1 Refugees

1 Refugees. 2 I. Background Information II. Vocabulary Building III. Comprehension Questions IV. Sentence Comprehension V. Assignments Contents

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Page 1: 1 Refugees. 2 I. Background Information II. Vocabulary Building III. Comprehension Questions IV. Sentence Comprehension V. Assignments Contents



Page 2: 1 Refugees. 2 I. Background Information II. Vocabulary Building III. Comprehension Questions IV. Sentence Comprehension V. Assignments Contents


I. Background Information

II. Vocabulary Building

III. Comprehension Questions

IV. Sentence Comprehension

V. Assignments


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I. Background Information

1.1 UNHCR 联合国难民署 UNHCR was founded in Desember 14

1950 by the UN Assembly and started its program in January1 1951.

UNHCR aims at helping the homeless all over the world by providing the life necessity as tents, food, water and medicine at emergent situations.

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• UNHCR has 6540 staff workers in 116 countries and provide protection and assistance for 19.2 million refugees and people of concerned.

• UNHCR’s budge is over US$1 billion annually.

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I. Background Information

1.2 The High Commissioner 联合国难民事务高级专员

Mr.António Guterres, who joined UNHCR on June 15, 2005, is the UN refugee agency's 10th High Commissioner. He, born in 1949, married, with two chilren, was ex-prime minister of Portugal.

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People of concered by UNHCR• 36% Refugees 难民• 44% The internally displaced

persons (IDP) 国内流离失所者• 2% Asylum-seekers 寻求庇护者• 9% Stateless persons 无国籍人• 9% Various 其他

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UNHCR Global Appeal 2009 - Populations of concern to UNHCR

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II. Vocabulary Building mandate n. v n. the authority to do sth., given to a government or other

organization 权利,(政府所获之)授权 A mandate is also the name of an area of land which

ahs been given to a country by the UN 联合国授权某国管理的托管地

Vt. if you mandate sth, you give official permission for it to happen 颁布、批准

If sb. is mandated to do sth, they are ordered to do it 被命令

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II. Vocabulary Building displaced person = people who have had to leave their homes, esp

because of war or very bad weather

displace v. =To move or shift from the usual place or position,

especially to force to leave a homeland 移动位置 ; 尤指迫使离开祖国

e.g. 数以百万计的难民由于战争而离开家园 Millions of refugees who were displaced by the war.

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II. Vocabulary Buildingdislocate v. 1) To throw into confusion or disorder 扰乱,使混乱陷入混乱或无秩序 e.g. Traffic was dislocated by the snowstorm. 暴风雪使交通陷入混乱状态。

dislocation: disorder / confusion e.g. These policies could cause severe economic and social dislocation.

2) to force a bone suddenly out of its correct position 脱臼 e.g. He dislocated his shoulder in the football game.

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II. Vocabulary Building repatriation: repatriate:

=to send or bring sb. back to their own country

e.g. The refugees were forcibly repatriated. ( forced repatriation/ voluntary repatriation)

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II. Vocabulary Building provoke = to stir up/ incite e. g. The article was intended to provoke discussion

on the refugee problems.

flight = exodus/ a journey by a large group of people to

escape from a hostile environment 大迁徙

fester = to become much worse 愈益恶化

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II. Vocabulary Building


= the process of sth being damaged or made worse 毁坏,恶化(过程)

e.g. ecological/ moral…



= of a national or racial group of people

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II. Vocabulary Building strain: = to try to make sth do more than it is able to do

过度使用;使不堪承受 e.g. His constant complaints were straining our

patience. 他没完没了的抱怨让我们忍无可忍。 The sudden coming of visitors is straining hotels

in the town to the limit. 游客突然涌入,城里的旅馆全都爆满。 generosity = benevolence/ kindness/ charity

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II. Vocabulary Building asylum

= shelter

= protection that a government gives to people who have left their own country, usu. because they were in danger for political reasons

获准政治避难 be granted asylum seal

= to prevent people from passing through a place ; shut 封锁

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II. Vocabulary Building Integration = the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a


integrate =v. to make sb. become accepted as a member of a social group e.g. It is very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is

so different from your own.

devastate =to completely destroy

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II. Vocabulary Building duplication = making an exact copy of sth duplicate v. e.g. There is no point in duplicating work already done. Lack of communication between the two led to a wasteful

duplication of effort. fragile = weak, and can be easily destroyed or damaged; breakable

