H FENETIKH IYZTAZH TON KATOIKftN THI EAAAAAZ Tjir||u.aTO(; BioXoyiaq tou ApiaxoieXeiou naveTuarrmioD THE GENETIC COMPOSITION OF THE INHABITANTS OF GREECE Constantinos Triantaphv lidis Professor of Genetics School of Biology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki OEIXAAONIKH 1993 THESSALONIKI 1993

Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

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Page 1: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


Tjir||u.aTO(; BioXoyiaq tou ApiaxoieXeiou naveTuarrmioD


Constantinos Triantaphv lidisProfessor of Genetics

School of Biology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Page 2: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

010 Qsfia: «H yeveriKtjrcov KOLTOIKCOV Ttjg

6a<;», and ti\ K.MqvaaiSoD-Mavpidov, npoedpoZvvdsajiov larpcbv FvvaiKcbv Bo-psiov

npiv Xiya xpdvia, oNwpo&A £ypay/£ o

TOD Kai Srjhcoae as avv£VT£V&i(; wv, on01 *EMrjve<; Kaiayo^aoTe and wot;TovpKOvq, Kai on r\ arrjv ev-pconai'Krj KOivotrim rjrav eacpa^svrj,vicboa^E okoi juaq va enavaarawu^e KaifiaQid [t£aa //ag TTJV ayavdKTrjarj jna<; va

yia tiq woo

Beftaia Sev Zspajus, okoi 01q, £/cT<5g Bwkoyias, on e/crdc and m

6eSo[i£va, jjinopovoans va av-wv Nwpo&A Kai

eniai^oviKr spsova.Aev ^epa^ie on, aw r//7///a

yia<; wo ApiawrefaiovSeaoakoviKriq, o KaOrjyrjrrjQ FevenKrj<;K. K. Tpiavra(/)D^iSr](; Kai 01 aovepyd-reg wo ei%av r\dr\ rrjv £pyama yiava WKjurjpicbvovv Kai y£V£iiKd ir\v Kara-ycoyrj naq.

'Omv Siaftdoafjie awv wno w dp-

Opo-Sia^iapwpia wu K. K. Tpiavw:(pvk-], w onoio avag>£pdrav Kai ae, dkkec,

TO 0£//a £pyaai£Q &VCDV I7a-v£ni(nr]^icov, onaic, wo KaOrjyrjrrj K./Mffa Kai wjv avvBpyaiojv wv awTopivo, aiaOavdrjKajLi£ n£prj(pdv£ia yiairjv woo oofiapri Kai £^iaoo no^vnfir]Epyaoia noo £i'x£ nporjyrjOw aw SIKO

v&niatYinw Kai ^pr\Ka^£, o Zvv-lawojv FvvaiKOjv Bopsiac, Ek-on m aD^nEpdajuara awcfic, rrjt;

Epsvvaq, enpeTts vayvwawnoirjOovv o& dAoog £/idg WDQ*EMt]V£(; Kai fizfiaia //era, a£ o'Aov TOVKOOfJLO.

01 'E^rjv£(;, onoo KI av ppi-O£^OD^£ va ^£poofi£ TK; pi&c,

Kai 6%i fi£fiaia yia va vicbooo^e. mo

, aAAd yia va junopov^ vaavnKpODOD^i£ Kai EniarruiioviKd - KI oyiaovo loiopiKd - av8£^r]viK£(; anoy/sic,Kdnoiatv avOpojncuv Kai dMcov noo £ni-

oho avw TO juEyafaio nooEAAAAA.

Page 3: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

Introduction to the speech «The gene-tic composition of the inhabitans ofGreece» by Dr Penelope Minasidou-Mavridou, President of the MedicalWomen Association of North Greece

When a few years ago, the Frenchhistorian Dyrosel wrote in one of hisbooks and commented in interviewsthat «the Greeks come from the Turksand that the entry of Greece into theEuropean Community was a mistake»we were all deeply enraged by the-se unfounded and untrue historical re-marks.

Of course we all, not of the fa-culty of Biology, did not know thatapart from historical data, we couldalso prove Dyrosel and some other socalled friends wrong based on scienti-fic research.

We did not know that in theSchool of Biology of the AristotleUniversity of Thessaloniki, the Pro-

fessor of Genetics Mr C. Triantaphyl-lidis and his associates had a scienti-fic publication about our genetic ori-gin.

When we read in the press the ar-ticle-protest of Dr. C. Triantaphylli-

dis, which also referred to more pu-blications from foreign Universitiesdealing with the same subject, likethe one of Professor Piazza and asso-ciates from the University of Torine,we felt proud of this not only serious,but also valuable publication of ouruniversity and we as a MedicalWomen Association of North Greece,concluded that the results of this scie-ntific research be known to all usGreeks and consequently to the wholeworld.

Every Greek, wheever he may be,is interested in discovering his rootsand this not in order to feel moreGreek, of this he is certain, but to beable to refute not only historically butalso scientifically antihellenic opi-nions of some people and others whohave designs on our Greek heritage.

The Medical Women Associationof North Greece would like to thankDr C. Triantaphyllidis who so readilyanswered our request that this speech

Page 4: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

O Zvv6eano<; lawcbv FovaiKCov B., 6a debars va £oxapiaTfjaoo[i£

wv KaOrjyrjTtj K. K. TpiavTaqfoMiSr]noo Tdao (pikiKd avmnoKpiOrjKS aw ai-

d uat; va yivei aoTrj rj 6idAe£rj Kai vai TTJV sKSoarj wo (pvkkddwv,

nov eivai fiia mpihr\yri wo Befiawq «rjaoaTaarj TOJV KawiKOJV T?/Cypajupevo aTrjv EMrjviKrj Kai

tj yAcbaaa, yia va amkti navwoarqv EAAdSa Kai w e^corepiKd, yia va

oi, noao TTAAf/vcc ei^iaareyev£TiKd. O Zvvdea^ioq laxpcbv Fo-

vaiKcbv B. EkkdSa<;, xpojard^e eva p,e-evxapiaTO) awv npoeSpo roo la-

D ZoMoyoo OeaaaAoviKtis K. N.AyyeMSrj, w yeviKO Fpaju^iarea K. F.

Kai w SwiKrjriKO

kio, nov ju£ war\ aovspydaOrj-Kav jua£i //ac GTrjv opydvcoarj

noo eyive aro EjunopiKOEni^e^rjrrjpw erne 3 Mapxiov

1993 Kai aveAaftav ir\npd)Trj<; £KSoar](; wo <poMa6ioo IL«FeveTiKrj aoaraarj rcov KawiKcov

eniarjt; wv K. Kcov.ZraaivonooAo, larpo, aovadehyo, eKSo-rrj TOO larpiKoo UepwSiKoo FAAH-NOZ Kai wv K. Uavr. Ffanaysajpywo,eni^i. eKdoarjt; TOO mpioSiKOo yia TrjSrjjLtoai£oarj wo KMJUEVOO aw mpwdiKO«FAAHNOL» Kai Trjv £nav£K6oar] TOO(pvkkaSiov, yia va aov£xia6£i r\Xr\o a ' o'Aeg T/C fii/tt.io9riK£(; wo KO-

Kai a£ apjidSioos (popeiQ.

01Ot TTpWTOi xdTOixot TTjq EXXdSaq,

, cpaivETai TiooaTov EXXiqvixo x^po 11:0X0

o TO 6.000 TC.X. ApyoTEpa avs-KTTO Mivoji'xo xai TOV K\jxXa8ixoap,6. AxoXo00ric7av 01 'EXXiqvEc; iiou£<p0acrav xaTd SiaSoxixd xuptaTa CTTTJaTQ^JLEplVTQ EXXTJVIXTQ X£pa6vT)aO 0*TO TE-

Xoq TiQq XdXxiVTjq Eirox'nq (2.500-1.100 -rcX). AUTO cruvdyETai airo Ta EU-pfl(j,aTa TOJV apxaioXoyixwv avaaxa-

, Ta ypaitTd xai Ta laTOpixd

E-rcoiJLEVouq TpEiq aiwv£q(1.100-800 iiX) TiapaTiQpEiTai aOTOU Ti:XiQ0uc7[jLOu TiQq EXXaSaq xaivdsi o -rcpWToq auoixiapLoq TWV aTT]q MEaoyEiou xai TTjq Maupfjq 0dXaa-aaq. *H8in TOV 80 TcX ai(i>va

a-KOixiEq CTTT]

BouXyapia xai Poufaavia xai oriqaxTEq TTjq MaupTqq BdXaaaaq xai TTjqMixpdq Acriaq. Oi 'EXXiqvEq airoixiaav

EpioxEq TiQq ZixsXiaq xai TiQqiTaXiaq WCTTE r\Q va ovo-

i MEydXiQ EXXdSa. TauTOXpovai8p00iQxav -rcoXsiq aTiq FaXXixsq xaiaTiq IcrrcaviXEq axTEq xa0wq xai aTTjBopsia A^pixf). Tov 4o aiwva 71X o ME-yaq AXs^avSpoq (356-323 itX) ETouq ^EXXiQVEq xai TOV EXXiqvixoTiapio ojq TTQV IvSia, TTQV AiyuTCTO xaiTTQV Apapia. O £TCoixi(7{j,6q xai oXr)vic7|Ji6q auvExiaTiqxav yiapo a-rro 200 xpovia (jtsaa OL-KO TaaTixd BaaiXEia TOJV SiaSox^v TOU ME-ydXou AX£H,dv8pou xai 8iaTTqpT]0T]X£axp,aioq xaTd TTQ PwiJtaixTj auToxpa-TOpia. KaTd TT] Bu^avTivTQ E-KOXTQ T]AvaToXia ai^oTEXoucrE jjiia airo Tiq

Page 5: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

be given and that he takes care of thepublication of this leaflet which is asummary of the subject «The geneticcomposition of the inhabitants ofGreece» written in Greek and Englishto be sent all over Greece and even allaround the world, so that everyone re-alises how Greek our genealogy is,genetically speaking as well. TheMedical Women Association of NorthGreece owe a big thanks to the Presi-dent of the Medical Association ofThessaloniki Dr N. Aggelidis, theGeneral Secretary Dr G. Xatzedemosand the board who so eagerly coope-rated in the organization of the speech

which took place in the Chamber ofCommerce on March 3rd 1993 andwho were the granters of the capitalfor the first edition of the leaflet titled« The genetic composition of the inha-bit an ts ofGreece».

