ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный университет» Кафедра английской филологии 1 РАБОЧАЯ ПРОГРАММА по дисциплине Практический курс основного иностранного языка (Английский язык) для специальности 031001 – «Филология» (специализация (03) – «Зарубежная филология», ОПД.Ф.07) Факультет РГФ курс 4 семестры 7, 8 практические занятия 330 часов самостоятельные занятия 246 часов Всего: 576 часов экзамен – 8 семестр зачет – 7 семестр СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: к.филол.н., доцент Маринова Е.Д. Кемерово 2008

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ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный университет»

Кафедра английской филологии № 1


Практический курс основного иностранного языка

(Английский язык)

для специальности 031001 – «Филология»

(специализация (03) – «Зарубежная филология», ОПД.Ф.07)

Факультет РГФ

курс – 4

семестры – 7, 8

практические занятия – 330 часов

самостоятельные занятия – 246 часов

Всего: 576 часов

экзамен – 8 семестр

зачет – 7 семестр

СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: к.филол.н., доцент Маринова Е.Д.

Кемерово 2008

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Рабочая программа дисциплины «Практический курс основного ино-

странного языка (английский)» федерального компонента цикла ОПД.Ф.07

составлена в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стан-

дартом высшего профессионального образования второго поколения по спе-

циальности 031001 – «Филология», специализации (03) «Зарубежная фило-


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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования


Кафедра английской филологии №1


по курсу «Аналитическое чтение»

для специальности 031001 «Филология»

(специализация (03) «Зарубежная филология», ОПД.Ф.07)

Факультет РГФ

курс – 4

семестры – 7, 8

практические занятия – 132 часа

Всего часов: 132 часа

диф. зачет – 7 семестр

экзамен – 8 семестр

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: к.филол.н, доцент кафедры

английской филологии № 1 Маринова Е.Д.

Кемерово 2008

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Рабочая программа дисциплины «Практический курс основного ино-

странного языка» федерального компонента цикла ОПД.Ф.07 составлена в

соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом высшего

профессионального образования второго поколения по специальности 031001

– «Филология», специализации (03) «Зарубежная филология».

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1. Пояснительная записка

Цель преподавания дисциплины

Настоящая программа представляет собой тематический план занятий по

аналитическому чтению студентов 4 курса английского отделения из расчета 3

часа в неделю (18 недель).

На этом этапе обучения происходит дальнейшее развитие продуктивной

речи студентов, значительно возрастает удельный вес неподготовленной речи,

расширяется круг тем и вопросов, обсуждаемых на уроках. Студенты учатся

принимать участие в дискуссии, делать обобщения, реферировать и аннотиро-


Типы упражнений традиционны (языковые и речевые упражнения), однако

проводятся они на более сложном вербальном материале. Чтобы избежать

грамматических ошибок в спонтанной речи, предусмотрены и грамматические

упражнения коррективного характера, упражнения в диалогической, монологи-

ческой речи.

Работа над текстом включает в себя речевые образцы, чтение, перевод,

подробный анализ текста (стилистические особенности, типологию, лингвост-

рановедческий анализ и т.п.). Таким образом, мы рассматриваем курс «Анали-

тическое чтение» как синтез предыдущих теоретических лингвистических зна-

ний и опыта (навыков и умений) студентов. Кульминацией работы над текстом

является анализ текста, включающий обсуждение стиля автора, его фразеоло-

гии, идеологии автора, его персонажей. Конечным продуктом является пись-

менная работа.

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2. Тематический план

Объём ча-


Название и содержание

тем Общий



Самостоятельная работа




работа сту-


Формы кон-


1 Седьмой семестр

Урок 1. “Doctor in

the House” by

R. Gordon

Дискуссия: «Образо-

вание в США».



Аракин В.Д. Прак-

тический курс анг-лийского языка. –

М.: Владос, 2003. –

352 с. стр.6-37

упр.3, с.15;

упр.9, с.16;







анализ текста


Урок 2. “To kill a

Mocking bird” by

H. Lee

Дискуссия: “Reverse




Аракин В.Д. Прак-

тический курс анг-лийского языка. –

М.: Владос, 2003.


упр.8, с.52

Notes on Style





анализ текста


Урок 3. “From W.S.”

by L.P. Hartley

Дискуссия: “Guilt




Аракин В.Д. Прак-

тический курс анг-лийского языка. –

М.: Владос, 2003.






анализ 2 части

текста: с.298-

304; старое

изд. с.272-278


анализ текста


4 The author’s Respon-

sibility for his /

her “creation”.

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5 Восьмой семестр

Урок 4. “Ragtime”

by E.L. Doctorow

Дискуссия: Glimpses

of the US history



Аракин В.Д. Прак-

тический курс анг-лийского языка. –

М.: Владос, 2003.




упр.6, с.128

упр.10, с.129

вопросы с.131


анализ текста


Урок 5. “The Lum-

ber-Room” by

H. Munro

Дискуссия: “A diffi-

cult Child



Аракин В.Д. Прак-

тический курс анг-лийского языка. –

М.: Владос, 2003.




упр.7, с.164-5

упр.11, с.166


с.175-6, упр.6


анализ текста


Урок 6. “Growing

up with Media” by

P.G. Aldrich

Дискуссия: “Adver-

tising: PRO and Con-




Аракин В.Д. Прак-

тический курс анг-лийского языка. –

М.: Владос, 2003.




упр.2, с.180-1


анализ текста

3. Содержание дисциплины

Текст 1 “Doctor in the House”

1. Работа над лексическим материалом: упр.13, с.18, 17 с.19, 3-6 с.26, 4 с.29.

2. Микроуроки по основной лексике: с.11-14.

3. Работа над выразительными средствами таксиса: с.21 Summary.

4. Анализ текста.

5. Дискуссия: «Высшее образование в США и РФ».

Текст 2 “To kill a Mocking bird” by H. Lee

1. Работа над лексическим материалом, вынесение в вокабуляр текста

(Commentary, Essential Vocabulary, Word-Combinations and Phrases) стр.44-

45; упр.8, 10, с.52; упр.13, с.53

2. Цикл языковых упражнений коррективного, полупродуктивного и

продуктивного характера. упр.3, с.64; упр.4, с.67.

3. Работа над текстом

а) Notes on Style, p.55-59.

b) Speak on the structure of the text, logical connection of its parts and the means

to achieve it.

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c) Make up character sketches of the personages and the description of the envi-

ronment they act in.

d) Speak on your own experience (if any) in the field and under the circumstances

depicted in the text.

e) Write a composition, taking into account all above (See the assignments to

analysis on p.51)

4. Дискуссия: “Reverse Racism” – материл: газеты, интернет, песни про-


Текст 3 “From W.S.” by L.P. Hartley

1. Работа над лексикой.

a) Speech patterns p.88-89

b) Essential vocabulary: Minor Lessons: ex.2, p.99; ex.5, p.102.

c) Phrasal verbs: ex.2, 4, p.103-4; ex.4, p.137.

2. Работа над текстом:

a) вопросы: с.86-97

b) Uttered Represented Speech. p.98

3. Дискуссия: Guilt Complex (Internet).

4. Самостоятельный анализ текста: с.298-304 (старое издание – с.272-276).

Текст 4 “Ragtime” by E.L. Doctorow

1. Работа над лексикой: микроуроки с.122-127.

2. Упражнения на закрепление материала: ex.6, p.128; ex.10, p.129; ex.3, p.133;

ex.9, p.135; ex.4, p.137.

3. Работа над текстом: анализ семантических полей (музыка, проблема взаимо-

отношений черного и белого населения).

4. Обсуждение текста “Afro-American Music”. с.146-149. Spirituals (видеомате-


Текст 5 “The Lumber-Room” by H. Munro

1. Работа над лексикой:

а) микроуроки на активную лексику со с.158-163;

б) активизация лексического материала: упр.7, с.164-5; упр.11, с.166.

в) работа над семиаффиксом self: работа с большими толковыми словарями.

2. Работа над анализом:

а) ответы на вопросы упр.17, с.170-172

б) обсуждение стилистических приемов: с.172, с.199-200

3. Дискуссия “The Difficult Child” (p.178-180).

4. Анализ текста на тему возрастных проблем (выбор студента из прессы и ин-


Текст 6 “Growing up with the Media” by P.G. Aldrich

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1. Работа над лексикой:

а) speech patterns p.190-191;

б) essential vocabulary p.191-194 - микроуроки;

в) совершенствование знаний: упр.2, с.195; упр.3, с.202; упр.5, с.196; упр.7,

с.204-205; упр.11, с.207; упр.12, с.197;

г) обсуждение средств массовой информации: упр.3, с.195.

2. Работа над анализом:

а) риторический вопрос с.200-201;

б) инверсия, асиндетон с.201. Анализ. 3. Обсуждение влияния средств массовой информации на «независимую» лич-

ность: “Advertising: Pro and Contra”.

4. Работа над стилистическими приемами и планом анализа текста: “Guide to

Literary Analysis. Evaluating a Story”/ - стр.295-298.

4. Учебно-методическое обеспечение по дисциплине

Список основной учебной литературы

1. Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка 4 курс: Учебник для студентов

высших учебных заведений. / под.ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5 издание, переработ. и доп. –

Гуманитарный изд.центр ВЛАДОС, 2003. – 352 с.

