----- ............ """'". ·.·· "'"•• . . "'" . .• '• . ' , . ' ' ( /':}. ,, . . ·' i' j ' : . . . . ,, . ' ' ' ' . . . ' ... . ·. ' . .. " ' ' ... "l ' ' ' . . .. ' . . . . . . J. ... .1:\ . ' ' ' ' .. . . . ' , . ' . "' ... f . '::-. .·," ·""'' ., ',. ' . . \ ' . i . ' I , ' (I , t ' . \. . ' . . ' . . ' l . f ' . I . . . ' ·' .,. . " . ·• ·. t'' . . ,\ . . ' ' . . ' ' ,. }, 1w···· . ' ' ' •, , ' I : .. . ' . / "·' ' ' .. . ' . i . ' ' ' ' ' . . ' . I ' ,_ . ' ., ' . ' , *" ' r . .l. .., . . . . ' . . . ' . · .... , . . ..... . ' ' 't •• . . . . . ' . . . " ' . . . ·, \. ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' -,;•_, . -·· . ' < r-"-N.I .. , o ' . . " . ' . v ... . ' ' . I . . . .. ... . . . . -x· . . . . .. ' . . . . . . . ' . 4 , '"'!t,,, .?tj<;i. , 1,_, ;: ;.,!}:,\ .. :·I , .. . · Tbb:lr·TWQ Mile' Bill): the 1 .. , · · : . . ' .. · m .. · 1 ol C•rrl.._ and udeetbl Cqunty ::0, • • ' . . ' . ' . ' . . ' . ··· .. ., ... .. . . 't I ;;;;;;.;:;;::; ;::;:;;:;:;:;:;=;;;;;;::;;;;; :;t;;: ;;::_ ;;::;;- _,;:;;: ;;·:;;:: :;:;_ . ;;,:;: 1 :::;:: __ ;;,:;:, ;;: ::;;;: .. ... :;;:;;;:;:; ;;;, ;::;;: ;;;;; :;;;· :,; ,. :.. :• ::: i , ·::, =: · :; : · ··· ; j • . ,, • • : ""·' : .;,_ • • = •· · l /.' · : .. i: i · . . .. OO 'l!l:lE y l!M R . _ , .·.:_. . . . ' t. . . .:; . ' . . . . . . : ( . . . • . • . . ... t . . 'I --- .. -.-· ···- - -- .,._ __ - . '' . . . . . . .. ·- -- . A o .. . . . ' · ·of ranch the oliearllhl· . O•ll• •icinitJ wm · · iP. town· . . . . . . .. A. ·' ' . . . . ' . . . ,. - - ···c· - - •. . . J •• ' ' . '. D . . .A .. ·· . . N:_ 7 · ·-E· ---- .- . . ; ' . ·. ·... . . . . . . - . ' ' . . . . . ' ' ' . . . . . ' .. . ' . ', .. - r------- -· . ' .. . . . . ' . ' . ' . 'I ' - ,, Satf teJlCt $t. ·John ·nt .rort •_ · ·.;p.nt tb• WQek .. end : . . tfte Judge ¥. o.at. . .. Manuel Mar- . .. · .,, It. . -familie•• · ,., .- · . . : · . 1lae lbae and tb,<t G,•j J(r .S J(n. Jirnm:r LIRa" or .,. . ·, ·. ·' r . ·_- · Albuquotque ·a fellf day a Io all ,,rar• •Jnce th!! ClvWfl#• lad w.-klritb tb•lr patenti.Mr. of eve .. . _. 1m. Norman. Mn. 'J fod . bave been &lld tht . Will be 1.1 f(l)lowlns J• one C>Ut·of· tilt J•ne•Nor'tnil'l. ••r.r· .. . . . . - . . : In the ,ear of 1864 ·J:4c)le LoPJr t1f Capltan -f• A via- in the IQUU!ern bordu Unto, Uoo laatructor fn California. batt•IIM ot .UH •outbern - -··. · - . :. had to ba1t1 Jo ·18,L ZumwJlt· of Sliver ' ' ' :YW Saturday,· July 1.8, 1.942 - ,1( . . -. by. ·Lincoln . ·1 Cohnty Glub . . . COE 0 ESTRAl .I . ' · · ··Republican · . . · Convention' I ' Cortez' ..__aU San· Patricio . . . .. . .. t•. July-_•-A----- ... .ttil• p.&i't:Qtt,· llr.. a;ld. J41'l. Walter ct chairman in J)lace of AI· WM with . . MJIIWaa. · ·-- , o 0 . . . that with th•· h11te · -tl• · · . •eetn to think _that graduate• berebip Qf tile N. 0 •. .fa.. juat •• County Convention met In =··---=-·=-' WIJI ace.ompanie-a.• A.· Hine• f• 'enter colle.r' t'k· iQQD ., POI}lble tQ . tht dining_ rpom. of _tho e. P. Ho;_ T" _=--"· .. ; . '. .. · abaoaoo.ecl all hope ot IIYitil fa the relief offtce of Uri Eltulche lng eptrance examinatfont, Tbla qulrement1 f. o r Wedn&Jaay mornday, follow• · OWD OUnCI · · . ' -..... ·· . ; . :, Klw. Proceeding• . , that IODltOne miaht ftnd 'hfm be- .1&1. AIQel St. John and daugb- eqter an)- coltoge or univertit1 Tn .. tlridara il moie atmeult rio" na. lew exception•. pre; fore ba died.. ttr Jlabel were here thla the a tate on credits earned in than ever,· but if all concerned cinct• over the county were well .· llinutel of the reaular blood' poiiOn •at Jn pd,ht be.· from Yilitlp.r rei@· •ehool bert; wlll lend a helplpg hand The f the of Ttuateea ot tho eaq:ae . · UtN 11M! friendt. It 11 true that the ubool wu tllln81 m•y be done. The people wu called to prder by Mrl. Per· VIllage of Carrlz? 10 at Ul* 1'bt adnaclq atmJ' of ftdt..-1 Ro 8 1 · 1 11 and bildreo dropped Crom the North Central reat a111ured that aU e1rorta ifni. A. L. Hur:ke waa named City Hall July. '1, 42 at 7 :: I tolditra...:aq:ae qpoq ti;IM . 1 t mme ' " 1 c t Jilt, due to aeveral poaalble will be bJ the a• temporuy chairman aptS lin. llembert r t 1 e n t 4. , · 'Ito atl.d he wu oanf.ed to ;:o, t b•_.& h!: :J.:! rttaaon•. The •chool alillll on teboolautboritl•• to regain tbi1 Perktn• aa aecrotar,, Tbo vlce Finley, lbyt'; d 1bt ambulan-ce · L.s' S::.n!c, u;'r f 8 ooi the State liat. Gr•· atmdard at the earlieat date. cbairDl&n read the o(Hclal eall. A. J. an Lon j • · worked ov.r blm, Jadnr .U t m . 1 m cJuat•• from would Thoro f• not anJ rea1oo why On motion bJ J. G. Moore, the Member1,_llor.ra11 . " ac:e_. er. tbt thattertd A-lh, tbt famllt, Will *" ._orrow tot bab)J be to take entrance tlda ecbool•bould not bo amonlt chairman wu empoweretl to •P· aud Ward, .bont to bl.l _.,_ tiHfr.boJMID Walla WaUa,Wub. •· ·c:ollt.Jti oahfde tbe· hl1hest 1tandard1 met by all commlUotf. OQ QlOllon Yernbera ab11nt. RoJ 8hafat. . o medical eatt equl to Obi of . LtUlt Vfr iala TdllJ. of ltlte, while, !' lradtiate of otber_ eebooll, aad by the c:nn- by P, E!· Cbrlatlan•en ot Capitan . U.lnuttl ot the lalt ·meettnrr: &htlt o. W n. Tbt:r him daulhter 8order Patrolman a North Central Aaoclatfoo bined effort of teaebert, puplla the entire quota of 18 -delegatttl Wert d wltb "tbtlr own wou11ded aud Tall 11 here from .tcbool would be accebt&d on their and patrone, we maJ havt ju1t wera aeated. Yotlon 'I r. t u en "_11 ..<I aradttt&ll:r ha tbowed at1n1 h b 1 T 1 ' Ari for cr&dita, 11 aeebool Iun.-Supt, . l'he convention adjourned for teconded by Ben Sauehez t .h a. t rttorttlel to reuon, but he could 0 h uet()n,t 1 · · , ; -- "' ·· --- lunch Mt cbe noon hour and 1 e.. A. J. !tolland be appointed to reeall uothtn.r beyond where palo • &Dd : ;' an uoc L'f .u'1 c T11 'I A 7'"'A ']j Mtllic for Uncle Sam' a Boy• asaembled at 1:30 at the call from aerve on 1 committee to act 011 .. ha4 c1r1Yen bfm mad, rt. 10 ayer . ....................................... ..... tb• chairman after which the adviaory capacii:Y in tbe Wbtn he rico•erocl au1ftelent1J DolorH Leal, one of tbe ftrat "The Theatre Bt&utitul" Be.rlonlns JulJ 17. until Au(l. varioua eom'mitteea tton ot the Carrb:oxo Murlicipal thtt offered to taka him 11 tar · of Carrizozo but now R. A. 'Walker. Ownt'r 2, the American Legfon want · lhe· ReaoJution• committee'• re· Light and Power Plant.-Uotioa •• tbtJ couk1 toward tbt Confe· ot Ro•well, wu a riator here ---···-------·----- ... -- .. ---: ·-· ·-· Jour old phonograph record•; old pott pled (led the party to .effort• carried. . . ·· dtrltt army. tffered . w. wotk. NIGHT SHOWS-8.00 1 • M. broken w o r n to winnlna. \he war, but at tbt Motion by Mr. Scbatf. • n d . . ain him a horlt and proylde two SUND'AY HATINEE-2 P. l\1. out r.cord•; 11 a part of a plan tame time, condemned the wattf aeconded by.l\!r. McQuillen that other to aecompan1 Anpa Adamt, cJauahtert -Prld-ay · · c to provide new·reeordl foro tht and of the Wa•h· H. E. Kelt be appointed to him on bl• JDUf1111J, bUt h• aaJd: Pat Qd Jean are latrt t rom . bDY• In the eenice. Record• are admlnlttratfon wltb on. commm .. to act tn an . ..Gentlemen. JOU have una m1 Doaatu. Ads.-, ·tQ th•fr Georae L 'I n n e the onlyaource C?f available taxpa 1 era' money: at.o cond vJaory c?mmfUee Ill tbt O)lfiUon life Nld Cqr tba' kbulQ.H·I,l owt taellion With l(qor W,l. Eta Arden )n Zan " tlw: Jtate·•dmftdltratrotr for of tJtt. CarrlJOIOc Municlp.al Llgbt-- JO·tl a debt. or I can· aod.dauabter G•rtraiH of Poll.t. Gret••- . Jour help we art aolna tee the ume cau1e, and alter praf•· and Powtr f'lant. - Wotftln car• -- -- ... ·-- · · ---"-·· · 4 'TliEtASTOF -- · thtYJtellliem·coottououalj. aria.the-worlfof-our . • , __ -- - · --- .ll1011 <:ali raatlu Jtat wb•t that lin. Hazel Lemlusr madi a fll:tt THE DUANES'' The Legion hu Yoluoteered to count:r official!!, expreaaed rearet The foUowlnt filii• ware •P· .• . ,, ., -Ill. • - ' ' ...... .L;, - meatll to me &bd _,para tao &be to her !In· L. The taatut trigger man eallt or make lo-r at .tbalo-11 ttl una.ot out . . proved and ordered . . . IWora lllfn•t thtm, r woqld ... Sn•tbea at Hot Wilt of tlit the lutlen tor our F•ahttng lien. n GlYe membert, &h•Jate Don Eordlab. M l)Citlge fir to temlht _with you. Ark •• and returned! -accompamed d&YJ of the Rimrock. T 6 x a 1 JOilt old record• lo a member of . recommended a meU&ie of t!Cf• ••Y _. 3 u - \llOU.a'll my.owb. people ltU ma to by· her little IOD llack:r. wbc>. had frontier. A Is o ''The Oat post" the Legion or Au;tilfar,r. PJteea eondoltUlCe to hia relative•. Clov••lPrJntinl Co, prant· o ditJ. J o u eared for Dl and beeo rilltlnr for a 1hort time and India the Golden,, deafrnated fn Cartlzo:o are: L. Other committees reported, aU Wg re und bondt . 37 . tr•ted mt •• one of JOUr' own." witJa bi1 r;raadparentr, · ' . . - A. Whitaker, Vice-Commander. of. which wert adopted bt the .. H_arrJ•on Co, 4 rech•rlt - .- Tbt:J lideolttl an til b.&d • • . · · . . · S.adar=Honday-Tunday,. Camp llalpait, 'Jiontt Vista convention. 17 deleaate• aad 17 . !: iabed aDd the tommmdm.J ofticer lliu Belen Roll&Dd came Mi k RMi -. J d .. G I d Yice Station and Lfneoln County ate• were•electtd to attend CllJ Garage, lnatall o•cillte iaid: "You haye go® to tpend faat WeM•IDG Wlth her Vir w.d:::.· Uotora, Inc. Other delignated . J.talt Rtpublicln StoYer •• Utili. ..... ,6 man ad rOod lOkber. . DUIUU; Mr. 111)() A .. I. Rol· ld f - plaeel .at Corona, Capitan and which meet• at Albuquerqu• on CitJ t:o, fuel . t:.l!' ni amopr; •• JOIJ haya biBG .. land. She lett TtieldaJ ror San n . . tt Ruldoto. Kond&)', JUIJ 20, at tbt Hilton Lfn uv of own. 1HJ rtma10 AntonitJ. to enroll fn tbt · BABES C?N BROADWAY · · · Uotel... ._ Ward. 'Marthal with 121 ud we W1D aaot _ NuriM Corpt. Back •r••n In •terfat CApitan Womaat• Ciu& Tberf ucaneiH In the K Lonfa\!•• Cfart 60 00 fDU· to a.ralalt your own ol:routh. fun and mustc. . - P Ald•z. Jabot ' .. ·•· ' . . .• ... . 1111111. : _. "--

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Satf teJlCt $t. ·John ·nt .rort •_ · · . ;p.nt .· tb• WQek .. end her~ : .

. tfte Judge ¥. o.at. . .. an~ Manuel Mar-

. . . · .,, It. Bu~h . -familie•• · ,., .- · . . : · .

1lae lbae and tb,<t G,•j J(r • .S J(n. Jirnm:r LIRa" or .,. . ·, ·. _· ·' r . ·_- · Albuquotque ~t ·a fellf day a Io all ,,rar• •Jnce th!! ClvWfl#• lad w.-klritb tb•lr patenti.Mr.

mem<~rlea of tba~ eve .. ~rul . Ptr~ _. 1m. w~. Norman. Mn. 'J fod . bave been ~evind &lld tht . Will be rememb~red 1.1

f(l)lowlns J• one C>Ut·of· tilt J•ne•Nor'tnil'l. ••r.r· . . . . . . - . . : In the ,ear of 1864 ~10~e.w~. ·J:4c)le LoPJr t1f Capltan -f• A via­

in the IQUU!ern bordu Unto, • Uoo laatructor fn California. batt•IIM ot .UH •outbern tor~• - -··. · - .

:. had to be•t·~, ba1t1 r~tr11t. Jo ·18,L Boqo~ ZumwJlt· of Sliver

' ' -· '

:YW ~' C~pitan~N~M. Saturday,· July 1.8, 1.942

- ,1( .

. -. .(~iven. by. ·Lincoln . ·1 _· Cohnty ~,~opersi Glub

. . . COE 0 ESTRAl

.I .

' '·

· · ··Republican · . . · Convention'


' Cortez' ..__aU San· Patricio

. .

. ..



t •. July-_•-A----- -~- ...

.ttil• p.&i't:Qtt,· llr.. a;ld. J41'l. Walter ct chairman in J)lace of AI· -·---~----~lloD· WM with . . MJIIWaa. · ·-- , o

0 . . .

that with th•· h11te · -tl• · · -~ . •eetn to think _that graduate• ~o berebip Qf tile N. 0 •. .fa.. juat •• ~be County Convention met In =··---=-·=-' • • •

WIJI ace.ompanie-a.• retr~t-lMf ~· A.· c~ Hine• f• ~ecretar~ 'enter colle.r' wltbou~ t'k· iQQD ., POI}lble tQ tP!'~t . ~· ~~- tht dining_ rpom. of _tho e. P. Ho;_ T" _=--"· ~.c" . . ; ·~;~-~ . '. . . · abaoaoo.ecl all hope ot IIYitil fa the relief offtce of Uri Eltulche lng eptrance examinatfont, Tbla qulrement1 f. o r rein1tat~ment. Wedn&Jaay mornday, follow• · OWD OUnCI · ·

. '

• • •


• •

·· :~.?:dr.r~~i= ~~::;: u~ua. . ; . :, ~~·mJ:!~ft~:b .~~~~au.:: ;::~·~:::::~:'..~~··.:::.~ ~: Klw. ~:.:i.:\.:1 r!!:i.~::•·c.~~: Proceeding• . , that IODltOne miaht ftnd 'hfm be- .1&1. AIQel St. John and daugb- eqter an)- coltoge or univertit1 Tn .. tlridara il moie atmeult rio" na. Wit~ lew exception•. pre; fore ba died.. Gangr~ne. -~ ttr Jlabel were here thla the a tate on credits earned in than ever,· but if all concerned cinct• over the county were well . · llinutel of the reaular rneetiP~ blood' poiiOn •at Jn pd,ht be.· from ~laPlQI'Ordo. Yilitlp.r rei@· hf~rh •ehool bert; wlll lend a helplpg hand tepreaent~. The conv~ntlon f the ~oard of Ttuateea ot tho eaq:ae dellr~o-ua. . · UtN 11M! friendt. It 11 true that the ubool wu tllln81 m•y be done. The people wu called to prder by Mrl. Per· VIllage of Carrlz?10• bel~ at Ul*

1'bt adnaclq atmJ' of ftdt..-1 Ro 8 1 · 1 11 and bildreo dropped Crom the North Central c~n reat a111ured that aU e1rorta ifni. A. L. Hur:ke waa named City Hall July. '1, 42 at 7 ·~ :: ~ I tolditra...:aq:ae qpoq ti;IM . 1 t mme ' " 1 c t Accreditm~ Jilt, due to aeveral poaalble will be m~dt bJ the a• temporuy chairman aptS lin. llembert ~» r t 1 e n t • • 4. , · 'Ito ~:~:~aa atl.d he wu oanf.ed to ;:o, ,~have t b•_.& h!: :J.:! 1~1 rttaaon•. The •chool alillll on teboolautboritl•• to regain tbi1 Perktn• aa aecrotar,, Tbo vlce Finley, lbyt'; d ~ T.0Y~Quu:n• 1bt ambulan-ce ~aron. · L.s' ~ S::.n!c, u;'r f 8 ooi the State Accr~dited liat. Gr•· atmdard at the earlieat date. cbairDl&n read the o(Hclal eall. A. J. Scb~r an Lon j an~!·~ • ·

worked ov.r blm, Jadnr o~ .U t m . ~~~ 1 m cJuat•• from Carrl~zo would Thoro f• not anJ rea1oo why On motion bJ J. G. Moore, the Member1,_llor.ra11 . " ac:e_. er. • tbt thattertd A-lh, tera~ tbt famllt, Will *" ._orrow tot bab)J be aak~ to take entrance tlda ecbool•bould not bo amonlt chairman wu empoweretl to •P· aud Ro~ey Ward, ~arabal. • .bont to bl.l wotn~•d·l•c• _.,_ tiHfr.boJMID Walla WaUa,Wub. •· f~ ·c:ollt.Jti oahfde tbe· hl1hest 1tandard1 met by all commlUotf. OQ QlOllon Yernbera ab11nt. RoJ 8hafat. . o

ill~ medical eatt equl to Obi of . LtUlt Vfr iala Lo~ TdllJ. th~ of ltlte, while, !' lradtiate of otber_ eebooll, aad by the c:nn- by P, E!· Cbrlatlan•en ot Capitan . U.lnuttl ot the lalt ·meettnrr: &htlt o. W n. Tbt:r ~rd.td him daulhter 0~ 8order Patrolman a North Central Aaoclatfoo bined effort of teaebert, puplla the entire quota of 18 -delegatttl Wert readbaa~aptJ~IlYQtd1j1 d alon~ wltb "tbtlr own wou11ded aud Jlra.J'r~d Tall 11 here from .tcbool would be accebt&d on their and patrone, we maJ havt ju1t wera aeated. Yotlon 'I r. t u en "_11 ..<I aradttt&ll:r ha tbowed at1n1 h b 1 T 1

' Ari for cr&dita, 11 ~ood aeebool Iun.-Supt, . l'he convention adjourned for teconded by Ben Sauehez t .h a. t • rttorttlel to reuon, but he could e;w~r:; 0 h uet()n,t ~ona, 1· · , ; -- "' ·· - - - lunch Mt cbe noon hour and 1e.. A. J. !tolland be appointed to reeall uothtn.r beyond where palo • &Dd : ;' ~~~ an uoc ~, L'f .u'1 c T11 'I A 7'"'A ']j Mtllic for Uncle Sam' a Boy• asaembled at 1:30 at the call from aerve on 1 committee to act 011

.. ha4 c1r1Yen bfm mad, rt. 10

ayer. ....................................... ..... tb• chairman after which the adviaory capacii:Y in tbe ~pera-~. Wbtn he rico•erocl au1ftelent1J DolorH Leal, one of tbe ftrat "The Theatre Bt&utitul" Be.rlonlns JulJ 17. until Au(l. varioua eom'mitteea repo~ted. tton ot the Carrb:oxo Murlicipal

thtt offered to taka him 11 tar · of Carrizozo but now R. A. 'Walker. Ownt'r 2, the American Legfon want · lhe· ReaoJution• committee'• re· Light and Power Plant.-Uotioa •• tbtJ couk1 toward tbt Confe· ot Ro•well, wu a riator here ---···-------·-----... --.. ---: ·- · ·-· Jour old phonograph record•; old pott pled (led the party to .effort• carried. . .

·· dtrltt army. ;t'h•~ tffered . w. wotk. NIGHT SHOWS-8.00 1 • M. r~cor~•· broken re~ord•. w o r n to winnlna. \he war, but at tbt Motion by Mr. Scbatf. • n d . . ain him a horlt and proylde two SUND'AY HATINEE-2 P. l\1. out r.cord•; 11 a part of a plan tame time, condemned the wattf aeconded by.l\!r. McQuillen that

other bor•~mtlil to aecompan1 ~ Anpa Adamt, cJauahtert -Prld-ay A=s-;i;;~fai · · c to provide new·reeordl foro tht and e~travaallkiee of the Wa•h· H. E. Kelt be appointed to aerv4~ him on bl• JDUf1111J, bUt h• aaJd: Pat Qd Jean are latrt t rom . bDY• In the eenice. Record• are admlnlttratfon wltb th~ on. • commm .. to act tn an • . .. Gentlemen. JOU have una m1 Doaatu. Ads.-, ·tQ a~tn6 th•fr Georae Montaomery~ L 'I n n e the onlyaource C?f available taxpa1era' money: at.o cond vJaory c?mmfUee Ill tbt O)lfiUon life Nld Cqr tba' kbulQ.H·I,l owt taellion With l(qor W,l. ~Jttrt Eta Arden )n Zan " tlw: Jtate·•dmftdltratrotr for of tJtt. CarrlJOIOc Municlp.al Llgbt--JO·tl a debt. or rratl~ude. I can· aod.dauabter G•rtraiH of Poll.t. Gret••- . Jour help we art aolna t~ tee the ume cau1e, and alter praf•· and Powtr f'lant. - Wotftln car•

- - -··11-()ttiab~~ralellt~rowa~It-. -- ... ·-- · · ~-···-· ---"-·· · 4 'TliEtASTOF -- · -· thtYJtellliem·coottououalj. aria.the-worlfof-our . • , __ -- -~ - · - · ---.ll1011 <:ali raatlu Jtat wb•t that lin. Hazel Lemlusr madi a fll:tt THE DUANES'' The Legion hu Yoluoteered to count:r official!!, expreaaed rearet The foUowlnt filii• ware •P·

.• . ,,

., -Ill. •



...... .L;, -

meatll to me &bd _,para tao &be to her ~·r~ntt, ~·~and. !In· L. The taatut trigger man eallt or make i~oJI~.ctio..?• lo-r • at .tbalo-11 ttl una.ot out . . proved and ordered ~aid: . . . IWora lllfn•t thtm, r woqld ... Sn•tbea at Hot Spr~.-,. Wilt of tlit Pt~cOi-iu the lutlen tor our F•ahttng lien. n GlYe membert, &h•Jate Don Eordlab. M ~"·~ll_#, l)Citlge s~~ :~ fir to temlht _with you. Ark •• and returned! -accompamed d&YJ of the Rimrock. T 6 x a 1• JOilt old record• lo a member of . recommended a meU&ie of ~p t!Cf• ••Y wat~r _ . 3 u -\llOU.a'll my.owb. people ltU ma to by· her little IOD llack:r. wbc>. had frontier. A Is o ''The Oat post" the Legion or Au;tilfar,r. PJteea eondoltUlCe to hia relative•. Clov••lPrJntinl Co, prant· o ditJ. J o u eared for Dl and beeo rilltlnr for a 1hort time and • India the Golden,, deafrnated fn Cartlzo:o are: L. Other committees reported, aU Wg re und bondt . 37 5~- . tr•ted mt •• one of JOUr' own." witJa bi1 r;raadparentr, · ' . . - A. Whitaker, Vice-Commander. of. which wert adopted bt the .. H_arrJ•on Co,

4 rech•rlt -

.- Tbt:J lideolttl an til h~ b.&d • • . · · . . · S.adar=Honday-Tunday,. Camp llalpait, 'Jiontt Vista S«~t• convention. 17 deleaate• aad 17 ~re ·~ . ! : iabed aDd the tommmdm.J ofticer lliu Belen Roll&Dd came Mi k RMi - . J d .. G I d Yice Station and Lfneoln County ate• were•electtd to attend CllJ Garage, lnatall o•cillte iaid: "You haye b&~lil • go® to tpend faat WeM•IDG Wlth her Vir ~.:' w.d:::.· n~/ u:~~:n: Uotora, Inc. Other delignated . J.talt Rtpublicln ~()DY.gtJQD A~ StoYer •• Utili. .....,6 ~ man ad • rOod lOkber. . DUIUU; Mr. 111)() ~- A .. I. Rol· ld f - plaeel .at Corona, Capitan and which meet• at Albuquerqu• on CitJ ~·· t:o, fuel . t:.l!' ni amopr; •• JOIJ haya biBG .. 0~ land. She lett TtieldaJ ror San ~ n . . tt Ruldoto. Kond&)', JUIJ 20, at tbt Hilton Lfn ~- Uu~!T,_liabtt uv ~ of ~r own. Yo~ 1HJ rtma10 AntonitJ. Ttx~•, to enroll fn tbt · BABES C?N BROADWAY · · · Uotel... ._ Ward. 'Marthal ~:: with 121 ud we W1D aaot _ NuriM Corpt. Back •r••n In •terfat extra~•.. CApitan Womaat• Ciu& Tberf beln~r ucaneiH In the K Lonfa\!•• Cfart

60 00 fDU· to ~gbt a.ralalt your own ~ao.u ol:routh. fun and mustc. . - P Ald•z. Jabot '


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WEEKLY. NEWS lNALYSfS • • . ·. . I ' 'f • •, '

Nazi. st:;..g~le fo,r ~-Russi'!\ .. ·and Egypt Takes Spotlight From Pacific Battle; Growing Force of. U •. S,t· ~ir Power Is Displayed on World's Many Fronts.

