8/18/2019 143Sap Fico Beginners http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/143sap-fico-beginners 1/383 SAP-FI/CO SAP: Systems, application and products in data processing FI: Financials: co: controlling Version: 4. !! "!nterprise edition# $o. o% co. &or'ing &it( 4.)* 4.)c SAP Started in + ead uarters in 0ermany !1P: !nterprise 1esource Planning !1P integrated all t(e %unction It %acilitate %ree %lo& o% data among t(e %unctions/departments !1P Pac'ages: SAP, Oracle, %inancials, peoples so%t, 2AA$, 3. . !d&ards + 5 SAP 1/+ 5 1eal time data processing +67 5 SAP 1/ 5 Included $o. o% countries and $o. o% currencies +78s 5 SAP 1/9 5 1/9 Stands %or ata structure: +. Application ser er . ata *ase ser er 9. Presentation + 5 ;y SAP.com 5 <e* *ased 774 5 $et &eaer - Integrates in%ormation, people and processes. Organi=ation Function Purc(ase Product Sales Finance +

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SAP: Systems, application and products in data processing

FI: Financials: co: controlling

Version: 4. !! "!nterprise edition#

$o. o% co. &or'ing &it( 4.)*4.)c

SAP Started in + ead uarters in 0ermany

!1P: !nterprise 1esource Planning

!1P integrated all t(e %unction

It %acilitate %ree %lo& o% data among t(e %unctions/departments

!1P Pac'ages:

SAP, Oracle, %inancials, peoples so%t, 2AA$, 3. . !d&ards

+ 5 SAP 1/+ 5 1eal time data processing

+ 67 5 SAP 1/ 5 Included $o. o% countries and $o. o% currencies

+ 78s 5 SAP 1/9 5 1/9 Stands %or

ata structure:+. Application ser er

. ata *ase ser er 9. Presentation

+ 5 ;y SAP.com 5 <e* *ased774 5 $et &ea er - Integrates in%ormation, people and processes.

Organi=ation Function

Purc(ase Product Sales Finance


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<(at is t(e> SAP FI ;odule- Introduction

?(e SAP FI ;odule (as t(e capa*ility o% meeting all t(e accounting and %inancial needso% an organi=ation. It is &it(in t(is module t(at Financial ;anagers as &ell as ot(er;anagers &it(in your *usiness can re ie& t(e %inancial position o% t(e company in realtime as compared to legacy systems &(ic( o%ten times re uire o ernig(t updates *e%ore%inancial statements can *e generated and run %or management re ie&.

?(e real-time %unctionality o% t(e SAP modules allo&s %or *etter decision ma'ing andstrategic planning. ?(e FI "Financial Accounting# ;odule integrates &it( ot(er SAP

;odules suc( as ;; ";aterials ;anagement#, PP "Production Planning#, S "Sales andistri*ution#, P; "Plant ;aintenance#,and PS "Pro@ect Systems#.

?(e FI ;odule also integrates &it( 1" uman 1esources# &(ic( includes P;"Personnel;anagement#, ?ime ;anagement, ?ra el ;anagement, Payroll. ocument transactionsoccurring &it(in t(e speci%ic modules generate account postings ia accountdetermination ta*les.

?(e FI"Financial Accounting#;odule components.

?(e FI ;odule comprises se eral su*-modules as %ollo&s:

o Accounts 1ecei a*leso Accounts Paya*leo Asset Accountingo 2an' Accountingo Consolidationo Funds ;anagemento 0eneral edgero Special Purpose edgero ?ra el ;anagement

Accounts 1ecei a*les records all account postings generated as a result o% Customersales acti ity.

?(ese postings are automatically updated in t(e 0eneral edger . It is &it(in t(eAccounts 1ecei a*les ;odule t(at you can monitor aging o% t(e recei a*les and generatecustomer analysis. ?(e Accounts 1ecei a*le ;odule also integrates &it( t(e 0eneralledger, Sales and istri*ution, and Cas( ;anagement ;odules.

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Accounts Paya*le records account postings generated as a result o% Vendor purc(asingacti ity. Automatic postings are generated in t(e 0eneral edger as &ell. Payment programs &it(in SAP ena*les t(e payment o% paya*le documents *y c(ec', ! I, ortrans%ers.

Asset Accounting is utili=ed %or managing your company8s FiBed Assets. SAP allo&s yto categori=e assets and to set alues %or depreciation calculations in eac( asset class.

2an' Accounting allo&s %or management o% *an' transactions in t(e system includingcas( management.

Consolidation ena*les t(e com*ining o% %inancial statements %or multiple entities &it(ian organi=ation. ?(ese statements pro ide an o er ie& o% t(e %inancial position o% t(ecompany as a &(ole.

Funds ;anagement allo&s management to set *udgets %or re enues and eBpenses &it(in

your company as &ell as trac' t(ese to t(e area o% responsi*ility.0eneral edger is %ully integrated &it( t(e ot(er SAP ;odules. It is &it(in t(e 0eneral

edger t(at all accounting postings are recorded. ?(ese postings are displayed in real-time pro iding up-to-date isi*ility o% t(e %inancial accounts.

Special Purpose edger is used to de%ine ledgers %or reporting purposes. ata can *egat(ered %rom internal and eBternal applications.

?ra el ;anagement pro ides management o% all tra el acti ities including *oo'ing tripsand (andling o% eBpenses associated &it( tra el.

Primary con%iguration considerations:

Client, company and company code

Once a *usiness (as decided to use t(e SAP FI"Financial Accounting# ;odule, t(ere arese eral Con%igurations prere uisite steps t(at must *e completed. etermining t(eorgani=ational structure is one o% t(e %irst steps in setting up t(e *usiness %unctions inSAP as &ell as your reporting re uirements.

?(e Organi=ational structure is created *y de%ining t(e organi=ational units consisting o%

t(e %ollo&ing:o Cliento Companyo Company Codeo 2usiness Area


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A Client is t(e (ig(est unit &it(in an SAP system and contains ;aster records and?a*les. ata entered at t(is le el are alid %or all company code data and organi=ationalstructures allo&ing %or data consistency. ser access and aut(ori=ations are assigned toeac( client created. sers must speci%y &(ic( client t(ey are &or'ing in at t(e point o%logon to t(e SAP system.

A Company is t(e unit to &(ic( your %inancial statements are created and can (a e one tomany company codes assigned to it. A company is e ui alent to your legal *usinessorgani=ation. Consolidated %inancial statements are *ased on t(e company8s %inancialstatements. Companies are de%ined in con%iguration and assigned to company codes. !acompany code must use t(e same COA" C(art o% Accounts# and Fiscal Dear. Also notet(at local currency %or t(e company can *e di%%erent.

Company Codes are t(e smallest unit &it(in your organi=ational structure and is used %ointernal and eBternal reporting purposes. Company Codes are not optional &it(in SAPand are re uired to *e de%ined. Financial transactions are ie&ed at t(e company code

le el. Company Codes can *e created %or any *usiness organi=ation &(et(er national orinternational. It is recommended t(at once a Company Code (as *een de%ined inCon%iguration &it( all t(e re uired settings t(en ot(er company codes later createds(ould *e copied %rom t(e eBisting company code. Dou can t(en ma'e c(anges asneeded. ?(is reduces repetiti e input o% in%ormation t(at does not c(ange %rom compancode to company code as &ell as eliminate t(e possi*ility o% missed data input.

<(en de%ining company codes, t(e %ollo&ing 'ey areas must *e updated:

o Company Code Eey- identi%ies t(e company code and consists o% %ouralp(a-numeric c(aracters. ;aster data and *usiness transactions are

created *y t(is 'ey.o Company Code $ame- identi%ies t(e name o% t(e *usiness organi=ation&it(in your organi=ational structure.

o Address- identi%ies t(e street address, city, state, =ip code %or t(e companycode created. ?(is in%ormation is also used on correspondence and reports.

o Country- identi%ies t(e country to &(ic( your *usiness is *ased. Countrycodes &it(in SAP are *ased on ISO Standards.

o Country currency- identi%ies t(e local currency %or t(e company code t(atyou (a e de%ined.

o anguage- identi%ies t(e language to *e used %or you company code and isalso used %or teBt in your documents. SAP unli'e ot(er applications, o%%e

o er t(irty languages including !$" !nglis(# , !S "Spanis(#, F1 "Frenc(#,! "0erman#, ! "0ree'#, I?"Italian#, A1" Ara*ic#, "C(inese# , SV"S&edis(# , and 3A "3apanese# to name a %e&.

<(at is t(e> SAP FI ;odule - ;ore Con%iguration -

;ore FI con%iguration considerations:


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2usiness Area, COA, 0 , Fiscal year and Currencies

2usiness Area is optional and is e ui alent to a speci%ic area o% responsi*ility &it(in yocompany or *usiness segment. 2A "2usiness Area# also allo&s %or internal and eBternareporting.

Anot(er con%iguration re uirement %or set-up in SAP are t(e 2asic settings consisting ot(e %ollo&ing:

o C(art o% Accounts"COA#o Fiscal Dear Variants.o Currencies

?(e COA"C(art o% Accounts# lists all 0eneral edger accounts t(at are used *y t(eorgani=ation. It is assigned in con%iguration to eac( company code and allo&s %or daily0eneral edger postings.

?(e 0eneral edger accounts are made up o% suc( data as account num*er, companycode, a description o% t(e account, classi%ication o% &(et(er t(e account is a P G Statement Account or a 2alance S(eet Account.

• Control data o% t(e 0 Account is &(ere currency is speci%ied, ?aB category"posting &it(out taB allo&ed# , mar'ing t(e account as a reconciliation account" e.g. Customer, Asset, Vendors, Accounts 1ecei a*le# or not.

• ;ar'ing t(e 0/ Account as a Hreconciliation account allo&s %or postings to anAsset Account "%or eBample# as &ell as automatic update to t(e 0/ Account.

• Con%iguration pre ents direct postings to reconciliation accounts t(ere*y

assisting in maintaining integrity o% t(e data.• ?(is allo&s reconciliation *et&een t(e su*-ledger and general ledger to al&ays *e guaranteed.

• <it(in t(e 0eneral edger control data, you can also designate &(et(er line itemdisplay is possi*le in t(e account. ?(e system t(en stores an entry per line in anindeB ta*le &(ic( lin's *ac' to t(e account. " isplay o% line item details are t(ena aila*le %or reporting purposes, etc.#

• Open Item Indicators can *e set on t(e 0/ Account allo&ing %or *ettermanagement o% open items. !Bamples include: 2an' Clearing Accounts, 01/I1Clearing Accounts, Payroll, etc.

Fiscal Dear con%iguration is a must and can *e de%ined to meet your company8s reporti periods &(et(er Fiscal "any period com*ination t(at is not calendar# or Calendar" 3an-ec#.

• Posting Periods are de%ined and assigned to t(e Fiscal Dear.• <it(in t(e periods you speci%y start dates and %inis(ed dates.• SAP allo&s %or + posting periods along &it( specially de%ined periods t(at can

*e used %or year-end %inancial closing.


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Currencies are anot(er *asic con%iguration setting re uirement &(ic( de%inesyour company8s legal means o% payment *y country.

• It is recommended t(at all Currency set-ups in SAP %ollo& t(e ISO Standards.• ?(e ISO Standards ensure 0lo*al con%ormity across *usinesses &orld&ide

utili=ing SAP.

<(at is t(e> SAP FI ;odule - Integration Points -

<(at are some o% t(e integration points o% t(e FI module>

SAP is mar'eted as a %ully integrated system, t(ere%ore 'no&ing some o% t(e integration points ena*le t(e sers to *etter understand t(e ;odules.

K Organi=ation units are not only de%ined in FI"Financial Accounting# *ut also ot(er SAP ;odules. ?(e S " Sales G istri*ution# ;odule re uires t(e set-up o%Sales Organi=ations, istri*ution C(annels and i isions L Purc(asing re uires purc(asing organi=ations, plants, and storage locationsL and CO "Controlling#re uires a Controlling area to *e de%ined.

K ?o trans%er data *et&een FI"Financial Accounting# and CO "controlling# as&ell as ot(er modules, a Company Code must *e assigned to eac( o% t(e;odules.

K 2usiness Areas must *e entered &(en generating *usiness transactions i% you&ould li'e isi*ility o% t(ose transactions impacting a certain 2A"2usiness Area#.Dou can also update your ;aster 1ecords to include 2A"2usiness Area# %or

eBample Cost Center.K ocument postings are automatically posted in t(e year and periods t(at youcreated in t(e Fiscal Dear ariant set-ups *ased on t(e mont(, start and end datesto &(ic( postings are allo&ed &it(in a gi en period as de%ined.

K ?(ere are se eral integration points in SAP, t(e a*o e lists a %e&.

Areas to *e co ered under FI/CO


+. 0eneral ledger accounting. Accounts paya*le

9. Account recei a*le4. Asset accounting


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+. Cost element accounting. Cost centre accounting

9. Internal orders4. Pro%it centre accountingJ. Product costing). Pro%ita*ility analysis.

Integration o%

+. ;aterial ;anagement ;odule to Financial. Sales G distri*ution module to %inancial module integrate

9. Production planning module to controlling module integration4. ata ta'e o er

J. Closing Procedure1eports:

In all t(e module systems gi es around 777 reports

Dou can attac( t(e reports to %a orites

Some important reports you can attac( t(e reports on des' top.

Cross company code transactions:

India ersion: ?. . S, !Bcise and sales taB.

Companies Act: Sc(edule VI: 2alance s(eet and pro%it G loss A/C

2asic Settings:

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Fiscal Dear: Indian companies April to ;arc( M 4 special periods

. S 3anuary to ecem*er

!Bample: Account year April 77J to ;arc( 77) "+ M 4#

J/74/7) 5 Pro%ita*ility *y Account dept 5 +9

+7/7J/7) 5 Pro%ita*ility *y ;anagement 5 +4

7J/7)/7) 5 Pro%ita*ility %inali=ed *y Auditors 5 +J

Create a pro@ect

Customi=ation &it( di%%erent scenarios


S;2 "Small and medium *usiness companies#

o& to Open SAP

Open: ou*le clic' on SAP ogon Icon

?(en dou*le clic' on SAP class

First screenL

First %ield: Client: clients

+. e elopment Client


Company + Company Compan

yd nit ;um*ai nit 2angalore unit

Production deptA Ser . deptProd dept 2


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. Production Client

In t(e Implementation SAP

+. Consultants

. Company Sta%% "Core ?eam ;em*ers#?(e consultants t(ey do t(e customi=ation in de elopment client.

?(e company sta%% &ill do t(e testing.

?(e customi=ation &ill *e trans%erred to client t(roug( transport re uests.

In t(e production client you enter your day to day transaction.

Some companies t(ey &ill gi e 9 clients

+. e elopment client. ?esting client

9. Production client

Client: 677/777/6+7 5 Dou can copy and gi e any num*er.

ser: Cost o% Pac'age &ill depend on t(e $o. o% users icenses.

+77 sers icense - used *y +777 !mployeesIt %iBes t(e responsi*ility on employee.

ser I : SAP user: Dou can use small or capital letters "It8s not case sensiti e#

Pass&ord: ?(e lengt( o% pass&ord 5 ;in9 5 ;aB6.

"It can *e $umeric, Alp(a $umeric, Alp(a*ets, and special c(aracters.

Pass&ord is not case sensiti e $ot possi*le to c(ange pass&ord more t(an once in a day.

atest J pass&ords can not *e used

Pass&ord can not *e restored.

N ;oney is t(e pass&ord.

anguage: Along &it( t(e pac'ages you can get 4+ languages.

I% t(e language not gi en or !$ 5 e%ault !nglis(

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I% you gi e ! 5 all %ields on screens in 0erman.

Once you complete press !nter.

One user can &or' in $um*er o% sessions at a time "&indo&#;aBimum is siB ")#

+st 1o& is called ;enu 2ar

nd 1o& 5 standard tool *ar.

9rd 1o& is called ?itle *ar.

4t( 1o& is called Application tool *ar

J- SAP ;enu

ast 1o& is called Status *ar

"?ic'# is called !nter.

2eside ?ic' t(ere is 2oB called command %ield.

?o open a ne& session %rom to ;enu *ar select systems Create session.

?o mo e %rom one session to anot(er sessionse Alt M ?a*

?o close t(e session t(e pat( is %rom ;enu 2ar Systems !nd session

o& to use ?ransaction codes "?C#

Standard codes one common in all o er t(e &orld

Posting o% document" &ays#

0o t(roug( t(e pat(se transaction code in

Command %ield and pressenter


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?o go *ac' to SAP easy access screen

se /$ in command %ield and press enter

!Bample:For posting o% ?ransaction:

F-7 Account display "FS+7$#

/$ is command %ield and press enter !asy Access

se FS+7$ in command %ield 5 you can directly enter into Accounts display

/$ FS+7$ 5 c(ange session &it( ne& transaction code./o FS+7$ 5 create session &it( ne& transaction code.

o& to close t(e system:

NFrom t(e ;enu *ar select system og o%%.

Select yes *utton to og o%%

o& to unloc' screens:

N?ools Administration ;onitor oc' !ntries "?ransaction code is /$S;+ #

Select list *uttonFrom t(e ;enu *ar select oc' entry delete all.Press yes *utton to delete all loc' entries.

o& to acti ate ?ransaction codes

Pat(: From t(e ;enu select eBtras setting isplay ?ec(nical $ame "c(ec'# 2oB!nter

Set start ?ransaction Dou can ma'e screen as de%ault screeno& to set start transaction:

From t(e ;enu select eBtras set start transaction0i e t(e transaction code %-7 8 "start ?ransaction#Press enter


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Creation o% pro@ect

0roup Companies nits

In SAP 5 0roup is called as company

Company is called as company code.

nit is called as 2usiness areas.

.?(e consultant does customi=ation at company code le el

?(e company or group is only %or in%ormation.

e%ine Company:

Pat(L SP1O !nterprises Structure e%inition FinancialAccounts e%ine Company. "?.CO !-/$OQ+J#

?(e company or 0roups is only %or In%ormation?(is is called customi=ation area "or# con%iguration area "or# Implementation area.

+st *utton is called I;0 documentation " escription pat( a*out Company#nd *utton is called I;0 acti ity.

I% you &ant to customi=ation select I;0 Acti ity.

ou*le clic' on I;0 Acti ity 2utton

Select $e& !ntries 2utton.

0roup--R Ara ind group

Ara ind ;ills td "A; companies td# "#

Ara ind Steels td"AS # Ara ind C(emicals

"AC #

yd ;um*ai 2angaloreyd ;um*ai 2angaloreyd ;um*ai 2angalore


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!nter company name AV0 "optional#

Company name is Ara ind group

$ame o% t(e Company i% groups (as any second $ame

Street Ameerpet

Postal Code J77 777

City ydera*ad

Country one *utton is called drop do&n *utton or pull do&n *utton

For country select drop do&n *utton 9) Countries

Select I$ %or India.

anguage 'ey: select drop do&n *utton 4+ languages

Select !$ %or !nglis(

Currency: select t(e drop do&n *utton 5 +69 Currencies.

Select I$1 5 Indian 1upee.

Select Sa e *utton or "ctrl M s#

2e%ore sa ing, t(e screen gi es you latest transport re uest

Select create re uest *utton "F6#

S(ort description - FI 2asic settings %or Ara ind ;ills td

Press enter Press !nter once again to sa ing t(e re uest.

Dou can see t(e system data sa ed.

It can sa ed in client 677 A; Company

e%ine Company code:

?ools Customi=ing I;0 !dit Pro@ect SAP re%erence I;0 *utton"SP1O# !nterprises structure de%inition Financial Accounting !dit,copy, delete, c(ec' company code. "?.CO !-/$OQ7 #


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ou*le clic' on I;0 Acti ity *utton.

ou*le clic' on !dit company code data

Select ne& entries *utton.

Company code A; ";aB 4 c(aracters#

Company $ame Ara ind ;ills td

City yd

Country I$

Currency I$1

anguage !$

Once you can complete t(e data, select sa e *utton or "ctrl M s#.

It gi es a *ig screen

?itle: Company

$ame: Ara ind ;ills td.

Address: Street Ameerpet

Postal code J77 777

City yd

Country I$

Once you complete press !nter

Dou can enter it gi es you latest re uest

?o c(oose your re uest select drop do&n *utton *eside

1e uests num*er it gi es t(e entire re uest.

Select your re uest num*er press !nter to sa e in t(e re uest.

It sa ed in t&o places


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+. Client 677

. 1e uest

Assign company code to company: "?.CO !-/$OQ+)#

Pat( is SP1O !nterprise structure Assignment Financial AccountingAssign company code to company.

ou*le clic' on I;0 Acti ity *utton.


Select position *utton 0i e you company code A; press !nter.

For company code "A; # Assign Company "AV0# select sa e *utton or "ctrl M s#

Press !nter to sa e your re uest.

e%ine 2usiness Areas: "?.CO !-/$OQ79#

2usiness Areas assignment to company code is not re uired.

?(e same 2usiness area can *e used *y any company code.

Pat(: SP1O !nterprises structure de%inition %inancial accounting de%ine *usiness area

ou*le clic' on I;0 Acti ity *utton

Select ne& entries *utton.

Code ;ay *e numerical or C(aracters 5 ;aB 4

Code: A; ydera*ad *usiness Area.

A;2 2angalore 2usiness Area

A;; ;um*ai 2usiness AreaSelect sa e *utton or "ctrl M s#

Select drop 2oB.

Press enter to sa e in your re uest.


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C(art o% Accounts:

+. Common set o% Accounts accounting coding s(ould *e same, and t(en only you cancompare and consolidate *et&een company code or *usiness areas.

. Separate set o% Accounts:

9. 0roup c(art o% Accounts:

In t(is case you (a e to gi e $o "Company code $um*er M 0roup code $um*er#

NCompanies t(ey %ollo& common set o% AccountsC(art o% Accounts name


;aintenance languageengt( o% t(e Account $um*er ;aB +7 digits2ut companies are normally using ) digits.

Pat( o% c(art o% Accounts

SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting

0/ Accounts ;aster 1ecords Preparation !dit c(art o% Accounts list

ou*le clic' on I;0 Acti ity *utton "?.Code O2+9#

From t(e ;enu select system status s(ort cut

Select $e& !ntries *utton

C(art o% Accounts ---R A; ";aB 4 c(aracters#

escription C(art o% Accounts %or Ara ind 0roup

;aintenance anguage --R Select !nglis(

engt( o% 0/ Account no: enter )Controlling integration Select ;anual creation o% cost element

0roup c(art o% Accounts 2lan'

nder status 2loc'ed eselect 2loc'ed C(ec' 2oB


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se o% 2loc' is to a oid duplicate Accounts creation.

Once you complete you can select sa e *utton

Press !nter to sa e in your re uest.

Assign Company Code to c(art o% Accounts:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Account0/ Accounts;aster 1ecords Preparations Assign company code to c(art o% Accounts. "?. codeO2) #

Select Position 2utton

0i e t(e Company code A; press !nter.

For t(e company code A; assign c(art o% accounts A;

Select sa e *utton or "ctrl M s# *utton

Press !nter to sa e your re uest.

Account 0roups:

+. ia*ilities - +.series. Assets - .series

9. Income- 9.series4. !Bpenditure- 4.series

Pat(: SP1O SAP 1e% I;0 Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting 0/ Accounts ;aster 1ecords Preparations e%ine Account 0roup

"?ransaction code O2 4#

Select $e& !ntries *utton.C(art o% Accounts:

0i e t(e c(art o% Accounts --R A;

C(art o%


Account group $ame From Account ?o Account

A; SCP S(are Capital +77777 +777A; 1SP 1eser es G

Surplus+77+77 +77+

A; AC $ Accumulateddepreciation

+77 77 +77

A; SC $ Secured oans +77977 +779A; $S nsecured oans +77477 +774


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A; C P1 Current lia*ilitiesGpro isions

+77J77 +77J

A; FAS? FiBed assets 77777 777A; CAS? Current Assets,

oans and

ad ance

77+77 77+

A; SA ! Sales 977777 9777A; O? 1 Ot(er Income 977+77 977+A; I$C1 Increase/ ecrease

in stoc's977 77 977

A; 1;C$ 1a& ;aterialconsumption

477777 4777

A; P1S$ Personnel Cost"Sta%% cost#

477+77 477+

A; ;F10 ;anu%acturing 477 77 477A; A ;$ Administration 477977 4779A; I$?1 Interest 477477 4774A; !P1 epreciation 477J77 477J

Once you complete select sa e *utton or "ctrl Ms# sa e in your re uest.

1etained !arnings Account:

Dear !nding

PG Account 2alance Surplus in PG A/Cs trans%er to 1eser es G Surplus.

2alance s(eet Account *alance carry %or&ards to neBt year Opening 2alance %orneBt year.

Assign one Account %or retained earnings +77+77.

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting 0/ Accounts;aster 1ecords Preparations e%ine 1etained !arnings Accounts. "?. Code O2J9

0i e your c(art o% Accounts A;

Press !nter.

PG Statements Accounts ?ype Account

Q +77+77

Select sa e *utton or "ctrl M s#


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It gi es t(e ;essage, Account +77+77 not created in c(art o% Accounts A;

Ignore t(e message press !nter. Press !nter once again to sa e in your re uest.

Fiscal Dear

Indian Company 5 Apr to ;arc( M 4 Special Periods 5V9

.S.Company - 3an to ec M 4 Special Periods -E4

o& to con ert Calendar your Periods to Accounting your periods

Pat(: SP1O . Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settings %iscalyear ;aintain %iscal year ariant ";aintain s(ortened %iscal year# "?. Code O2 #

Select position *utton

0i e %iscal year ariant 5V9


Select %iscal year ariant 5 V9

ou*le clic' on period8s %older

Select *ac' arro& "or# F9

Select ne& entries *uttonFiscal ariant 0i e A9 - ;aB c(aracters

escription April 5 ;arc( M 4 special periods

eselect- year dependant c(ec' 2oB

eselect calendar year c(ec' 2oB

$o. o% posting periods +

$o. o% special periods 4

Once you complete select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl Ms#

Sa e in your re uest

Select %iscal year ariant: A9


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ou*le clic' on period8s %older

Select ne& entries *utton.