2. Arnold I.V., Diakonova N.Y. Three Centuries of English Prose. – L., 1967/

3. CALD (dic) – Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2003.

4. Care Bode. Highlights of American Literature. – Washington, D.C., 1995. – 288 p.

5. Kirszner L.G., Mandel St. R. Patterns for College Rhetorical Reading & Writing. - N.-Y.,

St. Martin’s Press, 1998. – 688.

6. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. – England, 2000. – 1568 p.

7. Internet.

8. Новикова И.А., Петрова Н.Ю., Давиденко Т.Г. Практикум к курсу английского языка.

4 курс. – М.: «ВЛАДОС», 2002. – 160 с.

5. Форма текущего, промежуточного и рубежного контроля

Контрольные вопросы

Текст 1.

1. Who tells the story? How is the background outlined? Can you hear the voice of the au-

thor mingled with the narrator’s personal experience?

2. What is the tone of the story? Prove your point of view by the vocabulary of the text.

Can you trace “remembrance dear”?

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3. What is the general slant of the story?

4. Speak about the turn in the mood after the examination is passed. Etc.

Текст 2.

1. What is the advantage of telling the story from the point of view of a very young girl?

2. Point out the specific features of oratory style.

3. Describe the advantages and faults of jury system.

4. Speak about the syntax of the text: length of sentences distribution of paragraphs, change

of rhythm, syntactic parallelism.

5. What is the artistic effect of using a sustained metaphor at the end of the text? Etc.

Текст 3.

1. What are pros and contras of being famous?

2. How do writers influence the reading public? What is the degree of responsibility of the author?

3. Follow the change of mood and state of mind of Walter Streeter throughout the text/

4. Analyse the text within the text from the psychological point of view.

5. What is ‘represented speech’ and how does it enrich the story? Etc.

Текст 4.

1. How do you qualify the impact of Afro-Americans on modern culture?

2. Speak about the ‘verbal painting’ in describing the manner of the pianist.

3. What is a politically correct term for a person of dark skin: Negro, a woman of colour, black peo-


4. What are the problems of musicians?

5. What is your favourite trend in music? Etc.

Текст 5.

1. What sort of a man will the boy shape when a man under the influence of his aunt?

2. What sorts of punishment do you find suitable when dealing with little children’s misbehaviors?

3. Speak about the cases of periphrasis and their aim in the text.

4. Speak about syntactic parallelism and its manifestations.

5. Find your examples of zeugma in your books for individual reading. Etc.

Текст 6.

1. Do you feel influenced by mass media?

2. What programs on TV are your favourites?

3. How much do you watch advertising?

4. Speak about the effect produced by the rhetorical question placed separately on an individualized

line? Etc.

Examination Test

Translate in English:

1. Все уговаривали его воспользоваться шпаргалкой на экзамене, но он твёрдо

стоял на своём – сдать экзамен самостоятельно.

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2. Отметьте галочкой, какие вопросы не надо готовить к семинару.

3. Следите, пожалуйста, за этим молодым человеком, он выглядит очень по-


4. Обычно требуется три дня, чтобы проверить экзаменационные работы.

5. Я и не надеялась застать его дома в такое время.

6. Раз уж Том убедил всех в том, что он невиновен, необходимо найти настоя-

щего преступника.

7. Квартира была удобная, но маленькая.

8. Я, ведь, не могу делать две вещи одновременно, подожди немного.

9. Когда они встретились, он не оправдал её ожиданий.

10. Я могу подробно описать всё, что случилось.

11. С вами бесполезно спорить, вы всё время меняете свою позицию.

12. У него всегда есть про запас всякие смешные истории и анекдоты.

13. Не поддавайтесь отчаянию, всё образуется.

14. Почему вы уклоняетесь от прямого ответа на мой вопрос?

15. При данных обстоятельствах я должен думать прежде всего о семье.

16. Его лицо не выражало ничего, кроме негодования.

17. Надо быть совершенно сумасшедшим, чтобы отказаться от такой возможно-


18. Он знал, что ставит на карту своё будущее.

19. Ты обвиняешь меня в том, что я приехал так поздно, но ты сама назначила

этот час. Это не моя вина.

20. Целью защиты является доказать невиновность обвиняемого, если он дейст-

вительно не виновен.

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Кафедра английской филологии №1


по курсу “Устная практика”

для специальности 031001 «Филология»

(специализация (03) «Зарубежная филология», ОПД.Ф.07)

Факультет РГФ

курс – 4

семестры – 7, 8

практические занятия – 33 часа

Всего часов: 33 часа

диф. зачет – 7 семестр

экзамен – 8 семестр

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: д.филол.н., профессор кафедры

английской филологии №1 Фомин А.Г.

Кемерово 2008

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Рабочая программа дисциплины «Практический курс основного ино-

странного языка (английский)» федерального компонента цикла ОПД.Ф.07 со-

ставлена в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом выс-

шего профессионального образования второго поколения по специальности

031001 – «Филология», специализации (03) «Зарубежная филология».

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1. Пояснительная записка

Данный курс по аспекту «устная практика» разработан на основе коммуни-

кативного подхода в обучении иностранным языкам, и потому предполагает

умение студентов использовать изучаемый иностранный язык в практике об-


Целью преподавания данной учебной дисциплины является формирова-

ние коммуникатичвной компетенции у студентов IV курса факультета РГФ. В

рамках преподавания курса осуществляются следующие задачи:

6. изучить лексику, составить глоссарии по темам«Higher education in the

USA», «Courts and trials», «Books and reading», «Family life», «Difficult chil-

dren», «Man and music», «TV and Mass Media», «Customs and holidays»;

7. осуществить практику работы студентов с аутентичными печатными и

мультимедийными материалами по темам учебного плана;

8. сформировать навыки устного монологического и и диалогического вы-

сказывания по изучаемым темам.

В процессе изучения учебной дисциплины у студентов должны быть

сформированы следующие знания, умения и навыки:

- умение свободно и правильно объясняться на английском языке (с соблюде-

нием всех фонетических, лексико-синтаксических и грамматических норм) в

различных ситуациях в пределах разговорных тем, предусмотренных учебным


- умение спонтанно высказываться на заданную тему с использованием изу-

ченной лексики при обсуждении проблем;

- навык монологической и диалогической речи, презентации устных сообще-


- навык аудирования и реферирования текста.

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2. Тематический план

Объем часов

Аудиторная работа

№ Название и содержание

разделов, тем, модулей







Формы контроля

1 Higher education in the


24 12 12 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


2 Courts and trials 28 14 14 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


3 Books and reading 24 12 12 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


4 Family life

/married couples/



28 14 14 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


5 Difficult


24 12 12 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


6 Man and music 20 10 10 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


7 TV and mass media 28 14 14 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


8 Customs and holidays 24 11 13 Тест по лексике, чтение, перевод и пе-

ресказ текста, монолог или диалог по


3. Содержание дисциплины:

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Используемые материалы

Higher education

in the USA

1 .Introductory lesson


Arakin textbook (27-30): topical vocabulary, "Higher edu-

cation" text; University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and

2. Persuasion strategies


Arakin textbook (30-34): "" text, persuasion strategies ex-


The View magazine

US News and World Report magazine

3.How to talk 2 Panel discussion on year-round schooling

about science and "Word Power Made Easy" book (118-129)


4. Entering an American Uni-


5.Control lesson



booklet Компьютерра US News and World Report maga-


Written test, presentations of the projects

Courts and trials

1. Introductory lesson


"American civilization" textbook (chapter on the legal sys-

tem); Arakin textbook: topical vocabulary and "US Court

System" text (61-64); Life magazine

2. Jobs and legal procedures 2 «You Can Be the Judge: the New Job» from Discussion


3.Argumentation; logical ar-


4. Speech-making

5.How to talk

about liars and lying

6.Control lesson





Arakin textbook Writers Inc. book: "Twenty wrong logical


Students' speeches and their discussion

Word Power Made Easy: «How to talk about liars and ly-

ing»;«Liar, Liar» movie

Written test, monologue

Books and


1 .Introductory


2.Allusion as a literary tech-

nique; remaking of old stories

and fairy tales

3. Writers and


4.Books in

people's lives

5. Control lesson

6.Creative writing







Headway Advanced - Unit 8 Cartoons and

speaking activities

Headway Advanced - Unit 8

-remaking of «Little Red Riding Hood» by

Roald Dahl;

-«Parson's Pleasure» by Roald Dahl.

