Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning SLIDE مْ يِ ح الرِ نٰ مْ ح الرِ ِ مْ سِ بSLIDE Machine Learning Lecture Zero: A Template-based Approach to Learn How to Learn Author: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Instructor: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab SLIDE ز SLIDE خ ت رحان اے، ، ، ، ، د ، د د 嵗 慫 د ے د ۔ ا ری ز را اور ا ا ق ث

مْٕحِرَّلا نِمٰحْرَّلا ِالله مِسِْب · Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning SLIDE مْٕحِرَّلا نِمٰحْرَّلا ِالله مِسِْب

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Page 1: مْٕحِرَّلا نِمٰحْرَّلا ِالله مِسِْب · Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning SLIDE مْٕحِرَّلا نِمٰحْرَّلا ِالله مِسِْب

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


حيم حمن الر بسم هللا الر

SLIDE Machine Learning

Lecture Zero: A Template-based Approach to Learn How to


Author: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab

Instructor: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab


اک دصقم زدنیگ


رضحت وصیف ربتک یلع اصبح


اے ونوجان

ہن ہہک ہن ھکل ہن ہہک ہن ھکل ، ہن ہہک ہن ھکل ،

اہک اج اکچ تہب اھکل اج اکچ ،تہب اہک اج اکچ تہب اھکل اج اکچتہب اہک اج اکچ تہب اھکل اج اکچ ،تہب

رک ےک داھک رک ےک داھک ، رک ےک داھک ،

داین وت ریتے ےیک وک دانھکی اچیتہ ےہ

امہری زدنیگ اک دصقم ۔ اہلل وک اپان

ول ث دختم ولخمق دخا یک ےب –اہلل وک اپےن اک رصتخم رتنی اورزیت رتنی راہتس

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

SLIDE How to Work

.اکم رکان

.وخیش وخیش اکم رکان

.اهلل وک اسھت ےل رکوخیش وخیش اکم رکان

اك د وإي ب ع

ن اك آتی: إي

ن عت



.رتہمج: ای اهلل مہ ریتی یہ ابعدت رکےت ںیہ

اور ھجت یہ ےس دم د امےتگن ںیہ



روزاہن ڑپںیھ داع ہی

دعا: ٱهدنا ٱلص رط ٱلمستقيم صرط ٱلذين

أنعمت عليهم

.رتہمج: ںیمہ دیسیھ راه داھک ان ولوگں یک راه نج رپ وت ےن ااعنم ایک

ای اہلل مہ ھچک ںیہن اچےتہ مہ وہ اچےتہ ںیہ وج وتاچاتہ ےہ



)رضحت احیج دبعاولاہب اصبح

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Take Help from Allah Before Starting Any Task – داع

لياللهم خر لي واختر

سبحانك ل علم لنا إل ما علمتنا

إنك أنت العليم الحكيم

رب اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي امري

واحلل عقدة من لساني يفقهوا قولي


This Lecture is a Technical Motivational Workshop

Insha Allah, in the next Slides, I will present the complete Technical Motivational Workshop


Workshop Title – A Template-based Approach to Learn How to Learn Target Audience - BS / MS / PhD Students + Interested Faculty Members Duration - 3 Hours No. of Sessions - 2 Sessions Type of Session - Interactive Instructor: - Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

SLIDE Dedication

I dedicate this workshop to my beloved and respectable, Friend

Dr. Qamar Ul Zaman

Head of Department, Department of Management Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus, Pakistan

SLIDE Workshop Aims

To introduce with the main concepts essential to become a great human being and a great learner

To introduce with main tasks required to get “excellence” in Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Social Health

To introduce the main concepts required to achieve “highest level of quality” in learning any task

To introduce with the main concepts to “live a balanced life”, which is the backbone to systematically learn and achieve excellence in any task

To develop skills to systematically learn any concept / subject

To develop skills to systematically learn both “technical skills” and “human engineering skills”