Con ersion ta*le:;ont( ays Period Dear s(i%t

3anuary "+# 9+ +7 -+Fe*ruary " # ++ -+;arc( "9# 9+ + -+April "4# 97 + 7;ay "J# 9+ 73une ")# 97 9 73uly " # 9+ 4 7August "6# 9+ J 7

Septem*er" # 97 ) 7Octo*er "+7# 9+ 7 $o em*er "++# 97 6 7

ecem*er "+ # 9+ 7Once you complete select sa e *utton or "ctrl M s#

Assign company code to a %iscal year ariant

SP1O Financial Accounting 0lo*al Settings Fiscal Dear Assign CompanyCode to a %iscal year ariant "?.Code is O29 #

Select position 2utton

Ignore t(e ;essage press !nter

0i e your Company Code A;

Press !nter

For company code A; , Assign Fiscal Dear ariant V9 "or# A9Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Ignore t(e <arning ;essage Press !nter

Press !nter to sa e in your re uest.

ocument ?ypes and $o. 1anges

Stores "%actory# Sales " epot# Accounts"Cityo%%ice#

1! 1V SA ocument type


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79 7 7+ $um*er 1ange7777+ ?o 977777 +7777+ ?o 77777 + ?o +77777 $um*er 1ange

Inter als

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al Settingsocument ocument eader e%ine document types. "?. Code O2A #.

Select position 2utton

0i e t(e document type SA.

Press !nter.

Select ?ype: SA

Select details *utton $ote do&n to $o. 1ange 7+Select $o. 1ange In%ormation *utton.0i e your company code A;

Screen S(o&s:

Inter als It s(o& &(at no. &e are gi eStatus C(ange status (o& many documents &e (a e posted.Inter als C(ange inter als to gi e document $um*er.Select c(ange Inter als *utton.Select Inter als *utton.0i e t(e $um*er 1ange 5 7+.Dear 5 77)From $um*er+ to $um*er +77777Current $um*er 5 7

eselect !Bternal c(ec' *oB.Press !nter Select sa e *utton.

$um*er range inter als can not *e trans%erred to production client.

Ignore t(e message. Press !nter.SAP also gi es ouc(er num*ers in t&o &ays. !Bample:

Scenario: - I


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7+ 77) + 5 +777777+ 77 + 5 +777777+ 776 + - +77777

Same session %or eac( year.

Scenario: -II

7+ "Any year# "<e do not 'no& (o& manydocument &e (a e posted ineac( year#

$ote: Companies normally %ollo&s Scenario I.

Field status ariant G %ield status groups

At t(e time o% entry t(e system gi es 7 %ields.!Bamples: uantity, teBt, *usiness area, alue date.

"Around +47 %ields to use, all t(e %ields are " 7 de*its M 7 credits#.Dou can ma'e any %ield as

+. Surplus %ield 5 Field &ill not *e isi*le.. 1e uired %ield 5 ?o enter t(e alues.

9. Optional %ield 5 C(oice to enter or not enter.

!ntry lay out *ased on %ield8s selection in t(e %ield status group &(ic( is assigned to 0/Account.

Field Status group one Created under %ield status ariants and %ield status ariantassigned to company code:

!Bample: Cas( A/C r ?o S(are Capital A/C

! uity s(are capital


?eBt G 2usiness area 1e uired %ields

Cas( Account ?eBt G 2usiness area 1e uired %ields2an' Account ?eBt G 2usiness area G

Value date1e uired %ields

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settingsdocument ine Item Controls ;aintain %ield status ariants.

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Select %ield status +777

Select copy as *utton

C(ange t(e %ield status ariant A;

Field status name:

Field status ariant %or A;

Press !nter

Select copy all *utton.

$o. o% dependent entries copied 4J.

!nter.Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.Sa e in your re uestSelect %ield status ariant A;

ou*le clic' %ield status group %older Select 077+ 5 0eneral and dou*le clic' on 0eneral data.

?eBt ma'e it re uired entry %ield.

Select neBt group *utton.

Select neBt page or page do&n *utton.

Select re uired entry %or *usiness area.

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.

Select 77J 2an' Accounts and dou*le clic'.

ou*le clic' on general data.

?eBt %ield ma'e it re uired entry %ield.

Select ne& group *utton.

Select neBt page "or# page do&n *utton.

2usiness area ma'e it re uired entry %ield.

Select neBt group *utton times.


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Value date ma'e it re uired entry %ield.

Press sa e *utton

Assign company code to %ield status ariant:Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settingsdocument ine item controls Assign company code to %ield status ariants.

Select position *utton.

0i e your company code A; .


For company code A; , Assign %ield status ariant A;Sa e, sa e in your re uest.

Posting periods:

a. e%ine posting period ariant. *. Assign posting periods to company code.c. e%ine open and close periods %or ariant.

April, 77) to ;arc( 77 Fiscal year 77)I% company is completed uarterly results

3uly 77) to ;arc( 77"4, 77)# to "+ , 77)#

e%ine posting period ariant:

Pat(: SP1O %inancial accounting %inancial accounting 0lo*al settings document posting periods de%ine ariants open posting periods.

Select ne& entries *utton.

0i e t(e ariant A; .

0i e t(e name posting period ariant %or A; .

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.


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Sa e in your re uest

Assign ariants to company code:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settingsdocument posting periods Assign ariants to Company code.

Select position *utton.

0i e your company code A; .

Press !nter.

For Company code A; 5 Assign ariant A; .

Sa e, sa e in your re uest.

e%ine open and close posting periods:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settingsdocument Posting periods Open and close posting periods.

Select $e& !ntries *utton.

Select ariant A; .

A 5 %or Account ?ype.

Select M ariant %or all accounts type

From Account 5 2lan'

?o Account 5 2lan'.

From period + is T 4 "3uly#Dear is 77J.

?o period is T + ";arc(#

Dear is 77).


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I% Audit is not o er ";arc( 77) to ;arc( to 77)# "+9, 77J# "+9, 77J#

From period +9 "special Period# 5 Dear 77J

?o Period +9 "Special Period# 5Dear 77JAut(ori=ation 0roup:

Aut(ori=ation &ill gi e to some persons li'e ;anager "Accounts# 5I ,y. ;anagers "Accounts# 5 I at user le el.

Once you complete select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.

Press enter to sa e in your re uest.

Pat( %or posting periods at user le el:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger !n ironment currentsetting Open and close posting periods "?. Code is S UA 1 U 6 779)4 #.

o& to gi e t(e transaction code &(en you get SP1O

Pat(: SP1O %rom t(e ;enu select additional in%ormation, once again additional%unction display 'ey I;0 acti ity.

$ote do&n t(e last 4 "O22O# "O2J # "O22P#.O2J "is open and closing periods#.

Open Item ;anagementsed %or endors/customers/2alance s(eet Accounts &(ere clearing is re uired

Out standing eBpenses A/C

2an' cas( +J,777

Salaries +,77,777<ages +,77,7771ent +J,777

Tolerance groups for G/L Accounts(2 types)

G/L Accounts(Tolerance Group)

Employee(Tolerance Group)


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<e can see t(e items in t(ree &ays:

+. Open Item: <e can see only outstanding 5 Paya*le Item.

. Cleared: <e can see only cleared Item 5 Paid Item.9. All: <e can see all items included Paid/Paya*le Items. ?olerance 0roup:

Amount PercentageA +777 72 7 JC

I% you commission is paya*le +777 7 only paid +77777 t(e remaining *alance" 7/-# may *e trans%erred to payment di%%erence Account "or# paya*le "Partial paym

isad antages:

a. It gi en at account le el and not at transaction le el *. $o %leBi*ility.

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting 2usinesstransactions Open item clearing clearing di%%erences de%ine ?olerance group %or0/ Accounts.

Select ne& entries *utton.

Company code: A;

?olerance group: 2lan'.

$ame o% tolerance group: ?olerance group %or A; .

e*it amount 5 7

Credit amount 5 7

Percentage o% de*it 5 7

Percentage o% credit 5 7

eselect alue date "V # c(ec' *oB

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

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Sa e in your re uest

Value date "e%%ecti e date#

I% I recei ed term loan %rom I. .2.I on +J/7 /7)

I% I deposited in 2an' on + /7 /7)

ocument date: + /7 /7)

Posted date: + /7 /7)

NValue date: +J/7 /7)"e%%ecti e date#

?olerance group %or employees

ere &e gi e user &ise upper limits %or posting

Amount per document

Amount per open item Account item

Open item: Vendors/customers.Cas( discount

Payments di%%erence &e can accept.

NPat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting *usinesstransactions Open item clearing clearing di%%erences

Select ne& entries *utton

0roup 2lan' Company Code A;

Amount document 5

Amount %or open item account item 5


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Cas( discount per line item: +7Permitted payment di%%erences: 2lan'

Select sa e *utton or sa e *utton

Press enter to sa e your re uest.

Sales ?aB

Calculation procedure

2asic BBB M !Bcise BBB


Sales ?aB on "2asic M !Bcise#

It is temporary assignment 0/ Accounts

In ?aB s "Sales ?aB SA#

I$ ?aB Ind "Sales ?aB India#

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W ?aB SI$ is assigned to company code A;

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al Setting ?aB on

sales or purc(ases 2asic settings Assign country to calculation procedure.Select position *utton

0i e t(e country I$ %or India


For country I$ Assign ?aB S "Sales ?aB SA#

Sa e. Press enter to sa e in your re uest.

0lo*al Parameters

+. !nter 0lo*al ParametersL

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settingsCompany code !nter 0lo*al parameters.

Select position *utton

0i e your company code A;

Press !nter

Select company code A;

Select details *utton

Select 2usiness area %inancial statements c(ec' *oB

Select propose %iscal year c(ec' *oB

Select e%ine de%ault alue date c(ec' *oBSelect negati e posting allo&ed c(ec' *oB <(en you re erse a document it reduces %rom t(e same side.

!B: - Cas( A/C r J77777?o ! uity s(are capital J77777


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And anot(er posting %or 977777

Periods e*it Credit 2alance %or t(e mont(


Cumulati e


94 "3uly# 67777

7677777 677777




I% t(e nd !ntry 977777 is &rongly entered in e uity s(are capital 5 Actual entry in pre%erence s(are capital.

1e ersal A/C

+. ! uity s(are capital A/C r 977777 ?o Cas( A/C 977777

. Cas( A/C r 977777 ?o pre%erence S(are capital 977777 "Or# 1ecti%ication !ntry

! uity s(are capital A/C 977777 ?o Pre%erence s(are capital A/C 977777

?(en t(e ! uity S(are Capital Summary is


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e*it Credit 2alance %or t(e ;ont( Cumulati e *alance


94"3uly# 97777

7J77777 J77777 J77777




Select additional details *utton4 A 5 PA$ "Permanent Account $o#4 2 5 ? S $o "?aB deduction o% source#PA$ G ? S $um*er gi en at company code le el? S $o. AP 4J) 6 7)PA$ $o. AP 6 7777 ASelect *ac' arro& and sa eSa e in your re uest

0eneral ledger master creation "0/ ;asters#

0/ ;asters created at

Field Dear:

C(art o% Accounts Area Company Code Area Centrally


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0/ Account $o. Account group

PG A/C "or# 2/S A/C

S(ort ?eBt

ong ?eBt

Account Currency

?olerance group Open item management

ine item display

S(ort Eey

Field status group

It (a ing *ot( c(arts o%Account %ields M companycode Area %ields.

?o c(ec' Account groups %or gi ing Account no.s

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting 0/ Accounts;aster 1ecords Preparations e%ine account group "?.Code O2 4#

Select position *utton

0i e your c(art o% accounts A;


1eser es G Surplus - +77+77 to +77+

! uity s(are capitals - +77777 to +777

Current Assets - 77+77 to 77+

Creation o% 0/ ;aster "user le els#

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger ;aster recordsIndi idual processing Centrally "?. Code FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77+77


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Company code A;

From t(e ;enu select 0/ Account create

Select t(e Account group: 1eser es G Surplus

Select 2alance S(eet A/C 1adio *utton

S(ort ?eBt 5 Surplus in P/ Account

0/ Account og ?eBt 5 Surplus in Pro%it and oss A/C

Select Control data ?a*

Select only *alances in currency c(ec' *oB

?olerance group 2lan' Select ine Item display c(ec' *oB

$ote: All Accounts gi e line item display c(ec' *oB.

Sort 'ey Select 77+ posting date

Select create/*an'/interest ta*

Field status group Select 77+ 0eneral

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

. One more 0/ Account 5 FS77

0i e t(e 0/ Account no: +77777

Company code A;

Select &it( ?emplate *utton


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0i e 0/ Account $o. +77+77

Company code A;

Press !nter Select t(e Account 0roup: S(are Capital

C(ange t(e S(ort teBt to e uity s(are capital

C(ange t(e 0/ Account long teBt e uity s(are capitalOt(er %ields are common

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o. 77+77

Company code A;

Select &it( ?emplate *utton "&-?emplate#

0i e t(e 0/ Account no. +77+77 "1eser es G Surplus#

Company code A;

Press !nter

C(ange t(e Account group to Current Assets G oans and Ad ances

C(ange s(ort teBt to cas( account

C(ange 0/ Account log teBt to cas( account

Select create/*an'/Interest ta*C(ange t(e %ield status group 077J "2an' Accounts#Select rele ant to cas( %lo& c(ec' *oBSelect sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.?o gi e t(e list o% Accounts created

Select drop *utton *eside 0/ Account $o. "Or# "?. code O2 4#

?(e screen is called as ;atc( code.

0i e t(e company code A;


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It gi es t(e &(at Accounts t(at are created.

Posting o% ?ransactionsPat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger ocument entry0eneral posting "F-7 #

ocument date: Party *ill date F4 5 Calendar. F - Selection o% date.

Posting date : Ser er date, edger updating *ased on posting date period comesautomatically.

1e% 5 Party 2ill $oocument $o:

?ype: SA

Company code: A;

Currency 5 I$1

?o di%%erentiate *et&een de*it and credit

Dou are using posting 'ey

Posting 'ey "PS? Eey#

47 5 0/ Account de*it

J7 5 0/ Account credit

Select posting 'ey: 47

?(e neBt %ield is account:Select A/C $o: 77+77

Press !nter

0i e t(e amount +77777


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?(e %ields are come on t(e *asis o% selection o% Field Status 0roup

2usiness Area: A; " ydera*ad 2usiness area#

?eBt enter: ! uity s(are capital receipt

Select posting 'ey: Select J7

For Account: Select t(e drop do&n *utton

0i e t(e company code A;

And press !nter

Select Account $o: +77777 "! uity S(are Capital#

Press !nter Dou can ma'e !nter amount manually i.e. +77777 "or#

!nter N "N ma'es de*it and credit e ual#

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: !nter "M# "plus#: Copying t(e latest line item narration "or# ma'e manually

Press !nter

From t(e menu select document simulate

In once document you can post up to line item in a document

e*it &ill *e &it( out sign

Credit &ill *e &it( ;inus "-# sign

Once you complete select sa e *utton or "ctrl M s#

It gi es t(e message document +8 &as posted in company code A; .o& to ie& t(e latest document

From t(e menu select document display

Select display document (eader *utton "FJ#.

C(ange document


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Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger ocument C(ange"?ransaction code F27 #

Press !nter

ou*le clic' on +st line item


<e can c(ange only alue date, assignment and teBt

o& to ie& t(e documents:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting 0eneral edger ocument isplay"?ransaction code "F279#

Select document list *utton

0i e your company code: A;

0i e t(e document type: SA

?o gi e t(e posting date: From and to "Speci%ic date#

?o ie& t(e document posted *y a particular user

From t(e menu select edit dynamic selections "s(i%t M F4#0i e t(e user name: SAP user

Select eBecute *utton "F6#

ou*le clic' on document $o.+

It s(o&s t(e document

isplay edger

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Account isplay2alance "?ransaction code FS+7$#

?o gi e multiple Accounts 5 Select rig(t arro& *eside 0/ Account


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?o ie& continuous num*er select ranges ta* &it( green pound sym*ol

?o eBclude any account select singly alues ta* &it( 1ed8

Pound sym*ol

0reen 5 Inclusion1ed 5 !Bclusion

Once you complete select copy *utton

?o gi e singly Account Select drop don *utton *eside 0/ Account

0i e your company code A;

Press !nter

Select your account num*er +77777 5 ! uity s(are capital0i e your company code A;

Fiscal year 77)

2usiness Area, select A;

Select eBecute *utton "F6#

ou*le clic' on Cumulati e *alance amount

ou*le clic' on document $o. +

Select call up document o er ie& *utton

Select *ac' arro&

o& to create o&n line layout:

Select c(ange layout *utton

Select t(e %ields &(ic( one not re uired under column content

ocument no, Amount, ?eBt not select


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Select rig(t arro& "or# ide selected %ield8s *utton

For t(e (idden %ields column select posting date,

Select le%t arro& "or# s(o& selected %ield8s *utton.C(ange t(e column positions:

ocument $7. S(ould *e one "+#

Posting date s(ould *e t&o " #

?eBt s(ould *e t(ree "9#

Amount in local currency "4#

?eBt column lengt( c(ange to 9J

For amount in local currency 5 Select total c(ec' *oB

Select copy *utton.

o& to sa e t(e layout

ay notes

+. ser speci%ic . Common to All.

ser speci%ic: It can *e sa ed &it( any num*er or name.

Common to all: It s(ould *e sa ed &it(/any num*er or nameSelect sa e lay out *utton "ctrl M F+ #

ay out: /A;escription: Standard layout %or A;

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.

o& to c(oose your layout

From t(e ;enu select select lay out *utton

Select /A;

o& to ma'e de%ault layout


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Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger !n ironment ser parameters !diting options "?. Code F277#

Select ine Items ?a*.

For de%ault select on screen under 0/ Account layout

Select /A;

Select sa e *utton

0o and see t(e 0/ Account Pat( FS+7$

Select 0/ Account $o. 77+77 "cas( account#

Company code A;Fiscal year 77)

2usiness area - A;

Select eBecute *utton "or# F6

ou*le clic' on cumulati e *alanceAccrual/de%erred documenta. Creation o% 9 0/ Accounts

i# Salaries A/C 5 Personnel cost ii# 1ent A/C 5 Administration

iii# Outstanding eBpenses 5 Current lia*ilities G pro isions

*# e%ine re ersal reason and re ersal reason s(ould allo& us to re erse on any day.c# Creation o% accrual/de%erred document

One pro ision is today date and one %or mont( ending date.4/7 /7) - 1ent

9+/7 /7) - Salaries

d. 1e ersal o% accrual/ e%erred documents

Creation 9 0/ Accounts:

In t(is case %irst to c(ec' Accounts groups %or gi ing Account group

0i e t(e ?ransaction Code O2 4


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Select position *utton

0i e t(e c(art o% Accounts A; !nter.

$ote do&n personnel cost range 477477 to 477+ $ote do&n t(e range %or administration 477977 to 4779

$ote do&n t(e range %or current ia*ilities G pro isions +77J77 to +77J

Creation o% 0/ ;asters "FS77#

0i e 0/ Account $o. 477+77

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e 0/ Account $o: +77777 "! uity s(are capital#

Company code: A;

Press !nter.

C(ange t(e account group to personnel cost

Select PG Statement Account 1adio 2uttonC(ange s(ort teBt to salaries account.

C(ange 0/ Account ong ?eBt to Salaries Account

Ot(er %ields are common.

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.

. 0/ Account $o: 477977 Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e 0/ Account $o: 477+77 "salaries A/C#


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C(ange t(e Account group to administration.

C(ange t(e s(ort teBt: C(ange to 1ent Account0/ Account long teBt: C(ange to 1ent Account

Sa e.

9. 0/ Account $o. +77J77

Company code: A; .

Select &it( template *utton.

0i e 0/ Account $o: +77777 "! uity s(are capital#

Company code A; !nter.

C(ange t(e A/C group to current lia*ilities G pro isions

C(ange s(ort teBt G long teBt to outstanding eBpenses.

Select control data ta*.

Select open item management c(ec' *oB.Sa e.

1e ersal !ntries

e%ine: 1e ersal reason and re ersal reason s(ould allo& is to re erse on any day.

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral ledger accounting 2usiness?ransactions Ad@ustment posting/1e ersal e%ine reasons %or re ersal"?. code: F2S+#


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Select ne& entries *utton.

1eason is 4+ "?eBt %ield#.

0i e t(e teBt accrual/de%erral document.0i e t(e document date: 6.7 .7)

?ype: SA

Company Code: A; .

1e ersal reason: 4+.

1e ersal date: 7+.76. 77).

Posting Eey: 47

A/C $o: 477977 "1ent Account#.


0i e t(e amount 1s. +7777/-

2usiness area 5 A;

?eBt: 1ent pro ision %or 3uly.

Posting Eey: J7

Account $o: +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#

!nter.Amount: N8.2usiness Area: A; .?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e.

Salary Pro ision

Same Pat(: F2S+.

0i e t(e document date and posting date: 9+.7 .7).

?ype: SA.


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Company code: A; .

1e ersal reason: 4+.

Posting Eey: 47A/C $o: 477+77 "Salaries Account#, !nter.

Ignore t(e &arning message, Press !nter.

0i e t(e amount 1s. 77777.

2usiness Area: A; .

?eBt: Salary pro ision %or 3uly.

Posting Eey: J7

A/C $o. +77J77 "Out standing eBpenses#.


Amount: N8

2usiness Area: A; .

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e.

1e ersal Accrual/1e%erral document

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Periodic processClosing Valuate 1e ersal accrual re%erral ocument.

?ransaction Code: F 6+


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0i e t(e company code: A; .

0i e t(e re ersal posting date: 7+.76. 77).

Select teBt ne& c(ec' *oB.

Select eBecute documents *utton.

Select re erse documents *utton.

Open item management

Vendor Accounts

Customers Accounts

2alance s(eets Accounts &(ere clearing re uired.Pro ision 5 payment 5 outstanding eBpenses

1eco ery 5 payment 5 PF, ? S

In 0/ ;asters &e (a e to select open items management c(ec' II "1e%er?olerance 0roup#

9 Scenarios:

Full clearing 5 Partial clearing 5 1esidual clearing

Pro ision Payment - Partial clearing 5 1esidual clearing

+. Full Clearing Scenario:

1. 1ent Pro ision: ser transaction code: F-7

0i e t(e document date: 6.7 .7)

?ype SA: Company code: A; : Posting 'ey: 47


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Account $o: 477977 "1ent Account#


Amount is JJJJ2usiness area: A;

1ent pro ision %or 3uly.

Posting Eey: J7

A/C $o: +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#


Amount: N8

2usiness Area: A; .

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e.

. o& to ie& open item repaid A/C

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Account display/c(ec'line items "?. Code: F2 9$#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o. +77J77 "outstanding eBpenses#.

Company code: A; .

Select open items radio *utton.

Select eBecute *utton.

9. Outgoing payment &it( clearing:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger ocument entry outgoing Payment "?. Code: F -7 #

0i e document date: 6.7 . 77).


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?ype: SA.

Company code: A; .

Clearing ?eBt: Out going payment

Account under *an' data: 77+77 Cas( A/C.

2usiness Area: A; .

Amount: JJJJ.

?eBt: Out going payment.

Account under open item selection: +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#.

Account ?ype: S8 comes *y de%ault.S8 stands %or 0/ Accounting.

Select process open items *utton.

ou*le clic' on JJJJ paya*le.

ocuments simulate and sa e.

4. 0o and see t(e 0/ Account "F2 9$#

0i e 0/ Account $o: +77J77.

Company code: A; .

Select cleared items radio *utton.

!Becute.Select *ac' arro&.Select open items radios *utton.!Becute.Partial clearing 5 $et paya*le

?o c(ec' &(at steps you (a e done in your re erse.

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0lo*al Settings Company code !nter 0lo*alParameters.

Select your company code: A; .


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Select details *utton.

From t(e menu select utilities.

C(ange re erses "customi=ation#

Select t(e %older %or your re erse no.Select su* %older customi=ing ta*le.

Partial clearing ;et(od:

Vendors/Customers -

+. 1ent pro ision F-7 #:

ocument date: 9+-7 - 77).

?ype: SA.

Company code: A; .

1e%erence 2ill $o. + 94.

Posting Eey: 47

Account $o: 477977 "1ent Account#.!nter.Amount: J7777.2usiness Area: A; .?eBt: 1ent pro ision %or 3ulyPosting Eey: J7Account $o. +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#!nter Amount: N82usiness Area: A;?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate G Sa e.