From Widely scaftere'd , .. l ectJ.Pnlcofr....: Wlll«m--th•e­the world's tlghtlns tront came re· Ru.ahm defender•

u. s. Am POWER: Around the Gwbe

. RUSSr-.A:~·~·.···· ··~· c-- - ~ ~ - , .~~~·

Pi~er11. ·

' "

poiU of the tncrea.lllnS: strength Qt Sevastopol, thet auc~ce~ed~~d in open. Aroerica's hard·Jitrlklnl( air power.. lng the ~~Qnd aw 'of a ~IJ!lt pin·

ifo.t dramatic wa11 the announ~e-· cera movement which had for it. . ment from London that for the ftrat · other .base tbt! Kharkov tOQthOld. time the Unlted States .,.rmy air B9t success ln Sev.taiopol was dit• torc.e had DUlde an attack .on Na:r;l flcu~ 10 obtain. Even the Naz~ ad··. occupied Europe. Six bombers, mltted that. For ~ · days every .. American made and Amerlt:.IU1 thing ~he Nazis. bad was. blasted manned

1 took otr and during a da)"· ll&llinst the besieged naval · baae.

llteht raid muashed Na:d plane• and The Red navy had to retire from it troo~ on the Bround at . tl)ree Hoi· to less aecure base~ in Ill~ Black land airdromes. Later enemy ablps lea. Still the NazJ bombers. came •. were attacked on the Dutch cout.

One interesting 11ldellght. ot the raid wa• that Its princlp'l hero, Capt. Cl!,arlc• c. Kcgelq~an of El Reno, Okla., was awarded the Dl• UnJUinhed Service crol!J by 'MaJ. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, com· mandcr ln chief of U. S. forcel 1n the European theater, and J{egel· man thus becAme U1e first member of the 11142 AEF to be decorated tor eaJlantry In actlon against the en· rmy In Europe.

.~ ~

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· 'l1IB CARJUZOZo. ouTLooK · . •

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nta feat waa dcacrlbcd aa a dtm• onJS\J'Iatlcm of .. superior airmanlhlp

1-------·-- ~ ·- ~ .. ~·~· · -~ -- an&---e*lt'aer-dhi~D~~:ilile:u..JL,IJWLl. savlnJ of the lives of 11111 crew'' after the plane he was piloting wal lltl'Uc]( bard by atill-iilrcrwft -fir·..-+

MRS, RUTII 'WYJ'l'iH 8PEARI Drawer ll .

a who afterward became doctors, law-

oyer the bomlllng Utrgct."

Chinc$c Front MeanwhUe, the newly lnitalled ·

I ~ddrcs•··•·~··•••••••···~··•·••••••••

·' '

ferenc:c hC!ld by Eleanor ~oosc-velt ln Wallhlngton,

. 8JI~N-Squabblcs that ·Interfere with war ·ma~crinls. pro<luctlon · *...,. •

Inescapable History • U. S. army olr force In China etarted lhlnp cli tn gOOtl 1al!hlon bj ahoot.­lnl down flvc Japanese plones.ln a battle which came os 1hc rernll of a direct challf.>n£C! by the U. S.


abould be shunned b:Y Jabot, •aid Lieut. Gen •. Brchon B. Somervell, arm)' chief ol supply, ii .111 •d· · '1 ·''.-.

dt:etsed a luncheon· of AFL and CIO labor leadcnt in Detroit. 14We aU belong to the tlame union,•• he uid • • • "the Unlon of the United States ot America • • • "

men, started their careers driv­inc • delivery wagon, usually for • local groecr, or by acting as an as­lillhmt. M:y brother Ned made his atart by drivine a railway .expres!i wacon. S<,>rrY to confess that though I· made- numerous applications, I never was lucky ~nough to get a de. llver:y wagon job. Possibly it I had, I would have amounte.d · to some•

• n Fellow citizens, Wf! 'c:anno~ ·e.


i- -


! ! ' . I I

I '

. . .

forrt>fl to the enemy. Background to Uac boUle was a

Jap radio report that tl\olr forcea In the lh.>ngyang orca would "bloat the new U. S. 111r forces out of China,. and o reply by B!'lfi. Grn. Claire L.

aJUG-~ "(}EN • .CLA.l&E.CRENNAtlllr 06 ......... ~.

C!lenfiiUlt, t·ufiilliiitider'Ofih1f ls.mer-­kanJ, that any such attempt would cet a "cllt'tll' welcoiJie.'• Then

. camtt the Jap rald and the J)de& over Uenpana wer• aubJteltd to what waa d~ri~ u perbap1 the ften:c:at air battle over central Qltna.

AuJrralia Sector General MarArtbur'l AustrallaD

beadquarttn reported that on lhe ume day u the battle over eentrlll Q!lna, Amcrltan and Australian planu ahot down alx Jap plann .and damarrd abc otheraln heavy attacb oo lnvastcn basca Salamaua and' lAo, New Guinea. Three United Na• tiona planu wen! rt>porttd mfnlnl· In additlan to the Jap planet de­stroyed, the repOrt added that di*

i==~=====Z-KI.Jl dromu, Jrlp,


- N11 .,.,t ,f.r Null, •

Finally the la1t Ruulan .foothold .in the Crimea feU .and Hitler hacl «•incd an Important wedro in btl drive toward the oU nelda of the Caucasus. .. · :MOTORING:

Not only did the" open up to thll A. d 1 ' I J th " n • • •Joy•' r ch pr tc, but t1 faU of Sevaatopol .. o o


thine. · •• t

But whUe horses are abundant in NeVI York, the reverse l!fccms to be true in the country. Specifically, I refer. to that piece of country be­tween New York and West PoinL

capt! ltlstory. We ot1hin~ongre• · · · · and Ulis administration will be re­membered in spite of ourselvea. No 'personal signl1lcanctl: ... or insll· niflcnnco c:an spare one or anotller of us. ThQ flery trial tbrou$h which we pass will light Ul down ln honor or dishonor to the latest genernUon • • • We •hall noblr save or meanly lpse the lut1 belt hope of enrth.-Lincoln. '

meant lbal more men coUld now tJ. It didn't make much dit!crencc to Wt1r llenry SUml()n1 it was atated diverted to the fl&htlnl around Khat• motorists, but gasotlne went up 2Y.a that 11appcnrane9 other than tholf kov, tents u gallon along the Eaat cout. atrlcUy in behalf of !the armed forcet

DIU before the .Natla had a cb!lnce Main trouble wns 1hat you eouldn't will not be underta'lccn by .LoW. .un­to real and to real!~ ,lhcmtelves, get mucl}, cos in that area anyway. tUbe baa ftnlabed hla tralnlnt ... CIICY Ruaalan Mar1lial • Semeon Reports rel1ehlnt the 31 atatu A soldier since 1anuar7 13, Lot.ill 'l'imoahenlw a truck aava&ely at then'l where gaa la •Ull unratloned aald put in about 1ix weeka of trainlnl at and regained 1cvcral vlUalta• 'l'h& that thousands of motorists were be- Camp Upton. Thus the queiUon of Nazis in turn had tbclr eye on the lng turned away from empty reas Ita· hla ftghting may be brought up Don river ond would q,ot be atopped Uons In the East. aealn no lawr than the middle ot unUJ Utla objective waa won. Al· It was alsu generally believed that August, leavinc plenty of time tor

· JUit after <as rationing went into eft'ect, our friend, James M. Car· roU, Cirf)ve us up to the Point to see l":~~ .~~·~·-· -~====;:~= the Army defeat Notre Dame' in a track mecL Took careful note. but not in the entire distance did I sec a horae-drawn vehicle. We did pass a nurnbt!r of horses but they were the ridinc kind and were being used for plea1urC! and not for business. Horses play an important part in life at the United States, Military academr, but !bey nlwnys hnve: so thoae we saw there did not count.

thou&h anothc·r front was openlnl Jrul rationing might be the formula a late IUmmcr ftghL

• • •

to tho northweat ot Moscow, tht bat- for the rest ot the natton if the . uowner, tl:ao stall& 11111 eA4 Uao tle ot Kurtk·Kharkov wa1 viewed rubber snlvage drive didn't tJrl.ftJ J:IIIAtter. It prob'abiJ ••" a , ... Jtnerally as tho 1eene ot llitllll!r'a all• enough of this vital ~erap, After UJ..llir for Jo-e Utat tile arasrorclerecl out 104.2 oft'e111lve. For thl• waa 210,000 tons of lt had been collected Ja& traufer f• kansu. Tllo oreat what he ncedtd mo!t of aU-oU. And ln the Ol'iglnally · achc:diiled ptrlod Mea wlU bel It a Wt •oro dllllelllt the winning of tbe Kharkov tnllll* tho drive wns rxtended ten day•. ie ep.erate 1ro111 IMll •taluee. . 'l'he thing that struck us most rntnt meet that.hlJ aoal wOtlld be Secretary tckca, on leavinJ Uu: Too, the next LoulJ ftlbt isn't forcibly was the Jock ot motor trat..:

~'n.AuLEcbUc:lToJit~~t "'fj()G--... ., .. ~:· . .,~ ·-···~··· =; !b'.:r ::t ~:U ~tc].o:!~ o': likely to draw a vet'f heaVJ' cate. ftc, Vsuall)' on Saturday afternoons, .a..n .~: tht! SmporblnCliuildiril "and caned The DPPOiliUOP. Jm't s~.l cenOU&h Henr1 Hudson parkway is a soUd

Li/t& a Bit U to a scrap depor.-· ~ ~;r~fn~~~:~~:~':t;b~:~~r~ . ~oOo o!nc::;. ;!s!:g•~:~~ !,~ Navy ecntoribJp kn<Hbe ctenae foe WARNING: Conn Ill the most suitable opponent. Because of the conge!ltlon, the pace

that hante• oYer the far ttp ot the F E but he's allo in unfform. Bob Pai- In th& past wu alow. nut. we bowled Jap-ln\'aded AleoUan lalarid. chain, rom an xpcrt tor• a drawing power Ia becoming alon1 at the leJal rate ct speed with ltftfl! alb 1a dlaelos~ that tM u. s. . ltecognized 11 11m ~xpert in a via· limited to relative• anc1 a few cloee no •toPI until1fe reached the trame naval air force• had been buq. tton, Maj. Alexl\nder P. de Sever· trhmds. Uaht at Geor,te Washington bridge.

A.n&V)' ccmmuniqueHP.Cdtd tbJj a!Qr. airplane deslper and mllltar)' nero arc·.U.Cr .. ,~e •. '1'IMt Of• And most curious of all, the car in "our aircraft returned safely" artet illil,Yiti tru glv.en 1htf Unlb!lt-Na; nett 101· D:d.eua TrlM)ItriaU..~IIu whlch •e rode.,.., the only one on nve new raid• on Klaka and Atat· tlont a stem wamlne on the lmpor·. rrtwMGt• etatJlalnr, .... uttan lhe llricJge. In fact, Ulere wun'l tu. A Jap force of three trantportl 1anee CJt JalnitJI air aupet!cirity be- u.t eUler asse••lles WWelt ,....w even a bus • • • • and U!tlr .eiCoHinl vUMls wert m., tore attcmptint the fi~l of a aM . truqe.rlaU.. ..,...,... Uaat llicted with undetnn\tned d•xn•r• .aecor.d land rrcnt 10 telleve .N.a%1 •laW lHt_ Htinaatt Ill l:ii war ill· · GMh•• GlltiiiJCH! .Freddy Kar- · ott A1attu and four attacb were preuure on the Rusaians. fert. A JauwJweftltl elaam,Wt+T)I tin llieyclint to the Waldorl·hiotla made on the Japa at Kilka. On • naUon-wide radio ltMt uuUy Tau a neater Jtlll Ulilll in top hat and tails • • • Arthur

a.t u.. ~~ .... rr .. Ul&t lana which had at ib forum· .. CIP'PIJ ratr_er I ....... u..., th Vinton.. candidate for .., Ute auauee•eat tllat .. w .. possibility of • land and sea inva· Fde ... fil tl~ AMerl-eu BQ'nwW• farmer and •ctor.bemnmt1he tact , •••• .. • •···

1 u • -~• · ..J . , afon of Europe. the former Ru.!lan C.Ucetel'f. ~ that thou-" be wan•- ,..~ ,, __ .., f,or

.. • o. ••• axael MM army ol'l!cial declared. that it wu !:.out. unqJ.teiUonably ·s. in _:; law and :der, Ed B":.....wn, puurodJUu ...... u.nt Ja• •fttrt1•r• '- UM hUtll opinion that a costly mau •. n\7aalob shape. While he waa under

5 'th: of the radio pro-arn.~in -w· cb ... h .... e .... left • r .. rllt lnert11 .... ,... --ould not ""el •'-', ... d .. -•r· ed r""'sulta· ·-- .a· :....ji d- t .... _ nd' •• .. fte C:tiftmaaJ..... reperilai Qeie .. "' Ulc "l'll "' ....- ~ur-.. CUQn 0 un: &li:() Cotpt aria &ppeanl, alw~JI d:!U hitn aJ a tt.lkii!JI lah1. Ulat UlrH MstftJifl JeaJw~:~ ft~~'Ji!t~:ercf.stery of ~e tebrtfo~~~U~c:'!. ':!:'!b!e:: ~~d politiCian , . • Dorothy were It_. .,.. ltHr 1M Ja' eec• ha· .... e "o· aJ• .. m·,ati"• b• .. to '--" In 4Lf! ·~ - -- I ~~~!n~. ~ce to a ll'OUP ot fl•• Jstaa• .t lUd:a ... tilt eUter • •• • ., ..., u• erl ucuew. · uua connectlmf;-Sec- ,-oun~tera ouUtge tile SWrk dub 0,. ...