We would also like to thank thecolleaque Dr C. Stasinopoulos, theEditor of the Journal of Medicine Ga-linos and Mr Pan. Papageorgiou, Ma-nager Editor of the Journal, for thepublication of the speech in the Jour-nal and the republication of the lea-flet so that it continues to be sent to allthe Libraries of the World and tomany Institutions.

The first inhabitants of Greece,the Prohellens, arrived in Greek terri-tory at about 8.000 to 6.000 BC. La-ter, they developed in Crete and theGreek islands those marvellous civi-lizations which are known as Minoanand Cycladic. The Hellenes (= Gre-eks) arrived on the Greek mainland insuccesive waves during the end of theBronze Age (2.500 to 1.000 BC).Their arrival has been establischedthrough archaelogical excavations,linguistic records and literaly sources.

The next three centuries(1.100-800 BC) saw an increase ofGreece's population, while Hellenic(=Greek) civilization and culture wereadvanced. Meanwhile, important co-lonizing enterprises started, whichspread the Hellenes futher afield from

the Greek mainland. By the 8th cent-ury there were Hellenic settlements inmodern Bulgaria and Rumania, on thecoasts of the Black sea and of Asia Mi-nor. The Greeks also colonized partsof Sicily and Southern Italy, whichcame to be known as Magna Graecia(Great Greece) and many points alongthe French, Spanish and North Africacoasts. This Early colonization wasthe beginning of a process of Heileni-zation of the indigenous populations.In the 4th century Alexander theGreat (356-323 BC) extended greekcolonization and civilization evenfurther, to include much of Egypt andthe Middle East and to reach even In-dia. Colonization and hellenizationcontinued for more than two hundredyears and was maintained during the

Page 6: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

M-£ EXXrjvixoo EC;OJ and TTQV EXXrjvixf] X£p-

aovrjao.H [JL£X£TT| TOJV XaTOlXOJV TTjq EX-

XdSaq auvf}0ojq yivETai p,£ icrcopixd,yXojacnxd T] apxaioXoyixd SESojjiEva.To dp0po auTO axoTCEUEi va npocrEyylaEtTO 0£{jia ano SiacpopETixf] axomdxai paal^ETai CTE flioiaTpixd -xd - 8£5op,£va.

A^i^Ei va avacp£p0£i OTI T)JJLEXETT] TOJV OJJldSoJV alfJLaTOq S

aTT)v pXXdSa ano TOV Ka0TQyTQTf) xaiTiqv xupia Hirszfeld TO 1919. KaTd TTQStapXEia TOU iipwTou TiayxoapLiou[JLOU EIXOCV TTjV EUXttlpia Va

aouv aTT] ©EaaaXovixTQ pLEydXouq apL0-orTpaTiWTWv ano SiacpopETixEg

- XTTQV EpEuva a\jp,ii£pL£Xapav xai500 "EXXiqvEq. Airo TOTE xai fiEXP'- CTTJ'IJIE-pa TcoXXoi EpEuviQTEc; xupiwq *EXXr)-VEq [jiEXETiqaav TIC; auxvoTTjTEc; TWVaXXifiXojjiopcpojv TOJV yoviSiwv TIOU xa-0opi^ouv opidSEq aip-aToq, xai EV^U-{jiaTixoOc; f) npWTEivixouc; 7ioXup,opcpi-a{jioi)c; avd[j,£aa aTOuq xaToixouqEXXdSaq. 'AXXoi EPEUVTQTE^TOiiixoOc; f| anop,ovaj(ji£voxouc, 7cXT]0uaiJioi)q. To dp0po auTO axo-TTEOEI va napouaidaEi TTQ yEVETixiq SOJJLIQTOJV xaToixojv TTQq EXXdSaq, xa0ojq

xai TTvoj[Ji£vojv E r j v i x o j v T c r i u a { J L O J V yiaTouq onoiouq undpxouv Sia0£t7i[jia apxs-Td yEVETlXa C7TOIX£IOC. AUTOl 01 1i:XlQ0U-

apioi Eivai 01 TtpoacpuyEg atco TTQ MixpdAaia xai 01 EvSoyajJiixoi xai vo|j,a8ixoinXiqOya^jioi TOJV ZapaxaTaavaiojv xaiTOJV A0iyyavojv.

H laTopia Tiqq yXwaaaq - TJ E^sXi-^TQ TTQC, - [JLTTOpEl Vtt lXVTjXaTT10£L aitO

TIC; 0|_ioi6TTiT£q xai Siacpopsq TOJV

yXojaaojv. Ta aTOix£ta nou 0a irpoxu-vj^ouv {JiTtopouv va xpT]<7i'M'0'rcoiTj0ouv yiaTT) {JLEXETTJ TTjq icjTOpiaq xai TOJV cruyyE-VEIOJV TOU Xaou TCOU o[jiiX£i TT) yXojaaa.M£ TOV l8lO TpOTIO 01 Op-OlOTTJTEC, Xttl 01

SiacpopEq avdp-Eaa ciTa yoviSia, TIC; [JLO-vdSEg TTjq xXrjpovojJiixoTTiTac;, JJITIO-

pouv va xpT] 0^0710 ITJ00UV Yia va ocno-xaXu<p0ouv npOTUiia y£V£Tixf]c; auyys-

avdjJiEaa CJE SiacpopETixouquq. IIpoT)you|Ji£vojc;

{ji£, OTI 01 'EXXr|V£c;oXr] TTJV iTEpioxT] TTjq M£aoy£iou xaiaxojjnq [jtaxpuTEpa. fig EX TOUTOU EivaiEvSiacpEpov va -rcapouaiaaTouv Ta ano-

a TTQC; yEVETixfjc; auyyEVEiaqaTOuq xaToixouq TIQC; EXXd-

8aq xai TOJV dXXojv x^pojv TTjq MECTO-yEiou xa0ojq EnicjTjc; avd(Ji£aaxaTOixouq TTjq MEaoysiou xai TIC;

IlaXiOTEpa T) EXTifj/iqcrT) TOU Pa0-.auyyEVEiaq avdpiEaa aTOuq av0poj-

mvouq ii:XiQ0ua|Jiouq paai^OTav xupiojqC7TT| {JLEXETTQ [JlOpCpoXoyiXOJV X«-paXTTJpl-

aTixojv (nx SiacpopEc; CJTO avac7TTj[j,a,CJTO xpwjJia TTJC; EiriSEpiJiiSac; XTX). Ap-yoTEpa dpxio-av va xPTlo'LM'0'rcoiouvTai01 o[Jid8£q aipiaToq. HE Eva TpiTOano TO 1976 apxitfE va yi,v£TaiTOJV npOJTElVlXOJV Xai £V^,U[JllXOJV

paXXaywv. Oi Xoyoi yia TOUC; onoiouq01 ojJidSEq aip,aToq xai 01 dXXoi TipojTEi-vixoi xai Ev^ujjiixoi noXujjiopcpiapioiXpTjaipionoiouvTai oXoEva xai CJUXVOTE-pa as ayiGT\E Tiq {jiopcpoXoyiXEq JJLE-

* o opoc; (puA.fi 0a xpr|aip,ojioni0ei OTO dpGpo

yia X6you<; euKoXiag av KCU 6Xa ta yeveiiKd

urtoatripi^oDV on 8ev uiucxpxouv av-

OpcbTuvec; (puA,e^ aXXa, avOpcbicivoi ji

Page 7: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


Roman imperial rule. During the By-zantine period Anatolia, with the ma-jor city in the interior of Cappado-chia, was one of the most importantregions with a Greek population out-side of Greece itself.

The study of the inhabitants ofHellas (= Greece) is usually based onhistorical, linguistic and archaeologi-cal records. This article aims to inve-stigate the same subject from a diffe-rent angle, since it is based on Biome-diqal - genetical - data.

It is worth mentioning that it wasin Greece that the first study of bloodgroup frequencies was ever made. Itwas carried out by Professor and MrsHirszfeld (1919) when they were wor-king in Salonika during the FirstWorld War and had the opportunityof studying large numbers of soldiersfrome different countries. Five hun-dred Greeks were included in theirsamples. Since then, and up to thepresent day, a number of investiga-tors, mostly greeks, have studied thefrequency of alleles of genes that codefor blood groups, enzyme and proteinpolymorphisms, among the Greekpeople. Several authors have studiedlocal or isolated Greek populations.This aricle is an attempt to present thegenetic structure of the inhabitants ofmodern Greece, as well as the geneticcomposition of isolated Greek popu-lations for which enough geneticaidata are available. These populationsare the refugees from Asia Minor, theendogamic and nomadic populationsof Sarakatsans and the Gypsies.