Out going payment using partial clearing met(od

?ransaction code: F -7

ocument date: 9+-7 -7)

?ype: SA


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Company code: A;

1e%erence: + 94

Clearing ?eBt: Out going paymentAccount: 77+77 "Cas(/2an' Accounts#

2usiness Area: A;

Amount: +J,777

?eBt: Out going payment

Account: nder open item selection

+77J77 "Outstanding !Bpenses#

Account type: S comes *y de%ault

Select process open items *utton

Eeep t(e cursor t(e amount %ields o% t(e line items against &(ic( &e &ant ad@ust

Select Partial payment ta*

It creates payment amount column

ou*le clic' on $et amount J7777

ou*le clic' on payment amount J7777

ocument simulate

It gi es t(e message correct t(e mar'ed line item

ou*le clic' on *lue %ont line item

?eBt !nter M8

Sa e "or# "ctrl Ms#

0o and see t(e 0/ Accounts "F2 9$#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77J77


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Company Code: A;

Select open items radio *utton

!BecuteSelect c(ange layout *utton

From t(e (idden %ields column select re%erence %ield

Select H?eBt %ield under column content

Select le%t arro& "or# s(o& selected %ields8 *utton

Select copy *utton

Eeep t(e cursor on re%erence %ieldSelect su* total *utton;a'ing t(e *alance payment and clearing t(e account

"?ransaction code F-7 #

ocument date: 9+-7 -7)

Company code: A;1e%erence: + 94Clearing teBt: Out going paymentAccount $o: nder 2an' data: 77+772usiness Area: A;Amount: 9J777?eBt: Out going paymentAccount: nder open item selection 5 +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#Account type: S8 comes *y de%aultSelect process open items *utton

ou*le clic' on paya*le Amount J7777ou*le clic' on part paid amount: +J777ocuments simulate and sa e

0o and see t(e 0/ Account: "F2 9$#

0i e 0/ Account $o: +77J77

Company Code: A;

Select clear items radio *utton


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1esidual Payment "1esidual clearing#+. 1ent Pro ision "F-7 #

ocument date: 9+-7 - 77)

?ype: SA

Company code: A;

Posting Eey: 47

Account $o: 477977 "1ent account#

!nter Amount: )7777

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: 1ent pro ision %or 3uly

Posting Eey: J7

Account $o: +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#


Amount: N8

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate G sa e

Outgoing payment using residual clearing met(od

ser ?ransaction code F-7 "Paya*le amount#

ocument date: 9+-7 - 77)

?ype: SA


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Company code: A;

Clearing teBt: Out going payment

Account under *an' date: 77+77 "Cas( Account#2usiness Area: A;

Amount: 7777

?eBt: Out going payment

Account: nder open item selection: +77J77

Account type: S8 de%ault

Select process open items *utton

Eeep t(e cursor on t(e amount %ield o% t(e line item on

<(ic( &e &ant to ad@ust

Select residual items ta*

It creates residual items column

ou*le clic' on $et amount )7777

ou*le clic' on residual items

ocument simulate

It gi es t(e message correct t(e mar'ed line item

ou*le clic' on *lue %ont line item

?eBt enter M8Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#0o and see t(e 0/ Accounts "F2 9$#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77J77 "Out standing !Bpenses#

Company code: A;

Select open items radio *utton


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Foreign currency postings:

C(ec' eBc(ange rate typesL2an' *uying 5 !Bport 5 0 ?ype

2an' Setting 5 Imports/!Bpenditure 5 2 ?ype

A erage 1ate: sed *y ;;/S People 5 ; ?ype

Pat(: SP1O 0eneral settings Currencies C(ec' eBc(ange rate types.

Select types

Select position *utton

!nter 28


e%ine transaction ratios %or currency transaction

Pat(: SP1O 0eneral settings Currencies e%ine translation radio %or currencytranslation.

?(is de%ines t(e con ersion %actory *et&een t&o currencies.

S I$1 + +

3apanese year I$1 +77 +

!urope I$1 + +

Once &e %ollo& one con ersion %actory, %ollo& continuously t(e same %or all year.

?(is is at client le el

ou*le clic' on I;0 Acti ity *utton


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Valid date: J-7 - 77)

From Currency: S

?o select: I$1 irect uotation: 44/-


!Bc(ange rate type: Select 2

Valid date: J-7 - 77)

From currency: S

?o currency: I$1

irect uotation: 4)/-

!Bc(ange rate type: ;

Valid %rom: J-7 - 77)From currency: S

?o currency: I$1

irect uotation: 4J/-

Sa eSa e in your re uestDou can enter eac( type %or eac( day only

Pat( %or %oreB rates at user le el

Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger !n ironmentCurrent settings ! ents translation rates "SU2C!U)6777+ 4#

<(en t(e rate is not gi en:


<(en t(e rate is not gi en <(en t(e rate is gi en


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It ta'es t(e rates %rom %oreB ta*le

It ta'es t(e latest date rate

?o enter de%ault eBc(ange rate?ype *ased on document type

0/ Posting 5 SA * "2an' selling#

Purc(ase in oice posting 0 "2an' *uying#"I% &e don8t speci%y it ta'es ;8 type *y de%ault. ; A erage rate8

?o enter de%ault eBc(ange rate type 28 "2an' selling# %or document type 5 SA" se t(e transaction code "O2A #.

Select position *utton

0i e t(e document type SA8


Select document type SA8.

Select details *utton

nder de%ault alues eBc(ange rate type %or %oreign currency documents!nter 2

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

Foreign Currency Posting "F-7 #ocument date 7 -76- 77)

?ype: SA

Company code: A;


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Currency: S

Posting 'ey: 47

0i e account $o. 477+77 "Salaries account#


0i e t(e amount +777X

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Salary payment


Posting 'ey: J7Account $o. 77+77 "Cas( account#


Amount: N8

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate

?o ie& in I$1 Select display currency *utton.

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.

<(en t(e rate is gi en at t(e time o% postingse t(e transaction code "F-7 #

0i e t(e document date: 7 -76- 77)

?ype: SA


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Company code: A;

Currency: S

0i e t(e rate: 46/-

Posting 'ey: 47

Account: 477+77 "Salaries Account#


It gi es message

!Bc(ange rate: 46X de iate t(e increase 4.96

Ignore message and !nter 0i e t(e amount: +777X

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Salary payment

Press: !nter

Posting 'ey: J7

0i e t(e account no: 77+77 "Cas( account#


Amount: N.

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Mocuments Simulate G sa e.

1e ersalsW W W W WIndi idual 1e ersal o% ;ass Cleared Accrual/de%erral

ocument re erse 1e ersal items re ersal1e ersal document re ersal

Indi idual document re ersal


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?(is is used to re ersal one document at a time

?o gi e re ersal reason

I% &e don8t speci%y re ersal date, it ta'es original document posting date

?(at period s(ould *e open.

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger ocument 1e erse Indi idual re ersal "F276#

0i e t(e document $o: +

Company code: A;

Fiscal year: 77)

1e ersal reason:

Select 7+ "re ersal in current period#

Posting date: 2lan'

Select display *e%ore re ersal *utton

Select *ac' arro&

Select sa e *uttonFrom t(e menu select document display8

Select display document (eader *utton

ou*le clic' on + "1e erse document %or#

Select display document (eader *utton

SA 5 Original document list

A2 5 re ersal document listetails *utton

$o range 5 7+

F279 5 ocument display


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Company code: A;

ocument type: SA 5 Original document A2 5 1e ersal document "System de%ined#

1e ersal o% re erse document

se t(e transaction code "F-7 #

From t(e menu select document Post &it( re%erence

0i e t(e document $o. +J

Company code: A;

Fiscal year: 77)Select generate re erse posting c(ec' *oB

Select display line items c(ec' *oB


!nter once again

C(ange ?eBt: 1e ersal %or document $o. +J


?eBt: M8

!nter: Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#.


From t(e menu select document displaySelect display document (eader *utton

;ass 1e ersal

?o re erse more t(an one document at a time, &e use mass re ersalL it can *econtinuous or random.

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger ocument 1e erse ;ass re ersal "F-67#


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0i e t(e company code: A;

?o re erse random $um*ers Select multiple selection

2eside document num*er

0i e t(e document $o. G 4

Select copy *utton

0i e t(e reason %or re ersal 7+8

Select teBt run c(ec' *oB

Select eBecute *utton

Instead o% and 4, 0i e document $o: +9 G +)I% documents are O.E

Select re erse document *utton

Clear item re ersal

se t(e transaction code: "F2 9$#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#

Company code: A;

Select cleared items *utton


Full cleared items

Out standing eBpenses

Cas(/2an' JJJJ ocument $7 5 1ent A/C JJJJ " # ")#


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I% c(e ue dis(onored it must *e re ersal

ere i.e. Full cleared items t(is is not possi*le to re ersal

2ut you can ma'e it as open items t(en re erse

Pat(: For re ersal o% cleared items

Accounting %inancial accounting 0eneral edger ocument 1esetcleared items "?ransaction code F21A#

0i e t(e clearing document $o.

Company code: A;

Fiscal Dear: 77)

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Select resetting G 1eser es

0i e t(e re ersal reason 5 7+ "1e ersal in current period#


It gi es t(e message clearing reset.

!nter 0o and see t(e 0/ Account F2 9$

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77J77

Company code: A;

Select open items radio *utton



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e%ine interest calculation ?ype:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral ledger accounting 2usinesstransactions 2an' Account in test calculation Interest calculation 0lo*al settingse%ine interest calculation types

Select ne& entries *utton

Interest Indicator "Ind Id#: ;+

$ame: +7 ;ont(ly

Interest calculation ?ype: Select S8 2alance interest calculation

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Prepare Account *alance interest calculation:

Same pat( "$eBt step#

?ransaction code "O2AA#

Select ne& entries *uttonInterest calculation Indicator 5 ;+

Interest calculation %re uency: Select 7+ 5 + ;ont(.

Calendar type

Interest calculations

2alance Interest calculations Item interest calculations

e%ined S8 type

se %ro 0/ Accounts

P8 ?ype

se %or endors/customers.


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Interest indicator -

In India G S %ollo&s t(e same rate o% interest rates

ence gi e ; 8 %or "de*it G credit items#

Select ne& entries *utton

1e% Interest rate ;

ong ?eBt: +7 ;ont(ly

S(ort ?eBt: +7 ;ont(ly

ate %rom: 7+-74- 77)

Currency: I$1

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

e%ine time 5 dependent terms:

Same pat(

Select ne& entries *utton

Interest calculation indicator ;+

Currency 'ey: I$1

!%%ecti e %rom: 7+-74- 77)


Credit Items e*it items

1e% int rate "; #+7

1e% int rate ";9#6


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Se uential $um*er: +

?erms: Select credit testing column *alance interest calculation

1e% interest rate: ;

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

Select neBt entry *utton

Interest calculators Indicator: ;+

Currency Eey: I$1

!%%ecti e %rom 7+.74. 77)Se uential $o.

?erm: Select de*it interest column *alance interest calculation

1e%. Interest rate: ;

Sa e

!nter interest alues:

Same pat(: ?ransaction code "7269#

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e re%erence interest rate ;

!%%ecti e %rom 7+-74- 77)

Interest rate: +7

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest


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Creation o% 0/ AccountsL

+st Accounts: S2I 1upee term loan under secured loans.

nd Account: Interest Account under interest group

?o c(ec' account groups %or gi ing account num*er "?ransaction code O2 4#

Select position *utton

0i e t(e c(art o% account: A;


$ote do&n t(e range %or secured loans: +77977 to +779

$ote do&n t(e range o% interest: 477477 to 4774

Creation o% 0/ ;asters:

?ransaction code FS77

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o. +77977

Company code: A;

Select &it( ?emplate *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o. +77777 "! uity s(are capital#

Company code: A;


C(ange account group: Secured oans

C(ange s(ort teBt and 0/ Account log teBt: S2I 1upee term loan

Select create/*an'/interest

Field status 0roup: Select 77J

Interest Indicator: Select ;+

Sa e.


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nd Account:

0/ Account $o: 477477

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 477977

Company code: A;


Select type/description ta*

Account group: Select interestC(ange s(ort teBt G ong teBt: Interest Account

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl Ms#

Assignment o% Accounts %or automatic posting

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting 2usinesstransactions 2an' Account interest calculation Interest posting Prepare 0/Account *alance Interest calculation "?ransaction code "O2V #

Select sym*ols *utton


+77977 - S2I ?erm oan+7797+ - ICICI ?erm oan+7797 - I 2I ?erm oan

I% &e (a e more t(an one term loan t(en gi e +7 pluses "M M M M M M M M M M#

Select Accounts *utton0i e your c(art o% Accounts A;


0i e t(e account sym*ol 5 777


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Currency 5 I$1

0i e t(e 0/ Account: 477477

0i e t(e Account sym*ol 5 777

Currency 5 I$1

0/ Accounts, ;ar' &it( +7 times plus M M M M M M M M M M

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

ser le els: ?o open posting period April:

se t(e ?ransaction code O2JSelect position *utton

0i e t(e posting period ariant A;


From Period 5 +

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

?erm oan receipt "F 5 7 #

0i e t(e document data and posting date: + -74- 77)

?ype 5 SA

Company code: A;

Currency: I$1

Posting Eey: 47

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o. 77+77



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0i e t(e amount: +77777

2usiness area: A;

Value date: +7-74- 77)

?eBt: S2I 1upee term loan receipt

Posting Eey: J7

Account $o: +77977 "S2I 1upee ?erm oan#


Amount: N

2usiness area: A;Value date: +7-74- 77)

?eBt: M8

ocuments simulate and sa e

?erm oan repayment:

0i e t(e document data and posting date: 7)-7 -7)

?ype: SA

Company Code: A;

Posting Eey: 47

Account $o: +77977 "S2I 1upee term loan#


Ignore t(e messages, press enter

0i e t(e amount: +7777

2usiness area: A;

Value date: +7-7 - 77)


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?eBt: S2I ?erm loan repayment

0i e t(e posting 'ey: J7

Account $o: 77+77 "Cas( Account#


Amount: N

2usiness Area: A;

Value date: +7-7 - 77)


ocuments simulate and sa eInterest Calculations:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting 0eneral ledger periodic processingInterest calculation 2alances "F.J #

0i e t(e 0/ Account: +77977 "S2I ?erm oans#

0i e t(e Company code: A;

Calculation period: 7+.74. 77) to 9+.79. 77!Becute

?o ie& line item &ise interest:

Select *ac' arro&

Select additional *alance line c(ec' *oB!Becute

In case o% %loating rate o% interestSelect *ac' arro&: ?o gi e e%%ect %or %loating rate o% interest open one more sessionSP1O

Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting 2usiness transactions2an' Account interest calculation Interest calculation

!nter Interest alues

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?ransaction Code: O269

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e re%erence interest rate: ;

!%%ecti e %rom 7+.7). 77)

Interest 1ate: +

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Come to t(e %irst session

!BecuteSelect *ac' arro&

For interest posting

0i e t(e calculation period 7+.74. 77) to 97.74. 77)


Select *ac' arro&

Select post interest settlements c(ec' *oB

Select update master record c(ec' *oB

2atc( input session

0i e t(e session name: A;

Posting to *usiness area: A;

Posting date o% session: 97.74. 77)

ocument date o% session: 97.74. 77)

Posting segment teBt: Interest %or April 77)

Select eBecute *utton


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!Bample: I% &e ta'e %oreign currency term loan. !Bc(ange rate Amount paya*le

On 7 .76. 77) 5 +77777X 4J 4J77777On 9+.79. 77 - J7 J777777

---------------!Bcess paya*le J77777 ---------------

As per account standard

?(e ariation is c(arge to PG Accounts.

In case o% purc(ased imported assets

Add to asset alue and calculate depreciation o er *alance li%e o% asset.

Customi=ation o% Foreign currency

Creation o% 9 0/ Account

+. S2I Foreign currency term loan 5 under secured loans group. !Bc(ange gain under ot(er income/ eBc(ange loss under administration

?o c(ec' account groups %or gi ing account $um*er "O2 4#

Select position *utton

0i e t(e c(art o% accounts: A;


$ote do&n t(e range %or ot(er Income group 977+77 to 977+ .

Creation o% 0/ ;asters "FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +7797+.

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77977

Company code: A;!nter.


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C(ange t(e long teBt, s(ort teBt to: "S2I FC term loan#

Select control data ?a*

0i e t(e account currency: SA

eselect only *alances in local currency c(ec' *oBSelect create *an'/interest ta*1emo e interest indicator 1emo e t(e dates alsoSa e.

nd 0/ Account: 977+77:

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 477977 "1ent#

Company code: A;


Select type/description ta*

C(ange t(e account group to ot(er income

C(ange s(ort teBt and long teBt to eBc(ange gain

Ot(er %ields are common

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

0/ Account $o: 47797+

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account: 477977 "1ent account#


C(ange t(e s(ort teBt and long teBt: !Bc(ange loss

Ot(er %ields are common 5 Sa e.


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e%ine aluation met(ods:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Accounting 2usinesstransactions Closing Valuating Foreign Currency Valuation e%ineValuation ;et(ods. "?ransaction Code O2J #.

Select ne& entries *utton

Valuation ;et(ods: A; +

escription: FC Valuation 2an' Selling %or A;

ocument ?ype: SA

e*it *alance eBc(ange rate type "2# "2an' Selling#

Credit *alance eBc(ange rate type 5 2 "2an' Selling#Select determine rate type %rom account *alance

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

Prepare automatic postings %or Foreign Currency aluation

?ransaction code O2A+

ou*le clic' on eBc(ange rate de%ining using eBc(ange rate 'ey

0i e your c(art o% accounts: A;


!Bc(ange rate di%%erence 'ey: S

!Bpenses account: 47797+

!/1 "!Bc(ange rate# gain account: 977+77Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

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Assign eBc(ange rate di%%erence 'ey in loan account: "?ransaction code is FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77977 "S2I F/C ?erm loans#Company code: A;From t(e menu select 0/ Account c(arge

Select control data ta*!Bc(ange rate di%%erence 'eySelect SSa e.

Foreign currency term loan receipt "F 5 7 #

0i e t(e document data and posting date: ++/76/7)

?ype: SA

Company Code: A;Currency: S : 1ate: 4J/-

Posting Eey: 470i e t(e account $o: 77+77 "Cas( Account#


0i e t(e amount: +77777

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: S2I F/C ?erm loan recei ed


Posting Eey: J7

Account $o: +7797+ "S2I FC ?erm loan#


Amount N

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocuments simulate and sa e


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?o enter 9+st ;arc(, 77 eBc(ange rates in %oreB ta*le

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger !n ironmentCurrent settings !nter transaction rates "S U 2C! U )6777+ 4#

Select ne& entries *utton

!Bc(ange rate type: 08

Valid %rom 9+-79- 77

From Currency: S

?o Currency: I$1

irect uotation: 4!Bc(ange rate type: 2 "2an' selling#

Valid %rom: 9+-79- 77

From: S

?o Currency: I$1

irect uotation: J7

Sa e.

F/C re aluation:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Periodic ProcessingClosing Valuate Foreign Currency Valuation "F.7J#


Company Code: A;

! aluation period: 9+st

;arc( 77Valuation ;et(od: A; +Valuation in currency type: Select +7 "Company code currency#Select 0/ *alances ta*Select aluate 0/ Accounts c(ec' *oB0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +7797+!Becute

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Select posting *utton

Select *ac' arro& t&o timesS(o&ing mont(ly &ise re aluation: 1ate o% eBc(ange

!Bample: I% &e ta'e +77777 5 S On ++/76/7) - 4J 9+/76/7) - 4) 97/7 /7) - 46

Steps to *e %ollo&ed %or mont( end aluation

0i e e aluation 'ey date: 9+-76- 77)

Select create positions c(ec' *oB

0i e t(e re ersal posting date: 7+-7 - 77)

Select re erse postings c(ec' *oB

Select eBecute *utton

Steps to *e %ollo&ed %or your end aluation

! aluation 'ey date: 9+-79- 77

Select *alance s(eet preparation aluation c(ec' *oB

Select create postings c(ec' *oB

1e erse o% posting date: 2lan'

eselect re erse posting c(ec' *oB


0o and see t(e document F279


ou*le clic' on %irst line Item.


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?o ie& pat( &(en transaction code is gi en at user le el

In t(e command %ield enter searc( USAP ;enu


Searc( teBt entry: ?ransaction Code "F-7 #

!nter o& to ie& pat( in customi=ation:


Select %ind *utton

0i e t(e searc( term %iscal year


Select %iscal year under %inancial accounting 0lo*al settings Area


Accounts paya*le "A/P#

It is a su*sidiary ledger

?(is used &(en material management module is not use

?(is is used %or material purc(ases G salaries


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<(en ;; ;odule is used se %or ser ices &(ere ? S is to *e deducted

<(en &e purc(ase 1a& ;aterial

In entory 1a& ;aterial r "0eneral edger#?o Party A/C "Su*sidiary edger# 5 Sundry Creditors1a& material "0 A/C#

Y 1econciliation "Or#

Control A/C

2asic settings %or Accounts paya*le

+. Creation o% endor Accounts 0roups:

a. FI "Financial Vendor# "ser ice parties# *. ;; ";aterial management endor# ";aterial Parties#

For a*o e *ot( cases &e (a e to speci%y reconciliation account %ield re uiremen

. Creation o% $o. ranger %or endor8s Account9. Assign num*er range group o% endor Account group4. e%ine tolerance group %or endors.J. Creation o% 0/ ;asters

a. In entory ra& material Current Assets loans G Ad ances

*. Sundry Creditors ra& materials Current lia*ilities G Pro ision). Creation o% Vendor masters

. ocument type and $7. 1anges E1 5 Vendor In oiceE 5 Vendor PaymentEA 5 Vendor document %or trans%er/re ersal

6. Posting Eeys 9+ Vendor Credit J Vendor de*it

+. Creation o% endor accounts groupsSP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le G Accounts paya*leVendor accounts ;aster data Preparation %or creating endor master data

de%ine account groups &it( screen layout "Vendors#.

Select ne& entries *utton


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Account group 5 A; +

$ame: FI Vendors %or A;

ou*le clic' on company code data

ou*le clic' on account management

1econciliation account select re uired entry %ield

Cas( management ma'es it suppress %ield.

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Select create re uest *utton

0i e t(e s(ort description: Account paya*le "AP# Customi=ation o% A;!nter

Press enter once again to sa e in your re uest

Select neBt entry *utton

0i e t(e account group 5 A;

$ame: ;; Vendors %or A;

ou*le clic' on company code data

ou*le clic' on Account ;anagement

1econciliation Account ma'e re uired entry %ield

Cas( management group ma'e it suppress

Sa e.

Create $o. ranges %or endor accounts:

Same pat( "?ransaction code QE$+#

Select c(ange inter als *utton

Select inter al *utton


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0i e t(e no. range

From $o: 6 7777+ to $o: 6677777


Select inter al *utton once again

$o. o% range: 9

From $o: 667777+

?o $o: 6 77777

!nter and sa e

Assign $o. ranges to endor accounts groups:Same pat(

Select position *utton

0i e t(e account group A; +


For A; + 5 Assign $o. range:

For A; 5 $o. range: 9

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl Ms#

Sa e in your re uest

e%ine tolerance group o% endors:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le and Accounts paya*le2usiness transactions out going payments ;anual out going payments e%inetolerances "Vendors#

Select ne& entries *utton


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0i e t(e company code: A;

?olerance group: 2lan'

0i e t(e description ?olerance group %or A;

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Creation o% 0/ Accounts: "FS77#:

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+ 7

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton0/ Account $o: 77+77 "cas( account#

Company code: A;


C(ange s(ort teBt to in entory 1;

C(ange 0/ log teBt to in entory ra& material

Select create/*an'/interest ta*

C(ange %ield status group o% 077+

eselect rele ant cas( %lo& c(ec' *oB

Sa e.

. 0/ Account $o: +77J7+Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77J77 "out standing eBpenses#


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?elep(one: JJ) ) 4)

Select neBt screen *utton "9 times#

1econciliation Account: Select t(e drop do&n t(e *uttonSelect +77J7+ 5 Sundry Creditors ra& material

Sort 'ey: 7+ "Vendor $o#

Select neBt screen *utton

Payment terms: Select 777+ "paya*le immediately due net#

?olerance group: 2lan'

C(ec' dou*le in oice c(ec' *oB

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#.

ocument types G $um*er ranges "72A #

Select position *utton

0i e t(e document type E1 "Vendor In oice#


Select document type E1

Select details *utton

$ote do&n t(e $o. 1ange: +

Select num*er range in%ormation *utton

0i e your company code: A;

Select c(ange inter als *utton

Select inter al *utton

$o. 1ange: + : year: 77)L From $o: +7777+ to 77777

!nter G sa e


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Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e (ouse *an' S2I

2an' Country: I$ "India#

2an' Eey: Any $o: "6 )#

0i e t(e telep(one $o

Contact person

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Select c(ange *utton:0i e t(e *an' name: State 2an' o% India

Street: 2an' Street

City: ydera*ad

2an' 2ranc(: ;ain *ranc(

!nter G sa e

ou*le clic' on 2an' Accounts %older Select ne& entries *utton0i e t(e Account I : S2I +

escription: State 2an' o% India Current A/C $o.+2an' account $o: 6 )J49 +7Currency: I$1 0/ Account $o: 77+7JSa e

Create c(ec' lots: "<e are gi ing c(ec' $o#

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts Paya*le Periodic processing Payment "F++7#

From t(e menu select en ironmentC(ec' in%ormation $o. ranges

Final ?ransaction code: FC I


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0i e t(e paying company code: A;

ouse *an': S2I

Account I : S2I +Select c(ange *utton

Select create *utton

0i e t(e lot $o.+

C(ec' $o: 7777+ to 77+77

Select non se uential c(ec' *oB

S(ort In%ormation 5 S2I

Purc(ase date: C(e ue *oo' Issued date: +4.76. 77)!nter G Sa e

Purc(ase in oice posting:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Paya*le document entryIn oice general "F-49#

0i e t(e document date: +4.76. 77)?ype: E1

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 9+

Account: Select 6 7777+ "3. E. Synt(etics td#


0i e t(e amount +7777

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Purc(ase in oice postings

Posting 'ey: 47


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Account $o: 77+ 7 "In entory ra& material#


Amount N2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate G sa e

o& to ie& party account:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts paya*le Accountisplay/c(ange line items "F2 +$#

Vendor Account: Select 6 7777+

Company code: A;

Select open items radio *utton


0o and see t(e 0/ Account "FS+7$#

0i e t(e 0/ Account no: +77J7+ "Sundry Creditors ra& material#

Company Code: A;

Fiscal Dear: 77)


ou*le clic' on cumulati e *alance: +7777?o ie& party &iseSelect c(ange lay out *utton

From t(e (idden %ields column

Select assignment %ield

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Select amount in local currency under column content

Select le%t arro& "or# s(o& select %ield8s *utton

Select copy *uttonSort 'ey updates assignment %ields automatically

Out going payment &it( clearing:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Account Paya*le ocument entryout going payment post "F-J9#

ocument date: +4.76. 77)

?ype: ECompany Code: A;

Clearing teBt: Out going payment

Account under *an' data: 77+7J

2usiness Area: A;

Amount: +7777

?eBt: Out going payment

Account under open item selection: 6 7777+

Account ?ype: E8 comes *y de%ault "Vendor#

Select process open items *utton

ou*le clic' on paya*le amount: +7777

ocument SimulateSa e "or# "ctrl M s#

0o and see t(e endor A/C "F2 +$#

0i e t(e endor Account $o: 6 7777+


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Company Code: A;

Select cleared items radio *utton

Select eBecute

;anual c(ec' creation:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Account Paya*le !n ironmentC(ec' in%ormation Create ;anual c(ec's "FC J#

0i e t(e (ouse *an' S2I

Account I : S2I +

C(ec' $o: 777+7Sa e

isplay c(ec' register:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Account Paya*le !n ironmentC(ec' in%ormation display C(ec' register "FC $#

0i e t(e paying company code: A;


ou*le clic' on c(ec' $o: 777+7

Select accompanying documents *utton

C(ec' encas(ment date updation:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Account Paya*le !n ironmentC(ec' in%ormation c(ange Additional in%o/cas( "FC )#

0i e t(e paying company code: A;

0i e t(e (ouse *an' S2I


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Account I : S2I +

C(ec' $o: 777+7!nter

0i e t(e encas(ment date: 6.76. 77) Sa e

0o and see t(e c(ec' register: FC $0i e t(e posting company code: A;!Becute

n issued c(ec's cancellation

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Account Paya*le !n ironment C(ec' in%ormation oid n used c(ec's "FC 9#

0i e t(e paying company code: A;0i e t(e (ouse *an' S2I

Account I : S2I +

C(ec' $o: 7777+

Void reason Code: Select 7) "destroy/unusa*le#

Select oid *utton

0o and see t(e c(ec' register: FC $0i e t(e posting company code: A;ouse *an': S2I

Account I : S2I+!Becute

Once t(e c(ec' lot is o er, 'eep t(e cursor on c(ec' num*er %rom to

Select in ascending order *utton.

o& to create oid reason code:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le and account paya*le *usiness transactions Out going payments Automatic out going paymentsPayment media C(ec' management e%ine oid reason codes "?ransaction code:FC V#

Select ne& entries *utton


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0i e t(e reason: )

Void reason code: Stop payment %or A;

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

eletion o% c(ec' encas(ment date data:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Account Paya*le !n ironmentC(ec' in%ormation elete 1eset data. "?ransaction code: FC 0#

0i e t(e posting company code: A;

0i e t(e (ouse *an' S2I

Account I : S2I +

0i e t(e C(ec' $o: 777+7

Select reset cas(ing data radio *utton


Select t(e yes *utton %or t(e message reset data

0o and see t(e c(ec' register "FC $#0i e t(e paying company code: A;

ouse *an' S2I

Account I : S2I +


Issued c(ec' cancellation

!n cas( c(ec's can not *e cancelled

a. In oice posting F-49 *. Out going payment &it( cleared items F-J9c. ;anual c(ec' creation FC Jd. isplay c(ec' register

e. Issued c(ec' cancelled


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Vendors A/C

2an' +7777 W Open Item +7777 --------- W ---------

+7777 W +7777

---------- ---------I% &e cancel t(e c(ec', open item +7777 is *ecomes open items/paya*le

e. Issued c(ec' cancellation

i. 1eset cleared items "?o ma'e it as open#ii. 1eser e transactioniii. Cancel c(ec'

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Account Paya*le !n ironmentC(ec' in%ormation oid cancel payment. "?ransaction FC 6#

0i e t(e paying company code: A;

ouse *an' S2I

Account I : S2I +

C(ec' $o. Select 777+7

Void reason code: Select ) "Stop payment %or A; #

0i e t(e re ersal reason: 7+Select cancel payment *utton

0o and t(e party account "F2 +$#0i e t(e endor Account $o: 6 7777+Company Code: A;Select open items radio *utton!Becute

0o and see t(e c(ec' register: FC $

0i e t(e paying company code: A;


Ad ance payments to endors

In SAP it is called as do&n payments to endors.