11ul' AJ&tta lstalMl ~· · concentrate ull(ln an aU-out atrial retary Stim500'•· atatement 'ftU atoppmg star• and detavin• "'"em · · ' oft'•nsi\'e ••aM•. t Germany p-.... r quo··ted.• • •~- " .. u• .. .. .. ...,. • .,,._ .lULl! enough for the kids to get auto-

EGYPT: .... ln th~l way we oft'cr true reliet ''TH .. ..,. ,.~ .,..,... .. graphs ••• One ot those lovt':ly I) r· R to fitwia because we help to dinrm ••a ~t t.iiilt dKe .......... eUw modet. walking into that Park . . . 1\0mme I omp by Its industrJ, un ••••tt ~aa,es•lltte ... e. nue buildin' where so many wo:rk1 · .r • • · Her hat box drotn and

. ' •·

• ' ' ~- ' ' . ' ... -. - . . .,.. . ... . 4 .. .,.

• .,

X..Wtec1re Rtq'lllres u .. It it not enough to know: we

must turn what wtt know· to ao­count.-Goethe.


• A· ·:susnmss oxganfutkmllhich wan&t fo ·get tht moat for th• moneJ .Mbl· up standarda . h1 'WhiCh' 6o i~ wbal Js oifet.d. to it, jlllt u in Waaldnglon th. go"Jw ment :mlilntiint a BlitHu

Standudl.. ~ -·· . - ' . .

' . ' ' • ,- ..... _ '" > • ·-·- ·"'

. ·•You .,.u ta,;l J()Ui" . . . . Blll'MU ol ~too . . Jmt coa.su1t the ad-..rtil­~ QOliUJil•cL)'Wt~

n..,.·~ . ~ .J*i01a•tJ:t:r4 . . . ~; u., ct ..... , jiu •

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• · KeQtUckTt.lSOlb' Birtllda~: ·

•• R:ECE~Y th~ PQISt OftlC41 deparl··

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'Y'ou•re a sick woman •. cu11u • • •


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.~Pr~ctlc-eiNow H-'ve .· --

.Proven· Theit Vahle. - ' ,. . - t-- ' - • '

Farm Hazards . Strangely', acrlcultut'e l.a the

inost hazardous American indus-

•......,...-:,.........~- tr)', with the . farm home



larrety to this amazlnt , total of accidents. Here are some safety suncs·

Sharp-edged too'IJ be kept away from ploy pia~.

Stairways with more than three stops be equlppcd with hand·ralla.

Free use of. both bands not to be sacl'ificed becau!e of heavy load to carry.

' • ,. . ' - - ' . . . - - . - -~-- """' ' ' . --- .. --·-·-~."'

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, I


b:duuned · ,sun bonn~t · compl()te a set whicb every c}ll.ld sl\oul<l own • ,!Qr summer. . · · ·


. . . . '. ~ ' ' , Pattern No. 8198 JJ de~tl&ned tor stzeta 1. a, ~. • •nd !I rea~. Size ~· •et l!lkea . :n~ 1nt11! ~tnth matedaJ,. 'l r•ra. braid

to trlm. . . . . . ' • Senti >'our .. qrcler to: . •

' .

llounrster'a Set . :tune ~She'll be a

-i~~~~~~~~ m·thia ~un-

- - ; I . . Jolm Ncsbltt ~·llld ·Mcn~lth ·Willson

Walt Disney, whose "Bambi" will aoon be l'clenscd through .nKO, has acqulred the screen rlglits to Major Alexander P. do Scve.raky'.s" "Vic­tory Througb Air Power," nnd will make it into a feature· picture for exhibition somcUme this· fall.

Imagine Charlet Boyer producing and acting in llotnclhing called "Flesh and Fantasy." It wUl be his drat production for Universal; he'll star in one episode, Edward G. Robinson in another, and lcl's hope they change the tiUel ....


Capt. Hewitt 'Mteless, tbo armr Jlfor who was elttd bJ the President fol' 1m exploltt lD the Paelftc war, will hlmseU lD a abort subject,

erc11ld tho Ltno of Dutr " which will for

frnt•k tics in plncc nt nnd hns no 'scnms nt aU so it l.a very, 'very simple to make. Pan· 1ies 1o mntch and a shndy, wide

'l'hc DJukas arc nn autonomous nation of treed N~gro olavcs lnhnb­!tlng the Jntcrlor of Surinam, or Dutch Gulann. Asltantls trans­P<lttcd 1rom Atrlcn. to the- Dutch Soufu American colony, they ·re­volted in the Eighteenth century nnd eotnblishcd thcmoclvcs in tht!'l ·interior of Surinam. So rcntlesa wan their wnrtnra on the Dutch settlers that in 1762 the governor aoked for n pence conference. A treaty signed by the House ot Or­ange gave them in perpetuity all colonlnl land 25 miles inland from the coast, plWI a tribute of 20,000 guilders nnnunlly: in return !or wWch ~bey ngreed Co live pcnceful­ly 1'n tho interior.

Thla sb.orttt.te ·of _lending men ball . proved too much for Harold Lloyd. He's produced two pictures for RKO, ''A Girl, a Guy and a Gob" and ••My Favorite SPY" and bas lett the studlo. His nc:x;t picture would have. been ._.BuUerfingersr • football i!Omedy. ..

"' Samuel Goldwyn will select 8ix of

the loveliest· and most talented sec .. retari~s: of Washington; D. C., tor roles in "They Got Me Covered," co­starring Bob Hope nnd Datothy La· mour. The story brings out the port

· that Washington secretaries play in . helping to run the government; it's said that they arrive in Washington at a tate of 5,000 daily!

q 14

' . . .

· lfR .JIM 1fiii#H4.

Onngeutc the best way · lo·mako 4\lre of viu.mln Ct Few foodt aupply much. It' a

· -euilr lost lo cooking. Yet nnti an abundance ., 7ciu ao nor itlln it.-

Ot~ngel also bave vita. mln• A, Dtand G; "lcium, and other minerals.

Those 1wn~ *'Sunkitt': arc the finen from 14,,00 cooperadn8 growen. Buy In quantities. "J'il] 4tt}!

Tlie bluest aU...tat JJneup ~ver ~--_.__..;.·-·.;;;;-;;;;;;;.-.;,;.·-.;,;.-,;;;:· ,;;;:-,;;;:·-.;,;.-;;,.-· ;;;;;.;--.~-.,. .................. .,. ....... -·-· .;..······-~.,.--.-~-.--.-,;;-..;··---.. catbere4 for a summer radie show " la tbe oue that Beb Hawk's sponsors ha're booked fer FrldaJ ill&btll; U'• a ... mbuda ahaw feAiP.rmx Xnler Carat's orcbfStra, Connie Boswell aDc1 Ron aJid a new Sailfish on the

cen er ne

·lfEfS A "SEf.F,.,STARTER~~

'' ...;•.

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A. L, Bl1.JliCJi;1 i!diUJr UJd l'ublfld:~•r , ._. - _ ~;P'fA:;_: .. 'Jb::\•.J.-. -'• .il!l .~i:;iflt ;:1·-.~

a..a•l Cln•Ja•kr• 111 De ~••t1 .

8.U.Bf.Wilff'J'JcJN. UA'l'M:S ·.·· . . .

ISla •atla•, '" ad nne• . • . · ,1, oo o .. , • .,. lludvaue4t .. . . 1:1.00 · · -· •!'0<=-·-... -·~""''"""·· ., _, .~, .... ' ........ ~ . ...__,..,., . ..,.,.,.,. .. , ... , ...

*-Ctr•d .,. ••c:oPd·cla•._. JllaC~r J ap• aarr fl JIU, •' ~h•" J!Pn lillie• at

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Carrltoso, N11w M11leo, und., di• Acl. ---.--. ..;.~------

oUiarcb I, J811. s•nta ·Rita .CLutch , · .: .. ' ---------··· · Ad,ettltlnr lorall cia•• Wedruuday

4t. QQOO, Ntw• c:olutul)l c:lotl' '1'11urt· dar ttiiiiL U ro11 do not· r•c:••n y.our &~aper r•&alarlr, pi••., 11uc.lly tile l'ub• . l:•b.,. AdYtrt.ftiJJI ra~• on 1pp1Jea• .

liP•· .

. -.:::;:;:::::;;t~=;::~ - . . MEMBER . -••nnw · """ Jll .. li'1Jil ljil,CAU IN MlllliOJI "; I ' ., ~''.I I

Ol!lei Pbone No.%•

Ref. Vr:. Salvatore. Pa•to-r. Sunday J,.&., Oarrfzazo at 8 ~

, and at Rt~ido•o at 1t a. ·m . . . ~ . .

Motbodiat Cliurc:h. · Sund•y Sehool at 10· a. m •.

Morning Worehlp at 11 a·. m! · Junior Le•fiue at 7:30 p. m. Evenlns Servict'! at 8 p. m. First Sund&r ot everi month -__ ...,..:...'/. --~·-----~·="""- Ia Communion Day. 1 1

-P-'R_O_F_E_s_· 5- 1-0-N-S-. co!:. lias~r.e rou a triendJ, wet. .I

• •

If I

~ohn Klaeaen, Palt<Jr. JOHN E. HALL

Attorney A CouruttJlor at La"·· N~w Buildloe

Carrizozo - New Mexico

Baptit~ Church Sunday Scb~J Sl;f& a,m, Preach~ lng at 11. ~venlng worablp 8;30.

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A~ L. B V Jt K·B ' . Notary PubHc

...;. __________ Prayer meetlnrr Wedne1da1 at 8:00, B. T. U. at~7 :SO p.m. W,·I-'T""'!""'"'!!!!'!'!!!'!!'!!!!'!!"!'!""'!---~-----..;...--o.--~r-

U. u. . •t a:oo ·!P~,m~·!-!-~&t~~t....,l::l:oJJDI!n~MgeL.aJnd~ .......... ~----~-·-··- --.nl.!ia~rl11rizri2orozo:ro' -Ntteotw

100uexleo N. T. Jamet, Paator. tibn is what Y01,1 get Wahen 'we d~

EntrJea1~:::~~~:!~ LegaT fl -~t...;;;;·· .;.;. .. ;;;;;,c.;.;.~'H;:;;;U;;;;;-·~R;:;;;C;,;;;;-~;;;;;-·-;:;;:o;;;;;;;·;;.;;;C.:;:H;;.;;;R:;;;;IS;;.;;;T;;:.;:;::·:::, :l """"& ., .... · rng •. Pressini'~a ~-=---~-:-..;-.--.:-.,...., Lg.-.~--1--t

. . 1'. "· KELLEY

l"untnl Ulrec:tor II l.lc:trlltd Embalmir H••ld•nc:e l'hon• 8J

Ctrrlaoao • ~ A'tw Jlexlc:Q

Sun <Jay •ervlcea: •• All Work Guaranteed!'!. Bible acbool, ,10 ·•• m, , . · ·

~ Worahip,ll a. m. md 7:80 p.m. Uldwnt Bfble ltud;, W~dn.-·

day 7:30 p. m.


DR. il. E. ·mJANEY, Deatlat Preachtng at Capitan eacb Sun~ - l.ut• tiulldlu- . ~Y .at 3 p. m., In aebool rrym

Carrlaoao • • · N11w lluleo baurnent. Work. Called For

• •

. ~ . · , . Preachlna at Noaal 7:30 p, m, And Delivered · l;arrazozo Bua1neta You are welcome to all of our Men'• Club 1ervicet. · · · · ----------------------

A. L. Burke, Prftident Jam•• Brlater,Sec -Treat.


' . , Addren all communic,atlona to CbrltliaiD Bcleact ie subject !or

Carrizozo Bualn111 Ibn 1 Olub. Sund11, Golden Text: Ltyh11 JamH Brfater, Sec.-Tre••· IUidt all malice, all auUe, hypo.

Carrizozo, N.l:l. criaiet, envi•• and evil 1peakf~J· lhetln11 ""'' WednNdaJ a& Citatfoa from Bfble: WhattOIYer

Chriatian Science

6:80 p. m. tblnae wen wrJtUn aforotfm.e wart written tor our ltarnlnJ,

C. H. MURRAY Pauart from Cbriatian Seitnct

.. - . . . . . . Carrizozo Home· Laundry

Satisfaction Guaranteed • • •

• Well Drllllni and Repalrlna tex1~book. Sdence and H • a It h • 'We Go Anrwhtrt" wJth. Kor to the Scripture•, by Work Called For and Delivered Nogal, New llexleo Marr Baktr Edd1: 'l'bt !ootatepe • )

=========== of thousrbt, rJ.ab:2~a4allbo•rw~',.'.,.mttcal-"t"Dtr01la;.ll 1-+,_Ph~o..;J~'I~•~OO~~-.-.~~~,~, ... ~ - , . , ... i" __ .. <?~~~zo. N.K.

For Sale Seed Barley


tend a loor nfgbt w the irneler, bUt tht JDttll or Hf•. PfiiiDCf ~~~~~~====~=~=========::::=~

areournardian•lntberloom. FOR SALE. ~

. '



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. ' ' ..... ·'" ' ' ' .

. . . ' ' ' . -··--'<--- .... ·-·-------.-: •... -

' '

. _, . " . -

T·RA.c·T.OR · · · (.Ferguson System) ·

' ' - . -

fOr Demoristra·tipri -~ CARRIZOZO ·AUTO. CO~.

' ... . . .. .

B·ANKS AND THE WAR -·- . ...,.------~-----~~-- ---·-------- ----- ---

. BankJ. h&v.cuaked no Jpeclal~r.edU for ;~ellic~a.85 ,per .... cent of all War Booda to date. 'They consider it a pri-

. vil~se to be able to help their <:ountr.r in thi~J way. They have aold . the•e ·bonds without comvensatlon, witboat profit-In fact, at a very conaiderable expense to tbem­•·elvea. Every Bond this bank ·•ella coste ua money­Jet we urge you to bby more and more. Buy Bondr resrulariJ !rom Income,

' •

• Lincoln County Agency Citizens State Bank of Vaughn

Carrizozo. N. M. Kember Federal Depoalt Insurance Corporalfn.

