中國老式汽車集結賽 China Classic Car Rally 暨港京拉力賽31週年纪念行 with Hong Kong Beijing Rally 31 st Anniversary Celebration

China Classic Car Rally China 2016

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中國老式汽車集結賽China Classic Car Rally

暨港京拉力賽31週年纪念行with Hong Kong Beijing Rally 31st Anniversary Celebration




CCCR是什麼? 中國⽼式汽⾞集結賽(CCCR)是由中國汽⾞摩托⾞運動聯合會主辦,北京⾦港胡潤汽⾞⽂化發展有限公司承辦的⾼端古典汽⾞集結賽。從倫敦出發⾄北京,利⽤⾹港、珠三⾓、⻑三⾓、環渤海等經濟實⼒强、輻射作⽤宏⼤的地區優勢,透過賽事及周邊的活動,為參加者及合作伙伴捉緊中國「⼀帶⼀路」中南綫的發展機遇。

China Classic Car Rally(CCCR)is a high-end rally competition for antique classic cars organized by Federation of Automobile and Motorcycle Sports of People’s Republic of China and supported by Bei j ing Goldenport Hurun Automobi le Culture Development Co. Ltd. The brand new route, starting from London to Beijing, promotes economic cooperation in China thank to its “Belt and Road Initiatives”.


2016 2016 CCCR




1985年 Back to 1985

1985年,555⾹港﹣北京拉⼒賽是新中國的第⼀場汽⾞賽事,也 是 中 國 汽 ⾞ 運 動 的 原 點,3,000公⾥,培育了當今中國汽⾞運動的中堅⼒量。


Year 1985 the first ever Hong Kong – Beijing Rally, 3,000 kilometers, sets the milestone of China Motorsports

中國⽼式汽⾞集結賽China Classic Car Rally




China International Classic Car Rally 2016

創新與開拓 A new adventure ahead 2016年,港京三⼗⼀週年,CCCR是由中國汽⾞摩托⾞運動聯合會主辦,北京⾦港胡潤汽⾞⽂化發展有限公司承辦的⾼端古典汽⾞集結賽。全新線路,從倫敦出發⾄北京,利⽤⾹港、珠三⾓、⻑三⾓、環渤海等經濟實⼒强、輻射帶動作⽤⼤的地區優勢,以競賽、⽂化體驗、⾼端活動、品牌推廣、嘉年華和公益⾏的多樣化形式交叉展開,穿越空間和時間,探索和發現新的經典和感動,為參加者及合作伙伴捉緊中國「⼀帶⼀路」中南綫的發展機遇。Year 2016, 31st Anniversary of HK Beijing Rally, Beijing Goldenport Hurun Automobile Culture Development Co. Ltd. proudly organizes the CCCR with the Federation of Automobile and Motorcycle Sports of People’s Republic of China. The brand new route from London to Beijing links the major commercial prosperities in China and catches the China Belt and Road Initiatives.

香港 Hong Kong

廈門 Xiamen

上海 Shanghai

北京 Beijing



價值 Our value

首屈一指的國際老式汽車賽事 One of the best world-class classic car rally event

國際交流推動老式汽車文化 Chance to gather the classic car fans across the world to exchange idea and knowledge of classic cars

開拓中國老式汽車商機 To create the classic car market in China

捉緊「一帶一路」經貿機遇 To catch the China Belt and Road Imitative by various commercial events along the route

全新倫-港-京路線結合多元活動 提升品牌知名度

The new London-Hong Kong-Beijing route extends the business and branding opportunities

結合經貿、體育、人文新體驗 CCCR is a combination of business, sports and cultural experience







03參賽須知About enrolment

比賽日期 Dates 路線 Routes 比賽組別 Class 費用 Fees

隨行支援隊伍 Support team 報名文件 Documentations 截止日期 Enrolment deadline 付款方式 Payment methods


歡迎晚宴 Welcome Dinner

⽇期 Date: 17/09/2016 (週六 SAT)地點 Location: ⾹港 Hong Kong

03 Dates

比賽 Competition

⽇期 Date: 18/09/2016 (週⽇ SUN) ⾄ to 30/09/2016 (週五 FRI)

