Resolution to Reality: Declutter Your PC/Mac in 4 Easy Steps



A LearnSurge ( Presentation.Has your computer, shared drive and cloud-based storage world become a mess of lost files, duplicate documents, and missing information.Do you find yourself spending more and more time looking for that one picture? one document? A digital declutter can help organize your PC, your mind and speed up your computer.In this course, you will learn:How to easily dedupe your filesOrganize your files so they can be located quicklyTips on how to keep yourself organized for the futureHow to ensure you do not lose your files, music and photos.About the Instructor:Diana Silveira is the President of Novare Library Services, a company that focuses on web, mobile and infrastructure services for libraries. Previous to starting Novare Library Services, she was the Virtual Reference Manager for Florida’s Ask a Librarian Service. When she is not playing with gadgets and gizmos, she enjoys diving and kayaking.

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  • 1. RESOLUTION TO REALITY: DECLUTTER YOUR PC/MAC IN 4 EASY STEPS Instructor:Diana SilveiraPresident, Novare Library Services

2. Image from 3. ORGANIZE 4. AGENDA Organize Purge Changes Prevent 5. PICK A FOLDER OR FILE TYPE 6. ORGANIZE 7. CREATE FOLDERS Right Click on Desktop (or within folder) New > Folder Name Meaningfully 8. EVERYTHING HAS A PLACE No Files left on Desktop or in folder Create as many folders as needed Folders Need Meaningful Names Tip: Use Folder View with Preview On to peak at files without opening them or use the slide arrow to make images largest enough to preview 9. MOVING FILES PC: Hold control to select multiple files Control + X = Cut Control + V = Paste Control + A = Select All Alternatively, you can drag files to a new folder Mac Hold Command to select Multiple Files One select, click and drag to new folder Tip: Make sure you cut or move files and dont copy 10. RENAME FILES Image003 v. 2011JulyGabrielPoolParty100 11. PURGE 12. PURGE EACH FOLDER Do you need every version? How many pictures of the same tree? Do you need it? 13. Do you reallyneed it?Picture Source 14. RUN DUPLICATE FILE SOFTWARE Some software choices*: Duplicate Cleaner (PC Based) Duplicate Files Searcher for Mac 15. HITTING THE DECLUTTERING MIND FOG? Warning Signs You start doing things in largegroups without looking You start to make mistakes Your eyes glaze over Take a break/call it a day 16. CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS 17. CHANGE YOUR SET-UP Change your default Save Destination & Download Destinations toDesktop (Not my documents or downloads- where things will justgather) 18. CHROME> Chrome> Click on Wrench > Options 19. FIREFOX Click on Down Arrow under Firefox Name (Upper Left Corner) >Options > Downloads 20. INTERNET EXPLORER Click on Nut > View Downloads> Options 21. SAFARI Click on Nut > Preferences > General 22. WORDFile > Options > Advanced > General 23. PREVENTION 24. NEVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN When Downloading Rename Pictures, Documents give ameaningful Name Date Event Person Tag if possible 25. DOWNLOADING PICTURESDelete, Delete, Delete 26. THE KEYClear Your Desktop 27. BONUS STEPS 28. SAVE REVISIONS NOT NEW FILES ORUTILIZE THE CLOUD Google Docs Microsoft Skyline 29. ARCHIVE OFF SITE Vital Documents Old files you need but dont often access 30. Questions or Want to Learn More @ LearnSurge:Diana Silveiradiana@novarelibrary.com877.