9-10⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉⽉ 2012.12.7 NA 1. Among the following professions, which do you think is the most important to a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker. Among the three professions, I think police officers are the most important to a city for two reasons. First, the police keep the city safe. A sense of security is what city dwellers need the most. Think about a neighborhood where crimes are the major theme. People will be afraid to move here and the city will be a ghost town. Nice buildings or great transport workers won’t help. Second, when a city is famous for its safety, not only people will want to move here, tourists will want to come visit as well, which will bring the city a big source of revenue. (MW) Personally I think building designer is the most important mainly for 2 reason. First of all, the builder designer is knowledgeable. Since designing is an art Criminal rate is soaring in developing countries such as drugs, robbery and murder cases Keep the city safe – reducing the crime Coordinate dispute between other groups, teenagers may suffer from gumbling and addiction to drugs, the work teenagers are caught in fights, underground gamblng happens all the time look for lost pets 2. Nowadays many people find their social network on the Internet. Do you think it is a positive trend? Personally speed up delivery of information – many companies will set up the Public accounts – for job hunters to track new postions available Make more friends – ingoing – reluctant to make friends – the cyber

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2012.12.7 NA

1. Among the following professions, which do you think is the most important to a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker.

Among the three professions, I think police officers are the most important to a city for two reasons. First, the police keep the city safe. A sense of security is what city dwellers need the most. Think about a neighborhood where crimes are the major theme. People will be afraid to move here and the city will be a ghost town. Nice buildings or great transport workers wont help. Second, when a city is famous for its safety, not only people will want to move here, tourists will want to come visit as well, which will bring the city a big source of revenue. (MW)

Personally I think building designer is the most important mainly for 2 reason.

First of all, the builder designer is knowledgeable. Since designing is an art

Criminal rate is soaring in developing countries such as drugs, robbery and murder casesKeep the city safe reducing the crimeCoordinate dispute between other groups, teenagers may suffer from gumbling and addiction to drugs, the work

teenagers are caught in fights, underground gamblng happens all the time

look for lost pets

2. Nowadays many people find their social network on the Internet. Do you think it is a positive trend?


speed up delivery of information many companies will set up the Public accounts for job hunters to track new postions availableMake more friends ingoing reluctant to make friends the cyber world enables them to make friendly freely


1. What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music.

I enjoy rap music the most for the following reasons. First, it reflects a culture I am really curious about but have little access to. Rap music originated in the black community in the US, and it was first an art form telling stories about the struggle black people were facing in society. We dont have racial diversity in China, so rap music is a keyhole for me to understand the racial dynamic in America. Second, rap music has cool beats and lyrics. I like dancing to the rhythm and learn slangs from the songs. Its both relaxing and educational. (MW)


1. Which of the following would you rather be? Lawyer, veterinarian or restaurant owner.Explain your answer in details. Restaurant

Profitable. For instance, my friend Rooney just start a new If my restaurant can be popular, it will be rewarding with a high income for me

Love delicious food. Im a gourmet only satisfied with studying recipe, so this line of work of being a restaurant owner intrigues me.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Its impolite to make calls or send text messages on a diner table. Explain in details.

Its for respect and in case of emergency - Respect for other eaters noise - agitate others hatred resort to extreme action some get hurt

Impair festive atmosphere - e.g Spring Festival, family reunion and euphoric ambience


1community activity volunteer work work with children, plan campus garden

Among these three, Id like to do volunteer work mainly for 2 reasons.

For one reason, volunteer work is a good for my health. For instance, in some environmental protection campaigns, I need to go cycling around the whole city to promote this or make a field trip to the rural areas. With these kinds of exercise, I can breathe the fresh air and have a good shape as well.

For another, volunteer work also exercises my interpersonal skills. Basically most of volunteer work requires me to communicate with the pedestrians, local governors and company managers to ask for support and get things done. By this way I can have my communication skills to be enhanced.

2 sports program is not a good use of time.

First, watching sports programs is such a good way to relax. Think about lying on your couch, snacks in hand, and watching a soccer game while jumping and cheering for your team! Its something you have to experience to know how awesome it feels.

Second, watching sports programs is also a great way to hang out with friends. You can support the same team or be opponents. However it is, you spend some quality time with friends sharing things you love. Its definitely not a waste of time. (MW)


2. Should government spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle.

I believe government should spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle for the following reasons. First, government has the financial power to help citizens in everyday life. For example, government should subsidize public transport companies to keep the price of buses and subway tickets low so that more people will choose public transport over driving, which is good for the environment and helps with obese problems. Second, government could start a campaign that encourages citizens to eat healthier and exercise more, like in a TV ad. Itll be more effective since it is wide-spread. (MW)


1. College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories.

I dont think students should be allowed to keep pets in dorms for the following reasons. First, not everyone likes pets. We live with other students in dorms which means we share the same living space. What if others are afraid of dogs? What if they find the bird we keep to be too noisy? Second, dorms are usually very small. The space in dorms is very limited, some animals cant live in such a confined space. Take a dog for example, it needs space to run around and jump around. (TD)

disturb other roommates make noise during the night so that other roommates cannot have a good sleep

the consideration of hygiene. Someone may be allergic to animal furs and hairs so keeping a pet at dorm will make them ill. And also the excreta of some pets will make the dorm odorous and disgusting.

2. Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.