SLIDE Workshop Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, the participants should be able to o Understand what daily tasks are important to have a “balanced and

characterful” personality o Get “excellence” in any task of life through a systematic learning

approach o Master the art of living

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

o Become a Commando in life whether they “win or lose”

o Become ہفیلخof Allah (i.e. اگاہلل اپك اظنم اکانئت وک ان ےک اتعب رک دے )

SLIDE Workshop Outline

Current Education System

Basics of Learning

Quality in Learning

Main Traits to Systematically Learn any Task SLIDE ====================== Current Education System ====================== SLIDE Very Important Advice of My Teacher

اصبح احل ونب

o وہہشیمہ ےلہپ وخد لمع رکو اور رھپاےنپ اشرگدوں وک وہکدعلی مت اکی ااتسد

Note – ااشنءاہلل, in this workshop, I will only present those things which I have

practiced in life with لضف of Allah

SLIDE Learning - Ultimate Goal

کت انچنہپ )اہلل(ےنب وہےئ ےس انبےن واےل

How To Achieve This Goal?

o ینب وہیئ زیچ وک انبےن واےل یک رمیض ےک اطمقب اامعتسل رکںی


Example – ینب وہیئ زیچ وک انبےن واےل یک رمیض ےک اطمقب اامعتسل رکںی

Task – Using Your Car

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

Two Choices o Choice No. 01

Use your Car According to “Instructions” of the Creator

۔انواےل یک رمیض ےک اطمقب اامعتسل رکانبےن

o Choice No. 02 Use your Car “As You Wish”

۔اینپ رمیض ےک اطمقب اامعتسل رکان

Outcome of Choice No. 01 o Two main benefits

1. You will enjoy the car ride yourself 2. Society may also benefit from your car

Outcome of Choice No. 02 o Two main disadvantages

You will not enjoy the car ride yourself

Your car may also harm others

Conclusion o The main reason for disaster in your lives and the whole world is that

We are not using our “body, mind and soul” according to the

“Instructions (given in رقآن اپك)” by our “Creator (اہلل)”

SLIDE Major Problem - Current Education System

We mainly ask Two Questions “on regular basis” to our children in their educational and professional career

Question 01 (in school / college / university) o What is your Percentage / CGPA?

Question 02 (in Profession Life) o How much money you earn?

Important Note o In both questions, focus is on a “Number” o We ask these two questions for almost “22 years” (considering

Master’s Degree - 16 years of education)

Outcomes of These Two Questions 1. Our children goal of life becomes, increase “Numbers At All Cost”

whether they “retain character or not”?

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

2. Our children know the “Price of Things” but they don’t know the “Values of Things”

3. Our children become “Selfish” and ultimately “feelingless”

،زدنیگ ااسحس اک انم ےہ زدنیگ زیچوں اک انم ںیہن ےہ

4. Our children can “never” become “great human beings” because to become a “Great Human Being”, you need to have

a “Great Character” Example

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Sb and Abdul Sattar Edhi (رموحم),

are both great human beings because they are Man of Character

SLIDE A Very Simple Possible Solution – Current Education System

Ask your child / student, following four questions on “daily” basis

Question 01 o Do you spend 1 hour in playground?

Question 02

o Do you read امنز 5 ,رقآن اپك and ? اہلل اک ذرک

Question 03 o Are you happy and try to keep others happy?

Question 04 o Do you help 1 person daily for the sake of Allah?

Note – These tasks are for the “Beginner Level” o Goal is to achieve “Excellence” in these tasks

SLIDE Very Important and Mandatory

A teacher / parent “must” first put effort on his Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Social Health and then ask his children / students to do them

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

SLIDE A Very Simple Possible Solution – Current Education System (Cont….)

1. Excellence in Physical Health

I can run / brisk walk 5 kilometers in one go 2. Excellence in Spiritual Health

داع ےک ےیل اہھت ااھٹےئ وت اکم وہ اجےئ اگ

3. Excellence in Mental Health

وخش بیصن وہ ےہ وج اےنپ بیصن رپ وخش ےہ

4. Excellence in Social Health

ولخمق دخا یک ےب ولث دختم ےک ےیل اانپ بس ھچک اگلان

SLIDE A Very Simple Possible Solution – Current Education System (Cont….)