Arakin textbook: topical vocabulary and text ("Muriel

Spark") 90-93

Headway Advanced - Unit 8: interview with Barbara Cart-


Life magazine («About Oprah Winfrey and her books»)

Written test on vocabulary

Remaking of a story

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Family life





1 .Introductory


2.Family life

3. Relationships:

problem solving

4. Sexist language





«Discussion Starters» Gender Roles

Arakin textbook (251-253): topical

vocabulary, text

Becoming a master student book Article on


«All American Joke Book»

Borzoi Handbook - Sexist language

5. Upbringing; marriage

6.Control lesson



Borzoi Practice Book - Sexist language

«Reader's Digest» To win at marriage, learn to lose. Osher-

son «Finding our fathers» Selections

Quiz; presentations; dialogues; life situations; problem




1 .Traits of character

2. Children and childhood

3.How to talk about personal-



4. Children: IQ, emotional


5. Control lesson






Reward Intermediate - Lesson 20 Arakin textbook (154-


Headway Advanced - Unit 4 (Text on childhood memories;

Text on Dr. Spock; cassette)

Word Power Made Easy book: "How to talk about person-

ality types"

Emotional Intelligence book. Selections «Forrest Gump»

movie + discussion guide

Quiz; dialogues

Man and music

1. Introductory lesson: genres

of music; understanding mu-



Arakin textbook An Incomplete Education book: articles on

music (121-125)

2.Classical music 2 Victor's «Guide to classical music» CD

List of classical composers and their opuses «Gregorian

Chant» CD

3. Going to an opera 2 Verdi CD, Donizzetti CD, «Phantom of the

opera» CD

4.Contemporary music 2 Cotemporary music CD's

5. Control lesson 2 Written test, presentation of reports

TV and mass me-


l. The definition and essence

of mass media


Arakin textbook (184-187) Word Menu topical dictionary

British and American newspapers and magazines

2. News in Great Britain and

in the US


Reward Intermediate - Lesson 1, 2

American and British TV news

Reward Intermediate - Lesson 2, 4

3. Journalese: euphemisms 2 Headway Advanced - Unit 4 (Euphemisms)

4. The art of taking interviews 2

Interviews with celebrities;

Headway Advanced Unit 10 Interview with Nigel Demp-


5. Mass media and entertain-




6. Control lesson 2 Interviews, quiz, dialogues

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Customs and


1 .Review of holidays in Eng-

lish-speaking countries

2 Arakin textbook (217-222): topical vocabulary, text Re-

ward Pre-Intermediate Lesson 2, 3 (Australian Holidays)

Reward Pre-intermediate Lesson 3, 4 (Religious holidays)

2.Customs and traditions 2 Headway Advanced - Unit 9 (British accents) Arakin text-

book (223-226)

British and American magazines

3. The field of folklore 4 Arakin textbook (227-230): text, exercises

4. Control lesson 3 Test, students' reports.

4. Учебно-методические материалы по дисциплине

Основная литература

Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка для IV курса. М., 2003.

Дополнительная литература

c) Бонк Н. А., Лукьянова Н. А., Памухина Л. Г. Учебник английского языка. В

2-х ч. Ч.1 - М.: Деконт + - ГИС, 2002.

d) Бонк Н. А., Лукьянова Н. А., Памухина Л. Г. Учебник английского языка. В

2-х ч. Ч. 2 - М.: Деконт + - ГИС, 2002.

e) Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С., Мельчина О.П. Advanced English.

Учебник английского языка. М., 1999.

f) Дроздова Т. Ю., Берестова А. И., Дунаевская М. А., Невзорова

Г. Д., Суворова Л. Н., Толстикова С. С. Everyday English. Учебное пособие.

– СПб: Триада, 1997.

g) Evans V., Dooley J. Mission 1. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2000.

h) Evans V., Dooley J. Mission 2. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2000.

i) Redman S. English Vocabulary in Use. – Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 2003.

Internet-ресурсы: 5. www.cnn.com

6. www.bbc.com

7. www.voaspecialenglish.com

8. www.dictionary.com

9. www.dictionary.cambridge.org

10. www.en.wikipedia.org

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5. Контрольные задания и контрольные срезы

Темы Виды контроля

1. Higher education in the US 1) Словарный диктант ("Higher education")

2) Обсуждение ("Year-round schooling")

3) Презентации проектов

4) Контрольная работа

2. Courts and trials 1) Контрольная работа

2) Речь в защиту какого-либо общественного явления

3) Письменный тест

3. Books and reading 1) Обработанная версия известной истории

2) Контрольная работа

4. Family life 1) Ролевая игра

2) Контрольная работа

3) Диалоги

5. Difficult children

1) Контрольная работа

2) Тест

3) Диалоги

4) Обсуждение фильма ("Forrest Gump")

6. Man and music 1) Диалоги

2) Контрольная работа

7. TV and Mass Media 1) Ролевая игра: интервью

2) Тест

3) Диалоги

8. Customs and holidays 1) Контрольная работа

2) Диалог 3) Сообщения студентов по теме

Exercise 2. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below.

a) sentences, capital punishment, case, life imprisonment, Crown Court, prison sen-

tences, magistrates' courts, pay a fine, impose fines About 90 per cent of all crimes are dealt with by_______._______ (that is, the punishments

decided by the court) vary a lot but most people who are found guilty have to_______.

Magistrates' courts can _______ of up to £2,000 or _______ of up to six months. If the pun-

ishment is to be more severe the case must go to a_______. The most severe punishment

is_______: there has been no death penalty (_______.) in Britain since 1965.

b) detective, plain clothes, jury, warders, coroner, verdict, solicitor, trial, in-

quest, death penalty

a) If you want legal advice in Britain, you go to a_______.

b) At the end of the_______, the judge ordered the twelve men and women of the _______

to retire and consider their _______ of guilty or not guilty.

c) Men or women who look after prisoners in prison are called prison officers or_______.

d) If a person dies in unusual circumstances, an_______is held at a special court, and the

'judge' is called a_______.

e) A policeman who investigates serious crime is called a . He wears_______, not


f) In some countries murderers are executed but other countries have abolished


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Exercise 4. Put one of the following words in each space in the sentences below.

before, in, to, of, with

(a) He' s being kept ____ custody.

(b) She's been charged_______theft.

(c) He was sentenced_______five years.

(d) He appeared_______court_______handcuffs.

(e) She got a sentence_______six months.

(f) They were brought_______the judge.

(g) He was accused_______murder.

(h) The jury reached a verdict._______ not guilty.

Exercise 5. Fill the gaps with suitable words. 1)1 have never_______the law and _____ a crime.

2) In Britain it is_______the law to drive a car without insurance.

3) If you park illegally you will have to pay a_______

4) The police were fairly sure the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be dif-

ficult to_______it in court.

5) The jury must decide if the accused is innocent or._______

6) In order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the

7) If the accused is _____ of murder, the_______may be at least ten years in prison.

8) He has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor_______

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences below with the most suitable word in the context.

Only one answer is correct. 1) I've _____ a trap for the burglars. I hope we catch them.

A done В made С put D set

2) We haven't caught the man yet, but we're on his_______.

A footsteps В line С traces D track

3) In view of the evidence, the inspector _____ him with the crime.

A accused В blamed С charged D suspected

4) He was killed by a shot fired at close .

A distance В position С range D target

5) The crime was not solved for several months, until fresh evidence came to_______.

A light В sight С view D vision

6) Silence in court! I won't_______ any further interruptions.

A bear В put up with С stand up for D support

7) The murder weapon had been_______in the grass for several days.

A laid В lain С laying D lying

8) Holmes judged how tall the man was from the length of his

A foot В расе С step D stride

Exercise 7. Complete the text below, using only one word in each space. In crime novels the crime committed is nearly always murder; some end when the detective

accuses the murderer_______(1) the crime, and puts him under ______ (2) but there

are_______(3), where the detective is also a lawyer,_______(4) Perry Mason, in which the


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event of the novel is the_______(5). In the typical novel of_______ (6) kind, the court is

full when the prosecuting counsel outlines the case_______(7) the defendant._______(8)

first_______ (9) lawyer can be found to defend him. His cause ______ (10) hopeless until a

brilliant defending counsel agrees to take his case because he (or she) believes him inno-

cent. A surprise witness appears to_______(11) him not_______(12), and if the lawyer is

Perry Mason, he not only wins the case but spots the real criminal in court_______(13)

well, and ._______ (14) him confess. In_______ (15) life, murder is an exceptional

crime, and not______ (16) than ten per cent of those convicted of offences go to prison.

Even if they are sentenced to imprisonment, their sentence is often suspended for a pe-

riod,_______ (17) means that they_______(18) not serve a term in prison_______ (19) they

are arrested for another crime_______(20) that time.

Exercise 8. Rewrite the following sentences in a different way, by completing the alter-

natives given. Do not change the meaning.

1) The only reason why some thieves confess is that they think they may get a lighter sen-


Not many_______.

2) We may take down anything you say and use it in evidence against you.


3) I don't know who killed her, but he was careful not to leave any fingerprints behind.


4) His morality is almost the same as a criminal's. There is not much .

5) As he grew older, the gap between his beliefs and mine became more noticeable.

The older_______.

6) That a policeman should disagree with capital punishment puzzled him.

It puzzled_______.

He couldn't understand_______.

7) If you don't understand by now, I'm sure you haven't been paying attention.

You can't_______.

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Кафедра английской филологии №1


по курсу «Письменная практика»

для специальности 031001 «Филология»

(специализация (03) «Зарубежная филология», ОПД.Ф.07)

Факультет РГФ

курс – 4

семестры – 7, 8

практические занятия – 33 часа

Всего часов: 33 часа

диф. зачет – 7 семестр

экзамен – 8 семестр

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: к.пед.н., профессор кафедры

английской филологии №1 Л.П. ХАЛЯПИНА

Кемерово 2011

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Рабочая программа дисциплины «Практический курс основного ино-

странного языка (английский)» федерального компонента цикла ОПД.Ф.07 со-

ставлена в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом выс-

шего профессионального образования второго поколения по специальности

031001 – «Филология», специализации (03) «Зарубежная филология».

