Short presentation about ourselves

Cv turcja

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Short presentation about ourselves

Page 2: Cv turcja

My name is Krystian and I’m from Poland. I was born in 1998. I’m interested in music, sport and literature. I think that I’m patient and helpful person. I like to help other people. I can make new friends quite easy and I’m also talkative :)

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Who do I want to be in the future?

My dream is to be a doctor. I have always wanted to save human lives. I’m also interested in biology and chemistry so this is the way I want to spend my life.

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Why have I joined this project?

I decided to take a part in this project because I like making new friends. I’m outgoing and I love talking to other people. I think that it is also good way to get knowledge about new cultuers :)

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Hi my name is Martyna and i was born on 4th of November 1998. I love sport, especially speedway (motorsport) and volleybal which i was practicing for 5 years. I also like to travel. I'm very positive person and it's almost impossible to see my without a smile on my face. It isn't hard for me to make new friends and i’m quite talkative. :)

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Who do I want to be in the future?

I'm not really sure who do i want to be in the future but i know that i would like to work with people because i like this kind of work. I'm thinking about teaching English or doing something in sport - not an athlete but for ecaple manager :)

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Why have i joined this project?

I really like meeting new people and exploring new places. I reckon that i will be able to improve my English skills. I hope that this project will help me with deciding about my career. I would also like to get to know my strong and weak points.

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Hi My name is Maja. I was born on 12th of January 1999 in Bydgoszcz, Poland.I love music, I play the guitar.I love to travel, meet new pepole ,Explore new cultures. Because of all those things I’m able to get to know myself.

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Who do I want to be in the future?

Soldier Pediatrict Oncologist

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Why have I joind this project?

I’ve joinded this project, because i want to explore the world and new cultures. Meet new pepole, learn new languages. Find more about myself and what i want to do in the future.

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Hi my name is Szymon and I was born on 24th of July 2001 in Bydgoszcz. I'm interested in computer technology and sport, especially football and volleyball. I'm a reliable and friendly person. It is simply for me to work in a group:)

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Who do I want to be in the future?

I'd love to be a soldier. It would be a perfect job for me because I would never get bored because I love military and learning things about them. My idols are commandos from the elite group – Navy Seals.

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Why have I joined this project?

I've joined this project beacuse i would like to improve my English skills. I would also like to get to know myself more - strong and weak points. I hope i will learn how to reduce stress and shyness. I'm excited of meeting new people and explore new cultures.

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My name is Dominika and I’m 17. I'm intrested in fashion. I spent my free time watching movies and fashion shows. I think that i’m a helpful person and also reliable person. I like exploring new places.

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Who do I want to be in the future?

I would like to study law in the future. I think that I'm good at public speeches so profession of lawyer will be a great choose for me. I also enjoy learning history which is essential to aplly for law studies.

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Why have I joined this project?

I joined to this project because it's the best way to get new experience and learn something new, which I can use in my future job. I also want to meet new people who might inspire me.