Firefalls (火瀑布)

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changcy0326Music: Blue Mountain


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Yosemite Entrance 優勝美地入口處

Gateway to Yosemite優勝美地入口收費站

El Capitan

Yosemite El Capitan優勝美地 酋長岩

El Capitan 酋長岩

El Capitan Winter Sunset酋長岩冬季日落

Horsetail Fall and Rainbow 馬尾瀑布 和 彩虹

Fire Fall 火瀑布

Horsetail Fall is seasonal waterfall which flows in winter and early spring. The fall comes off the El Capitan mountain in two distinct streams and drops some 1570 feet onto steep slabs spraying up in a mist before continuing down another 500 feet to the bottom of the mountain.

But as beautiful as the fall is by itself, it is the few days every year during the last two weeks of February when it becomes the "fire fall" that people wait for. As the sun sets, and dips behind the horizon line, everything will begin to go dark and it will seem, for a moment, as if the firefall has failed to ignite. But as the last of the sunlight disappears it will hit and reflect off the falls at the exact right angle creating a spectacular, if short lived, effect which looks like a beautiful flowing cascade of fluid fire.

馬尾 (Horsetail) 瀑布是冬天和初春季節性的瀑布。瀑布從酋長岩( El Capitan )山上以兩條獨特的水柱流下,自 1570 英尺飛洩而下,灑落在陡峭的一些岩盤上,噴起一陣薄霧,然後繼續瀉入另一個 500 英尺的山谷。

不過,瀑布的美麗是發自其本身,人們等待著每年 2 月最後兩星期的某幾天,它變成了「火瀑布」。當太陽西下,降到地平線之後,萬物開始變黑但仍然看得到,這時刻,好像「火瀑布」還沒有點燃。但是當最後的陽光消失,在準確的角度,即使很短暫,光線衝擊反射下,創造一個壯觀的瀑布,效果看起來像一個美麗的 流動火燄 階梯狀瀑布。

The Firefalls of Yosemite 優勝美地的「火瀑布」

資料來源 All Data and photos from www

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