ZeroMq ZooKeeper and FlatBuffers


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ZeroMQ, ZooKeeper & FlatBuffers

Ravi Okade @ Code Camp NYC

Agenda:ZeroMQ Pub-SubZooKeeper Leader ElectionFlatBuffers SerializationDownload sample code here:

Demo Weather Application- Publishes weather info via ZeroMQ

- Publisher is a Console app. WPF and Console Subscribers.

- Starts with a simple string serialization

- Then switch to FlatBuffers for serialization

- Then add ZooKeeper:- Publishers use ZK to ensure only one publisher at a time

- Subscribers listen to ZK for any change in the publisher and re-initialize ZeroMQ

- All code runs on a single machine for the demo

- The demo is to demonstrate concepts and not to measure performance

- Code is available on Git here: TODO


I am confused with all these products ending with MQ!- ZeroMQ, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, QPID, Kafka..

Some good references:




Publisher (publishes weather data by zipcode)

Subscriber (subscribes to weather data by zipcode)

Features- Handles slow subscriber

- Resilient to publisher aborts

- Multiple language support (.NET, Java, Python..)

- Subscription filters

- Fast!

NetMQ .NET port of zeromq

FlatBuffers Intro

FlatBuffers- Create Schema:

namespace codecamp;table Weather{



root_type Weather;

- Compile: flatc -n weather.schema

Compare FlatBuffers with:

ZooKeeperZooKeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applications.

ZooKeeper is very popular for leader election implementation and is widely used in the Hadoop eco-system.

What else is ZooKeeper used for?- Service discovery

- Leader election (this demo)

- Configuration repository, group membership

- Barriers

- Queue, Priority Queue

- Locks

- Two phase commit

ZooKeeper Leader Election



ZooKeeper Service


Co-ordinating who is the leader

Notifying when leader changes

ZooKeeper leader election strategy- Like a DMV token system

- Zookeeper assigns an id to each publisher

- The process with lowest id is the leader

- If any process dies, Zookeeper sends a notification; the process with next lowest id becomes the leader

- Note - ZooKeeper is an ordered system and guarantees consistency; hence each id is assigned only once

ZooKeeper is also used for:- Service Discovery

- Distributed Key-value store (database)

- Configuration store

- Many more: Barriers/Locks, Queues, 2phase Commit:

Compare ZooKeeper with:

Apache Curator - a framework over Zookeeper

Eureka (by Netflix)

References (.NET Client for 0MQ) (newer .NET Client for 0MQ)Download sample code here:
