.. __ , ,. ' . ' • fi .':" . ' ' . ' ,. ' •• .'. ' .,· ·,• -, r- 'I . )' .. ; ' . \. _, ' ' -.... - ,. ' .. ·,_ .. . . ' . .. ' . I ,. :., . ' . . I ' . ' . ' . ... ; ·-1 . · . ' ,• ·I _. .. . . . ' ' . . .. ' VOI:fO'.ME; .. a, VPJ. asJ I ., ( ; :. ' party·:lldt . . . . . l .. . .. Washington, ·NQT ...... Commenting upon the Victory to clear up Ule patty ' in.debtedness, to fot a of ·and .sup- ply a prdimin:a1'1 fJJnd to enable· y.rty to im·. bfter the Natiopal ·Conven·tion, .Paul C. Yates m · Houston'fost-Dispatch saya; . · · · '. · . · Victory Fund Committee 1 is th' party'• as!5urance to · the country that J1extyear'Ji funds will be·provided an a basis of tlie highest ethics-not on a. b a s j s of political trade! with special interests seeking governmental favors. · . . ''Republican spokeamen have attempted to make much out 1 of tbe.,mortgaging• .of the Democratic party to its National· chairman, John J. Raskob. It remains to be seen whether the Republican party will entrust its own Drloney raising. to any such" representative and large group. The chances are doUan to doughnuts that it won't. The Republican party still has specialiavorsin its bag and with timea so bard it should . be Jess than ever a aticlder for ethics in the r4ising of a war chest. . · "It ii more .and more realiud by those in intimate toucq ' with politiC.! condition• that next yeafs inter .. party battle will find .the Democrats in their historic role. of appeal to the mass· es rather than the cluaes. The revolt against is a popular revolt, extending to the grassroots of the \ country. It promiJea to become a revolt against every form -of special privilege and doubtful governmental favor. T h i s being triJo (and even the party conel'Vatives have sensed the trend) it follows t h a t th-e widest participation practical to achieve in the railing of a 'rictory fupd is good -politics a n d good blllinett. "Mr. R•skob and thoti l!aOCiated with him in the selec- tion of the Victory Fund Committee made not the slightest ef· fort to clloole DemOcrata who see eye to eye with them on po· litieal matters. Some of the committee members. have been outspoktn.in dilappronl of some of Mr.- nukob's statements and policlet. Tho Nationtl chaiiman in this significant in· atancc neitbet by petty jealousy• nor by the desire to dominate and dictate the party's Atlanta Constitution: "The pro!pects of a Dcmocmtic National victory next ye.arcouJd acarcel1 lie more obvious upon the political map. More than at any previouJ quadren· nium in its historrthe party set up at National Headquarters has been kept·in action, it hu been doJng splendid work nt the party listeping and from its connini tower· keeping a aleepleSi eye upon the lines and J&ehes of the opposition. It needs, however, to be unloaded of the loan debts it has had to makt in order to perlom1 'those yaJuabJe serrices. The Dl!m· ocrats of she United States are plenty enough and financially able enough to cle.ar up the existing party debt without stress ./ or hardship upon any one of them. It only mW!s:that every part,. official in the the National, State and Dis t r i c t shall become quickly and eame!tly active tocoJ. lect a proper quota of the debt to have it wiped out entirely before ·the National Committee meets in December or January to locate the time and plaa of the convention in 1932 ,. ' . ' Carrizozo Home Laundry .• Specializ:u in·- . FAVII.Y WASIDNG ' - . ,. . I . Lcrr.tiid'rv l:allcd .. L."'*' ai;J lhfl .. J . . . . I VT w.J'Iu. Phone 50 • I . . First National Bank ' .. ., . fJAltRIZOZO, 1(. J.t, ' --. .. . . --, . '' boJt· to' let tbit'· ·· other E.UOW ••• what ..... Save it Yourself . · . ' -- ,__ . - _ .. _, - - ' -- '- ' ' - '• ' - ' .• .. ·• . . .. . . . ' . . . ' . ' ! !• . . ' •.. , ,, I " . . ., ._, ' . .. ·, ', "- ' .... ' ' _.\ _;- . ' ' :··· . .. ,. •• . ' !. . . . " . '' , ,. . .... , .. . . I . •• ! .. • • '' -' : : . I . ' ,, . .: .,. .. "1. . ' ' ',, . I .. ·- . ... •: '·c)= .. --· ........ _,.,__-"1 cr·ats . , ·f\ncbo New., ' with New York . . - . . " ..____ . . ._,__ ' . ,, ' . I 4 'N 0 blast couid be so chilling that would, in a measure; cool my Jove for the pte of Philadelphia." So spake Henry :,a 1 member of the greatest triumvirate of.statesmen perhaps in t h e world's history, on an occasion when stopping over in a hostelry in t- b e staid old -city-of Philildelpnia and who appeared upon the frQnt porch in· response to a number of aamirers who had gathered there .and tQ whom he .began his address as thu.s indicated above. I do not usc this and p1aje reference to the incident in a vainglorious }j>h;it, but merely be- cause it was a beautiful; thought superbly ex- press<!d and in the shiipteti} ·language; but for the purpose of the expression of an · prcciation to friends for tfte I h a v e · received. This explanatiOYl is made to those who · have known me for only a short period, but to my old friends I feel that even that explanation is unnecessary. . Had I the command of the English Language and the gift of expression possessed by the "M.iU Boy of the Slashes" it would afford me s t i 1I greater pleasure to te)J my friends how me and mine apprt>ciate their loyalty, their kind expres· sions of friendship, nod their tender w o r d 1 of sympathy-, than I can possibly derive from ex- pressions of my own coining. However, with all .my heart I wi;h to say that t h e i t thoughtful words, kind acts and considerate deeds have been of untold value to me in the troubles through which I have been passing and which bas also furni!•hcd unspeakable relief· to. my sufferings. We (the family) feel the deepest gratitude to our friends for the solicitious attitude they h a v e maintained throughout said period, and we wish to exrend to 'them our sincere sympathy therefor. Flowers, wbat a w.ealth of flowers! Never have I been the recipient of so- manv beautiful, radiant flowers as have adorned my rooms in both hospital and home and which .have been daily supptrmted by new ones from thoughtful and ing friends. It would seem that the Supreme Ruler of the Univi!rse had add.ed something to the unequalled and delightful climate of New Mexico and that his magic wand bad extended Fall aJ .. most into the lap of Winter, thus permitting the plucking of flowers from the open garden · when in other regions less favored they have long since become a memory. Our hearts are too full to say more. Thank you, thank you, thank you. With loving affection, - - . JOIL.*i A. HALEr. - . Patronize the . (ARRIZOZO fATING ... HOUSf . - Open Da1 and Night. . ' Dinnet P.Wea Our I · . - · . · 'l"lle P•.rker agel 4-:lbur. N. t., 'Nov .:...J'amea farpllies...,.bne receutl1 ar.l'ived fa.. <>f tbp Pem• from Wichita, Kl\nsa!!/' wltb Qcratic Stitrt Committe•. ••1•: ·. · to lo.ca tips- bere. . nwQ are ·. Mr•· L. D. Stauct.rd to. Lov• 1 tbe re$uh• at the polls 1esterd•1• lugtou' ou • bulllllea!l mission To attempt to m11ke fl.uther gain$ · · · ' in!tl1c As,embly .Bill i' viafting relatives ac;qqlrec! naturally aa a ptoduct li II•(JP1• ·, of :be Ia net slide· for Governor Mrt Mrs. Pete spent Roosevelt laM year wns au1 almoat the week·end In .Roswell. il11pi>ssible tut. At a 'm•tterllof EcJ ud family and . her, ad.ded two c:o6cniell Webb Weathersbee catno in laat to .t.bc week from Oklahou:aa. City, · It Is Cltnton and Schuyler, and In at their hHentiou to lo,. t t. I . t t tb . . . . . ..a e .. ere • eas woo er c:ountase at tB .uot entirely. certain that we bave ICO't R. M. Jones bas Rone to Tu• on account of tbe closeness of the t:3iricari to report for duty witb vote. A rew hundred votes would tbe S. P. Co, have us at lcut"four !'mea Jant• G11llaoher, •nd votes in tbc Assembly. To lose J•Jbn M:r and Mra Jam 1.10 many. A.sscmb\vmen ·by au · r, Mr. and Mnt. Will G•lla• margins ca of c:ourae, hard cher and 'J R. Adams were guests luck, but it is all in the gllmt'. at the Warden rancb Satnrdlly ••\\'c Were · itnmcnsclv · pleased eveninl!. with ttie m;jny gatos made by Th ,.. B c 1 d D . . . e n. waa enterta ne emocratac organucatlons · an the W 1 1 i N 11 b- ·• 11 r , C ec nesc ay even ng, ov , y . uht or Cny. ounty aotl town , 1 d M 8 fl. 1 ' m W b _.. . " r. an rs, ryan tg !tower. 0 ccsi. uc md ..... cb 1 0 e t ,A patriotic mottf wu used in I( a tn u "£a vora an ave won . · . · t 1 f h B d f and other decoratlooa ro o I c O<lf o QJOpl.'l'• b · . . · wytc was very appropriate lor vssou 10 a number of countau · At;..• ti D Af h 1 c. aul!l ce a V ter I C II Sill a tate• Democratic cnunt \' seraca of a'mes d li lo were elected in unusually strong 1 ·, .. h .. t g ' c:d usN re R , ... a m .. u 11 were serve . ext epubhcan districts. This clear• areetln will be wi b M · d ly indlcatca .• permanent g,owtb ••r SgJ p 1 1 r •.. , an i b f b D I "' a . . rile t. n streugt o t c cmocrat c p.uty upst'IIC which will cvcbtual· lovely R. E. · P. WardeQ 1,1 abow itself in "'the. Assembly home wu the Sc.!ne of tbe beat •• and Senlte election11an vvell as itJ cl_.b party of the )'l'ar, given Sat· the elections for State Officials. urday afternoon, Nov. 14tb, by "Tile yer1 mtjl).rit)'• for tb;: loacri fd the "peony contest" Cooalltutlooal Awtwdtnents ,recently beld by tbc Womau't· l ia of courte, a pcnonal trsum Unique invitation• were fur Governor Roosevelt and abowe to thl' winners Rod a few that be baa lost none or his popu• frh.'Ddt of the club The main larhr witb the Democrac;lc and diversion of tbe afternoon wu lodepeqdcnt 'IOtern It a I 11 o ••Bunco.,. which created a Rteat abowa that_ the extraordinary deal of hilarity. Mrtt ·. Grovu triumph of Oovernor Roosevelt Pruett was awarded 6rat pri1e. laat .Jear, particularly in tbe up• The color aebeme. green aud state ,districts, was dot due to white, club c:ulora, waa delight• any transient eothullil!lm, but fully carried out in the floral de- repreaeuted a petmanent and de· c:oratioua, tallies and relreab• voted tollowJng fot Governor ment, wbicb consisted of aaud· amoug tbe voter& of this alate.'' wtcbes, Jello with whlpptd ---.: .... · cream, cake, cc•ff· e ami cocoa. Moore Weight Carried Hnste&ll!s, unilcr leadership of , \1ra Bryan Htgbtower, were at• a•sttd by Me11damu Conper · Nov - T b i !'I rower and R M. Jones avd tbe claams the unusual Mi!lltt Warden. • ·The winners dtSttncttou of ser_ved bv the left at six o'clock, a!l!lurrng the lugest rural utatl in the boste!llea that they wlre good world, John L. MoorE'. wbo tips IO!Iers wonderful entertairiera. the scales around the 400_ mark. _ . ·=----=" W. . - . Despite hi& impressive girth, r---------• • Pmumau Moore has used for ye.us, ond is all J drh1inJC. a 1925 c.oach to cover his ex• teosi•e roure in and around De• C·ltah. Commenting recently on tbe service .giYen him by bis falt&fuJ car, Mr. Moore uid. 11 M.)' Cbevrolethn!l trnefed 106 · 000 tnilea up to Seph•mber tat Ir &as stopped 399 960 Hutri for deliveries, and ball ilev'.er ·rerttiled to stut. Tbe operatitig expense and upkeep bii beel:l very tmA 11, ind 111 tipite or its age, l Jeef t ca.u l.'leeute tnore tnllet on • gaJion r;f gas than an)' other rural tnah cattier iti thi$ territory. regard• ll!sa ()( age or make of bill car. 1 * · Mr •. M'dote •'*'* tbe. cotnblned of hhn'selt a tid bis C&evto" · letda 2.U7 pouac:ls. · . It's Up To You " - " Art rER tbc doctor ·h!t ·1 o r. your pa rtieu h• r Ill· nest, it is up to you tobavelbat presetlp· ti011 by lUI l'X• p b • r ID . licist w&ud:l ;,ou can depen-d qpott tot ae• eutaer 11111 booest)i iu preparation • 'the itpeed ot .oJOO mi1ea an hour , OUR atoeJt of drug• . tttaltseil t'eceuUy by avla• . t! alw•J• and uora· c•ll.• to mtnd that • bundre4 we- tite!QoaubAthtatet .;.llinz:Di.., ;n.-· tR(>H iifs;tsi --;· ..,. .... _int_.,, bf"(pr!"# sitic idii'N$t tn;#r': L_t tJiiP(L ria- 1ilt"l- •:•o 'Speed, _of tS· .#die• .lUI - "' Itt· prescrip. . ,. . . , . . . · · . , hour w•• dangerbU!l Uo.11a . · .. t932 Auto Lice n-o and perfiC)as.. fs « . . I .... , ....... , .... , ....... ... .. ..,. ______ ..,. · Tbank•,tlvtnr . tlratol bt•t .. 11 ... '!. aft• u _ · · . 1 •lH be-at t & • Carti.OJ<J. . _• ... · .... II! "!":'· .. . . . ' . . .\J'(t!) Cob:lJUlli.f to •pta- hc>ui' ru: tbt. Urbter ••r ib(liYII • ,_' ¥. > - - ' '· 't&e· city -s(!lto()ft wfll be dill .. mobile .abe •tora:. wltsd lObi• · Thursdt:r :•tu1 Friday . .,,. \fdt •PPtteiJte ttt1. .... ,_, " ," I;. Wtek 'Of. 1be ifitl tutf p[a;tet prtuopd7 .o · CU'elttl hlitty· ml.1·· Jl:ltll:l I!U .. t. . 1 ._, .. · · · tf) avolcl the lailt Utlllu .. tt·.raafi.. .• · · · . . P•tt,JStUt. Jtlt ' · I .·· . ' •' '

