Session: SB106 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 10 John B. Costa Founder / CEO: RePubIT Chairman: IEEE ADBook [email protected] +1 321.262.3626 @johnbcosta

Case for Return-on-Learning Investment

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Page 1: Case for Return-on-Learning Investment

Session: SB106 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 10

John B. Costa Founder / CEO: RePubIT Chairman: IEEE ADBook

[email protected] +1 321.262.3626 @johnbcosta

Page 2: Case for Return-on-Learning Investment

Session: SB106 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 10

John B. Costa Founder / CEO: RePubIT Chairman: IEEE ADBook

[email protected] +1 321.262.3626 @johnbcosta

Page 3: Case for Return-on-Learning Investment

ADBook: as a portable curated learning plaDorm   Power of scripHng & HTML5 embedding xAPI powers business performance reporHng

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Learning investment without business case

“We believe training investments are good, but… Can we prove it with hard data?”




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  Current capabiliHes  Gaps to close  AcHve learning cycles   Skill aXainment   Progressions GamificaHon   IncenHves

Air traffic control for each learner


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 Driven by Data   Solves real problems  OpHmized for mobile   Real-­‐Hme coaching   Instant feedback   Fast economic updates

Augmented Tutoring


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Maturity Model worksheet for ePub3 as an interactive content platform.

MATURITY PHASES 1. Basic 2. Enhanced 3. Interactive 4. Networked 5. Adaptive Learning

modality by maturity phase

BANKING MODEL I: Read and remember AKA “empty vessel” / “blank slate” model

BANKING MODEL II: Read and watch with light annotation

BANKING MODEL III: Read, watch, explore, flag items, and assess

Inquiry­Discuss­Assess (IDA) in “Flipped” group learning and limited collaboration.

Augmented collaboration and personalized engagement within ad­hoc and scheduled small­group projects and distributed learning pods with connected coaches & facilitators


Stand­alone ePub Social Network­aware ePub

Content Richness

Formatted text with some images,

audio, video, overlay, popups, readalong, voiceover,

Scripting, carousels, (internal) Additive content to ePub: Reaches out beyond its environment , can acquire new content

2 way networked, branching and dynamic rendering and environmentally connected. substitutive.

Personalization None limited adaptability highly geared to the user or the group

Builds and enhances the personalization

Adaptive learning on the fly

Interoperability moderate universal support

reduced support for alternate media formats

connection with other sources of information part of a network

Dynamic update & content maintenance network aware

platform sensitive,

Metadata and Ontologies

Title, author, copyright, ISBN,

Accessibility, reader persona (s), Basic use of xAPI: experiential, targeted learning levels, assessments, text coding

Full­use of xAPI, portable metadata, state brokering; topic maps and curated taxonomies

(dynamic interaction/updating of user/learning preferences, content/ complexity & learning modalities), & career/skills plan and & andragogical metadata)

Rights management

Closed: proprietary / device count / duration / irrevocable

Closed: proprietary / device count / duration / irrevocable

Expanded: device count / duration / lend / share / revoke / library model

Dynamic and adaptable: device count / duration / lend / share / revoke / library model / single sign­on

Dynamic and adaptable: device count / duration / lend / share / revoke / library model / single sign­on

Integration: Hardware, data

Reader specific highlights, bookmarks, annotations.

Fixed javascript, widgets Bi­directional data between user and cloud service(s) using controlled vocabularies

Situation­aware, data­seeking connected objects (IoT) transmedia environments

Engagement UX

Font resize, Flowable, zoomable text

gesture, pan/zoom, viewing path, Scriptable elements, Branching Next­best options for remediation based on closed­loop learning models with explicit rules

Next­best options for new learning based on behavioral data with internal or external validation (Open­loop learning)

Infrastructure Desktop toolset using public eBook platforms

Distributed cloud­based publishing workflow systems using a ePub master, public eBook platforms, and private portals

Hot swap of richer ePub Widgets = web Connected to web Fall­backs Hybrid public­private clouds

Serving data remotely LRS and big­data cloud connected.

(“air traffic control” of each learner’s in­flight journey and destination)

Repub InteracHve Technologies LLC ©2015 RePubIT

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3 Archite


Spine & Manifest

Config & Metadata


Java script

Embedded AnalyHcs Code

Widgets & HTML5





Java script


Data Connectors





Pages, TOC, Cover (HTML5)

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ePub3 “ADBook”



ePub file format  Authoring Tools   Reader ApplicaHon   ConsideraHons

  Target Devices   DistribuHon PlaDorm   Digital Rights Management   Level of interacHvity and scripHng

Page 11: Case for Return-on-Learning Investment

Input SME’s

Knowledge Products Metrics & Assessment

Media A/V



Assembly InDesign HTML

Authoring Outsourced

Export Clean HTML5 ePub3

Flash free Zone

Instrument xAPI

Widgets RCAT

JavaScript Metadata

Output ePub3 eBooks HTML5 Apps

Distribute Corporate Portals iBooks iTunes Amazon Google

Hardware iOS, OSX Android Win8

Readers Bluefire Readium Adobe

iBookshelf more…

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  Live in-­‐book reporHng   RCAT embedding   Closed loop coaching   Tagging & Sharing   Field Markup   LRS ReporHng   Performance & BI

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PrescripHve Game Plan   ID the consequenHal problem   ID performance metrics

  measure improvement   Rapid Prototype MVP

  From exisHng content   Validate business model

  Virtual tutoring www.freedigitalphotos.net

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Mobile interacHve ebooks will change everything!

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xAPI learning record data collected via the eBook are leveraged to give visual feedback to the learners in real-­‐Hme, right inside the eBook. This is our first step in making the learning analyHc data “acHonable” We gather collaboraHon and coaching data in addiHon to typical consumpHon paXerns. These combine to predict higher level learner profiles; study skills, influencer, and problem solving. Our cast study involves rapid training of new hires in safety procedures working with Nanotechnology.

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•  Contextual Highlights •  Comments / Notes •  Coaching Requests •  Group text & respond •  Field markup & edits

ConnecHng Remote Experts

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•  Quiz & Test Banks •  Dashboards •  ExisHng Courseware •  Lectures •  AnimaHon / SimulaHon xAPI enabled

CapHvate HTML5 Export

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•  Coaching responses •  Engagement heat maps •  Benchmarks & Aggregates •  Business intelligence feeds

Personalize your learning experience!

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  Authoring Tools   Inkling Habitat iBooks Author   Adobe InDesign, Dreamweaver   O’Reilly Atlas Metrodigi Chaucer Aquafadas (Indesign Plugins)   And web development etc.

eReaders   Devices: iPad, Kindle, nook, Kobo, Android devices, smartphones   Apps: iBooks, Mobi, Bluefire, Snapplify, Bluetoad, Readium, Adobe Digital EdiHons & DPS…

  Standards   IDPF – ePub2, 3, Readium   IEEE – ADBook, LTSC   ADL & RusHci – SCORM, xAPI   IDPF & IMS Global -­‐ Edupub   ISO/IEC 30135 – ePub3 (2014)

  Links hXp://idpf.org hXp://ieee-­‐adb.org hXp://adlnet.gov/tla/experience-­‐api.html hXp://Hncanapi.com/ hXp://www.idpf.org/epub/profiles/edu/spec/


Page 21: Case for Return-on-Learning Investment

Session: SB106 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM Wednesday, June 10

John B. Costa Founder / CEO: RePubIT Chairman: IEEE ADBook

[email protected] +1 321.262.3626 @johnbcosta