Civic Centers A Proposed Physical and Institutional Structure for the Social and Environmental Sustainability of Human Settlements 2013 02 25 市市市市 为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为为 为为为为为为为 2013 02 25

Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

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Some thoughts on the social and physical sustainability of cities.

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Page 1: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Civic Centers A Proposed Physical and Institutional Structure for the Social and Environmental Sustainability of Human Settlements2013 02 25


2013 02 25

Page 2: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

1.市民中心 : 历史先例CIVIC CENTERS: Historical Precedents


2.市民中心 : 社会发展 与社区建设CIVIC CENTERS: Social Development & Community-Building

3.市民中心 : 城市与小镇 规划CIVIC CENTERS: City and Town Planning

Page 3: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

1.市民中心 : 历史先例CIVIC CENTERS: Historical Precedents


2.市民中心 : 社会发展 与社区建设CIVIC CENTERS: Social Development & Community-Building

3.市民中心 : 城市与小镇 规划CIVIC CENTERS: City and Town Planning

Page 4: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

The Emperor, the Representative of Heaven, (spiritual and temporal authority combined as one)is located at the center of the city. Old Beijing’s city plan and the Forbidden City are based on this model

. In the Chinese model of an ideal city, there is a coherence of spiritual and material authority.China did not experience the same early rupture of reason and faith, “church” and state as in the West.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Community Centers in Guizhou, Dong Minority Village

The drum towers provide venues for the whole village to discuss and settle important matters, hold important festivals or entertainments such as singing and playing wind instruments. A leather drum is placed in the drum tower. When there are important things to talk about, the drum is beaten by a respected village leader to summon the villagers. There is a fire on the ground where a fire burns almost all year round.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Drum Tower

Drum Tower

Drum Tower

Drum TowerDrum Tower

Drum Tower Community Centers in Guizhou, Dong Minority Village

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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The Mandala pattern was used by astronomer-King Sawai Jai Singh (1700-1743), India. In the center are the Palace Complex and Observatory.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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The word “mandala” is from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit, loosely translated to mean “circle“. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for

the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Civic Center in Ancient Athens (Greece), The Agora A cluster of spiritual, political , educational, and commercial institutions

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Civic Center in Ancient Athens (Greece), The Agora

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Civic Center in Ancient Rome, The Forum

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Gur, Iran. Founded by Ardeshir I ( 224-651 CE), the founder of the Sasanian Dynasty

Gur city is a circle-shaped city with diameter of 2 kilometres. The city is divided into 61 parts by 20 radial walls and 3 concentric circles. The core circle is 450 meters in diameter. Most probably important

buildings such as ceremonial, religious, and governmental departments were in this area, remains of two of which can still be seen in the area. One of them is the famous mihrab (altar) which is located just in the centre of the circle and the other is known as the seat monument which must have been a big Zoroastrian


 历史先例 Historical Precedents

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City of Al- Mansoor, Baghdad (762)

In 762 AD, construction began on Mansur. The city was designed as a circle about 2.7 km in diameter, leading it to be known as the "Round City". The original design shows as single ring of residential and commercial structures along the inside of the city walls, but the final construction added another ring inside the first. Within the city there were many parks, gardens, villas, and promenades. In the center of the city lay the mosque, as well as headquarters for guards. The purpose or use of the remaining space in the center is unknown.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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City of Al- Mansoor, Baghdad (762)

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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City of Al- Mansoor, Baghdad (762)

历史先例 Historical Precedents

Institutions of Spiritual and Temporal Authority



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English Medieval Monastery



历史先例 Historical Precedents

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English Medieval Monastery

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Venice: Institutions of Authority: St. Mark’s Church and the Palace of the Doge

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Palmanova, Italy (1593)

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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历史先例 Historical Precedents

Palmanova, Italy (1593)

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历史先例 Historical Precedents

Palmanova, Italy (1593)

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Karslruhe, Prince’s Palace (1752-81), center of 32 radiating roads, Germany

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Ince Madrassah (1260-65)



历史先例 Historical Precedents

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The Süleymaniye Mosque was built on the order of Sultan Suleyman (the Magnificent) and designed by Sina Pasha. Construction work began in 1550 and was finished in 1558.

Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey (1558)

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey (1558)



Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey (1558)

历史先例 Historical Precedents
















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巴哈伊灵曦堂 The Baha’i Mashriqu’l-Adhkar

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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巴哈伊灵曦堂建筑群,包括礼拜堂及其周围的附属建筑The Baha’i Mashriqu’l-Adhkar, A Temple surrounded by “dependencies”

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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•医院•救济穷人的药房•接待旅人的馆舍•教导孤儿的学校•老弱病残者之家 •高等研究的大学•及其他慈善建筑

所有这些都将向所有种族、民族和宗教的人开放。 The Baha’i Mashriqu’l-Adhkar, including a central House of Worship, or Temple, and the complex of buildings surrounding it, is to be at the heart of every Bahá’í community. The surrounding buildings, or “dependencies” are to include educational and humanitarian service institutions open to people of all religions: a hospital, drug dispensary for the poor, travelers’ hospice, school for orphans, home for the elderly, infirm and disabled, university for advanced studies, and other philanthropic buildings; in addition, community administration offices with a secretariat, treasury, archives, library, publishing office, assembly hall, and council chamber. The dependencies surrounding the Temple link worship to service to humanity; the prayers …. within the Temple are translated into deeds of compassion, care, and education in the world outside.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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The Mashriqu’l-Adhkár Temples built so far, such as this one in New Delhi, India,

allow for expansion, for the addition of the dependencies. 灵曦堂用以扩建其附属建筑的土地

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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花园城市图,埃比尼泽 · 霍华德设计的花园城市

历史先例 Historical Precedents

Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City

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Schools are located along the Grand Avenue or in the surrounding countryside.Social and humanitarian institutions are located in the surrounding countryside.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Schools are located along the Grand Avenue.The Culturally-oriented Civic center includes:

Town Hall, Museum-Gallery, Hospital, Library, Theater, and Concert Hall

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Senior High School

Elementary School

Junior High School

Plan by Jose Sert

A hierarchy of community centers organized around education

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Sweden: A hierarchy of community centers organized around education and social centers

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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加内施纳格尔社区: 5.3 公顷, 1200 户居民,人口总数 7000 人 /5.3 化顷= 1300 人 / 公顷



Center for Elderly

Map of Ganeshnagar, Pune, drawn in 1989.

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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加内施纳格尔社区:当地居民历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Qiang MinorityYang Liu Village (Reconstructed 2010) Sichuan

Research and Culture Center



四川羌族杨柳村( 2010 重建)

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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Nan Mo Fang Residential Community, Beijing, 1995. Planning law requires community service buildings, particularly for education.


Elementary School

Central Green Space

历史先例 Historical Precedents

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1.市民中心 : 历史先例CIVIC CENTERS: Historical Precedents


2.市民中心 : 社会发展 与社区建设CIVIC CENTERS: Social Development & Community-Building

3.市民中心 : 城市与小镇 规划CIVIC CENTERS: City and Town Planning

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市民中心 : 社会发展 与社区建设CIVIC CENTERS: Social Development & Community-Building



任务: 塑造人的能力。培育个人、社区和制度的建设性变革。

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The enterprise of building human capacity, of fostering constructive • individual, • community and • institutional change, is increasingly being recognized as the fundamental purpose of development.

Social Development and Community-Building: The Individual, The Community, Institutions

Science, Religion and Development: Some Initial Considerations, Prepared by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity


• 个人、• 社区与• 机构的


这日益 成为人们的共识。

社会发展 与社区建设:个人,社区和机构


个人 社区机构

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社会演变 Social Evolution

A New Definition of the INDIVIDUAL, COMMUNITY, and INSTITUTIONS 个人 , 社区 , 机构的新定义



转变周期 新世界秩序

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Social Character

Characteristics World View Emotional and Intellectual


Relationships with Others

1. Authoritarian Power- oriented DichotomousPerceptions

Rigidity Authoritarian Submission

2. Indulgent Pleasure-oriented Indiscriminate Perceptions

Promiscuity Anarchic Relationships

3. Integrative Growth-oriented Unity in Diversity Creativity Responsibility and Cooperation

Three Kinds of Social Relationships

Challenge: To Mature from authoritarian to “integrative” social relations

Chart by psychologist Dr. Hossain Danesh


人格类型( 民族性

格)特征 世界观 情感与理智特征 与他人的关系

专制型 以权力为导向 二元分立的感知 刻板僵化 屈从于专制

放纵型 以享乐为导向 不加分辨的感知 混乱 无法无天的关系

整合型 以成长为导向 存多样求团结 有创造性 负责与合作

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当我们对“发展目标”再下定义的时候﹐重新审视当事人在发展过程中所扮演的角色是很必要的。各层政府机构在社会发展方面的重 要作用不言而喻。然而﹐在一个称颂平等主义原则以及相关的民主原则的时代里﹐发展规划应把广大民众视为援助和训练的接受者﹐远而我们的后代将会对此感到不可理解。尽 管“民众参与”是公认的原则﹐然而留给世界绝大多数 人民的决策范围充其量是次要性的:他们的抉择范围被高不可及的机构所规定﹐并常常受那些与他们的现实观 背道而驰的目标所制约。

The Prosperity Of Humankind, A Statement Prepared by the Baháí International Community's Office of Public Information

“Future generations, however, will find almost incomprehensible the circumstance that, in an age paying tribute to an egalitarian philosophy and related democratic principles, development planning should view the masses of humanity as essentially recipients of benefits from aid and training. Despite acknowledgement of participation as a principle, the scope of the decision making left to most of the world's population is at best secondary, limited to a range of choices formulated by agencies inaccessible to them and determined by goals that are often irreconcilable with their perceptions of reality.”

A New Definition of the INDIVIDUAL (The Responsible Protagonist)


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Science, Religion and Development: Some Initial Considerations, Prepared by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity

The Role of the Individual“Higher levels of knowledge across an ever-expanding range of disciplines, increasing international mechanisms that promote collective decision-making and action, and increasing ability to articulate their aspirations and needs, makes it increasingly possible for citizens to become active participants in the conceptualization, implementation, and evaluation of public programs and policies.”

A New Definition of the INDIVIDUAL (The Responsible Protagonist)


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Spiritual Heritages

"No calamity is greater than not knowing what is enough No fault worse than wanting too much Whoever knows what is enough Has enough. Attachment comes at wasteful cost; Hoarding leads to a certain loss; Knowing what is enough avoids disgrace; Knowing when to stop secures from peril. Only thus can you long last.

知足不辱,知止不殆,可以長久 .(知足于内而不争虚名,就不会有屈辱;知止于外而不贪得无厌,就不会有忧患。如此可以使身体健康长寿。 )Lao Zi, Dao De Jing, ch. 46 and 44

"The sage does not hoard, The more he does for others, The more he has himself. The more he gives, The more he gets.

聖人不積,既以為人己愈有,既以與人己愈多 ;(圣人不为自己积攒什么:既然一切都是为了世人,自己就愈发拥有了;既然一切都已给了世人,自己就愈发丰富了 .) Lao Zi, Dao De Jing, ch. 8

A New Definition of the INDIVIDUAL (The Responsible Protagonist) 个人的新定义(负责任的主人翁)

老子《道德经》节 46 及 44

老子《道德经 》 节 8

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A New Definition of the INDIVIDUAL (The Responsible Protagonist) 个人的新定义(负责任的主人翁)

A sign of maturity is the capacity to be of service to others.

成熟的标 志是有能力为他人服务。

Served by Others接受他人服务

Serving Others服务他人

The very young and the very old rely on the service of others.

Infant / Child / Youth / Adult / Senior


婴儿 / 儿童 / 青年 / 成年 / 长者

Page 48: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

一个成熟和谐的社区定义为:“ 文明的综合单位,由个人家庭和机构组成是对体制、部门和组织的发起者和激励者、机构和组织等为一个共同的目标、为内部和外部的福祉而协同运作的个人、家庭和机构组成;由多样化的、彼此互动的、在为灵性和社会进步而不懈追求中实现团结的参与者组成。

The Universal House of Justice, The Four Year Plan, pp.34-35


A New Definition of COMMUNITYWe can define a mature harmonious community as….

“a comprehensive unit of civilization composed of individuals, families and institutions that are originators and encouragers of systems, agencies and organizations working together with a common purpose for the welfare of people both within and beyond its borders; it is a composition of diverse, interacting participants that are achieving unity in an unremitting quest for spiritual and social progress.”