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• ' •

VOI:fO'.ME; v.x:,...;c-o.,..""~ N~ .. a, VPJ. asJ I .,

( ; :. '

party·:lldt Mortgag~·. •

. . . . . l . . . ..

Washington, ·NQT ...... Commenting upon the Demoerati~ Victory Fun~ Ounpai~ to clear up Ule patty ' in.debtedness, to provid~ fot a continuant~ of Headq~arters's. ac~ivities ·and .sup­ply a prdimin:a1'1 fJJnd to enable· th~ y.rty to func._tio~ im·. med~tely bfter the Natiopal ·Conven·tion, .Paul C. Yates m th~

· Houston'fost-Dispatch saya; . · · · '. · . · 'JTh~ Victory Fund Committee 1is th' party'• as!5urance to · the country that J1extyear'Ji Democra~c funds will be·provided an a basis of tlie highest ethics-not on a. b a s j s of political trade! with special interests seeking governmental favors.

· . . ''Republican spokeamen have attempted to make much out 1 of tbe.,mortgaging• .of the Democratic party to its National·

chairman, John J. Raskob. It remains to be seen whether the Republican party will entrust its own Drloney raising. effort~ to any such" representative and large group. The chances are doUan to doughnuts that it won't. The Republican party still has specialiavorsin its bag and with timea so bard it should

. be Jess than ever a aticlder for ethics in the r4ising of a war chest. • . ·

"It ii more .and more realiud by those in intimate toucq ' with politiC.! condition• that next yeafs inter .. party battle will

find .the Democrats in their historic role. of appeal to the mass· es rather than the cluaes. The revolt against Reptibl~n misru1~ is a popular revolt, extending to the grassroots of the

\ country. It promiJea to become a revolt against every form -of special privilege and doubtful governmental favor. T h i s being triJo (and even the party conel'Vatives have sensed the trend) it follows t h a t th-e widest participation practical to achieve in the railing of a 'rictory fupd is good -politics a n d good blllinett.

"Mr. R•skob and thoti l!aOCiated with him in the selec­tion of the Victory Fund Committee made not the slightest ef· fort to clloole DemOcrata who see eye to eye with them on po· litieal matters. Some of the committee members. have been outspoktn.in dilappronl of some of Mr.-nukob's statements and policlet. Tho Nationtl chaiiman in this significant in· atancc haJ~:illat.be-ii%Q9Ved neitbet by petty jealousy• nor by the desire to dominate and dictate the party's cours~."

Atlanta Constitution: "The pro!pects of a Dcmocmtic National victory next ye.arcouJd acarcel1 lie more obvious

• upon the political map. More than at any previouJ quadren· nium in its historrthe party set up at National Headquarters has been kept·in action, it hu been doJng splendid work nt the party listeping ~ts and from its connini tower· keeping a aleepleSi eye upon the lines and J&ehes of the opposition. It needs, however, to be unloaded of the loan debts it has had to makt in order to perlom1 'those yaJuabJe serrices. The Dl!m· ocrats of she United States are plenty enough and financially able enough to cle.ar up the existing party debt without stress

./ or hardship upon any one of them. It only mW!s:that every part,. official in the State~, the National, State and Dis t r i c t Committ~enten shall become quickly and eame!tly active tocoJ. lect a proper quota of the debt to have it wiped out entirely before ·the National Committee meets in December or January to locate the time and plaa of the convention in 1932 ,.

' .


Carrizozo Home Laundry .• Specializ:u in·-


, . . I . Lcrr.tiid'rv l:allcd .. L."'*' ai;J lhfl .. J . . ~., . . I VT w.J'Iu. Phone 50

• I . .

First National Bank

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• •

. fJAltRIZOZO, 1(. J.t, ' --. .. . . ~ --, . ''

boJt· ~ae to' let tbit'· ·· other E.UOW ••• what ~ .....

Save it Yourself . · • . ' •

-- ,__ . - -· _ .. _, - - ' -- '- ' ' - '• ' -



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' with New York lt~.sult• . . - . .


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4 'N 0 blast couid be so chilling that would, in a measure; cool my Jove for the ~·

pte of Philadelphia." So spake Henry Clay~ :,a 1 member of the greatest triumvirate of.statesmen

perhaps in t h e world's history, on an occasion when stopping over high~ in a hostelry in t- b e staid old -city-of Philildelpnia and who appeared upon the frQnt porch in· response to a number of aamirers who had gathered there .and tQ whom he .began his address as thu.s indicated above. I do not usc this quotatio~ and p1aje reference to the incident in a vainglorious }j>h;it, but merely be­cause it was a beautiful; thought superbly ex­press<!d and in the shiipteti} ·language; but for the purpose of intro~ucing the expression of an ap~ · prcciation to friends for tfte kindn~sses I h a v e · received. This explanatiOYl is made to those who · have known me for only a short period, but to my old friends I feel that even that explanation is unnecessary. .

Had I the command of the English Language and the gift of expression possessed by the "M.iU Boy of the Slashes" it would afford me s t i 1 I greater pleasure to te)J my friends how me and mine apprt>ciate their loyalty, their kind expres· sions of friendship, nod their tender w o r d 1 of

• sympathy-, than I can possibly derive from ex-pressions of my own coining. However, with all .my heart I wi;h to say that t h e i t thoughtful words, kind acts and considerate deeds have been of untold value to me in the troubles through which I have been passing and which bas also furni!•hcd unspeakable relief· to. my sufferings. We (the family) feel the deepest gratitude to our friends for the solicitious attitude they h a v e maintained throughout said period, and we wish to exrend to 'them our sincere sympathy therefor.

Flowers, wbat a w.ealth of flowers! Never have I been the recipient of so- manv beautiful, radiant flowers as have adorned my rooms in both hospital and home and which .have been daily supptrmted by new ones from thoughtful and lo~· ing friends. It would seem that the Supreme Ruler of the Univi!rse had add.ed something to the unequalled and delightful climate of New Mexico and that his magic wand bad extended Fall aJ .. most into the lap of Winter, thus permitting the plucking of flowers from the open garden · when in other regions less favored they have long since become a memory. Our hearts are too full to say more. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

With loving affection, - - . JOIL.*i A. HALEr.

-~ .

Patronize the . •


Open Da1 and Night. . ' •

Dinnet P.Wea Our s~attiea.


· . - · . · 'l"lle P•.rker agel ·Fil~gabbon 4-:lbur. N. t., 'Nov • .:...J'amea farpllies...,.bne receutl1 ar.l'ived

fa.. Farle1;··(:bJ~,inuat1 <>f tbp Pem• from Wichita, Kl\nsa!!/' wltb Qcratic Stitrt Committe•. ••1•: ·. · to lo.ca tips- bere. .

nwQ are eutirtd.r.~atlafied w~tl~c ·. Mr•· L. D. Stauct.rd l~J to. Lov• 1

tbe re$uh• at the polls 1esterd•1• lugtou' ou • bulllllea!l mission To attempt to m11ke fl.uther gain$ · · · ' in!tl1c As,embly b~yond .tb~e .Bill EJ•~ i' viafting relatives ac;qqlrec! naturally aa a ptoduct li II•(JP1• 'l"ex•~· ·, of :be Ia net slide· for Governor Mrt ~tnd Mrs. Pete ~rnme spent Roosevelt laM year wns au1 almoat the week·end In .Roswell. il11pi>ssible tut. At a 'm•tterllof EcJ Weatlterab~e ud family and

. her, ,.,~~ave ad.ded two c:o6cniell Webb Weathersbee catno in laat to .t.bc De~ocratac A.a~embly ro~l, week from Oklahou:aa. City, · It Is Cltnton and Schuyler, and In at their hHentiou to lo,. t t.

I . t t tb . . . . . ..a e .. ere • eas woo er c:ountase at tB .uot entirely. certain that we bave ICO't R. M. Jones bas Rone to Tu• on account of tbe closeness of the t:3iricari to report for duty witb vote. A rew hundred votes would tbe S. P. Co, have ~tven us at lcut"four !'mea Jant• G11llaoher, •nd votes in tbc Assembly. To lose J•Jbn Go~.Jl;acber. M:r and Mra Jam 1.10 many. A.sscmb\vmen ·by au · r, Mr. and Mnt. Will G•lla• t~llgbt margins ca of c:ourae, hard cher and 'J R. Adams were guests luck, but it is all in the gllmt'. at the Warden rancb Satnrdlly

••\\'c Were · itnmcnsclv · pleased eveninl!.

with ttie m;jny gatos made by Th ,.. B c 1 d D

. . . e n. waa enterta ne emocratac organucatlons · an the W 1 1 i N

11 b- ·•

11 r , C ec nesc ay even ng, ov , y .

uht or Cny. ounty aotl town , 1 d M 8 fl. 1 ' m W b

_.. . " r. an rs, ryan tg !tower. 0 ccsi. uc • "~ md ..... cb 1 0 e t ,A patriotic mottf wu used in I( a tn u "£a vora an ave won . · . · t 1 f h B d f ~.. tallu~a and other decoratlooa ro o I c O<lf o QJOpl.'l'• '· • b · . . • · wytc was very appropriate lor vssou 10 a number of countau · At;..• ti D Af h 1

c. aul!l ce a V ter I C II Sill a tate• Democratic cnunt \' offici•l~> seraca of a'mes d li lo • were elected in unusually strong 1·, .. h .. t g ' ~ c:d usN re R , ... a m .. u 11 were serve . ext

epubhcan districts. This clear• areetln will be wi b M · d ly indlcatca .• permanent g,owtb ••r SgJ p 1

1 r •.. , an i b f b D I "' a . . rile t. n streugt o t c cmocrat c p.uty upst'IIC which will cvcbtual· Th~ lovely R. E. · P. WardeQ 1,1 a bow itself in "'the. Assembly home wu the Sc.!ne of tbe beat

•• and Senlte election11an vvell as itJ cl_.b party of the )'l'ar, given Sat· the elections for State Officials. urday afternoon, Nov. 14tb, by

"Tile yer1 lt~f18~ mtjl).rit)'• for tb;: loacri fd the "peony contest" Cooalltutlooal Awtwdtnents .~o. ,recently beld by tbc Womau't· l ia of courte, a pcnonal trsum Unique invitation• were fur Governor Roosevelt and abowe to thl' winners Rod a few that be baa lost none or his popu• frh.'Ddt of the club The main larhr witb the Democrac;lc and diversion of tbe afternoon wu lodepeqdcnt 'IOtern It a I 11 o ••Bunco.,. which created a Rteat abowa that_ the extraordinary deal of hilarity. Mrtt ·. Grovu triumph of Oovernor Roosevelt Pruett was awarded 6rat pri1e. laat .Jear, particularly in tbe up• The color aebeme. green aud state ,districts, was dot due to white, club c:ulora, waa delight• any transient eothullil!lm, but fully carried out in the floral de­repreaeuted a petmanent and de· c:oratioua, tallies and relreab• voted tollowJng fot Governor ment, wbicb consisted of aaud· amoug tbe voter& of this alate.'' wtcbes, Jello with whlpptd

---.:....· cream, cake, cc•ff· e ami cocoa. Moore Weight Carried Hnste&ll!s, unilcr leadership of

, \1ra Bryan Htgbtower, were at• a•sttd by Me11damu Conper Ui~tb•

· Decor~b, low~, Nov - T b i !'I rower and R M. Jones avd tbe c:ommu~aty claams the unusual Mi!lltt Warden. • ·The winners dtSttncttou of be~ng ser_ved bv the left at six o'clock, a!l!lurrng the lugest rural utatl ~arr1er in the boste!llea that they wlre good world, John L. MoorE'. wbo tips IO!Iers a~d wonderful entertairiera. the scales around the 400_ mark. _ . ·--~- ·=----=" W. .


. Despite hi& impressive girth, r---------•

• Pmumau Moore has used for ye.us, ond is all J drh1inJC. a 1925 Che~rolel c.oach to cover his ex• teosi•e roure in and around De• C·ltah. Commenting recently on tbe service . giYen him by bis falt&fuJ car, Mr. Moore uid.

11 M.)' Cbevrolethn!l trnefed 106 · 000 tnilea up to Seph•mber tat Ir &as stopped 399 960 Hutri for deliveries, and ball ilev'.er ·rerttiled to stut. Tbe operatitig expense

• and upkeep bii beel:l very tmA 11, ind 111 tipite or its age, l Jeef t ca.u l.'leeute tnore tnllet on • gaJion r;f gas than an)' other rural tnah cattier iti thi$ territory. regard• ll!sa ()( age or make of bill car.1* · Mr •. M'dote •'*'* tbe. cotnblned w~fJht of hhn'selt a tid bis C&evto"

· letda 2.U7 pouac:ls. · • . •

It's Up To You



Art rER tbc doctor ·h!t prescribed~ ·1 o r. your pa rtieu h• r Ill· nest, it is up to you tobavelbat presetlp· ti011 fill~~ by lUI l'X•

}ler~tieM p b • r ID • •

. licist w&ud:l ;,ou can •

depen-d qpott tot ae• eutaer 11111 booest)i iu lt~· preparation •

'the itpeed ot .oJOO mi1ea an hour , OUR atoeJt of drug• . tttaltseil t'eceuUy by E~tglfab avla• . t! alw•J• rr~ab and uora· c•ll.• to mtnd that • bundre4 we- tite!QoaubAthtatet

.;.llinz:Di.., ;n.-· tR(>H iifs;tsi --;· ..,. .... _int_.,, bf"(pr!"# sitic idii'N$t tn;#r': ·~.,J L_t tJiiP(L ria- 1ilt"l-•:•o • 'Speed, _of tS· .#die• .lUI -"' Itt· llUl~Jg prescrip. . ,. . . , . . . · · . , hour w•• couaid~red dangerbU!l Uo.11a • . · Obletv~: . . t932 Auto Lice n-o ·PJ4t~~ and perfiC)as.. TJ:ter~ fs « . J'Olllll~ . I....,......., .... , ....... ... .. ..,. ______ ..,.

· Tbank•,tlvtnr . B~giflllhtgat th~ tlratol bt•t p· .. 11 ... e~t:•1f1·· ~~tb_!r!Ltlea· '!. ~~·· aft• u _ · · . w~ek 1 •lH be-at t & • Carti.OJ<J. . ~ _• ... · ~ .... II! • "!":'· .. .

. . ' . . .\J'(t!) Cob:lJUlli.f to dltt~ibtate •pta- .· hc>ui' ru: tbt. Urbter ••r ib(liYII ~- • ,_' ¥. > - -~-- - ' '·

't&e· city -s(!lto()ft wfll be dill .. mobile lfc:ea~ pfateslot~eXt1eU .abe •tora:. wltsd lObi• ~rldr-..~t~ · Thursdt:r :•tu1 Friday . .,,. \fdt •PPtteiJte ttt1. m~ch ~r~~ .... ,_, " , " I;.

Wtek ~It i!Cro~ot 'Of. 1be ~Je ifitl tutf p[a;tet prtuopd7 .o · CU'elttl hlitty· ml.1·· Jl:ltll:l I!U


t. .1 • ._, .. · · · tf) avolcl the lailt Utlllu .. tt·.raafi.. .• ·

~,~o ·~•1• · · . . P•tt,JStUt. Jtlt W~t1t ' · I .·· • •


• •

. '



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C · ·. ··f· u · · t • c·· ·I,.~,. · n .. · · ·. ·· .. ·' · · ·· · .... · .·. ··~· O:WoUU>N'TJe:J~ ··· · · · · ·>~.· ~~~~·en""". t~er~o nres tn on ···~urm..t; . !l~O~ • ' . . . . Mo\\!.It $~it~. . .·. ' \ . . < . .

. . .. . ' . ,: ' . ·•

• 1 ' •

. Y. . . ·. Br ifiN .Nf;WYqf'l. I'·' " "

: . . .-·. . "'.


. .

. •

~ . ... lh•ro IN n vll!w ot .lJurlun. Ky., m~trorm1111 of Unr .nu county and center or 'be tbr~atened revolt or coal

a:alol!n. ' 'J'ho \Vorltl•n, according to· tho operntorJ!. 11i'o llld bJ Communists ancl membera of tbe I. \V, W. ~heir wa1ea hn v11 lwl'n rP.dut·otl nnd· llwlr rnrnllh.•s. Jntlmldnted. by rnlno ;unrds •.worn )n as deputy 11herltrs, and tbo Clore•t hnM s:rowu to uuc·h prortorllona lhnt the:> count)' oll}clnls fenr a rcnl "rovoruuon" In the wtnter.


' " ' ' ' . . .. ' -· ' . .. . . . ('M'Ilkl•r O••'ia ~il.!!''....,. , · ,


· T. Q, S . .r\ \': .ut ~lifo~~,~ thl\t ~J•e hM · . •. . mild& hfe pile;' .,, tQ ltt!Uc~tt(l tbt~t h, .. lt!ll! ftlli!IMed .a ·t!>rt.tip~. .. . . if!lllt llow tblll· phraae e11me to :lif!.vn

lllfll feillllogc 111 hlter~tln!f .ruj ludh:~tt· hi:-~tbe ·~"rc~ rto~U which ·1t aeqillrl!it tldll ll(l~$tl. 'i . . .

''linking one~s pile" l'f 1111· qut end ou~ Jtalllbi!J!t: ~r~etaphQr, We Jun•o It . straight from · thl;l gambling tabh1

. wherll th~ wlnne.r coulcl trequcnUy be 11een.lwlth \11tncks, piles pf t:oln on el· . tiler side o'f him, 411 J..II4Y Ltlt;k contln· ue«l to smile. •

Jt 111 troru this hicldeilt tlmt "IDnkln,; ono's pile'' acqulre«l tbe sl;nlfiC:I\ncll lt enJPYII todn);· ·

ll<lt lO~t. Jl•lti!YJldle•ti!,)-WNU llervJ~•·

State Council Plana to Train Doi• for Bli.-d

Unrrlsburg, Pa.-'J:be .&Ultc eouncll tor the llllntl In PennJJylvllnln plnnil to tntln (1()0 pollc!l dogs to "act n• e.res" ror us muny blind pcraons In ~he stAte ·

At present there are only. 14 l;lo 110 trained guiding blind J)eraon• under tho conn~u·s llpon~rshiJ•· .

A nnJionnl org~~nJt.QtloiJ prOI'Iiles the do~. already trained ror the worl;. A three week period or furllter training to ndllpt the do~;'s bnblt11 to the ilew owner ls required. . •·

'; .

• • •

" J{e-So ~ou ~n nev~~ be my wlt~. l IIUPPOIJI.!, thop;:h, YO'IJ'U be a 11111ter to me. • ··

Slle-No, I'll bo a ihl\lght~.r ;to Yll'l!t ·beCIIl.lllll )'O!.l hll\'o J)Cen a popper to me,

Kit c.,_et-.'• Mark' . .A tree tnrYed -Witll the worde "Kit

Cur11on 1840"· wns recenUy dll!cov!)te" . tw n United St11te3 tol-est •rvlce trn.ll t:l'llw 11enr Mud lakes In tbo Eldora1to 'atlonal forelit of Calltomla. $b:

lnclll.'lS or new wooU tiad growu round tho ~rlglnal blnze. .An.other tree al11n r.arvec.l by ·the famoua frontlenmlln In , 1846 111 still stMnclibg In wbat 11 now known IllS .Kit Canon PUll m tbo £1· «lorado National C9re1t.


• "P<~ ;ron ~now . . to bti UlijltqJ .

Jtl tbla otnc~ •. tJor1'' · · ·· \ · ~es. slr;•llll!t 'tM ~t .\)la,c:e be·

cause t{le bots MJ14 X kllew • too illuc:ll.''' . ' ' .

When . -


---------~--.--, -------------------------------'"':'.--------.;.~_._ _____ _ Otlt ot tbe mOlt Important .thiD&e 1011 can do' to a:aako a tetthlllc b~7 ~fortable Sa to ~ee that l.ltUe bowel• do their work (1t earnlJ:Jr otr waafe'JDatter proiJ!ptl.r and ...,utar. 11. For thlll Dotlllar ll bette th~ CQtor!l, a pure vetttabte prepata·

M y1V,_eighbor • •


• • Says.· ... •


Ancient Copybook · Given to ColleiC

.~------------~---------------------------------llakr the tart 1lwlln on til(' hn·••rtc.>d •

aide ot wulllu UnA. t 'tit pantry lo rouoda and or dofll!l)' lo mullin t1n1. l'rlc•k paltry wlt11 fork. •

• • • Dooll nod nhoe11 lo be• k••Jll In '"oOII

condlllon ouKht oflton to bo <'il'lllll>d, wliletber they are worn or not, enre al10 belmr lllkl!n that tltl!)' nro not lt>Cl In a darnp J•lare or put too Dt'Ar tho tire to drJ. In rlt>nnlnr: lnko enro to broab am1 not ·arrnpo lh11 dirt away.