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a. Creation o% 0/ Account ad ance to endors under current assets, loans,ad ances

b. in' *et&een Sundry Creditors and ad ance to endorsc. Ad ance payment posting - Ad ance 5 Ad ance to endor

- Purc(ased. Purc(ase in oice postingse. master o% ad ance %rom special 0/ ?o normal *y clearing special 0/ items%. Clearing o% normal items.

a. Creation o% 0/ ;aster "FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+J7

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton0i e t(e 0/ Account: +77J7+ "Sundry Creditors ra& material#

Company code: A;


C(ange t(e account group: Current assets, loans and ad ances

C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ A/C ong teBt to ad ance to endors

Ot(er %ields are same

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

*. in' *et&een Sundry Creditors and ad ance to endors

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le G Accounts paya*le2usiness transactions o&n payment made e%ine alternati e reconciliationAccount %or do&n payments "?ransaction code: O2D1#

ou*le clic' on do&n payment on current assets "or# A8

0i e t(e c(art o% Accounts, A;


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0i e t(e reconciliation A/C: +77J7+

0i e t(e special A/C: 77+J7Sa e "or# "ctrl Ms#

Sa e in your re uest

a#. Ad ance payment posting:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Paya*le ocument entrydo&n payment do&n payment "?ransaction code: F-46#

0i e t(e document date: +6.76. 77)?ype: E

Vendor Account: 6 7777+

0i e t(e special 0/ Indicator: A8

0i e t(e *an' account: 77+7J

2usiness area: A;

Amount: 6666

?eBt: Ad ance payment posting



2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: M8ocument Simulate and sa e

0o and see t(e endor A/C 5 F2 +$

0i e t(e endor A/C $o: 6 7777+

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Company code: A;

Select open items radio *utton

Select special 0/ transaction c(ec' *oB


d. Purc(ase In oice Posting:"F-49#

0i e t(e document date: +6.76. 77)

?ype: E1

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 9+0i e t(e A/C $o: 6 7777+


0i e t(e amount: 6666

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: purc(ase in oice posting

Posting Eey: 47

Account no: 77+ 7 "In entory ra& material#


Amount: N8

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e

0o and see t(e endor A/C "F2 +$#

0i e t(e endor A/C $o: 6 7777+


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Company Code: A;

Select open items radio *utton

Select normal items c(ec' *oB


Select *ac' arro&

Select special 0/ ?ransaction c(ec' *oB along &it( normal items.


e# ?rans%er o% Ad ance %rom special 0/ ?o $ormal *y clearing special 0/ Items:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Paya*le ocument entrydo&n payment clearing "?ransaction code: F-J4#

0i e t(e document date: +6.76. 77)

?ype: EA

Company code: A;

Vendor A/C: 6 7777+

0i e t(e teBt: ad ances trans%er postingSelect process do&n payments *utton

0i e t(e trans%er posting 6666

Sa e

0o and see t(e endor A/C "F2 +$#

Company code: A;

Select cleared items radio *utton

Select special 0/ C(ec' *oB


Select *ac' arro&


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Select open items radio *utton

Select normal items c(ec' *oB


%# Clearing o% $ormal Items

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts Paya*le accounts clear"?ransaction code: F-44#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 6 7777+

Company Code: A;

Select process open items radio *utton

ou*le clic' on credit 6666

ou*le clic' on de*it 6666

Sa e

0o and see t(e endor A/C: F2 +$

0i e t(e endor A/C: 6 7777+Company Code: A;

Select cleared items radio *utton

Select normal items c(ec' *oB


nd Scenario - Ad ance more *ill less:

Ad ance - +777772ill - 7777

a. Ad ance payment posting "F-46# *. Purc(ase in oice posting "F-49#c. ?rans%er to ad ance amount o% 1s. 7777 %rom special 0/ to normal "F-J4#d. Clearing o% normal items "F-44#


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$et result: In *alance s(eet s(o&n as current assets 5 Ad ance to endors 67777

9rd Scenario - Ad ance less 5 2ill ;ore:

Ad ance - J7777

2ill - +J7777a. Ad ance payment posting "F-46# *. Purc(ase in oice posting "F-49#

c. ?rans%er o% Ad ance %rom 0/ to normal *y clearing special 0/ items "F-J4# d. <(ile ma'ing *alance payment o% 1s. +77777 ou*le clic' on paya*le amount +J7777 and amount paid J7777

And t(e 9rd line items &ill go cleared items "F-J9#

?erms o% Payment:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le and Accounts paya*le2usiness transactions Incoming in oices "Credit memos# ;aintain terms o% payment

Select ne& entries *utton0i e t(e payment terms: A;Select customer c(ec' *oBSelect endor c(ec' *oB

ocument date: Posting 2ill datePosting date:!ntry date

<it( in +7 days: 9 cas( discount<it( in 7 days: Cas( discount<it( in 97 days: dueSelect de%ault %or *ase line date: posting date+st term: 9 - +7 days

nd term: - 7 days9rd term: $o discount 5 97 daysPress !nterSa eSa e in your re uest

Cas( discount:

Creation o% 0/ Account: Called cas( discount recei ed under ot(er income group"?.code "FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 977+7+

Company Code: A;


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Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 977+77 "!Bc(ange gain#

Company code: A;


C(ange t(e s(ort teBt and 0/ Account long teBt to: cas( discount recei ed

Ot(er %ields are same

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

Assignment o% account %or automatic postings:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le and accounts paya*le2usiness transactions out going payments out going payment glo*al settingsde%ine accounts %or cas( discount ta'en. "?ransaction code is O2Q #

0i e your c(art o% accounts: A;


Select sa e *utton0i e t(e account $o: 977+7+

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

Purc(ase in oice posting: "F-49#

ocument date: 7+.76. 77) "Party *ill date#

Posting date: +).76. 77) "0oods recei ed date#

?ype: E1

Company code: A;


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Posting 'ey: 9+

0i e t(e account no: 6 7777+

!nter 0i e t(e amount: +77777

2usiness Area: A;

Payment terms: A; +

?eBt: Purc(ase in oice posting


Ignore t(e message, press enter

0i e t(e posting 'ey: 47

0i e t(e account $o: 77+ 7 "In entory ra& material#


Amount: N

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e

0o and see t(e endor A/C: "F2 +$#

Vendor account: 6 7777+

Company code: A;

Select open items radio *utton


Select c(ange lay out *utton

From t(e (idden %ields column select current cas( discount amount %ields


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Select amount in document currency under column content.

Select le%t arro& *utton

Select copy *uttonOut going payment: "F-J9#

0i e t(e document date: +.76. 77)

?ype: E

Company Code: A;

Clearing teBt: Out going payment

Account num*er under *an' data: 77+7J

2usiness Area: A;

Amount: 777

?eBt: out going paymentAccount: under open item selection: 6 7777+

Account type: E comes *y de%ault

Select process open items *utton

ou*le clic' on paya*le amount: +77777

ocument Simulate

ou*le clic' on *lue %ont line items?eBt: enter M8Sa e.

Automatic payment program:

Ad antage:

System &ill eri%y t(e due dates

System issue c(ec'

System &ill pass t(e entry and clear party account


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It &ill prepare payment ad ice

It updates c(ec' register automatically

It &ill *e used *y cas( ric( companiesIt &ill *e run t(is &ee'ly/+7days/+Jdays/;ont(ly.

Dour c(ec' lot s(ould *e se uential

<e are not programmers &e used system de%ined c(ec' %ormat and paymentad ice %ormat.

0i e ran'ing *an' &ise &it( a aila*le *alance

2e%ore issue to gi es a proposalIt s(o&s %or &(ic( party %or &(ic( *ills %rom &(ic( *an' it is going to issue t(ec(ec's.

<e can edit t(e proposal!dit t(e proposal:

+. 2y *loc'ing some in oices %or payment. 2y c(anging *an'

+st step: Set up 5 payment met(ods per country %or payment transactions

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le and accounts paya*le2usiness transactions out going payments Automatic out going paymentsPayment met(od/ *an' selection %or payment program set up payments met(od percountry %or payment transactions "?ransactions code: F2 P#

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e country: I$ "India#

Payment met(od: 3

escription: C(ec'

Select out going payments radio *utton

Select c(ec' radio *utton

ocument type %or payment: E


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Clearing document type: E

Payment medium program: ?(is is system de%ined program"1!FO SUC#

$ame o% t(e print data: IS?+SSa e

Sa e in your re uest

Set up Payment met(ods %or company code %or payment transactions:

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e posting company code: A;

Payment met(od: 3

;inimum amount: +77

;aBimum amount:

Select payment per due day c(ec' *oB

Select %orm data *utton

Form %or t(e payment trans%er medium: $ote do&n

F++7 5 Premium 5 C(ec'

ra&er o% t(e %orm: For Ara ind ;ills td.

Aut(ori=ed signatory

Sa eSa e in your re uest

Set up All Company codes %or payment transactions:

Same pat(:

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e your company code: A;

Paying company code: A;


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Select separate payment per *usiness area c(ec' *oB

Special 0/ ?ransactions to pay under endors: !nter A "Ad ance#

Sa eSa e in your re uest

Set up paying company code %or payment transactions:

Same pat(

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e paying company code: A;

Select %orms *utton

Form %or t(e payment ad ice "F++7U U AVIS#

Select sender details *utton

?eBt I. : Select S? "Standard teBt#

etter (eader: FU 777+ U eader

Footer teBt: F U 777+ U Footer

Sender: FU777+U Sender

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

Creation o% se uential c(ec' lots:"?ransaction code: "FC I#

0i e t(e paying company code: A;

ose 2an': S2I

Account I : S2I+

Select c(ange *utton


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Select create *utton

0i e t(e lot $o:

0i e t(e c(ec' $o: J7777+ to J7+777eselect non se uential c(ec' *oB

!nter and sa e

2an' determination:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounts accounts paya*le Periodic processingPayments "?ransaction code F++7#

From t(e menu select en ironment ;aintain con%igurationSelect *an' determination *utton

Select position *utton

0i e t(e paying company code: A;


Select paying company code: A;

ou*le clic' on ran'ing order %older Select ne& entries *utton0i e t(e payment met(od: 3Currency: I$1 1an' order: +

ouse 2an': S2ISa e

Sa e in your re uestou*le clic' on *an' accounts %older:

Select ne& entries *utton

ouse *an': S2I

Payment met(od: 3

Currency: I$1


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Account I : S2I+

2an' su* account: 77+7J "S2I Current account#

2usiness Area: A;Sa e

ou*le clic' on a aila*le amounts %older:

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e (ouse *an' S2I

Account I : S2I+ays: enter

Currency: I$1

A aila*le %or out going payments: 777777Sa e

Assign payment met(od in endor master:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts paya*le ;aster records;aintain centrally C(ange "?ransaction code: QE7 #

0i e t(e endor $o: 6 7777+Company Code: A;Select payment transaction c(ec' *oB under company code data!nter 0i e t(e payment met(od: 3Sa e

Purc(ase in oice posting "F-49#

0i e t(e document date: 9.76. 77)

?ype: E1

Company code: A;

Posting Eey: 9+


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Account $o: 6 7777+


Amount: ))))2usiness Area: A;

Payment term: 777+

?eBt: Purc(ase in oice testing

Posting Eey: 47

Account $o: 77+ 7 "In entory ra& material#


Amount: N8

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: M8ocument Simulate and sa e

Automatic Payment Program run "F++7#

1un date: 9.76. 77)Identi%ication: A; +Select parameter ta*Dour posting date and documents entered up to date is come automatic0i e t(e company code: A;Payment met(ods: 3 $eBt posting date: 97.76. 77)Vendor A/C: 6 7777+ to 6677777Sa e

Select *ac' arro&Select sc(edule proposal *utton

Select start immediately c(ec' *oB



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0o and press enter till you get t(e message payment proposal (as *een created

Select edit proposal *utton


ou*le clic' on amount %ield +))))

?o *loc' in oice %or payment dou*le clic' on in oice amount

Payment *loc' select A "2loc' %or payment#


?o c(ange t(e *an' dou*le clic' on in oice amount

Select real locate *utton0i e t(e payment met(od: 3

0i e t(e (ouse *an': S2I

Account I : S2I +

!nter and sa e

Select *ac' arro&: times

It gi es t(e message payment proposal (as *een edited

Select payment run *utton


0o and press enter till you get t(e message payment run (as *een carried out

For c(ec' Printing:

Select print out /data medium ta*

For t(e program: 1F FO S U C

0i e t(e ariant: A;

Select maintain ariants *utton


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Select continue *utton

0i e t(e program run date: 9.76. 77)

Identi%ication %eature: A; +Paying company code: A;

Payment ;et(od: 3

2usiness area: A;

ouse *an': S2I

Account I : S2I+

C(ec' lot $o: 777

Select print c(ec's c(ec' *oB

Printer $ame: P7+

Select print immediately c(ec' *oB

Select print payment ad ice notes c(ec' *oB

Printer: P7+

Select: Print immediately c(ec' *oB

Select print payment summary c(ec' *oB

Printer: P7+

Select: Print immediately c(ec' *oB

$um*er o% sample print outs 5 78

Select don8t oid any c(ec's c(ec' *oB

Select attri*utes *utton

0i e t(e description: S2I C(ec' print 9.76. 77)

Sa e


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Select *ac' arro&

Sa e

Once again select *ac' arro&Select print out *utton

For @o* $ame, in place o% uestion mar'

0i e t(e ariant: A;


!nter once again

?o ie& t(e c(ec' printing, %or t(e menu select system ser ices out putcontrol


Select c(ec' spool no. C(ec' *oB

Select display contents *utton

0o and see t(e party A/C: "F2 +$#

0i e t(e endor A/C $o: 6 7777+

Company Code: A;

Select cleared items radio *utton


ou*le clic' on t(e line item (a ing document type E %or 1s. ))))

Select call up document o er ie& *uttonFrom t(e menu select en ironment c(ec' in%ormation

0o and see t(e c(ec' register: FC $

0i e t(e paying compared code: A;


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Credit memo: ?(is is done &(en t(e material returned reduced pricea# Vendor raised credit note on A; " ocument ?ype: EA# *# A; raises de*it note on endor " ocument ?ype: E0#

For *ot( a*o e cases no. 1anges: +Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts paya*le ocument entryCredit memo 5 general "F-4+#

ocument date: 9.76. 77)

?ype: E0

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: +0i e t(e account $oL 6 7777+


0i e t(e amount: +777

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Credit memo posting

Posting Eey: J7

Account $oL 77+ 7 "In entory ra& material#

!nter Amount: N82usiness area: A;?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa eZ Accounts 1ecei a*le "A/1#

-?(is is also a su*sidiary ledger.

-?(is is used &(en sales G distri*ution module is not implemented

-?(is is used all types o% sales "Product sale, serial sale G assets sales and alltypes#


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<(en S. is implemented: <(en scrap sales, asset sales

<(en you ma'e a sale

"0 # It updates sundry de*tors Customers A/C r "Su*sidiary ledger "S. #?o Sales A/C "0eneral Account# "0. #

YIn SAP it is called reconciliation A/C

In normal Accounting it is called control account

2asic settings %or accounts recei a*le:

a.# Creation o% customer Accounts groups:

?&o types o% customs

FI 5 Customers 5 assets sales, scrap sale parties S 5 Customers 5 products sales

*. e%ine $o. ranges %or customers Accounts:

c. Assign $o. ranges to customer accounts groupsd. Creation o% 0/ Accounts:

i. Sundry e*tors nder Current assets, loans G ad ancesii. Sales Accounts 5 nder sales account

e. Creation o% customer master f. ocument types and $o. ranges

r 5 Customer In oices 5 Customer Payment

A 5 Customer document %or trans%ers/re ersals

g. Posting Eeys: 7+ 5 Customer de*it

+J 5 Customer Credita. Creation o% customer account groups:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le and Accounts paya*leCustomer Accounts ;aster data Preparation %or creating customer master data

e%ine accounts groups &it( screen lay out "Customers#


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Select inter al *utton once again

0i e t(e $o. range: 99From $o: )97777+: ?o $um*er: )477777

c. Assign $o. ranges to customer Account groups

Same pat(

Select position *utton

0i e t(e account group: A; +


For A; + 5 Assign $o. range: 9

For A; 5 Assign $o. range:99

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

a. Creation o% 0/ Accounts: "FS77#

+. 0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77++7

Company Code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+J7

Company Code: A;


C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ ong teBt to Sundry e*tors A/C

Select control data ta*

1econciliation A/C %or A/C type: Select customers


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Sort Eey: Select 79+ Customers $o.

Select create/*an'/Interest ta*

Field status group: "07) #Sa e

. 0i e 0/ Account $o: 977777

Company Code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 977+77 "!Bc(ange gain#

Company Code: A;


Select type/description ta*

Account group: Sales

C(ange s(ort teBt and 0/ Account long teBt to: sales account

Sa e

*. Creation o% customer master:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le ;aster recordsmaintain centrally Create "Q 7+#

Account group: Select FI Customers %or A;Company code: A;


+ 7

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?itle: Select Company

$ame: 3. E. Synt(etics td

Address: Ameerpet: Postal Code: J77777: City: ydera*ad: Country: I$Select control data ta*

0i e t(e endor $o: 6 7777+

Select company code data *utton

1econciliation A/C selects 77++7 "Sundry e*tors#

0i e t(e sort 'ey: 79+ "Customer $um*er#

Select payment transactions

?erms o% payment 777+ "Payment immediately due neBt#

Sa e

ocument types and no. ranges: "O2A #

Select document type: 1 "Customer in oices#

Select details *utton $ote do&n t(e $o. range: +6

Select $o. range in%ormation *utton

0i e your company code: A;

Select c(ange inter als *utton

Select inter al *utton

$o. range: +6: year: 77): From $o: 47777+ to J77777

!nter and sa e

Select *ac' arro& 9 times

Select type: "Customer Payment#

+ +

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Select details *utton

$ote do&n t(e $o. range: +4

Select num*er range in%ormation *utton0i e t(e company code: A;

Select C(ange inter als *utton

Select inter al *utton

$o. range: +4: year: 77): From $o: J7777+ to )77777

!nter and sa e

Select *ac' arro& 9 times

Select A: "Customer ocument#

Select details *utton

$ote do&n t(e $o. range: +)

Select num*er range in%ormation *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

Select C(ange inter als *utton

Select inter al *utton

0i e t(e $o. range: +)

Dear: 77): From $o: )7777+: to 77777!nter and sa e

Posting o% sale in oice:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts recei a*le document entryin oice general "F- #

ocument date: J.76. 77)

?ype: 1 Company code: A;


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Posting Eey: 7+0i e t(e account: ) 7777+!nter 0i e t(e amount: +777777

2usiness Area: A;?eBt: Sales posting

Posting Eey: J7

Account $um*er 977777 "Sales A/C#


Amount: N8

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e

o& to ie& customer account:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le Accounts display/c(ange line items "F2 J$#

0i e t(e customer account: ) 7777+

Company code: A;

Select open items radio *utton

Select normal items c(ec' *oB


Select *ac' arro& to ie& endor and customers transactions toget(er:Select endor items c(ec' *oB along &it( normal items c(ec' *oB eBecute

Incoming payment and clearing endor G customer transactions toget(er:

ocument type: 8 s(ould allo& endor and customer transactions

+ 9

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?ransaction code: O2A

Select document type:

Select details *utton

Select endor c(ec' *oB

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Incoming payment:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le ocument entryIncoming payment "?ransaction code F- 6#

0i e t(e document date: .76. 77)

?ype: : Company code: A; : Clearing teBt: Incoming Payment

Account under *an' data: 77+7J "S2I Current Account#

2usiness Area: A;

Amount: +777

?eBt: Incoming paymentAccount under open item selection: ) 7777+

Account type: comes *y de%ault " %or Customers#

Select ot(er accounts c(ec' *oB

Select process open items *utton

Select standard open items c(ec' *oB

Select A/C $o: 6 7777+

Account type: Select E

Company code: A;

Select standard item c(ec' *oB

+ 4

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Select continue *utton

ou*le clic' on all t(e line items

ocument Simulate and sa e0o and see t(e customers A/C 5 "F2 J$#

0i e t(e customer A/C: ) 7777+

Company code: A;

Select cleared items radio *utton

Select normal items c(ec' *oB

Select endor items c(ec' *oB


Ad ance receipts %rom customers:A# Creation o% 0/ Accounts, ad ance %rom customer under current lia*ilities and pro isions

2# in' *et&een Sundry e*tors and ad ance %rom customers.