Outcomes of Individual Questions

Outcome - Question 01 o Your child / student will get excellence in “Physical Health”

Outcome - Question 02 o Your child / student will get excellence in “Spiritual Health”

Outcome - Question 01 o Your child / student will get excellence in “Mental Health”

Outcome - Question 01 o Your child / student will get excellence in “Social Health”

Outcomes of All Four Questions 1. Your child / student will be a “balanced and characterful” personality

i.e. (s)he will have “excellence” in Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Social health

2. Your child / student will have the “confidence” to do any task

داین ںیم وکیئ اکم یسک ےن ایک ےہ وت آپ یھب رک ےتکس ںیہ

3. Your child / student will give more importance to “humans / humanity” instead of “things”

4. Your child / student will sacrifice “things” to safeguard “character” and “humanity”

5. Your child / student will help and serve the humanity in a better way

ولخمق دخا یک ےب ولث دختم

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

SLIDE Summary – Excellence in Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Social Health

The final outcome after achieving excellence in Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Social Health is

o اہلل اپك اظنم اکانئت وک اس ےک اتعب رک دںی ےگ

Example o Hazrat Umar R.A.

رپ وکڑا امرا وت ززلہل دنب وہایگ )یٹم(زنیم

وک اھکٹ اھکل وت وہ لچ ڑپا )اپین (درایےئ لین

وک دنب رک دےی )آگ(الوا

اسرہی ریض اہلل اعتیل ہنع وک دمہنی ےس اغیپم اجیھب وج اوہنں ےن انسرضحت

SLIDE Workshop Focus

In the rest of this workshop, I will try to explain o how “systematic learning approach” can help us to

achieve this goal i.e.

آنیم اہلل اپك اظنم اکانئت وک اس ےک اتعب رک دںی

SLIDE =============== Basics of Learning =============== SLIDE Learn How to Learn

Learn = Knowledge (25%)

How to Learn = (%75) ادب

SLIDE Learning


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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

o A human is said to learn if his today (character) is better than his yesterday (character)

Purpose o Get Excellence in Character

A journey from

Importance o Without learning, one cannot

get of Allah رفغمت

کت انچنہپ )اہلل(ےنب وہےئ ےس انبےن واےل

understand how to Improve the quality of life for an individual and society

understand how things in this world should be used to serve the humanity

Applications o Learning helps a human to

convert her/him-self from “ویحاین ووجد” to “االخیق ووجد”

live a happy and peaceful life serve humanity for the sake of Allah i.e.

o یک ےب ولث دختمولخمق دخا

Signs of Learning

o رہ زیچ اینپ العوتمں ےس اچہپین اجیت ےہ

o To judge if you are learning or not, check your وسچ

ےسیج ےسیج آپ learn رکےت اجںیئ ےگ آپ یک وسچ ںیم اپزیکیگ آیت اجےئ یگ

Beginner Intermediate Expert Excellence

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Example – وسچ ںیم اپزیکیگ

Task – تبحم اور گنج (Love and War)

یلہپ وسچ

o "ہ اہلل ہیلع ےس اہک "تبحم اور گنج ںیم بس اجزئ ےہ

بمح ارگنزیوں ےن رضحت وپیٹ اطلسن ر

وسچ دورسی

o ہ اہلل ہیلع ےن رفامای "مہ املسمن ںیہ، مہ ےتہک ںیہ تبحم وہ ای گنج وہ،وج یھب

بمح وہ اجزئ وہ"رضحت وپیٹ اطلسن ر


WHY and HOW?

To learn any task, WHY is more Important than HOW


Learn - WHY?

Two Main Intentions

1. To Learn

اہلل وک اپان

2. To Share

ولخمق دخا یک ےب ولث دختم


Example– Importance of WHY?


Making of Aeroplan

Two Main Competitors

Dr. Samuel Lingley

Graduate of Harvard

U.S. Government gave aid of $50,000 to make Aeroplan

Wright Brothers

Had a shop of bicycles

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Wright Brothers

Reason - Why Wright Brothers Won?