• • •

\VIIllnmaburr:, \'n. - A Latin <'OmJ'lllllitl<in book published In 111:'10 ho1 como Into po~aatoo ot William and arar1 colle~:e, a sift· from Juitlre nobert 1~. Thompo •on, ot the New York Supremo court. '

ArrOIII IJfe IIIIo IIDI:O II, tho lnacrlptlon penned In Ink: "trtom the llbral'1 ot Chlet lul· lice lfaraball, obtained at Dlc:h• mond.--J. K'. r:•

"J. K. P." waa :ramu Kirk raulalnJ, a fartton• American au· thor (l'trn.t800),

A teJiow I know, who wa1 a captain unknown JnnBio \'HI&Be. or a new rlv· In the late war, rot on a atreet car cr, monntnlo, valle;r or plain, thla man tho other day In a part ot Oreater New makes llttlo «lots or lines on hl1 mape. rork unfamiliar to blm, to reeelve a tnd doell a btt ot lettering In IIJIICfll WJrnl rrectln1 from tbe con4uctor, which have been bllllk alnce map mak•

"Don't rou remember me2'' lal~ 'thu log commenced,· flomeUmea be 11 tb11 latter. •1I Will In .)'Our outfit.'' Qrat, 111lde trom Ute explorers. .to know

Alter ·mlkiDlr: to blm tor a mpment, what lie• be.)'ond the moantslna. acrois the former omcer did remember blm. tha rivers. Aa he (lnta ta bill doll and n.e wat a maa lse ·had demoted to a 1111 leUera Ill• Jma1loatloa must abow priYAte beCIUI(I be wu no ·cood u a him wild wooda and bUI1, &relit NrporaL nut lie wu 1lad to tee him atretc:IJet ot Ice, auubaked nldlf, qt1e411' liM llad the mi.Jl remembered him blrds and beaats. Vlcartonal;r. he lr. k1adlt. Jle protreted lila nlc:kel. the greatest adnlitllr'rr ot them all.

.. 011, no, captain 111 exclaimed the lie bad been wotklor bard, 10 the)' JJroom• tlmt hnve bllt'D •tno«l up tho conductor, ,.uh a ro7al reature or cen· pve him a ncatloa, a wbole asoatll • ~~ •a1 Jtllt c•ruAbl'd. l'ut a flnlt· ---~~=~-~~- -· --- erotlt,r, u1 COUldn't take mone;r from to •pend aa he liked, 10 ,~here be mJfcl ~~MUtt on tflo firl!, and wbeo Ute:> lAY• ••• Hate r*u.•• wlahed. Tile Cnt thlnr bt dla Yal to tlteam cornl'll atronily trorn the IJiout l.ote penf!trat"* to tbe ,ery dtptht Th•re dlchl't Hem to be aa7 .,a, lltad for a boat. It hi!I'PODfll to ~ appiJ t'roahl'd part to 11. In a mlnut" or human feei!Dp, belar Ill Its Yf!'ll rracetullt to retuH auch. a ttrJklnr · a temb01t. Be Jonmered to New er two Ute flrlAtlt'l will rlu Into their nature akln to eternal and all·aeetnr rourtesr, but tbt' former omc-er bol)et Je'NU!7 and apent hit yacaUon In ql111l poalUon. While etoaJDIDlr. l11111 wlldom. Jlate, on th6 otber band, 11 there was~ ~tor em the car.· Newark. JUne! ahould bo p11.1111ed brlald7 our Ute - • • • "• • • nrfat'tl or th1.1 broom 10 hal!lt.'D IIJJ re· clenr and lbartH7ed, and treadl Tb•re Ia • m'ildlt-qed Dllltl (If l\fan• There are alWIJI d!Jcouraced per-«Jn.r,. Thla method t1 etrertlve Cor nt>ar to tblnp like a a1aort•tl&hted battals wJH)ft ~Dfil Jl maklnrmaptt. 1cma. Jn an)' ra.r,e dtJ 1'bo plclc the all broom• and bl'tlllhe• man, and 10t:1 oDI7 detaiiL-ott• . . ....... k of t"~ _, ... of JlJ,~ ... ,0_ ... ,

nraun ~ve17 UIDt I08H •dteaturer Cn.S. an '"" uv •· ..... - ""' • .,. "' H"oprrt•hcl-t\'NU ll#nlra. =~-·-------------------.------ 'tfark anp~ It readt to opeD them. 1( - ·· - - ---- . they ·walled one more da;r. m01t of

------------------------- eouldn'c set theM all tnto thepldurtl tb~m probnb17 wo)ltdn't do lt. Dot

The Children's £orner

Creature• Queer The Walking ltlck.

Up In du11t1 romnra of old bamt and allll'll 700 will nnd what ftpprar to bf' abantloned aplder weha. nut ll't a lutklllllll bro or ft1 rntnngle lla~tt In the allll7 meah1111 and In • moment JOU will ll'G the quocl't'at crrotu·re atepplnc llchllr. but oh 1 10 lllo\vly and care­tuliJ, o<ier tho web and maklns lltralgbt Cor U1e nnfortUIII\IO prltohl'r •

.. No lllld11r, lblll" JOU MJ, lndotd, no tptder ever borultt'd 10 allm· and atraw,llko a walat or enJo7ed autb ,.. poae and drllbemUon. Thla new te~ aat or the old WC'tl hl'lonp to a ramll7

:A VtRV HUNGRY WAu<~'40·~TIGIC et Walklnr.Stlckt or ThN!ad-Lft&ed· lSq~, aDd It 70n have evu e&M one JW wilt atfte that the Qme esacUt ..Sta bill.

Ria bocl)' tHelllbiN • all\all ttltk ot'

Carl' In the morntn• st .. pJ 11 tbt aun,

Drow•IIJ II• •••m• to rl .. When tht lllaht 11 4ont.

lllhPt too th• bulldlnite IA.tnlmr cloao loatther.

It ta bar4er etlll to wake

•· -~

Wbtn tllar•'• doudy llrta tiler.

twJ1 both fn tbape and color, a UU· nMII that help• couce::~l blm trvlli hf• tnemiN. lie has three tera on tither atdr-, th& totemMt pair btlnt llkt arnla beilt at tbt elbow wlllt tb6 hant1• cloubted "eli under at the wrlita. ne­twtta tbfJie dan. •htch art pinc-er­like and ptoyldfd with thArp .plket. Mt. Walkln(·Sllck &raba btt pre;rt tak• tnr c.re to lcup It tar ttiourh awa)' tro)ll bta bo4t to uold anr pofi()tlo" lit Clip. Thfll throuah hft hollow i\lct. ln.t tublJ lie dtlnkl the fOOd Jutc:M ot ht• tletlll'l. '

1U• other fo\tr tep lite ntrem~r .aemJff abet tr\111 thmd·lth .. 'thet ·al'll illil)tlle'i'abl;r loo&-.tbt arUif ~~- t _ ~t-~ : -- .,.... r#:o;';:;; 6 ..,. hf"Ga:...._ -1

r: '!~.~ . :Q~;.:< :> :: -; ] a a

' •

-and quite flDliJ llrotcett. nt tl&a.t · thl'rt wu a pecutlar anlclde In New 'Oil1J boOtt!"' .him tor ll UtUe ..muo York uot long aro ~ttnilng whlcb WtUl· he ~ atow othrr• tn tlleJr t dldn•t see mach lb t.b& :papera. A pla<:f'; " .. mao wllo hl!d toat ((I!Jifd&rabte lJ!Oilt!T

lA ~bo picture t.be artlat hu drawn In thl.' cnab, but who atl1l had Mmtnr J.lr. Walklllr·811ck e>ut-ottd.QQ.t&. Juat power and Q~Varentlr no more hnme­

. -. l®t u h' rc~matna quiet ;ron can dlate troublea tban -the uerare. fnld IIH bow dltneult It li to tell him trom a vdfet voruere on the ftoor In the the tfrlr oa 'Will eft he rftta. The habit kltthen ot bit bnebelor apartment, anll he ba of _1Udd•1 hit ltp out at all littlJ htmaC!It on the vortte~. after c:ouceltlble anal" l"lptJ him, too, to r.huutn~r tho wlndowa anti lumln; on dlal~r Ull Dl&kl!tl It llt!lltl7 lmpoll- Ute RO& nut the peculiar thing wtll tlble !or hli Memlea to find him. that tbe7 tonnd scatter!d al,lout btm.

Glrb' Name• Pr.uzte

Here an the name• or ftn Wllat are lhiYT .. ~ -:;

,- nt · _ · ~...-- ·•


like frt'!lh grel'n lC!I\'H. 1,000 new oue­dollai' hlll11.

••••• . M.ariJ.fl Jobn~t~o AnAJit l11111 disposed ot all the rortlla1, chlnt()S ilnd naU\'t>

bOJI be broua:ht bsctc from Africa. Tbe rmtln b071 went narlem on bllll nnd he shJptle(f tlteill home. Some of u:e chl•pc and corilfat went, 1 am

· toftl, to San Dle;o. Tltlt atvea Alr. Jolmson ~ bit moro room Jn 1111 apart· anenr, •• ,onq or tw~ of t.be torlltu were hit ~t~eats. The;r were 11ot a bit more trouble than a t:oople ot llo111.

• • • • • Charles Chaplin and llaurtc:e Cltev­

aller were at Juan·lea Phil thl1,1 anm-.. . mer.. One naturatlt w.ould expect tbe children to ao crut onr"Citaplla, but •her tell me that Chenllet wu tbelr beau Ideal, One da;r, a •mall&lrl weat Ill Jl'ellt excltemeat .(o ber clftOtlU~r•

"I talked with Ur, CbevaUer," alit Ahl.

ure,'l" Aid Jaer molb~r. "Wlla~ dld JOU talk about?" '

.. Well ... &DJWtml Ute lknabt.tr, "he aid, 'l'Aok ouU Jam loii'IKto dlte.'" ·~ 1tu:'lkll blllfcat .. l-'Wltlf hf'rlce.


· Uoo apeclallr lD&de tor babf• aJSd cbUdrell. CUtorla acta 10 PDtl.Y' 1011 Call llte Jt to :rouq fntaata to re­line coUe. Ttt ltia alwa;ra tlfadln. tor ol61l" claUdrell, too. ~.

·CUtorla toDtaiDI tiO -Aclr•~ flnll•~ M t~M~»tkl-11 ablolutttr bana1e-. Wllm )'ocr kb7 11 trtttul lflth 'tettblar or a tood 1Ql)lllt. cite a dea~>~lnr dole ot cartor1a. Be taN )'OU IK ~nlh CUtor1a wltla tM Dame:

~~ •

CASTO RIA AS...,ff• 1 ·

"1 llllver aetllled to haYti an7 Jade with t11e 11'0mta,•• al&bed. tbe ot4 • ltar.hetor.

"Tb!Jl fOil're JtSckJ," rrowJed. tb peal milt

lltl21 Lh. tl Fat I• J•st4 Wub

:Nn. Kae West ot St. t.outa. Yo.. 'flftett "''m Otli.Y 28 111- old Ud welcbed l'iO lbs. ttnUl 'ta.Jdnl' · oae-. boX Of )'OUr Krutdlea. Salt. Jllllt 4 ~U lf'O, I DOW wel&b 1M 1bL I alao' hue more mer.11 and farther­more rye JIC'ter had a hun117 lJI()o mect.H

J'at tolka abould take one halt teupooofal of Krnkhen Salta .In •

• · &lUll of bot water etU7 morntar ·"It cua't be Ute t.nltb tbat lbt Wi!Al'l · before bl'e!lktut-an 83 'Cent bottle .

acaree11 1107 clothes... !uta 4 •eektt-rou an ret Xntlchtn 11Yett. lt'a thlt tnlth-tbe naked at anr drn« atore ttl America.

trntb.'' It Jiot joJtnUr llltllfted afttt the

Lott Lonaliom Herd · Enriches Texu Man

San Allt®IO. TetiL-'Rmaln• of a lost berd of longbom t'.ltUe. latnoUI ln the blstol'11lf tbe Tn:u ran,e. flate been fouM b;r t.. D. Bertt!Uou of ~ c.ota. Texu. and their horns lta1'e made httrt neb.

ln 1812 JacOb Don Lonert"a e~~ure herd ot seYeral thoUUIId lonxkorc.s atampetted In a storm 11ear 1'frltnrtsa · creek. Tiler •~ 11e.nr tound.

'rbat ll. not unw Bertlltron traUI!d il aearbt canton to a ~ 1'8 OptlllaK bd round a tre:tt heap ol bolid udlKimL 'Bert!Uhm. b:tll sine~!' M14 ntOTe than ~.000 worth ot horns. and ts MW · nt!I'Olfll(lrtl-' tor. a late f() ~ pdaee f)t \Val&

. .

&It bottle-mo~ blek'. - .

J.euaa II>' F.U. The ctllld. · thrott_cb: atttmb:lfl.t,

ttcrnl to wa1k «ect. Evtl'J' taU ·JI a tali upward.-Parker. •

No plan .. wotb YeJ'.Y welL"-

Wotld's Largest Electric Vessel ·wHEN­

FooD SOURS .. ,..;.. . . •..

• • t.:t--.,. . ' .

. ·.----.

.... '· ·~--

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' - ' ..... . .. '_, - -,- . Leaaql) for NovC:'~~ 22


' "

A .,J~nj- Old. T•' •na Bravt~. · ·A·· · &lllllll~~.s .. r4!niem.l!e~ · · Sti:pJJen ·

. Oec~tllr aa ·~ brllllnnt Arperlc:ll!l nar1d 9fflc~r. an!l as Ule mao· who Clll'Clred tbtt tam.oll8 t~l!t "()u' c:oun·

· try•! In her lote~c:ogr~~e with fQI'ei(D PAUoni, mat abe I!I~!I,VII be In t4e t!Jl!t; t~ut. rll;bt or W!'$1DJ, our c®D~ tt.r I" nut lt It hDIJ' I!Ot be~JI tor a brave · Amerlc!IJJ ~.m11o, 'Decatur mlcht !)ever bqvQ uttered thoae patrl· Qtle words.

.It bllppene«J durl~ t4e w11r with tbe JJarba.-.t C~lratea. Decatur, at tb'e bead or tits men, bad o.Ycrllau.l!l!l and bollrd· ed a 'l'flpolltnn shiP, the captain ot whlc:Jl h11d treacllerously murller~ •De. c:atur'a brother ntfer surrendtlrlog to tbll yonng Amerlcno, In-the desparate hapiJ.tQ.hnnd llght wblcb followed. Stephen Decatur ·llln10led out tills capo (afll tor his vlcttm. Oe~:lltur luns;e4 at blm wltb a boarding pike, but the barbarian parried the blow, caught' Ule we11pon 81111, wrcncllln" It away, luns;ed at the American. Oecntur had drawn hla aword ana na be parried tho bow, hla weapon broke orr abort at the hilt. Tho Trlpolltan struck ognln and woundod tho Amerlcnn In the chest

' ...

&lld arm nnd n moment Inter tho two were elllBped to a lltc-and·dcarb stru:· ~~ .

i\t this moment another Trlpolltnn CAme up trom behlnll nnd ralacd bla IOPJ c:urvlnr J.loalem blade to atrlke Decatur on the heaiL It wua avra.rcnt-17 aU over WIU1 tho American com· wander tor thero wns none or bla crew wJthlo rro'c:b except tor ono llllln, a ~tnall naplcd Jtouben JumeL Jamea bad been Jn tho thick or the llj:bt. atld llotb or bla orma wcro d .. · ablcd.. Dot wbco ho lllW the predtca· mcnt or tho omeer, Jamca did not he. ltate' tor a JMmcnt. Do lcnved In nncJ wUh bla bcacl <nus;ht tllo blow nlmccJ at Decatur. . . .

Dat Decntur'a tronblu wero tar trom b«!lnr over. Tbo two men,

Joeke.d In ttaeh ot!u:r'a arma rcu to the d«k. Wrondilng one arm tru, the Tdpolltan drew n long, keen knife. nut fn the nub or a ~C«Jocl before be routd pluoge It Into tho bodr or tho tut-woakcnlng Atnt'Kan, Oceatar ma1111ged to drow a ~mull pocket ptatol and lhot U:e bub:~rlan tbrougb the heart.·

So terrible \\'tll the wound whkb bravo nc:ubcn Jnmra ltlt'tC!rro from the blow which M. ll!ld tn1tco to c:ne hit romr~ruJcr'• lifo Umt llta (OmrM..,. felt 1ure bet woold ell«!. Davtlllt, how· ertr, he teroruro llllit find to sene btl naUon tn tllo MVJ tor moro thu 40 Jt!r&

·' ' ' ' ' .. ,,.

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Lovo nc~·er flgurca out tbo rolt. •

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You -don't· co downstaln to tum 0~ the u,ht kJld, it'• just as convenient and inex·


pensive to have' an exten· alon tclepht>ne witl;lin ann'• ~ea~ •

Ord~r ontt Tod»y-Just call our Business Of/lett

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. ·•'I·· zs .smm· .. · . . . .. . .. ·, . PAJ«S ....

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SENSATIONAL .TIRE BAllGAJ·Ns :Rtml Goodye-~r~fuit overalz~uatan."" · teell for llie---.lt these low p:dces,

. Price SIZE pf~ch

29x4.40 .. 21 $4.,S S4.as .. 29:t4.50-20' 4-78 .. 4.6$ . 30x4.50-21 4e8S 4·70 ,28x4.75 .. 19 s.6s · s.s7 29x5.00·19 Se99 s.s3.

3·75 3.65 - . -



it v. ReiJ,

ara ·e (aJrizozo, N. -M.

' . . . . •

THE CITY GE Having been officially designated to: .

• '

· . Test Automobile Brakes, Lights and Steering Gear, will be glad IP render nucb service to lbe public in accord· ·

. auce with RULES and REGULA TlONS governing: same.

. . .



' -···

Santa· Fe New Mexican "New Mexico'• Oldest Daily"

. .

Published in the oldest Capitol in America



Subscription mtes; one year $6.00; S i x tnonths, ~3.00; one month, 60c.

PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Make aU checks and money orders payable

to tne . [, SANtA.Ft= NEW Mexo=AN Pus. cos~ .


·' ·- ' ,, •'


Table Ctea.m SW'eet Milk

80 -"' Pet qt. . . .. ·,60 , Pet Gat -· . · .no ·'" pt. . lf· ~-pt.

··30· .· ' ;; .2 qtt. . t25 •. . - ., ·.qt. .t·s · .15 '.. tt ' pt. . . .'08

· ,., pt. AO ' - 1

. lf )I pt. - .20 .· -. '· .. - - - .. ' .. l . .. .

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· · . Mrs.c. J:l~Jferg:~$9~ ~fCa_P~(at! Mi~~lhr\.e_r~aylorotbecb~rm~·. lfyou wlsld<HIP~Ild the entJ• . llT ~~v. J1Jo. ~ Tt•~J"' , .

., '· ' .

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. , :d~Sft(!J C;t.trJ~!>~o. t()(}!l1•\} .. ·, . ·.·· 8' dagg!H~r of Mr. 'll~d· Mr$. J. · of N~y •. 21~t v~ry !igr~e-~1~ . "l'be' Suu~by ScboPl at~enda~c~l ·· . ~ ·. :.· • · • .·· -~-·~. · ·. ··.· .. ·.· · · · : . . • 'r•l'l(n·. wh9 owt.t :t~~ l- X. . to O.acuraJ.~nl)j'oiqour tt.ter.; l•~t S"ri.d~f wu.' uin,~y·ei$ht.

· , ~. Sbyr~y ;lupp$, ~w!J!l. ha~ l>~M ·. ·• .. · JOsc~tQ .wa1l ~aitlecl on r1 t~tQP~ ht ttte. ~arvest JlnUlC: A 'Sp~elidi<! carpa of t.e•c~er~J . au S.il~ta ll'~ the J:l~at Jwo ;r'(e_ks Nov~Ulber 7tb in Socorro N~:,w freshval PAnce. The. Am~se· ht c:burge of oP.r Sq~cJI!l;r Scho9l . :~er;dll(> o'll~the Jrtcler,) Fe~i~ _3gr.Y 1\4~Ji~q t9 G<orge Tgtll'~l\ · •· ltu. .. ment BaU is beiu~ appropriat¢ly _·. · . and . e_veff pet$6n ~Sluudd

,. . ·. etunte!l b ... ~e lbill IP.I>XPil.lgc. : . dent of the SocQrro . ~c.~Pol of de.cora.tw. Palatable · r~freab• •~t•it bhn.self of ibe privilege \be· . Mt~. J~:aJta Mii·1er of ~o; A~· Mn~e~, . . . . . ~euts will be served by tbe Pat• Sgn<l~y ~cboQl offer~ •. · · · · •

. · f{. le.. ali oruia,i$ be~i} vi!lith1g Misi T-.yJor, w~Q w:ae · !ltteud· eot:Te~cber• . Ass?¢ia~iQll.. and Mra~ Z~?e Glas$mlre e11tertain• . her d11. .ter, Mr:$. F.,; H. Jplt~· fgg the State Un&Jerslty at A.l·. tbetr frtel,ldf!, The best Qf mu!llc ed ber·SuQday Sqbool ell\ sa at a: . I!O.n and.lier,so.i Harry Miller, . b~qiJerque, was in ber s ~ q.o n d will inspire alll~:wel'i$o~·t'lte t1F$~t p-rty fnun \W() until fiv'e ~as t . • •8 ·• .. . · B • kle w · 1 at-. vear .at the· Uaiver$ity ~nc'l ii a Fant•stlc TPe to -e!lJOY 'thCif Sun<lay dternoon: • Ab!lut .tifly t ~~ 11 ~~tb Str~t J. 40

.t s ··· t very be~tutiful and accomplished pte~sa11t ·amusemeuf •. Proceeds little onet11H1d !!.igbt or ten of the ·en. U\( . ~ · a .e ntvenu Y ~ . yQung lacly. · . . for scboolli~tiU~y .and other needs, mo.tbers piutrcipated. ·

, Albl1querque wtll s p e n d t11t> . · . M · T . • . , • .. Tnaokagiving holidays w t t. b 'f-be grqgm, r. · .urnel', IS 8 Dr. and Mr$. Blan~y e~tert!un• .The Baby Roll Depirh:uent hn hon1'e fol~s , . . • native of NQrtb . Carolun ~nd· is ed at dinn.er lut Mr'n~ay Mr. C. enrollment o( abQilt t wen t y,

. . •


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. EriGhilada ~upp~r SATURDAY, NOV~ 2l

. ' . . . ~

. <iWea ~y lle WQilliD'$ 00 «t.~IIIDII .. Ity Hill


I' •

. . . · . no daubt worthy of tbe Pl'll~ h!' H. Thornton 1,1nd famtly, of 0:;· Why not Jet "~ rememb~r 1our We wish to c~Jll tlie attention of has 'won, He was 1n hi~t second cun., an(! Mr. and. Mrs, Be~ bl(by's birtpqay and \,le otberwhte

our reaclefs to the menu of the rear a~- the School of Mines,. Burns, of Three Rtvers. A vent· iqtere!lted in him. -~

• • • Enchiladas · Frijoles . · Ensalada ·

• Panecillos· Pipinos. . . •

Enchilada Supper yr b i c h tbe. After the Gbrlst~a~ ltohdnyto aon &inner, ud a JUOst· enjoyable Mrs. Jno. t, .LawaoQ beghJI W1lman'a Club is servin~. tomor• the J'Oilll~ couple· wtll return t(l occasion. . . the work of a Ho~tte DepartJllent

·row night at tbe commuultv hall, Rocky .Mo1111t, N. C~roliu.a to re· Mr. and Mrs, James Rltsseil El• n the next mollth, Tho.s.e wbo . ud which bas appeared in this stde. • . · lis, of Fort Wortb, Teiis, were are unable to attend S u a d a 1

Qlfe .. · .. .. .. .. • (Doughnuts) Adults SOc. Children ~-Sc. .

paper, tbe p~s.t two isaues. · . The ~ewa jot.m other h'iends rece'nt 'guest!S of Mrs. Ellis' moth• School wtll find benefit and" hap• G. F. Macy, district biabway •n·wisbtng them a happy and er: Mrs. George Dixon. Mr. Elli& pincss in the Ho~ne Department.

" prosperous life. f 1 ·-. en11iueer of Roswell N. Mcx.; was was or "'ever.. years conpec."-v On last Friday night tlut tee.JJ in tbwn 'Tuesday, meeting other • with the· State Land Ofllc~ in age boys class was ~ntertalned in employees of the. Hfgb~ay. de· Carrizo~ vs. Capitan Slinta Fe. Mrs. Ellis will be re· the home of Mr. and Mia •. Tenia parlment. He paid this office a ...;.;.. . mcmberecl . .n:J Miss Dixie Dixon, Bigelow. Games were played

. pleasant call while in town.·. 1 • at one lime a 1uccessful Lincoln and a storv hour was epjoyed.