BURNE'fT'S CAFE . . . liJ'" Home of tbe Good

·STEER & BABY BEEF STBAICS Prompt Service and Sati!lfaclion

Are Our W•tc:hwotdll

. ')..


' '

~-- ,. ___ .

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- -~ .;-.;.;.;;-,;,;.;:: .···0"- "-'·----~ ~· = -"--- --·-· -o~'"---"'--•'-"' •• iii - ~ .;: NEWSHOESH .J.J.ne P~r!f~ ~r.!~d~n ~- ~----- ---- -- ___ ..

RCA \'actor Radioe And Easy Waahera Delco Light I,Janta

Philco Radiot Frigidaire. Keltinaten · USED RADIOS

Radio Repalrina .Euy Tenaa

====~=~ • •

' - - . . . ,. "

S..n Patrlulo, N. K. . Whlte Cat Bar


·SHOE Repairin1.

oruw .. -Rubbft Hula, Cat•a Paw Of · ·

GOodr••r-~ Ltat.'bu H•lr Sol•. Aral ct111 ·

.:..,1 00 Wholt Sol.. u.d H t t J •·

C.wb()y Boot .... sa.so Halt &ltt !or Ladlu'SbotatiZGcl Rubbtr Tipt tor Ltdf.-• Sb<>tt.

. a5d . 0,. o. D. ord•t• · 1lnll »romr>l ·

atteatlott. • s. a Maucbt:,'Ptob .. tt ·

... •

~ .... .... )\ ~ ~ .• ...... :fl .... '.·-·('""' .................... -· •. ... . . . -

One New and One Used Sup·erfex Refrigerator•.

Baraain in a Quick Sale.

Address Harry Oberman ···Box 527, ·Capitan) N~ rM~ · · ··-· · -

. ; ' .


lACk Oa M•MtHOt-' •

~-·_,_... ___ .....;,._,......., ___ - ..... -·---·- ---··· . ··-·

-OPEN DAY & NIGHT- ... W. L Bu111eu. Prop._

. .. ----------- -- ·"· -.----1-···· ........... ' - ..... -·.



\ ' ' •,'

On. you' .next ·printing ot.d.er · · ·.try the.

·Carrizozo Outlook ..

. . ..

.. '

• •

·. ·We Speelallze Iii · . . L&Tt1ClUU!lADS •n~ !:NVELOPBs~ CALttNG QARPS . St'ATBI;EN.r& •. RlJL!l) FORMS, BUSINESS CARDS' ·~ .

·,·=• -"C·•· ·.. ..:~.HAN!).:BlLtaAtt.-ltlNDS otLEGAtBtANls. '.' _. · _, ---- ...... -· ' ETC. . . . . · · · ..

--- ....

. ' ' . '

. . ' • .

• < '' '. ,,, • - '

. ~14~!!t_1. "· .. ,_; .. : ..... ~c'"~ · QJanks~,.~ · ;·' •

Lode or Placer· · ..carrizozo Oudook Office

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·~.· :ilh~~~¥!~~~~!l~! .orddl. r twa.a ... c ))~n.,;..l\avo· · !lllll.Cl · tnt. b)'

• a b'~l cwo. table&JI<Ij)llf!ala c -'~!lnt to oae

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" . . . . . . ' . .

·.· ·. Rosw.ell..; CJJ.trizozo, S~age Line' ·•. . :. · ·~DAILY SERVICE- ·. . . .

0 . .. ' . :' - -' " ~

·. L\'.Soeorro ~:40'·).Mt· 'Ar;C•u•ri:~:o~o~8:1fi·. Ar.:RoaweUlli59. ' I . ' ' ' - . . - ' ' ., - , . ' - . . : . . . . ca -~llfu.l ct ~JII!m.· .JUiot m .. II~~» ., · ·

. · . · . ·· .· Wlltel', tli111 Pt:t.-ter.~ll•t·IOf lJI,e. ,...., ... · -~ -.--··~ " ·-llll\d·~lnac cauactl7.nlllamau.m 1· ~= ··1"'-·~--.~--· -·--~-''".-L-1--~~·· •FJ«»~"'tll. t:30,P.M •. ~ Ar•CarrlzOZQ· 4:45 .· Ar.Sooorro- 7:30: .

. : :• ...... ,~ .. ~ ... ~~-~-,·~--··---.~- ... ~ ... -----·-.~~-----;.---~·~·---~ ..

·· · . · . · If• hO &U\'Prlfe eltbn tor ~:ffl'Tl"i -. !I Jut ·old ron:~~vlll to 'nueva rl:Yullllatlcl ·

• I ' '

, C~nnection~ at f.lhove pobits lor points · .. . I . . .

.,..l'l'lll' lMiiW baelt. Wlad . d ftalrert . ' . ------~ ---Nortb-S.outh!East• WuL · . · · ·aehN ~J~d P&lna. Ill f&Cf,.,..l~t :slot belli · ·

· . Oft Allenru t~l'. "* ~~-~~v &.. 01117 · ·· · -- · · rtf{ . . . fi t:fnl,f-1:» IUfOT(, - : . .. ·

· • ; • • " · • ', • o . · · · • .••. · · • · · · .• • •. Le~wJ• »u.:1ul '

-:'Ci- -·--:. ·- ---..---------

. Ph. 18 "'' .

· Cu.rlzo~o . - . ,_ -

- '• . . • • -: · . · . . · Railclt:.F~~ !~~ Salt·.: -. . -.~8-u_e_n_••_T_,a_r...:,d_e_,s_,, _,·.{_g_,o .... od-~-.-f-te-r-. Tbe Stearn• Randi in Nosral .·· oon) Amf~o· &Hoe; . • . . • Ill. . SHI~ sv·· :. . . . •• . .

Canyon Ia now for ·sale, Tbls · · · · · ·----......... ..,.--·--· ·-· .......... ~,........·--..·~· ,_...•,..;--____ _.,._

ran~b-IP'rm bas •i~b •. loamy .IIOil. Como 'ata,Se~orasy Caballeros, . ' .Ro"s, ...•.... w· ·el' ·J .. c·a'rrJ·zoz-'o Tru'ck' ·L.·ne· and ~rood pasture for a toe~ .. r_.i•· .· _ R tJ Listenin' 7 . inl. Rete's a barsrain for aome . -TRI~WEEKLY SERVICE..,.. lucky ·buyer, ·- APPI,t tu Jrlte · Ie everyb()dy happy? Pearl Stearne, Noi .. l. N. M., or

.. tb,is'office. · <, · U · A report ea:va that 6Sper"ceot . . . . . . . of thtJ homea in New tMexico

Lv. Lv~

Rosweli-Mon~-W ed~·Frl •. . . . . .

Carrizl,zo...;.. ',fues.· Thurs.-Sat. ,.

·Roswell Ph. 159 - Carrizozo Ph •. 16

. •

FOR SAL~-198.~ D~alpond T d~d~'t have 'no bat~t~til4 f( This Truck, U Ton, -wH;b overdrive dbnt rn~aJ) npthio' ae we has a traumiaaion and 6 firat • 'cJaas rlabt amart of rafn io the· last 700x2o-s ply ~i.rea and t .. bu at two or thre~e year so they waeeot low prJc~~~.Ne• Mexfco.lhchln• po need' fer a batiJ,tub-•n' afore -;~~~::=-::-~~-~~~~~~-~·~· -~-·~-~·~::;~::::;·~-;·~~-~--~~~-; ~~~~ Equipment Co •• Oardzo1o, ~at they ~aunt no rain to put ..... _.~.-_ .. -_ _.--- .. ·· ..... · ----·· ·-- -·

. . . . . . . . , .. in the bathtub~now•I•· ~·-·~·--· _ ••••••••••• ~ ............. . ~ 2!0• ••• ••


• •

ot 'em tft.ke up t.be alack in tb,. wronK ipotl but we jeit dls.miu

one of· tb_6' 'Dllmlf ~· b Ol'fi!Jf"lf of the, war jest as \\"omen's ·hats . ·had to be accepted. - Cuckoo .

. Comments, · :_____ --··· •

\ Buy· War Bonds and Stamps! l

• .. .,

Wash Dressel Gh'llh•m-Chaltlbrar

Seersucker $2.95 to 3.95

Who tafd that:· · The Kabar .wu a ··Boy Scout compared to lht terrible Adolph Bltlel:1

CONSTIPATED? 1~ ot totU\lflUon ott•o brlnJ ac~~&ntlU

• 1101ftl ~~ JOilf 1\:lllll~h, bid li(U~b, c:or.&.a \eiiCM, -~r.4ath••· d!Ulneu, lltlltallltH. ADI&WomA tltCUYIIJ bltn(!a ft..Uf1llllll,oo tina ror relltf ot ru plln• aad s tuau., .. , ~1n.V:lka. lint "'*k bowel uucm. O•~


Hfahwa71 In the, area of the · -Rolland•• l)rug Storo

new AlalDorrordo ~mblnsr r•nKe, ::::;:========= apre•din& w mu •• north f r o m F .R E E 1. tht White Bandt, have b e e n • cloud. with all rancher• a n· d li'feltock me~ moved off. ···Y• Large Cake' Plate Cbt TucumcarJ. American. Given A way Wnh Each . . Amoog blgbwaJ• cloud are $5' PUUCHASE

House Dressel No. 62, aot Sprblll ·to TultrOII, Friday • Saturday and tbt r~ tbrou5rb· Uockfn; PREHM'S DEPT. STOllE

$1.39 to 1.98 8Bir

1 d._Ga~J !~din.,tThfrom OJcura •-• --------

awwa7 QOV. I ll'ti . · u fit' aortb at Ute CardiOID-

" Play ··.Suits ~ ·.. ~an Antonio Bfahway., · ·· .. ·

. .

ELZY PERRY & SONS Water Wellt .Drllled

and Rep•lred. , 1 85 Y earr Strvie& in

Lincoln County. Ghmcoa - New Mex.

Now We Have· an Auto·Soler

Tbe newest, moat practieal method or putting on loatber or compoallloo top Jifta

• ~~:::-> (heel tapa) and half

aolea. Work d o n e wttb an Auto·Soler Ja. •• emtotb and amart looldnsr •• a n • w •hoe. · Giv• it • trial today.

·-»~~ ... ~·- . -~-"..$2_._49.-m __ ~ZS -----1-J..V(lll ... ·--~""~.:!:!..~~0!~"-~8 ()_0 \I __

SbQe . . . · Midriff & 2 & 3 piete

House ~oats $3.25 to 4.79 Seeraucker & Printl Wrap Around and

Zipper Jdudelt •

11boteura •bould be dealt with like tber do in German7 - Put

· them Ul) •rain at a · Arb;a& aqaad, · and hold theft. trial later.

{Jln.) Helen Blaz~•·

Vivat (Vee-VAHI) .

We aint ID ben about t:hi1 here 1econd front until we can clote tb• ·· b-ack door ·in Ltbia. Alnt no uae •·•endln' oar bo.n to open another door when we got

BNrktr (lift S'lqt · · already aot ono ~t we- 'Ciltli't

===i~~~~!=~Z'l;·~==J~do notbfn' with, - Cuckoo Com• •

.. 0. b · EN.. · · · . · tl .. . ·11r. and llra. W. a. Hendren

F u. R T - 4-room ..aou•• Ft. Stanton enco.untered a· le•

11· in Capit•n.-Apply at Ptthm'•· v~i'e . hailito!m on th• lndrari ( . N OTI OE · . _ D1vfde locabt!....~ il Tueada.y.


V..,'l .... ~ • tie, el iii. G•l..,•t ·Het.f • • , tM fr>tttly, C&lll)t"* ' tlmG..,._ 1 • , tl.t c:-ferf of re-t ..Mmafl4oftflt~e1Jj..Ut~k>bby.


M/lllOomJlJI/tltJJIII/t. +}SO 1111J t2 . ......_...

R .• . epattJng



Phone No. 24

Office . . When you have a n • w •

lt~tn for pqblicatfon. '

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.. II' •• •

· <. . N~vtlltles...:..Magazlnfi--.Scenlo. Po•tc•rds · , " ··•'-·~----·..: _ <liG_A{-tS and Cl~ARETTE.S. 0Ll' ALL 'KlNDS · 11

·· , SILK HOSliDJ.tY .tor LAlliE'S &llEbr·-·-,.-- - ~. ... · ·.•. . f;l,RESOfUPTIONS C•refully QoJDpounded . o ..

---,-~----~~---:-·-·-···-:--~-.----~. ----- ----.-::~ - : .. ___ -____ , ___ - - \ ------------------· ·----.... ___ ..:_ __

' . . ' . ..

.·. Rolland'• Drug ·store. · · · · · ·· O•rrizo~ci. N. P&: ~ ·· ~ · · ,'


L o· D G E I TO ROU'S·E FLOW · --~CA-RR-iz-oz_o_L-oD_G_IIl -:N-o.-· ·-41-- • . 0 F · ·L~VER · il LE .

Carrizozo •. New Mexico, 'Cht•a bllttk of JCI'Uiebft kltt tOIIllbt. JliUt &ll bour before bnralltut, tali:• •• muell " F & A 11f u wlllll' on a dlml II\ a 11au ot water (bot

0 • · I " 0' . .1>. ' · 01' told) 01' In Yolll' IIIOI'Illlll CliP of ter. Ol' Rei(Qin lleot.hlKI! t~J40 c:ortM all4 Jr;etp thla up tor·30 day1. XrUit'htn

tali:tn 11).11 WI¥ bel~ reUtVI IUcll ii)'IIIP\01111 SI!CODd . W e.dnefdll)' aa l!ltk •eadacllu, baw•l JIVJstfliM• an4

l E • a()o(all«d b1Uou11 tnd!Jl!J(IOQ w•" •ae te a.. o acb · . ...,.ekJ\$ lew et lllle If\.-. tile aall;bJMiler,

· •• tb YOU ('1111 lel KruadltD a fiiiiOUI J:n&lllll 1 · .•OD tomma made 111 the u, 11. A.,. at··•nl! drtll

~ ltOfe, Y'CllllllUI\ bt AtfAtled 01' JQOJIIJ' bl(ll, • •

Anderson, W 1 M. R. E~Lemon.Secyl


Carrh:ozo, Netw llexico, . .