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1.1.Пояснительная записка

Курс «письменная практика» является составной частью общего учебного

курса учебной программы по основному иностранному языку (английскому)

для студентов 4 курса.

Целью данного курса является формирование языковой и

коммуникативной компетенции в сфере письменной речи у студентов, изучаю-

щих английский язык как специальность. В задачи курса входят такие пункты,


• Reading. Обучение ознакомительному и просмотровому чтению. Проверка

понимания студентами различных типов текстов. Задания включают: само-

стоятельный поиск текстов в Интернет среде, соответствующих выбранной те-

матике и отражающих отношение к данной проблеме представителей разных

культур. Предполагается использование различных жанров Интернет-

коммуникации: от менее интерактивных к более интерактивным.

• Speaking. Резюмирование текста, основанное на заданном аспекте со-

держания. Демонстрирует способность к выбору и репрезентации информа-

ции, связному устному пересказу содержания.

• Writing an essay. Развитие навыков письменной речи: структура сочи-

нения, грамматическое и лексическое наполнение сочинения. Типы письмен-

ной речи: повествование, описание, рассуждение. Правила пунктуации.

Проблемная тематика сочинений, направленная на формирование самостоя-

тельного критического мышления студентов.

В качестве базового материала для курса письменной практики избраны

материалы электронного учебно-методического комплекса по интегрированно-

му курсу «Интернет-коммуникация и обучение иностранным языкам + практи-

ка языка», размещенного на персональной web- странице преподавателя


Программа призвана обеспечить четкую координацию и преемственность

в преподавании письменной практики английского языка на разных курсах, а

также тематическую и содержательную связь учебного материала, постоянное

усложнение его трудности, значительную степень творчества при выполнении


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1.2. Тематическое планирование


Тема часов Самостоятельная Форма

лекций практ. работа студентов


11. Discussion of the problems

and themes, which would

be especially interesting to

the students to investigate.


12. New words and terminol-

ogy which is widely used in

the theme “New technology

in our life”

2 www.dictionary.com


13. Vocabulary work 2 Students should work with English-English dic-

tionaries finding the definitions of the new words and

preparing exercises for translation and paraphrasing.

Oral presenta-


14. Reading and discussion of

the texts about new tech-

nologies from the web-


2 1. Web-sites located on the teacher’s personal

web-page (www.internet.kemsu.ru/projects/halap)

2. Web-sites found by the students individually.

15. Reading and discussion of

the texts about new tech-


1. Forums and chat-conferences located on the

teacher’s personal web-page




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(using the forums and chat-


2. Forums and chat-conferences found by the stu-

dents individually.

6. Writing a draft essay. 2 The title, the outline and main ideas are gathered at


7. Writing a review. 2 The review on the classmate’s work is to be written

according to the special scheme.


8. Writing a final essay. 2 The following package of papers is to be given to

the teacher:

d) Materials from the Internet resources

e) Draft essay

f) Review

g) Final essay


9. Correction work. 2 Students fulfill correction work, individually ex-

plain their mistakes and prove controversial points

of view.

10. New words and terminology

which is widely used in the theme

“How to get success after gradu-

ating from the University”

2 www.dictionary.com


11. Vocabulary work 2 Students should work with English-English dic-

tionaries finding the definitions of the new words

and preparing exercises for translation and para-


Oral presenta-


12. Reading and discussion of the

texts about the problem how to

get success after graduating from

the University.

2 1.Web-sites located on the teacher’s personal web-

page (www.internet.kemsu.ru/projects/halap)

2. Web-sites found by the students individually

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13. Reading and discussion of the

texts about the problem of getting

success after graduating from the

University (using the forums and


2 9. Forums and chat-conferences located on the

teacher’s personal web-page


10. Forums and chat-conferences found by the stu-

dents individually.

Oral presenta-


14. Writing a draft essay. 2 The title, the outline and main ideas are gathered at


15. Writing a review. 2 The review on the classmate’s work is to be written

according to the special scheme.


16. Writing a final essay. 2 The following package of papers is to be given to

the teacher:

h) Materials from the Internet resources

i) Draft essay

j) Review

k) Final essay


17. Correction work. 2 Students fulfill correction work, individually ex-

plain their mistakes and prove controversial points

of view.

18. New words and terminology

which is used in the theme “Death

penalty: for or against?”

2 www.dictionary.com


19. Vocabulary work 2 Students should work with English-English dic-

tionaries finding the definitions of the new words

and preparing exercises for translation and para-


Oral presenta-


20. Reading and discussion of the

texts about the problem of death


2 1.Web-sites located on the teacher’s personal web-

page (www.internet.kemsu.ru/projects/halap)

2. Web-sites found by the students individually

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21. Reading and discussion of the

texts about the problem of death

penalty (using the forums and


2 1. Forums and chat-conferences located on the

teacher’s personal web-page


2. Forums and chat-conferences found by the stu-

dents individually.

Oral presenta-


22. Writing a draft essay. 2 The title, the outline and main ideas should be pre-

pared at home.

23. Writing a review. 2 The review on the classmate’s work is to be written

according to the special scheme.


24. Writing a final essay. 2 The following package of papers is to be given to

the teacher:

l) Materials from the Internet resources

m) Draft essay

n) Review

o) Final essay


25. Correction work. 2 Students fulfill correction work, individually ex-

plain their mistakes and prove controversial points

of view.

26. New words and terminology

which is used in the theme

“Euthanasia: is it human or not?”

2 www.dictionary.com


27. Vocabulary work 2 Students should work with English-English dic-

tionaries finding the definitions of the new words

and preparing exercises for translation and para-


Oral presenta-


28. Reading and discussion of the

texts about the problem of eutha-


2 1.Web-sites located on the teacher’s personal web-

page (www.internet.kemsu.ru/projects/halap)

2. Web-sites found by the students individually

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29. Reading and discussion of the

texts about the problem of eutha-

nasia (using the forums and chat-


2 1.Forums and chat-conferences located on the

teacher’s personal web-page


2.Forums and chat-conferences found by the stu-

dents individually.

Oral presenta-


30. Writing a draft essay. 2 The title, the outline and main ideas should be pre-

pared at home.

31. Writing a review. 2 The review on the classmate’s work is to be written

according to the special scheme.


32. Writing a final essay. 2 The following package of papers is to be given to

the teacher:

p) Materials from the Internet resources

q) Draft essay

r) Review

s) Final essay


33. Correction work. 2 Students fulfill correction work, individually ex-

plain their mistakes and prove controversial points

of view.

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1.3. Основные знания, умения и навыки, которые

должен приобрести студент, обучающийся

письменной практике на основном иностранном языке - англий-


Требования в области письменной практики на основном ино-

странном языка, предъявляемые к студентам IV курса, предполага-

ют формирование у студентов знаний, умений и навыков в сле-

дующем объёме:

1. Уметь самостоятельно формулировать проблему для письменной


2. Уметь определять главную и второстепенные цели творческой

письменной работы на иностранном языке.

3. Уметь самостоятельно подбирать необходимый текстовый мате-

риал, пользуясь различными поисковыми и коммуникативными

ресурсами Интернет на английском языке.

4. Знать структурные компоненты такого виды письменной работы,

как сочинение (эссе).

5. Уметь составлять план сочинения и соблюдать его логическое

построение в соответствии с заявленным планом.

6.Уметь выполнять задачи по лексическому и грамматическому на-

полнению письменной работы.

7. Владеть навыком осуществления критического анализа работ

своих сокурсников.

1.4. Учебно-методическая литература по дисциплине

1. Электронный учебно-методический комплекс по интегриро-

ванному курсу «Интернет-коммуникация и обучение ино-

странным языкам + практика языка», размещенного на персо-

нальной web- странице преподавателя


2. Nick Kenny. Proficiency Passkey. Student's Book. Macmillan

Heinemann English Language Teaching. Between Towns Road,

Oxford 0X4 3PP, 1999.

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3. ТВ - Carole Robinson, Nick Kenny. Proficiency Passkey. Teacher's

Book. Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching. Be-

tween Towns Road, Oxford 0X4 3PP, 1999.

4. WB - Nick Kenny. Proficiency Passkey. Workbook. Macmillan

Heinemann English Language Teaching. Between Towns Road,

Oxford 0X4 3PP, 1999.

1.5. Контрольные задания по курсу "письменная практика»

(темы сочинений и рецензий)

1. An essay title “How useful are new technologies in our life?”

The variants may be the following:

a) “Positive or negative influence of new technologies on our health”;

b) “Is it possible to live without computer technologies nowadays?”

c) “Nanotechnologies, what can they do for us?”

2. A review on the classmate’s essay: “How useful are new technologies in

our life?”

3. An essay title “How to realize our opportunities after graduating from the


The variants may be the following:

a) “How to get good job?”

b) “How to prepare oneself for successful interview passing?”

c) “What position would I like to get in our society?”

4. A review on the classmate’s essay: “How to realize our opportunities after

graduating from the University?”

5. An essay title “Death penalty: for or against?”

6. A review on the classmate’s essay: “Death penalty: for or against?”

7. An essay title “Euthanasia: is it human or not?”

The variants may be the following:

a) “Euthanasia: is it a sin for those who help people die?”

b) “Why people fall seriously ill?”