I prefer to study in libraries for the following reasons. First, its usually nice and quiet in the library. It makes it easier for me to focus on my task on hand. Im not the kind of person who can work under a lot of noise. I hate it when people chat with each other and laugh at each others jokes. I find most people have no problem behaving themselves in a library. Second, libraries are filled with books and academic journals. When I get stuck with my work, I like to walk around and find random books to read for a break. Libraries are perfect for the way I work. (TD)

Will be schedule conflict for some students


2. Some people like to collect old things, others throw things away after they used them. what's your preference?

I prefer to throw things away after using them for the following reasons. First, I have a really small apartment so there is only so much space I can use for storage. If I keep piling used stuff,I wont have enough space for myself! Last time when I moved, I found out I had so much crap that I no longer used. Thats why I couldnt find space for my new clothes! Also, if we recycle old stuff, we will be making better use of the resources instead of wasting them in our homes. Why would we want to store junk in our garage when it can be reused to generate electricity? It just makes no sense to me. (MW)


2. sportsplay

Personally, I prefer to be watch others play while I sit and watch from the audience seat. First, Im not the active type. That means though Im ok at playing basketball or soccer, Im not very good at them. I honestly dont think I am good enough to be playing in a stadium while being watched by hundreds of people, it will make me really nervous, I wont be able to enjoy myself. Second, I think its much more fun to get a beer and hotdogs, and sit down with my friends to cheer for our favorite team. Competition can get too intense in the field sometimes. But its always safe to watch a fight from audience seats. (TD)


1. homesick

There are a couple of ways to deal with homesickness. First, college students should try to talk to their parents at least once a week, either by calling them or Skype. They can tell parents what they have done in the past week and also get an update on whats going on in their mom and dads life. As long as they keep in touch, they wont feel too homesick. Second, a few distractions is also a good idea. Students should join some interest clubs or societies to meet more people. When students make new friends, they will forget about home and enjoy life in college. (MW)

Talk to the friends and parents

A few distractions

2012.1.8ML/2010.3.20NA personal event / public events1. Describe a celebration you recently attended? Did all people have a good time on that day? Recently I just graduated from high school. We had a graduation ceremony and everyone had agood time. First, it was the biggest day for family reunion. Parents traveled a long way to share this wonderful moment with their children. My parents came, too. We walked around the campus and took lots of pictures. I knew I made them proud. Also, the farewell party that evening was touching for me and all my friends. We shared laughter and tears, and made the

best friends of our lives. We didnt want to say goodbye, but we knew that a brand-new future was right in front of us, and it would be great. (MW)2012.6.9/2010.8.13NA

1. If your friend wants to make a purchase but does not have enough money for it. What would you suggest him to do?

I would give him the following suggestions. The first suggestion is he should get a job. A part time job is plenty enough for the most of things we need in life. For example, I wanted to buy a new phone last year and didnt have enough money. So I got a part time in the restaurant near my house, it only took me a month to save enough money for the phone. Second, I think he should rethink this purchase. If its too expensive for him, maybe its not right for him. He might want to choose something similar but not that fancy. (TD)

Cut down the amount of money spent

2. Some people prefer to have a busy schedule, others prefer to have a light schedule. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.

I prefer to have a light schedule for the following reasons. First, my life is pretty stressful as it is. I cant stop worrying about my school assignment and tests. Its nice to have some time where we take it slow and enjoy life. I love to sleep in on the weekend, and wake up without a plan for my day. Its nice knowing I have the whole day to myself for whatever I want to do. Second, maintaining a tight schedule is super stressful. I get moody when I have a tight schedule filled with things to do, just looking at it gives me headaches. (TD)

The ambitions to release

Besides the academic, practice social skills


1 Which of the following volunteer work would you choose and why? 1) Working as a home tutor2) Helping adults 3) Helping old people

I would choose to help old people, especially old people in hospital. I would like to read to them for the following reasons. First, this is an activity thats perfect for patients since many of them cant move easily. Reading can take them onto journeys they couldnt possibly go even if they were perfectly healthy. I think the experience reading gives us can take away some pain. Second, reading bonds people like no other. I cant even imagine how boring it must be to lie in a hospital bed for days, in some cases weeks. Reading can help patients heal by bringing someone closer to them through a shared experience. (TD)

Normal university enrich my experience

Enhance my communication skill and teaching skills

Good at academic work academic excellence in math

2 If you have time, would you choose to learn to play a new musical instrument or learn to play a new sport?

If I have time, I would definitely choose to learn to play a new musical instrument for the following reasons. First, Im musically educated and already know how to play the piano, so it would be easier for me to pick up another instrument. I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar, so I may do that. Also, I love singing, especially singing on stage. When I go to open mic and I want to sing a song, I have to find a guitarist to work with me, or I cant do it. If I could play the guitar, I then could play songs of my choice, or even play my own songs. (MW)



I like wearing jeans and T-shirts and sneakers for the following reasons. First, its all about the attitude. Casual wears show the world you have an easy-going personality and dont take things too seriously. You can choose fun T-shirts with interesting pictures or words on the front or the back, like I love world peace. Its so cool. Second, they are easier to wash. You can simply put them in the washing machine and in 45 minutes you get clean clothes. It also saves you a lot of money washing them. If you like to wear suits, you have to dry clean them every time, which is a lot of money running out of your pocket. (MW)

Flexible and stretching play basketball with my friends 100% cotton, absorb

Easier to manage

Do not need to care about the fashion and style enhance self-confidence


I do believe young people nowadays know more about the world than our parents when they were young. First, the Internet has brought the whole world to us, allowing us to explore every corner possible. For example, young people nowadays love watching America TV shows and know a lot about the American society and culture. Our parents didnt have this privilege back then. Also, we are forced to learn about this global village now that every country is somewhat connected with each other. If we were to succeed in the future, we would have to keep our eyes open, while our parents could just stay in their little town and still enjoy a comfortable life. (MW)


Transportation global flight

Economic development much wealthier


2. Some people prefer to buy gifts, others prefer to make gifts. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

I think making gifts is better. First, homemade gifts are unique and personal. It cant be bought in shopping malls no matter how much you spend. Homemade gifts have more memories in them. For example, I made a photo collage for my dad last year. Its got many great shots from the trips we took together. It made him very happy to see how much I treasure those memories. Second, homemade gifts are less expensive than store bought gifts. Frankly, I think birthday cards are so over priced these days. They are only cards with small pictures and random quotes printed on them, yet stores charge more than ten dollars for one. (TD)

Express the sincerity and deep relationship between friends



1. .

One of my favorite movie characters is Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby. The movie is adapted from the famous book with the same title by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I like Gatsby for two reasons. First, he is the most hopeful person in the movie. He was raised poor, but because he loves Daisy, he worked hard and became successful. Even if Daisy is a shallow character unworthy of his love, he keeps his hopes up till he dies. Second, his life is a tragedy. He sacrifices his happiness and even life in pursuit of love from a woman who only loves money. I feel bad for him and its also why I like him the most. (MW)

Edison masterpiece

Charity funds to establish

Sincere and easygoing help the underprivileged


I believe college students should take courses outside their major for the following reasons. First, those irrelevant courses might help you do better at your major. For example, Steve Jobs took calligraphy even if he was about to become a computer scientist, and it became one of the most important reasons why Apple computers were a success. Second, only studying major courses could be boring. If you take music or painting, it can help you relax and unwind, which will make major study more efficient. You will be too exhausted if you are always doing experiments in the science lab. (MW)

Learn the music enhance the personal image versatile art gallery and museum

Broaden social circle and exercise personal skills (social network)


1. If your friend is dropping out of college, do you think is a good thing?

I dont think its a good idea to drop out of college. While there are some exceptions, like Steven Jobs, I think that for most people to be successful, they must have a college degree. Todays society is rapidly advancing and education is a big part of this development. The economic situation has made it harder to find jobs. When you apply for a job, you have to compete with many other people. Having a university degree helps set you apart from the other people. My brother put off going to university for a few years, and he had a really hard time finding a job. He then went back to finish his degree, and is now a successful manager of a large store. A university education also helps prepare you for a more successful career. You will not find a person with a bachelors degree working as a store clerk, for example.

2. Do you agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive lower score?

I agree that assignments turned in late should receive penalties for the following reasons. First, students who turn in their assignment late have more time to work on them. It gives them an unfair advantage against others. I think its only right to penalize them so the playing field is leveled. Second, late penalties can actually motive students to start with their assignments as early as possible and keep them motivated. Or they might just put everything till the last minute and rush out a horrible paper. (TD)



There are at least two qualities I look for in a restaurant or a cafe. First, it should be very quiet and smoke-free. I like reading and doing work at a cafe, so I dont like noisy environment. I cant stand people talking loud like in some Chinese restaurants. Im allergic to smokes so I can only go to a non-smoking zone. Second, the service should be good and friendly. My favorite place in Beijing is a burger place called Katchup. I know the owner and the waiters. They are so nice to me every time I go. They even offer me free coffee sometimes! I certainly cant complain. (MW)

Tight budget


Harmonious atmosphere


I think cities should keep old buildings. First, old buildings are where the citys memories lie. For example, Hutongs in Beijing are where old Beijingers lived in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. Whenever I walk along the quiet little valleys and look at those single-story houses, I feel like Im taken back to the old times. Second, old buildings can become tourist attractions from which cities get extra revenue. Beijing has developed a few Hutong areas to showcase the everyday culture in the old capital. They have become one of the most visited places and have brought so much money to the government. (MW)

The tradition and culture of the major city


1. Your friend studies in a business school now, but he likes playing a musical instrument. What suggestion would you give to your friend? To keep studying business, or to learn to play music?

I think he should keep studying business for two practical reasons. First, in todays world, the competition for college students to get a job after graduating is fierce, so they should study a useful major in order to land a good job. Business is still popular and he wont have a hard time job hunting. But music is a different story. Unless youre really really good, you might just end up playing at a bar. Second, to be honest, learning a new musical instrument is not an easy thing. It takes years of practice to be decent. I hope my friend doesnt just sudden decide to learn music because he thinks its cool or business is boring. (MW)

Deep love develop his potential

Increase the personal charm

2. Some people choose to go to a school which is close to home so they can keep their old friends. However, other people like to study far away from home so they can make new friends. Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer to go to a school close to home. First, I will be able to stay in touch with my friends. My best friends are all in my hometown and weve known each other since we learned how to talk. I will never want to leave them and miss important days like birthdays and stuff. Second, when I go to school near home, if I have a problem or a difficult situation, my family and friends will be there to help me and I wont feel helpless. I value the sense of belonging I get from my community and I never want to leave it. (MW)

