Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 User Guide Table of Content 1. Extension Installation 2. Configuration 3. Coinqvest Crypto Payments in Frontend 4. Coinqvest Crypto Payment Details in Backend

Magento 2 Coinqvest Crypto Payments

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Magento 2 Coinqvest Crypto Payments extension allows customers to pay easily and securely with cryptocurrency during the checkout by integrating Magento 2 store with Coinqvest crypto payment processor. For more information, visit https://meetanshi.com/magento-2-coinqvest-crypto-payments.html

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Page 1: Magento 2 Coinqvest Crypto Payments

Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2

User Guide

Table of Content

1. Extension Installation

2. Configuration

3. Coinqvest Crypto Payments in Frontend

4. Coinqvest Crypto Payment Details in Backend

Page 2: Magento 2 Coinqvest Crypto Payments

Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

1. Extension Installation • For Magento Marketplace Customers

o Create a folder structure in Magento root as app/code/Meetanshi/Coinqvest

o Download and extract the zip folder and upload our extension files to the

app/code/Meetanshi/Coinqvest via FTP.

o Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:

▪ php bin/magento setup:upgrade

▪ For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

▪ For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

▪ php bin/magento cache:flush

• For Meetanshi Customers

o Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP.

o Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step:

▪ php bin/magento setup:upgrade

▪ For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

▪ For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

▪ php bin/magento cache:flush

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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

2. Configuration For configuring the extension, login to Magento 2, move to Sales → Payments Methods →

Meetanshi – Coinqvest Crypto Payments where you can find various settings to enable the


• Enabled: Set “YES” to enable the payment method.

• Title: Set the title for the payment method to be displayed in the frontend.

• Show Coinqvest Logo: Select YES to show Coinqvest logo on the checkout page along with

the payment method.

• API Key: Enter the API key provided by Coinqvest payment gateway during registration.

• API Secret: Enter the API secret provided by Coinqvest payment gateway during registration.

o To get the API key and API Secret, login to Coinqvest and move to Merchant API > API

Settings > API Credentials where you can find both the API key and API secret.

• Settlement Currency: The extension avails the facility to convert crypto currency payment

of customers and accept payments in one of the fiat currencies.

• Checkout Language: Select one of the languages to display checkout page in.

• Auto Invoice: Select YES to allow generating auto invoice for the orders paid using KNET.

• Payment From Applicable Countries: Select countries to allow using this payment method.

• Additional Information: Enter additional information to show on the checkout page along

with the payment method.

• Sort Order: Enter Sort Order of the payment method display in frontend.

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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

3. Coinqvest Crypto Payments in Frontend One the extension is configured, customers can add products to the cart and select “Pay with

Bitcoin or Other Cryptocurrencies” - Coinqvest payment method from the checkout page. On

click of “Continue to Payment”, customers get redirected to the hosted payment page to make


• Coinqvest Hosted Payment Page

After redirection to the Coinqvest hosted payment page, select the payment method. Click to

get the deposit address.

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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

• Get Payment Details

Once you get the payment details like stellar memo and deposit address, open your crypto

wallet to make payment. Click “I made the payment” once you have paid using any crypto


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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

• Payment Using Any Crypto Wallet

o Crypto Wallet (Exodus) Dashboard

Open the crypto wallet dashboard and click on “Send” to add the payment details and

make the payment.

o Add Payment Details in Your Wallet

Add the payment details like stellar memo, deposit address and payment amount in your

crypto wallet and click “Send”.

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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

o Payment Confirmation in Crypto wallet

After adding the payment details in your crypto wallet, click “Send” to confirm the


o Payment Success Message in Crypto Wallet

Once the payment is successful, you can see payment success message in your crypto


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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

• Payment Success Message in Coinqvest Hosted Page

Once you have paid for the order successfully, clicking “I made the payment” will check for

the status and shows payment success message on the Coinqvest hosted page.

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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

• Coinqvest Crypto Payments in “My Account” section

Once the order is placed, the payment method details is shown in the Account dashboard, in

“My Orders” tab which includes method title, checkout ID, and state.

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Coinqvest Crypto Payments for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

4. Coinqvest Crypto Payment Details in the Backend Apart from the My Account section, the admin can see the order view details in the backend. Go

to Sales > Orders > Order view to view the Coinqvest payment details which include method

title, checkout ID and state.