• Foot Ball Game 1 · 'b M d " Thanksgiving Day c\o1uat~lslcl boo teac crj •. ,·n~· avna MrtJ Fred L Doughtier .recent• . ,f.

- rs. ~.!. s arc now en ,, "' a • ly entertained her cl&~ss or boy a -;' The people of Carrizozo are tl.'· cation in Clouduolt 1\Dd vicinity. and gtrlll a~ her home

00 Satur• · ·

• •


. ' .. . -'•' ..

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Mrs. 'l'. E. ArmsttQUg a n d daughter. Mrs. Elsie Paden spent the wet'k·end in Tucumcari, vi•· iting Mrs. ,Pnttway Collins, w b o

• r.eturm•cl.hom'' with her mother . .

minded that the above g11mc will lrtr. E hs, ill company ·WitU Mr. dav ·artern~100 and \hp c~ildre11 • .

bt>played by oar 11cbools Nov. ·26. R4 1ph Dlxou, or E1 Pt~<:o, 'r(,'ce~tly were v~rf happy over their party. •m .. ::t:-:--·---··-' 1 ' .. ~m;:e;s;.......,..~.-• .. ' '·~·-11='' 1 " 1101 "

1931. All busiflcss houses l!Jht eoj,yed a v•·ry succct~!lful bunung f · 1

. 'b 1

'd Baptl!!t Church will .a.l~qndanth· blrss us if we ·~d sisrr·

A. C. lliues who ban bren in the S, P. H•I!IJiitat' in San Fran• ci10co nine" St•ptembl'r 21rd, re• turned hnme Tu'esd•v. mucb lm· . proved in beallb His son, Car·

·ot Cecil, fent to San l~'rancisco, and accompanied bit fa~ber hom~.

.Mrs, Frank A. 'English.· son Don, and Miss Ella Brickley weut to Albuquerque last Saturday to visit Mt1scs Glcnnetb Engliab and Ruth Brickley, who are attend· ing tbe State university. They returned )wme Sunday.

Qflt pla.n to close for· tbe d<P tr1p 1n .Mexico, A chotr 0 twe ve ~;ontn u t! • - keep the right nhjt!ctlve bel ore arc rtqutlstcd by the Ma)·or (II M R L- S I l o t:reatly to tb~\ Ju:lpfuloeas oft be Rev. L. D. Tordan, Pnetor us Every redeemed \IIO.UI sh!'uld Carrtz .zo to kindly close for Uu ro. . • crouu nil, w J evl'otnlplervicclui SundaJ' nlgbt, r ht~vP • part Jn tbc pledges made

b '1 2 30 rukes bcr home wt.th rw_lro .• V. P. Choir pr~ctice "'ontlnuea 'eacb .Pinnll •r«t under• ~•Y or- 11'" lt) Ktrl 0 flom cau11•• thin month G~ame whic wtl start !'l : ('• 1 w " E a..f •· c " t b .. • .. 10 "'.milh, is u prcsellt VIII tln.u Oil: W~dnt•sdoy evcntng under_ tho dl· u. verv·~·. rmuer nnva~s I 0 I f.' and next. God plcdf(ed His 'son

Clirri:cozo baa~t·scbool or whicl ' ber dnu~ehtrr, Mr!!, Dave Sl'n rccuon of ~1tss Dta llerraora. m!ulc dunn!( the wrek ~ nn "ll for ua. He kept the plcd~rc. He . . ,,old, nt Overton, Texqil. · . on November 29 •. at whu:h time · H Ill

we are,proud, tbc athletic depart Tl I f 0 b 1'hc R•lly ·DAy Pcorram for we hope to bne cwery member of biiR pltdf(ed us that e w coltle mont bas worked to produce ' 10 pcop e o · scura w o s rJ d i g tbc Sun agafn. lie will keep tbd pledge

I d bibitu nt tbe Count"' un ' 1 morotog ur 0 • the cburcb. as well 1111 friend!! and too It ·ia our bu•inA•• to ca. rry good Foot Ball Team and b a ,. ' ace ex · • d v IICbool bour ia as followa~ 1 1l 1 1 k f " .......

Succced•d·, th"Y IJaYe loa·t but onr Ll'air wlnb, even o.l tbis late date •11 S h 1 0 b well•w shera en tt u t IC wor o this mell&age to those who do not .. .. · . tgb c oo rc cstra- pc• r tb 1 a tb c u•• of t1 e Mas• · · d · " to exprens our plcanurc and an. . · ur er 0 "" e 1 "" 1 kno"" Him and tbu1 make His rt• gaina; they partiCipate to tut " c1111 Number i 1 1 d 1 h "

T M I b nrnciation of tbin noad annual · : ter 0 tb a.co~muo ty ur ng •t e turn more glorious," Fair and rack cet w t out "a'" I 1,11 • d ,. r b'bit Flag Rauung-Two Boy1. coming year, br making a pled~te sharing in tbc flnaocial pro- •

1 r. e JU f:"d


0 icx t, •

9 Welcome-Jane Gallacher. to the financial IUpport of t he JO:OO a. m.-~unday School.

d \" b Ye •tl opporl were no capable an JUilt n t•tCit Si S f R 11 . D' cee

1• ••e now

1 . .,. • 1 We ,.,iJJ nurcly be there ng a on!f o a 1 ay- Church, and to all tbe causes 7:00 p. mt-Song and p r a 7 tr

unity to show our appreciation of a war's. Mn. Glas!lmlre'a Class. fostered by the Soutber11 Bapti11t · sen-ice. their sportnmansbip by gi•inu next year. . A Rally Day Prayer- \Vilma Connution. These pltdg111 will 7:30 p. f·-S c r won bJ' tbe them the heartcni11g .elfcct of a Mr9. Cbarlen n. Thornton and Ln~e.ne So, ow. be dlvitlcd up itmnng tbe differ· paltor. · ,

Tb.c Editor was made vcrv hlp• rousinw home crowd ror tbia, one J t t •tr Moore left ,;, .. 1 S tt R "" c aug 1 cr. ,, Jl, • ~ tve " aontc crmone e- eY ent eauua Local Exp!!n!lea Statc> y 1 1 · t' ll py tbls week by the arrinl frnm ..,, tb"l·r mo•t crucial games. d 1 El I> f J . L L , • . · ou are a ways we come o a

.... .,. ,. .. ay moromr: or aso, or a no. awson. \ftuionll Home Minions For• tb 1 f tbi f i d 1 . T«-'xu, of two..sisters, Mrs Wtllis Commauee. , • . . • • ' e 11er• cu o I' r e n y Wautera avd Mt!lt AddJe Hot ley of week!) \'l1illt. Readlog-\1Jna Sanae Mar• Pi go MIMIOUII.Minillterial Relief, church. uc~me thou with ..... Gorman; and two brotbera, Quill Mr. Tbnrnton wan bont to bin garct Evrard. Orphans Uome, etc. and we will dl) thee .rood." of Franklin and Tum of Eastland FRANK J. SAGER brother, Dr. F. E Tboro,ton. aild Vtohn Solo-Special Number. But, aftet all, as. ·Dr. J. c. ~ -~~--~-·-----They arrived Friday and remain• u. I. COMMI&SIOHEI\ · fr1ecd. Dr F. E Fowler. of Chi· The Hope ol RallJ D.ay-Mrs. Owen aptly aaya "The winnlo~t . cd until Monday.· Homestead Fllulg& an. d Proof. cago, on n tr~p to Carlsbad Cn, • Walker's Clast. or sou tala tbe' supreme objt>etive LASTER I N G , Paint•

HOTI\1\Y PUI!i•IC t'rn. Ou tbe&r return tbrougb El Soog-Sct1111A7 School. of the Every·Membcr Canvu11• a n g • Mortar construction

Mr. a.nd Mrs. \Vayue Hamilton om Ci. ";., 1

P.aso, thto lott('r two geutlemen • Tbere will be oo study pcrio<J Ltt us not forget that part of the • work; Cemtnt Work of all .. and MiS!l Aileen Haley of El Puo ce at ty na I will return to tiJeir bomco in Cbi• itt tbc Sunday scbool out Sun• progrsw 81 we KO abbut to enlist klnda. Estimate• upon rc• · •

S r Carrizozo • • N M. h '11 came up aturday a ternoon to , cago. aucl Cbas. H. will j Jiu bio day m,,rniog; t e progr~ltl wa evdy Baptist io tbe Statt!. God que11t.-Et1GIUfU Dow •.



• l::•_

Yisittbeir father Tbey c: o m e " Wife and dau~tbter. be gill promptly at ten o clock. =~=~~. == '==~,~o, h ~ -~ •. ~ L, ,=·" ~= ==··<-. , ~ .. ~ ~~=-~ via A & M. College at Lu Cru~ Mr. and Mrs. Cbas: Thoro ton Mrs. J. V l'ay!or l'tJtl'rt;ined A special T~atdcs~i11idg ser• ces and brought Jack Wmters a or Oqcuro; Dr. F. c. Tboratoo, fat dtnncr io b(lr lovei.J 't-X won with special mug1c wi11 take cousin ott to Carrizoxo to viait Dr. J. v. Fowler ot Chicago; bomc. , place at tbe 11 o'clock hou·r. witb other member!'! or the Ia mily Mrs. Moore ana son. of Et Paso, . Ou~e prepared to attend and CD•

J. V. Taylor abitJpc;d tbree cara. and Mr. and Mrs. Burus of Three - · jjy botb, of yearling ateers · s~Merday. Rm:rs were dbuier gue~tts of Dr. LOST-Monday, O.:t. 5• a large •rbe e11eoing .stnice next Sun· Ouo car went to Denver and tbe and Mrs. It E. Blaue1 Sunday. brown bundle cotlttaniu~: men and da)' will begin at 7:30, Tbe at• •tber two to Kansas City cl!m• Ar.ter dinner the gentletneo women's elotbiug, etc., between tendanc:e is increasing and the miuion houses. They were drove out to view tbc Mal .Pail Rogwell ned Corris1l&o. Retu-:,u pzople of Carrisnso are begul• laeuier than any yearling steers They contidered this a wonderful Havk Wouds' R•verside Camp, uiog to line up better with tbe tbat have ever been Joaded from phenomenon. Before returning P•cacbo, receive $IO.OO reward. church. And there is red need this poittt; their average weight· to Cbicago, Dr!l. Fowler and Joe West bas estabhsbed a ror e9ery man, woman and chi d 'lleiug 766 poucds. lt is hoped TMrntou 't'i!!lted tbe Carls· New Milk Station at Roy' Skill• to take bts place witb tbe church the}' . will top the market lor bad Cavern and otht!r pt)iuls ocr's, A SU(lf•ly wOJ bl! found at of his choice, in this, bit home gra!ls•Ied steers. of interest. tbat Gro.:ery. nnwn.


.. yc· · .

. ~ on 6:~0 P. M. rues ~Y

SousAanJ/zh ,;;


- .

Stops Headache in Five Minutes

A Wondlirfllf ,.,mula lndt Achil and Pain. Alrnott Like Mi!IIO.

eoma!htng ltU.t' and late{'" Thl!uaand1 · of Jal'ii &114 womld

~re now itoppltlc thtobbtnr, aicJr, dlny, aputllilr huctm.., u weU .. Utt mrueratmr P*td of the• 111Atfam, 21Mir1U., toothache, ete.; 'With. mat'Y.ZOill • .,. fOrDi1illl that fa Riel to.be tat -llipmot to aQ'•,

• ~ .•. thlnt h~tetotor. utML . .

