMOTO RECAP Build a powerful website Scale up Scale down Terminate an Instance Release EIP Address
  55. 55. WordPress on AWS WordPress Sites Powered by What makes clients happy RECAP High Performance sites Business impact and Global impact of Powerful sites
  56. 56. @Amimoto_Ami http://amimoto-ami.com/ Thank you!