世界正义院《四年计划》 34-35

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Add an institutional layer at the community level to channel safely, productively, and creatively the increasing capacity of humanity.

A New Definition of COMMUNITY




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A New Definition of COMMUNITY 社区的新定义

The Human Body: A Unified System

人体 : 一个统一的统系

Society is also a Mutual Helpfulness System社会也是一个相互帮助的统系

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“If governing institutions do, in fact, provide for the meaningfulparticipation of citizens in the conceptualization, implementation and evaluation of public programs and policies, then a community's capacity to effect and manage change will indeed be greatly enhanced. This is true whether the institutions operate at the village or international level”.

A New Definition of INSITUTIONS

Science, Religion and Development: Some Initial Considerations, Prepared by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity 摘自《科学、宗教与发展,最初始的考虑》全球繁荣研究所



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“The creation of the institutions of a global society, a web of interconnected structures that hold society together at all levels, from local to international institutions that gradually become the patrimony of all the inhabitants of the planet is for me one of the major challenges of development planning and strategy. Without it, I fear, globalization will be synonymous with the marginalisation of the masses.

Dr. Farzam Arbab, The Lab, the Temple, and the Market, IDRC, 2001.

Science, Religion and Development: Some Initial Considerations, Prepared by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity


Dr. Farzam Arbab, The Lab, the Temple, and the Market, IDRC, 2001.摘自 法赞 . 阿巴布:《庙宇与市场》 2001


A New Definition of INSITUTIONS

Page 53: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

市民中心在组织小区、城镇、城市时提供如下功能:1. 提供机构框架,使服务型社会释放出来的能量得到和谐输导。2. 提供社会结构,使社会理想转化成行动。3. 提供社区建设途径,以实现城市发展。4. 提供与中国思想更相符的发展模式,例如:

a) 个人进步和社会进步依赖于生命中物质与精神双方面的动态的、共同发展(修身、齐家、治国、平天下)。b) 个人内在生命的发展需要通过与社会的互动、通过为社会服务来实现。c) 天国与尘世的和谐

5. 提供机会,使各机构之间实现一体性。

The use of Civic Centers to organize communities, towns, and cities provides: 1. The institutional framework to channel harmoniously, the energy released by a service-oriented society. 2. A unifying social structure for the translation of social ideals into action. 3. A community-building approach to urban development.4. A model of development more in harmony with Chinese thought, for example:

• Individual and social progress depend on the dynamic co-development of the material and spiritual dimensions of life.• Development of the inner life of the individual is through interaction with, and service to, the society around him.• Harmony of Heaven and Earth

5. Opportunities for synergistic relations between the assembled institutions.


市民中心 : 社会发展 与社区建设CIVIC CENTERS: Social Development & Community-Building

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CIVIC CENTERS: An example of synergy when humanitarian and social institutions are juxtaposed.

市民中心: 人道机构和社会机构的步调一致的一个实例。

The Institution of the Civic Center will not only stimulate a consciousnessand inspire individual action “to regenerate the life of humanity”; it alsoallows for positive synergies between the dependencies.

The following is an example of what could happen: Kotoen, Tokyo, Edogawa district combines a home for the elderly and a kindergarten.

实例:机构统筹:东京市民中心的机构不仅促进一种自学和设想个人行动,以重建人类生活 . 而且还使各个从居住部分主动融合。江户川区老人院与幼儿园相结合


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很多老年人选择在此居住,他们通过与孩子们交往找到了新的快乐。由此得享天伦之乐。Many elderly choose to live here; they find a new happiness through their association with the children.

The family circle is complete again.


An example of Institutional Synergy:Kotoen, Tokyo, Edogawa district combines a home for the elderly and a kindergarten.

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An example of Institutional Synergy:Kotoen, Tokyo, Edogawa district combines a home for the elderly and a kindergarten.