8. A review on the classmate’s essay: “Euthanasia: is it human or not?”

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Кафедра английской филологии №1



по курсу «Домашнее чтение»

для специальности 031001 – «Филология»

(специализация (03) – «Зарубежная филология», ОПД.Ф.07)

СОСТАВИТЕЛИ: ст.преподаватель кафедры

английской филологии № 1 Е.А. Сидорова

Кемерово 2008

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Рабочая программа дисциплины «Практический курс основного ино-

странного языка (английский)» федерального компонента цикла ОПД.Ф.07

составлена в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стан-

дартом высшего профессионального образования второго поколения по спе-

циальности 031001 – «Филология», специализации (03) «Зарубежная фило-


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Данная рабочая программа разработана в соответствии с типовой

учебной программой по английскому языку и предназначена для студен-

тов IV курса, изучающих английский язык в качестве своей основной спе-


Рекомендуемое произведение для домашнего чтения - роман "Улица

Ангела" (The Angel Pavement) Джона Бойнтона Пристли, представите-

ля критического реализма в литературе Великобритании XX века. В рома-

не писатель реалистически изображает жизнь обычных, рядовых англичан

-"маленьких людей" - в большом городе.

Работа над каждой главой начинается с работой над новой лексикой,

куда включены фразеологические единицы, широко употребляемые в анг-

лийском языке. Также предлагаются упражнения на перевод, коммуника-

тивного и дискуссионного характера. Многие задания носят творческий

характер, что поможет студентам обсудить героев книги, основные про-

блемы романа "Улица Ангела". Большое внимание уделяется языку про-

изведения, использованию автором различных стилистических приёмов,

уже знакомых студентам по курсу "Стилистика английского языка". В

конце рабочей программы даются темы для финального обсуждения.

Программа рассчитана на 2 семестра.

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(pp. 9-31)

Task 1. Speak about the author of the novel.

Task 2. Explain the meaning of the following expressions using English-English


1. to air one's language (10)

2. to do one another various good turns (11)

3. to be gods for an hour (15)

4. to have a bit of a pull (16)

5. to cost next to nothing (16)

6. to furnish smb. with an allowance (21)

7. to work one's fingers to the bone (23)

8. to plunge into reverie (23)

9. to speak one's head off (24)

10. to get at smb. (25)

11. week in and week out (26)

12. to strike an attitude (26)

13. to trifle with the thought (28)

14. to give tongue to a thousand little grievances (31)

15. to make a row (31)

Task 3. Find the necessary word or phrase with the same meaning on given pages:

1. to make smb./smth. do smth. by or as if by force (19)

2. a road for public traffic (19)

3. street with an opening at one end only (20)

4. quick, light and heat in a moment; agile (20)

5. to tidy up the room (23)

6. to start working with keenness or effort (23)

7. to advance with smth. (24)

8. to urge, annoy or drive smb. into doing smth. (25)

9. to do smth. constantly and for a long time (26)

10. to give employment to smb. (26)

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Task 4. Answer the questions and do the following tasks:

1. In what way does the novel begin? Find words and expressions dealing with the

topic "SEA, SEA-PORT."

Find cases of personification.

2. Introduce Mr.Golspie. What features of his character can you point out? Has he

ever been to London? Was Mr.Golspie impressed by the city? What was the main

aim of his arrival?

3. Places of interest mentioned in the prologue.

4. ANGEL PAVEMENT: in what way is it described? Find cases of irony. Why is

the street possibly called Angel Pavement?

5. Give character-sketches of:

- Mrs.Cross,

- Stanley Poole,

- Turgis,

- Miss Matfield.

Task 5. Read and translate:

1. From: "This cargo was so mixed..." (p.9) up to: "... gave him a faint piratical air."

(p. 10).

2. From: "He had arrived..." (p.13) up to: "... with his reflection." (p.14)

3. From: "Two minutes later..." up to the end (p. 18).

Task 6. Explain:

1. "The Tower Bridge raised its two arms" - is the noun "arms" used here figura-

tively? Prove it.

2. "... all London bridges were burning down". Does it correspond to the same Rus-

sian phrase? What's the idea of putting it here?

3. "He was one of those men who are difficult to place". What's meant here?

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CHAPTER 1 (3-5)

(pp. 32 - 54)

Task 1. Find the following phrases, explain their meaning and translate:

1. with dexterity (33)

2. to occupy a safe stool (33)

3. to plunge into the day's work (34)

4. to be under a spell (39)

5. to cock an ear (39)

6. to be sandwiched between (40)

7. to stroll into business (41)

8. to grapple with the problem (42)

9. to be dressed up to the nines (44)

10. to have a good shot at (45)

Task 2. Give the English equivalents:

1. говорить обиженным тоном (38)

2. получать стипендию (40)

3. тщательно обсуждать (41)

4. быть лишенным возможности сделать что-либо (41)

5. давить, влиять на решение (46)

6. как бишь его (47)

7. понять (53)

8. автомобили, едущие домой (54)

Task 3. Give a synopsis of the events presented in subchapters 3-5.

What was the main event taken place? Think about the title to every sub-

chapter, use the expressions.

Task 4. Read and translate:

From: "It was Goath ..." up to the end of the passage, (p.51).

Task 5. Discuss the subchapters according to the following points:

1. Mr.Smeeth had arrived at the office. (32)

2. Goath, a senior traveller, things he is responsible for. (35)

3. The conversation between Goath and Mr.Smeeth. (36-38)

4. Introduce Mr.Dersingham (40-41)

– his appearance,

– school years,

– likes and dislikes,

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– family.

5. Reproduce the dialogue between Mr.Dersingham, Mr.Smeeth and Goath.

6. The impression produced by Mr.Golspie. (47)

7. Mr.Smeeth is puzzled and bewildered. Why?

8. Goath is an indignant fish. What's happened? Your proposals on his destiny.

CHAPTER 2 (1-2)

(pp. 55 - 73)

Task 1. Find the necessary word or phrase:

1. regular customer (56)

2. to be clever about doing smth. (68, 70)

3. to be great friends (69)

4. to take smth. quickly (72)

5. и вот, и вдруг! (63)

6. в один миг, в мгновенье ока (63)

7. гадать (68)

Task 2. Paraphrase: 1. to get a decent pipeful (55)

2. to cut smb. short (55)

3. to be in a waggish mood (61)

4. to pursue the subject (61)

5. to get one's wits together (61)

6. My heart went into my boots. (67)

7. to make much headway with smth. (73)

Task 3. Describe:

1. T.Benenden (57).

2. Mr.Smeeth is reading a newspaper (59).

3. Edna (62, 70).

4. Mrs.Smeeth (63).

5. Relations between husband and wife.

6. Mr.Smeeth shares the latest news, his wife's attitude to it (67).

7. Mr.Smeeth is thinking about his relations with children (69-70).

8. George (70-72).

9. Mr.Smeeth's passion (73).

Task 4. Read and translate:

The last passage of subchapter 2 (p.73).

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CHAPTER 2 (3-4)

(pp. 73 - 87)

Task 1. Explain the meaning of the following word-combinations:

1. to struggle out of sleep (73)

2. to be at odds with smth./smb. (75)

3. for donkey's years (76)

4. to upset one's apple-cart (76)

5. to come a nasty cropper (76)

6. to sound fishy (79)

7. to be keen on (79)

8. a stroke of luck (80)

9. to give smb. a rope (81)

10. to nose about the office (82)

11. to stand by smb.(85)

Task 2. Find synonyms for:

1. to be sacked (76)

2. to have a drink (84)

Task 3. Describe, answer the questions:

1. A spouting, unpleasant morning (73-75).

2. Mr.Smeeth at lunch time. What story was he told? Mr.Smeeth's fears (75-77).

3. The talk between Mr.Smeeth and Mr.Dersingham (79-82).

4. Mr.Smeeth and Mr.Golspie at T.Benenden's (82-83).

5. Mr.Smeeth and Mr.Golspie having a drink. What do you think of Mr. Golspie's

behaviour in the White Horse? What does he believe in? (83-87).

6. Explain the title of Chapter 2.

Task 4. Read and translate:

1. The 1st passage of subchapter 3 (pp.73-74).

2. The 2nd

passage of subchapter 4 (pp.78-79).

3. Page 87.

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CHAPTER 3 (1-2)

(pp. 88 -104)

Task 1. Enlarge your vocabulary. Give English definitions illustrated by examples:

1. haughty 5. ostentatious 9. cadaverous

2. effusion 6. culprit 10. preposterous

3. fringe 7. decanter 11. ventriloquial

4. dingy 8. relapse 12. strenuous

Task 2. Find the necessary word or phrase. Observe the context in which it is used:

1. the part farthest from the centre; edge (91)

2. to come down in social rank (95)

3. to pass quickly, quietly or secretly through smth. (95)

4. to beat smth. out of someone; to find an answer by talking with effort (99)

5. to obtain hints how to behave, what to do (102)

Task 3. Paraphrase the following:

1. to know the ropes (93)

2. to present smb. with a new lease of life (94)

3. to draw the line (95)

4. to laugh smth. off (97)

5. to give smth. positive/negative flavour (99)

6. to purse one's lips (103)

7. to bring oneself to do smth. (103)

Task 4. Comment on:

1. "the postal heavens opened..." (90).

