267 Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 03925 KOREA Tel : 82-2-789-3727 | Fax : 82-2-789-3749 For more details : http://content.mbc.co.kr E-mail : [email protected] HD 70mins X 20eps DRAMA As a fictional period drama, this miniseries tells the story of a crown prince named Lee Sun who fights the Pyeon- suhwe society that holds absolute power over the kingdom and also controls the water supply by privatizing it. The drama involves romance, action and court politics as the Crown prince, Lee Sun fights heroically on behalf of the people and Han Ga-eun finds herself falling in love with him instead of avenging the execution of her father at his hands. In “The Emperor: Owner of the Mask,” there is palace intrigue revolving around the true power behind the throne, and a plot twist when the prince switches identities with a commoner. But the overall theme of the show is love, which underlies the romance between a prince and his girl as well as the compassion for the country and people. S ynopsis 本剧以1700年代的真实历史事件“水资源私有化”为题材,讲述了王世子李煊与霸占朝鲜八道水资源的强权势力“边首 会”斗争抗衡的故事,是将政治与言情融为一体的虚构历史剧。世子李煊正义果敢,与边首会斗争,为了百姓成为英雄; 韩佳恩本想报复将父亲斩首处死的世子,却在不知不觉中与世子相爱。世子李煊为何必须戴假面?闪闪发光的假面之下究 竟隐藏了什么阴谋? 朝鮮全土の水を私有化して強力な富と権力を手に入れた組職、編修会と対立して戦う王世子イ・ソンの義を貫く死闘と愛を描いた、 政治と愛がほどよく描かれたハイブリッドフィクション時代劇。民衆のため英雄になる世子イ・ソンと、父親を斬首した世子に復讐を 誓うものの恋に落ちてしまうハン・ガウンのいきいきとしたロマンス、政治を裏で操る実力者に対するストーリー、 王世子と賤民の身 分が入れ替わるストーリーなど、様々な映画的要素を持つ<君主-仮面の主人>は胸が痛む男女の愛、民衆への愛、国への愛、つまり は愛に関するストーリーが描かれている。 Director / 导演 / 演出 W r iter / 编剧 / 脚本 • Roh Do-chul [Mother’s Garden (2014)], [Twinkle Twinkle (2011)] 卢道哲《妈妈的庭院(2014)》,《一闪一闪亮晶晶(2011)》 ノ・ドチョル 『母の庭園』、 『きらきら光る』 • Park Hye-jin 朴惠真 パク・ヘジン

HDcontent.mbc.co.kr/program/drama/__icsFiles/afieldfile/...2017/05/23  · 假王。他是屠夫的儿子,生来就命中注定一直贫穷,没有学识,也不会有 任何转机。对他来说没有童年。但佳恩看出他是个天才,让他和自己一起

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Page 1: HDcontent.mbc.co.kr/program/drama/__icsFiles/afieldfile/...2017/05/23  · 假王。他是屠夫的儿子,生来就命中注定一直贫穷,没有学识,也不会有 任何转机。对他来说没有童年。但佳恩看出他是个天才,让他和自己一起

267 Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 03925 KOREATel : 82-2-789-3727 | Fax : 82-2-789-3749For more details : http://content.mbc.co.kr E-mail : [email protected]

HD 70mins X 20eps DRAMA

As a fictional period drama, this miniseries tells the story of a crown prince named Lee Sun who fights the Pyeon-suhwe society that holds absolute power over the kingdom and also controls the water supply by privatizing it. The drama involves romance, action and court politics as the Crown prince, Lee Sun fights heroically on behalf of the people and Han Ga-eun finds herself falling in love with him instead of avenging the execution of her father at his hands. In “The Emperor: Owner of the Mask,” there is palace intrigue revolving around the true power behind the throne, and a plot twist when the prince switches identities with a commoner. But the overall theme of the show is love, which underlies the romance between a prince and his girl as well as the compassion for the country and people.



朝鮮全土の水を私有化して強力な富と権力を手に入れた組職、編修会と対立して戦う王世子イ・ソンの義を貫く死闘と愛を描いた、政治と愛がほどよく描かれたハイブリッドフィクション時代劇。民衆のため英雄になる世子イ・ソンと、父親を斬首した世子に復讐を誓うものの恋に落ちてしまうハン・ガウンのいきいきとしたロマンス、政治を裏で操る実力者に対するストーリー、 王世子と賤民の身分が入れ替わるストーリーなど、様々な映画的要素を持つ<君主-仮面の主人>は胸が痛む男女の愛、民衆への愛、国への愛、つまりは愛に関するストーリーが描かれている。

Director / 导演 / 演出

Writer / 编剧 / 脚本

• Roh Do-chul [Mother’s Garden (2014)], [Twinkle Twinkle (2011)]• 卢道哲《妈妈的庭院(2014)》,《一闪一闪亮晶晶(2011)》

• ノ・ドチョル 『母の庭園』、『きらきら光る』

• Park Hye-jin• 朴惠真

• パク・ヘジン

Page 2: HDcontent.mbc.co.kr/program/drama/__icsFiles/afieldfile/...2017/05/23  · 假王。他是屠夫的儿子,生来就命中注定一直贫穷,没有学识,也不会有 任何转机。对他来说没有童年。但佳恩看出他是个天才,让他和自己一起

Living in a palace with a heavy burden to carry as the next in line to the throne, crown prince Lee Sun can never find peace within the confines of his royal accommodations. But the worst part of his life is having to wear a mask all the time. As he grew older, he started to question his father the true reason behind the mask. However, the king would deflect his question and merely tell him that he would explain everything later. Thus, he decided to find out the answer by himself. While perusing through records of the royal family, he discovers his medical history and how he became inexplicably ill. So Lee Sun escapes the palace to track down Woobo, who can answer his questions.