. . Z-OO P M Saturday · PavoaaniJl~.11~J ·

• •• It Mntatn.l!O UptrtD, aeetullld,

etc., anrl u .t1btolutel1 N.tt ai14 hannleo~~s. . Thta r.-arbbla tor­aut., called A•Y04 sa atnr t~r• · .IC'rlbed b7 tl:uhil&ll.d.ll ot tloctoti, dMIUata u4 welfare . lttrftj ko

· ciau• ot tho~lf1lk14 .mes.nt "ri.t tt .n...._ .. c· he· . .~>~ . ~ .... ') • ·Qu·· ... arfe_ .• . .t . Y..cxi'Jf Ji~tf.. ..... ~.·. . .. ·~ i'aUITM iU t1J>t1 ot Uliei ·a.A4 U.J:'i au; a, QJtQ r•.,.•·-- ~-Wlt!Urllt 4•P'Millll ·the' hl&rt. ! • • · lh ~ ·· 'r't;~.- refl.ct not: only ltMt • cao•~- IUlJ' _otb;r ll&htflll tr• . ·.· .·. »1 .. ·';1 · .. · .L / •nwy -" ~- t~ A-VQt qalcklJ' .t<IPi t»iaott #_,.., a ·"'. uoli ..... "" · · · · ...... o- · m•ra ~ .._~ Uij p&Uent r.

· "' _, r• • · ·tnebf4 1Ln4 f..U..r JA•. •l)t$111 Statira KOA Deaver · · d~b~Lv~t!Htfrt.ndlt.t~.. . . -:r~~cL1,.-:tt::~1rA~ . · .. · .. ··. .. . · oU&t wLof• Goodyear WI u tnly a ~Ill• tonaill-.

Comet.nc:~n.d ... .u. .. Ollt.· ·tc>,...,ofil_lusf:t~Jtof• ...... · •.... ··•··. . . ·. -.- .··. Jut-~ JJato :ro-t 11t~mt 4tdr 1:atcfes¢tltll"gih;;c gtet;fGeodyt<rrptogrQm• OfgOnJ~ Jcind. of , t": :::_ =:: --~*/~~~O:f t~rklt"-U.S.~Af<toi'Mvottd'do~stoinlifp. folia-YeW ~to4.otwtel. -~ 11ttat ttm4 It· · ·. »&bl

' ... -' . ·~ - "- - .. --- . . . ..

' ~ ·- '"' • .. - " ' ..

. CQrrizozO,. New rtexi ~ . . .

,oa: SAt:sc:-ntg.. .t i •·• willfttt AJao l a.r ~r"' .. ·uRt•.bar4 . '- .

tlMl~~-~~~. &e ·w. T. HtJte or ~t:U~r~·~ AHc1. . 1

~ . ' • ' ••

l;he original official Head' Light ·and Brake Station is at

Where High Class Workmanship and DepreMion Prices



Harry's Place

. . -··· --- - . - ' . - - . -

,, --

. .a GASandOIL5

. .



. CARS WASH£0. POtiSH!D AND Gff~J'S!O · ·· . ... . . - .

• .


Itor th~ geJtetouspattOJtageettjoyed in,the !'4lt l wish to . expre ... my appreciatiom and reapectfully 'ftque•t • con.; . tinuan~ of~aucb conaidettti®. · ·

. . ~~ ~·"'l}' · ·~ ~~\\e·i ~Tal··. · ... ~"' . . . n. .i.'~ .. . . " . . . . ' ' ' ,..,.. ..., -

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Madl' Day Nationa] ...... ., ~-~--

Pl'r•ial«'nl Woman f:Ciitor t 'nitt>cl thr !'iation in

(;h ius ThanJu.

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" · Ba})f.et, ht~tUe-tea· or J!teu~ .. rl)(}, · '"th JmY ~dent:Y- to lle collllti'Jlated,

would t!Uivo it the~ ~ved daily half a 1easpoo~fld OffthbtholdJ•1f. doctor'• p~pU011, or o ow

That is one IIUJ'C'way w train ~Y bowels· to JlealthY. regularity~, .To avoid the fteUulneas, ... V~\!l!~t;'l.& ~B· failure tQ gain, an,. o..-: ills of constipated balil~. . · Dr. Caldwell'• S_yruJJ Pe~ fa good for any b;~by, lfqr thl$, uou /lqtle lM uxml C/ a tom()UI dodor. Forty .. aeve.a ye:us o pro,cUce taught blip Just wllat h:WieS neecHp .keep.thell' little bowels active. 'regwau .keep little bodies _plump and lierut •• y. For Dr, Caldy,·ell•pee~we!l in the treat­~t· of women and ltttJo one~. He attended <i'11U 3000. blrthJ without bl ol ollO ntolher or baby.

. . . D11. W. S, CALOWJ;U:.


-------~ __,__..___. -- - ~ - .. n.R .... •• .. r llllnk I'll oamo ruy Jnat 1tor7

'D(Iomernno;.'" "Yu, tllcn lt.'a sn~ to como baclc." . .

n. Mn1 •f Janl "You C'nn stotty dltmlttrr~ "No, Ul!JJ Ia my Wlt()'a drt':.!!lnl'

tab!~"-\Vorhen~~hou (El!:Sen).

' Clnet" "''otll' d3t!ihltt li Vat' h!lc4t wllh

a f5t·P'llttcr." *Tt.al's tM rl!!clt ot tennli. m'bot ...

~ . •





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I ' ' . \ : •I ' ' . '

: · · !. By WiUiam Byron· Mowery" •

I . :-- t- •,

· ~m~!oJ l>l Wll,l~ Jilfl'llt ~qw~. - . / ..

CHAPTER X -The Secret ot Many Waters

.r._· ... .t tlieilt.' -.It'·

** •lk• . '

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' • 0 . · (WNl1 ~t!'l'lc .. )


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· ·rnauc ·· ·. . . .. ~,.~,. EE .. BUT .DJ~,• TRYJNG .. ·

. .. · ·· :ro SAn ANOTHM. · , . '


Cold· . insurC.nce •

''J.Ie cnrrl~ il with ltlm, l'eldY for Just luch Ume!. 'rhnt ht~le bo~ofBn)~~r A11plrin. U hecntehes c:old1 whnt oHl? Dnycr Aspirin will atop it. lt his thcoatf~ls aorr, he will · end tho aortn~ \\itb ono good· gargle made from theso tablets. . · . .

Dnnscrous eompllcaUons c:nn fo!I!JW tM n~~lcet of ••a common eoldr• Every ell!e or tons~hU,s beg11n11ith ''Just a aom thl'Oatl'' It's n wbe plan to tnkc aspirin after any-' un~ua eJtposum to b:id "'c~:~Uter, or '""lu~never them is any ~itanee that you've CJtusht cold. If It's _aenulnc aspirin U. eon't JM!S5ibly hurt. you~ and how it d()CS hnnbh the ll!'het and P!llns C,Qused by coi!U, ncurnlgi11, neurltls,lumbqo, and even rheumnti!lm.

Doycr Aspirin \\iU huum your comfort through tho wol1t cold,awon.11te mom susceptible you oro to eol!U, the more you need lt •. DOCif nol depresa U,lo'hearl.

Wo'rlol'a Tial .. t BaliJ' · OW Mlao to Roopoa l'retorl11 ha• 1Yhllt Ia b"lii!\'M to 'bt'

lbe Untest bnby In tlao world. ShoJ waa ao amnll at birth ttlnt the1 dlcJ not weJah ber In caao tho oct or WeiiZltlng ml;tlt lnJuto her, At four· l('()n dara alto wel(llhcd thrro poumbt. She Ia· kept wraNJI)tJ Ull In cotton• wool and gela bor nourlahmcnt tbrotJJII- tho nb110111tlon o( olh•o piJ, applied to tho akin.

'l'ho ll.lrcu.bundrcd•)'I!RMIII COp)!t!r mine , nt SJ!Ins:ell In northernmoat La(lh\n11. 11oon will be reopened. ~10-· catod eloao to tho Sorwt•glnn boriJt'r and fur from tho llt'lU'CIIt railroad or hlgh'l\'11. tho- rnlno Jma been hitherto lnarcoolblo tor ~.>conomle exploit•· tlon. Now tho mlnlnJJ compan1 llu uppllcd for go\'ornml•nt pcrmlplon to pin ncceu to tho mlno tbrou~;h the Abtako national park. ·

, Olld, how 10me ('l('oplo born In a alate have tho dialect ancl Intonation ot that •tate and 10me don't.

Yt!J, naul, Vie comln~ o11t or tba UC!d 11 frfClnenll1 announel.'d b7 wed• dint bolla. ------'l'boH wbo are the rrallllnlll'fl are

not proud or lt. In taet', tho1 trJ to dlqulle u.

\Vbat did nature Intend whlakert


to be-ornamental? TheJ c:an bt.

The Judges Selected These . l



CONOCO $10,000 Hidden Quart Contest

i=IRST PRIZE ••• Ss,ooo.oo lmlUSBRT E. LAKE

2tf1duJ~cunn J:!ac!.aa&t .lllil<lli>c. t. .... Cltr, Mlt_,l • SECOND PRIZE ••• St,OOO.OO , C.. S. PAVEY

102 l>;xtl.tsut Court, Yadl,.a. VliO::::•


li4 ..-en' £faa Sttect. !tonau. Okh"zw•

ssoo.oo PltiZES VUHON AD.UU J.C1lS. W. A. tNCill.AU

ttllll•PIU St.. Fert W~Ta» ~·taa. Arllum

S1 00.00 PltiZES ltOOL tUU.U. HtmOJtD Jat.S. ,EDNA ~"!VIS

Ull AM ltnd. H&Qcr, ka- JltiMtlt,t, II tl

AUXANDU 1· Hntl W, .. ll«::ULI Ulf•rt.lo Jtom. Btnct Itt Hart.lo ...,_'->UI.u.t

ll-Atblla• FofllliiJUI, Arllaaau

' ' ' - • " •', '< • • 1 ~. - •• '" •, ' •• < •

' •

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' ' . ' - · o~rn. s.Reporter) - · · ·, . , -~1\. · • · ··• · · ·· . Here's ·a. "n · Event:•· · · · · · .t •• ."'· . _,

·--.._...._,._,•· . We ,clip thl) (o, owuJFrfrom· tb.e . -. ~ '' Siip~Ipll.~ QI(Ja'lloma p~per~ '. ' o·' .. ' s " l Lo' t f M~ 1 $2' .7· 5; 0' ' ~· ' '

On ~ov. u, Armf•tiee.:Oay~' tb FLl.il~nH ~e.11r.itel!l . tor. Mrs~ · ile . pecu• . · 0 .. e~ $ .·· ··. -~ . :80\1. · ··Fall' .Sp,ecial.s

' > .....

. ' . . Tb9y• play~ct tile towu .Broo~~:t 'Bilroett forlt.er S11l)qlp, . 35~00 Suits .. for -~ · . . . · ·· ~CIIlf.ll, Tbe boyra beld 'Jbe ·towa resid~nt who· diecl11.t tbe Mor~· . . . . . , , 4t.ll' ., gang to·· !lcorele.ss tii,u~dl C-p~. inga.ide bO'!Jpital in. Tulsa ~ricia.y

, I• ·' ' • •

tain Pl aus~ cf ·,Ute. to,.wq wcmr- lteld tbis attcmrov9' at 2:30. team . ov~r for a tollChdown •. o'clock at t.!Je ¥ar~in . FJ~IDil!g


come in a tet what you need before. 'l'h.orn Jio~d· ~p ;agairi~ IUl~ went furier~l chap~l in'Tui&~A, .U"'rid r'for the u:tra pohtt, Tbe w,a_s · made in the. old ~apuipa '

COM~LETE LI~E ga!D~ en4ed thlla-'1 to 0 in c:emeter,, . · · · of the town team; However, Ute M r!i, Butnett wu boJ:n ij-l Cole· ..... boyuhould n.ot feel badly .bver man, Texas, March 2, 18?4 Sbe losing tbe game, . considering was a •graduate of BayJ'pr Univer• Raymottd Price, of tbe towti team, aity before movhig to Snyder, has bad three yeara of bfgh . .· Okla., 'where she . became . the foot~all and two Jeara ,fa college1 wife of Brooks G. Burnett. _ ..