R•uua • .aa M•KTINO · : l<'lnt 11aeb ·

vi ted.­Mattle Kelley, W. M.

· · Jeanette Lemori,Sec~y · 0

· •·•

- -~""""·="<~ --"""'== . . .

. 0ABKJZOZO LOUGIIlNO.UO,l.O. 0. J• Carrlluzo • .Naw JJexico.

Alarv.ln Burton Noble Grand

· Glenn Dorsett · . Secty.

, ttesrul&r meetlnge eYerJ 'l'ue•· day night .


-lJOUOiil . ' . NUJlBJClllD

t.o.o. F.

Meetl ftrat and &l!Jrd Saturd•ya or tach rnontb,

Mamie Grel11en, N. Grand . Birdie Walker~ Secretary CarrJ~o~o • New Mexico

• Carrizo~o ANembJy No. 'I

Order of ltainbow for Girls •


Worthy ... Advl1or-

Charlene Paae

Latest Model RCA Victor Radios

'• .uo="""""'""'" . >=-""""""-'-~ . =--='<~---

Arthur Cort~z. Stm Patricio

•• ,. . .

. SpeclaLSummer Tultto'n CJmpbell 4-cademY of ; Beauty

Culture. RQtwelf. · N. M. See the ·•crullook t•ffiee. ·

For Rent Two· room Houee; ll'urnlahl!d.

- Inquire at Pr•bm'e Oepart• tnent Store. o ·

· For Sale 'fhree·room cabin and 20 1erea

ot good eoil in NoJCftl Canyon.· Io'or a Bargain on CJUlck sale, see Attorney John E. Hall. 4t

------~------------• Wanted


WOMAN'S · ·CLUB· Recorder- J•cqtJelfne Dixon .. __ Mother Adyl~ar-lln, Ndra The- Woman'• Club nf C•rrl•

. 0



. , t Phfppa zozo 11 aponaorlna a aeri.. of Meetlnra-2nd•&4lhTburaday~ ~ourlei inltome-Nuntng 1 n r-~-1

.[.~irat Aid. 'l' b e counee wm •

bl!gin not later than Sept. 1. ~ _ .. ~ _ Anyone whether a member of

the club or not, mRJ enliat in thue courau. · ThotD Jnteretted may call Mn. W. A. Nfcholat. Preaident. of tilt Woman'• Club · ol Carrizozo. •

.. ----- --- ~ ---.-------- ---- -- __ .,..._



DependabW'Exprela Servic~ to Car­·rizozo from EI.Paso & Alamorordo . .

" ~-.3. Times Weekly-• •

•• J. A. O'KELLY, Agt. ·El.Pa1o

'.• Guaranteed Repairing ·on all make! of Cars I

. ·c • .• -• Washing···· · • Grea&ing· · .. ·· . . - . . .

Product•; .

Gas&· Oils· . Liuc;oln County Motort •. lnc •. "

CLl~t ZUMWAUl' ·· .. 1- ,,._,,- ' ,_..r, .... ',•-- •... --,-.- -··~..-""" ~ , .. ,_ -· .,.._ -~_, .. _,_, -=• ,-- -~~ c·- ·.P-hon~¥. ... ··

' •


.. Lfettaod T••tlna ·.a 'AdJu•tma Stattou S:tcood fttiod Stlck•tt" art DOW du.. . . .

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. SUP PO$ I'll wo could uPt em a base-. .b!ill carnival that Included_

· .YounJ, Ty Cobb, Nap- · Speakert Joe JacJc.&on, w.a JJht·l Babe Ruth, George Sillier, Roger• Homtby arid Han• Wagner. It would be aomethlns to Jook at-espee'-l!y for those who ciu•ry m•~m~m.·ricll-.Ctfll other ba~Jeball dnya,

Or suppose you could put on a ·~ rleJ of fi&hf.l fJud knew 1mch nama

as Jim Corbett, 'Bob ·. Fitzsimmons, John Lawrence SuJlivan, · Jim Jeffries, · Jack Dempsey. Gene Tun· ney and Joe Louis. That, al!;o, would be something to see.

. . •

• • I

.II I I '-. ~ . ·_

. ' oil

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... : '" .. ··_,·_· .. " -~"

. : .• ' . ' . •,.' .... " . . '. ' c .

' ·'' ' . ;·.·' .. ,._· .. · "·- -.' ,- ·,-:.,. ·: .. :·; . . . . ' . -: .

' - " .

I. . .

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PlliV4!J'El PURKEY JN t.OVE ··· . ANDW~


~u Ma-·· .. · Tht\H i$ iult roucb *Q ,y;J.'ite al>Out

· and · &mlmw ~ven 1t thetti WIUt .Ul.., t® 11ara' wOC>4 · ·

· llat ctw m!:t Ume: · · . ~tv.lut;l:\ . ta . Yal\\\ . abQut \l. .l· ..m· · · well . lU\~· teol . • $U\'n&~ \ban~ !lY...

et' witch ~es · · · ·~n~ i>.i\ a.~nt ot . :.. . .::::iL . ' it l ..U\l. ha.U a.s · . f-PUehc~o.rk when 1 wu in Oif~ 1 ~~ ·~ a t\w~~l wr~:clc ~ ~ll. l -~ U. •v.st M . . ll . t: cV:S. • ~ wtu,b uUcl C!l . : 1a ._ .... .,. P."ftlq: lt ~·t clo

ln a way,·· nfter this fashion, the llale America open goU show in Chlcngo, tor war fund purposes,

·~ ~'· M ~- t. ~~.- .... 'Q QlOWS . 'I;M ·~ "' • ~-.-~ Lt tao cot . . . . . :·nut...... . .

. .· Ca~da'• new moaqldto·boats are b!Jif at Ulelr .fob keeplllf · ~onyo)'• eafo fJ:'oP'l su1uztarbles bt '" st. t...• '!) • • • •

OeDO Tunn~y was the closcot ap-proach anyone could

make along the hnes of past and prcscrtt \ atordom JNhen it comes to a mattl'r of past color and akill,

r,et~eo river., Tile aub-ebaser~, which are tlt.e Canadian. naV:x's ver.sl!DJ1 ot the u •. S,. •1mos~t. t,~oat."" ue c-~J'Id ;: t $.~ ~~tN ~ d~n~red war on Falrmiles. Theyal'e 100 teet long, fast, and capable of cl'n;rin&' a record volume of depOt h•ks. ~ Ilk:- .: ~~ ~!t'~~ aQ.t~Si B'.illg11da, R.OO.

tare at the left t.wo husky crewmen· are «iven ·the tlckJJslt jolJ .or loadinr a . depth daarC'e oa a ""J!i'.h•Ut· "i ll".~~~ -.~ ~t~:.:.~•ui.~. When lt flrst Ceuter: '!'7ph:al, Fre~:~ch..Canadlan, sallpra enlisted ill tbe Royal Cauadian na\71 operate a •Uaku flrul WI , l!'f.";..~t~ ~"~ ~ ralful tbat v.-e de­

. nc:ortlrl.r de11troyus, RlrJJt: One hundred feet of .w.ater f~oria the St. Lawrenc:e cuc:ades iabt tH air :u · cl1Nd 'ilU ~ ~'N~ $\:lte.s extra it • depU. bomb bht~b tbe 41Sub" b~lpw, t . ' \1. . ·. • I • . ,;SJtrt ~ t'ltM [!\~an -~n\ arwe

hooked up wtU1 ·modern ability to wreck pnr. n •

-··"··~ ·~-·-- ... · · · "··==-c~·---·"·.,.. · . - ' ;i ...,.'$ ~~ et~W'..C so. nla~ staie~ Turning Bark tiro Clock Pu~hlng · Against Axis in' the. Pacific · ~b\~~~~~:~ ~~~~ ~~ite~

Wbc:n It eomu to turnJnr back tbe . \us oo.lly 'B'~ri~ R®mlltiia and c:loc:k In Chlc:aco's roll entcmble we First photos to come out of . ,,_,..,. .. ...,_""""' ~ H'Oi:"..ti&JU l ~~~t i:~e.r. 1 cot no ean 1lvc

1011 Chick Evan•, an ex- tile ·new air baJ!e In New .


~...s m ~·e ct them •nd the caddie from the Edrewater o. c. GJJinea trom wble-. U, S'. antl . 11 II!.+~ lt~f'~Tt3.Ul t knew pl;eyed in a In Chlcaro, who wu a tdar 10uer AJJJed flier• are strtkinn at JatJ · :' ~eslr.l 'flrlkh "''"s pretty bad. Ev· 35 yean aro-and who li atlll roOd. bases;, IUrht~ Two 1lier,a .stand HJ~ is ia 1M wu DOW so a (ew