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II. Vocabulary Building national

=n. a citizen of a particular country 公民 reintegration

= rebuild; recovery

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II. Vocabulary Building

Usher sth. in = to be the beginning of sth new = to make sth new begin e.g. The change of management ushered in

fresh ideas and policies. Prospects (pl.) for = possibility 开辟广阔的前景 usher in broad prospects for

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II. Vocabulary Building an impediment to =obstacle/ something that delays or stops the

progress of sth e.g. The level of inflation is a serious impediment to

economic recovery.

rehabilitate = to help sb to have a normal, useful life again after

they have been very ill or in prison for a long time a drug rehabilitation center 吸毒者康复中心

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II. Vocabulary Building

Indiscriminately An Indiscriminate action is done without thought

about what the result may be e.g. be indiscriminate in the choice of friends. to copy indiscriminately the experience of others 随处埋藏的地雷

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II. Vocabulary Building militant

=people who are aggressive and combative

Shiites: A member of the branch of Islam


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II. Vocabulary Building The ebb and flow of sth/sb.

= the repeated, often regular movement from one state to another

e.g. The ebb and flow of money 资金流动 The ebb and flow of the tides/ seasons


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II. Vocabulary Building plight: = difficult condition e.g. 无家可归者的艰难困苦 The plight of the homeless

High seas: = the seas which are not controlled by any country

Reinstatement: v. reinstate : to restore to a previous condition or position. be reinstated in an office [to lost privileges] 复职 [ 恢复特权 ] e.g. A month after being unfairly dismissed, he was reinstated in

his job.

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II. Vocabulary Building deliberate :

= done on purpose


=similar to an army, but not official and often not legal 准军事的;半军事的

Notably: especially

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II. Vocabulary Building


=caution Be Wary of: watchful 警惕的 Be wary of strangers.


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II. Vocabulary Building


=more pleasantly or suitably; it is best if you do this

e.g. You may come, preferably, in the morning. 你还是早晨来更好。

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara1. Question 1In what way can UNHCR carry out the responsibility of the core mandate?

Answer to Question 1by providing international refugee protection and by seeking permanent solutions to their dislocation, preferably through voluntary repatriation.

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara1. Question 2Why those African countries who used to welcome Refugees are now reluctant to accept them ?

Answer to Question 2key words: environmental degradation/ ethnic imbalance/strain the generosity of …

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara1. Question 3What were the measures taken by the traditionally welcomed refugees countries to prohibit refugees from coming to their countries?

Answer to Question 3Key words: Zaire/Tanzania host to…/ an asylum country/ seal the border

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara1. Question 4How worse was the refugee situation in Rwanda?

Answer to Question 4“Mostly Tutsi…the former exiles… a move that complicated the return of the new caseload.” Key word: exile/ move/ caseloadcaseload= the number of cases handled in a given

period 工作量、总数量

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara1. Question 5What agreement had been reached to solve the refugee problems in Rwanda and Mozambique? To repatriate the refugees to their homeland

Question 6What’s the focus of UNHCR after the refugees were repatriated?Answer to Question 6Key words: integration/ devastated“To helping their long-term integration into a devastated country.

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara1. Question 7How about refugees in Angola, Somali, Sudan, Kenya, and Liberia?

Answer to Question 7Key words: duplication /a fragile peace prevailed …/ nationals/ reintegration/usher in prospects for… Answer to the question

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III. Comprehension Questions

Para 2. Question 1What’s the current situation for the humanitarian crisis in African Great Lakes region ?

Answer to Question 1key words: provoke/flight/ fester

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III. Comprehension Questions

Para 3. Question 1What does the sentence “aggressors and victims changed roles as the war increased the displaced-person population” mean?

Answer to Question 1Both Serbian and Croatian became victims and homeless

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara 3. Question 2What are the results of the harsh oppression of Russia to Chechnya?

Answer to Question 2 Many persons( 210,000 persons) escaped to the neighboring countries.

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara 4. Question 1In Asia, which country is the largest refugee caseload of concern to UNHCR? What did UNHCR attempt to do in Afghan area?

Answer to Question 1To attempt to encourage repatriation and reduce further outflows by intensifying its activities in safer areas

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III. Comprehension QuestionsQuestion 2What was the major obstacle to rehabilitation and return?

Answer to question 2The presence of indiscriminately sown land mines Key words: impediment / rehabilitation/ indiscriminately

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III. Comprehension Questions

Question 3What caused Turkish Kurd refugees suffered further displacement and uncertainty?

