002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan

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  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    Mendefinisikan Proyek & Scope pekerjaan

    Definisi Kegiatan Proyek :

    Suatu kegiatan sementara yang berlangsung dalam jangka waktuterbatas, dengan alokasi sumberdaya tertentu dan dimaksudkan untukmelaksanakan tugas yang sasarannya telah ditetapkan dengan jelas.(soeharto,1999)

    Ciri pokok proyek : Memiliki tujuan khusus, produk akhir atau hasil kerja akhir.

    Jumlah biaya, sasaran jadual serta kriteria mutu dalam prosesmencapai tujuan diatas telah ditentukan.

    Bersifat sementara, dalam arti umurnya dibatasi oleh selesainya tugas.

    Titik awal dan akhir ditentukan dengan jelas. Non rutin, tidak berulang-ulang. Jenis dan intensitas kegiatan berubah

    sepanjang proyek berlangsung.

  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    Sifat Proyek

    Unik , proyek satu dengan lainnya tidak pernah sama.

    Dinamis, dalam penggunaan sumberdaya & multi disiplin keilmuan

    Sasaran Proyek & Triangle Constraints

    Dalam proses mencapai tujuan, proyek dibatasi oleh target biaya, jadual,

    serta mutu yang telah ditetapkan. Ketiga hal tsb sering disebut triple

    (Triangle) constraint.


    Waktu Mutu

    Good Customer


  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    Project Scope Management

    merupakan proses yang dibutuhkan untuk memastikan bahwa semua

    aktivitas yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan proyek (hanya yangbenar-benar diperlukan) telah tercakup (covered) dalam


  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    Scope Statement

    Project Objective

    To construct a high-quality home within 5 months at cost not to

    exceed $150.000


    A 2200 sq.ft, 2 Bath, 3 bedroom, finished home

    A finished garage, insulated and sheetrocked Kitchen applicance to include range, oven, microwave & dishwaher

    High efficiency gas furnance with programmable thermostat


    Permit approved 5 march Foundation poured 14 march

    Dry in, framing, sheeting, plumbing, M/E inspection passed - 25


    Final inspection 7 june

  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    Technical Requirements

    Home must meet local building codes.

    All windows and door must pass NFRC Class 40 energy ratings

    Exterior wall insulation must meet an R Factor of 21

    Ceiling insulation must meet an R factor at 38

    Floor insulation must meet an R factor at 25

    Garage will accomodation two large-size cars

    Structure must pass seismic stability code. Limits & Exclutions

    The home will be build to the specifications and design of the original

    blueprint provided by customer.

    Owner responsible for landscaping.

    Air conditioner is not included but prewiring is included.

    Contractor responsible for subcontractor work.

    Customer Review

    John and Joan smith

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    Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

    Building Project

    1.Work Preparation 2. Structure 3. Mech / Elect. 4. Finishing

    2.1. Upperr Structure 2.2. Lower Structure

    2.2.2. 1st Basement 2.2.3. 2nd Basement2.2.1.Foundation Pile Pilecap Sloof





    Activity Duration




  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    Keterkaitan WBS/OBS dan CBS


  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    Aplikasi MS Project untuk Input Scope pekerjaan

    Go to : View > Insert

    Column Then select

    WBS, To Insert or

    Show WBS Code

    1. Prosedur Mensetting WBS code




  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    To start building a

    project, enter the title

    of the major steps to

    reach your goal. Youshould input each title

    as you expect them to

    occur.After you enter the

    major tasks in your

    project, you can now

    add details by adding

    subordinate tasks,

    also known as subtasks

    Click on a task name.

    Go to Insert > NewTask.

    You may also add a new

    row by pressing the

    "Insert" button on

    your keyboard.

    To copy the tasks, you must select them and go

    to : Edit > Copy Cell. Use "Paste" to place

    the selected tasks into another cell.

    "Show" on the

    Formatting toolbar

    easily determines the

    level of detail you

    want to view in aproject.

    2. Memasukkan Aktivitas

  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    3. Mengatur (Outlinening) aktivitas & sub aktivitas

    Click Indent on the

    Formatting toolbar to

    indent the subtask

    You may expand or collapse

    any task that has a subtask by

    clicking on the "Plus" or

    "Minus" sign next to the task




  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    4. Membuat milestone & Memasukkan pekerjaan berulang (rutin)

    Project's recurring task feature

    enables you to create the Meeting

    task once and assign frequency and


    Milestones are

    tasks that usually

    have zero

    duration. It

    simply marks a

    noteworthy point

    in your project.

  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    5. Menambahkan catatan (Note) pada aktivitas

    Double-click a task to open

    the "Task Information. and

    than Click the "Notes" tab.

    You may attach notes to

    individual tasks to remind

    you of certain parameters

    or details for the task.

    A Note icon appears in the

    Indicator column of the


    table. You may move the

    mouse pointer over this icon

    to display the note.

    The "Notes" tab provides

    simple word processing,

    such as tools for formattingyour notes.

  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


    The template feature is

    especially useful in project

    management because your

    new projects are often

    similar to the ones thatprecede or follow them.

    Template files have an

    extension of *.mpt.

    To save a Project file, go to

    File > Save or Save As ...

    Select General

    Option to show

    Password Dialog

    BoxYou may save your files

    as templates. A template

    file saves all the settings

    you made for a particular


    Segeralah menyimpan proyek apabila telah selesai memasukkan aktivitas yang

    tercakup dalam scope pekerjaan kita

  • 7/31/2019 002 Mendefinisikan Proyek Scope Pekerjaan


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