Intention – Dr. Samuel Lingley

Become Famous and Rich

Intention – Wright Brothers

Serve the Humanity


Learn – HOW?

“Quality of Learning” depends upon the “Type of Training” you take to

learn any task

Five Types of Training to Learn any Task

1. Police

2. Elite

3. Rangers

4. Army

5. Commando

Note – Focus of this workshop, is on

o “Commando Training” to “Systematically Learn” any task

SLIDE Best Approach to Systematic Learning - Commando Training

Commando o Commando is a man of character and (s)he should safeguard his


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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

SLIDE Two Main Qualities of a Commando

SLIDE Summary of Qualities in a Commando



Next Step

This section summarized basics traits of a Commando

In the next Section, I will try to explain

o How to bring “quality in learning” to become a Great Commando


SLIDE ================ Quality in Learning ================ SLIDE Quality vs Quantity

رضحت رفامےت ےھت

o دعتاد ںیہن ایعمر

تنحم یھبک ںیہن اہریت. .1

100% Effort with Sincerity

داعںیئ وہں وت وھکےٹ ےکس یھب لچ اجےت ںیہ. .2

ادب +یک دختم اور ااتسد وادلنی

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

یتشچ رۃمح اہلل ہیلع اسیج وہاکی اشرگد وہ رضحت وخاہج نیعم ادلنی


o Two People with Same Degree

1. I hold a PhD degree

2. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Sb holds a PhD degree

o What is the Difference?



Two Main Factors Contributing to Quality in Learning

Two components which create major difference in the “quality” of training

given to Police, Elite Rangers, Army or Commando are

1. Environment

2. Instructor




o An environment is a place / situation which gradually builds human

potential to it’s maximum, and gives him / her the confidence to do

any task (particularly miracles 😊)


o Facilitate to achieve “highest level of quality” in any task (in short


) اسولں اک رفس دونں ںیم ےط وہ اجےئ (😊


آدیم اموحل ےس اتلچ ےھ۔

o ےہ یھب اٹھگات اور ےہ یھب وکڑباھات ںالصوتیح یک آدیم اموحل


o Environment gives us “Confidence” and “Motivation” to do any task

(particularly which look impossible 😊)

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Example – Power of Environment


1. A Bullet

2. A Gun

3. Your Hand


o Kill an animal with the Bullet

Two Situations

o First Situation

“Take” the Bullet in Your “Hand” and “Throw” at a



o It will not kill the mouse

Wastage of time, effort and resources


o Bullet is not in an Environment, where it’s

“potential can be utilized at its maximum”

o Second Situation

“Put” the Bullet in the “Gun” and “Shot” at a “Lian”


o It will kill the Lion

You have done an “exceptionally difficult”

task, Well Done 😊


o “Before” using the bullet, you gave it the

environment in which it’s “potential can be

utilized at its maximum”


Combination of Environment + Instructor

To Shot a Lion with a Bullet

o Putting the Bullet in the Gun and Shooting at a Lion is not Enough

o You must also “Shot Perfectly” 😊

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

To Learn to Shot Perfectly, you need an

o Instructor


Instructor (ااتسد)


o ااتسد ںیہن ےہ آپ وک ہن ونماےکس وہ آپ وک ونماات ےہ وج اےنپااتسد ےلہپ اےنپ


o An instructor should

1. motivate,

2. teach (“with لمع”) and

3. guide

to become a “balanced and characterful” personality


o یسک یھب نف ںیم امکل ااتسد ےک ریغب احلص ںیہن وہ اتکس


o اسولں اک رفس دونں ںیم ےط وہ اجات ےہ😊


Example – ااتسد ےلہپ اےنپ آپ وک ونماات ےہ

Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W. spent 40 years in ہکم before وبنت

After showing “40 years of Character”, He (S.A.W.W.) asked افکر ہکم

؟آپ ریمے ابرے ںیم ایک ےتہک وہ !ولوگ

بس ےن اہک آپ یلص اہلل ہیلع وآہل وملس اصدق اور انیم ںیہ

ان اچیتہ ےہ،وت ایک مت ھج رپ نیق رک ول ےگ؟بس رکآپ ےن رفامای ارگ ںیم ہی وہکں ہک اس اہپڑ ےک ےھچیپ دنمش یک وفج ےہ اور مت رپ ہلمح

ےن اہک اہں،" ویکہکن مہ ےن آپ یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس وک یھبک وھجٹ وبےتل ںیہن داھکی"

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


How to Select an ااتسد?