Ad ance "A# 5 special 0/ Indicator:a# Sundry e*tors: 1econciliation Account *# Ad ance %rom customers "Alternati e reconciliation a/c# 5 Special 0/ A/cc# Ad ance receipt postingd# Sales postinge# ?rans%er o% ad ance %rom 0/ to normal *y clearing special 0/ Items%# Clearing o% normal items

Creation o% 0/ Account: "FS77#

Ad ance %rom customers: under current lia*ilities G pro isions

0i e t(e 0/ account no: +77J7

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

+ J

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Company Code: A;

Customer Account: ) 7777+

Special 0/ indicator A

2an' Account: 77+7J

2usiness area: A;

0i e t(e amount:

?eBt: Ad ance receipt posting


Amount: N82usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e

0o and see t(e customers A/C: "F2 J$#

0i e t(e customer account $o: ) 7777+

Company code: A;

Select open items radio *utton

Select special 0/ transactions c(ec' *oB


Sales posting: "F- #

0i e t(e document date: 6.76. 77)

?ype: 1

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 7+


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Account: ) 7777+


0i e t(e amount: 2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Sales posting

Posting Eey: J7

Account $o: 977777 "Sales account#


Amount: N8

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e

0o and see t(e customer A/C: "F2 J$#:

Customer A/C $o: ) 7777+Company code: A;Select open items radio *uttonSelect normal items c(ec' *oB!BecuteSelect *ac' arro&Select special 0/ transactions c(ec' *oB along &it( normal items!Becute

?rans%er to ad ance %rom special 0/ to normal *y clearing special 0/ items:

Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le document entry do&n payment clearing "F-9 #

ocument date: 6.76. 77)

?ype: A

+ 6

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Company code: A;

0i e t(e customer A/C: ) 7777+

?eBt: Ad ance receipt clearing

Select process do&n payments *utton

0i e t(e trans%er posting

Sa e

0o and see t(e customer A/C:"F2 J$#

Customer A/C: ) 7777+

Company code: A;Select cleared items radio *utton

Select special 0/ transactions c(ec' *oB


Select *ac' arro&

Select open items radio *utton

Select normal items c(ec' *oB


Clearing o% normal items:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts recei a*le Account Clear"F-9 #

0i e t(e account $o: ) 7777+

Company code: A;Select process open items *utton


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ou*le clic' on de*itou*le clic' on credit

Sa e "or# "ctrl Ms#

0o and see t(e customer A/C:"F2 J$#:

0i e t(e customer account no: ) 7777+

Company code: A;

Select cleared items radio *utton

Select normal items c(ec' *oB


2ill discounting: types.+. Fund *ased limits:

Cas( credits ocal sales2an' o er dra%tPac'ing credits2ill discounting !Bport sales order

. $on %und *ased limits:

2an' guarantee "2/0#etter o% Credit " /C#


97 days creditA; iscount &it( S2I 3. E. Synt(etics ia*ility is unclear

"Contingent lia*ility#It s(ould s(o&n in sc(edule VI 5 *alance s(eet as notes to *e accounts

2ill discount entries normal pac'age G SAP:

$ormal A/C:a. Sales Customer A/C r

?o sales A/C

*. 2ill o% eBc(ange payment: $o !ntry


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c. 2ill discounting 2an' current A/C r Interest A/C r ?o 2an' *ill discountd# 1eport to ie& customer &ise, 2ill &ise due data &ise and *an' &ise out standing

a aila*le in SAPe# Contingent lia*ility

2an' *ill discount A/C r ?o Customer A/C

SAP: a# Customer A/C r Sundry e*tors A/C r

?o Sales A/C

*# Customer special 0/ "<# A/C r "2ill o% !Bc(ange#?o Customer &it( clearing A/C "Sundry e*tors#

2an' A/C r Interest A/C r

?o 2an' 2ill discount A/C

?(e a*o e entries toget(er2an' 2ill iscount r "&it( clearing#?o customer special "&# &it( clearing

"Sundry e*tors *ill o% eBc(ange#

Presentation to *alance s(eet "in SAP#

Sundry e*tors T Sundry e*torsSundry e*tors 2ill o% eBc(ange 5 e*it W $et =ero.2an' 2ill iscounting 5 Credit W


+. Creation o% 0/ Accounts:

a# Sundry e*tors 2ill o% eBc(ange 5 nder current assets loans and ad ances. *# S2I 2ill discounting: - nder secured oans

Pat(: use t(e transaction code: "FS77#


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Accounts: ) 7777+


Amount: 2usiness area: A;

Payment ?erms: set $? 97 5 $et 97

?eBt: Sales posting


Ignore t(e &arning message, press enter

Posting 'ey: J7

Account $o: 977777 "Sales Account#


Amount: N8

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e

2ill eBc(ange payment:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting account recei a*le document entry *ill o% eBc(ange Payment "F-9)#

ocument date: 97.76. 77)



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Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 7 "special 0/ e*it#

0i e t(e customer A/C: ) 7777+

Special 0/ Indicator: <!nter

0i e t(e amount:

2usiness Area: A;

?eBt: *ill o% eBc(ange payment

ue on: .7 . 77)

Planned usage: Select, discounting

omicile: S2I

Central *an' location: ;ain *ranc(, ydera*ad

Select c(oose open items *utton

Select process open items *utton

ou*le clic' on recei a*le amount:

Sa e

$ote do&n document no: J77779

2ill o% eBc(ange discounting:

Same pat(: "F-99#

0i e t(e document date: 97.76. 77)?ype: ACompany code: A;0i e t(e *an' account: 77+7J "S2I Current assets#2usiness area: A;


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Amount: 777?eBt: S2I 2ill discountingPosting 'ey: 470i e t(e account $o: 477477 "Interest A/C#!nter

Amount: 2usiness area: A;?eBt: M8Press select *ill o% eBc(ange *utton0i e t(e document $o: J77779

ocument Simulate and sa e

1eport to ie& customers &ise, *ill &ise, due date &ise, and *an' &ise out standings:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts recei a*le Periodic processing 2ill o% !Bc(ange processing Eorea 2ill o% eBc(ange management

"S U A 1 U 6 7+ +9#0i e t(e c(art o% Accounts: A;

0/ Account $o: 77+++

Company Code: A;

Special 0/ Indicator: <

sage: Select " iscounting#

Select discounted/collected radio *utton


Select current lay out *utton

Eeep t(e %ieldsue date, document $o, customer, recei ed %rom document date

omicile, amount in local currency

Select copy *utton, select sa e lay out *utton

Select lay out name: A;

escription: A; lay out


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Select sa e

1e erse contingent lia*ility:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts recei a*le document entry2ill o% !Bc(ange re erse contingent lia*ility "F- 7#

ocument dateG posting: .7 . 77)

?ype: A

Company code: A;

Currency: I$1

0/ Account $o: 77+++ "Sundry e*tors *ill o% eBc(ange#sage: Select discounting

ue *y date: 97.7 . 77)

Customer: ) 7777+

Select edit line items *utton

Ignore &arning messages: Press enter

Select drop do&n *utton %or currency %ieldM is set item to acti eMM set items in *loc' to acti e- set items not inacti e-- set items in *loc's to inacti eSelect M set items to acti eSa eFrom t(e menu select document display.I% *ill is dis(onored:

I% *ill is dis(onored your contingent lia*ility *ecomes actual lia*ilityPass t(e all t(e entries pre ious and pass entries "F- #

7+ Customer A/C r J7 S2I Current A/C



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unning means reminder:

<(en t(e customer does not ma'e payment as per terms o% payment &e &ill issuedunning letters.

<e are using system de%ined %orms/letters

<e are use t(e term called dunning area

unning area can *e company &(ole/location/region

unning le els ?ype o% letters ;aBimum a aila*le 5 le els. <e are using 4le els.

unning inter als/%re uency eBample: e ery +7 days

0race period

unning c(arges amount/percentage/le el &ise

e%ine dunning area:

Pat(: SP1O Financial accounting Accounts recei a*le G Accounts paya*le2usiness transactions unning 2asic settings %or dunning e%ine dunning areas.

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;Area: ;aB: c(aracters?eBt: unning area %or A;Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Ignore t(e message press enter.

Sa e in your re ueste%ine dunning procedure:

Pat(: SP1O Financial accounting Accounts recei a*le and accounts paya*le2usiness transactions unning unning procedure e%ine dunning procedures"?ransaction code: F2;P#

Select ne& procedure *utton

0i e t(e dunning procedure: A;


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$ame: unning procedure %or A;

0i e dunning inter al in days: +7 days

$o. o% dunning le els: 4

ine items grace periods: 9 days

Interest indicator: Select 7+

Select standard transaction dunning c(ec' *oB

$ote: In case o% endors it (as to ta'e special 0/ ?ransactions &(en &e &ant to issuereminder letters to endors.

Select special 0/ Indicator *utton

Ignore t(e &arning message


nder endors select A8 c(ec' *oB " eselect#

Select *ac' arro&

Select dunning teBt *utton

0i e your company code: A;

Select custom radio *utton


Select ne& company code *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;!nter

Select separate notice per dunning le el c(ec' *oB

Select *ac' arro& times

Select yes8 *utton %or t(e message to sa e t(e data

Sa e in your re uest


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Select dunning teBt *utton once again

Company code A; and customer also selected automatically


Open one more session &it( "F2;P#

ou*le clic' on procedure 77+

Select dunning teBt *utton

0i e t(e company code: 777+

Select customer radio *utton

!nter Come to t(e +st session "copy G paste#

+st column: unning e el+ 5 Form F+J7 5 $$ -7+ e el 5 F+J7 5 $$ 7+ e el9 5 F +J7 5 $$ 7 e el 4 5 F+J7 5 $$ -7

Select dunning le els *utton

Select al&ays dun c(ec' *oB %or all t(e 4 le elsSelect c(anges *uttonCurrency: I$1 !nter Select *ac' arro&Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#Ignore t(e &arning messages press enter

Press enter to sa e in your re uestAssign dunning procedure in customer master:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts recei a*le ;aster records;aintain centrally c(ange "Q 7 #

0i e t(e customers $oL ) 7777+

Company code: A;



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Select company code data *utton

Select correspondence ta*

unning procedure: Select A;Sa e

Sales posting:"F- #

ocument and posting date: J.76. 77)?ype: 1 Company code: A;Currency: I$1 Posting 'ey: 7+

0i e t(e account $o: ) 7777+!nter Ignore t(e message press enter Amount: 66662usiness area: A;?eBt: Sales postingPosting 'ey: J7Account $o: 977777 "Sales A/C#!nter Amount: N82usiness area: A;?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e

unning: "F+J7#:

Accounting Financial accounting Accounts recei a*le Periodic processingdunning "F+J7#

0i e t(e run on date: 7+.7 . 77)

Identi%ication: A; +

Select parameter ta*


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0i e t(e dunning date: 7+.7 . 77)

ocuments posted up to: 7+.7 . 77)

Company code: A;Customer: ) 7777+ to )977777

Sa e

Select *ac' arro&

Select sc(edule *utton

Select start immediately c(ec' *oB

Out put de ice: P7+

Select sc(edule *utton

0o on press enter till you get t(e message dunning selection is complete

Select dunning print out *utton

Out put de ice: P7+

Select continue *utton

Select print *utton

0o on press enter till you get t(e message dunning print out is complete

Select dunning (istory *utton

Account type: Select "Customers#

Company code: A; !Becute

Eeep t(e cursor any &(ere on t(e item 5 select display

unning notice *ull

Eeep t(e cursor on document $o


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Select print pre ie& *utton

0i e t(e out put de ice: P7+Select continue *utton

0o and see t(e customer master "Q 7 #0i e t(e customer $o: ) 7777+

Company code: A;

!nter.Sales ?aB:

Sales taB calculation:

2asic QQQ!Bcise duty QQQ

-------- QQQVA? on" *asic M eBcise duty#

--------?otal QQQ--------

!Bcise duty:

uty *ased on material?(is is s(o&n I c(apter I

Input taB:Price 5 +77 1s. 5 ty 5 + 'g

2asic 5 +77 5 in entory 1a& ;aterial4 VA? - 4 5 VA? recei a*le A/C------

Party A/C +74 VA? pool A/C Credit ------

Out put taB:


Purc ase(!n put ta")

Sales(#ut put ta")


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Step 9: condition type: ;<AS "Output taB# From: + to+

Account 'ey: ;<S "Output taB#

Sa eAssign country to calculation procedure

Same pat(

Select position *utton

0i e t(e country: I$ "India#


Assign t(e procedure: E ?aB8Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Creation o% taB codes:

Pat(: SP1O Financial accounting Financial Accounting glo*al setting ?aB onsales/ purc(ases calculation de%ine taB codes on sales and purc(ases "?ransactioncode: F?QP#

0i e t(e country: I$ "India#


0i e t(e taB code: VO


0i e t(e description: VO: 7 Input taBes

?aB type: select V T Input taB!nter

Input taB percent rate: 0i e 7 "=ero#

Eeep t(e cursor on out put taB percent rate: select deacti ate line


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Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

?aB code: V+


?aB code: V+ "4 Input taB#

?aB type: Select V "Input taB#


Input taB percent rate: 4

Eeep t(e cursor on output taB percent rate: select deacti ate line *utton

Sa e?aB code: A7 "A G ero#


escription: 7 output taB

?aB type: A "output taB#


Output taB percent rate: 7

Eeep t(e cursor on Input taB percent rate

Select deacti ate line *utton

Sa e

?aB code: A+


escription: + .J Output taB

?aB type: A "Output taB#



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0i e t(e output taB: + .J

Eeep t(e cursor on input taB percent rate: select deacti ate line *utton.

Sa e

Assign taB codes %or non- taBa*le transactions:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial accounting glo*al settings ?aB onsales/purc(ases posting assign taB codes %or non taBa*le"?ransaction code: O2C #

Select position *utton

0i e your company code: A;!nter

For company code: A; : Assign input taB code: VO Output taB code: AO

Sa e in your re uest

Creation o% 0/ Account 5 VA? Pool Account: "FS77#:

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+JJCompany code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+ 7

Company code: A;


C(ange s(ort teBt to VA? Pool A/C

0/ ?eBt long teBt 5 VA? Pool A/C

Select create/*an'/Interest ta*

Field status group: 074+ "?aB o%%ice clearing account#


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Sa e

e%ine ?aB account:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting glo*al settings ?aB onsales/purc(ases posting de%ine taB accounts "?ransaction code: O247#

ou*le clic' on transaction VS? "Input taB#

C(art o% accounts: A;


Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

0i e t(e account $o: 77+JJ

Sa e: sa e in your re uest

Select *ac' arro&

ou*le clic' on transaction ;<S "Output taB#

Sa e0i e t(e account $o: 77+JJ

Sa e: sa e in your re uest

Assign taB codes in Sales ?aB: "FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 977777 "sales account#

Company code: A;From t(e menu select 0/ Account c(angeSelect control data ta*?aB category: select N "All taB types allo&ed#Select posting &it( out taB allo&ed c(ec' *oBSa eIgnore t(e messagePress enter


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In normal %inancial &or' in SAP is:

e%ine 5 ?aB procedure

- ?aB codes- 0/ Account- Assign 0/ Account


Purc(ase order

;aterial 5

ty: +Price 5 +77

?aB code: V+

2asic 5 +77

?aB code:V+ 5 4 VS? " 77+JJ# "4 # -----Vendor credit +74



Sales order


ty: +Price 5 77

?aB code: A+

2asic - 77

?aB code: A+ J ;<S " 77+JJ7 "+ .J # -------Customer de*it J

-------3ournal entry:

Customers A/C r J?o sales 77

VA? Pool A/C J

Posting o% sale in oice "F- #

ocument date: 74.7 . 77)

?ype: 1

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 7+

Account $o: ) 7777+


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0i e t(e amount: J

Select calculate taB c(ec' *oB2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Sales posting

Posting 'ey: J7

Account $o: 977777 "sales A/C#


Amount: N8

?aB code: A+

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate

ou*le clic' on VA? Pool A/C line item2usiness area: A;

?eBt: M8

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

<it( (olding taB "? S# W W

Classic !Btended

Classic: SAP Introduced in India + J

+ ), , 6, , 777 i% t(ere is any c(anges t(e company &ill pro ide program called patc(es or (ot pac's

!Btended: Instead o% patc(es/(ot Pac's Company pro ides original program &it(additional program "2ecause patc(es are more t(an original program#


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? S is applica*le ot(er t(an salaries

Contacts - + 4CPro%essional c(arges 5 + 43

1ent 5 + 4I?CS 5 Scrap sales/&aste sales " to collect at source#

In India ? S is introduced in !C. 779In Interim *udget 5 introduced education cess-

Pre ious PresentContractors ) )1ent ) I )Pro%essional C(arges ) 3 )

Sec + 4c 5 ? S on contractors:a#1ecipient ?(e person &(o is recei ing money 5 It may *e company, partners(ip%irm or ot(ers

Company/%irm ot(ers

*#? S o% *asic o% *asicSurc(arge +7 o% 2asic ? S +7 o% *asic ? S, i% t(e alue

!Bceeds +7 la'(s in a year !ducational Cess

!ducational cess is calculated on "? S M Surc(arge#

c# C(oice to use one code or num*er o% codes 5 It is ad ised to go %or $o. o% codesd# ? S is to *e deducted at t(e time o% in oice posting or ad ance payment posting&(ic( e er is earlier.e# I% t(e alue is less t(an 7777/- in t(e &(ole year 5? S need to *e deducted.%# ?(e contractor can get eBemption certi%ication %rom dept %or nil rate/lo&er rates.g# !Bemption certi%icate gi en %or eac( year. (# ?o ma'e ? S payment &it( in days %rom t(e close o% t(e mont( I% days comes on (oliday, c(oice to pay one day *e%ore or a%ter

i# Incase o% year end credits 5 ? S to *e paid *e%ore 9+st

;ay @# Issue ? S certi%icate in %orm 5 +)A 5 you can issue mont(ly "or# consolidatecerti%icate.'# File annual return "$o& uarterly# in %orm 5 )l# I% t(e *id includes material and ser ice c(anges 5 educt ? S on ser ice c(arges.

Customi=ation in SAP:


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C(ec' &it( (old taB countries:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settings &it((old taB !Btended &it( (olding taB *asic settings c(ec' &it( (old taB countries

Select position *utton0i e t(e country 5 I$ "India#


e%ine o%%icial &it( (olding taB codes:

Same pat(

0i e t(e country 'ey: I$ "India#


Select ne& entries *utton

O%%icial 'ey: + 4C

$ame: ? S on contractors

Sa e

e%ine *usiness places:


D !1A2A 2A$0A O1! ; ;2AI

City o%%ice



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Ignore t(e message, press enter

Select *ac' arro& and create (oliday

Select (oliday calendar radio *utton

Select c(ange *utton

Select create *utton

0i e t(e calendar I 5 A+

escription: oliday calendar %or A; ydera*ad %actory

Select assign pu*lic (oliday *utton

From t(e list select repu*lic day c(ec' *oBSelect assign pu*lic (oliday *utton

Sa e

Ignore t(e message, press enter

Select *ac' arro& times

Select %actory calendar radio *utton

Select c(ange *utton

Select create *utton

0i e t(e %actory calendar I : A

0i e t(e description: A; ydera*ad %actory calendar

0i e t(e (oliday calendar I : A+

Select ;onday to Saturday c(ec' *oB

Sa e

Ignore t(e message, press enter

Assign %actory calendar to *usiness places:


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Pat(: p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is same. 2asic settings India assign%actory calendars to *usiness places.

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;2usiness place: A; F

Factory calendar: A

?aB due date rule: select day *e%ore

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest in accounts paya*le

e%ine &it( (old taB type %or in oice posting:

Pat(: p to eBtended &it( (old taB t(e pat( is same

Calculation &it( (old taB type de%ine &it( (old taB type %or in oice posting

0i e t(e country 'ey: I$ "India#


Select ne& entries *utton0i e t(e &it( (old taB: E+

escription: Sec + 4C contractors in oice *asic

2asic amount: select gross amount radio *utton

Select &it( (old taB commercial round *utton

Select post &it( (old taB *utton

Select no accumulation radio *utton

eselect manual &it( (old taB c(ec' *oB

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest


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Select *ac' arro&

Select E+ "<(at you are created#

Select copy as *uttonC(ange &it( (old taB type to: E

escription: Sec + 4C 5 contractors in oice surc(arge


Sa e

Select *ac' arro&

Select E+ G E

Select copy as *utton

C(ange &it( (old taB type: E9

escription: Sec + 4C 5 contractors in oice 5 *asic ed. Cess

Select in(erent *ase c(ec' *oB


C(ange &it( (old taB type: E4

escription: Sec + 4C contractors in oice 5 Surc(arge ed. CessSelect in(erent *ase c(ec' *oB!nter G sa e

e%ine &it( (old taB type %or payment posting:

Same pat(

0i e t(e country 'ey: I$ "India#


Select ne& entries *utton

<it( (old taB type: EA


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escription: Sec + 4C contractor8s ad . 2asic

Select gross amount radio *utton

Select &it( (old taB amount c(ec' *oBSelect no accumulation radio *utton

eselect manual &it( (old taB c(ec' *oB

Select control in oice proportionate radio *utton

I% ad ance paid:

Aug: Vendor A/C r +77777

?o 2an' A/C 6777 ?o ? S A/C 777

Septem*er: Con ersion c(arges A/C r 977777 ?o Party A/C 4777 ?o ? S A/C )777

?rans%er to ad ance

? S 777 e*it

"?(e use o% centrally in oice posting is i% t(ere is any ? S on ad ance, t(at &ill *e proportionately deduct &(ile payment "? S# is made on in oice

Sa e: sa e in your re uest

Select *ac' arro&

Select &it( (old taB type: EA

Select copy as *utton

C(ange &it( (old taB type: E2

escription: Sec + 4C. Contractors ad ance surc(arge

!nter and sa e

Select EA G E2


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Select copy as *utton

C(ange t(e &it( (old taB type to EC

C(ange description to Sec + 4C 5 contractors ad ance *asic ed. Cess.Select in(erent *asic c(ec' *oB


C(ange &it( (old taB type: E

escription: sec + 4C Contractors ad . Surc(arge ed. Cess

Select in(erent *ase c(ec' *oB

!nter and sa e.

e%ine &it( (olding codes:

p to eBtended &it( (olding taB pat( is sameCalculation &it( (olding taB codes de%ine &it( (olding taB codes

0i e t(e country Eey: I$ "India#


Select ne& entries *utton

<it( (old taB type: E+

<it( (old taB code: E+

O%%icial &it( (old taB code 'ey: select + 4C

escription: Sec + 4C contractors In oice *asic

Percentage su*@ect to taB under *ase amount: +77<it( (old taB:

Posting indicator: select +: standard posting: *an'/ endor Customer line item reduced

Sa e


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Sa e in your re uest

Select *ac' arro&

Select E+

Select copy as *utton

C(ange &it( (old taB type: E

C(ange &it( (old taB code: E

escription: Sec + 4C 5 contractor in oice surc(arge

!Bample: 2asic rate: +77777 N /+77 T 777 Surc(arge: +7 on *asic rate "or#: 777N+7/+777T 77 "or#

7. on *asic amount T +77777N7. /+77T 77<it( (old taB rate: 7. 7

!nter and sa e

Select E+GE

Select copy as *utton

C(ange &it( (old taB type: E9

<it( (old taB code: E9

escription: Sec + 4C contractors in oice *asic ed. Cess

Press enter

C(ange &it( (old taB type: E4

C(ange &it( (old taB code: E4

C(ange description: Sec + 4C contractors in oice surc(arge ed. Cess

<it( (old taB rate:

!nter and sa e

Select *ac' arro&


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Select E+, E , E9, GE4

Select copy as *utton

C(ange &it( (old taB type: EA

C(ange &it( (old taB code: EA

C(ange description to: Contractors ad . *asic


C(ange &it( (old taB type: E2

C(ange &it( (old taB code: E2

escription: Sec + 4C Contractors ad . Surc(arge!nter

C(ange &it( (old taB type: EC

C(ange &it( (old taB code: EC

escription: Sec + 4C Contractors ad . 2asic. !d. Cess


C(ange &it( (old taB type: E

C(ange &it( (old taB code: E

escription: Sec + 4C Contractors ad . Surc(arge ed. Cess!nter G sa ePortray dependencies *et&een &it( (olding taB types:

Pat(: p to eBtended &it( (olding taB pat( is same Calculation &it( (olding taB *ase amount portray dependencies *et&een

&it( (olding taB type0i e t(e country 'ey: I$ "India#!nter

E+ 4J EA 47. E 4) E2 J7

E9 4 EC J+


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E4 46 E Jse o% t(e in(erent *ase: incase o% E9 GE 5 !ducation cess is calculation on E+ G EA

respecti e

Select &it( (old taB type: E9

Select details *utton

ependent on type $o: 4J

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Select *ac' arro&

Select E4, EC GESelect details *utton

For E4 5 ependent on type $o: 4)

Select ne& entry *utton

For EC 5 dependent on type $o: 4

Select neBt entry *utton

For E 5 ependent on type $o: J7

Sa e

Assign &it( (olding taB types to company codes:

Pat(: p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is same.Company code assign &it( (olding taB to company code

p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is same.

2asic setting c(ec' recipient types

0i e t(e country 'ey: I$ "India#



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Select ne& entries *utton

0i e &it( (olding taB: E+: 1ecipient: Co: ?eBt: company

<it( (old taB 1ecipient type?eBtE - CO - CompanyE9 - CO - CompanyE4 - CO - CompanyEA - CO - CompanyE2 - CO - CompanyEC - CO - CompanyE - CO - Company

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl Ms#

Sa e in your re uest;aintain taB due dates:

Pat(: p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is same2asic settings India ;aintain taB due dates

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e country: I$ "India#

O%%icial &it( (olding taB 'ey: + 4C1ecipient: Co "Company#

$o. o% days until taB due date: And press F+ "For documentation#Sa eAssign &it( (olding taB types to company codes:

Pat(: p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is sameCompany code Assign &it( (olding taB types to company codes

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

<it( (olding taB type: E+

1ecipient type: select Co


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Select &it( (old taB agent c(ec' *oB

<it( (old taB o*ligated %rom 7+.74. 77)

O*ligated to &it( (olding taB unit: 9+.79. 77Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Select *ac' arro&

Select: E+

Select: copy as *utton

C(ange &it( (olding taB type: E

!nter and sa e

Select E+ G E

Select copy as *utton

<it( (olding taB type: E9


<it( (olding taB type: E4

!nter and sa e

Select *ac' arro&

Select E+, E , E9 GE4

Select copy as *utton

C(ange &it( (olding taB type to EA


Once again c(ange &it( (olding taB type to: E2



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C(ange &it( (olding taB type: EC


C(ange &it( (olding taB type: E!nter and sa e

Acti ate eBtended &it( (olding taB:

Pat(: Same pat(

Select position *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;


Select eBtended &it( (olding taB c(ec' *oB %or company code: A;

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Ignore t(e message: Press enter

Sa e in your re uest

Creation o% 0/ Account ? S G Contractors and con ersion c(anges

Account: "FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77J7J

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account: +77J77 "Outstanding eBpenses#

Company code: A;


C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ Account long teBt: ? S G Contractors

ot(er %ields are same


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Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

0i e t(e 0/ Account: 477 77

Company code: A;Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 477+77 "Salaries A/C#

Company code: A;


C(ange t(e accounting groups to manu%acturing

C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ A/C long teBt to con ersion c(arges

Ot(er %ields are same

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

Assignment accounts %or automatic postings:

p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is samePostings Accounts %or &it( (olding taB e%ine accounts %or &it( (olding taB to *e

paid o er 0i e t(e c(art o% accounts: A;!nter Select &it( (old taB code c(ec' *oB<it( (old taB type c(ec' *oBSa e0i e t(e &it( (olding taB type &it( (olding taB code Account

E+ E+ +77J7JE E +77J7JE9 E9 +77J7J

E4 E4 +77J7JEA EA +77J7JE2 E2 +77J7JEC EC +77J7JE E +77J7J

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl Ms#

;aintain company code settings %or eBcise:


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Pat(: SP1O ogistics general ?aB on goods mo ements India 2asic settings ;aintain company code settings

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

;aintain surc(arge calculation met(ods:

Pat(: p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is sameCalculation India surc(arges ;aintain surc(arge calculation met(ods

Select position *utton

Company code: A;


Select surc(arges c(ec' *oB %or A;

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest;aintain surc(arge ?aB codes: "separate taB codes# : same pat(:

Select ne& entries *utton0i e t(e country: I$<it( (olding taB type: E

Country <it( (olding taB type <it( (olding taB code I$ E E I$ E2 E2

Sa e G sa e in your re uest

;aintain surc(arge rates: "Surc(arges com*ined &it( *asic &it( (olding taB codes#

Same pat(


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Select ne& entries *utton

Company &it( (olding taB type &it( (olding taB code recipient Surc(argeA; E+ E+ CO +7

A; EA EA CO +7

Sa e G sa e in your re uest

1emittance C(allan: ?o get ? S Paya*le line items co separately and ot(ers separately:

Con ersion c(anges A/C r ?o party A/C?o ? S A/C

? S on contractors: r Cr

+- +777 - Company 5 777 - Ot(ers

9 5 9777 - Company4 5 4777 - CompanyJ 5 J777 - Ot(ers

? S on Company: is 6777

For companies "+ 4C#

? S on contractors r ?o 2an'

Speci%y document type %or remittance c(allan

p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is samePostings India 1emittance c(allan ocument types Speci%y document type"Accounts paya*le#

Select ne& entries *utton0i e t(e company code: A;1emittance c(allan document type: SASa eSa e in your re uest

;aintain num*er groups:


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Same pat(

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;2usiness place: A; F

O%%icial &it( (olding taB 'ey: + 4C

$um*er group: 774Sa e

Assign no ranges to num*er groups:

Same pat(Select ne& entries *utton $um*er group: 774Internal $o. range: 74Sa e

;aintain $o. ranges:

Same pat(Select maintain 0roups *uttonSelect group &it( out taB (a ing 774

From t(e menu select inter al maintain0i e t(e company code: A;!nter Select inter al *uttonDear: 77): From num*er:+: to num*er: +77777 !nter and sa e;aintain num*er groups to ? S Certi%icates:

p to eBtended &it( (olding taB pat( is samePostings India &it( (olding taB certi%icates %or endors G customers maintainnum*er groups and SAP Script %orms

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

2usiness place: A; F

O%%icial &it( (olding taB 'ey: + 4C


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0i e t(e %orm: 3U +I!<? U C!1?