The history of a language - itsevolution - can be traced from the

simiiiarities and differences of livinglanguages and their literaly fossils.Such linguistic evidence can be usedto trace the history and relationshipsof populations. In the same way, sha-red genes can be used to trace patternsof genetic relationships among humanpopulations. Because of the abovementioned immigration of Greeks allover the Mediterranean region, itseems interesting to investigate the ge-netic relationships between the inha-bitants of Greece and the inhabitantsof the Mediterranean countries as wellas between the inhabitants of the Me-diterranean countries and the threemajor human reces*.

Previously, the genetic relation-ships between the human populationswere studied mainly by using mor-phological characters. In recent years,however, blood groups and other pro-tein and enzyme polymorphism(1976) have been studied in humanpopulations. The study of bloodgroups and other genetic polymor-phisms for this type of work is moreattractive from, say craniometric data,because of two reasons: their lack ofenvironmental lability and their si-mple genetic determination. Today,for the same purpose, the scientistsare studying the polymorphism of themitochondrial and nuclear genetic

* The data from population genetic studiessupport the notion that there are no humanraces, but only human populations. So, theterm race, in this article, is used only for theconvenience of presentation of the results.

Page 8: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας



vsq Eivai Suo: a) o (paivoTurcoq Touq SEVEitTQpEd^ETai aoro Tiq [jLETapoXsq TOU•rcspipaXXovToq TQ TTQV TQXixia TWV q>op£-wv xai P) xXTQpovojJiouvTai xai -rcpocrSio-pi^ovTai pLE a-rcXo Tpoito. H auvSuaapiE-VTQ JJIEXETTQ TOU ^oXujJLOpCpiajJLOO TWV

opidSwv alpiaToq xai TWV -rcpwTEivwvETCETpEvpE TTjV XttXuTEpTQ [JIEXETTQ TTQq

SiacpopoTtoiTQarjq TWV -n;XTQ0uapiwv. TaP°VLa Yia TOV ^l° ^^O-KO

P.EXETTJ TOU i:oXu{JLop<pLap,ouTOU |j.iTOxov8piaxou xat TOU ii:upT]vixouY£V£Tixou uXtxou (DNA) xa0o>q xai oTcpoa8iopiap,6q SiacpopwvXouxt£q TOU irupiqvixou TQxou DNA.

A. H yeveriKtj a%eati rcov KGLTOIKCOVrt]<; EM.d6a<; /is

TTQq AXY£piaq as 16Ta -TCOU acpopouv CTE 40 napaXXaY£^

H TCEptoxiQ TTjq M£aoY£i.ou unoSiai-a£ TcoXXd xpdTTQ. OL TiXTjOuaiJiotTWV ^ w v airoTEXouvTat ano

xai 0pTQC7X£iaq. KaTd CJUVE-0a d^t^E va -KpoaSiopiaTEi IQ Y£V£-

Tixf] ax£CT1rl avd^JLEaa aTOuq xaToixouqTOJV jjiEaoY£iaxwv xwP^v SriXaSf] TIauYY^6101 M'ETaH.u Touq xa0(Jaq xai TQY£V£TixT) airoaTaaiQ avaptsaa arouqxaToixouq TOJV p-EaoY^axcov xwP^v

xai TWV xupiOTEpwv av0poj-n:ivwv <pu-Xwv. Fia TO axouo auTO %pj\ai[^OT:oiJ]-

itoXXd YoviSia xaiu (1,2).


Icrrcavtaq, TTQq FaXXiaq, TTQq iTaXiaq,T-qq EXXaSaq, TTQq Toupxiaq, TOU la-paiQX, TTQq Ai^uriq, TTQq AIYUHTOU xai

auT T T E p i a ^ v o v T a i 01aijaaToq ABO, Rhesus xXit, Tavixd auaTTQjjLaTa ACPH, AK, Hp xa.Ta a-rcoTEXEqjiaTa 710. TTQV xauxdaiaxai TTQ JJ,OYY°XIXTQ ^uXr) -npoEpxovTai

o Xsuxouq AjjiEpixavouq xai a-ruo Fia-uq avTiaTOixa. Ta

Ta Yia TT1 VEYPIXTQ cpuXTQaTco {Jtaupouq TTQq AcppiXTQq xai TWVHHA.

ME pdcTT] Ta aTOix£ta auTd xai

uq TUiiouq uiroXoYtcrTTQXE TQ Y£V£-TIXTQ ojjLOiOTTQTa avdp-£aa aTOuq xaToi-xouq TWV 9 {JtEaoYEtaxwv x^pwv. KaTa-axEudaTTQXE 8£vSp6Ypap,{jia CTTO orcoiocpaivETai TcapaaTaTixd TQ Y£V£^'-XTQ crx£-aTQ avdpiEad Touq (Eix. 1). ATCO auTO

OTl TQ [JllXpOTEpTQ Y£V£Tlxin

(IQ [JIE dXXa XoYi-a TQ ptEYaXu-Y£VETIXTQ auYY£V£La) U7i:dpx£i avd-CTE FaXXouq - lanavouq xai 'EXXTQ-

vsq - iTaXouq. Aiyo [jiixpoTEpTQ auYY£-v£ia £pt(pavi^£Tai avdp,£aa aTouq 'EX-XTQvsq - ITaXouq xai FdXXouq - laira-vouq. H [jLEYaXuTEpTQ Y£^£T^TQ anoaTa-OTJ 0pE0TQXE avdp,Eaa aTouq xaToixouqTTQq AXyEpiaq xai Touq xaToixouq TWVdXXwv 8 |jL£aoY£iaxwv x^pwv. Oi

i TTQq B M£aoY£iou EVTaacJo-0X01 as p-ia ojJidSa EVW auTO SEV

p,£ Touq xaToixouq TTjq N

©a pnropouo-apLE va uTcoaTTQpi^ou{jL£OTI 01 'EXXrjVEq [jioid^ouv Y£v£^^d as<7£ipd 7T:pWTa [JLE Touq ITaXouq, ETiEiTapi£ Touq FdXXouq xai TsXEUTaia [JLETouq Toupxouq. KaTd auvEUEia TQ d

TOU FaXXou laTOpixou Z

Page 9: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

meterial (DNA), as well as the diffe-rences in the order of nucleotides ofparticular segments of nuclear andmitochondrial DNA.

A. The genetic relationship betweenthe inhabitants of Greece and theinhabitants of other Mediterraneancountries

The Mediterranean region is divi-ded into many countries. The popula-tion of this area is quite diverse consi-sting of people of different nationali-ty, language and religion. Hence, it isworthwhile to determine the geneticrelationships among the inhabitantsof the Mediterranean countries as wellas the genetic distances between theinhabitants of 9 Mediterranean coun-tries and the 3 major human races.For that purpose data on at least 16genetic loci from nine Mediterraneancountries were used (1,2).

The genetic markers that wereincluded were blood groups, ie ABO,MNSs, Rhesus, etc, protein loci:ACPH, AK, Hp, etc, from the follo-wing countries: France, Spain, Italy,Greece, Turkey, Libya, Israel, Egypt,Algeria. We also decided to includeBulgaria in the study. The majority ofthe data for Caucasoids and Mongo-loids were taken from US Caucasiansand from Japanese, respectively. Thedata for Negroids were taken fromAfricans as well as from African Ame-ricans.

Using the above mentioned datathe genetic distances among the inha-bitants of the nine Mediterraneancountries were computed. Using these

estimates, a dendrogram (Fig 1) hasbeen constructed. The smallest ge-netic distances (or the greater gene-tic similarity) occur between French- Spaniards, Greeks - Italians, French- Italians and French - Greeks, whe-reas the greatest distances are bet-ween the Algerians and the inha-bitants of the other Mediterraneancountries. The populations of theNorth Mediterranean countries wereclustered together, whereas this wasnot the case for South Mediterrane-ans.

Thus one can conclude that thegenetic distance of the inhabitants ofGreece from the populations of othercountries decreases in the followingorder: Italy, France and then Tur-key. These findings therefore stron-gly contradict the suggestion of theFrench historian Z Dyrozel that theGreeks are descentants of Turks.

B. The genetic distances between theinhabitants of nine Mediterraneancountries and the three major humanraces

Anthropologically, the Mediter-raneans belong to the Caucasoidgroup, although some Negroid andMongoloig admixtures have to be ta-ken into account. The genetic analy-sis demonstrates certain features ofinterest.1. The genetic distance of the popu-

lations of North Mediterraneancountries from Caucasoids decre-ases from the East to the West.

2. The genetic distance from Mongo-

Page 10: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


EIK. 1 KXaSoypajoiia HOD Sei^vei TI<; yeveTiKe<; CTuaxeiiaeic; avdjieaa atouq KaioiKouq evveaIT)*; Meaoyeiou.

01 'EXXr)V£g xaTdyovTai onto TougToupxoug SEV u-rcoaTTjpi^ETai a/no Ta y£-vETixd

B. Oi yeveriKeg anoardasiq avdpe-<ra arovg KOLTOIKOVS TJ/£ Meaoyelovjcai CFTK; Tpeiq Kvpieq avSpcbnivsg

ZE dXXri Epyaaia (1) p,£X£Tfj0rix£ TJyEVETixfj o[JLOiOTiQTa avdjjLEaa aTQugxaToixoug TOJV x^P^v Tiqq MEaoyEiouXttl T(x)V TplWV XUplOTEpWV aV0pOJ1UVWV

cpuXwv. Av0pwn:oXoyixd 01 xdToixoiTT]q MEaoyEiou avTqxouv aTOuq Kauxa-aiouq av xai xdiT:oi£q; ETCiiJii^iEc; JJIE VE-ypixouq xai [aoyyoXixoOq 7uXTQ0uapLoOqSEV [jiTCOpoOv va a^oxXEiaToOv. H ysvs-TIXTQ xai {jLa0rj}jLaTixfi avaXuarj EapxETd EvSiacpspovTa aToixsia.