Selection of ااتسد

o A Two Step Process

Step 1: Imam Gazali (R.A.) says check three things to make a judgement about a person

ےس ڑپاھ ےہ institute وہ سک .1

اس اک ااتسد وکن اھت .2

اس ےک ابرے ںیم ایک ےتہک ںیہexperts ےک field اس .3

Step 2: Interact with potential ااتسد for a period of 4 to 6

months and check انمتبس


Biggest Quality of an ااتسد

احل وہات ےہااتسد اصبح

o ااتسد دعب اکن کت ںیہن دل کت اچنہپ داتی ےہ


o Book refers to a quality, for example, Always Speak the Truth

o Question?

How to produce this quality in students?


Example – ابت دل کت اچنہپان

ینس ےہ ہک رضحت دبعاہلل نب رمع ریض اہلل اعتیل ہنع رفامےت ںیہ ہک بج ےس ںیم ےن ہی دحثی

و م ےہ ہک ہ فم

اھکان ںیہن اھکای اس دن ےس آج کت ٹیپ رھب ےک ،ٹیپ رھب رک اھکان ہن اھکؤ سج اک

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Motivational Seminar on ااتسد

To Learn more about an ااتسد , see the following Motivational


Title: رگ وک ںیہن رگو وک ڑکپ رگو یک رہ ابت رگ وہیت ےہ

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/motivational-seminars/

Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab


How Gets ضیف of ااتسد?

تبحص ایہتف اشرگد vs ضیف ایہتف اشرگد

To get ضیف from ااتسد, a student needs to have two main qualities

ادب .1

یچس بلط .2


Motivational Seminar on اشرگد

To Learn more about the qualities of a اشرگد , see the following

Motivational Seminar

Title: ضیف ایہتف ولگ

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/motivational-seminars/ Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Next Step

After building an “Environment to Learn” and “selecting Instructor” to


o Next step is to “Systematically Learn a task to achieve excellence in

short time”

In next Section, I will try to explain “How to Systematically Learn any Task”



Main Traits to Systematically Learn any Task



Main Traits of Systematically Learning Approach

The main traits of systematic learning approach are

Live a Balanced Life

Focus on Accuracy First and then Speed

Use a Half-Cooked Approach

Use a Template-based Approach

Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle



Live a Scheduled Life




Life is Marathon, Not 100 Meters 😊

Never ever Give up in Life 😊

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

بج کت اسسن ےہ بت کتChance ےہ 😊


Life (Cont…)

𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆 = 𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 + 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈

Technical Skill = 15%

Human Engineering = 85%


Scheduled Life


o A schedule of 24 hours, which focuses on five many aspects of life

1. Health (Physical Health + Mental Health)

2. Spirituality (Spiritual Health)

3. Work

4. Family (Social Health)

5. Friends (Social Health)


o Become a “balanced” and “characterful” personality


o To achieve Excellence in any task, you need two main things

1. Practice on Daily Basis

داعںیئ انیل .2 = + ادب دختم

o Therefore, if you don’t make a schedule you can’t Practice on Daily

Basis and can’t achieve Excellence


o You “enjoy” your tasks

There is no difference between “Task” and “Play”

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

You will be willing to do the task for “free” 😊


Key to Achieve Excellence in Life - Live a Scheduled Life

Make a schedule of 24 hours, with a focus on activities related to

1. Health (Physical Health + Mental Health)

2. Spirituality (Spiritual Health)

3. Work

4. Family (Social Health)

5. Friends (Social Health)


Tip – To Follow Schedule

Go to bed between 9pm – 10pm 😊


Motivational Seminar on Balanced Life

To Learn more about balanced life, see the following Motivational Seminar

Title: Balanced Life is Ideal Life

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/motivational-seminars/

Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab



Focus on Accuracy First and then Speed



Speed vs Accuracy

There is tradeoff between Accuracy and Speed

Two Approaches in Life

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

o آول وگیھب

o د رتخ (Tree)