Convenient to win in the future career

Exercise the interpersonal skills



I prefer to eat out, because first of all, since my work keeps me busy all the time, cooking cant really fit in my schedule. Eating out thus saves me a lot of time. Second, its more convenient to eat at food stands or restaurants because I can eat anywhere, anytime. If I get hungry before I go home, I can simply grab something on the way home. Also I like trying different kinds of food, so eating out at different restaurants really gives me a lot of choices of food. And finally, well its a little embarrassing to say, but Im not a good cook, so I dont trust myself in feeding me well. (MW)

2. Card game computer gameprefer

I prefer card games for the following reasons. First, when you play card games, you have to interact with other people, which is a good way to spend time with friend. You talk to each other, read others faces and come up with your strategy. Its more fun than simply staring at your computer. I like playing character card games with my roommates. It strengthens our relationship. Also, sitting in front of a computer does damage to your body, like your eyesight and your neck and back. I heard someone actually died after a whole night of playing video games. Its so crazy! (MW)

Computer online game make more friends

Computer -



When I was 10, my parents asked me to try out for the school soccer team because other kids in my neighborhood were doing it. I never liked sports, so I told them I didnt want to go. But they insisted I do so I went anyway. I was so nervous and totally screwed it up. Other kids were laughing at me when I ran the last place, and I ended up crying and asking my mom and dad to leave early. I still dont like sports till this day, and that experience definitely didnt help. When I have kids, I wont make them do things they dont want to. (MW)


I like trying new food because first of all, there are so many different kinds of great food to try in the world! I can eat Japanese, Mexican, Greek, Indian, Chinese, KoreanA new kind every day! They all taste different and all represent different cultures. Its so much fun and you can talk about it with other people as well. Second, life is short and I want to live it to the fullest. I definitely dont want to miss opportunities to try new things just because they might not taste good. Even so, at least I know what not to eat. (MW)

Taste new recipe

Many country has cooking culture of food, learn the history


1. Among the following three activities, which do you think has the most benefits for students?1. A field trip 2. A home tutoring session 3. A presentation given by a local leader

I think students benefit from going to field trips the most for the following reasons. First, students can learn from a different environment. When we go on field trips, we can observe live animals in a zoo; touch and feel rocks in a cave; see real documents from the past in a museum. Learning in the field is so much better than reading from textbooks. On the other hand, its boring to sit in a stuffy classroom, listen to the teacher going on and on for hours. Students will try to focus, but they will be distracted sooner or later. (TD)

Exercise the body

Make friends

Benefit for students in zoology and anthropology

2. Some people consider going to the gym a priority in their life, while others go to the gym only when they have time. Which do you think is better and why?

I think its more important to go to gyms on a regular basis for the following reasons. First, only when we go to the gyms on a regular basis we can keep a routine and keep ourselves motivated. I know lots of people who buy a gym membership but only go once in a while. Over time, they lose motivation and stop going. Its such a waste of money and time. Also, we have to workout regularly in order to see results. We need to set realistic goals that include clear milestones. Over time, exercising becomes a habit instead of a burden. (TD)



1. What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in you answer.

I think the following should be done to reduce air pollution. First, we should drive less and use public transportation like buses and subways when we can. Its such a waste or energy and space to drive when therere only one or two people in the car. Buses and subways on the other hand can move dozens even hundreds of people way more efficiently than cars. Second, I think we should plant more trees. Trees and other plants produce oxygen we breath. We dont have enough of them since cities are filled with concrete buildings these days. Trees also make our cities more beautiful, so I think the more trees we plant, the better.

Reduce the degree of fossil fuels reduce the emission of noxious pollutant

Find alternative energy wind power, thermopower

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, it is better to live close to parents than far away from them.

I agree with the statement that its better to live closer to our parents for the following reasons. First, theres no shortcoming of living close to families. We can take care of each other more easily. For example, I get super busy toward the end of each semester, my mom would cook me meals so I can save the trouble of doing so myself. I have more time to study and be better prepared for my exams. Second, I can help them out when they need me. For example, I can help them to shop on the weekend when theres too much for them to carry, shovel snow for them when storm hits so they dont have to endure the horrible cold weather.

Inner land career opportunity when come home



When I come across a problem, I will tell my best friend Sandra. I know I can rely on her. Like before I graduated from high school, my boyfriend broke up with me because after graduation we were going to different colleges. I was devastated because I thought he was the love of my life. It is my friend Sandra who was there for me during the whole breakup period. Not only did she keep me company and get me through many crying nights, but she also told me to stay strong, be happy and love myself. I did come back stronger in the end. Her help was really important because I not only lived through that dark period, but also met my friend for life.

Tell me father, because she is really resourceful


I dont think government should give money to art centers or galleries. First, those centers already have enough money from rich donors, so they are not really short of money. The government should spend the money helping people in need, like people from rural areas who live on 2 dollars a day. They are who we should really help. Plus, the money could also be used to subsidize public transport companies to keep the price low, so people will be willing to take buses or subway. There are so many places the government should spend their money at rather than galleries. (MW)

Unprofitable support themselves government funding

Educate children of arts sense motivate to the art gallery

2012.1.21NA /2012.8.25ML(A)

11. 2. 3.I choose art skills the most out of the three choices. Photography is my favorite art form. First, taking photos is fun! Photography gives us a chance to see the world around us differently. It trains our eyes to spot things that are interesting out of the ordinary. Second, Every second that you live is a second more in the past. Every picture that is taken captures those split seconds and stores them timelessly. Pictures are a chart of memories and moments that can be revisited as they were when the image is viewed.!

