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Millionaire thailand คังเก้นไทย

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1. ? ? ? 2. ? Franchise Tradition Business MONEY GAME / Invesment Scheme FOREX / Shares Trading Property 3. 4. ! 5. 7 ? 6. ? 7. ? 8. ? 9. 1994 (2537) 10. 40 11. 12. 24 Global Business Japan USA Canada Mexico Germany France Italy Australia Taiwan Philippines Hong Kong Korea Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Brazil 13. ISO 13485 - Proof of licensing of Medical Device. Medical Device Certificate 14. Thousands of Testimonials 15. VIP Users 16. . ? 17. GLOBAL TREND ? 18. Amazing 19. Enagic You THB 8,190 8PT Deep 1PT 1PT 8PT Deep 2PT 6PT3PT 4PT 5PT 2 Direct Sales 10 Group Sales 20 Group Sales 50 Group Sales 100 Group Sales THB 8,190 THB 16,380 THB 24,570 THB 32,760 THB 40,950 THB 49,140 20. ... ??? 21. THB 391,800 2-4% 22. Premium(XL) Package THB 391,800 ( 3 X SD501 ) 23. 3 Premium(XL) Package 3 24. : THB 391,800 (3 X SD501) YouYou 1 3 People THB 8,190 X 2 = THB 16,380 THB16,380 X 3 X 3 =THB 147,420 Total = THB 163,800 = THB 1,932,840 32 3 People 3 People 9 People 9 People 9 People 1 2 THB 16,380 X 3 X 9= THB 442,260 3 THB 16,380 X 3 X 27 = THB 1,326,780 2 9 27 81 y y 25. (THB) 1 163,800 2 442,260 3 1,326,780 3 THB 1,932,840 * 26. Kangen Water 2 27. Options : 1. 2. 3. Kangen Water * 28. Kangen Water House THB 1,000 1 / THB 10,000 10 / 50% THB 5,000