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高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”

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高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版A New Kind of “Charity”

Page 2: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”

• How much do you know about Mark Zuckerberg? What do you think of he and his wife’s decision to set up the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative?

• Have you ever made a donation? If so, how much/what did you donate? What was the donation for?



Page 3: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”

How much do you know about Mark Zuckerberg?


1. Zuckerberg suffers from red-green colour-blindness and sees the colour blue best. That is why blue dominates Facebook’s colour scheme (配色方案 ).

2. Zuckerberg started programming when he was only 12 years old.

3. Zuckerberg wears the same grey T-shirt almost every day because he’s busy and it saves him time in the morning.

4. Zuckerberg claims he is a vegetarian and once said he would only eat meat if he had killed the animal himself. However, among his “likes” on his Facebook page are McDonald’s and Burger King.

5. Zuckerberg owns a Hungarian sheepdog named Beast. He loves his dog very much. Beast has a Facebook page with 1.5 million fans.


Page 4: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”

Word bank


Throughout their lifetime, they will transfer nearly all of these valuable shares to build a powerful company “to advance human potential and promote equality for all children in the next generation.”

While While readingreading

transfer v. 调动,转让share n. 股份

advance v. 促进,推动potential n. 潜力,潜质promote v. 促进,推动equality n. 平等

Page 5: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”


Word bank

therefore adv. 因此

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Therefore, it will not focus on directly donating money to people disadvantaged by specific crises or poor groups of people.

disadvantage v. 使处于不利地位specific adj. 特定的crisis n. 危机

Page 6: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”


Word bank

investor n. 投资者

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These investors argue that direct donations only have temporary, unsustainable effects on disadvantaged people or areas. Often their investments are meant to be profitable for themselves too. That is what arouses scepticism.

unsustainable adj. 不能持续的

profitable adj. 有利可图的

arouse v. 引发scepticism n. 怀疑态度

Page 7: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”



1. All people are ____________, deserving the same rights as each other. (equality)2. Researchers may find it ______________ to talk to experts in the field. (disadvantage)3. A number of officials were arrested on ____________ charges. (corrupt)4. There’s been a huge ___________ of time and energy in order to make the project a success. (invest)5. Many experts remain ____________ about his claims. (scepticism)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the given words.






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Translate the following sentences into English:

1. 本想用我的这个笑话制造点幽默效果。 (mean)

2. 他们家有 20 世纪 30 年代的装潢风格。 (typical)

3. 我不知道老板会那么严厉。 (ignorant)

4. 很显然,你不愿意接受我的想法。 (willing)

I was ignorant of the fact that the boss could be so strict.

My joke was meant to be humorous.

Their house has the style of decoration typical of the 1930s.

It is clear that you are not willing to accept my idea.

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Page 9: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”

1. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife will use nearly all of their shares in Facebook to advance human potential.

2. Philanthrocapitalists usually have a good knowledge of making investments.

3. People may be sceptical of Zuckerberg’s initiative because Facebook has once been hacked.

4. The author is confident that today’s young people are willing to make a difference in the world.

5. The author agrees with today’s young people that if the economy is developed, poverty is reduced.



True or false

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Answer the following question:


1. According to the article, what are the differences between charity and philanthrocapitalism?

Charities focus on donating money directly to people disadvantaged by specific crises or poor groups of people. Philanthrocapitalism focuses on more permanent and sustainable effects on disadvantaged people or areas.

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Answer the following question:


2. According to the article, why are decades of aid to Africa probably wasted?

Because state governments there could be corrupt and mismanaged; they may not use the aid properly. Besides, African producers can’t compete with cheap donated products.

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Page 12: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”

The 21st-century power couple, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, have set up the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative using part of their shares in Facebook.

☞ 这个句子中的现在分词短语 using part of their shares in the Facebook 充当方式状语,说明扎克伯格夫妇设立陈 - 扎克伯格倡议有限责任公司的方式。 除了方式状语之外,现在分词(短语)在句中作状语时,还可以充当时间状语、原因状语、条件状语、让步状语和伴随状语等。e.g. Hearing the good news, he jumped with joy.

Being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday.

Working hard, you will succeed.

She came into the house, carrying a lot of books.


GRAMMAR TIPLanguage Language studystudy

Page 13: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”


YOUR TURNLanguage Language studystudyTranslate the following sentences into English.

1. 看到那些画,她想起了自己的童年。

2. 如果你向左转,你就会找到去超市的路。

3. 他躺在草地上,长时间地望着天空。

4. 尽管知道了这一切情况,他们还是要我赔偿损失。

Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood.

Turning to the left, you will find the way to the supermarket.

He lay on the grass, staring at the sky for a long time.

Knowing all this, they still made me pay for the damage.

Page 14: 高中基础 (2301 期 20151215) 头版 A New Kind of “Charity”

After reading this article, would you like to listen to philanthrocapitalists? Why or why not?


Question for further discussion:


After After readingreading

I think I would. In my opinion, the projects set up by philanthrocapitalists are more influential. Those people should have a better knowledge of how to use the donated money in a wiser and more meaningful way.