2. Do you think high school students should take economic classes?

I think its very important to study Economics in high school. Economics is the study of Human action and, the allocation of resources. What could be more important then understanding why people make the choices they make when faced with the situations they are faced with. Economics, is a role in every- bodies life whether people are aware of this or not. We purchase items, economize our time and, make decisions about how we could best remove our uneasiness and better our situation in the future. (TD)

Cultivate personal concept of money - squandering their money

Economic and finance may be a major for students inspire the interests and develop their potential



The internet has benefited our lives in the following ways. First, it changed the way we shop. We buy everything online these days. It easier to compare prices. What we buy get delivered to our doorstep. That saves us time and gas money going to stores. Secondly, internet has made communication so much affordable than before. It used to the case that when we needed to contact someone out of the country, we had to mail a letter and the other person needed to wait for weeks to get it. Nowadays, we can just send an email with all kinds of attachment, and the other person can get it as soon as we click on send. (TD)

2. 100.

I agree with the statement that people live healthier lives than 100 year ago. First, we eat so much better. We have greater varieties to choose from thanks advanced agriculture technologies and efficient transportation methods. When I was little, fruits we could buy during winter were very limited. Second, medical care improved beyond our imagination. So many diseases can be cured thanks to modern medical research and facility. Something that can be easily dealt with today could wipe out an entire city 100 years ago. (TD)

Eat unhealthier artificial compounds

Exercise less life becomes more stressful


1. One of your friends just got a job offer in a town far away from his family. Should he take this job? Please include specific reasons and details in your response.

I don't think he should start a job that's far away from home town for the following reasons. First, working far away from home town means leaving his families and friends. And that might be hard to deal with if he ever runs into trouble. He won't have someone close to talk to about his problems and get the advice he needs. Second, working far away from home town means he has to adapt to a whole new life style. Such as getting use to new food or foreign cultures. (TD)

2. Some students prefer studying with other students to prepare for an exam. Others prefer studying alone to prepare for an exam. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.

Im a student, so most work that I do is school related. And I prefer to study alone for the following reasons. First, individual study is much more effective than group study. For example, I can skip content that Im already familiar with, or spend as much time as needed on things I dont quite understand. On the other hand, I don't like doing group studies much, because we need time to gather up. It takes time for transportation too. There is a huge chance that the discussion will soon get off track. People joke around a lot after they get to know each other and become friends. (TD)



1. action movieromance

The kind of movie I dont like much are action movies. First, I find them noisy and meaningless. My little brother is really into action movies, he watches them all the time in the house, with the volume turned all the way up! When He does, I cant concentrate on my work. All I can hear is people shouting and guns going off. Second, they get too violent for my taste. I dont mind Kung-Fu Movies from the 80s, some of them are actually very well made. Todays action movies are bloody and filled with unnecessary gore. I just dont find it that entertaining seeing people got blown to pieces.

Thriller not practical



1. Describe an activity that you enjoyed doing together with your family in your childhood. Explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. Please include reasons and details in your response.

When I was a child, I enjoyed camping with my families the most. First of all, spending a weekend camping gave us a chance to take a break from buildings and streets in the city. It was wonderful to be in the nature and see some wild animals. We saw lots of deer on our trips. Second, camping taught me many life skills. I learned how to fish, start a fire and navigate without a compass. I rarely use these skills now, but I think its nice to have them. Lastly, the long hikes we took on our camping trips made me a tougher person both physically and emotionally. (TD)

Enjoy family reunion

2. Social model:A person who is similar to you, or have similar ability with you,they can be a social model.

The person I model after is my mother for the following reasons. First, she is a good listener who always pays attention to what I have to say, and that makes her the person who knows me the best in my family. i want to be a good listener like her as well. Second, he has good manners. Ive learned from her how to treat others around me with dignity and respect since I was young. Thanks to her, I have made many good friends in my life. Thats why she is my role model. (TD)

2011.9.25ML/2010.11.6NA1. Describe why organizing time is challenging for university students and why it is important. Organizing time is challenging for university students for two reasons. First, college studentsusually have a big chunk of time in their hand since they are not required to go to every class. When they have free time, they should learn how to manage it wisely to both meet the academic requirements and live their life. But a lot of them simply spend a lot of time playing video games or watching TV. On the other hand, college students actually have a lot do if they want to experience a rich college life. Other than going to classes, they might want to join a society or compete in contests. Those activities all take up a lot of time. So they definitely need to learn how to organize it well. (MW)

study schedule to study or go to library

a variety of social activity to take

2. internetclassroom

I disagree that online courses will replace classroom teaching because of the following disadvantages. First, when its not an actual class, its easy to put things off. Online courses are usually less strict than traditional classes because the teachers are not right there to supervise you. Its easier to procrastinate and do your homework last minute. And thats definitely not good for your study. There is less interaction among teachers and students, so if you have a question, you might not get the answer immediately. Its almost impossible for the teacher to answer your question immediately when other students are asking questions online at the same time. And that will make it hard for you to understand certain materials. (MW)

Face to face interation instant feedback

Without supervision to motivate children with little sense of self-discipline


1. onlylow-calorie healthy food

The advantage of such plan would be obvious. Lower calorie foods like fruits, yogurt and salad are healthier than many of the hot items most schools offer now. Health conscious students should welcome this change. Cutting back junk foods like pizza and fries should be done ages ago. Of course, there are certain disadvantages to this plan. Healthy food dont always taste good if you know what I mean. They are bland, boring flavorless. Theres nothing better than biting into a juicy burger when we are hungry. They are great for a quick fix when we need the energy. (TD)