1) H yEVETixiQ aTioaTaaT]Kauxaaiouq [jiEiwvETai

apioOq TWV xwpwv Tiqq B MECTO-ysiou apxi-^ovTaq aiio avaToXdq xaiirnyaivovTaq irpoq SuajJtdq.

2) H yEVETixT) airoaTacrri airo TTIp-oyyoXixf) ojj,d5a au^dvETai auo ava-ToXdq TCpoq 8uc7p,dq Toao aTouq 7i:Xif]0u-apiouq TTQq B oao xai TTjq N

3) .H yEVETixiQ aTcoaTaBouXydpouq, Toupxouq, 'EXXr]-

, iTaXoOq, lairavouq, FdXXouq xailapaTjXwoOq xai Touq Kauxacriouq EI-vai (juxpoTEpTQ aiio EXEIVTJ -KOU uiroXoyi-aTT]X£ yia Touq xaToixouq xd0£ x^Pa<^xai Touq Nsypouq.

4) Oi Aipuoi xai 01 AiyO^Tioi sivaiNEypouq, Tiapd

MoyyoXixiQ O[j,a5a, EVOJ 01 AXyspivoi EI-vai TCIO xovTd ysvETixd PLE Touq NE-ypoug i:apd {JLE Touq Kauxaaiouq. AuTaTa anoTEXEO'p.aTa {j/rcopoOv iawq vaE^TjyTQ0ouv a7i:6 TTJ ptETavaaTEucnrj NE-ypwv as auTEg Tig

f. ZvyKpiat] rtjg yevsriKtjqrcov KOLTOIKCOV Tjy? Ekkddaq fievti TCOV KOLTOIKCOV Ttjg Itakiaq

ATCO Ta 7iporiyoO|jL£vaXd (JTOlXE^a T£X[JLTlpl(x)V£Tai OTl 01

Xoi xai 01 'EXXrjVEg yEVETixd Eivai CTTE-vd auyyEVEig. Eivai Ev8iaq)£pov OTI CTTO1810 aupi'KEpacTp.a xaT£XrjH,£ TJ £7i:iaTT](jio-vixfj opidSa TOU xa0r)yr)Tf) x. A Piazza(3) TOU IlavETciaTripLiou TOU Topivo a£Epyaaia Toug itou SripLoaiEUTTiXE TO1988 aTo -KEpioSixo Human genetics(FEVETixf] TOU av0p(bitou) xai EIXE wgavTix£i(JL£vo TTj «r£V£Tixf) laTOpia TOJVKaToixwv Trig lTaXiag». Oi iTaXoiEpEuvrjTEg xp^^M-o^oiTiaav yia TTQVavairapdaTaari TTjg yEVETixfjg ia'To-piag TOJV xaToixoav TTjg iTaXiag y£V£-Tixd (-TCX ojjtdSEg ai|j,aTog xai -rcpwTEi'vi-XEg TtapaXXaysg), iaTOpixd xai yXwa-aixd


Toug avacpEpouv OTI rj PcaXia TO 400-rcX £ix£ 4.000.000 xaToixoug. ZTTJ ZIXE-Xia u-rcfjpxav TouXdxtaTov 200.000 'EX-XrivEg xai aTTjv iTaXixfj x£P^ovrl^oTouXdxtaTov dXXoi 100.000 "EXXr]V£g.

xaTaXiqyouv -rcajg TTJV npopw-i'xfi -KEpioSo Evag a£ xd0£ 10-13 xa-

Toixoug Trig ITaXiag fjTav 'EXX-qvag.

Page 11: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας











Fig. 1. Dendogram of the genetic relationships among the inhabitants of nine Mediterraneancountries.

loids increases from the East to theWest for the populations of Northand South Mediterranean coun-tries.

3. The genetic distances betweenBulgarians, Turks, Greeks, Ita-lians, Spaniards, French, Israelisand Caucasians are smaller thanthat between the inhabitants ofeach country and the Negroids.

4. Libyans and Egyptians are closer toNegroids than to Mongoloids andAlgerians are closer to Negroidsthan to Caucasoids. This is proba-bly caused by Negroid immigrationinto these countries.

C. Comparison between the geneticcomposition of the inhabitants ofGreece and Italy

Our results show, that the inhabi-tants of Greece and Italy are gentical-ly very close. It is worth mentioningthat Professor A Piazza et al (3) of the

Dipartimento of Genetica of theUniversity of Torino has reached thesame conclusion. For the reconstru-ction of the genetic history of theinhabitants of Italy his Laboratory hasused many genetic loci (blood groupsand protein polymorphisms), as wellas historic and linguistic records.

By 400 BC the population of Italywas about 4 million people. TheGreek colonies of Sicily alone ac-counted for 1,5 million .people, ofwhich more than 10% (about 200.000)were of Greek origin. To these Greekinhabitants of Sicily another 100.000Greek colonizers in the Italian penin-sula, may be added so that before theRoman period, one in every 10-13inhabitants of Italy was Greek. Even ifthese numbers must be taken withcaution, their order of magnitude mi-ght give an explanation for the remar-kable differentation of Magna Greacia(South Italy and Sicily) from the restof the Italian mainland, as well as for

Page 12: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


Av xai auToi 01 api0pioi 0a TCPETCEI va yi-vouv anoSEXToi JXE xditoiaiawq 6p,a>q napEXOuv xdoroiayia TTQ YEVETIXTQ Siacpopo-rcoiTQaTQ TTQqBopEiaq aoro TT| N iTaXia xai TTIVop,oiOTTQTa TTQq NoTiaq ITaXiaq p,£Touq xaToixouq TTjq EXXdSaq. EiSixo-TEpa arco TO auv0ETixo X^PTTQ TTQq iTa-Xiaq -rcou -rcapoucriaaav 01 EpEuvTQTEqitpoxu-TCTEi OTI 01 xdTOixoi TTQq BopEiaqITaXiaq ysvETixd sivai auyysvEiq JJLETouq xaToixouq TOJ\ x^P^v TTQq KEV-Tpixiqq xai BopEiaq EupojiiiQq EVW01 xdTOixoi TTjq NoTiaq ITaXiaq ysvETi-xd Eivai TTIO auyyEvsiq piE Touq xaToi-'xouq TTQq onQvxEpiviQq EXXdSaq. H ysv£-TIXTQ 5TQXa8f| o-utTTaaTQ TTQq ITaXiaqavTixaTOTCTpi^Ei axopiTQ xai cnQ{Ji£paTTQV E0VIXTQ CTTpW|JldTtOaTQ 710U UTTTQpXE

CTTTQV IlpopwpLai'XTQ E7COXTQ- E^axoXou0£iSrjXaSiQ va SiaxpivETai (TTTQ NoTiaXia xai ZixsXia TQ -KEpioxiQ i^oVEI yvwaTiQ CTTTQV laTopia wqEXXd5a (Magna Graecia). AEV sivai

auvE-niojq TTOU Ta anoTEXE-TTQq yEVETixiQq avdXuariq TEX-



xaToixouq TTQq EXXdSaq xai TT)q iTa-Xiaq xai QXI IXE Touq xaToixouq dXXwvyEiTOvixwv xwpwv.

Fia Touq TXXr]VEq (JLE fidcnQ TaaToiXEia [Jtaq uoToXoyicra[ji£ OTI o Siaxw-piajjioq Touq aito Touq n:XTQ0ua|JioOq TTQqITaXiaq, TTQq FaXXiaq xai TTQq laira-viaq EyivE Ttpiv a-n;6 8 xiXiaSEq xpovia TQ(TTTQ pt£aoXi0ixTQ ETTOxiQ. To au{j,7i:£pacrpLaauTO TCOU paai^ETai a£ EvS£iH,£iq TTQqptopiaxTQq £H,£Xi%rjq TEXJJLTQPIWVEI 0£a£iqdXXwv £incTTTQp,6va)v (laTOpixwv, Ap-XaioXoywv, Av0p(x)7ioX6ycav) nou UTCO-CTTTQpl^OUV TTQV XOIVTQ XttTaywyTQ TtoV

Xatov TTQq B MsaoyEiou arco cpuXsq TTQqKEVTplXTQq EupWTTTQq TCOV

aav xaTd xujjiaTa -rcpoq VOTO.A. ZvyKpiGtj Tq<; yeveriKtjgTC&V KaroiKCov rtjq Ekkd6a<; fie

KOLTOIKCOV Tqs Bov^yapiaq

O yEVETixoqTTQ0TQXE (JE Eva ax6|jnQ BaXxavixo xpd-Toq JTTQ BouXyapLa. laTopixd 01 8uo-n:XTQ0ua[jLOi ('EXXrjVEq xai BouXyapoi)SiacpEpouv aTQpiavTixd. Oi "EXXTQVEq JJIE-TavdaTEuaav (TTTQ voTioavaToXiXTQ Eu-

yOpw aTa 1.500 -n:X oiiou fjXOav}JL£ TOUq IIpOEXXTQVEq. Ol

BouXyapoi EXOUV {jtoyyoXixTQ xaTayco-=yiQ xai [XETavdaTEucrav aTa BaXxdviayupw JTOV 80 aiwva [jiX. EXEI Tf]X0av a£EmjjuH.ia IXE Touq ZXauouq xai anoppo-(pTQ0Tjxav ano auTOuq.