Two Variations in Tree

o Normal Tree

o Chinese Bamboo Tree

To Systematically Learn

o “First” focus on Accuracy and then Speed

SLIDE Example – Speed vs Accuracy

Task - Learn to Drive a Car

To get Excellence in this task


1. “First” focusses on Accuracy and then

2. Speed


Motivational Seminar on ااقتستم

To Learn more about ااقتستم , see the following Motivational Seminar

Title: Power of ااقتستم Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/motivational-seminars/

Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab



Use a Half-Cooked Approach


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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Use a Half-Cooked Approach

Task – Learn Python

Two Extreme Approaches to Learn

o Fully Supervised Approach

Take these notes (or book) on Python and memorize them

o Fully Unsupervised Approach

Go to Internet, search material on Python and learn it

Problems with above Approaches

1. Learning process is not accurate and fast

2. Learning process doesn’t give motivation and confidence to



o Use a Half-Cooked (or Semi-Supervised) Approach


Steps – Use a Half-Cooked Approach

Step 1: Explain the task with one or more detailed examples

o Task explanation should be

1. Simple

2. Detailed

3. Step by Step

4. Follow a Template-based approach

Step 2: “Motivate” and “guide” children / students to do “very similar”

tasks themselves?

o Very Important – Use “Simple to Complex” approach with the

“Power of Repetition”


Example 01 – Use a Half-Cooked Approach

Task – Write a program to add “two integers” numbers in Python

programming language

Using Half -Cooked Approach

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

Step 1: Instructor explains the following code to students

num1 = 5 #First number num2 = 2 #Second number

#Adding two numbers and storing the result in sum variable

𝒔𝒖𝒎 = 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝟏 + 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝟐

#print the sum of two variables

print("Sum of {0} and {1} is {2}" .format(num1, num2, sum))

Output – Sum of 5 and 2 is 7

Step 2: instructor asks students to do the following tasks i.e. Your Turn

Your Turn

1. Write a program to add “two integers” numbers in Python

programming language. Note that the value of each integer

number must be greater than 10.

2. Write a program to add “two float” numbers in Python

programming language.

3. Write a program to add “two numbers” in Python programming

language. Note that one number should be “integer” and other

should be “float”

4. Write a program to add “three integers” numbers in Python

programming language.

5. Write a program to add “three float” numbers in Python

programming language.

6. Write a program to multiply “two integers” numbers in Python

programming language.

7. Write a program to multiply “three integers” numbers in Python

programming language.

8. Write a program which calculates “square” of a number in

Python programming language.

9. Write a program which calculates “cube” of a number in Python

programming language.

10. Write a program to calculate “Area of a Rectangle”. Formula is:

Area of Rectangle = Length x Width

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning


Technical Motivational Workshop

To Learn how to use Half-Cooked approach to design a course, see the following Technical Motivational Workshop

Title: Technical Motivational Workshop – A Template-based Approach to Design a Course

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/technical-motivational-workshops/ Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab


Research Methodology in I.T. Course

To Learn to systematically do research, see the following course

Title: Research Methodology in I.T.

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/research-methodology-in-i-t/

Author: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab



Use a Template-based Approach


SLIDE Use a Template-based Approach

Make a Template

o Use “Divide and Conquer” Approach Break things into “Attribute-Value” Pair

o Check “Order and Flow” o Check “Independence and Connectivity”

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

SLIDE Example – Use a Template-based Approach

Task – Technical Motivational Workshop: A Template-based Approach to Learn How to Learn

Using a Template-based Approach

Break workshop into main topics (or workshop outline)

Break each main topic into sub-topics and sub-sub-topics

For each topic / sub-topic / sub-sub-topic explain 1. Definition, purpose, importance and applications 2. How it works? 3. Strengths and Weaknesses 4. Potential applications in the real world

Each topic / sub-topic / sub-sub-topic must be both “independent” and “connected”