Healthier for example, suffer from obesity and indulgence to junk food

The calonrie, malnutrition and lack of energy, hard to concentrate on the studies

2. some prefer to study in school and library, others prefer to study in home and dorm

I prefer to study in libraries for the following reasons. First, its usually nice and quiet in the library. It makes it easier for me to focus on my task on hand. Im not the kind of person who can work under a lot of noise. I hate it when people chat with each other and laugh at each others jokes. I find most people have no problem behaving themselves in a library. Second, libraries are filled with books and academic journals. When I get stuck with my work, I like to walk around and find random books to read for a break. Libraries are perfect for the way I work. (TD)



I like talking to older generations. I prefer to get advices from them for the following reasons. First, they can help us better. They have been through a lot more in life, that mean theyre able to identify my problems quicker and point me to the right direction. Second, they dont sugar coat what they say, like my friends do. Take my parents for example. They can be a little harsh on me, but they never ever lie to me, or say something just to make me feel better. From experiences, they are always right. (TD)

College professor, knowledgeable, relative to my studies

Learn to cook delicious Chinese cusine


I choose to have them repaired in a shop for the following reasons. First, Im not a crafty person so Im not good at fixing stuff. I remember once I tried to fix my iPod but ended up making it even worse. I believe experts can do a much better job. Second, it saves time. Even if I search on the internet and try to figure out how to repair it on my own, it will still take more time than if I simply send it to a repair shop. I might have to pay some money, but I think my time is more valuable. (MW)

Not expert always have trouble to fix and make things awkward

The labor is relative cheap repair of the personal computer charge 50 yuan, pretty cheap


1.next semestermath class,

There are two suggestions I would give my friends. First, talk to students who have already taken the math class. Sometimes people get nervous because they have no idea what they are going to encounter. But if they know what is about to happen, they may realize there is nothing to worry about. Like before I took the TOEFL test, I was so nervous and afraid I couldnt do it well, but when I actually took the test, it was really not that scary. Second, find the textbook for that course and try to learn it beforehand. That way he can be well prepared for the new class because he already has a good start. (MW)

Do some practice - coursework

Seek professional guidance study group and math club


I would make enough money before I make that big purchase for two reasons. First, I dont like borrowing money from people, especially from friends. I think it will hurt our pure friendship. I once lent 100 dollars to a friend but then she forgot to pay me back. I didnt want to ask her and I didnt like the fact that she forgot it, either. I dont want to put my friends in the same situation. Also, maybe as I make more money and time goes by, I will realize I dont really need to buy it. I will then make money and save money at the same time. (MW)

Reluctant to borrow, - forget damage the relationship

Part-time job get more money and sense of achievement



I learn by making mistakes. First of all, as the old saying goes, mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. This is so true when youre trying to learn English, especially the speaking part of it, if youre afraid of making mistakes then its almost impossible for you to improve. All the people that I know of who can speak English like a native speaker werent shy, or afraid of saying something incorrectly when they first started learning. (TD)


I listen to or read news every day. I think its important to keep myself updated with current events and know whats going on in this world. Crazy things are happening every day. So if we are not informed, we will look like an idiot when people talk to us about current news. Also, learning about news makes me appreciate life more. Every day when I see people suffering from diseases and war. Not only do I feel grateful for my own life, I also feel very compassionate and want to help them. It serves as a reminder. (MW)

Information age follow up the current affairs

Have a double major in journalism so watching news is my job


1. Which technology has made the greatest impact on peoples life in your country? Airplane computer or television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

I think computer is the most important invention in human history because they have made our life so much easier. For example. Its so convenient to shop online, we can buy anything online these days. It easier to compare prices. And we get products delivered to our doorstep. Secondly, computer has made communication so much easer than before. It used to the case that when we needed to contact someone out of the country, we had to mail a letter and the other person had to wait for weeks to get it. Nowadays, we can just send an email with all kinds of attachment, and the other person can get it as soon as we click on the send button. (TD)

2. Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small towns or rural areas. What is your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

I think its better for small kids to grow up in a big city. Because first of all children can receive tons of information every day in big cities. Growing up there will broaden their horizons and theyll get to know more about the outside world. Second, theres always something going on in cities, concerts, musicals, art exhibitions, you name it. City kids lives are more exciting. Finally and probably most importantly, children can receive better education in big cities where better public and private schools and better universities are located. (MW)

The primary school in Beijing, the best

More resources for children to learning other than academic objects


1. group

I think the group can start with protecting the environment at schools. First, cut down the use of paper as much as possible. It can be done by scanning paper books and academic journals and turning them into ebooks. Ebooks can serve unlimited numbers of students, and the library doesnt have to keep multiple copies of a single book or repurchase existing books due to wear and tear. Second, raise the cost of campus parking. Because that will discourage students from driving on campus. If parking is more expensive, more students will choose to take the bus or carpool. That will reduce air pollution and noise problems on campus. (TD)

Reduce the use of fossil fuel

Government to development alternative energy -

3. for funI would like to choose practical gifts. First, a practical gift is something people can use, so whenever they use it, they will think of me. For example, I bought my dad a smart phone and hes been using it ever since. He told me hes very proud to use it because his daughter bought it for him. Second, practical gifts are things people actually need, like a coat, or a purse. What would people do with things they cant use anyway? It just doesnt make sense to me. I like to give people practical gifts and I would like to receive practical gifts as well. (MW)