Task 5. Describe:

1. The changes at Twigg & Dersingham's.

2. The three classes of typists.

3. Poppy Sellers and her family.

4. Mr.Smeeth going to the bank.

5. The successful applicant.

6. The Dersingham's house.

7. The way Mr. Dersingham gets ready for the party.

8. Mrs. Dersingham.

9. The Pearsons.

10. Miss Verever.

11. The Trapes. What class of late guests did they belong to?

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CHAPTER 3 (3-4)

(pp. 104-124)

Task 1. Find the necessary word or phrase. Observe the context in which it is used:

1. to look down at smbAsmth. (104)

2. to be at one's ease (105)

3. to be dying to do smth. (105)

4. not to care tuppence about smth. (106)

5. ontopofallthat(107)

6. to be clumsy with one's hands (110)

7. to be fired with solicitude (110)

8. togooffintoafit(lll)

9. to bring smb. round (111)

10. to run smth. down (114)

11. to rack one's brains (115)

12. to quarrel like cats and dogs (116)

13. to press smth. on smb. (116)

14. to make a palaver about smth. (124)

Task 2. Describe:

1. Talking about football. Was Mr.Golspie really "not the man to ignore such a chal-

lenge"? Do you agree that "games ought to be played for their own sake"?


2. The talk has turned literary (pp.108-109).

3. The awful accident. Mrs.Dersingham being in an extremity (pp.109-111).

4. Mrs.Pearson ceasing to be one of "them" (pp. 112-113). Comment on the stylistic

device: "And they returned ... two sisters out of burning Troy".

5. The rest of the dinner (pp.113-115).

6. The arrival of Miss Golspie. The effect she produced on: a) men, b) women.

7. Lena bursting into a torrent of speech and into tears.

8. How do you understand Mr.Golspie's words: "The people I'm going to make

money for are these people, these two here." ? (p. 124)

Task 3. Find ironical and humorous episodes during the dinner.

Task 4. Dramatize one of the scenes.

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CHAPTER 4 (1-2)

(pp. 125-140) Task 1. Find the equivalents:

1. to say more about (126) 2. to be risky, of uncertain result (126) 3. to be in a bad temper (130) 4. to shake one's finger at smb. (131) 5. not to be reluctant to doing smth. (133) 6. to go mad (134) 7. to be tricked out of smth. (139) 8. to lose cosciousness (140) Task 2. Translate

1. доставаться (126) 2. стать наглым (130) 3. совать нос в чужие дела (131) 4. в крайнем случае (133) 5. задержать кого-либо для долгого, нудного разговора (138) 6. понимать кого-либо (138) Task 3. Describe:

1. Turgis and his bed-sitting room. 2. Mrs.Pelumpton. 3. Mr.Pelumpton.

What are the labels used by the author for the Pelumptons? Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. Turgis never regarded himself as one of the firm. Why? 2. Why does Turgis believe in the power of being in the know? 3. Why was Poppy Sellers a great disappointment to Turgis? 4. What did Turgis believe in? 5. What were the reasons for Turgis to go to the cinema every weekend? Task 5. Read and translate:

From: "Turgis was by temperament a lover." up to "Then life would really begin." (pp.128-129) Which of the proverbs would go with this chapter?

1. Love is neither bought nor sold. 2. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 3. The game is not worth the candle. 4. He will never set the Thames on fire. 5. A good dress is a card of invitation, a good mind is a letter of recommendation. (Com-

pare with Turgis's words: p. 128) Topics for discussion:

A. Has every man the right to love and be loved?

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B. Do you think that love may overcome all the obstacles? С Do you believe in love at first sight?

D. Can you fall in love with a criminal?

CHAPTER 4 (3-4)

(pp. 140-161) Task 1. Paraphrase:

1. to spin out an evening (140) 2. a pick-up (140) 3. to thread one's way (141) 4. to steam with humanity (142) 5. to arrive at smth. (142, 155) 6. to be snappy (143) 7. to find oneself lifted out of one's gloom (145) 8. to give smth. a miss (145) 9. to get tipsy (146) 10. to dower smb. with smth. (147) 11. to pull oneself about a bit too much (148) 12. to be a wash-out (148) 13. to be not in the seam (149) 14. to be heckled by smb. (152) 15. to edge oneself into smb. (153) 16. to look daggers at smb. (158)

Task 2. Find the synonyms:

1. to be in full swing (152) 2. to stick to the same views (153) 3. to begin a friendship (perhaps casually) (154) 4. to review a situation, to estimate (155) 5. to be deceived (156) 6. to disappoint, fail to help (160)

Task 3. Translate into English using the expressions:

1. Вечеринка была в полном разгаре. 2. Его всегда обманывают: то девушка не придет на свидание, то новые туфли

разваливаются (to split), то переговоры заканчиваются неудачей. 3. Завязать знакомство - нелегкое дело. 4. Не слишком то кривляйся, а то разочаруешь меня! 5. Тарджис втиснулся в толпу, где высокая женщина, немного подвыпившая, за-

сыпала вопросами оратора, бросая на него злобные взгляды. 6. Ему так и не удалось привести старика в чувство. 7. Ты такой любопытный и так расположен к людям, что всегда попадаешься на


Task 4. Answer the questions and describe:

1. Usual Saturday night programme for Turgis. (140) Was he really a hunter? 2. The teashop. (141) Did he contrive to strike up an acquaintance? 3. The Sovereign Picture Theatre. (144)

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4. An exciting moment for Turgis. (145) Why was he shocked when looking the girl full in the eyes? 5. Sunday invitations for Turgis. (150-151) What was enough to make any chap turn Bolshie? (149) 6. Why is the chapter entitled in such a way - "Turgis sees her"? 7. The meeting. Prove that Lena was a kind of miracle for Turgis.

CHAPTER 5 (1-2)

(pp. 162-181)

Task 1. Paraphrase:

1. to claim one's attention to the exclusion of anything else (165) 2. to dismiss smb. in a phrase (165) 3. to lark about (170) 4. to go off the deep end (171) 5. to do smb. in the eye (175) 6. to wear one's heart on one's sleeve (177)

Task 2. Find the English for:

1. некоторым образом (163) 2. стать кому-либо поперек дороги (164) 3. понизить голос до шепота (164) 4. поставить кого-либо на место (163) 5. выносить, терпеть (167) 6. ссориться, шуметь (171) 7. большая вечеринка (171) 8. кутить (171) 9. в сотый раз (171) 10. строить ответ, обдумывать (175) 11. на волосок от (177) 12. в два счета (179)

Task 3. Read and translate:

1. From: "In the talk..." up to: "... of the Club." (165) 2. From: "It was a pity..." up to: "... a Miss Matfield." (172)

Task 4. Describe:

1. Miss Matfield going home. 2. The Burpenfield Club: a) living conditions, b) Miss Tattesby, c) mode of life. 3. Caddie. 4. Miss Ansdell and her parents.

Task 5. Answer the questions:

1. What was Miss Matfield's attitude towards the others in the office? 2. What was the thing that most girls at Burpenfield did want? 3. What was Miss Matfield cursing the Club for? (170)

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4. What was the news from Miss Ansdell? (173) 5. Why did Miss Matfield want to start a revolution? (176)

Task 6. Whom do we consider:

• a weird person, • a man's man, • a feeble man ?

CHAPTER 5 (3-4)

(pp. 181-205) Task 1. Paraphrase, give all possible synonyms and

antonyms to every given phrase:

1. to brush smb. aside (182) 2. to have the audacity to do smth. (188) 3. to be in the thick of smth. (197) 4. not to care a rap about smth. (197) 5. on the prowl (200) 6. not to turn a hair (202) 7. before one can say "knife" (202)

Task 2. Translate into Russian and observe the context in which the expressions are used:

1. in one's favourite vein (195) 2. Shoulders to the wheel! (198) 3. to bring smb. out of sleep (182) 4. to reverse a judgement (182) 5. to bring out the point (182) 6. to creep into one's mind (182) 7. to set one's spirits drooping (183) 8. to be the last word (183) 9. to dig out (185) 10. to stun one's appetite (188) 11. to drive smb. out of the conversation (188)

Task 3. A. Read and translate B. What linguistic phenomena help the author to create the atmosphere of

the passage translated?

1. "This couldn't be said ... amiserable affair." (188-189) 2. "When they came out... marrying him." (192-193) 3. "She stood in the entrance ... faded and dull." (194) 4. "She had been depressed ... sinking into dullness." (198-199) 5. "When they went out... the vodka." (204) 6. "By the time she was back ... a sharp ping." (205)

Task 4. Describe:

1. Miss Matfield's feelings about Norman Birtley. (181-182) 2. She runs into Kersey. (183)

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3. She meets Norman Birtley. (183-184) 4. At the restaurant. (186) 5. At the picture theatre: (189)

– the wrong seats, – the encounter with the Golspies.

6. A "big drive" in the office. (196) 7. Miss Matfield on board a ship. (200-205) Task 5. Think about the title of subchapters 3-4. Use the expressions.