世子李煊 : 俞承豪饰身为世子的沉重责任感,难以理解的政治和空旷的东宫,对世子来说宫中从来都没有温暖。但最让他感到痛苦的是要一直戴着假面。世子一直问国王为什么要戴假面,但国王总是回答说到时候就会告诉他,让他不要再问。于是他决心自己查清不得不戴假面的原因。他在查找王室记录时,发现了自己患有不明疾病时的记录,于是从宫里逃走去找友宝。

世子 イ・ソン : 俳優 ユ・スンホ世子という責任感の重さ、理解を超える政治、広くがらんとした東宮など、世子は宮殿内で温もりを感じたことがなかった。最もつらいことは仮面を被って生きなければならないこと。なぜ仮面を被って生きなければならないのか王に尋ね続けてきたが、王はその度に時がくれば教える、何も聞くなという言葉だけを繰り返した。結局自分が仮面を被って生きなければならない理由を自ら探そうと決心した世子は、王室の記録を探していた時、自分が原因不明の病に伏せていた当時の記録を見つける。そして、宮殿から逃げ出して‘ウボ’を探しに出る。

Due to her mother’s premature death, she has to take care of her impover-ished family and her dad who is from a long line of warriors. So her child-like curiosity quickly disappeared as she had responsibilities to look after her siblings. Doing the housekeeping and supporting the family is difficult and she gets frustrated with all the house duties she has. She eagerly awaits the days when she gets a day off to visit Monk Woobo. She is able to study under the monk and daydream about becoming free from all of her responsibilities someday. One day, she meets Cheon-soo, who becomes the first boy she ever had feelings for. He understands her dreams and aspirations and they share the same pursuit of being free. But her budding relationship with Cheon-soo is cut short when her father is beheaded by the crown prince.

韩佳恩 : 金所炫饰她代替早早去世的母亲操持贫寒的武官之家,好奇心理转变为责任感,坚强而独立自主的性格演变为顽强的生活能力。她有时觉得负责持家很艰辛,所以盼望每隔几天就去见友宝师父的日子。她去那开心地学习,梦想获得自由。有一天,她遇到了理解她的梦想,一起畅谈自由的人。那就是她的初恋情人天寿。但初恋的心动非常短暂,她父亲被世子斩首处死。

ハン・ガウン : 俳優 キム・ソヒョン早世した母親の代わりに貧しい武官の生活を支える中で、好奇心は責任感に、強くて自立した性格は生活力に変わった。家計を支えることはつらく、家事を任されることにも嫌気が差す時がある。そのため、何日かおきにウボ師匠に会いに行く日を指折り数えて待つ。そこで好きな勉強をしながら自由を夢見る。ところがある日、自分の夢を理解し、共に自由を語る人、初恋の人チョンスに出会う。しかし、初恋のときめきもつかの間、父親が世子の手によって斬首される。

| Starring | Yoo Seung-ho | Starring | Kim So-hYun

Lee SunCrown prince CommonerHan Ga-eun

Even though her family is not a prominent noble class family, she is the granddaughter of the Pyeonsuhwe leader who controls the kingdom. Because of the power that her family wields, she confidently talks back to the queen unlike other girls at her age. The crown prince who wears a mask around the palace seems to be pathetic in her eyes. Then one day, she meets the crown prince who turns out to be nothing like the sheltered prince she expected him to be. The moment she meets the crown prince, and the moment when he rescues her from danger, she figured that she is madly in love with him.

金花君 : 尹邵熙饰虽然不是出身于世代相传的贵族世家,但祖父是能左右朝鲜的大木。也许因为这个原因,她非常高傲,面对王后也能理直气壮地交谈。对她来说,不得不一直戴着假面的软弱世子非常渺小可怜。有一天,她在温室遇到了完全不同于传闻的清雅世子。在走入温室看到世子的那一刻,她凭直觉预感到一段彻骨铭心的爱开始了。

キム・ファグン : 俳優 ユン・ソヒ代々続く地位の高い両班の家ではないが、朝鮮を牛耳るデモクの孫娘。そのせいか王妃の前でも堂 と々目を見て会話をする高慢なところがあった。そんな彼女に仮面を被って生きなければならない軟な世子は情けない存在だった。ある日、温室で噂とは全く異なる爽やかな世子と出会う。温室に足を踏み入れた瞬間、世子に出会った瞬間、恐ろしい愛の始まりを直感する。

As the son of a Baekjung-class commoner, he grew up poor and never got an education. He had no prospects of improving himself and he was denied a normal childhood. But Ga-eun saw how intelligent he was and found a way for them to learn how to read and write together. Since he was nameless, she came up with the name, Lee Sun (異線) for him, which instilled hope within him that he could better himself. But he knew the reality that he could never marry Ga-eun whose family was from the warrior-class and so he banished any feelings he had for her and stopped studying altogether. But after meeting the crown prince, he rekindled his dream.

贱民异线 : 金明洙 (InfInITE L)


賎民 イソン : 俳優 キム・ミョンス(INFINITE エル)


| Starring | Yoon So-hee | Starring | Kim mYung-Soo (infinite L)

Kim Hwa-goon Lee Sun