起步點 Start: ⾹港 Hong Kong終點 Finish: 北京 Beijing


香港至北京 Hong Kong - Beijing

17/9 香港歡迎晚宴 Welcome dinner in HK 18 香港 - 汕頭 Hong Kong – Shantou 19 汕头 - 厦門 Shantou – Xiamen 20  厦門 - 福州 Xiamen – Fuzhou 21  福州 - 温州 Fuzhou – Wenzhou 22  温州 - 寧波 Wenzhou – Ningbo 23  寧波 - 上海 Ningbo – Shanghai 24  上海 Shanghai 25  上海 - 南京 Shanghai – Nanjing 26  南京 - 徐州 Nanjing – Xuzhou 27 - Xuzhou – Jinan 28  - Jinan – Beijing 29  北京 Beijing 30 北京 - 香港 Beijing – Hong Kong

03 Routes ( TBC)


古典車組 Classic Cars

截⾄2016年9⽉1⽇,出廠時間達30年或以上,能在路⾯合法使⽤之⽼式汽⾞。 Road legal cars aged 30 years or more, by 1st September 2016. The organizing committed reserves the final right on the interpretation of the eligibility and entry of cars.

03 Classes

公開組 Open Class

不限出廠年份,7座位或以下(包括司機座位),並以汽油或柴油作為⾞⽤燃料的之常規汽⾞。 Open for private cars (7 seated or below) that use gasoline or diesel as fuel, regardless the year of manufacture.


注意事項 Special notice

03 Classes

⽐賽為⾮競速性質的集結賽,按規定時間規定限速,遵守中國⼤陸及⾹港道路交通法規,全程在公共道路⾏駛。賽事組委會保留參賽資格的解釋權。 This is not a speed racing rally, all cars will run on the public road during the whole course, participants MUST follow the traffic laws in both China mainland and Hong Kong.�



每車費用 (一車兩人) Fees per car (2 persons) 由香港出發 From Hong Kong (包括關費 Including customs fees) *

(17/9 30/9 // 14 D / 13 N) 人民幣 RMB: 港幣 HKD: 美元 USD: Full : Hong Kong - Beijing 130,000 155,000 20,000

(17/9 24/9 // 8 D / 7 N) 人民幣 RMB: 港幣 HKD: 美元 USD: Half : Hong Kong - Shanghai 90,000 110,000 14,000

由深圳/上海出發 From Shenzhen / Shanghai *

(18/9 30/9 // 13 D / 12 N) 人民幣 RMB: 港幣 HKD: 美元 USD: Full : Shenzhen - Beijing 120,000 145,000 18,500

(18/9 24/9 // 7 D / 6 N) 人民幣 RMB: 港幣 HKD: 美元 USD: Half : Shenzhen - Shanghai 80,000 95,500 12,300

(24/9 30/9 // 7 D / 6 N) 人民幣 RMB: 港幣 HKD: 美元 USD: Half : Shanghai - Beijing 80,000 95,500 12,300 * 以上為二人一房價錢, 人房, : 人民幣 10,000 / (全程) 或5,000 / (半程) Additional RMB10,000/person (full trip) or RMB5,000/person (half trip) for upgrading to single room



費用明細 Details on Fees 由香港出發:

1. 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 參加者國內臨時駕照 6. 7. 8. 基本 9. 10. ( ) 11. (中國及香港)

1. 2. 回 3. 4.



費用明細 Details on Fees From Hong Kong: Fee includes 1. 5-star or best local hotel with breakfast 2. F&B during the event 3. Application fee at Chinese Customs 4. Temporary car license during the event period 5. Temporary Chinese driving license 6. Parking fee during the event 7. Deposit fee for temporary car import 8. Basic travel insurance 9. Car shipment from Shanghai / Beijing to Shenzhen after the event 10. Car inspection conducted in Hong Kong (required by Chinese Customs) 11. Third party insurance (China and Hong Kong) Fee excludes 1. Car shipment cost from overseas to Hong Kong 2. Return flight ticket 3. Fuel charges 4. Highway charges



費用明細 Details on Fees


1. 5 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 回 2. 3.



