10 korupsi dan tempat bersejarah.docx

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  • 7/24/2019 10 korupsi dan tempat bersejarah.docx


  • 7/24/2019 10 korupsi dan tempat bersejarah.docx


    memboroskan sumber-sumber negara, tidak mendorong perusahaan untuk berusaha

    terutama perusahaan asing, ketidakstabilan politik, pembatasan dalam

    kebijaksanaan pemerintah dan tidak represi&.

    10. korupsi adalah merugikan negara dan merusak sendisendi

    kebersamaan serta memperlambat tercapainya tujuan nasional seperti yang

    tercantum dalam 3embukaan !ndang-undang Dasar 1%)

  • 7/24/2019 10 korupsi dan tempat bersejarah.docx


    1. ongkonan


    In addition to building the colonial heritage, Indonesia also has a number o& custom

    home with a uni4ue shape or design. his building is not the work o& a master

    architect o& the modern era a myriad o& theories. 5ut rather the creation o& a group o&

    people who still lo$e and respect &or the traditions handed down by their ancestors.

    6nd ongkonan, custom home community ana oraja in South Sulawesi, is one o&


    ongkonan does ha$e distincti$e characteristics compared to other traditional house.

    he house is in the &orm o& a wooden house on stilts. he roo& is made o& bamboo

    arrangement o& &ibers coated black and cur$ed shape like a boat on my stomach,

    making this house is similar to the ower 7ouse, home or 5atak traditional inang

    community. he wall is made o& wood, also car$ed with $arious car$ing oraja.

    6nother &eature that is most prominent in ongkonan is the head o& bu&&alo along the

    beauti&ul cur$ed horns that are arranged on a main bang in &ront o& each house. he

    number o& bu&&alo head that there can be di&&erent in each house. he more

    "ornament" is in there, the higher the degree o& the &amily who li$ed in it. here&ore.

    ongkonan also one tourist attraction ator and attracted many photo enthusiasts.

    'Source8 da&tarmenarik.com(