CHAPTER 6(1-3)

(pp. 206-226)

Task 1. Explain what is meant by: 1. to stave off bankruptcy (206)

2. to look pretty rocky (206)

3. to have a good old gas (210)

4. to sit mooning (211)

5. to smarten oneself up (211)

6. to put one's back into smth. (211)

7. by a long chalk (211)

8. dog in the manger (216)

9. up hill and down dale (222)

Task 2. Find the English for:

1. в виде исключения, один раз (209, 217)

2. увлекаться чем-либо (210)

3. "постучать" по дереву (209)

4. тратить деньги по мелочам, распылять (213)

5. сделать что-либо экспромтом, без подготовки (215)

6. делать что-либо ловко, иметь сноровку (217)

7. хмурить брови (221)

8. понимать что-либо (223)

9. подражать кому-либо (226)

Task 3. Describe:

1. Mr.Smeeth is happy seeing the firm busy again. (206-207) Read and translate

from: "Everywhere there would be ..." up to: "the ornamental grill." (207)

2. The conflict of generations and Mr.Smeeth's speculations about the problem.


3. Mr.Benenden's family situation. (216)

4. Mr.Smeeth is listening to the music. His emotions, thoughts about the event.

Task 4. Find words and expressions dealing with the topic "MUSIC, CONCERT".

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Task 5. Answer the questions:

1. What article of clothes did Mr.Smeeth want to replace first after getting his rise?

2. What was life to Mr.Smeeth? Support or disapprove his point of view. (208-209)

3. What was money to Mrs.Smeeth. Support or disagree with her way of thinking.


4. What took the heart out of Mr.Benenden's business? (214)

CHAPTER 6 (4-5)

(pp. 226-245)

Task 1. Paraphrase:

1. to let bygones be bygones (227)

2. to lose oneself in speculations (228)

3. the long and (the) short of it (228)

4. to put smb. off one's food (228)

5. to brace smb. up (228)

6. for two pins (229)

7. to boil down to smth. (229)

8. to pick on smb. (229)

9. as deft as a juggler (231)

10. to be on one's head or one's heels (233)

11. to put one's foot down (235, 245)

12. to ask (cry) for the moon (236)

13. to buck up (236)

14. to be infatuated with (238)

15. to give smb. a box on the ears (242)

Task 2. Ask questions on the text so as to bring out the main points. Use the ex-


Task 3. Describe:

1. The way Mr.Smeeth treats Edna. What was the reason of Edna's having lost her


2. Mr.Smeeth lost his rise. How did Mrs.Smeeth's behaviour change when she had

been told about her husband's rise?

3. Mrs.Smeeth's cousin, his wife and daughter. Why was Mr.Smeeth rude with the

Mitties? Was Mr.Smeeth right to have displayed his resentment to the guests?

4. Mr.Smeeth is grunting.

Task 4. Read and translate:

1. From: "Now his thoughts..." up to: "... for the moon." (235-236)

2. From: "No doubt..." up to: "a sense of worse things to come." (245)

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Task 5. Retell subchapter 5 as if you were:

a) Mr.Smeeth, b) Mrs.Smeeth, c) Fred Mitty, d) Edna.

CHAPTER 7 (1-3)


Task 1. Give synonyms, translate into Russian and reproduce the situations in

which the expressions are used:

1. to waddle (248)

2. to be on the look-out (249)

3. to take for granted (250)

4. a bird of passage (251)

5. on the strength of (252)

6. to go to the length (254)

7. at the instigation (255)

8. to feel disheartened (257)

9. to jump at smb. (258)

10. to jab at a sore place (258)

11. to chime with one's innermost aspirations (266)

12. in a burst of candour (270)

Task 2. Describe:

1. Turgis being advised to find a hobby. (246-251)

2. Turgis thinking about how to start a conversation with Lena. (252)

3. Turgis smartening himself up. (253-254)

4. Turgis talking to Poppy Sellers. (257-259)

5. Turgis is sent to deliver the money. (262-266)

6. Turgis and Lena going to the movies. (269-270)

7. Turgis and Lena having supper. (270-273)

Task 3. Answer the questions:

1. Who were the people ready to get acquainted with Turgis?

2. Did Turgis think Lena to be the only girl of his dreams?

3. What did Turgis decide to do while Mr. Golspie was away?

4. What was the effect the landlady had produced on Turgis?

Task 4. Read and translate:

1. From: "Nearly all his time ..." up to the end of the passage. (250)

2. From: "The first few evenings..." up to: "... you wanted to meet." (252-253)

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3. From: "Very soon..." up to: "... Time and Change." (270)

Task 5. Why is the chapter entitled "Arabian nights for Turgis" ?

CHAPTER 7 (4-5)

(pp. 273 - 290)

Task 1. Find the expressions with the same meaning in the text:

1. to control oneself (276)

2. to burn with expectation (276)

3. to be surprised (277)

4. to be at a loss (277)

5. to smile (280)

6. to be nervous and do something quickly (276)

Task 2. Give the Russian for:

1. to have half thought of doing smth. (275)

2. to pin on the telephone (call) (276)

3. to be dumb with surprise (285)

4. to be alight with love (284)

5. to stop yapping (288)

6. all manner of wonderful things to smb. (283)

7. on account (285)

Task 3. Explain the meaning of the word "hold" in the following phrases:

a) to keep a hold on oneself (276)

b) to get a hold of smb. (278)

c) to take hold of smb. (279)

Task 4. Describe:

1. Turgis is in possession of an exquisite secret (273).

2. The Pelumptons talking pubs. (274)

3. Turgis waiting for Lena's call. (276) Prove that there is contrast between the Tur-

gis waiting for Lena Golspie and the Turgis when he was thinking about a hundred

excuses for Lena.

4. Turgis and Lena at the Colladium. (277) Why did Lena invite Turgis to the cin-

ema? Was it her caprice?

5. Turgis is jealous. (278-279)

6. Lena and Turgis having supper. (279-283)

7. Beautiful dreams and their crush. (286-289)

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Task 5. Entitle subchapters 4-5. Make an outline of the main narrative events.

Task 6. Comment on the sentences:

1. "He merely existed no longer, but now he lived." (284)

2. "... he was ready to lie, to beg, to steal, to slave day and night... so long as he

could still love and be loved." (284)

3. "Now he looked...." (286)

4. "He would show ...." (289)

CHAPTER 8 (1-3)


Task 1. Explain the meaning:

1. to be hard up (291)

2. to have the cheek and courage to do smth. (292)

3. to snap one's head off (293)

4. to flow at smb. (293)

5. to go potty (294)

6. to swallow the bait (296)

7. to confer a favour on smb. by doing smth. (297)

8. to be a dark horse (298)

9. to dawdle over (302)

10. to go down with (305)

11. to be rolling (307)

Task 2. Comment on the meaning of the word "languid" in the following phrases:

• the languid Morrison (293)

• languid disgust (295)

• languid distaste (297)

• languid disdain (299)

Task 3. Describe:

1. The subject of Christmas is revolting. What was Miss Matfield's attitude towards

this holiday?

Do you personally like Christmas and New Year? What is your usual way of spend-

ing it? Are you always stodged, sleepy and headachy?

2. Miss Matfield's dreams.

3. The last few days before Christmas in London.

4. Miss Snaresbrook. Give her character-sketch.

5. Miss Matfield's reading preferences.

Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. Why did Miss Matfield forget about Christmas?

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2. What's the meaning of the last sentence in the first passage on p.291?

3. Why was Miss Matfield excited by the prospect of seeing Mr.Golspie again?

4. Why did Miss Matfield try to change her room after every Christmas?

5. What sum of money was considered to be sufficient for the most of Burpenfield


6. What happened to Miss Matfield on New Year's Eve?

CHAPTER 8 (4-6)


Task 1. Expressions:

1. to sink into silence (311)

2. to forget clean (311)

3. to jot down (311)

4. to kick up a fuss (312)

5. to be tickled by (313)

6. to pass for smb. (313)

7. to be about one's mark (314)

8. to give a hug (323)

Task 2. Describe:

1. Miss Matfield and Mr.Golspie at the Bundle's. Translate the passage from: "The

waiters themselves..." up to the end of the passage on p.316.

2. Miss Matfield's Old Year's Night. (319-325)

3. Miss Matfield is suspicious about Golspie. (326-328). Translate the sentence:

"Sometimes he was simply friendly..." (326).

Task 3. Answer the questions:

1. What was the motto of the Bundle's?

2. How did Golspie come to know Miss Matfield's name? Translate the passage be-

ginning with: "She could not have described ..." (325).

3. What do you think is the first Golspie's step to abandon London?

Task 4. Reproduce the dialogue between Miss Matfield and Mr.Golspie (314-315).

Task 5. Say what the following names connote to you: • Waterloo (318)

• Highgate (320)

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• Humpty-Dumpty (322)

• the Burpenfield Club

Task 6. Sum up what you've learned about Lilian Matfield. What features in her

appeal to you? Give reasons for whatever you say.

CHAPTER 9 (1-2)

(pp. 329-349)

Task 1. Provide synonyms and antonyms to the given phrases. Reproduce the situa-

tions in which they are used:

1. to be flushed with temper (329)

2. to give smb. the pip (330)

3. to explode into speech (330)

4. to get home on/to smb. (333)

5. It never rains but it pours (338)

6. to harden one's heart (338)

7. after a fashion (340)

8. to take smb. on one side (340)

9. to give smb. the push (344)

10. to be past living with (345)

Task 2. Compose short dialogues using the expressions. Task 3. Read and trans-


1. From: "Up she blazed..." up to: "... to draw a deep breath." (329-330).

2. The passage beginning with: "And what is going to happen to us?" (330).

Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. Why was Mrs.Smeeth really hurt and what were the consequences?