EX£y^a|jL£ E-rcicTTQq xai TTQ auyyE-VEia TOJV xaTOixOov TTQq BouXyapiaq JJLETouq xaToixouq TTQq Toupxiaq, TTQq EX-XdSaq, TTjq ITaXiaq xai TiQq FaXXiaq.Eivai EvSia9£pov ii;wq 01 xdTOixoi TTQqBouXyapiaq SEIXVOUV (jiEyaXuTEpTQ y£-VETIXTQ auyyEVEia p-E Touq xaToixouqTTQq ITaXiaq, piETd JJLE Touq xaToixouqTTQq Toupxiaq, EOTEiTa {JLE TTQq FaXXiaqxai TTQ [jLixpoTEprj ysvETixf] auyysvEiapis Touq xaToixouq TTQq EXXdSaq.

ETIIT^XEOV auyxpi0TQxav 01 yoviSia-xsq auxvoTTQTEq TTEVTE TCoXujJLOpcpixwvaucTTTQpLdTwv avdfJLEaa CTTOV TcXTjOua^oTTQq EXXdSaq xai TTQq BouXyapiaq aitoTOV Stamatoyannopoulos xai Touq auv(4) CTTOV TopLsa TTQq laTpixiQq FEVETI-XTQq aTO IlavEmaTTQiJiio TTQq Oudai-yxTov TOU Seattle TWV HIIA. Movo sva

, TO AK, sSsixvE TtapopLOiEq au-. AvdpLEaa aTa TCEVTE auaTTQ-

TTOU auyxpi0TQxav

Page 13: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


the great genetic similarity of the Ita-lian southern regions with the inhabi-tants of modern Greece.

The loci used for such studies aremainly polymorphic. Thus, the cal-culated genetic distances tend to be anoverestimate. Keeping this fact inmind, one can estimate the time sincedivergence between the Greeks, theItalians, the French and the Spa-niards. These populations appear tohave diverged from the Caucasoidline about 8.000 years ago or in themesolithic period. This rough estima-te based on evidence of molecular e-volution aggrees quite well with sug-gestions based on anthropometric me-asurements and archaeological evi-dence that North Mediterranean po-pulations migrated from a commonroot in Central Europe.D. Comparison between the geneticcomposition of the inhabitants ofGreece and Bulgary

The genetic polymorphisms havebeen studied in only one other Balkanpopulation, that of Bulgaria. Histori-cally, the two populations differ con-siderably. The Greeks migrated toSoutheastern Europe at about 1500to 1100 BC. The Bulgarians, a Mon-golic tribe migrated to what is to-day Bulgaria during the 8th centuryAD. There they were absorbed by lo-cal Slav populations.

The estimated genetic distancesbetween the inhabitants of Bulgariaand the four Mediterranean countriesstudied (Turkey, Greece, Italy andFrance) indicate that: The geneticcomposition of the inhabitants of Bul-

garia is closer to that of the inhabi-tants first of Italy, next of Turkey,and then France, whereas the greatestgenetic distance was found betweenthe inhabitants of Greece and Bulga-ria.

The gene frequencies of five poly-morphic systems (AK, PGM, ADA,ACPH, 6-PGD) in the Greek andBulgarian populations were comparedin 1975, by Stamatoyannopoulos et al(4) of the Division of Medical Gene-tics, University of Washington Seat-tle, USA. Only one system, AK, hassimilar frequencies. Thus, among thepolymorphic systems so far compa-red, statistically significant differen-ces were observed in four systems.Therefore, the distribution pattern ofthe gene frequencies differs considera-bly between the two populations.Furthermore, the pattern of gene fre-quencies in the Bulgarian populationresembles to that of Asiatic popula-tions.

The existing data also sheds somelight on the debate between Greek andSlavic historians regarding the ethnicorigin of the population inhabitingGreek Macedonia. On the gene gre-quencies of seven polymorphic sy-stems (AK, PGM, ADA, ACPH,6-PGD, Hp and ABO) studied in theinhabitants of Greek Macedonia andof Bulgaria (4,5) statistically signifi-cant differences between them wereobserved in four systems. These fin-dings thus disprove the theories ofSlav historians who claim that theinhabitants of Greek Macedonia areSlavs and not Greeks.

From the above mentioned pa-

Page 14: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


Sia<pop£qauvoXixd (IE T£(7(7£pa (PGM, ACPH,6-PGD xai ABO). Ta a-rcoTEXEajjiaTaSELXVOUV OTI TO TCPOTUTCO TOJV yoviSia-xojv auxvoTfiTOJv SiacpspEi avd(JL£aaOTOuq xaToixouq TOJV Suo x^Jpojv. Em-TlXEOV TO TCpOTUTCO TOJV XaTOLXOJV TTjq

BouXyapiaq {jioid^Ei IJLE EXEIVO TOJV

Ta urcdpxovTa yEVETixdElUTpElIOUV Vtt plH,OU[JLE (pOJq Xttl C7TTJV

avTiSixia avdpiEaa cnrouq 'EXXiqvEq xaifouq ZXauouq laTOpixouq ax£Tixd IJLETT]V £0VLXf] TCpOEXEUar] TOJV XaTOlXOJV

MaxESoviaq. Eivai EvSiacpEpov OTI<TTiq yoviSiaxic; auxvoTTjTEq

TOJV xaTotxojv TTjq MaxsSoviag xaiTOU •n:XTi0uo'{jLOU TTjq BouXyapiaq aTaTt-aTixojq aTiptavTiXEq Siacpopsq (4,5) 8ia-TciaTOj0rixav cruvoXixd as(PGM, ACPH, 6-PGD xat ABO)Ta EUTd auaTT][jLaTa -rcou £^£Tda0rixav(AK, PGM, ADA, ACPH, 6-PGD,Hp xai ABO). H m0av6TT)Ta OTL OL -rca-paTT]pr)0£La£q SiacpopEq otiq 4 aito TLC; 7auyxpiaEtq o^EiXovTaL CJTTIV TUXTJ EivaiiipaxTLXOjq {jLTjSEv. TaauTa xaTappi,7i:TOuv TouqTOJV ZXaUOJV UTOpLXOJV OTL OL aTl|JL£pLVOl

xaTOLXOL TTQC; MaxESovtaq SEV sivai'EXXrjvEq aXXd BouXyapoi fj yEVLxdSXauoi.

ATIO TLq EpyaaLEc; -rcpoxuiiTEL 7i:ojq 01Toupxoi xai OL BouXyapoi SELXVOUV p,£-yaXuTEpTj auyysvEia JJLE TTJoptdSa a-KO oXouq Touq xaToixouqB MEaoysiou, updyjjLa TTOUTTJV xaTayojyfj TOCTO TOJV Toupxojv, oaoxai TOJV BouXydpojv aiT:6 TTJV KEVTpixf}Aaia xai Touq Siaxojpi^Ei and Touq 'EX-

. TsXoc; av xaipot) yoviSiojv

^OJVTJ TTjq MECToyEiou OL-KO avaTO-Xdq -rcpoq Suapudq, OL 'EXXTjVEq SELXVOUV{jLEyaXuTEprj auyyEVEia -Kpoq Touq iTa-Xouq xai Touq FdXXouq -rcapd -rcpoc;Touq Toupxouq fj Touq BouXydpouq. FE-yovoq -n:ou aTtoSEixvuEL TCOJC; yia Xoyouq0pT)ax£UTixouq, Tr:oXiTL<T|jLLXOuq,xouq XTX, OL 'EXXiqvEq SEV fjX0av a£ydXo (3a0[j,6 as EULpLL^LEq p,£ Touqvixouq Xaouq.

E. H ysvsriKij avaraatj rcovvcov npoatpvycov and rtf MiKpd Aaia

TOU 20ou aiojva2.000.000 T^Epiicbu 'EXXiQVEq JTIQ MixpdAaia, E^OJ aiio Ta auvopa Tiqq ariiJiEpi-vfjq EXXdSaq. H Srijjiioupyia auTou TOUEXXlf]VLXOU HXT)0U<71JIOU dpXLCJE ttltO

aTcoixiEq TIOU i8pu0T)xav aTa AuTixd-KapdXia TT|q Mixpdq Acriaq -n:pivTO 800 -rcX. ME TTJV itapoSo TOUOL a^oixiEq E^a-KXoj0T]xav popEiOTEpaxaTd {Jtfjxoq TOJV axTOjv TTjg MaupTjq

, O ai:oLxiap-6q airoTEXECTEap-xai TTJV a-KapxT] TOU

XETOJV auTox0ovojvEyyuq AvaToXfiq. AUTOL OL EXXTjvixoi-KXTjOuapLOL SiaTfipTjaav TTJV EXXTQvixf)Touq TauTOTTjTa xai xaTd TTJV O0o>^ar-vixfj xupiapxia. Aoyoj Tiqq Op068o%T)g0pT)ax£iaq xai TiqqyXojacraq Touq TtapEptEivavvoi aito Touq yEiTovixouqOi Tceptoxe? iSiaiTEpa TOU HOVTOU xaiTTjq Ka^iraSoxiaq aitOTEXouaav XE-VTpa TOU EXXTjviajjiou.

METd TOV irpojTo 7iayxocr{j,io -n:6XE-JJLO axoXouOTjaE o EXXTjvoTOupxixdq n6-X£[j,oq. ZTa nXaiaia TTjq A.i£0vouq Zuv-SidcrxEil'Tiq TTjq Aoj^aviqq TJ EXXdSaxai T] Toupxia u-rcsypa^av TO 1923 a

Page 15: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


pers it can be concluded that theTurks and the Bulgarians are geneti-cally closer to the Mongloids amongall the inhabitants of the Mediterrane-an countries. These results supportthe notion of the origin of the Turksand Bulgarians from Central Asia anddistinguish them from the Greeks. Fi-nally, although there has been geneflow from East to West in the Mediter-ranean area, the inhabitants of Greeceare closer to the Italians and French,than to the Turks or to the Bulgarians.Thus, for religious, cultural and lin-guistic reasons there has been only li-mited gene flow between Greeks andTurks or Bulgarians.