Topics / sub-topics / sub-sub-topics must follow an “order” to tell a

“coherent” and “connected” story


Technical Motivational Workshops

To Learn more about template-based approach to read a research paper,

to write a research paper and to design an experiment, see the following

Technical Motivational Workshops

Title: Technical Motivational Workshop – A Template-based Approach to Read a Research Paper

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/technical-motivational-workshops/

Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab

Title: Technical Motivational Workshop – A Template-based Approach to Write a Research Paper

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/technical-motivational-workshops/

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab

Title: Technical Motivational Workshop – A Template-based Approach to Design an Experiment

Link: https://ilmoirfan.com/technical-motivational-workshops/

Speaker: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel nawab



Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle


SLIDE Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Four Step Process to do any Task 1. Plan – in mind 2. Design – on paper 3. Execute – in real world 4. Feedback – from audience and domain experts

SLIDE Steps – Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Step 1: Write down the task and “clearly” understand it

Step 2: Develop “Strong Understanding of the Basics”

Step 3: Execute task at “Prototype Level”

Plan – in mind

Design – on paper

Execute – in real world at “prototype level”

Feedback – from “domain experts”

Important Notes

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

Note 1: Repeat “Plan” and “Design” steps, until you are happy with the “execution plan”

Note 2: After “executing at prototype level”, take feedback form “domain experts” to “further improve” it

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 until “you” and “domain experts” are happy with it

😊 Step 5: Execute task in the “Real World”

Plan – in mind

Design – on paper

Execute – in real world

Feedback – from “audience” and “domain experts”

Step 6: Improve your task based on the feedback received from the “audience” and “domain experts”

SLIDE Example - Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Step 1: Write down the task and “clearly” understand it

Task – Design, develop and deliver a technical motivational workshop on topic: Learn How to Learn, to university students and teachers

SLIDE Example - Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Step 2: Develop “Strong Understanding of the Basics”

ادمحلاہلل, I have almost 15 years of research and teaching experience as

university level (BS / MS / PhD) SLIDE Example - Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Step 3: Execute task at “Prototype Level” 1. Plan – in mind 2. Design – on paper 3. Execute – in real world at “prototype level” 4. Feedback – from “domain experts”

Plan and Design

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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

I used MS Word, to “Plan” and “Design” the content of the workshop using a “Template-based” approach

I revised the content of the workshop “multiple times” until I was

happy with it 😊

Execute in Real World at “Prototype Level”

I shared my workshop content with domain experts 1. My PhD Students - teaching at different universities for many

years 2. Colleagues

Feedback from Domain Experts

I revised my workshop content based on domain experts’ feedback SLIDE Example - Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 until “you” and “domain experts” are happy with it 😊

I repeated Step 3 until I and domain experts were happy with the workshop

content 😊 SLIDE Example - Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Step 5: Execute task in the “Real World” 1. Plan – in mind 2. Design – on paper 3. Execute – in real world 4. Feedback – from “audience” and “domain experts”

Plan and Design

I had a final detailed look (and proofread) at my workshop content written in MS Word

I “converted” my “final workshop content” into Power Point Presentation

Important Note: To save time and effort, I made presentation, once

my workshop content was finalized 😊

Execute in Real World

Here, I am at COMSATS Sahiwal (executing in the real world) 😊


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Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab Machine learning

ااشنءاہلل, I will request you to provide your valuable feedback at the

end of the workshop 😊 SLIDE Example - Follow Plan, Design, Execute and Feedback Cycle

Step 6: Improve your task based on the feedback received from the “audience” and “domain experts”

ااشنءاہلل, I will improve myself based on your valuable feedback 😊

Note: Advice of my Teacher

Adeel! Be a Learner Till Death 😊 SLIDE Summary – Technical Motivational Workshop

وگتفگ ایھچ یگل ذوق رظن ااھچ اگل

دموتں ےک دعب وکیئ مہ رفس ااھچ اگل

زنمولں یک ابت وھچڑ سک ےن اپیئ زنمںیل

اك رفس ااھچ اگل اك مہ رفسااھچ اگل