For example, laptop

Facilitate my studies

Help me to learn


1. Which transportation do you enjoy? Bicycle, automobile or train?

I think automobile is the most enjoyable for the following reasons. First, its more comfortable. For example, seats are adjustable in todays cars. Some of them even heat up. They make getting into a car in the morning less chilling during cold winter days. Second, automobiles give us more freedom. We can go anywhere, anytime. Some of the places we want to go might not have established public transportation in place. Lastly, the trunk at the back means we can carry more with us while we travel, such as bringing more food and drink with us on a camping trip. (TD)


Environmental friendly

Exercise -

2. Do you agree or disagree that people in future will read less than now

I agree with the statement that people may read less in the future for the following reasons. First, with the widespread of internet in recent years, peoples preference of media has changed pretty dramatically. For example, more and more of us mainly get our news through online video clips and news photographs. Fewer people have the patience to read through long articles. Second, we now have better ways to enjoy books. Some of them get to be made to movies. And for those that didnt, we can get audiobooks and listen to them being read to us instead of actually reading them. (TD)

With development of technology, access to reading material kindle paper wrightMore people are iterated , iteracy rate is increasing


1. If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?

The after school activity I enjoy participating in the most is taking photos for the following reasons. First off, photography teaches me how to appreciate life. I started paying more attention to my surrounding since I began taking photos. Ive learned you can find beauty in the most unlikely places if you slow down and take a closer look. For example, an ordinary street sign can become a cute funny face if you shoot it from a certain angle. Also, photography brings me closer to nature. I used to be a bit of a shut-in. But ever since I got interested in

photography, I spend most of my weekends in parks taking photos. Ive even lost a few pounds thanks to the long walks I took finding pretty things to shoot! (TD)

2. Some people like to spend their spare time with family members and friends, some people like to spend it alone. Which do you prefer

I would love to choose to spend time with my families on weekends. First, I usually spend most of my time in the library working on my class assignments and research. I dont have much time to talk to my parents during week days. Its not that I dont want to, its just Im too busy to. Also, all of our families love cooking. Weekends provide us with a great opportunity to cook together and catch up with one another. Wed talk about the funny things we ran into at school or work. (TD)




1. Talk about a volunteer work you enjoy doing, explain why you enjoy it in details.

I would love to read to patients for the following reasons. First, this is an activity thats perfect for patients since many of them cant move easily. Reading can take them onto journeys they couldnt possibly go even if they were perfectly healthy. I think the experience reading gives us can take away some pain. Second, reading bonds people like no other. I cant even imagine how boring it must be to lie in a hospital bed for days, in some cases weeks. Reading can help patients heal by bringing someone closer to them through a shared experience. (TD)

2. Some people prefer to work in an office, others prefer to work from home. Which do you prefer?

I prefer to work in an office for the following reasons. First, Im more productive working with others. I get more done while collaborating with a team. I find it hard to stay focused working from home, because its easy to get lazy or put things off when Im distracted by household chores. Second, working in an office means Im always surrounded by lots of people. I think its fun to interact with others. When theres something that Im not sure of, I can get plenty of help and suggestions from my coworkers. (TD)

Efficiency negligence of traffic congestion

Office more distraction example, people constant move around and noise and meeting


1. Talk about a friend thats special to you. Explain why this person is special to you.A special friend of mine is Tony. Weve known each other since elementary school. Tony and I have lots in common. For example, we have the same taste in music and art. Both of us like listening to Metal music and taking photos. This means we have more activities to do together and things to talk about. Second, I feel free to talk to Tony about anything because he can keep

secrets and give me the suggestion that I need. He would never blame or punish me for the mistakes I make like my parents do. For example, he is the only person Id talk to when I fail an important test. (TD)

most important influence on me

generous charity

diligence inspire me

2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that peoples personality never changes.

I disagree with the statement peoples personality never changes. Id like to give you an example. My friend Tony had never been considered a good student throughout high school. He played a lot of video games and never studied. He was a loner and mostly kept it to himself. I was pretty much the only person he would spend time with. After his first year in college, he changed dramatically because he was surrounded by more friendly students. He started to join clubs on campus and got more comfortable going out with friends. Not only isnt he shy anymore, but hes more actively involved in organizing study meetings which helped improving his grades. (TD)

My personally has changed- shy speak to public


1. What quality do you think is the most important to be a university student? Highly motivated, hard working, or intelligence?

I would say being highly motivated is the most important. First, motivation keeps us going. It separates people. The ones get things done are the ones who refuse to give up no matter what. Greatness cant be achieved without motivation and persistence. Second, internal motivation is the most effective. Its based on pleasure, and it lasts long. For example, I go to the gym to run, not because Im training for a marathon or anything. I just enjoy doing it. I know its good for my health and I feel good about myself after running. Ive been going for five years because I kept myself motivated. (TD)

efficiency have more time to find part-time and social club

Premature decide their career path at a earlier age


I agree with the statement that artists and musicians are important to our society for the following reasons. First, they keep us entertained. I cant even imagine what my life would be like if music and movie dont exist. Artists and musicians create what inspires us, what gives us pleasure. Second, they keep a record of human history thought their works. Take Leonardo Da Vinci as an example, his works are all astonishing pieces of art, and many of them can still be seen today. If it wasnt for artists like himself, so much will be easily forgotten. (TD)

Inspire people to appreciate the beauty

Inspire new talent, born artist to succeed


1. Talk about an activity you would like to participate in the near future, explain your answer in details.

An activity I would like to participate in is volunteer teaching. My friend Tony did it last week and he told me how great it was. They went to a small, under- developed village thats far from the city. Tony was assigned to teach them English. he taught them some basic greeting skills which they thought was fun. During class breaks, they gathered outside to play sports. Some kicked around a soccer ball, some played badminton and some played pingpong. Everyone had a good time. Before they left, we made some donations to the school. People donated money, books and school supplies. I would to join them next time. (TD)

Participate in a volunteer work

Make contribution to environmental life write a proposal to recommend

2. While doing group projects, some students prefer to lead, others prefer to support. Which do you think is better and why?