I '



Carrizozo Au o ·co .. -- ·-- .... ..,... ·- - -· ...

d Clayton Husrtwo ;tears with· . T~e Burnett family htoved to tbe navy crack eleven. • Sa pulp~ where they were well

· . · knowa, Sbe was"i sisterinlaw And another stun~ Thuraday. f B c B tt ·M A p

Tb S b . d .. Mi o . . • urnc , rs. . • • .e op omores, un er · sa· f d d M B · n B r "" d · 1 f w or IU:J rs. . . u • J:4vrar :put on a portraya o the ett widow of the late Bates B "Sbootang of Dan McGrew a11 it 11B ' ·tt · · urne

LOCAL AIID PfR'OIIAL Dance-Barbecue Actually liappeaed," ac:compan• :. 11 .1 11 : n at Wh' lte Jn.ak• aed b ·a teadi ' t · t~ Sllrv.avang .• Mrs. Burnatt, are

v ~ · Y a:ag P e aa~e her three cbtldrea, Rayford BJ,uo • - -Our old time friend, Jot! Hen• A big barbecue and dance will un~> 1 of J tcarilla wu in t o w n .

d b . h ke place at Wh1te , Oaks l(lmor• Wednea ay oa UIIDeto. • b Tb Gl Cl ·row nag t. c oom Jaae.ra

I. V. nell of Ancbo, and 'L. N will furnittb th• music, which Hell of J•carllla v.:erc in low 0 will be line aa usual~ Everybody Wtdneaday on busine!la. is invited to come and have a

A. S. McCamont. and II. T· grand time. Hrynold11 of Corona were b e r c --·--'l'ue.,day attending to b•aineaa Nur.se5. to Roawell mallen. • - •

I, M n d and Iiiii<' · Miu Mnrie Drunk, Lincoln Mrs. . o toe 1100 of l~nawell, vanited ~be G I.· i county nurne, is in Roswell. tbia itrauaa family Monday. 1 weck·end attending a Re~e.aonal

, 1 Nuraea' Conference. This con• "Sb• rt y'' D~wton wu in town I fercnce i'ncludes the counties of

Munday nn buttncull 110d abak•ng ·Lea, Eddy, Otero, Liucolu banda w1th old frlenda. lcbavcz and Uaca. an.d will be at·

Mra. 1~11ubeth Gallacbrr leh tended by the county nod scbool laol Sunday for an rndclinite aurneo of theae counties. Yllil wllb relallvn in Saoduoky,: ------------,


Mr. ancl Mn. Jammle 14ee, M11111 and TITLE COMPANY

name by Frucea C~arJea. a couue ·tt f N M 1 M M .. . a DC 0 CW eX C01 rs, ary reading by etty Joyce, and a Tl'.. ·T lif ' · d J R • . A~. .. na a erro _an ames murucal nllmber by Vena Snow, D tt • r T 1 Otb · h . urne o u sa. ers w. o Tbc progr~m as a ~bole was very surviYe tbe deceased arc her par· good, and tbc , d1.tfereat parts eats, Mr. and Mrs.J R. Bramblett; were well portrayed. two sisters, Mrs. G. C. Arnold F~iday tire Thirteenth~ ~ad .• and Mrs. Ora B. O'Lcatv all of

rome scheduled witb Corona for Alto, N.j Mcx., nnd one brother, that cveitlug. ")All those wiabinr Colqui~t Bramblett of San An to see the game aa:ad bning mea a a gelo, 'I exas. • . of conveyance .;.erc.excuacd from The Nc~s 'extends. sympdby 11cbool, and four or tiYe c:ars, be• to the surviving r~latavco • sades the sc;bool bua, bearing the · l'la1era, mudded it up to Corona, ·School Activities and saw our boys run up the score • -to that Juclc7 number, 13 to Co• The teachers of the Carrizo:ro rona's 6 Tbe 11me tblng hal'• Schools have been asked to give flcned on Frlda7 tbe Thirteenth at Jeaat three enterlnin1nents for last year, tbe boya beathig Dexter tbe benefit of the Carriaoao Com• in bask.ctbaJJ wltb a aeore cf 1l munhy Hall nnd High S c h o o 1 to 10 Gymnasium some time durlnr the

Moa:aday the di.tferent clubs met, present ac ool term.. Dia Her• and a Fencing Club was . itarted •. rang a, Hue I Melaas and Sallie

M. Evrard bave been aelected by Some very Jiyely than ace to~ ba · looked forward to in tbia aacient the Faculty to handle the event• sport of the Royalty of Jfrauce. Cor the Scbool. M i B 9 Herringa

l.oulle Sweet, Mi1111 ltlla Dell 1ncl Mrs: Uryte Duggar motored to Albuquerque Sunday. lrada off with, a

AnsTucTs. OoNns, ItzsUHAKCn Three or follr mualcct~ers might GRADE SCHOOL OP~RETT4 even be turned out,

GRACE M. JONES. Pres. Mustcal comedy, tinging a ad who are l arry•n.r on aome minivg Carnzo::o, New Mexico Aa:ad apeaken; day, Tueaday, dancing, using tbe .2nd. 3rd. 4tb.

J. 11. Shelton and J. }i', Barker,



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. WE must move these Suits and we have ·put prices on them that will do it in a hurry. We Jc ann o t urge you too strongly to take advantage of these savings in Marx Made


$12.85 Tbia ttpec:i~l offer willlut until Thankaaivina

• • opuatlon11 1n J acaralla transactc d came around aeain bringing tbt S[b, btb. 7th. and 8th. grades. . . butineoa 111 Camto&o Weduenday 1 ·-- -- -::-- -·~·· -r·...-.::::- -:-::·: = ~ev. Jno. Lawton to us. Ilc 111" all something over 150 puptls t------------------------.1

~uga Cleaned By U3 upoke to ua on •·Uub" for about will participate. . -~oc=·~=-·-= ~~-=--· G. F. Pruitt and fa m II y of Aocbo Ylllrled lbC' Huit!O!~O cour" tr' Monday, a·nd nn their reauiot '''I' made tblt t•fih:e a plennar.t call.

r4ant longl"ri and our new iw· twcntr WlllUtea, at tbe ~nd of Tbe operetta. will be dividect .-----------------------~ I ,, b" • i which tame we all waated to pass into three gro.ups: provet vac~um mac tne, JUSt no 1 1 h G · f •·

II d k II b d d d t our p a tea or wore. A• enr, as roup 1, constnttng o a b o u ta c t11 e11 a t e 1ft an U!l • .

1 ' talk wa~ most delielitfpl au 90 bOJI and girln wt I ntage tbt out of ruga. 1'hen our shampoo helpful. "\Veddiag of. the Patnted Doll." procn1 cleonq Jtl'rmn and moth•

Harry Gallacher returned Wed· ,.rooht them, bringn cut the colorg Wednesday the uaembiJ waa Group 2. consisting of about anday lrnm the Kansas Cit Y awain, stands up t.hc. nap a 0 d devoted to a tort of pep useeting, 32 b0$9. wtll5tage "Boy Bandlls.u market•. •hera be ha~ nude 0 maku your rugA look new again. for tbe •ole purpoae of tellini the Group a. eonsinthag of 35 girls Ia race ab1pml'ot of both nbecp and We are the only real mattren boys that the town it behind from tbc 6tb. 7th. and 6tb. Gradel uule. rcnovatora in this end of t b c tbem, and tbat they ebould come will ataee "Coll~gc Co·Eds,t'

W. U. Rote ol Tannic wu In date; all our work is cuarantecd out and practice bard lot Nark the date wh~re you will S U I f P d a a me w1· tb C .. p'lta;. "'bankaas'y. not foreet it a 1:1d begin to save town 11111 • aturday. r e I a hone tfrite or 11er1 your rugq .. • u .,. .,

flfly pound bos of very liae ap• and mattresses to tbe Roawcll iog. for tickets as Y~ will surely be I . I I d I n••pre· Mattrns & Ru.,. Co. Roawell, asked to buy oile, :.r more. ~d· •

Pea will 1 Je

1 Jtor, w

10 .. "' On TbursdaJ aud F'ridaJ even• maaaion 15 for school children up caatea tbeac atteutioun N Mn

l) • iogs tbe g-irls will laue their to and including 15 years, 25 cts. ~ ~ · ·- ~ - - = -~~ clan bulcelbatl toiJrnaJiJent. The forJptber school students. 50 cts, r---,.r.------------------:r:----: publie is cordi•JIJ invite,S. Some for adulta, family tickets $1 00


$1.00 Thanksgiving Dinner $1.00 Crisp Celery Hearts and Mixed Olives

Frtah Oyster Cocktail Soup

Consomme Julienne • CUOlCR OJ1•

... . .... ~

"l\.o"'' ~"~ ~ntu··t•"TU "Dtt"'"~ Giblet Gravy

• Olt •

• • Olt •

. . .. Filet Mianon and Mush. Room Siuct

• OM '•

Rotst Prime Rib of Beef Au Ju• · Lemon Itt __ .

Ntw Garden Peas . Bran Butter . ' - ' . Sweet Potato Balla with Manluneltow

·· Ctanbmy Sause NoYelty s.l&d

or the girl• hue not plaJed be· reg•rdleu of tbe size of the fam. .. • • 111!;~

fore in pubhc. GaJPe lss between aly. the Juolora ad iopho~oru. Miss Pia Herrioga w o r k e cl

' " Gama 2 it bet weed tbl! 'resbiet seven f,llOn tbs for the Universal and Seuiora. On Friday eYening Producers, prcducing plays in the winners will pta)'. and· there Texas ancl Califo;nia in which wall be a consolation game be· more than 2.50 people participated. tween the losers, · Tbe toUowiog she also wu a teacher or Drama• gi.Jia are pattitlpatiag: tic Art at)d Musiel. ia the ClaJton.

lfreabin • ~phs N. M. HigH School aud that she .. . wu for two seasons with t be M. War«Sen M t, I •

: ·. • .· •• 1

. RedpaUt-J:lorner Chautauqua and f.t, Cooper v. Charles !4yceltm· J. Ktmbrelt • l)udrey • All .1te invited to attend this " A. Biretow v. Snow ~y.eat ~nd show the.· usual ap· pte " T. Shner lJ Joyr:e n. tlo·m·· e· ro D• G 11 . .. claUots .of a home tlllent produe•

.n • . a egoa tiou. · Juniors

A. Kimbrell J Xh11breU

Kelle:t . n, Hutt A.. Jlnld•• • L>Jo,u c, Pluo N Br«Jwa , ·•

Setdorl (}. Peckham Comtnitt~e •

J(. Kelt Tlle·~llgHsh ftyera wbo are fly• R. ~ohutoli...-n.. ·· 400 ~ilea ltd bout ~hould be D. l>o•l•r· a · to (lf'ertake. th~ prosperity

·. VI • Kelt · wbicli wt were! told •ome t i ttt M. Boll " j t _. ..... · Jt. )to bert• •lti 1ta.s as . a~ottraw '"' t()tliel'.

. - . ' _, ' . ~Ult.-0.11 S•lt lit Ll$li 'tle_slo · .

-P,edec::t . refrtgeutlon •.. fto¥J:t to• S4t.-Solte: •••4 · ltt1tt·1 'I'k' Sauitar1 DdtJ.

trapt, •t low .pti&.-.-Tia• -,,., ,. +.1.·.}····.1 ·· -w'"'"'''' ,:,. . ....


&periment state on figures show 5 eggs per hen alone,and 15 eggs when laying mash is fed. That's 10 extra eggs per hen per n1onth.


"I() Extra Eggs •

Pqrina Lay Chow mash $::a.:zo Purina Hen Chow mash 1.90


Thanks ivin Dinner ~ From t.otip to nut•

Quality that h utf1urpa11ttd Quantity thtJt ;, amp!,

. Price• that qr• irre•l•table

Who else could offer such a 'combination as the . '

abotJehat •

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Tbe Titsworth <o., ·-10(. ' '

capitan, ft. M~ • K •

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~;:'~ :: ' .:· ::~_ Hot • n~ ~t· 4'"* and ·· tek Olllcicl ........ U,At• Tltf'J'ldrct Wedt~etlltf ··

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Pumpkl~ ~ cd Whipptd 'Ctea= · . . r--!tctloit ·. att&aeo:tll~6l' 4ttQl1lt)" ad Co~•elpt · It La:w ,Lhti»lst $tat~ flank BuiJdiitr ,

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CARRIZOZO AUTO to~· nlt, SLti:VItt, llu:du·a. Pieeota Chow . ftMMM· ...

• ';tlltt ,-tt•w:tr!h ~· fal. . ..,. •• UIOIO. lfhllntto •