We could give you Fr1Wcia .Oui· beneath the bom.b bay of aU, S. de ·..t mue 1t0 dH(ereace- I

~~~·~-::~~~"::·:,~71~~t~~~~~~bo~~m~b~er~·somewlaen~ ·in New &HS. ngc of 20, turrwd back Harry· Var­don ontl "I'c•d Ray 29 years ago at Drooltlinr lri Maonacl•uocUa - And he 111 otJII good

en; Left: American pilots and crew..pu,b a B-Zli.Jrom tbJLl'll_ll.-. way to make room for other plalle. to take off: 1, ~ ·,- ..__

-t· .... -- -


Or w" "an g/ve you Walter tfft!Jlcn who Ulrcatenc4 at Rrookllnc 1Jll913, and rome olon•l w win the U. S Opt>n 111 1!114 at Midlothian, ChiC'ago

Or Bobby Jones wh•· atarred at l !llcrllln In l!Jlll, only Zi yeau..aco .. H·-· . -· _. _ .. _ at the •re of 14. .

Or Gl'nc SrJtnzC?n, who nt the 8f~Cl of 20, won U1c U. S. Open nt Skokie, onnthu c;tucnao courcc, In 1!122=-a nwrc In pnc of 20 years.

And don't think that Jonen and Sarrucil t·an't break '10 today.

ua,en, Jonea and Sarazen to1db· er have won aomcthlnr like 31 na• tlonal and lnternaUonal cbamploit· ahlpe. Jonea an4 -flarcn han been the two rreat 10Uera of all Umes. and when It come• t. tbe eend•bt4 elleck·&IP Qf sklU and coler Rarazn lan't far away. llarry Varda Jt.ad hit 11111 abare ol akiiJ, bll& not tho c:olor that rota with the Uareo we bave named,

'· j"

' )

' . ~:;;:_ ---- ~ --

. .

~·= ··=-~-----==--===·-. ~~~··--Tlw lllodern Gro"p

No one could expect Cobb, Ruth, Spraker, Young, Lnjole, Slslt!r o.r Hornsby to compete~ with the pres­""' day crop--Ted Williams, Joe Gordon, Dobby Doerr, Joe DiMa1- · glo, P<"to Rl'lscr, Terry Moore, and

Chemical \V arfare Demonstration Gains Freedom

othora. So no one could expect JonC!I, Ita•

r,en, S:ltoun aj)d other old·llinel'll to' match ccorlnl . . owlni!B wHh U'1ron · · · Nt'laon, Bm lloaun, Samrny · Snead or Craig Wood.

• •

• •••

• -~---~-~~ .. -~--------·- ··-----,

' .

1 , . .....___. -

... ·., - ~ 1' ..

• • #'~ ·.

.. •••• Gosh, mom, I gcss you and POP

take more orders right now in 1l day than I get In the army. in a week. All people In cl\rilyun life have got on me: iJ that they don't have to peel potatoes. The radio keeps talking about eeiUng troublea baQk home and I still liope nothfug hns happened to your ceiling yet, although you did not o.nswer my last letter about it. ·

I are au J!xecl oa

·arc. hulnr tJ:a«~m• Mooaey 1&)'1 I l$eed aot worry about bavmr Utem •• I bad them whea I was a ho)'.

• • •

. -. r


' . I. . I - ; ~

CLINtc· •,.·· - ' ·- ' . .

. -~- ... ---- .. ~·--·-·-· '" -' " . '' . . ------~-.---···-\

, FEED. . .. • .

'J. .., • ··PCJtru:k· D~scovered No

' '

IJ-I~trm.uring of the Crowd . .

J?~trlck wen,t .t() ~ fune~al home to . pay his last respects to a b1,1Si­ness acquain,tance, who had buen a grasping fdlow. The funeral­servlce was an imPOsing ·one, and Pat sat :DPtiently lthrpugh it. · And ·when it. was . over .he approached one of the mourners and inguirCd: uwhat did he die of'l" . .

•01He died ot a Tuesday," was· · the reply of the mourner,

••l{o, no," . 'ilaid · Pat, ~'I don't mean when lie died. I mean what was the complamt?u.

With. that the lJlOumer's · eyes lighted up. "Qh, r see what you mean. Well, to tell the truth, there was no complaint. Everybody is satisfied.'' •


. Jobti BeiU!et~ il in mY outfit and · Llshl Altraets Oak he.is alway• good for a iaugh. Re EvldcnUy, tbn oak aeedling bu





But thb la ou out• ltandhll feature or roU. Tbe ohHimera,

· Iaerc! lin-a· UfC:ife-·iU wlll pi&J hflcta aDd ebotl a• 1lrllllaatl1 •• U1 Nei.HII, Do.

t+lFgreater-i;JhotohopiC"'""'"teactiOD' dun • - n •

+t:hl\llr-fll11Y -other plant • .It will -deft-

,.. at !Ilea• en w· ··- .. JrMWCO. I ·wr nlltta They no longn have the pbyalcal

or tho eonccnlmtlvc atnmlna to hOOk up ohot after ahot throuah 72 bolea. Tbls means a t.wclve or a tQurtetn· bnur grind, where there fa no lekl.p

·.on nerve preoau;e=wheret only thote who have 'lmUl&d from <:out to coast, week after week throta&h rnant montlu, nrc well enoU&h uuoned. .to. go the route. nut the•e old·tlmtu aUU can play all the abota any ot -· ~-.J>Ja......,...!.· the modem crop can 'l)toduc(!.. . ·- ·

'l'lle Mil tr .. ltJ.e t. tu& . A hrrac• et U eltelfa ~ If .. hom ''Llttru~ ,n,teeto'ra'' ttarlltr tile eaa'l Uak «lene teceUlu. 1trekt an- atMJ'• .ohlahal wartara d01aO*ttatfoa at Ed••w.Hct•r~elial,. Mar,laJHL er ... »le lla. TIM ~·Jet.n · lliiOcl ioJitnw dntrucatlte dl4!mfcala •«&last the eaeJ:Il1•

~----~liM!~ ~==-r~• ••*• · · · taotemel:lb. Most In tile forearOime! are

• ~:.::liLa ........ ~. ., ..........

••• 4tai .-..... u.. .,.... so n woulc1 bt toollab to e~t

. M7 member from the Old Guatd to keep on the beet. ot a Net.On. 1J.Q.. ••n or Snead, to mention. on!)' thm members from the m®em 1n>Up.

Jone• a~,nd Saruten miJht-l.n u la.t\ole ~at. llu.' Mt twet the 7:&rl . holt rou\t, where eon:c:.-nttatton aDd nervtt btcln to dlaln\Qtatt aM U.U •part, ~· the olcl Uf«• tadtt out­IIi()\ · crv«rloOklnl' a UtUi mat&.r tnoMl u ,_ou~petJUYl nuua.

J'Qr •II that. . tht ~ttm bana em · iM IOn;eat. 'l'biY .UU tlut tuck around Whtn. the othtl'f tit mtrel7 rec:otdl ®Yertd with clWtt •

.4 Ftutfr Pace . . .. 1,Vrt ... .., .. ··••&IQ .. htt

Ot.t •tfmr.Wm M'tt Itt •at•tt-. . '. '... . ..... Q. thO. .w..u..,._ ............ .

. · · . .· .·. ·. flt-.lr c••• ~ • .,. ataatat6ttl ,;. · . -- ·•••·• ,c~•~r.:7ttr!!*'YJ'Ot'lMI·1--·· . . . ~· . :

..• " t.''

Jli.all tUU 'tblnlc Ult1 lt~ t.ht 'Ya• $1, of· :abtU. OW·~rt coul4 ~ -~ .btl« ... ~-..,

• 0, ••

.~IW cit thl ..... ~W"1IIMOM. =~

,• ..

:.· ~r~_.,......:;;~#-e-~~r~...,.,~~t=•.,.. ·...--~....,.....,.. ____ _...._

Yankee . T$Dks in Northern Ireland

• . '·

• • • •

Cools His Heels

.· i .........

lt~>lv· bend toward the light of a . held wJibbi ihree !eel Qf it

. eight secondS.

nssssJsisfsss$i!l Wq Can All Be

. . • •




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Karl was dreaae4 in white. In ap. pearance and manner he waa 'as 8Dlooth and impeccable as always. But ·the same qualities that once charmed Joali' now di!S~ted her u aile asked coldly, "Where Ia PJult" -

11Do )IOU ~xpect me to tell you?" Karl parried. · .

Where wu Paul? Thh subject belcl her interest most. She d.!lre<i .

her ·without nmn.

• • •

. . •


'· • •

feet! on so qulcldf.. I way back crowded· into Joan'•

. !

• • •

' - ' - ' .

• . ' ' J

... ' ~ - ' ...,. ' . .

' .. I '

: ·~· " "

. . . . . . . !..


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. . . " . . . r . . J. .. . . '

. '

• .- llewlaa CfrcJ• :nQec!f~,aJt llept. -

· · ~1·'4'•11a, a-. ~ ~lsc:a1 flallf, . • ltncloM 1G c•~~~~~~~~ 011e ~11\' to oov~ co-* Of I. m _ ) for' P•t~ma

·:No •• ~.·.~ ••••• ,..,,.

~-"''·""'', ••• '!'Itt ........ " •••••••• ~ •• ·~·-tadd.rtsi~ ~.~'!I ·• ...... ' ..................... .

Use True Sol~ Tune . . .

. . - • r .

• •

M,Ullon.ll _of peopl~~ particularly t}le Mohammedans, $till use true solar time inste\ld of niean aolat

· time, . .and consequently, their . clcx:.ks .Qnd watches ar~ correct, Of agree with stnn,dar,ll. ttint, on only -four days ot Ule year-Ap:\'il 15, June 14, September l and Decen\­ber 241 .says Collier' a, ~he max!~ mum difference- between them ()Coo

curs· on November 2: when lt amounts t<l .16 minute• and 21 set--onds, ·

· But the day p~,aed, the night, the DClXt day, and atill lhe llad not seen him. And the next morninl as she .. w Karl coming on deck, abe de-

that. Paul is nfcly out .of w11y llmllll cabin. 'J'homaa .Wed by the But before spenkinl or thnt, let TliE hnt'a n darling in two col· Avoid Disputes ~ that the fie is nothing to interfere door listening. "J fCUeP Karl won~t · Ul observct bow- -be- and hia brother · .or~ and--thcr.e'.s. .a. .bii .roomy In privnlc life l.rulYer lmcw .nny. _u

with our friendship.'' · · come on/deck on a ni&ht like thiJ," di1fered in their inter~ts !llld per- pu.rse, too-nll·crochcted in p.Un· one in~rft>rc with other people'•



manded, ''Wha.t have you done with Paul? I want to ·•ee him." ·

Paul'• hands clinched on the nrJJll he said. · - aonalltlca. It Ja a surprising thing blc Btrnw yarn I T~rn theoe O'Ut in disputes, but thabhc ·heartily reo •, of his. chair. but he ~aid nothing. ..There' a nothing to .do now b\1~ how completely ditr~rent two sona a twinkling! · pentl'd of it.-Lord Carliole.

"All tJ_gbt," Karl a1rClcd surprJa· !n&lY• "lie aummoned a aailo~ and

Joan Wlderstood then that it wa1 wait foF morning,•• Paul&ald, •'And in. the snmc famUr can be. ~·=---------'-' --!:.-------------better to pacify Karl than to nnfago- I want you to &ct some aleep, Joan.'' .Abel chose the work of n shep. · •

a_poke to blm in German. A tew minutei later Pnul ap.

pearcd. liil coat and tie were ~~tone and bfa ahlrt waa open at the throat. lie looked tired. ·

Karl spoke rapldly in German. then suddenly turned on bll heel and walked away.

"Oh P~ull" Jolin aasped. ..Are :rou an rl&btT'"

"I'm fine," Paul aaid crlmly. · 4'Karl'1 just been trylllz to persuade me to join biJI little group. Both of u, tor that matter. He think• we~d be valuable to hlm in hia IPJlnt business ...

'l'hen be glanced at her with a 1tnile. "You sound almost. u U you care:• · ••x do,•• Joan aald; And auddcnly abe realized that abe did care. That abe cared tcrrlbl)t what happeneJi 1o Paul O'MW!ey.

Fi1Je more daya passed u the weather became increasingly un­comfortable.

"We're probably off the coast of Mexico."' Paul •aid aa be alood at 1he rail into the- vut · ex· ))aJ:ue of blue and water.

nlze him further. He put bia arm• tenderly about her herd, much honored in the e'<lrly He: llanci grasped PaLJl'JI tight!)' 1houlder1. .,Will you try, honeyf history of man. C•ln became a till•

Karl disappeared aroWl!l the corner · Thoma-.· and 1 will bts-rJabt' in the er :qt -thee soU, which with- the paa­of the deck. "Is he bluffing?" abe next cabin. Knock on the :wall it )'OU ange of tJme has come to. be more whlapered. need me." ·. · lmportal'lt than tb& other.

Wid.....,ued, Jon .. tau aw~•-e liaten• They also had a ditrcrent vlew· "0! coutsc ho is," Paul replied ... -... , """ ' ,... big to tho thunder and the wUd hlaa point on worshlp. Cain was a reo «lmly. ,.It would be easier to cct of water u it ftood_ ed the deck. """e lleioua man, He appntenUy wns rid of me tntirely than to put me ••• tli "- 1 h on another boat. 1 wouldn't be any aemitlvo ship aeemed like another e .ou.ot to worsh p, but e came in aoet to Karl on a aubmarlne.'' human beini u lt fOUiht ita valiant the splrit of one who rctognlzcd ·God

'battle agalnJt the storm. Creaking only as his Creator, t11c One worthy • • • Joan .slept little that night. The

alUp began to roll and lhuddcr a.J .it met th!l seas that increnscd as the night went on. -A aharp wind swept the! deck. Black clouds raced acroo the moon and the sea aplasbcd Jnd hi!lsed as it lnnhed over the prow.

Paul'• tlna:er tapped on the wall. ..roan moved closer to the thin board• thai separated them and called, "What il Ut.. · ·

She did Jl.Ot understand his reply but realhed 1hat his door was being unloclced. Prcsen~ Paul'• bead appeared in

her door. "Thomas ia here and · knows where those We're to them,'

and croanlng. it pitted ill atrcOJth of his bomace. Abel came also wit11 acailllt the double blowa of wind a gl!t, . but hia attitude , was quite and wave. di11crent. Ills offering apoko of sac:.

• • • · riflce, the need of a covering for 1\n Dawn. The sea hnd subsided out (d. Gen. 3:21). It was more -than

rain 1UO fell from clouded aklca .llomllgc, it waa 11 plea for forcive­into the a:ray water. OutJiide TbQm• ness. u hnd reappeared at bia po~t and Tho Lord's 'cccptunce of Abel's paced the wet deck with measured sac:tillec madq Cnln angry (v. G). tread, b1l shW'p eyes acarcbing the Here again M differed from Abel, aeaJ. It was seven o•e1oc1c when Paul far U1erc was no angry tcsponcc en and Joan finally went to Ute his part. Abel hnd rccognilcd God'lt amnU Jounte which served u a din• desire in worship. Cnln not only inlit 1'00m, qnd Thomas brought their faUcd to .do so, but rejected· God's brcaldast. instruction and His plea (vv. 6, '1).

41My ncwsT" Paul asked as Jealotll)' led to angel'. and a~~ger 'l'hOlnQ pouted tho coffee. (as it •o often dOt!s) led to