I prefer to lead when doing a group project for the following reasons. First, I can develop leadership skills thatll be useful for my future career. Though planning what to do and communicating with other group members, I learned how to make things happen more efficiently. I can bring such experience up during my future job interviews, so Ill leave a better impression on the interviewer. Second, not everyone likes to be a leader, because it comes with responsibility and pressure. On the other hand, Im pretty comfortable coming up with an agenda and email it to everyone, and making sure when we meet, we are focused on our goal. (TD)

Leader social skills, coordinate with others

Maximum of freedom to implement his own ideas make his dream come true


1. Talk about how cellphone has changed peoples lives. Explain you answer in details.

I think cellphone has changed our lives in the following ways. First, people do everything nowadays on their cellphone. Take myself for example. All my class schedules are on my phone. Sometimes I take audio notes in a class that might be going to fast for me which helps enormously. Also, when it comes to communication, cellphones are extremely important for us if not crucial. Especially in the case of an emergency. We can call or send text messages to get help or stay in touch with our loved ones. (TD)

2. When traveling, do you prefer to stay at one place for a long time or spend less time but visit more places? Explain you answer in details.

I prefer to spend more time at one place for the following reasons. First, its not enjoyable at all having to go from one place to the next constantly. Last year I joined a tourist group, we visited lots of places in a few days. It was exhausting and stressful. On the other hand, staying in place for days is nice and relaxing. I will have more time to explore my surroundings, get to know local people. Next time I travel, I will book two weeks in a hotel and rent myself a small car or scooter, so I can really get to know a city bit by bit. (TD)

Broaden horizon learn new recipe

Gain foreign experience for overseas studies


1. Talk about the ways internet has benefit peoples lives. Explain your answer in details.

The internet has benefit our lives in the following ways. First, it changed the way we shop. We buy everything online these days. It easier to compare prices. What we buy get delivered to our doorstep. That saves us time and gas money going to stores. Secondly, internet has made communication so much affordable than before. It used to the case that when we needed to contact someone out of the country, we had to mail a letter and the other person needed to wait for weeks to get it. Nowadays, we can just send an email with all kinds of attachment, and the other person can get it as soon as we click on send. (TD)

2. people 100 years ago live healthier lives.

I agree with the statement that people live healthier lives than 100 year ago. First, we eat so much better. We have greater varieties to choose from thanks advanced agriculture technologies and efficient transportation methods. When I was little, fruits we could buy during winter were very limited. Second, medical care improved beyond our imagination. So many diseases can be cured thanks to modern medical research and facility. Something that can be easily dealt with today could wipe out an entire city 100 years ago. (TD)


1. Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain why this decision was important for you in details.

An important decision that Ive made is going to America to study. First, I can receive a better education in America. More and more Chinese students choose to do so because thats where the best schools are. My friend Tony is studying in an American University now, he keeps telling me how brilliant his teachers are. Second, I stand a better chance at getting a good job after I finish my education in America. I will be more competitive on the job market. A degree from a well known University can help me stand out from the crowed. (TD)

Study in US for MFE which makes more competitive

2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that its important for students to study Art and Music in school. Explain your answer in details.

I agree with the statement students should be offered Art and Music class in school for the following reasons. First, a students life is hectic. We spend hours and hours every single day, sitting in front of our desks, reading books and doing homework assignments. Taking classes like Art and Music gives us a chance to take a break and refresh our mind. Second, by exposing children to the arts at a young age, confidence can be built in learning new skills and honing them. In my own personal experience, I was exposed to art and music at a very impressionable age. My love of art and music has lasted my entire life. (TD)

Inspire art garlley

Born artist for them to study art and music


1. Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more about this person in details.

The person Id like to learn more about is my teacher Tony for the following reasons. First, it seems to me that he knows about everything. He can answer all of our questions, math, science, literature, you name it! Id like to find out what kinds of books he reads so I can be as knowledgeable as him. Second, hes the funniest guy I know. Hes always telling jokes in class. We never get bored because he gets our full attention. Lots of the stories he tells are from his life. I hope I can live an amazing life when I grow up, just like him. (TD)

The knowledge where come from

Humorous how he conceives these jokes

2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that all children under the age of 16 should attend school. Explain you answer in details.

I strongly believe schooling is a must for children under the age of sixteen for the following reasons. First, children of this age need adult supervision. They are not mature enough to distinguish between right and wrong. If they dont go to school, they might hang out with the wrong crowd. Who knows what kind of trouble they will get themselves into. Second, home schooling can be unreliable. I dont think all parents are capable of teaching children all the subjects they need to know about. Besides, its impossible for children to develop necessary social skills if they dont go to school and work with other kids. (TD)

Fundamental education

Social skills