Personas BY EXAMPLE @AndrewUX designthinkage.com

Creating and using personas

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This is the deck for a talk I gave at the Brisbane UX and IxDA meetup group on creating and using personas. I've had to remove the case study slides in order to make this available to a wider audience.

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Page 1: Creating and using personas


@AndrewUX designthinkage.com

Page 2: Creating and using personas

This deck was originally presented along with specific artifacts from a real persona

project at the Brisbane UX and IxDA meetup group. The examples have been removed in

order for me to distribute the talk more widely.

Page 3: Creating and using personas

Key concepts

Page 4: Creating and using personas


"A social role or character"

Derived from the latin word for theatrical mask

Page 5: Creating and using personas

A persona is not...

•  Made up •  A marketing segment •  A set of demographics

Page 6: Creating and using personas

Personas focus on goals & behaviours

•  Who are your users? •  What are they trying to do?

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A persona is a model

It highlights that which is important and abstracts out those details which are not.

Page 8: Creating and using personas

A persona is a way of communicating research

Everything in a persona should be traceable back to something you observed in research.

Ethnographic research is the approach recommended for creating personas.


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A persona is a composite archetype

•  Represents a range of behaviours and attitudes

•  Can represent millions of people

Flickr: The SWAP Team

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Ultimately, personas are a design tool

They help you make better design decisions.

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Using personas:

Helps us to focus on humans and their goals

Understand their needs and context

Give the team focus and help them prioritise

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Good personas

= + + Good

research Good analysis

Good communication

Page 13: Creating and using personas

Further reference

About Face (chapters 4 & 5)

The User is Always Right http://asinthecity.com/2011/05/13/explaining-personas-used-in-ux-design---part-1/

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Thanks! Questions?