Exercise together

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机构统筹“ 我们发现一旦把两种设施结合起来,儿童就开始学习如何照顾他人,比如陪老人聊天。我们从这个经验中看到,儿童正成长为更温暖、更仁爱的人。对于老人来说,我们意识到通过与儿童交往,他们正变得富有生气,其健康也在好转。看着这些老人,很多我原以为已经失去欢笑能力或思想表达能力的人,开始拥抱儿童,跟他们快乐地笑谈,让我们意识到两个有关怀心的人群建立令人感动的关系是多么重要。Maeda Takumi, Kotoen Director


“We found that once the two facilities were joined together, the children began learning how to care for others by talking and being who her older co-residents. We could see that through this experience the children were growing into warm and compassionate human beings. For the elderly, we realized that through her association with the children,They were becoming more alive and their health was improving. Seeing these aged people, many of whom I thought had forgotten how to laugh or even express their thoughts, holding the children and happily talking with them, brought home how important a touching relationship can be between two caring people”Maeda Takumi, Kotoen Director

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An example of Institutional Synergy:Kotoen, Tokyo, Edogawa district combines a home for the elderly and a kindergarten.

爷爷给孩子们讲述过去的美好时光Grandpa talks to the children about the good old days.

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儿童为老奶奶画像The children draw a picture of Grandma.


An example of Institutional Synergy:Kotoen, Tokyo, Edogawa district combines a home for the elderly and a kindergarten.

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The children help take care of Grandma


An example of Institutional Synergy:Kotoen, Tokyo, Edogawa district combines a home for the elderly and a kindergarten.


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“Civic Buildings should be grouped together…….

‘It has too often been the case, in the history of cities, that their Cultural Institutes have been

postponed until adequate sites for them are no longer obtainable. Modern cities (British and

American especially) are thus discovering their needs when too late adequately to supply them at

great expense, and then in too scattered locations.’

His point is that it was vital to ensure the

proximity of these institutes, so as to prevent their mutual forgetfulness, which in time hardens

into exclusiveness, and thus to failure of usefulness all round: and just when duly intelligent and

understanding and sympathetic cooperation are most required. This condition of proximity, and for

mutual interaction, is fundamentally necessary.’

Helen Meller, Patrick Geddes, Social Evolutionist and City Planner, Routledge, 1990, p.280.


On January 7, 1913, Abdu’l-Baha visited the "Outlook Tower”, an educational institution in Edinburgh, Scotland, guided by the learned scholar, Prof Patrick Geddes. Prof. Geddes gave Abdu’l-Baha a rousing reception. The Master praised his energy and patience.

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The harmony of heaven and earth

Municipal GovernmentHospitalHospiceHumanitarian Institutions

University / Schools Orphanage

Home for the Elderly

Harmony of Heaven and Earth

Civic Center市民中心

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1.市民中心 : 历史先例CIVIC CENTERS: Historical Precedents


2.市民中心 : 社会发展 与社区建设CIVIC CENTERS: Social Development & Community-Building

3.市民中心 : 城市与小镇 规划CIVIC CENTERS: City and Town Planning

Page 64: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

CIVIC CENTERS: Conceptual plans of towns and cities of different sizes organized around the concept of Civic Centers and Pedestrian-Oriented Districts.

市民中心不同规模的城镇与城市围绕市民中心 +步行距离的社区之建设概念

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Calculation of Convenient Community (POD) SizePOD= Pedestrian-oriented District


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Community Level Mashriqu’l-Adkar at the center of a “Walking” POD community

Assumption: People will need convenient access to the Civic Center. An easy 10 minute walk to the center, a distance of about 400 meters, defines a 50 hectare land area. Using a typical Chinese urban residential density of 200 people per hectare, we

get a population of 10,000 people. The Civic Center can be reached by everyone without the use of cars or public transport, inside this Pedestrian-Oriented District


“Walking” POD Community

Page 67: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Civic Centers and PODs• The smallest Civic Center is at the heart of an 800 meter diameter Pedestrian-Oriented District (POD) allowing the Center to be within easy reach of everyone. • When there are enough PODs to make a Town or a District of a City; it, in turn, has a Town or District Level Civic Center. • When there are enough Districts, it is possible to create a municipal level Civic Center. • The result is a bi-polar town or city with the Civic Center focused on social development and the CBD focused on business and commerce.

Civic Center CBD

Two City Centers


步行距离的社区 + 市民中心

Page 68: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Civic Center: Hierarchy of Sizes

Assumption: Cities will have municipal, district, and community-level Civic CentersThe size of each type will be in proportion to the population.