$o. group: 779

Sa eSa e in your re uest

Assign num*er ranges to num*er groups:

Same pat(

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e num*er group: 779

Internal $o. range: 79

Sa e G sa e in your re uest

;aintain num*er ranger:

Same pat(Select maintain groups8 *uttonSelect group &it(out taB (a ing 779 c(ec' *oBFrom t(e menu select inter al maintain

0i e t(e company code: A;!nter Select inter al *uttonDear: 77): From $o: +7777+ to $o: 77777!nter and sa e

Assign taB codes in endor master:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting accounts paya*le master recordsmaintain centrally c(ange "QE7 #

Vendor $o: 6 7777+Company code: A;

Select &it( (olding taB c(ec' *oB



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<it( (olding taB type: E+

<it( (olding taB code: E+

Select lia*le c(ec' *oB

1ecipient type: Co

<it( (olding taB type: E

<it( (olding taB code: E

Select lia*le c(ec' *oB

1ecipient type: Co

<it( (olding taB type: E9<it( (olding taB code: E9

Select lia*le c(ec' *oB

1ecipient type: Co

<it( (olding taB type: E4

<it( (olding taB code: E4

Select lia*le c(ec' *oB

1ecipient type: Co

<it( (old taB type <it( (olding taB code ia*le 1eceipts typeEA EA - CoE2 E2 - CoEC EC - CoE E - Co

Press neBt page *utton ignore &arning message

Press enter

Select CI$ details *utton

Ignore t(e &arning messages, press enter

+ 7

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Select &it( (olding taB ta*

PA$: AP 6 )J49C

Select *ac' arro& and sa eser le el:

Con ersion c(arges posting "F-49#

ocument date: ++.7 . 77)

?ype: E1

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 9+

Account $o: 6 7777+!nter

0i e t(e amount: +77777

2usiness place: A; F

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: con ersion c(arges posting

Posting 'ey: 47Account $o: 477 77 "Con ersion c(arges A/C#!nter

+ 9I% t(e alues is less?(an 7777 in t(e<(ole year

I% t(e *ill consists o% ;aterial 7777/-Con ersion c(arges97777/-

I% t(e *ill is only %orcon ersion c(arges

1emo e:E+,E ,E9,E4,EA,EA,E2,EC,E

For E+,E ,E9,E4 5 <it( (olding taB *aseenter 97777

1emo e EA,E2,EC,E

9rd 1emo e t(e codes EA, E2, EC G E

+ +

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0i e t(e amount: N8

2usiness area: A;?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate

ou*le clic' on 9rd line item

?eBt: enter M8

Select neBt item *utton

?eBt once again M8

Select neBt item

?eBt: M8

Select neBt item *utton

?eBt: M8

Sa eFrom t(e menu select: ocument display

ou*le clic' on 9rd line item: ? S on contractorsIt s(o& t(e alue date: 7 .+7. 77)Creation o% remittance C(allan:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting Accounts paya*le &it( (olding taBIndia eBtended &it( (olding taB remittance o% &it( (olding taB create remittancec(allan

Company code: A;

Fiscal year: 77)

2usiness place: A; F

Posting date: 7+.7 . 77) to 97.7 . 77)


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Sec + 4C

1ecipient types: Co

ocument date: 7 .+7. 77)Posting date: 7 .+7. 77)

2an' account: 77+7J "S2I Current account#

2usiness area: A;


0i e t(e teBt: ? S Payment %or Septem*er

Select process open items *utton


ou*le clic' on all t(e items

Select document o er ie& *utton

ou*le clic' on S2I Current A/C +/-

Amount: N8

Sa e

Select clearing document *utton

!nter *an' c(allan: %orm +)A

Same pat(:

0i e t(e company code: A;

Fiscal year: 77)

C(allan clearing num*er: select

Internal c(allan $o G c(allan date &ill come automatically

2an' c(allan $o: J) 6 "any no#

+ 9

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2an' c(allan date: 7 .+7. 77)

2an' 'ey: S2I

!BecutePrint ? S Certi%icates:

p to eBtended &it( (olding taB: t(e pat( is same " ser le el#

<it( (olding taB certi%ied


0i e t(e company code: A;

Fiscal year: 77)

2usiness place: A; F

Section: + 4C

Posting date: 7+.74. 77) to 9+.79. 77

2an' c(allan date: 7+.7J. 77) to 97.74. 77

Certi%icate date: 97.74. 77

Signatory: QD

esignation: ;anager - Accounts

Place o% printing: ydera*ad


Output de ice: P7+

Select print *utton

?o ie& t(e print out %rom t(e menu select system ser ices output control


Select spool no. c(ec' *oB

+ 4

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Select display contents *utton

Printing o% annual return:

p to eBtended &it( (olding taB t(e pat( is same " ser le el#1eporting annual returns

0i e t(e income taB section: + 4C

Company code: A;

Fiscal period: 7+.74. 77) to 9+.79. 77

!Btended &it( (olding taB section + 4C

2usiness place: A; F?aB deduction account num*er: AP 6 6 )C

Signatory: QD

esignation o% signatory: ;anager-Accounts

ate o% signing: 97.74. 77

Place: ydera*ad


Ignore t(e error message0i e t(e taB deduction account $o once again!Becute

Ad ance payment posting

Ad ance payment: "F-46#

ocument date: ++.7 . 77)

?ype: E

Company code: A;

0i e t(e endor A/C: 6 7777+

Special 0/ Indicator: A

+ J

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2an' A/C: 77+7J

2usiness area: A;

Amount: 77777?eBt: Ad ance payment posting


Amount: N8

2usiness place: A; F

2usiness area: A; : ue on date: ++.7 . 77)

?eBt: M8

ocument simulate


ou*le clic' on *lue %ont line items

Sa e

In oice posting: F-490i e t(e document date: ++.7 . 77)

?ype: E1

Company code: A;Posting 'ey: 9+Account: 6 7777+Amount: J77777+2usiness place: A; F

2usiness area: A; : 2illing date: ++.7 . 77)?eBt: con ersion c(arges postingPosting 'ey: 47Account no: 477 77 "con ersion c(arges#!nter 1emo e EA, E2, ECG E!nter Amount: N8

+ )

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2usiness area: A;?eBt: M8

ocument simulateou*le clic' on *lue %ont line items

?eBt: enter M8

Sa e?rans%er o% ad ance %rom special 0/ to normal *y clearing special 0/ items:"F-J4#:

ocument date: ++.7 . 77)

?ype: EA

Company code: A;

Vendor A/C: 6 7777+In : +7777 "comes de%ault#

?eBt: ad ance payment clearing

Select process do&n payments *utton

0i e t(e trans%er posting: 77777

ocument Simulate and sa e

From t(e menu select document display

Asset accounting

?(is is also a su*sidiary ledger

C(art o% depreciation. All t(e setting are done (ere

Copy 0ermany c(art o% duplication "Client 677# "or#Copy 0ermany "or# India "&(en client 777#

epreciation areas:

2oo' depreciation?aB depreciation


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Costing depreciation0roup depreciation

epreciation met(ods:

Straig(t line depreciation "S ;#<ritten do&n alue depreciation "< V#

epreciation 'ey: 1ate M ;et(od !B: J S ; "O1# J < V


7 5 Asset de*itJ 5 Asset credit

?ransaction type:

+77 eBternal ac uisitions++7 In (ouse production

+7 1etirement &it( re enue

ata %lo& in asset accounting:

+ 6

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;ain asset &ill (a e su* $o: 7 "=ero#

+ - ";ain asset#+ 5 ++ 5 +. All t(e times

Account asset rules: +. Su* asset master is to created &it( re%erence to main asset master

. ;ain asset master is to *e created &it( re%erence to asset class9. In asset class it is speci%ied account determination4. For account determination &e assign 0/ Accounts *ased on nature o% transaction.

!Bample: Purc(ase o% master:


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;otor A/C "Su*sidiary ledger# r ?o 2an' A/c


Copy re%erence c(art o% epreciation/ epreciation Areas:

Pat(: SP1O Financial accounting asset accounting organi=ational structurescopy re%erence c(art o% depreciation/depreciation areas

ou*le clic' on copy re%erence c(art o% depreciation

"?ransaction code: FC76#

From t(e menu select organi=ational o*@ect copy

Organi=ational o*@ect

From c(art o% depreciation: select O ! ";aBimum aluation: 0ermany

?o c(art o% depreciation: A;


!nter once again

Select create re uest *utton0i e t(e s(ort depreciation asset customi=ation %or A;

Sa e

Press enter to sa e in your re uest

It gi es t(e message t(at: c(art o% depreciation to A;


Select *ac' arro&

ou*le clic' on speci%y description o% c(art o% depreciation

Select position *utton

0i e your c(art o% depreciation: A;


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C(ange t(e description to c(art o% depreciation %or A;

Sa ePress enter to sa e in your re uest

Select *ac' arro&

ou*le clic' on copy/delete depreciation areas

0i e your c(art o% depreciation: A;


Select depreciation areas: 79, +7, +J, 7, 9+, 9 , 4+, and J+.

From t(e menu select edit delete

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Ignore all t(e &arning messages and go on

Press enter till you get t(e message data &as sa ed

Assign c(art o% depreciation to company code: "?ransaction code: OAO2#

Same pat(:

Select position *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;Press enter

For company code: A; 5Assign c(art o% depreciation A;

And sa e


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A; ) Capital &or' in progress "<IP#

!nter and sa eSa e in your re uest

e%ine num*er range inter al:

Same pat( "?ransaction code: AS76#0i e t(e company code: A;Select c(ange inter als *uttonSelect inter al *utton0i e t(e $o. range: 7+From $o: to to $o: + to +77777!nter Select inter al *utton

$o. range: 7Inter al:From no ?o num*er

From $o: +7777+ ?o 77777

Select inter al *utton 79 7777+ ?o 977777 !nter Select inter al *utton 74 97777+ ?o 477777 !nter Select inter al *utton 7J 47777+ ?o J77777 !nter Select inter al *utton 7) J7777+ ?o )77777 !nter

And sa e

e%ine asset classes:

Same pat( "?ransaction code: OAOA#

Select ne& entries *utton

Asset class: A; +777 "Free (old land#S(ort teBt: %ree (old land

Account determinati e select +7777 lands

Screen layout rules: Select A; +


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$o. 1ange: 7+

Select include asset under in entory data c(ec' *oB

Purpose o% include asset under in entory data:

For eri%ication o% assets t(is is usual

Select $o. AVC "Asset under construction# or summary management o% AVC nderstatus o% AVC

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

Select neBt entry *utton

Asset class: A; ++77 "Factory *uilding#

S(ort teBt: %actory *uildings

Account determination: A; ++777 "2uildings#

Screen lay out rule: A;

$o. range: 7

Select include asset under in entory data c(ec' *oB

Select $o AVC "O1# Summary management o% AVC

Sa eSelect neBt entry *utton

Asset class: A; 777 " epartment A#

S(ort teBt: department A

Account determination: A; 7777 "Plant G mac(inery#

Screen lay out rule: A; 9 "Plant G mac(inery#

$o. range: 79

Select: Include asset under in entory data c(ec' *oB


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Select no AVC "Or# Summary management o% AVC radio *utton

Sa e

Select neBt entry *utton

Asset class: A; 9777 "Furniture G FiBtures#

S(ort teBt: Furniture G FiBtures

Account determination: A; 97777 "Furniture G FiBtures#

Screen layout rule: A; 4

$o. range: 74

Select: Include asset under in entory data c(ec' *oBSelect no AVC "Or# Summary management o% AVC radio *utton

Sa e

Select neBt entry *utton

Asset class: A; 9+77 " e(icles - ot(ers#

S(ort teBt: e(icles - ot(ers

Account determination: A; 9+777

Screen layout rule: A; J "Ve(icles#

$o. range: 7J

Select: Include asset under in entory data c(ec' *oB

Select no AVC "Or# Summary management o% AVC radio *utton

Sa e

Select neBt entry *utton

Asset class: A; 4777 "capital &or' in progress - general#

Account determination: A; 47777


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epreciation rate 5 7

ay out 777 - epreciation on Asset su* no. le el;ac(ine $o Su* $o

774 i% asset installed - ;ac(ine $o. - + 7

77J Addition - ;otor - + +77) Additions - ;otor - +

epreciation is calculation on su* no. only.

Select *ac' arro&

?(e same procedure to *e %ollo&ed %or asset classA; ++77A; 777A; 9777

A; 9+77A; 4777

Creation o% +J 0/ Accounts:

FiBed Assets 0roup:

+. and. 2uilding

9. Plant G ;ac(inery4. Furniture G FiBturesJ. Ve(icles). Capital &or' in progress

"Account $7. 1ange, 77777 5 777 , Sort 'ey 5 7+6 "Asset no#, %ield status group:07) , 1econciliation type: %or A/C type: Asset


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. Accumulated depreciation 5 2uilding6. Accumulated depreciation 5 Plant G ;ac(inery

. Accumulated depreciation 5 Furniture G FiBtures

+7. Accumulated depreciation 5 Ve(icles" nder accumulated depreciation group range: +77 77 to +77 , sort 'ey 5 7+6 "Asset $o %ield status group 5 0O) reconciliation A/C %or account type: Asset#


++. Asset Sale - Field Status 0roup 5 07J+ . Pro%it on Asset Sale 5 Field Status 0roup 5 077+

nder ot(er Income: $o. 1ange 977+77 to 977+ : Sort Eey -7+6

+9. oss on sale+4. oss due to scrapping

nder Administration: 1ange: 477977 to 4779 : Sort Eey: 7+6Field Status group 5 077+

+J. epreciation - nder epreciation 5 1ange 477J77 to 477JSort 'ey:7+6L %ield status group 5 077+.

Creation o% 0/ ;asters: "FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ account no: 77777

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77++7 "Sundry de*tors# 5 used *ecause it is a reconciliationAccount

Company code: A;



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C(anged t(e accounts group: FiBed assets

S(ort teBt: and

Select control data ta*1econciliation A/C type %or A/C type: Select Assts

Sort 'ey: select 7+6 "Asset $o#

Select create/*an'/interest ta*

Field status group: 07)Sa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 7777JCompany code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77777

Company code: A;


Select type/description ta*C(ange s(ort teBt G long teBt "2uildings#Sa e0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 777+7

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77777


S(ort teBt and 0/ Account long teBt: Plant G ;ac(inerySa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 777+J


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Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77777


S(ort teBt and 0/ Account long teBt: Furniture G FiBturesSa e 0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 777 7

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77777


C(ange S(ort teBt and 0/ Account long teBt: Ve(iclesSa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 777 JCompany code: A;Select &it( template *utton0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77777!nter C(ange S(ort teBt and 0/ Account long teBt: Capital &or' in progressSa e0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77 77

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 77777


C(ange t(e account group: Accumulated depreciation

C(ange s(ort teBt G ong teBt: Accumulated depreciation 5 *uildings

Sa e

+ 7

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0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77 7J

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: +77 77


C(ange s(ort teBt G ong teBt: Accumulated depreciation 5 Plant G ;ac(inery

Sa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77 +7

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: +77 77


C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ Account ong teBt to: Accumulated depreciation 5 Furniture GFiBtures

Sa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77 +J

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: +77 77


C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ Account ong teBt to: Accumulated depreciation 5 Ve(icles

Sa e

+ +

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0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 977+7

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 977+77 "!Bc(ange gains#


C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ Account long teBt: Asset sale

Select control data ta*

0i e sort 'ey: 7+6 "Asset num*er#

Select create/*an'/interest ta*Field status group: select 07J

Sa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 977+79

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 977+77


Select type/description ta*

C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ Account long teBt to: Pro%it on Asset sale

Select control data ta*

0i e sort 'ey: 7+6 "Asset num*er#

Sa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 47797

Company code: A;


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Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 977+77

!nter Select type/description ta*

C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ Account long teBt to: oss on Asset sale

Select control data ta*

0i e sort 'ey: 7+6Sa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 477979Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 47797


C(ange s(ort teBt G long teBt to: oss due to scrappingSa e

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 477J77

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $7: 47797


C(ange t(e account group: epreciation

C(ange s(ort teBt G 0/ Account long teBt to: epreciation

Ot(er %ields are same

+ 9

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Sa e

Assignment o% accounts %or automatic postings:

Pat(: SP1O Financial accounting asset accounting integration &it( t(e generalledger assigns 0/ Accounts "?ransaction code: A7 7#

0i e your c(art o% depreciation: A;


Select c(art o% accounts: A;

ou*le clic' on account determination %older

Select account determination: A; +7777 " and#

ou*le clic' on *alance s(eet accounts %older

Ac uisition column

Ac uisition and production cost: 77777"A/C $o#

oss made on asset retirement &it( out re enue: 477979 "A/C $o#

Clearing account re enue %rom asset sale: 977+7 "Asset sale A/C#0ain %rom asset sale 5 977+79 "Pro%it on sale A/C#

oss %rom Asset sale 5 47797 " oss on sale o% asset#

Select and sa e

It gi es t(e &arning message, ignore t(e message

Press enter

Sa e in your re uestou*le clic' on A/C determination %older

Select: A; ++777"2uildings#

ou*le clic' on *alance s(eets A/Cs %older

+ 4

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Ac uisition column: Ac uision and production cost: 7777J

oss made on asset retirement &it( out re enue: 477977

Clearing account re enue %rom asset sale: 977+7

0ain %rom asset sale: 977+79

oss %rom asset sale: 47797

Sa e, ignore t(e message!nter

ou*le clic' on depreciation %older

Acc. ep. Account %or ordinary depreciation: +77 77

!Bpense account %or ordinary depreciation: 477J77 Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#Sa e in your re uest

ou*le clic' on Account determination %older:

Select: A; 7777 "Plant G ;ac(inery#

ou*le clic' on *alance s(eet A/Cs %older

Ac uisition column: ac uisition and production cost: 777+7

oss made on asset retirement &it( out re enue: 477979

Clearing account re enue %rom asset sale: 977+7

0ain %rom asset sale: 977+79

oss on asset sale: 47797

Sa e, ignore t(e message, and enter, sa e in your re uest

ou*le clic' on depreciation %older

Acc. ep. Account %or ordinary depreciation: +77 7J

!Bpense account %or ordinary depreciation: 477J77

+ J

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Sa e, sa e in your re uest

ou*le clic' on account determination %older

Select A; : 97777"Furniture G FiBtures#

ou*le clic' on *alance s(eet %older

Ac uisition: ac uisition any production cost: 777+J

oss made on asset retirement &it( out re enue: 477979

Clearing account re enue %rom asset sale: 977+7

0ain %rom asset sale: 977+79

oss %rom asset sale: 47797Select sa e *utton "ctrl M s# T ignore t(e message

Press enter

ou*le clic' on depreciation %older

Accumulated depreciation A/C %or ordinary dep: +77 +7!Bpenses account %or ordinary depreciation: 477J77

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#Ignore t(e message, press enter

ou*le clic' on account determination %older

Select A; 9+777"Ve(icles#

ou*le clic' on *alance s(eet A/C %older

Ac uisition: Ac uisition production cost: 777 7

oss made on asset retirement &it( out re enue: 477979

Clearing account re enue %rom asset sale: 977+7

0ain %rom asset sale: 977+79

oss %rom asset sale: 47797

+ )

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Select details *utton

$ote do&n t(e $o. range: 74

Select $o. range in%ormation *utton0i e t(e company code: A;

Select c(ange inter als *utton

Select inter al *utton

$o. range: 74

Dear: 77)

From no: 7777+ to 677777

Select eBternal c(ec' *oB

!nter and sa e

Ad antage o% selection o% eBternal c(ec' *oB:

In e ery mont( it automatically calculates t(e depreciation.

!Bample: +# epreciation A/C r ?o Accumulated epreciation - *uilding

# epreciation A/C r ?o Accumulated depreciation - plant G mac(inery

9# epreciation A/C r ?o Accumulated depreciation 5 Furniture G FiBtures

4# epreciation A/C r ?o Accumulated depreciation 5 Ve(icles

"It automatically calculated depreciation at a time and gi e t(e no ranges automatically#

Speci%y inter als and posting rules:

Same pat( "?ransaction code: OAD1#

+ 6

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Select company code: A;ou*le clic' on posting rules %older

Select 7+ "2oo' depreciation#Select details *uttonSelect mont(ly postings radio *utton

Sa eSpeci%y rounding o% net *oo' alue and /or depreciation:

SP1O Financial accounting Asset accounting Valuation amountspeci%ications "Company code/depreciations area# speci%y rounding o% net *oo' alueand /or depreciation "?ransaction code: OADO#

Select company code: A;

ou*le clic' on rounding speci%ication %older

Select 7+ "2oo' depreciation#

Select details *utton

Select automatically calculated depreciation c(ec' *oB

Select round to nearest &(ole radio *utton

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

e%ine screen lay out %or asset master data:

Pat(: SP1O Financial accounting asset accounting ;aster data screen lay out de%ine screen lay out %or asset master data

ou*le clic' on de%ine screen lay out %or asset master data

Select A; + " and#

ou*le clic' on logical %ield groups

Select "Posting in%ormation#

ou*le clic' on %ield group rules

Capitali=ation date: ;a'e it re uired entry %ield


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Select main no. c(ec' *oB

Select su* no. c(ec' *oB

Select copy c(ec' *oBSelect sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Select *ac' arro&

Select: 9 "time dependent data#

ou*le clic' on %ields group rules %older

2usiness area: ;a'e it re uired entry %ield

Select main $o. C(ec' *oB

Select su* no. c(ec' *oB

Select copy: c(ec' *oB

Sa e

Select *ac' arro& times

?(e same procedure is to *e %ollo&ed lay out A; , ayout A; 9, ayout A; 4,A; J, G A; )

e%ine screen lay out %or asset depreciation areas:

Same pat(: "?ransaction code: A7 +#

Select screen layout 777 "dep. on asset su* no. lay out#

ou*le clic' on %ield rules %older

epreciation 'eys: ma'e it re uired entry %ield

Select main $o: c(ec' *oB

Select su* $o: c(ec' *oB: select copy c(ec' *oB

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#


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epreciation 'eys: 1ate M ;et(od

a. e%ine *ase met(ods *. e%ine declining *alance met(odsc. e%ine multi le el met(ods

d. e%ine period control met(odse. ;aintain depreciation 'ey: assigned "Assigned to asset master#

$ote: a,*,c,d assigned to main depreciation 'ey

a. e%ine *ase met(ods:

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Asset accounting epreciation Valuationmet(ods epreciation 'ey Calculation met(ods e%ine *ase met(ods.