.. Karl ia with the eaptaln," U1e n. Muder cvv. a, 9). · 1aUor reported. "They've · Inatcad of and c:orrec·

aald in a low "1 have some- captllill arc or the ol tend to thin& to tell you. Do )'OU know lng IJ'h,,..,. won't bother o. Paul rose. "Do you think J'OU can ot mUl'der as a crime whJcb a -.hich .sailor .II called 'l'homaa1" "Take me with you. PleueJ l'm keep Karl occupied in the captuin'J d~ratcly wicked man would com·

ul think ao. . The one who bringa afraid.'' quarlera tor a few minutesT l'm &o,. mit. we hardly think oi the "re-our meat..'• ·Paul hesitated, then aald,, "AU ing to the radJo room.'' · 1pectable" little sin of enuv as be-

''Rl&ht. lt ac:e.ms Karl bu some- right. Maybe it would be better." "I'll try. But the rad.lo operator in th t 1 ., 1hlnl on him, forced him into serv• On deck, .roe had. to ellilg w Paul 11 • -tough lilY· Doelll't speak a I e roo o murder, but it It,


• • f(J/ul!~

"''"'" ·~·· '''" ....... -~~· ~· ............



theY staY ,._..;~ - ' --...._

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Jeer 0u this ship - blackmail. He'a to preve t th -lnd ~- :. word EnaJiah •ithe· r. He'll ........ Clfttn and IOmetimea very qulc:kly. ~'-~·~·!=~,~tcJ~:Itelv"'1!.'7.,.~~lrl~~tinle~t:~~ n e .. .uOni aweePwl • -- "' ...... .Aetu·"u th"'re •- no lltUe aln, tor "-off -bet" feet. ~ Th~ -deckl~rer;~7~11J.,~igbil..(ltV.eJ~:L " . _.. &JJ, " ,.

-- -- ---· .. . ·~ .. .U~lpel':f.. - from thn .apr.ay and- ·amiled •• "l don,•t thblk ao."+ft-ltiJnr-"tl!nfua·-of,--aitr-to--grcw.4o-•'Wbat timet .. Joan asked, feel- waves t'Oie like blAck .Uqufd moun· "Be carMul .. Joan know· to 10. -&lei} byatC!p, yes,


a..~ "'JU. · ddenl"' chiDed in -lte or the tain1 As th•v pr""' "'d d ti '" .. that to -~'* • · often by ltapa and bounds, to Ill ~pica! aun'. - •.r • "' .... e.. e «U ou.- .uJ& ....... or an horrible trulUon,. "The heart 15 de-..... b', Joan dared not look out into woUld be tm!Ieu. itful bo all th-ln · d - "If eveeythlna goca aa I expect, the_ .night. It wu "iof.al lllacmta, . Paul bent' down to ki3 bU. "Dcn't ee -• n 11• and es~r-

i& ahould 11e within two or three and akY and water aeemed blended worrr. dear. t bow what I'm do- atel,y wicked: ~ who can lmow itt" · days." into one evil force from which ~me inl• l'U be- back 1100n.'' (Jer. 17:SI) •. Wh7 trust it? -

.. You stili don't> know how Karl th h ling _._.. d Wh. · b-- b d Th- .. The deceitfulnesa _<lf Cain'• heart e ow wwu an •pray. en e a 1one omas paustu .11 shown...,. tbe ullo"- evaai·•en••• plans id aet rJd Of·1hose papera!" At Jut Thomas unlocked a door in the doorwa)'. '"He ahould be more "'' ... y ....

••Submarine.'' Paul 11Id bridl,y. and crossed the roo'm. "They're in carefuL He doean•t even carry a ol bia reply to God coocemin1 his "Tbomu tells me we•re to ~ntact here,"' be whispered, fndicatlnc a tunl'' murdered brother. Hta ain broU&ht J& wlthln the nut twenty-fout amall wall ~afe. "1 lmow how to ''Karl took bia tun away, and if God'• question. It always doe•. Do Jloura," opell it." he had another Karl would find it... not auume that 1ou can hide trom · - -'"'lbete'l ._ _ ring around the He banded the papc!ra to PauL Tbomu came cloaer. "But if ycu Him. It hu been muested 'that 111000," Paul ~rved. 11We•te go,. 11Jlo u wbaf you like with themf 1 bad a gun, Karl wouldn't .uapect.'' committing lin iJJ like touchlnl a fat io have 110me bAd weather.'' ,. hate Karl MUlert" In the &low ol "What do you meanT" Joan whis- burdar alartn-the bell rin&•, llld -..... M_.~...... -·~d be be .. "'r than .~.. .. fta·'"llgbt '-'- 1 g1 d pe· red one muat answer for hill act. c.uv ..._.. "...... ,.., '"" ..._. UJa eye eame , • . n• - 1 b • this.•• Closing her eye. againat the · Paul rapidly J<lrted Ulem. Thomas touched hii J)OCkeL . "1 . ruu my rother 1 keeper?" It heat, .TOilll leaned her bead ajainlt - .. What are you going to do then?" have one here, l've hail it lor the the perfect exprwlon of the etnah the ehair. Joan asked. . . last but doean't ·do any Hand indilter~ln-nt attitude of the world.

· "l'm to thrun-th·... If ~ ... <~"'r·. W'hlll ~ gs are u . . • . ~~~"'1* :az::~~~~""~ 1!.M~~~~thtOt<J.e~ .. to~-.. ~be~-~~~+_J

Color 110oded bet cheeks. · able to 00 ••.roan,"' ~ said simply; "'don't "We ahould meet the wbmarlne handy.'' example: Juat · make men

-lOU know I'm. in love With you?" tomorrow," Thomas said, took.itig Joan was thirtking rapidly, not of are willing to destroy a•fellow man · Beuet and joy ftooded her beart. tearlully over his ahoulder. "But heraell but Paul. It would be a With lnw.xlc,.tlng liquor. or break l'atigut fell Uke a mask ftom her with thia weather we rnay. be oft safeguard tor both of them. "Give down hit decency and morality by )ount tace. . our courae.'' it to me then," she told Thoma$, Mllltig him Jndecertt boob or maca·

. "I've been 1n lo.ve With you evet Paul aeated' himself at the amall He hi.llded it to bet and s~ put it ~!11ur' d. •r '--v'-"' t~•-·n· o·n· o• ''th1 . adnce the 4rat datluw you," Paul wooden table and handed a flashlight in her pqdtet. - " u. w. ..... ... A

'!Cbt pd; Jn Ilk EJUI~; voice, "But to Thomas. "Hold it as steady as .,0:~~ooa_· ____ l,uek ___ I" he aaid iltld was- I:'go {l~e-i._· ~!Jbid that the remaln• there wu Karl:• • • . ··. ·- - poasible,'' he. ~rdet:ed. -_From -bla- • ..... - . ~-·

••Ob dadillg, that wasn't real. 1 pocket be drew a small botUe, a Joan dht not tell P~ul about the m lll. A "Vila'Hit (w. 10-15). didn!t Jove Karl.. l ju.t thought I bruali, ~il and ink. - · ,un. She wu afraid he would not Judgntent for sin made Cahi • did._ You inuat believe that. Paull" , "What- he. you doing?.. Joan want he.- to have the ra~tbillty. wanderer __ and . • .tugltlve. Nevet

• __ · "Of c:ourH .1 beUeve it, hol!ey,U uked, watchlnl th' crot.e~ue shad• She remembered the Ia•t occ'aaion would be be able to eel away ftotn f lite aakl. "lf l cUd1lJ:r. d4 you think owa C",alt od ihe wall u Paul's ftn· 1M had held ;a IUi1 ·in her wd. the cry Of. bfa. brother's. blood (v, " ret. be ~un1 )'OU 7 We· O'J.tal.. gers m. oved defUy ovet the .. _a nat. The time Karl ahot Eric and made 10), · No woader 1M 1ald be ccMd not

JeJ•· are. Uli1 people.'' . "When J -get tJtroulh 'fli_·:;. ... these IH!r pick up 1he &Wi to have her In· bear'1ft. But n_ ofk'e that btl,_ wal She aiDllec1 fD the darJmeu. plan. .they wcm1t· know whetlter it"a crimlnatinl_ ftntetllrinta on it. . bOt ont ol repenU~If or cohttltlon,1

. _ ''lf we e'W'e:t pt out of UU.· m~ ,,. a bombing pla:ne or a waahing rna• "Why so· qUiet1~' Paul t"-.'-ed. bUt only Of .. Uar, of tetribution. -Paul,contb:lued ierkitWy. •;willt~ ~... . . Abiso,tbt!d,_ she bad not bear'ci'btm .5() GCXI .tlbfn mercy~ fotbldd.l'nj _ . m&tr7 me?lt'i ~ an eav lite, you Once Thomaa opened the .. door· to · return. the Judifitil\t. -~ mtn :~ . Cain. ~ • .1~. l'an JOtle. eteat deal . . ··. but onlf the vilnd greeted She . .miled •. "'lt'6tbmt, darllnt. \l'e'nll!ancii b.lont• to aoa, i.lld in

' . "-' and IUY ~·· di.IIJel'OU$. l hiwn't blawiJll __ • aalt •pray into Juat thinking... this ftffl. mutd•r ltt teH!rted Jude·

· . , - muclf·to dl'-et!' • .. ~ .. · . • . • · - .an4 .book bft:bead. ''A.bwi m~. 1 UQU/' · · . m;nt to HtmHlf. ~ttt He put upon --- .- ·~,." ~'-···~·""~-t~!Y®.ht:tt-.~~1.~a~" -Joail..., u · a bad one'' be- He. drew her illto his ... -.. .. a·lld· 111_ m 1M ~···11*- .ot ~Qd..t .. ..--- *WttftMI1tl1tda_ ii.--...,.·N.n.-v:_ ·

· IUtitd him ... Ail.d P&UJ.w&"Yi 1ot tO 'his~ ~der lftueo w. -~·I·l!Wr:roui~Jrrot•~ · W1d ~_~:,m"'utdlr bl d:;i~ · M•••~~••.c..;~~·k._ . tt~~illl·~· Tbue'ttomueb door-to clOR lt. LJ~ telt .u thc)UJb hs. ~ J;Jtillt. ~~ ·~1&~but ~t Hf»UUl'- pro-- f.wetlte cfj•r•tt• •• c·•···

" . • • .. - -_ bll work and reo • m5" wall betftm n.t and .. t.~ .... it. I "' -"'·· -lCatl'a ~ broke. thtou&h the . . the carefully_ in the 0:1 the worJd. .. . . Wit ... y~ to .bt. futitlVit, Witb' no i'tll Cl•••••lldual ...........

' •ial&bt. 44What. a -~ lltt.W ~ _ Joe_. _ wu ..,,,...riNd__ . · .. ~~ee · ''l'lll .·a1.i_ · l'a_l let. · · · · .,.....,et .... ·v·e. .... •bldlnt. plate OQ ftrth_,. llSd tvt""' ·· ·- · - -~~~~--_ .• !;.J: __ ~~-•-•_ d_ ~t!J. i14 ~ * .. ··. Jnut_--·. put tbe otbetP:pett ~ci- ln. · · llle/' - -~. ':li•u j;; man~a bt¥ •Pind him, ,wu ;; .. _ llihdbchat'lt"'Se~et.C.•' - _ _trlsactin tacloP*'· _ . a_ lot_ . - _J •-,_,, .c&etd • hi•. ¥Y _ ·punJIIUn_ .. .m_r.~·.:· .. ()o_ e •w•e.~p'•.

• Jaru M nw~• ~-~•- bitk) ~bly jl)q 1o. . wbfte or~ •. eota1d .~.- .. 1rithd. that n. -ha<J• ..... St•r•~ _. Ct1ti . . - ., ...... ~ - . «iptlmed • .. .....". .,..,, btOutht. .. ~, ~ t~ did- JlOt... . . "' . _, ,_

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. L~ng Green, . . . . u$J ,,ET Mil," •.N ~~,L. YQu." _(:(?OJ<INP ~

_c_h...;.il;,..i _. _"_. __ ._._J_b ...... _3o_c_· _ 1 . aC:~~R~::t · ·: · .. · lb. 23c . ' . '

. . Lady Baltimore · ·a·.: · · 2 'lbs· 1 5c· 1 .·· "· .. so· .. r· t .. ·.·d · ' ·~nanas ...•. : .· . ,. · ,.a.p ...

.. · 1':~:a.~:~• ·. 1 ....... -·~·· -·---· ---·----· -1- · Lunch Meat.,·· . lb. 29c ~~u/tlary LH Ta>'t.r, July 16 · 1 Whit & B d · · . . ·· . .. . . . , .

'"c:upl'-.Mllll; ~~~ .... · OCrysta . . . ~ ~· .. e6nnl.bu "a.2· 9. . Skhtlesa N .. % ""'" lllc..S l chtrf14it,~..&1 . 0.1.005 S C w .,..d!.... ·~~pt.Siced .... . n • . • . • : et·nt'.es lAo c:up watac •PH'IO Qka ~ ...,"'""" .. h k I . . , . lJ'IIck•---M~~ft ... cS· ... jiU·ll ... r,... I ' ·.s· 'alt' P··o· [L_ r . • lLl•«>Pcf IIOialln ·~ .. cake. Sweet K

• • • ·Jb. 25c·

Chill mlllt unrilley «Jid. Drain peach~• 6 J b 2 5 · and aave 'juice. Th~e •hquld be M potatoes • . s. . . c tup Julce. U not', add wJt« •. Heat 1 -----------· _ _,.....-:--"....,_ · •lowly co bc>lllna • mlxt\UC fJf pe~cb 1• • juiU, water •nd •alt. Add f!Clarin and ttlr untU dlnolved. Chill until mfx.

-~PALMOLIVE" MADI WI1H 011VI ;,d ,AlM 011.$1

ture m,lns to thicken. Meanwhile, . . . · ----- -----~,.,,.- -·-·--·-·· --·-· --·


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.dice ~ peac:hu. Cornbln!'l wlch

~- -'-- __ '---",...r-~.;;___,._. __ -t-- ~~~~~~~~-·~i;d;c11etdiat.ll\.:-lc:alllk~e •• -l-lJOa.-"'lAM.ILM.Cl.Jillll~·lll~il!!.P..H-ture, chilled mille with rcx~~o.ry

.Bar ·7c ..

' •

' -

-- . -- - - - --- _: -

General Merchandise · Quality · . Price Service

o nll''l\'l'Y p - Phone 62 • J. #:11,. PI# II-. • rQp.

· Line~ In · Cou~tY' · ~ Calf Roping Rodeo Commtttee Contest at Capitan

Hod~o~r. 15 and 16th .. Sunday, J'uly 19,2 P.M. ·

fn C')rrizozo Roy Keller and Buff Doutbet or RoaweU u. F. C. Stover of ·

·Carrizozo & JobnTbomu;flonda; -$300 Purae-Winner• take all.

Alao Exhibition Bronc Ridilll 1ponaort!d byJ .. Incotn Count1

Ropera• Club. -A. T. Pfillltttin, Pre1,

Prize• and Rulea: A. [t'. Stoter, lo The District Co~rt •

chairman. Ualph Bonn aU, T 0 m S&alt of· Ntw Mexlc:o ) Kerr, membera. ) ••· ,

Advertialnr: II. U. FIn I e Y• County ot Lincoln . ) . . 4071.

. ~· - ---- 4-'.


. -;. ___ , .


·. =a~~!r~~;.!~~;~~~t -;.."' · ·-.· • ··--·t·oa;-n-h"!n----Cob, ·can- ra·c __ . ···--~. 0 SUPE hofdlna •bout ~ cup• with rmlalnlnl · 't cUP 11.!~~ pea~ca llnd tbc''ltrlpl 1-----------..-----1 of. cake.· .Fill with aclatin mixture. Libby's Natural•

· i1111 purpo•• ·Ra)'bn Sat• Giant Size Box 71 c

Chill until finn. StrYP 6, . · N ~~~Efl:~~J.;;~~;t.~~~--......... A ..... ___ s_p_a_r_a_,g_·'u-~,_· ____ o_._z""" __ c_a ... ~ ... -~.:··-i·"~~-·-· .. CRYSTAL 'WHITE .S-OAP_.;

,.,. '~"'•lf«lJN r"'u•ttNHl'. Marahall's Run; of tho Pod , FOI tASIEI WASH DAYS IRRADIATED Peas·; No .. 303 · can l3c Large Size Bar· 5c PET MILK. . . ......._....._ ____ ~·~·-· ~ .. ~. -=::;::::::==:=::=· =::=--

11 2 5 . Marshall AMAZING "lW

· .arge . · c ·· Medium ·Sizes 2 5c · · · · 'Minute . Tomatoes

.Gelatin, pkg. 11 c Medium 23c • No.2 can 14c

Old Time

Peaches .. No. 2 can 20c

Ladies' Choice :. Preserve!, lb. Jar 20c

• ".>

Large 60c

· . The TITSWORTH CO., Inc •• Capitan, .. N. M. · . 1 • ,. • •

• A.

lb.. Portalea Guaranteed · FLO'UR ~spectil$1.49 ·

-~ ?_- -- .., .. -... •..

Fre.h Ve&etables Balc~ney, 15c ~ peurul

· Steak, 32c ~ lb. .

Right tenrved to limit quantttiet, · ··· ·. -


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