E. The genetic composition of Greekrefugees from Asia Minor

At the beginning of the twentiethcentury, some 2.000.000 Greeks wereliving outside Greece in Asia Minor.The presence of this large Greek po-pulation had been established on theWest coasts of Asia Minor by 800 BCand spread gradually northward alongthe Blac Sea coast. These Greek po-pulations maintained their Greek ide-ntity throughout the centuries, evenunder the Otoman rule. They re-mained separated from the neighbo-uring populations by religious andlanguage boundaries. The areas ofPontus and Cappadochia especiallywere centers of Greek culture.

The first world war was followedby the Greek - Turkish war. In 1923 atreaty (Treaty of Lausanne) was si-gned between Greece and Turkey forthe exchange of minorities. Before and

after that Treaty a considerablenumber of Greek Christian refugeesfrom Asia Minor, Pontus, Constanti-nople and other areas emigrated toGreece. Of these, 700.000 settled inMacedonia and West Thrace. About25% of the population of Macedoniawere, in 1928, of immigrant origin. Itis difficult now, more than two gene-rations later, to distinguish the auto-chthonous and immigrant popula-tions.

One of the 1047 communitieswhere refugees were settled was Platy.The village of Platy is situated in themiddle of Greek Macedonia in theprovince of Hemathia. The geneticcomposition of this population wasstudied by Tills et al (6). Of the 1558inhabitants in 1973, 1038 donatedblood for genetic tests. Blood grou-ping tests and electrophoretic analysiswere performed at the laboratory ofBiological Anthropology of the Bri-tish Museum of Natural History atLondon in collaboration with theGreek Red Cross. Tests were carriedout for ten blood group systems (ABO,MNSs, Rhesus, P j , Lutheran, Kell,Duffy, Kidd, Wright and Redin), threeplasma proteins (Haptoglobin, Tran-sferin and Haemoglobin), and 8 redcell enzymes (ACPH, AK, ADA, EsD,G6PD, PGM, 6-PGD and PHI). Thefindings from the Platy sample havebeen compared to those of Greekmainland, Turkey and Bulgaria.

When examining a population,such as the Platy population, systemby system it is difficult to concludewhether the particular population re-sembles either the A or the B popula-

Page 16: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


yia TTJ p iETau TougavTaXXayTQ TcXTj0ua{j,GJv. KaTd TTQVavTaXXayTQ scpuyav 300.000 TCEpircouMouaouXpidvoi xai EyxaTaaTd0TQxav•jiEpi-rcou 700.000 *EXXTQV£<; -rcpooxpuyEgC7TTQ MaxsSovia xai TTQ AUTIXTQ 0pdxTQ,xupiwq airo TTQ Mixpd Aaia xat TTQVAvaToXixTQ 0pdxTQ. YiroXoyi^ETai TcajgTO 1928 TO 25% TOU -rcXir}0uoip,ou TTQC;MaxsSoviag "QTav rcpoacpuyEq airo TTQMixpd Aata, TOV HOVTO, TTQV Ka>vaTa-VTlVOUTtoXTQ Xttl dXXsq TTEplOXEq.

Eivai ciuxvd SuaxoXo (jiETd 5uo ys-vt£q va SiaxwptaToOv 01 auTOX0ov£q

MaxESovtaq. Mia aTCO TIC; 1047 xoi-OTTOU EyxaTaaTd0Tpcav Tupo-

, xupiwq aiio TTQV KaTciraSoxia,f]Tav TO IlXaTU H[jLa0iaq.' TTQ ysvETixif]

TOU iiXr|0uop,ou auTiQq TiQq(jLEXETTjaav 01 Tills xai cruv

(6).O Tills xai auv (6) irnpav yia TTQ

ysvETixTQ avaXuarj SsiyjJiaTa aifaaToqQ 1038 dTopta, Ta 2/3 TOU 7iXr)0u-


(7TO EpyaaTiQpio TTQq BioXoyixf]q Av-0pW7CoXoyiaq, TOU BpETavixou Mou-aEtou OuaixTQq laTopiaq TOU AovSivou,as auvspyaaia JJLE TOV EXXiQvixo Epu0po2/raupo. H pLEXsTT] acpopoucTE CTE 10 au-aTiQpiaTa o|j<d8wv ai{j,aToq (ABO,MNSs, Rhesus, P1? Lutheran, Kell,Duffy, Kidd, Wright xai Radin), TpiaauciTiQpiaTa -rcpwTEi'vojv TOU opou (aiiTO-acpaipivEc;, Tpava9£piv£q xai aijjtoa^ai-pivEq) xai 8 Ev^ujjia TO>V £pu0poxuTTa-pwv (ACPH, AK, ADA, EsD, G6PD,PGM, 6-PGD xai PHI). Ta aTuoTEXs-

Touq Ta auvEXpivav OTTOU auTO

8uvaTO {JLE avdXoya aiuo TTQVT) EXXdSa, TTJV Toupxia xai

TTQ BouXyapia. H auyxpiaTQ Eyivs yiaxd0£ yEVETixo <TuaTTQ[jia p,Epiova)jji£va TQyia oao TO SuvaTOV TtEpiaaoTEpa cruaTTQ-

TauTOXpova.aup/TC£pacr{JiaTa yia TO

Suo 7rXTQ0ua(ji(i)vjjLTiopouv va TTpoxuipouv OTav auToi au-yxpi0ouv [Ji£ pddTQ apxETd yEVETixd au-aTTQjaaTa. 'ET<TI o Tills xai cruv (6) uiro-

Xoyiaav TTQ yEVETixr) airoaTaar) avdjjiE-aa aTOuq TsaaEpiq -rcapaTcavco *n;XTQ0u-

ai^ojjiEvoi CTE 8 yEVETixd au-(ABO, MNSs, Rhesus, aicTo-

, O^IVTQ cptoacpaTaaTQ, 6-cp(x><790-yXuxovixTQ a^uSpoyovdaTQ, aSEvuXixTQxivdarj xai a-KafJUvdaTQ TTQq a8£vocri-

yia Ta oiroia uiiTQpxav 8ia0Eaip,aa xai yia Touq TEaaEpiq

7rXTQ0U(T[jiouc;. XpTQariiJiOTCoiajvTaq xa-TdXXTQXouc; jj,a0TQ(jiaTixouquTroXoyiaav Tiq yEVETixsqptETa^u TOJV TEaadpwv(Eix. 2). Airo Ta anoTEXETcpoxunTEi OTI o TTpoa^uyixoq TcXr)0u-ajjioq aTto TO IlXaTu Tcapouaid^si p,£ya-XuTEpTQ yEVETlXTQ OJJlOlOTTQTa {Jl£ TOV

7i:XTQ0u(7[ji6 TTQq TQ-KEipwTiXTQq EXXdSaq,d JJLE TOV Toupxixo 7i:XTi0ua(ji6 xai TTQ

0{JCOlOTTQTa [JLE TO PouXyapl-


xai TTQ^ SpEiiavoxuTTapi-avaifjiiaq xa0wq xai TTQq avEirdp-

XEiaq yXuxo^o-6-90ja90pixf]q ayovdaTQq {JiEX£TTQ0TQxav as 410 daTTO TTQV TTEplOXTQ TOU II6VTOU (TpaOTE-

^ouvTa, ZdvTa, Kauxaao, Ap,ia6, Nixo-11:0X7] xai KspaaouvTa) and Touq Sivd-

EIK. 2. Oi eq an:oatdaei<; avd|ieaa ae T£aaepi<; JiA,r|6uajioi)(;.

Page 17: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας

tion. Theoretically, one must simulta-neously examine about ten genetic sy-stems. So, the genetic distance wascalculated (6) using data for the follo-wing 8 genetic systems: ABO, MNSs,Rhesus, Haptoglobin, Acid Phospha-tase, 6-phosphoglucomutase dehydro-genase, Adenyulate Kinase and Ade-nosive deaminase. These were theonly systems for which data wereavailable for all four populations.Using the appropriate mathematics,the genetic distances were calculatedamong the Platy sample, the main-land Greeks, the Turks and the Bulga-rians and the obtained results areshown in Fig 2. As can be seen, thedifferences between the four popula-tions are small, but the Platy sampleappears to be slightly closer in its rela-tionship to the Greeks than to theTurks. Furthermore, the refugees ofPlaty are closer to the Turks, thanto the Bulgarians.

The incidence of carriers of p-Mediterranean and sickle cell anae-mia as well as of the glucose-6-


phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiencyhave been investigated in the sampleof 410 individuals from Pontus by Si-nakos et al (1975) at the 1st Clinic ofPathology at the Aristotle Universityof Thessaloniki, headed by professorD Valtis. Low frequency of G-6-PDdeficiencies (2%) and p-Mediterrane-an anaemia (3,7%), and only one car-rier of the Hb-S variant were found.The distribution of the moderate p-thalassaemia was heterogenous andcorrelated with the topography of ma-larious areas from where they had im-migrated in the past.

F. The genetic composition of GreekSarakatsans

The nomadic and primative po-pulations in various parts of the worldare experiencing social pressures andchanging their lifestyle by settlingalongside the urban populations. Ho-wever, there are still several popula-tion groups in Europe which providean excellent opportunity to study the




Fig. 2. Genetic distances among four populations.