2. How did Mr.Smeeth know about the quarrel being so serious? (337)

3. What did Mr.Dersingham say to Mr.Smeeth about Turgis? (340)

Task 5. Describe the following situations:

1. Mr. and Mrs.Smeeth quarrelling. (333)

2. The way Mr.Smeeth reads books. (334)

3. Edna feels uneasy about her father's knowledge that she has a sum of money for

movies. Retell their talk. (335)

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CHAPTER 9 (3-5)

(pp. 349-370)

Task 1. Give the synonyms:

1. to potter about (349)

2. to cadge a bob (350)

3. You needn't harp on it, needn't rub it in (358)

4. to put the screw on smb. (359)

5. to pay one's way (362)

Task 2. Find the English for:

1. вызывать в суд (351)

2. набрасываться на кого-либо (353)

3. быть вовлеченным во что-либо (355)

4. приводить в порядок, рассудить кого-либо (357)

5. одним махом, ударом (361)

6. хорошо разбираться в чем-либо (362)

Task 3. Expand on the following:

1. The police court business.

2. Mr.Smeeth comes to the garage.

3. Mr. Golspie wants his cut.

4. Mr.Dersingham lets the steam off. (359)

5. Plans of further cooperation with Mr.Golspie as Mr.Dersingham sees them. (361)

6. Mr.Smeeth's visit to the hospital.

7. Mr.Smeeth is having a look at the cemetery. Read and translate the passage from:

"Then he turned round, idly, ..." up to: "not even doing it decently." (367-368)

8. Snow tumbling into the city. What is the purpose of including the description of a

snowfall in the narration? (369).

Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. Why was Mr.Smeeth glad to find there had been no conspiracy between his wife

and the son? What was the result of the arguments between George and Mr.Smeeth?

2. Why didn't Mr.Smeeth tell his wife about the disturbing rumour concerning

Mr.Golspie? (356)

3. Why did Mr.Dersingham call Mr.Smeeth "an old washerwoman"? Do you agree

with it?

4. What were Mr.Smeeth's feelings when he saw St.Paul's dome? (364) the hospital?

Task 5. Write in brief the end of the novel.

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CHAPTER 10 (1-4)

(pp.371-389) Task 1. Paraphrase and translate:

1. to bolt one's breakfast (371) 2. to lead a humdrum life (3 ) 3. to get on a bit (380) 4. to ram it home (381) 5. to be all on one's lonesome (382) 6. to flare up (384) 5. to sink into a stupor (387) 8. to give smb. a start (389)

Task 2. Translate into Russian:

1. So you may imagine how unhappy it makes me be all on my lonesome. 2. He always gives me the pip, so you'd better hold him off. 3. "I can't hear a word," said Madge. This was untrue - she was playing for time racking her brains to find an answer. 4. The news spread with lightning speed and very soon everybody got to know that Dannie had sunk into a stupor. 5. Don't try to ram this idea home. 6. Lilian used to put the screw on her husband. 7. We can't count on this man - he is not at home in calculating and does everything after a fashion. 8. Don't bolt your dinner, Harry! It'll do you harm.

Task 3. Give a brief summary of the chapters using the expressions. Task 4. An-swer the questions:

1. What was the sudden decision Turgis had come to? 2. How does the author show glimpses of life streaming through Turgis's eyes?

Task 5. Describe:

1. Turgis can't believe that his previous meetings with Lena meant nothing to her. (372)

2. Explain the reason why Turgis can't understand Lena's avoiding him. (373) 3. Turgis chasing Lena. (374) 4. Turgis making a desperate throw to speak to Lena. (377) 5. The final encounter: a) Turgis at the door of Lena's flat, b) Turgis being in the same room talking to a different sort of a girl, c) Othello from Angel Pavement. 6. Turgis is moving at a steady pace being a stranger in the district. (385) 7. Turgis thinking about his future as a flat murderer. (387)

Task 6. Comment on:

1. "There are some dreams, trembling on the edge of nightmare, in which the dreamer goes rushing frantically through dismal reeling phantasmagoria of famil-iar scenes and places trying to find a lost somebody or something." (371)

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2. "She had kissed him into being somebody, and now he had a great deal to offer -his love, his life." (372)

CHAPTER 10 (5-7)


Task 1. Find the equivalents:

1. to stop blubbering (390)

2. to summon all the courage (390)

3. to drag smth. out of smb. (391)

4. to hurl oneself upon\at smb. (391)

5. to hand smb. over to the police (393)

6. to be in the rats (399)

7. to rattle smth. off (403)

Task 2. Arrange the events in order of their happening, enlarge upon:

1. He didn't notice where the bus was going, he didn't care, he sank into a sick stu-


2. "I've brought your money", said Poppy, bringing an envelope out of her scarlet


3. Then, summoning all the courage left him in the world, he blundered in, almost

flinging himself into the private office.

4. He had often jeered at young Stanley and his "shaddering", but now, inspired by

his jealous misery, he suddenly turned himself into a master shadower.

5. Turgis saw the world before him with no happiness in it, only foolish work and

weariness, and unnamed fears. He couldn't even commit suicide, couldn't afford it.

6. He noticed everything that night. The least thing, a shadow moving on a curtain, a

boy's whistle stood out clearly, rammed itself home.

7. "I don't ever want to see you again, unless it's in the dock or the madhouse", said


Task 3. Answer the questions:

1. Why did Turgis come to the office late in the evening? (391)

2. What are the two things Mr.Golspie could do to Turgis for what he had done to

Lena? (393) Had he any right to do it?

3. Why did Mr.Golspie tell Turgis to keep his mouth shut about the whole accident?

4. Did Turgis realize that he was deluding himself? (395)

5. Why did Turgis feel that he was on sufferance in the Pelumptons' house? (401)

6. What for did Poppy Sellers come to see Turgis? (402)

Task 4. Sum up what you 've learned about Harold Turgis: good qualities of his

character, shortcomings.

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CHAPTER 11 (1-2)

(pp. 409-431)

Task 1. Find synonyms in the text:

1. to be a person with intellectual tastes and interests considered to be superior (410)

2. to be nervous, excited (410, 429)

3. to go away, to make bankrupt (413)

4. to be engaged in different activities, to use various methods and means to achieve

smth. (413)

5. to give all one's thought, energy or attention to (417)

6. to plan smth., to intend to do (421)

Task 2. Read and translate:

1. From: "Mr.Smeeth now considered..." up to: "... from those totals." (p.418)

2. From: "Yet there was a creature ..." up to: "... lack of fairness in it." (p.423)

Task 3. Describe:

1. Mr.Dersingham is explaining the business situation to Mr.Smeeth.

2. Mr.Dersingham talking about Golspie's behaviour.

3. Mr.Smeeth trying to talk sense to Mr.Dersingham.

4. Mr.Smeeth and Mr.Dersingham visiting the White Hourse. Dersingham's pros-

pects for future and Smeeth's feelings about it.

5. Miss Matfield is waiting for Mr.Golspie in front of Victoria Station.

6. Miss Matfield's talk with Morrison.

Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. How did Mr.Golspie make the firm become bankrupt? What particular qualities

do we have in mind when we call a person "a swindler"? Do you approve of

Mr. Golspie's actions?

2. Did anyone in the firm come to complete understanding why Turgis had to be


3. What did Miss Matfield fail to see watching the unexperienced travelers rush

about Victoria Station?

4. What was the decision Miss Matfield had suddenly come to about her work?

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CHAPTER 11 (3-4), Epilogue

(pp. 431-454)

Task 1. Paraphrase, translate and reproduce the context:

1. to snatch at an opportunity (433)

2. a moment о f revelation (43 9)

3. to go against the grain (440)

4. to be hurled out of job (441)

Task 2. Describe:

1. Mr. Dersingham talks to Pongo.

2. A moment of revelation for Pongo.

3. Mr. Smeeth says good-bye to the Mitty crowd. Describe the scene taken place in

the front room. How is the atmosphere of tension created?

4. The Golspies go home.

5. The person that "nearly turned into an angel" as Mr. Golspie puts it.

Task 3. Answer the questions:

1. What was Mrs.Dersingham doing at Barkfield Gardens?

2. Was Mrs. Dersingham pulling a long face when her husband broke the news?

3. Was Mr. Dersingham a prosperous businessman or did he always go against the

grain in business?

4. Why was Mr.Smeeth feeling rather queer?

5. Did Mrs. Smeeth calm her husband down and if so - in what way?

Task 4. Read and translate:

1. From: "She was not depressed." up to: "... they came tumbling out." (440-441)

2. From: "Then he saw the irony of it ..." up to the end. (448)

Task 5. Dwell on the following:

Dr.Johnson: "When a man is tired of London he is tired of life, for there is in

London all that life can afford." Do you think it's true? Why does the novel begin and end with the description of Lon-don?

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1. Comment on the title of the novel, say what it implies and connect it with the contents. The structure of the novel and the way the chapters are entitled.

2. The style, composition and the language of the novel. 3. Problems raised in the novel and the way the author treats them. 4. Stylistic devices and other means used by J.B. Priestley to make the paragraphs

and subchapters "hang together". 5. Description of a) nature, b) London. 6. Love in the novel. 7. Give a character-sketch and speak about speech peculiarities of: • Mr. Golspie, • Mr.Dersingham, • Mr. Smeeth, • Turgis, • Miss Matfield.

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