@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp What We Love, Hate and Desire in Our Digital Media Jobs

What We Love, Hate and Desire in Our Digital Media Jobs

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Presentation given at Digiday Agency Summit March 20, 2013 in Scottsdale, AZ. Two thirds of people in digital media plan to change jobs in the next two years because they are unhappy. This survey reveals the source of unhappiness and makes recommendations to increase job satisfaction.

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Page 1: What We Love, Hate and Desire in Our Digital Media Jobs

@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

What We Love, Hate and Desire in Our Digital Media Jobs

Page 2: What We Love, Hate and Desire in Our Digital Media Jobs

@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp


Page 3: What We Love, Hate and Desire in Our Digital Media Jobs

@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

About the Survey • Goal to determine drivers and effects of job

satisfaction in digital media industry • Digiday polled its opted-in base of leading digital media

and marketing professionals • Incentive: chance to win 1 of 5 $100 AMEX Gift Cards • Results gathered over 3 weeks

– February 11 – March 3, 2012

• 601 Respondents

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How We Analyzed the Results

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

• Multiple regression analyses were

conducted to identify the most important

predictors of Industry Job Satisfaction

• New variables were introduced to rinse

and condense the information present

in survey questions

• Explored using both interval scale and

dummy variables. In the end, we used

dummy variables for our analysis

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

The Results

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

We’re Generally a Happy Group


15.1 19.9



Miserable Unhappy Satisfied Enjoy Love

Rate Your Happiness 78.4%

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

And We’re Getting a Bit Happier






Much Worse Worse Same Better Much Better

Change in Happiness in Last 12 Months

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

What we LOVE about our jobs

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

What We Love about Our Jobs We love the people and the dynamic nature of the business

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What we HATE about our jobs

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

What We Hate about Our Jobs We hate the some of the people, the work, and the long hours

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

We’ve Been Loyal to Our Employer



22.4 23.6


<1 year 1-2 years 3-4 years 5-10 years >10 years

Time in Current Job

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

But Not Because We’re Happy

3.22 3.33 3.52 3.37 3.53

<1 year 1-2 years 3-4 years 5-10 years >10 years

Happiness by Time in Current Job 6.3% correlation (weak)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

2/3 of Us Plan to Leave in Next 2 years





Actively looking Next Year or Two Five Years Lifer

Percent by Commitment


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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

We’re Leaving Because We’re Unhappy


3.4 3.9 4.1

Actively looking Next Year or Two Five Years Lifer

Happiness by Commitment Level 52.2% correlation (strong)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Who is Unhappy?

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

First, what doesn’t correlate with job happiness

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Both Sexes Equally Happy

3.30 3.48

Male Female

Happiness by Gender 8.9% correlation (weak)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

We Work Hard

0.7 0.5 1.8




3.2 2.5

<20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+

Percentage by Hours Worked

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Long Hours Don’t Make Us Unhappy

3.00 3.00 3.09 3.39 3.35 3.39 3.47


<20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+

Happiness vs. Hours Worked 7.8% correlation (weak)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

We Feel Underpaid




6.0 5.1

Gulag Worker Underpaid Fair Overpaid Top of field

Rate Your Compensation

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

But Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

2.9 3.1

3.6 3.2


Gulag Worker Underpaid Fair Overpaid Top of field

Happiness by Compensation 20.6% correlation (medium)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Tenure Doesn’t Matter Much

3.40 3.20 3.36 3.35 3.54

<1 year 1-2 years 3-4 years 5-10 years >10 years

Happiness by Time in Industry 8.8% correlation (weak)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Role Doesn’t Matter Much Either

3.29 3.21 3.58 3.54 3.46

Advertiser Agency Publisher Tech / Service Provider


Happiness by Role 11.7% correlation (weak)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Now, here’s what does correlate with job happiness

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Location makes a difference

2.80 3.21 3.24 3.40 3.45 3.48 3.50 3.57 3.62 3.71 4.00

Happiness by Location

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

20-somethings Least Happy

3.19 3.40 3.59 3.53 3.50

20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

Happiness by Age 12.5% correlation (weak)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

We Are Unhappiest in Lower Ranks

3.09 3.08 3.33 3.38 3.67 4.21

3.73 3.94

Happiness by Seniority 25.4% correlation (medium)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Underlings Make Us Smile

3.25 3.34 3.56 3.78 3.79 4.40

0 1-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 101+

Happiness by # of People Managed 16.4% correlation (weak)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Training Makes Us Happy

2.44 2.78

3.35 3.65


Drowning Need Help Adequately Trained

Maestro In My Sleep

Happiness by Preparation for Current Job 20.5% correlation (medium)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

A Career Path Makes Us Even Happier

2.22 2.91

3.47 3.77 3.89

Stuck in Dead End Job

A Chance for Advancement

Will Eventually Get Promoted

Easy to get promoted if work hard

Guaranteed with reasonable


Happiness by Opportunity for Advancement 42.0% correlation (strong)

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

focus on lower ranks with training + opportunities

-> happiness -> retention

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Other Interesting Findings

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Advertiser Perspectives

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Advertisers like their Agencies






Terrible Below Average Average Above Average The Best

Rate Your Media Agency

72.5% rated at or above average Agencies are from Lake Wobegon

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

If advertisers had a magic wand…

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Advertisers want agency partners who lead with good experience

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Publisher Perspectives

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Publishers Not Fond of Media Agencies




5.6 0.6

Horrible Bad Average Pros Fantastic

Rate The Media Agencies You Deal With

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Because They Are Frustrated



17.0 11.3


Would Rather Sell Around


Just Buy Same Things bc Easy

Repackage My ideas

Innovative / Open to Ideas

They Help Me Sell

Describe Your Working Relationship with Agencies

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

If publishers had a magic wand…

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Publishers want agencies to be creative, understand, and communicate

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Agency Perspectives

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Agencies Love Microsoft Excel

1.8 1.2 7.9



Never <15 Minutes 15-60 minutes 1-4 hours >4 hours

Time Spent in Microsoft Excel

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Agencies Use Excel to Make Media Plans

1.3 4.5 8.4 9.7


Symphony MediaMind iDesk MediaVisor Excel

Tool for Creating Media Plans

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Agencies Use comScore for Research

1.3 1.9 5.0 9.4 12.5


Quantcast Alexa Compete Other Nielsen comScore

Tool for Research

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Agencies Use DFA for Ad Serving

0.6 4.5

7.6 11.5



Zedo Mediaplex Atlas Other MediaMind DFA

Tool for Ad Serving

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Most Agencies Not Happy With Tools





Bad Mediocre Good Double Rainbow

Rate Your Tools


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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

If agencies had a magic wand…

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

Agencies want better clients, better work, better tools, and fewer hours

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Email Excel File Sharing


Ad Serving

Buying / Billing

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

replace excel

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Buying / Billing


Ad Serving

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

You Get Detailed Publisher Info

7,500+ sites

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@jpych #digidaydas #dmhp

more powerful


easier to use

It’s better than Excel

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and it’s free

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Grunt Worker

Knowledge Worker

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Digital Media Happiness Project

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Chris Chris O’Hara


Chris Chris DeMartine

Director of Biz Dev

Joe Joe Pych

Founder & CEO

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Gift Card Winners

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