Thai Hilltribes in the North

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Over 100 years ago, the Hilltribe peoples migrated south from China into what are now Burma, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. The six major tribes are the Karen (Kariang, Yang), the Hmong (Meo), the Yao (Mien), the Akha (Ekaw), the Lisu (Lisaw), and the Lahu (Mussur). The main profession of all these tribes is farming, and all of them tend to migrate whenever they feel that the soil at their present location is becoming depleted. Each tribe is district, with its own culture, religion, language, art, and dress. With Thailand undergoing rapid modern development, it is difficult yet to say whether these tribes will continue in their traditional ways of life, or whether they will eventually be absorbed into the surrounding, and ever more-encroaching, Thai society.!!!!! This is a notes page presentation. If you want more information, read speaker notes or after the download, follows the steps: File-new-read only-view-notes page!!!!

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În munţii din nord existã încã sate ale triburilor aborigene trãind ca-n epoca de piatrã dar care se adapteazã rapid la cererile turismului

Triburile Akha, Hmong, Meo sau Yao din munţi, populaţii rupte de civilizaţie, şi-au pãstrat cu sfinţenie tradiţia ritualurilor animiste

Femeie din tribul Akha

În ultimii ani s-a dezvoltat mult „comercializarea” triburilor din munţi şi circuitele turistice includ vizitarea satelor

Sat Yao

Femeile din tribul Yao poartã turbane bleumarin şi veste decorate cu boa roşii

Bătrânii, în afarã de limba thailandezã, cunosc mai multe limbi tribale şi pot scrie şi citi chinezeşte


Nicoleta Leu


Sanda Foişoreanu

♦ Muay Thai - Traditional Thai music