Answer to Question 3Because of the military operation between Turkish and suspected Kurd militants.

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III. Comprehension Questions

Question 4Which country is the largest asylum country in Asia?Answer -Iran

Question 5What was the situation of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees from southern India?Answer Key word: ebb and flow

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III. Comprehension QuestionsPara 6 Question 1Were Haitians taken to the high seas willing to return to Haiti?

Answer to question 1…Involuntarily in many cases… Key words: plight/ high seas / reinstatement /

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III. Comprehension Questions

Question 2Why did the repatriation of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico go prudently?

Answer to Question 2The deliberate killing of returnees by paramilitary groups increased the wariness of potential returnees potential returnees.

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III. Comprehension Questions

Para 6. Question 3Would women threatened with sexual violence be granted asylum under the guidelines issued by the U.S? In what way will the new guideline help asylum officers?

Answer to Question 3Key words: criteria/ gender-based discrimination

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IV. Sentence ComprehensionPara 2

While disease was kept under and nutrition remained sufficient, security concerns, environmental degradation, and ethnic imbalances strained the generosity of those African countries that had traditionally welcomed refugees.

Paraphrase or translation

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Sentence 2

Para 2Para 2

A duplication of the Mozambican repatriation was hoped for in Angola, where a fragile peace prevailed after 20 years of civil war that had created 311000 refugees and 2 million internally displaced persons.

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Sentence 3

Para 3

•In former Yugoslavia aggressors and victims changed roles as the war increased the displaced-person population.

Paraphrase or translation

•In former Yugoslavia aggressors and victims changed roles as the war increased the displaced-person population.

Paraphrase or translation

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Sentence 4

Para 3Para 3

In Russia the years opened with a heavy-handed war in the self-declared independent republic of Chechnya.

In Russia the years opened with a heavy-handed war in the self-declared independent republic of Chechnya.

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Para 4

Sentence 5

• As Afghanistan remained divided into regions of relative peace and ongoing combat, UNHCR attempted to encourage repatriation and reduce further outflows by intensifying its activities in safer areas within the country.

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Sentence 6

Para 4Para 4

The 15000 Turkish Kurd refugees in Iraq endured further displacement and uncertainty when their camps were targeted during a Turkish operation against suspected Kurd militants.

The 15000 Turkish Kurd refugees in Iraq endured further displacement and uncertainty when their camps were targeted during a Turkish operation against suspected Kurd militants.

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Para 6

Sentence 7

• The new guidelines did not change the criteria needed or refugee status but rather educated asylum officers about gender-based discrimination and provided them with procedures and methods for evaluating refugee standards for individual claims.

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V. Assignments

11 Translate the following phrases

22Do exercises on Textbook p35-38

33Write a letter to UNHCR

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Assignment I: Translation

1. 受…的托管 2. 实行核心托管 3. 寻求长期解决办法

4. 自愿返遣

5. 返乡难民 6. 人道主义关怀

(fall) under the mandate of

implement a core mandate

seek permanent solutions to …

voluntary repatriation

returning refugees

humanitarian concern

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Assignment I: Translation

7. 激发人道主义危机

8. 避难国

9. 封锁边境

10. 建起桥梁 11. 紧急援助 12. 长期发展

provoke humanitarian crisis

an asylum country

seal the border

bridge the gap between

emergency relief

long-term development

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Assignment I: translation

13. 开辟前景 14. 和平条约

15. 适应领土调整

16. 标志性事件

17. 采取局域性措施

18. 返乡者

usher in prospects for

peace treaty

accommodate territorial adjustments

as a token of develop a regional approach

to… returnee

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Assignment I: translation

19. 授予难民身份

20. 难民流

21. 主要阻碍

22. 随处埋放的地雷 23. 起起伏伏

24. 解决纷争、走出困境

grant refugee status

refugee caseload

an impediment to …

indiscriminately sown land mines

ebb and flow

resolve the conflicts/ resolve the plight

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Assignment I: translation 25. 公海

26. 谨慎进行

27. 蓄意杀害

28. 准军事部队

29. 提高警惕 …

high seas

proceed cautiously

a deliberate killing of paramilitary groups

increase the wariness of …

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Assignment III

• Write a letter to the High Commisioner of UNHRC, to show your concern on refugee programs and your intention to help as a volunteer.

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