Akash Dhar (SMBA25)

Unemployment In India

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Page 1: Unemployment In India

Akash Dhar (SMBA25)

Page 2: Unemployment In India

What is Unemployment ?

•Mentally Sound

•Physically Fit

•Qualified Enough

•Willing to work

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Voluntary Unemployment

Involuntary Unemployment

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Underemployment Seasonal UnemploymentDisguised Unemployment

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Causes• Rapid Population Growth• Jobless growth• Inefficient agricultural & industrial sector• Education system• Recession• Inflation• Disability

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• Suicides• Alcoholism & child abuse• Civil Unrest• Loss of Production• Increase in Govt. expenditure• Easily supply of jobs

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Measures• Training to the unemployed• Support to struggling industries• Growth centers in small towns and rural areas• Subsidies on the Basis of Employment• Reduce Power of trades unions• Creating demand in the economy

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Government Schemes• Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)• Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRV)• Priminsters’ Rozgar Yojana (PRY)• National rural employment programme (NREP)• The Employment assurance scheme (EAS)• Sampoorna Grameen rozgar yojana (SGRY)

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Employment Scale

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