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xo xai CTUV (1975) CTTIQV A 'KXivixT) TOU AH© u-rco TTQ 5i£u0uvCTTQTOU xa0TQYiQ'nn A BaXTiQ. AiamCTTto0TQ-XE "xa[iT]\T} CTUxvoTiQTa TOCTO TiQq av£-TuapxEiaq G-6-PD (2%) OCTO xai TWV<pop£tov TTQq p-M£CTOY£iaxTQq avaip,iaq(3,7%) EVto pp£0TQX£ plOVO EVtt ttTOJJlO {JLE

Hb-S. H xaTavo^xTj TWV <pop£wvP-MA iQTav avo{j,oioY£vfiq xaiTai JJLE TTQV TOTtOYpacpia TTjq EXovoCTiaqTiQq -jiEpioxTQq OCTTO TTQV OTTota {JiETavd-

ttov Zapa-

apxaiaq EXXiQvi-

ST. H yeveriKtj

Oi vofxaSixol a£ Sidcpo-ucpiaTavTai xoi-

xai aXXd^ouv TOV TpoiroTouq |jL£Taxivou[JL£voi StirXa CTE

aorixouq i] TQjjtiaaTixouq TtXiiGuCTiJiouq.HaToao, u-rcdpxouv axoijuiq xai ar)jji£paapxETEq optdSEq n:XiQ0uapid)v CTTTQV Eu-pOJTTTl 01 OTCOIEC; TiapEXOUV E^aipETlXTQ EU-

xaipla Yia va pL£X£TiQ0ouv 01 pioXoyiTXEq ETClTTTWO'Eiq ttUTOJV TWV XOIVWVIXWV

aXXaywv. ATTO auTiq TIQ axorcid o Ev8o-

valwv irapouaid^Ei TEpdaTio EvSiacps-pov. Oi ZapaxaTCTavaioiCTTTQV EXXdSa 80.000 TTEpiirou dZouaav wq vojJidSEq 0oaxoi xupiwq <7TiqopEiVEq TiEpioxEq TiQq ©EaaaXiaq, TTjqMaxsSoviaq, TTQq HiiEipou, TTjq 0pd-XT|q xai TTjq ZTEpsdq EXXaSaq. H auvs-

XTQq ETTOXiXT] (JiETaxiviqcrf) Touq dcpTQCTE7i:oXXouq and auTouq E^W auo Ta CTUVO-pa TT)q EXXdSaq, aTTj BouXyapia(15.000), TIQV AXpavta, TTQ NXapta xai TTQV Toupxta.

'OXoi jiiXouv EXXiqvixdTE xai av £>ouv (7,8). H 8idX£XToq Touq

XouqTWV opEivwv -KEpioxwv OTCOU

^ouaav, TOU -reoXiTiCT^xou Touq, TOU EvSo-Yajjiixou TPO-KOU opYdvwCTTQq Tiqq xoi-vu>viaq Touq xai TOU irapaSoCTiaxouTpo-Kou ^wrjq Touq. Ta TEXEUTaia 620 xpov^ dpxiaav va EyxaTaTO vopiaSixo Tpo-rco ^wiqq Touq xai vaEyxaOiCTTavTai CTE ndXEiq xai xwPia

aXXd^ovTaq Tiq E-KaYY^P-^-^^E^ ^o^^xai -rcavTp£u6[jiEvoi [JIE dTOp,a

-rcpoq TTQV irXTjOuCTpiiaxiQ Touq op,d-8a. YicdpxEi CTuvETuwq p,ia SiaS.ixaCTiaTEpptaTlCT^XOU TIQq aitO^XOVWCTTQq TOUq.

Fia oXouq Touq napairdva) Xoyouq TQ

ptEXETT) TTjq Y£V£TIX'11<:5 ffUCTTaCTiQq au-TiQq TiQq nXiQSuCTjjiiaxiQq opidSaq Eivai


TCTavaiwv TtapouCTiaCTE EvSsl^Eiq OTI -n:po-XEiTai Y^OC Evav 7iXiQ9uCT|ji6 TT;OU airo xoi-VWVIXTQ OpYdvOJCTTQ SsiXVEl OplCT^XEVa


7coXiTiCT|j.ou. To 1980 o Poulianos (10)XpTQCTi[Ji07T;oid)VTaq piETpixd xai jJtopcpo-XoYt>cd xapaxTTjpiCTTixd, TCPOTEIVE Trcaq01 ZapaxaTCTavaioi Eivai Em^wvTEqTTjq 'Ava> IlaXaioXiSixiQq EnoxiQq xai0a [xiiopouCTav va 0Ea>pTQ0ouv wq o ap-XaiOTEpoq TcXiQ0uCT|JL6q TTjq EupwTiiQq. H


TTjq ojJtdSaq sivai E^ICTOUOCTO EXEivTQq Twv BaCTxwv CTTTQVxai TCOV Aauwvcav CTTIQ ZxavSivapia.

H YzvziiKi} {jLEXsTiQ TOJV Zapaxa-TCTavaiwv EyiVE [JLE pdCTTQ SEiyM-aTa ai-

-reou n:dp0TQxav and 232 dTojjiau Touq (11). H TCE-


Page 19: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


biological effects of such social chan-ges. In this respect, the endogamicpopulation of Sarakatsans is of greatinterest. Sarakatsans are nomadic she-pherds of continental Greece, whotoday number about 80.000 in Gree-ce. They live in the mountainous are-as of Thessaly, Macedonia, Epirus,Thrace and Sterea Hellas. Their sea-sonal migrations have led many ofthem across the border of Bulgaria(15.000), Albania, South Yugoslaviaand Turkey. They all speak solelyGreek, wherever they live (7,8). Theirparticular dialect contains trace ele-ments of ancient Greek. They have re-mained genetically isolated for manycenturies, probably due to the mo-untainous terrain and their culture,pattern of marriage and traditionalway of life. But during the last 20years, they have started to abandontheir nomadic way of life and to settlein villages or cities, changing theiroccupation and marrying outside thegroup. A process of isolation break-down is obvious. The genetic study ofthis group therefore is important.

Chatzimichali (9) gave evidencethat they are a population group whi-ch, in social organization, exemplifycertain prototypical elements ofGreek culture. In recent years Poulia-nos (10) using metrical and morpholo-gical traits suggested that the Saraka-tsans are local upper Paleolithicsurvivors and may be considered asthe most ancient population in Euro-pe. The genetic study of this grouptherefore is equally important as thatof the Basques in Spain and the Lappsin Scandinavia.

Blood samples were collectedfrom 232 unrelated individuals (11).The studied area comprised the wholearea of distribution of Sarakatsans inGreece. Part of the investigation wascarried out at the Department of Ge-netics, Development and MolecularBiology, Aristotle University of Thes-saloniki, Macedonia, Greece and partat the Division of Human Genetics,University of Newcastle Upon Type,UK with the aim of examining theirgenetic structure and estabishing theiraffinity to other populations of Euro-pe,

A random sample of 232 GreekSarakatsans has been studied for 10blood groups, 11 enzymic genetic sy-stems, sickle cell haemoglobin and forcolour blindness. The allelic frequen-cies of the 17 polymorphic loci havebeen compared with those of other sa-mples from the Greek mainland andother European populations. It seemsworthwhile to summarize the resultsof the comparison between the Sara-katsani population and other Greeksamples for the 17 polymorphic ge-nes. In comparison with geographical-ly neighbouring inhabitants, signifi-cant differences were detected in 7 outof 28 possible comparisons. In conc-lusion, the Sarakatsans tend reasona-bly well to resemble the rest of theGreek population.

The comparison with Europeanpopulations indicates that the Saraka-tsans have gene frequencies similar toother Mediterranean and Europeanpopulations. However, the monomor-phism of the Kell system, the low fre-quency of the GLO*1, AK*1 and

Page 20: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


0X0 TO x^P° xaTavop/rjq Touq CJTTQV EX-XdSa. H EpEuva 8i£%T)x0T) aTOv TojjLEarEVETixiqq, Avd-rcTu^iqq xai MopiaxiqqBioXoylaq TOU Tjj,T]piaToq BioXoyiaqTOU All© Xttl (7TOV To^JLEa FEVETlXTQq

TOU Av0pu)7i;ou TOU navETuaTiqjJiiou TOUNewcastle Upon Tyne O-TTQV AyyXiaP<£ a-TCWTEpO aXOTCO Va p,EX£TTj0£i 1} y£V£-

Tixf) SojJvT] Touq xai va Tipoo'Siopio'TEi T)auyysvEid Touq JJLE dXXouq 7tXir]0u«7[jiouqTiqq Eupto-rciQq.