費用明細 Details on Fees

From Shenzhen / Shanghai: Fee includes 1. 5-star or best local hotel with breakfast 2. F&B during the event 3. Parking fee during the event 4. Basic travel insurance 5. Car shipment from Shanghai / Beijing to Shenzhen after the event Fee excludes 1. Return flight ticket 2. Fuel charges 3. Highway charges



隨行支援隊伍 Support teams

1. 每輛維修車輛的報名費用為人民幣3,000元,報名費用包含車貼、廣告貼和紀念禮包一份。 Entry fee is 3,000 RMB for each support vehicle, includes car stickers, advertisement stickers and souvenirs.

2. 維修車輛報名費用不包括維修人員進/出香港或中國大陸的相關手續、食宿等,相關費用將

按實際需求另行報價。 Customs fee, visa, accommodation and F&B are excluded. The associated cost will be quoted separately if necessary.

3. 允許若干輛參賽車輛同時共用一輛維修車,但須由報名此維修車的參賽車組出具書面同意

函。 It is allowed multiple vehicles to share one maintenance car with the written consent of the leading team.



報名文件 Documentations

•  •  ( ) •  ( 面、 面及後側 1 ) •  車輛零件(如備胎)清單 • 

( )或公司註冊文件

- ( ) •  / / •  •  2

•  / / •  2 •  •  ( 面、 面及後側 1 )



報名文件 Documentations Participating car •  Copy of vehicle registration document •  Copy of commercial invoice (if the car is not registered) •  Photo of car (front, back and side) •  List of spare parts (e.g. spare tyres) •  If the participant is not the owner of the car, Authorization

letter from the car owner as well as the copy ID or the business registration is needed

Main and supporting driver (if any) •  Copy of ID / Home return permit / passport •  Copy of valid driving license •  Two coloured passport photos Supporting team and vehicles •  Copy of ID / Home return permit / passport of team

personnel •  Two coloured passport photos of team personnel •  Copy of vehicle registration document •  Photo of car (front, back and side)


深圳至北京/上海 Shenzhen to Beijing / Shanghai

⽇期 Date: 10/08/2016 (週三 WED)

03 Enrolment deadline

香港至北京/上海 Hong Kong to Beijing / Shanghai

⽇期 Date: 26/08/2016 (週五 FRI)



付款方式 Details on payment

人民幣匯款: 開戶銀行:中國銀行北京首都機場支行 賬戶名:北京金港展覽展示有限公司 銀行賬號:338 962 246 545 銀行地址:北京市順義區首都機場二緯路 郵編:100621 交換號:BKCHCNBJ110 港幣/美元匯款 賬戶名:Goldenport Holding Limited 開戶行:Deutsche Bank AG,Hong Kong 港幣賬號:001 632 9000 美元賬號:001 632 9050 交換號:DEUTHKHH 銀行地址: 45/F Cheung Kong Center, 2Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong



付款方式 Details on payment

For RMB Transfer Bank:Bank of China Limited, Beijing Capital Airport, Sub-Branch. Account Holder:Beijing Goldenport Expo Co.,Ltd. Account Number(RMB):338 962 246 545 Bank Address:2 Wei Road, Capital International Airport, Shun Yi District, Bei Jing. Post Code:100621 SWIFT:BKCHCNBJ110 For HKD / USD Transfer Account Holder:Goldenport Holding Limited Hong Kong Dollar Account NO.:001 632 9000(for Hong Kong Dollar transfer) US Dollar Account NO.:001 632 9050 (For international currency transfer, except Hong Kong Dollar) Bank:Deutsche Bank AG,Hong Kong SWIFT:DEUTHKHH Bank Address: 45/F Cheung Kong Center, 2Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong


Organizing Committee China International Classic Car Rally

Wesley LAU

+852 9196 8820 / +86 132 4672 5856

[email protected]

Enid BAI

+86 186 1139 7070

[email protected]

Goldenport Motor Park, Chaoyang,

Beijing, 100018


中國國際⽼式汽⾞集結賽組委會劉偉恒+852 9196 8820 / +86 132 4672 [email protected]⽩泯⾮+86 186 1139 [email protected]北京市朝陽區⾦港汽⾞公園管理中⼼100018www.goldenport.com.cn