半径 R = 175 米 .面积 10 公顷 .

半径 R = 250 米 .21 公顷 .

半径 R = 1000 米 .面积 314 公顷 .

市区级 社区级

市民中心 : 城市级 , 市区级 , 社区级30万人口的城市 City of 300,000 people

Page 69: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Civic Center at District and Community Levels

面积 10 公顷 .半径 R = 175 米 .

21 公顷 .半径 R = 250 米 .



Page 70: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

城市级市民中心 半径 1000 米 面积 314 公顷Civic Center: City Level

R = 1000m. Area 314 h.

Page 71: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Typical Contents of a Municipal Level Civic Center

医院( 15 公顷)

旅馆( 7 公顷)

孤儿院( 7 公顷)

大学( 30 公顷)

敬老院( 12 公顷)

慈善机构( 12 公顷)

市政府 (26 公顷 )

Example: City of 300,000 people

一个市级水平的市民中心的典型内涵 , 以 30万人口的城市为例

Page 72: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Four “Walking” Communities and a District-Level Civic Center

40,000 people

“Walking” PODCommunity

District-Level Civic Center

Page 73: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

220,000 people

Five Districts and a Municipal-Level Civic Center

District-Level Civic Center

“Walking” Community

Municipal-Level Civic Center

Page 74: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

集中的商务区Concentrated CBD



市区级市民中心 步行导向型市区的市民中心


City of 300,000 people organized around Civic Centers and PODS

Page 75: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

City of 300,000 people organized around Civic Centers and PODS

Municipal-level Civic Center

District-level Civic Center Community-level

Civic Center



市区级市民中心 步行导向型市区的市民中心


Page 76: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

City of 300,000 people organized around Civic Centers and PODS

Page 77: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS


A conceptual plan of a city organized around Civic Centers



街区市民中心 步行导向型市区的市民中心




Page 78: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Transportation Concept Plan for a city of 300,000 people 人口在 30万以上城市的交通概念规划









Page 79: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Example: Seven New Districts, One Existing District (white) and a City-Level Civic Center


Managed Growth: An original town becomes a District of the new City; original villages become Communities within a new District

City Civic Center

DistrictCivic Center

Heavy Industry


vy I





vy I




Urban Forest

Original Town

1,2,3, and 4 are Original Villages






1,2,3,4 原来都是村庄


Walking-Distance Community with Civic Center

步行距离的社区 + 市民中心



Page 80: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 81: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 82: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 83: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 84: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 85: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 86: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 87: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 88: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 89: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 90: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 91: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 92: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 93: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 94: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Walking-Distance Community with Mashriqu’l-Adkar



Urban Forest

Page 95: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Small Town / District : Four Communities and a District-Level Civic Center


Walking-Distance Community with Civic Center

Town Civic Center

Heavy Industry

Urban Forest

小镇 / 区:四个社区和一个区级市民中心


步行距离的社区 + 市民中心

Page 96: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Large Town / Small City: Two Districts each with District-Level Civic Center

Yuan Shang Du


Walking-Distance Community with POD Civic Center

Town Civic Center


Urban Forest

大城镇 /小城市:二个市区,每市区各有一个市民中心

步行距离的社区 + 市民中心


Page 97: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

City: Six Districts and a City-Level Civic Center


Original town becomes CBD

City CivicCenter

DistrictCivic Center

Heavy Industry


vy I




Urban Forest

Original village becomes a POD

Walking-Distance Community with Civic Center


Managed Growth: An original town becomes a District; original villages become Communities within a District


步行距离的社区 + 市民中心



Page 98: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

City: Twelve Districts and a City-Level Civic Center

District Civic Center

Heavy Industry

Urban Forest


Walking-Distance Community with Civic Center

City Civic Center市民中心

步行距离的社区 + 市民中心


Page 99: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

City: Twelve Districts and a City-Level Civic Center



District Civic Center

Urban Forest

Walking-Distance Community with Civic Center


步行距离的社区 + 市民中心市民中心小区及

City CivicCenter


Page 100: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

A Group of Human Settlements organized around Civic Centers


Page 101: Social Sustainability: Civic Centers and PODS

Thank you!谢谢 !