ZTO Tuxai-o Ssiyjjia and TOV -n;XTQ0u-ap,6 TWV ZapaxaTaavaioov TQ JJLEXETI^acpopouaE as 10 auaTiq^jtaTa O[ad8ojv at-{jiaToc;, 11 £v^u[jLtxd auaTiQ^taTa, TTQSpE-rcavoxuTTapixf} avai|j,ia xai TTQVaxpcajJ-aTo^ia. Tayxpl0T]xav pL£ avdXoyaTtEpioxE^ (MaxESovia, ©scraaXia, 'po, ©pdxTj xat iTEpEa EXXdSa) iq a-rcookr[ TIQV EXXdSa IQ aiio dXXouq Eupa>-

7i:XTi0uajJLOuq. Suvo-KTixd yta17 noXujjiopcpixd ysvETixd auaTT]{jLa-TIOU [jL£XETT]0Tixav, avdjjLEaa aTov

6 TGJV ZapaxaTcravaiajv xaiTOV u-KoXonro EXXiqvixo TcXiqOuo'jJLO o*Ta-Tio"Tix(i)q aiQjjLavTixEq Siacpopsq 3p£0TQ-xav p,6vo a£ 7 a-rco Tiq 28 SuvaTEq au-yxpiasiq. KaTd auvEirEia 01 Zapaxa-Taavaioi SEIXVOUV {jLEydXiq ysvETixf]ojjioidTT|Ta {JLE TOV uiroXoino £XXr|vix6

H auyxpiaiq JJLE TouqSsi^E OTI 01 ZapaxaTcra-

vaioi EXOUV yoviSiaxEq cruxvoTT]TEq Tia-pojjLOiEq IJIE dXXouq MsaoyEiaxouq xaiEupwrcai'xouq 7tXT)0uapiouq. HjToao 0aa^i^E va {jLVTjpiovEUTEi o p-ovopLOpcpicrpLoqTOU auoriQpiaToq Kell, TJ xapLTiXiQ au-XvoTTqTa TWV aXXTjXop-opcpwv GLO* 1 ,AK*1 xai ACP-B xai TQ u^XT] auxvo-

aXXiqX6{jiop(pwv GPT-1,

EsD-1 xai ACP-C. TsXoq, sivai EvSia,-cpEpouaa T| TcapaTTQpTjonQ OTI 01 Zapaxa-Taavaioi SEV Eivai E^ipapiQiJiEvoi yiaTiq TpEiq auxvoTEpsq appd>(TTi£q -KOU xa-paxTTQpi^ouv iroXXEq 7i;£piox£q TiQq EX-XdSaq. EiSixoTEpa SEIXVOUV xaM'Tl^'"n

avEirdpxEiaq yXuxo^o-6-iQq acpuSpoyovdaiqq (G6PD),

SpE-rcavoxuTTapixiqq xai p,£aoy£iaxiQqavai|j,iaq (12). To a-rcoTEXEajjia auTO 0a{jLTtopouaE va £%Tqyr)0£i and TO yEyovoqOTI Em aiwvsq ^ouaav aiio[jiovtjj{j,£voiCTE TTEpioxEq X^P^ EXovoaiapouvd).

TCOV AOiyyd-Z. H yeveriKijvcov

Oi A0iyyavoi anoTEXouv vo[Jia8ix6xai EvSoyajjLixo -n:XT]0uo"|ji6. Tov lOo JJLE12o aiwva apxicrav vaairo TTJV IvSia O~E oXiq TT|VZTTJV EXXdSa apxt^av va Eyxa0icrTa-

TOV 14o aiwva. Ziq^Epa o -rcXiqOu-Touq uTtoXoyi^ETai a£ 25-30.000

xai Eivai 8iac7xop7T:ia[jL£voi <JE 6XiQ TIQVEXXdSa. AiaTiQpouv Ta T]0Tn xai £0i{jLdTouq.

Oi Bartsocas et al (13)TT) yEVETixfi Soptf) 200 A0iyyavwvAEUTEPTJ IlaiSiaTpixiQ KXivixTj TOU Ila-V£7T;icrTTip,iou A0Tivwv. H IJIEXETTQ a^o-pou«7£ as iT;£VT£ auaTiQiJiaTa opidScav ai-puaToq (ABO, Rhesus, MN, Kell xaiDuffy) xai Suo dXXa ysvETixdp-aTa (ai{JLOCT9aipLv£q xaiVTJ). An:6 TIQ auyxpiTixiq {JLEXETIQ TWV

Touq 01 EpEUViQTEq cru-OTI 01 yoviSiaxsq auxvoTiq-

TWV auaTT)[jLdTa)v ABO, Rhesus,MN xai Duffy Siacpspouv

and Tiq avTiaToixeq

Page 21: Η γενετική σύσταση των κατοίκων της Ελλάδας


ACP*B alleles and the high frequencyof the GPT*1, EsD*l and ACP*C al-leles, are noteworthy. Furthermore,the Sarakatsans are not a high riskgroup for G6PD dificiency, HbS and(3-thalassemia (12). The low incidenceof G6PD dificiency, abnormal hae-moglobin variants and p-thalassaemiaheterozypotes may be due to their lifein the mountain areas in the past cen-turies.

G. The genetic structure of GreekGypsies

The endogamic and nomadicpopulation of Atzigani, as the GreekGypsies are called, is estimated to be25-30.000 individuals, scatteredthroughout the country. It seems thatthey left India starting from the Xththrough to the Xllth centuries. Theylanded in Greece at the beginning ofthe 14th century. They have their owncustoms and traditions.

Bartsocas et al (13) have studiedthe genetic structure of the GreekGypsies at the Second Department ofPediatrids at the University of Athens.The investigation was carried out in200 individuals in five blood groupsystems (ABO, MN, Rhesus, Kell andDuffy) and two protein systems (hae-moglobin and ceruloplasmin). Fromthe obtained results the authors conc-luded that the ABO, Rhesus, MN andDuffy gene frequencies varied signifi-cantly from the figures obtained forthe Greek population. However, thereseems to be some similarity, especial-ly as concerns the ABO, Rhesus andDuffy blood groups, between the di-

stribution of the gene frequencies ofthe Greek Gypsies and today's inhabi-tants in the Punjab region of India andWestern Pakistan, the supposed re-gions of origin of the Gypsies. Theabove mentioned conclusion was alsosupported from the results of Sinakoset al (14). The Sinakos et al researchwas conducted in 557 individuals.Their research indicated a high fre-quency of G-6-PD dificiency (21,2%)and a considerable one of p-Thalassa-emia (8,6%). These high frequenciesmight be attributed to the fact thatthey have lived for many centuries inregions where malaria was endemic.Alternatively, the above mentionedhight frequencies of hereditary disea-ses, as well as the occurence ofrare hereditary disorders, could be at-tributed to the isolation and inbree-ding of the Gypsies.


The study of the language of ge-nes provides us with clues about theorigin and history of the inhabitants ofGreece. The above mentioned resultsconsistently show the great genetic si-milarity between the inhabitants ofGreece and the inhabitants of Italy.Especially the results indicate stronggenetic affinities between the inhabi-tants of Greece and those of southernparts of Italy. On the other hand, thereare great genetic distances betweenthe inhabitants of Greece and those ofTurkey and even greater betweenGreeks and Bulgarians. Thus, histori-cal facts are backed by genetical data.

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uTcoXoyiffTiQxav yia TO auvo-Xo TOU EXXrjvixoO -rcXiq0uoI{j,oO. HaToao,q>aiv£Tai Ttojq T) xaTavojjtf] TOJV yovi-&axojv auxvoTTQTOJV orouq 'EXXiqvEqA0iyyavouq SEIXVEI op,oiOTT)Ta pi£ TTQVavTiaTOixiQ xaTavopiiq TOJV arjjjtEpivobvxaTOixojv Tiqq TiEpioxinq Punjab TT)g Iv-Siocq xai TOU AUTIXOU riaxtaTdv, aico"OTIOU TricrTEUETaL T^wq ptETavdaTEuaav.Oi o{jLOiOTT)T£q sivai TCLO xapaxTT)picrTi-x£q y\ Ta Tpia yEVETixd o-uaTiqiaaTaTWV opid5wv aiptaToq ABO, Rhesusxai Duffy. STO iSio a7ioT£XEo-(jLa xaTE-Xr]^av xai 01 Zivdxoq xai auv (14)|j,£X£Ta>vTaq Ta auaTTipiaTa OjJtdSwvai[j,aToq ABO xai Rhesus.

H EpEuva TOU Sivdxou xai TWV auv(14) acpopouaE TTQ {JIEXETTQ 557 aTOjawv.H EpEuvd Touq airoxaXuipE OTI 01 A0iy-yavoi xapaxTTipi^ovTai aTto uv|;TQX6 n:o-

o (21,2%) avsirapXEiaq yXuxo^o-6-acpuSpoyovdaiQq xai Eva

T^OCTOO-TO (8,6%) (3-MEao-avaiptiaq. Oi u

Suo xXiqpovo{jiiX£qva SiaTrjpouvTai yiaTi

A0iyyavajv ^oucrav yia -rcoXXouqxovTd as -rcspioxeq M-e eXovoaia.

EvaXXaxTixd, 01 u^T^XETOJV 8uo aa0EV£iobv, xa0wq xai rj OE,T) crrcdvitov xXiqpovoiJiixojv SuatcXa-aiojv, 0a piTtopoGaE va a7ro8o0£l <7TT)vaT;o[ji6vojo"]r] Touq xai aTov op,opLixTixo

opydvojaiQq Tiqq xoivwviaq

H piEXETT] Xomov TTjq yXwaaaqTOJV yoviSiojv ETiiTpETtEi va avaiiapa-(7TT}aou[jiE TTQV xaTayojyf] xai TTQV ICTTO-pia TOJV xaTOixojv TT^q EXXdSaq.'YaTEpa airo Ta TipoiQyoOpLEva, p/rcopoO-{JLS Va T30UJJLE OTl aTCoSESElYJJLEVa 01 Xd-

TOIXOI TTQq EXXdSaq xai Tiqq iTaXiaq,xai EiSixoTEpa TT]q NoTiaq iTaXiaq,SEIXVOUV {jLEydXri YEVETIXTQ auyysvEia.AvTi0£Ta Eivai piEydXif] TQ YEVETIXIQanoaTacnfi TOJV xaTOixojv Tiqq EXXd-Saq airo Touq xaToixouq TTjq Toupxiaqxai TCEpiaaoTEpo Tiqq BouXyapiaq. 'ETripspaiojvovTai Ta icTTopixdva.

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