$ote do&n: 2ase met(od: 77+4 "ordinary: eBplicit it percentage "a%ter end o% li%e##

*. e%ine declining *alance met(ods:

Same pat(

0i e your c(art o% depreciation: A;


$ote do&n: 77+ "7.77Q/7.777 /7.777

I% t(e 77

ecimal %actor ;aBimum: 7I% t(e depreciation is J : alue o% t(e asset is +77777/-+st 4 years: J M J M J M J T 7

epreciation is T +77777 N J/+77 N 6/+77

e%ine multi le el met(ods:Same pat(: "?ransaction code: AFA;S#

Select ne& entries *utton

;ulti le el met(od: A+


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escription: J S ; "Straig(t line met(od#

Validity start: Select %rom ordinary depreciation start date

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

ou*le clic' on le els *utton

Select ne& entries *utton

Ac uisition year:


Periods: +2ase alue: select 7+ "Ac uision alue#

Percentage: J

Sa e

Ac uision year: "Any year ac uision#Dear: ";aBimum $o. o% years#Period: + "+ mont(s#2ase alue: ac uision alue M purc(ase costPercentage: 1ate o% depreciation

1eduction: !B: 2oo' alue: +77777 1ate o% depreciation 5 J

1esidual alues 5 J o% *oo' alue

2oo' alue T +77777 J 1esidual alue T J777 "Scrap alue# -----------


J depreciation on J777/- only

Select *ac' arro& times

Select neBt entry *utton

0i e t(e multi le el met(od: A


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escription: J < V

Validity start: select %rom ordinary depreciation start data

Sa eou*le clic' on le els %older

Select ne& entries *utton

Ac uision year:


Periods: +

2ase alue: select 4 "net *oo' alue#

Percentage: J

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

;aintain period control met(ods:

Same pat(: "?ransaction code: AFA;P#

Select ne& entries *utton

Period control met(od: 77)

escription o% t(e met(od: 7+/7)/7)/7)

Ac uision year: select 7+ "Prorate at period start date#

Added year: select 7) "At t(e start o% t(e year#

1etirement year: select 7) at t(e start o% t(e year


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?rans%er: select 7) "at t(e start o% t(e year#

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

Sa e in your re uest

;aintain depreciation 'ey:

Same pat(: "?ransaction code: AFA;A#

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e depreciation 'ey: A; "J straig(t line depreciation met(od#

Select period controls according to %iscal year c(ec' *oB

Select depreciation to t(e day c(ec' *oBSelect sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Ignore t(e message, press enter

Press enter to sa e in your re uest

ou*le clic' on assignment o% calculation met(ods %older:

Select ne& entries *utton

epreciation type: select ordinary depreciation

P(ase: select %rom t(e start o% depreciation

2ase met(od: select 77+4

ec. *alance met(od: select 77+

Period control met(od: 77)

;ultile el met(od: A+


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Class: select straig(t line depreciation

Sa e

Select *ac' arro& 4 times

Select depreciation 'ey: A; +

Select acti ate *utton

Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Select ne& entries *utton

ep. Eey: A; "J &ritten do&n alue met(od#

Select period control according to year c(ec' *oBSelect depreciation to t(e c(ec' *oB

Sa e

Ignore t(e message press enter

ou*le clic' on assignment o% calculation met(ods %older Select ne& entries *utton

ep. type: select order depreciation

P(ase: select %rom t(e start o% depreciation

2ase met(od: select 77+4

e%ine *alance met(od: select 77+

Period control met(od: 77)

;ultile el met(od: select A

Class: declining *alance depreciation

Sa e

Select *ac' arro& 4 times

Select depreciation 'ey: A;


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Select acti ate *utton

Select page up

Select depreciation 'ey: 777: select acti ate *uttonAnd sa e

ser le el:

Creation o% main asset master:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting %iBed assets asset create asset"AS7+#

0i e asset class: A; 777 " epartment A#Company code: A;!nter 0i e t(e description: ;ac(ine $o: +Capitali=ation date: capitali=ed on +J-74- 77)Select time dependent ta*0i e t(e *usiness area: A;Select depreciation area ta*

ep. Eey: select A; +0i e t(e use%ul li%e: +J years: periods: 4 mont(s "only %or in%ormation#Ordinary depreciation started 5 +J.74. 77)

Sa e "or# "ctrl M s#

Creation o% su* asset master:

Pat(: Accounting %inancial accounting FiBed assets Assets Create Su*num*er Asset "AS++#

0i e t(e asset no: 7777+

Company code: A;


C(ange t(e description to motor Capitali=ed on J/7 /7)Select item dependent ta*Select description areas ta*Only %or testing: epreciation 'ey: A;


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Ordinary depreciation start date: J.7 . 77)Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

;ain asset purc(ase posting:

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting %iBed assets posting ac uisitioneBternal ac uisition &it( endor "F- 7#

0i e t(e document date: posting date: +J.74.7)?ype: E1 Company code: A;Posting 'ey: 9+Account: 6 7777+!nter Ignore t(e &arning message, press enter 0i e t(e amount: J77777

2usiness area: A;?eBt: main asset purc(ase postingPosting 'ey: 7 "de*it asset#Account: 7777+ 5 7?ransaction type: select, +77 "!Bternal asset ac uision#!nter 1emo e ? S codes!nter

Amount: N8

?eBt: M8ocument Simulate and sa e

Su* asset purc(ase posting "F- 7#

ocument date: J.7 . 77)

?ype: E1

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 9+0i e t(e account $7: 6 7777+


0i e t(e amount: +77777


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2usiness area: A;

?eBt: su* asset purc(ase posting

Posting 'ey: 7

Account $o: 7777+ 5 +?ransaction type: +77!nter 1emo e ? S taB codes!nter Amount: N8?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate and sa e1eport to ie& year &ise, su* asset &ise alues:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting FiBed assets Asset Asset eBplores"A<7+$#

0i e t(e asset $o. 7777+ 5 su* $o: 7!nter Select display depreciation calculati e *uttonSelect *ac' arro&Select comparisons ta*0i e t(e %iscal year: 77!nter

Select display depreciation calculation *utton

1eport to ie& %or all assets %or a particular period

Pat(: Accounting %inancial Accounting %iBed assets In%ormation systemreports on asset accounting asset *alances *alance lists asset *alances *y *usiness area "S U A1 U 6 7++ )J#

Press all selections *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;0i e t(e report date: 97.7 . 77)


ou*le clic' on department A


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?o run immediately

Select immediate *utton

Select sa e *uttonIt gi es t(e message *ac' ground @o* &as sc(eduled %or programs 1APOS? 77

?o c(ec' &(et(er t(e @o* is complete "or# not

System ser ices @o*s @o* o er ie&

Select eBecute *utton

?o ie& t(e document use t(e transaction code: F279

Select document list *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

ocument type: AF


ou*le clic' on document no.

se t(e transaction code: AFA2

1epeat: ?o run depreciation once again %or a mont( 5 depreciation &ill *e posted %or t(easset &(ere depreciation is not poster in t(e %irst run

1estart: &(en t(e ser er is do&n

nplanned posting run: posting not as per plan ";ont(ly posting#

Asset sale:

?o c(ec' %ield status group: "07J #

se t(e transaction code: 72C4

Select t(e %ield status ariant: A;


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ou*le clic' %ield status group %older

Select %ield status group: 07J

And dou*le clic' ou*le clic' on asset accounting;a'e asset retirement %ield 5 re uired entry %ieldSa e

Sa e in your re uest

Asset sale:

Accounting Financial accounting %iBed assets posting retirementretirement &it( re enue &it( customer "F- #

ocument date: 7+.7J. 77)

Posting date: 7+.7J. 77)

?ype: r

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 7+

Customer $o: ) 7777+!nter

0i e amount: J7+777/- 2usiness area: A;

?eBt: Asset sale

Posting 'ey: J7

Account $o: 977+7 "Asset sale#


Amount: N8

2usiness area: A;


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?eBt: M8

ocument simulate

Select asset retirement c(ec' *oB!nter

0i e asset $o: 7777+

Su* $o: 7

?ransaction type: +7 comes *y de%ault "retirement &it( re enue#

Asset alue date: 7+.7J. 77)

Select complete retirement c(ec' *oB

Select continue *utton

System passes t(e entry Asset Sale " 7777+ -7#

7+ Customer A/c J7+7777 Acc dep on pGmac(inery +7 )

47 Asset Sale J7+777J7 Asset sale J7+777

J Plant G ;ac(inery J77777J7 pro%it on asset sale 7 )

Select Sa e 2utton

Asset ?rans%er:

Asset 5 7777+ 5 7

Purc(ase J77777Acc. epreciation on 97.74. 77) +7 ) ----------- $et *oo' alue on 97.74.7) 4 6 74Asset sale J7+777 ----------Pro%it on asset sale 7 ) ------------


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Ac uisition alue - J77777Accumulated epr - +7 )

------------ $et 2oo' alue on 97.74.7) 4 6 74

------------?rans%er to asset %orm yd 2usiness area to 2angalore 2usiness area

7777+ 5 7 Asset trans%er to 2angalore *usiness area ?rans%er 0ross 2loc' Gaccumulated depreciation

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting FiBed Assets Posting ?rans%er?rans%er &it( in company code "A2 ;$#

0i e t(e company code: A;!nter

0i e t(e asset $o: 7777+

Su* $o: 7

0i e t(e document date: 7+.7+. 77)

Posting date: 7+.7J. 77)

?eBt: Asset trans%er

Select ne& asset radio *utton

escription: ;ac(ine $o: J7

Asset class: A; 777

a# create a ne& assetmaster in 2angalore

*usiness area "AS7+#

G *# ?rans%er alues

"Or# Create and trans%er in one



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Select master data *utton

0i e t(e *usiness area: A; "2angalore *usiness area#

Select additional data ta*0i e t(e capitali=ed on 7+.7J. 77)

Select depreciation area ta*

0i e t(e use%ul li%e: +J Dears: period: 9 ;ont(s

Ordinary depreciation start date: 7+.7J. 77)

Select *ac' arro&


Sa e

?o ie& t(e document "F279#

0i e t(e document $o: 6 " 6 is document no. t(at is out come o% pre ious step#

Company code: A;

Fiscal year: 77)


Asset scrapping:

I% ;otor: 7777+ 5 + 5 Scrap ; 97/7 / 77)

?o c(ec' su* asset alue as on 97/7 / 77)

se t(e transaction code"S U A 1 U 6 7+ + )J#

Press all selections *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

2usiness area: A;


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1eport date: 97.7 . 77)


ou*le clic' on department A

Pat( %or asset scrapping:

Accounting Financial accounting FiBed assets Posting 1etirement Assetretirement *y scrapping "A2AV$#

0i e t(e asset $o: 7777+ 5 su* $o: +0i e t(e document date: 7+.+7. 77)Posting date: 7+.+7. 77)Asset alue date: 7+.+7. 77)?eBt: Asset Scrapping

Sa e0o and see t(e document 5"F279#

0i e t(e document $o: Company code: A;Fiscal year: 77)!nter

Capital &or' in progress line item settlement:

Capital &or' in progress:;ac(ineryoading G nloading


ata ta'e o er

Prepare Q S File:

0 ;asters 5 FS77Vendor ;asters 5 QE7+

Customer masters 5 Q 7+Asset masters 5 AS7+;aterial ;asters 5 ;;7+

"Q S %ile is con erted on to teBt %ile. It uploads to SAP in toY Y

S;< 2 C" egacy system migration &or' 2ranc(# "2atc( data Communication#


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" one *y Functional Consultant# " one *y A2A Pars#

Account $o



P G 2S S(ort?eBt


+77777 A; S(areCapital

- Q ! .S(are


! .S(are

Capital+77777 A; S(are

Capital - Q Pre%.



i%%erence *et&een normal A/C ata ta'e o er and SAP data ta'e o er:

a. In SAP 5 Su*sidiary edger concept All accounts are in 0. 5 $ormal

*. In entory Accounting 5 SAPPurc(ase Accounting 5 $ormal

c. Consumption entries &ill *e posted in SAP

2alancing %igure consumption 5 $ormal Accountingi.e. Opening stoc' QQQ Add: Purc(ase QQQ

oss: Consumption QQQ --------

Closed stoc' QQQ --------

d. SAP Accounting 5 Closing stoc' &ill *e s(o&n material,uality, rate and alue. <e can not get material &ise,uality, rate and alue %or closing stoc' 5 $ormal alue

e. For Assets 5 &e get assets register s(o&ing uality,capitali=ation date, location 5 Asset register in SAPOut side system 5 $ormal

%. !ac( su* asset &ise 5 &e get gross *loc' and accumulateddepreciation in SAP.?otal plant G mac(inery 5 0ross *loc' and accumulated

epreciation 5 $ormal Accounting

g. For endor and customers open item &ise 5 in SAP $ot possi*le to see paya*le items separately in normalaccounting

Steps to %ollo&


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a# ?o close t(e Accounts in normal accounting up to a period, ta'e *alances inSAP instead o% ta'ing transactional data.

*# Create J ummy Accounts i# 0/ Clearing Account

ii# Vendor clearing Account iii# Customers clearing Account i # Asset clearing Account # Stoc' ta'ing Account

"It can *e under any Account group 5 &e create under lia*ilities#c# Once &e upload all *alances t(e a*o e J accounts s(ould *e =ero 5 I% any

alues are t(ere in t(e account 5 t(e data ta'e o er is &rong.d# <e s(all not enter day to day data in production client *e%ore ta'ing t(e


S(are Capital J77777

Party Q "Creditor# +77777Acc: depreciation ;ac(ine $o: +J "P G ;# 77777Sales 477777FiBed Assets: Plant G mac(inery ;ac $7:+J) 977777Party A/C " e*tors# 77777Cas( Account J7777In entory "%inis(ed goods# +777771a& material Consumption 9J7777 ?O?A + 77777 + 77777

a# 0/ Clearing A/C r + 77777?o ! uity s(are capital J77777?o Vendor Clearing +77777?o Asset clearing 77777?o Sales 477777

*# Asset clearing A/C r 977777 Customer clearing A/C r 77777

Cas( A/C r J7777 Stoc' ta'ing A/C r +77777 1a& material consumption A/C r 9J7777

?o 0/ Clearing A/C + 77777

0/ Clearing *alance T 7

c# Vendor clearing A/C r +77777


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?o party B 5 + 7777 ?o party B 5 7777 ?o party B 5 9 97777

" ere t(e endor A/C is not cleared i.e. e*it G Credits are not e ual. ence &e

&ill c(ec' only endor A/C rat(er t(an all A/C Accounts# and you can pass t(erecti%ication entries. i.e.

Vendor clearing A/C r +77777 ?o party B 5 + 7777 ?o party B 5 7777 ?o party B 5 9 +7777

d# Party A/C 5 A 5 2ill $o: + 67777 Party A/C 5 A 5 2ill $o: +67777 ?o Customer clearing A/C 77777

$o& customer A/C *ecomes 7 "=ero#

For Assets:

e# i# ?o ma'e %iBed assets 5 Plant G ;ac(inery 0/ Account and accumulateddepreciation 5 Plant G ;ac(inery 0/ Accounts as non reconciliation A/Cs and pass

47 Plant G ;ac(inery A/C r 977777J7 Accumulated depreciation PG; 77777J7 Asset clearing +77777

ii# 0o to AS 8 and ta'e o er eac( su* asset &ise gross *loc' and accumulateddepreciation 5 It &ill not update 0/ , since &e remo ed assets reconciliation type in 0/;asters.

iii# ?o ma'e %iBed assets plant G mac(inery 0/ Account and accumulated depreciation plant G mac(inery 0/ A/C as reconciliation A/C in customi=ation.

Asset creation and ta'e o er alues "AS #

AS + "Creation o% master#Y Y Y Y

"AS7+# "AS +# "2oB# " S;<#

AS 5 C(ange assets and ta'e o er alues

Creation o% asset master "AS7+#


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0i e t(e asset class A; 777

Company code: A;

Select master data *utton

escription: ;ac(ine $o: +J

0i e t(e capitali=ed on: +J.7J. 774

Select time 5 ependent ta*

2usiness area: A;

Select depreciation areas ta*

0i e t(e depreciation 'ey: A; +se%ul li%e: +7 years 4 mont(s

Ordinary depreciation start date: 7+.74. 77)

Sa e

Pat( %or AS 8 to ta'eo er alues

SP1O Financial accounting asset accounting asset data trans%er manual online trans%er create/c(ange/display legacy asset "?ransaction code: AS #

ou*le clic' on c(ange legacy asset

Asset $o: 77779

Su* $o: 7

Company code: A;

Select ta'e o er alues *utton

Ignore t(e &arning messages 5 !nter


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0i e cumulati e depreciation alue 5 977777

Accumulated ordinary depreciation 5 77777

!nter Select sa e *utton "or# "ctrl M s#

Pat( to ma'e %iBed assets plant G mac(inery 0/ Account and Accumulated depreciation plant G mac(inery A/C as reconciliation Account.

Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Asset accounting Preparing %or productionstart up Production start up 1eset reconciliation account

Select company code: A;

ou*le clic' on c(ange control o% reconciliation Account %older

From t(e menu select edit selections select all

Select set reconciliation account indicator %or all account

Sa e G sa e in your re uest

For ;aterials:

a# Preparing a statement s(o&ing ;aterial $o. ty, rate G total G amount

;aterial $o uality 1ate Amount

+ J7 77 +7777

J7 +77 J7779 )J77 +7 )J777

-----------?otal +77777



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Select: select customers c(ec' *oB

Select: select endors c(ec' *oB

eselect test run c(ec' *oB

Select detail log c(ec' *oB


Ignore t(e &arning message !nter

It s(o& eac( endor G customer *alance carry %or&ard to neBt year

It is one time eBercise in eac( year

Asset Account:Dou (a e to open only years accounts at a time

?o c(ec' &(ic( year close %or Asset Accounting

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting FiBed assets Periodic processing Dearend closing ndo !ntire company code "?. Code OAA #

Select position *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;!nter

?o close year 77)

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting FiBed assets Periodic processing yearend closing !Becute "?. Code A3A2#

0i e t(e company code: A;

Fiscal year to *e closed: 77)eselect test run c(ec' *oB

From t(e menu select eBecute in *ac'ground


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Select immediate *utton

Select sa e *utton

It gi es t(e message *ac'ground @o* &as sc(edule %or program 1A3A<!778

?o c(ec' &(et(er t(e @o* is completer or not

From t(e menu select system ser ices @o*s @o* o er ie&


Select t(e @o* 1A3A<!77

Select spool *utton

Select spool no. c(ec' *oBSelect display contents *utton

?o carry %or&ard 0/ *alances

Pat(: Accounting Financial accounting 0eneral ledger periodic processingClosing carry %or&ard *alances carry %or&ard "F-+)#

edger: select 7

Company code: A;Carry %or&ard to %iscal year: 77

eselect test run c(ec' *oB

Select output list o% results c(ec' *oB

Select *alances in retain earnings Accounts c(ec' *oB


Select retained earning account *utton

Select *ac' arro&

Select *alance s(eet Accounts *utton

Copy no. range inter als %or neBt year


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Pat(: SP1O Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 0lo*al settingocument ocument num*er ranges Copy to %iscal year

Ignore t(e message press enter "?ransaction code: O2 #

0i e t(e company code: A;

?o %iscal year under source %iscal year details: 77)

?o %iscal year under target %iscal year details: 77


Ignore t(e message select yes8 *utton

Open posting periodsSP1O Financial accounting Financial accounting glo*al settings document posting periods open and close posting periods

Select position *utton

0i e t(e posting period ariant: A;


For %iscal year ariant: A;From period +: +

Dear: 77

From period : +

Dear: 77)

?o period: +

Dear: 77)

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

o& to open special periods


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Same pat(: 72J

For %iscal year ariant: A;

From period is +9Dear: 77)

?o period is +9

Dear: 77)

Sa e

Posting to special periods"F-7 #

0i e t(e document date G posting date: ).79. 77

?ype: SA

Company code: A;

Posting 'ey: 47

Account $o: 477+77 "Salaries account#


Ignore t(e &arning message enter

C(ange t(e period to: +9


Ignore t(e &arning message, enter

0i e t(e amount: J77777

2usiness area: A;

?eBt: salary pro ision

Posting 'ey: J7

Account $o: +77J77 "out standing eBpenses#


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Amount: N8

2usiness area: A;?eBt: M8

ocument Simulate G sa e

0o and see t(e 0/ Account: "FS+7$#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 477+77

Company code: A;

Fiscal year: 77)



o& to create a %older

Eeep t(e cursor on %a orites

From t(e menu select %a orites restart %older 0i e t(e %older name: FI 1eports


o& to assign reports to %older

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Eeep t(e cursor on FI 1esults %older

From t(e menu select %a orites insert transaction

0i e t(e transaction SUA 1U6 7++ )J "Asset *alances results#


ou*le clic' on asset *alances report

o& to attac( report on des' top

0o to t(e report

Select generate a s(ort cut on des' top *utton

Select description: select sap class!nter

Select O.E8 *utton

og o%% t(e system

ou*le clic' on SAP Asset *alances icon

0i e t(e pass: enter

C(art o% Accounts

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral ledger In%ormation system0eneral ledger reports ;aster data C(art o% Accounts C(art o% Accounts "?.Code SUA 1U6 7+ 9 )# 0i e t(e C(art o% Accounts: A;

!BecuteJ# ?rial 2alance:

Pat(: p to 0eneral ledger reports t(e pat( is sameAccounts 2alances Eorea "Country# ?rial 2alance "Sout( Eorea#

?. Code: SUA 1U6 7+ 9+7


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0i e t(e company code: A;


Ignore t(e &arning message 5 Press enter Select current layout *utton

Eeep t(e %ields 5 0/ Account $o 0/ Account og teBt Closing 2alance


?o do&n load to eBcel

From t(e ;enu select list !Bports Spread s(eet!nter, select ta*le radio *utton

!nter, enter once again

)# edger:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 0eneral edger Periodic ProcessingClosing ocument 2alance audit trial All Accounts 0eneral edger %rom t(edocument %ile "?. Code SUA 1U6 +77 7J#

0i e t(e company code: A;


Select t(e current layout *utton

Eeep t(e %ields document num*ers posting date

Ot(er %ields you can (ide

From t(e (idden %ields column selecte*it amount is local currency

Credit amount is local currency

Select cumulati e *alance %ield

Select teBt %ields

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Select le%t arro&

C(ange t(e column positions

ocument num*er s(ould *e +Posting date s(ould *e

?est s(ould *e 9

e*it amount in C s(ould *e 4

Credit amount in C s(ould *e J

Cumulati e *alance )

Select total c(ec' *oB %or de*it amount in C, Credit amount in C

Select copy *utton

ou*le clic' on document num*er

From t(e menu select settings ayout Sa e

"?o sa e t(e layout#

# Vendor list:

Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Paya*le In%ormation system 1eports %or Accounts paya*le accounting ;aster data Vendors list

"?. Code SUA 1U6 7+ 76)#

0i e your company code: A;

Select address and telecom master c(ec' *oB!Becute

6# Vendor &ise Purc(ases

p to reports %or Accounts paya*le Accounting t(e pat( is same Vendor *alances Vendor *usiness


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"?. Code SUA 1U6 7+ 7 9#

0i e t(e company code: A;!Becute

# Outstanding list o% Vendors:p to reports %or Assets Paya*le Accounting. ?(e pat( is same

Vendors items use o% endor open items %or printing

"?. Code SUA 1U6 7+ 769#

0i e t(e company code: A;


+7# Age &ise Analysis

p to reports %or Accounts Paya*le Accounting t(e pat( is sameVendors Items Vendor payment (istory "<it( 7+ sorted list#

"?. Code SUA 1U6 7+ 76J#

0i e t(e company code: A;

Summari=ation le el enter 78

Select days o er due sorted list c(ec' *oB!Becute

++# Ad ance Payment report

p to reports %or Accounts Paya*le Accounting t(e pat( is same

Vendor Items ist o% do&n payment open on 'ey date endor

"?. Code SUA 1U6 7+ +7J#

0i e t(e company code: A;


+ # epreciation %ore case:


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Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting FiBed Assets In%ormation system1eports on Assets Accounting epreciation %ore cast epreciation oncapitali=ation assets " epreciation Simulation#

"?. Code SUA 1U 6 7+ 9)#

0i e your company code: A;0i e t(e report date t(e last date up to &(ic( year &e &ant to see t(e report "9+.79. 77 #L

77), 77 , 776 "9+.79. 77)#


+9# FiBed Assets sc(edule as per companies Act

Pat(: In%ormation systems Accounting Financial Accounting FiBed AssetsAssets istory s(eet "?. Code A17 #

0i e t(e company code: A;

1eport date: 9+.79. 77

Select group to only radio *utton

eselect use A V grid c(ec' *oB


Select Assets *uttonou*le clic' on assets retirement

2alance s(eet G pro%it and loss A/C creation "Financial Statement ersion creation#"FSV#

Any *alance s(eet, you (a e 9 le els

+. Summary. Sc(edule

9. Accountsia*ilities:

S(are capital ! uity s(are capital 0/ Account $o: +77777 Pre%. s(are capital 0/ Account $o: +7777+ +7777


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It is *utton to create minimum ersions

Client 777 sc(edule VI %ormat "2AI$#

Client 677 create ne& %ormat

Pat( %or %inancial statement ersion creation:

SP1O Financial Accounting general ledger accounting *usiness transactionsclosing documenting de%ine %inancial statement ersions

Select ne& entries *utton

Financial statement ersion: A;

$ame: 2alance s(eet G pro%it G loss account

;aintain language: select !$

Select item 'eys automatic c(ec' *oB

0i e year c(art o% accounts: A;

Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Select %inancial statement items *uttonEeep t(e cursor on A;

Select create items *utton

0i e t(e name: 2alance s(eet Pro%it G loss A/C $et pro%it/loss carried to *alance s(eet


ou*le clic' on no teBt eBists against asset

0i e t(e item Assets!nter

Eeep t(e cursor on assets


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Press select *utton

Eeep t(e cursor on *alance s(eet, select reassign *utton

Select su*ordinate radio *utton

!nter ou*le clic' on $o teBt against lia*ilities

0i e t(e item lia*ilities


Eeep t(e cursor on lia*ilities

Press select *utton

Eeep t(e cursor on *alance s(eet

Select reassign *utton

Select su*ordinate radio *utton!nter

Eeep t(e cursor on pro%it G loss A/C

Select create items *utton

0i e t(e items: Income !Bpenditure!nter

Eeep t(e cursor on lia*ilities

Select create items *utton

0i e t(e items: S(are capital 1eser es G Surplus Secured oans nsecured oans


Eeep t(e Cursor on Assets

Select create items *utton


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0i e t(e items: $et FiBed Assets $et Current Assets ;iscellaneous !Bpenditure


Eeep t(e cursor on Income

Select create items *utton

0i e t(e items: Sales Ot(er income Increase/decrease in stoc's


Eeep t(e cursor on eBpenditure

Select create items *utton

0i e t(e items: 1a& material consumption Personnel cost ;anu%acturing !Bpenses Administration



!nter G sa e

Sa e in your re uest

ou*le clic' on $o test eBist against net result pro%it

0i e t(e items: $et pro%it trans%erred %rom P G A/C


Eeep t(e cursor on net pro%it trans%erred %rom P G A/C

Press select *utton

Eeep t(e cursor on 1eser es G Surplus

Select reassign *utton

Select su*ordinate radio *utton


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ou*le clic' on $o teBt eBist against net result loss

0i e t(e item: $et loss trans%erred %rom P G A/C!nter

Eeep t(e cursor on net loss trans%er %rom P G A/C

Press select *utton

Eeep t(e cursor on miscellaneous eBpenditure

Select reassign *utton

Select su*ordinate radio *utton


Assignment o% accounts

Eeep t(e cursor on s(are capital

Select assign accounts *utton

0i e %rom Account: +77777 to +777

Select de*it G credit c(ec' *oB

From Account: +77+7+ to +77 : select de*it G credit c(ec' *oB

"!Bcept +77+77#


Eeep t(e cursor on $et FiBed Assets:

Select assign accounts *utton

0i e %rom Account: 77777 to

Select de*it G credit c(ec' *oB



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Eeep t(e cursor on Sales:

Select assign accounts *utton

0i e %rom Account: 977777 to 9Select de*it G credit c(ec' *oB


Eeep t(e cursor on 1a& material consumption

Select assign accounts *utton

0i e %rom Account: 477777 to 4

Select de*it G credit c(ec' *oB


Eeep t(e cursor on $et pro%it/ oss carried to *alance s(eet:

Select assign accounts *utton

0i e t(e Account $o: +77+77

Select de*it G credit c(ec' *oB


?o c(ec' all t(e accounts (a e *een assigned or not select c(ec' *utton

Select non assigned accounts c(ec' *oB

!nter !nter G Sa e

ou*le clic' on ia*ilities

Start o% 0roup: ia*ilities

!nd o% 0roup: ?otal ia*ilities

Select display total c(ec' *oB!nter


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ou*le clic' on S(are capital

Start o% 0roup: Sources o% %und

!nd o% 0roup: S(are capitalSelect display total c(ec' *oB!nter

ou*le clic' on 1eser es G Surplus

!nd o% 0roup: 1eser es G Surplus

Select display total c(ec' *oB!nter

ou*le clic' on Assets

Start o% 0roup: Assets

!nd o% 0roup: ?otal Assets

Select display total c(ec' *oB!nter

ou*le clic' on $et FiBed AssetsStart o% 0roup: Application o% %unds!nd o% 0roup: $et %iBed AssetsSelect display total c(ec' *oB!nter

ou*le clic' on miscellaneous eBpenditure

!nd o% 0roup: miscellaneous eBpenditure

Select display total c(ec' *oB!nter

ou*le clic' on pro%it G loss A/C

Start o% group: Pro%it G oss A/C

Select display total c(ec' *oB

ou*le clic' on income


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Start o% group: Income

!nd o% group: ?otal income

Select display total c(ec' *oBSa e

Open t(e 2alance S(eet "FS! # 5 <(at &e are created

0i e t(e %inancial Statement ersion: A;


ou*le clic' on sales!nd o% group: Sales

Select display total c(ec' *oB


ou*le clic' on eBpenditure

Start o% group: !Bpenditure

!nd o% group: ?otal eBpenditure

Select display ?otal c(ec' *oB


ou*le clic' on ra& material consumption

!nd o% group: 1a& ;aterial Consumption

Select display total c(ec' *oB


ou*le clic' on net pro%it/loss carried *alance s(eet

!nd o% group: $et pro%it/loss carried to *alance s(eet


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Select display total c(ec' *oB


ou*le clic' on no teBt eBist against PG result

0i e t(e item: $et Pro%it/ oss carried to 2alance S(eet

!nd o% group: $et Pro%it/ oss carried to 2alance S(eet

Select display total c(ec' *oB

!nter G Sa e

Sa e in your re uest

Open one more session to ie& t(e 2alance s(eetAccounting Financial Accounting 0eneral ledger In%ormation system0eneral edger reports 2alance s(eet/pro%it and loss statement/Cas( %lo& 0eneral

Actual/Actual comparisons 2alance/Pro%it and loss statement "SUA 1U6 7+ 64#

0i e t(e company code: A;

2usiness area: A;

Financial statement ersion: A;

1eporting year: 77)

1eporting periods: + to +)

Comparison year: 77J

Comparison periods: + to +)

Select classical list radio *utton

Select special e aluations ta*2alance s(eet type: select + "standard %inancial statement#

Select output control ta*

Company code: summari=ation: select + "2alance s(eet per company code#


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2usiness area summari=ation: select + "2alance s(eet per 2usiness area#

Summary report: enter 9

Comparison type: select +

Scaling: select J/

a. Full 1upee &it( paisa: 7/ *. Only rupees 7/7c. 1upees. In a'(s "no t(ousands in decimal# 5 J/7d. 1upees in a'(s, t(ousands in decimals 5 J/e. 1upees in ;illions 5 $o decimals 5 )/7%. 1upees in Crores - no decimals 5 /7g. 1upees in Crores 5 a'(s in decimals 5 /


S;<0. ;aster 5 FS77Vendor ;asters 5 QE7+Customer ;asters 5 Q 7+Asset ;asters 5 AS7+;aterial ;asters 5 ;;7+

Open !Bcel

Fields 1e uired:

0. Account $oCompany codeAccount 0roup<(et(er PG Account<(et(er 2alance S(eet AccountS(ort teBt

ong teBt


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Account currencyOnly *alances in local currency

ine item displaySort 'eyField status group

For eac( %ield t(ere is a tec(nical nameFor eac( %ield note do&n tec(nical name, type G lengt(

+st S(eet

In SAP "FS77#

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +77777

Company code: A;

Eeep t(e cursor on 0/ Account $o, press F+

Select tec(nical in%ormation *utton

ou*le clic' on %ield name

Copy t(e tec(nical name in !Bcel: SAE$1

?ec(nical name ?ype engt(0/ Account $o SAE$1 C +7

Company code 2 E1S C 4

Select *ac' arro& in SAP

Eeep t(e cursor on Account group

Press F+

Select tec(nical in%ormation *utton

ou*le clic' on %ield name

Copy tec(nical name: E?OES in !Bcel

?ype: C engt(: 4


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Copy: QP ACCI ?ec(nical name o% PG A/C?ype: C engt(: +

Copy: Q2I E ?ec(nical name o% 2alance s(eet

?ype: C engt(: +

For 0/ Account s(ort teBt: copy ?Q? 7 - ;

?ype: C engt(: 7

Copy: ?Q?J7 5 ?Q 5 ong teBt tec(nical name

?ype: C engt(: J7

Select *ac' arro& in SAP.FS77Eeep t(e cursor on Account Currency

Press F+ Select tec(nical in%ormation *utton

ou*le clic' on %ield name

Copy in !Bcel: <A!1S

?ype: C

engt(: J

Copy: QSA only *alances in local currency

?ype: C

engt(: +

For line item display: copy QE1!S

?ype: C engt(: +

For sort 'ey: copy: A<A

?ype: C engt(: 9

For %ield status group: FS?A0


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?ype: C engt(: 4

Sa e !Bcel %ile

Create ne& !Bcel File

Eeep only one s(eet

In SAP go to O2 4 "Account 0roup#

Copy: SCP "S(are Capital %or +st Account#

Copy: CASI "Current Assets#

Copy: SA ! "Sales#

Copy: 1;C$ "1a& ;aterial Consumption#Select SA !, 1;C$ "0i e B# %or PG

SCP , CASI "0i e B# %or 2alance s(eet A/C

nd S(eet: see t(ere is no ot(er s(eet "only one s(eet#

Select t(e s(eet "in !Bcel#

Select rig(t mouse *utton

Select %ormat cells

Select teBt

Select O.E *utton

From t(e menu select %ile sa e asSa e t(e type: select teBt "?a* delimited#

0i e t(e %ile name: A; ?eBt

Sa e


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Select yes *utton

Close eBcel

0/ A/c





0roup <(et(er <(et(er S(ort ?eBt ong ?eBt APGossA/c

2alanceS(eet C

+7777+ A; SCP BPre%. S(arecapital

Pre%. S(arecapital I$

77+7+ A; CAS? B I97777 A; SA ! Q I$47777+ A; 1;C$ Q I$1


lineItem Sort


in ocCur isplay 'ey 0roup B B + 077+B B + 077JB B + 077+B B + 077+

se t(e ?ransaction code: S;< in SAP

Pro@ect $ame: A;

Su* Pro@ect: A;

O*@ect: A;

Select credit entry *utton

Ignore t(e message press enter Once again create entry *utton

0i e t(e description 0/ up loading



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escription %or su* pro@ect also: 0/ up loading

O*@ect also: 0/ up loading


Select eBecute *utton "or# continue *utton

!Becute once again

Select display/c(ange *utton

Select *atc( input recording radio *utton

From t(e menu select go to 1ecording o er ie&

Select create recording *utton0i e t(e recording name: A; 0

escription: 0 ;aster


0i e t(e transaction code: FS77


0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: +7777J

Company code: A;

From t(e menu select 0/ Account create

0i e t(e account group: s(are capital

Select *alance s(eet account radio *utton

0i e s(ort teBt: 1ed. Pre%. S(are Capital0i e 0/ Account ong ?eBt: 1edeema*le Pre%. S(are capital

Select control data ta*

Select only *alances in local currency c(ec' *oB


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Select line items display c(ec' *oB

Sort 'ey: 77+

Select create/*an'/interest ta*

Field status group: 077+

Sa e

Eeep t(e cursor on FS77

Select de%ault all *utton

Sa e

Select *ac' arro& times0i e t(e recording: A; 0

!nter G Sa e

Select *ac' arro&


Select display/c(ange *utton

Select create a structure *utton

Source structure: A; 0 Structure

escription: 0 Structure %or A;


Sa e

Select *ac' arro&


Select display/c(ange *utton

Eeep t(e cursor on A; 0/ Structure


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Select ta*le maintenance *utton

Copy t(e %ield names %rom eBcel to SAP

Copy Code: %rom eBcel to SAP

Copy t(e lengt( %rom !Bcel to SAP: sa e

Select *ac' arro& and sa e once again

Select *ac' arro&


Select display/c(ange *utton

Sa eSelect *ac' arro&


Select display/c(ange *utton

From t(e menu select entries Auto %ields mapping

Fu==y pro*a*ility percent: 0i e +77


0o on press accept proposal *utton till you get t(e message

Auto %ield mapping complete

!nter G sa e

Select *ac' arro&

S'ip maintain %iBed alues, transactions, user de%ine routinesSelect speci%y %iles radio *utton


Select display/c(ange *utton


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Eeep t(e cursor on legacy data

Select Add entry *utton

0i e t(e %ile name: A; ?eBt

$ame: 0 uploading

Select ta*ulator radio *utton

!nter G Sa e

Select *ac' arro&


Select display/c(ange *uttonSa e

Select *ac' arro&


!Becute once again

Select *ac' arro& times

S'ip display imported data

Select con ert data radio *utton


!Becute once again

Select *ac' arro& times

S'ip display con erted data

Select create a *atc( input session


!Becute once again


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Ignore t(e message 5 !nter


Select t(e session name: A;

Select Process *utton

Select display/errors only radio *utton

Select process *utton

Select eBit *atc( input *utton

se t(e transaction code: FS77

Cas( 3ournal "Petty Cas( 2oo'#

Creation 0/ ;aster 5 FS77

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+7

Company code: A;

Select &it( template *utton

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+77 "Cas( A/C#

Company code: A;


C(ange t(e s(ort teBt G long teBt to petty cas(


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Ot(er %ields are common

Select create/*an'/interest ta*

Select post automatically only c(ec' *oB

Sa e "or# ctrl Ms

e%ine $o. range inter als %or cas( @ournal document

SP1O Financial Accounting 2an' Accounting 2usiness transactions Cas(3ournal e%ine no. range inter al %or cas( @ournal documents

0i e t(e company code: A;

Select c(ange inter als *utton

Select inter al *utton

0i e t(e $o. range 5 7+

From $o: + to +77777

!nter G sa e

Set up cas( 3ournal

Same Pat(:Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

Cas( @ournal $o: 77+

0i e t(e 0/ Account $o: 77+7 "Petty cas( A/C#

Currency: I$1

ocument type %or 0/ Account: SA

ocument type %or endor payment: E

ocument type %rom endor receipt: E

ocument type %or customer payment 5


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Cas( @ournal name, petty cas( 5 city o%%ice

Sa e G sa e in your re uest

Create, c(ange, and delete 2usiness ?ransactions:Same Pat(

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

2usiness transactions type: Select 1 "1e enue#

0/ Account $o: 977777

Cas( 3ournal 2usiness transactions 5 1e enues

Select Account ;odi%ia*le c(ec' *oB

Company code: A;2usiness transactions: ! "!Bpenses#Account $o: 477+77 "Salaries#Cas( 3ournal, 2usiness transaction eBpensesSelect: Account modi%ia*le c(ec' *oB

Sa e, sa e in your re uest.Set up parameters %or Cas( 3ournal:

Same Pat(

Select ne& entries *utton

0i e t(e company code: A;

Program: 1FCAS OO

Variant: !;O!$

Correspondence: SAP+6

Sa e G sa e in your re uest

Cas( Sales Posting:


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Pat(: Accounting Financial Accounting 3ournal edger documents entrycas( 3ournal Posing "F2C3#

From t(e menu select: eBtras C(ange cas( @ournal

0i e t(e company code: A;Cas( 3ournal: 77+


0i e t(e display period: +J.+7. 77)

Select cas( receipts ta*

Select *usiness transactions: + "re enues#

Amount: 7777

0/ Account: 977777

?eBt: sales posting

0i e t(e *usiness area: A;

Select post *uttonSelect print: cas( @ournal *utton

Ignore t(e message, enter Account paya*le

Con%igure t(e ata ;edium !Bc(ange %or ma'ing payments

o& can I con%igure t(e ata ;edium !Bc(ange %or ma'ing payments>o& can I lin' it to "F++7# payment program G get t(e %ile ;?+77 to *e sent to t(e


<(en con%iguring t(e payment met(ods %or t(e country "transaction O2VC #, c(ooset(e payment medium program as1FFO;+77 .

Fromse96, pls read t(e documentation %or t(e program, &(ic( &ill gi e you t(e ariousoptions G t(e re uired con%ig too.

Dou &ould also need to con%igure t(e instructions 'eys as re uired.

?o generate t(e ;! %ile, you (a e to run t(e automatic payment program &it( t(is payment met(od.


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A%ter t(e payments (a e *een success%ully posted, you can go to ;! administrationand &it( t(e (elp o% dme manager do&nload %iles on your PC.

SAP (as determined t(at t(e standard print programs %or automatic payments &ill nolonger *e supported, and &ill *e replaced *y trans%er structures created *y a tool calle

t(e ;! !ngine.?(is tool ena*les t(e *usiness to create ;! output %iles &it(out A2AP de elopment,and can *e attac(ed to a print program and %orm %or t(e creation o% Payment Ad ices.

Outside o% t(e ;! !ngine " ;!!#, t(e ma@ority o% t(e con%iguration ta'es place &it(int(e %ollo&ing I;0 menu pat(:I;0 Pat(: Financial Accounting --R Accounts 1ecei a*le and Accounts Paya*le --R2usiness ?ransactions --R Outgoing Payments --R Automatic Outgoing Payments --RPayment ;edia --R ;a'e Settings %or Payment ;edia Formats %rom Payment ;edium<or'*enc(

Con%igAssign Selection VariantsI;0 --R Financial Accounting --R Accounts 1ecei a*le and Accounts Paya*le --R2usiness ?ransactions --R Outgoing Payments --R Automatic Outgoing Payments --RPayment ;edia --R ;a'e Settings %or Payment ;edium Formats %rom Payment ;edium<or'*enc( --R Create / Assign Selection Variants or transaction

O2P;4.select your %ormat t(at you are using

C(ec' in F2 P con%ig t(at all is lin'ed[

Alt(oug( t(is is *itty *ut you need to &or' t(roug( it[

Start &it( F2 P, create all t(ere t(an go to ;!! eit(er to create your o&n %ormat oruse t(e standard ones.. t(an go to t(e menu pat( a*o e and &or' t(roug( %rom create toassign...

Set t(e *aseline dateTIn oice date

?(roug( payment terms, you can set t(e *aseline dateTIn oice date.

?(e payment term is entered in t(e Vendor ;aster 1ecord and it &ill *e de%aulted in;I1O .

I% payment term in Purc(ase Order is di%%erent %rom t(e Vendor ;aster ata, it &ill (a pre%erence o er t(e Vendor ;aster ata.

F2J7, F2)7, $o document num*er &as display


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On t(e %irst day o% *usiness a%ter t(e *asis people apply an upgrade to a 'ernel, o er &ee'end, &e lost isi*ility to t(e document num*ers in t(e status *ar a%ter &e postedtransactionsF2J7 andF2)7.

An OSS message &as created and t(e reply &as t(at it &as an issue &it( a 'ernel patc(

le el.?(ey re%er us to OSS note J+76+J, and 'ernel patc( le el ++ +.

;I1O $o FI document a%ter upgrading to 4.)B

<(en &e upgrade to 4.)B, users &as not &illing to access t(e FI document t(roug(In oice display :-

;I14 --R Follo& on documents

I agreed &it( t(em *ecause it is really trou*lesome to go t(roug( suc( a long steps inorder to %ind out t(e FI document num*er.

In 4.)B, SAP only display t(e In oice document num*er a%ter posting.

In order to display *ot( t(e In oice and FI document num*er at t(e same time, you (a eto apply OSS notes+) 9J and9+7 9+.

Dou need to c(anged t(e programs in order to get t(e message\In oice ocument no. G and FI ocument no. G created.\

?(e %ollo&ing messages &(ic( &ere modi%ied as per t(e OSS note to get t(e FIdocument num*er.

;essage no $e& teBt Old teBt 7)7 ocument no. G created. In oice ocument no. G and FI ocument no. G created

7 J ocument no. G Created "*loc'ed %or payment# In oice ocument no. G and Focument no. G created "*loc'ed %or payment#

6 ocument re ersed &it( no. G: Please manually clear FI documents "$o c(ange

done in t(e message teBt#. 2ut it &ill display FI document num*er a%ter c(anges.9 In oice document G (as *een posted "$o& t(is displays In oice document num*erA%ter c(anges, it &ill display FI document num*er#.

A%ter t(ese c(anges you &ill *e a*le to see t(e FI document num*er and In oicedocument num*er displayed in t(e message *ar a%ter eBecuting t(e;I1O ?ransaction.


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Dou &ill need aut(ori=ations and access 'ey to do t(e modi%ication.

?o a oid trans%er posting o% t(e same endor in oice

Dou can c(ec' \Flag %or dou*le in oices or credit memos\ on Vendor master data.

In FE7 , Company code data --R Options Payment transactions.

?ic' C(ec' dou*le in oice.

i%%erent *et&een posting and payment

Posting occurs &it( many di%%erent types o% documents. It indicates t(at all sides o%FI entry are in *alance. Posting actually &rites t(e document to t(e 0/ .

Payment on t(e ot(er (and is t(e actual issuing o% a c(ec'. Payments can also *e

processed in accounts recei a*le.In t(at case, you are posting "updating your *oo's to re%lect# t(e receipt o% a c(ec' %romcustomer and t(e deposit o% said c(ec' in t(e *an'.

Accounts paya*le is processing t(e money your company o&es to a endor %or goods aser ices recei ed. Account Paya*le is a lia*ility on t(e *alance s(eet.

Accounts recei a*le is collecting t(e money t(at ot(er companies/customers o&e you. Itis an asset on t(e *alance s(eet.

SAP is integrated. In most instances, t(ere isn]t a \lin'.\ ?(e transaction directly updatest(e ta*les in ol ed. ?(ere is a semi-se erance *et&een FI/Payment to allo& c(ec's to *eissued e en i% t(ere]s a minor im*alance in t(e FI side o% t(e posting.

Asset depreciation and p(ysical in entory are some eBamples t(at don8t update FI"CO/F;# as soon as t(e document is sa ed.

;odules t(at appear in more t(an one place is caused *y SAP trying to *e %leBi*le in&(ere it places t(ings on its menu, so t(at di%%erent users/companies %ind it easy to loca gi en transaction &it(in t(e con%ines o% t(e module t(ey &or' in. ?(is (as *ecomemore pronounced since t(e c(ange to role *ased aut(ori=ation management. ?(at]s &(y

you can reac( create are uisition %rom 4 di%%erent pat(&ays, &(y Pro@ect Systems is in *ot( ogistics anand &(y ?ra el ;anagement is in *ot( 1 and FI.

In some organi=ations, tra el aut(ori=ation and trac'ing is an 1 %unction, in some it ian FI %unction.


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Vendors not used &it(in a speci%ied period

Su*@ect: endors not used &it(in a speci%ied period

A &(ile *ac' I %ound a report &(ic( listed endors not used &it(in a speci%ied period i.elist all endors &it( no mo ement o er t(e past ) mont(s. I can]t seem to locate t(isreport/programmed>

Su*@ect: 1!: endors not used &it(in a speci%ied period

?ry report SUA 1U6 7+7749 - Vendor 2usiness. <it(in t(e report, under t(eOutput Control section, select t(e indicator \Accounts &it( $o Purc(ases and run t(ereport %or t(e time period &(ic( you &is( to e aluate.t(is (elps

Setting p Automatic Payment Program

I am doing a pro@ect in my institute. <e are %acing a pro*lem in running a automat payment program. Suppose I (a e a *alance o% 1s +77777 in my *an' account and todaI am running an Automatic payment run. ?otal payments o% t(e run are 1s +J7777. So&(en I run Automatic payment run it is not gi ing any error message. <(at to do &it(t(is pro*lem.

In my point o% ie& &e (a e to create alidation. And lin' *et&een *an' account and payment met(od. I% t(e *alance is less t(an t(e automatic payment amount t(e run

s(ould *e stopped.

?(e Automatic Payment Program does not c(ec' t(e 2alance o% your 2an' Account. "0A/c. 2al.#

<(at it does c(ec' is t(e min G maB amounts t(at you (a e maintained in yourcustomi=ation.

In F2 P ?ransaction "type in easy access screen#, you (a e to maintain t(e con%ig %your automatic payment runs.

In 2an' determination "in F2 P#, you (a e to %ill in t(e a aila*le amounts %or eac2an'. ?(is is t(e maBimum amount up to &(ic( payments &ill *e generated *y t(e Auto.Pay. 1un.

So i% you &ant to ensure t(at on any single day t(e payment run does not pay more t(an *an' *alance, you (a e to update on a daily *asis a aila*le *alance to matc( &it( your *an' *alance.


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In SP1O you can %ind t(e customi=ation %or A P 1un, *ut F2 P is t(e old transaction %t(e same t(ing. Plus it lets you do all t(e related customi=ation, in one place.

As %ar as I 'no&, t(ere is no direct &ay o% lin'ing your 0 account *alance to t(e A P1un

elin' C(e ue Payment %rom Payment ocument

I &ant to delin' c(e ue num*er 777+77 %rom payment doc 4J777 +.I &ant to re erse t(e payment doc 4J777 + and pass a ne& payment doc 4J777 anattac( " in'# t(e c(e ue num*er 777+77 to t(is ne& payment doc 4J777 .

$ote t(e %ollo&ing %unctionality:

C(e ue Voiding "same as c(e ue cancellation as &e call it#

FC 9 - For unused C(e ues i.e. c(e ues t(at are not yet assigned to Payment docs.FC - For issued c(e ues i.e. c(e ues assigned to payment docs.

?(e a*o e &ill only oid t(e c(e ue and t(e payment doc &ill stand as it is. A%teroiding t(e c(e ue t(e related payment doc can *e reassigned to a ne& c(e ue.

I% you re erse a Payment document itsel% "?.Code F276# t(en t(e system &ill as' %ooid reason i% a c(e ue is already assigned. ?(e oiding o% c(e ue &ill *e don

automatically i% you re erse t(e payment doc and enter a oid reason code. Dou cannre erse a payment doc t(at (as *een assigned a c(eu es unless you enter a oid reason

code.?(ere is no ot(er transaction a aila*le %or Payment Cancellation - FC 6

?(e c(e ue t(at (as *een oided is *loc'ed %or %urt(er use. I% you still &ant to use it yoneed to %irst delete t(e c(e ue in%ormation. ?.Code FC !.

Also c(e ue related t.codes in t(is aspect. 1elated ?.codes start &it( FC N and can *e%ound in t(e Area ;enu C(e ue In%ormation.

FI uestions a*out 01/I1

+. o& do &e post t(e FI transactions a%ter doing ;I0O. oes t(e ;igo generate FI postings or do &e manually do t(e posting. I% &e do it manually &(at is t(e ?.Code to dit.

. o& do &e post t(e FI transactions a%ter doing ;I1O>oes t(e ;iro generate FI postings or do &e manually do t(e posting.


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I% &e do it manually &(at is t(e ?.Code to do it.9. o& do &e re erse an In oice> <e go to miro and enter a credit memo. o& do&e post t(e re ersal entry.

In SAP, t(e moment you sa e t(e ;I0O transaction, it automatically generates FI

document. It &ill create %ollo&ing entry:-1a& ;aterial Stoc' A/c r

?o 01/I1 Clearing A/c

In ;I0O transaction itsel%, you can post !Bcise *y c(oosing Capture and Post !BciseIn oice. ?(e FI document &ill *e as %ollo&s:

10 9A 2asic !Bcise uty A/c r10 9A !ducation Cess A/c r

?o C!$VA? Clearing A/c

A%ter doing ;I0O, you eBecute ;I1O. In t(is transaction also, SAP &ill generate FIdocument automatically. ?(e entry &ill *e as %ollo&s:-01/I1 Clearing A/c rC!$VA? Clearing A/c rVA? Seto%% A/c r

?o AP-Vendor A/c

1e ersion o% entry o% material purc(ase can *e in entered on re@ection o% mat partially or &(olly. In t(is case, you &ill(a e to raise a de*it note on t(e endor. 2ut *e%ore raising de*it note, you (a e to %irensure t(at t(e In oice eri%ication o% t(e material "to *e re@ected# is complete at t(e t

o% purc(ase.Purc(ase documents cannot *e re ersed directly li'e pure %inancial document entry. ?ore erse t(e material document,%ollo&ing procedure s(ould *e %ollo&ed.

+# Create 1eturn eli ery ";I0O## 1e erse t(e !Bcise uty Posted "3+IS#

9# 1aise t(e de*it $ote. ";I1O#

pdate ?rading Partner Field %or Posted ocuments

In F2 J$/F2 +$, I (a e c(ec'ed t(e related documents and %ound t(at one o% t(e lineitems is (a ing ]?rading Partner] %ield as 2 A$E. So I need to enter t(e ?rading Partnerin t(e document (eader. ere I (a e noticed t(at t(e ?rading partner %ield is ISA2 !and (ence I am una*le to enter t(e alues and proceed %urt(er.

I t(in' i% I can %ill t(e trading partner %ield &it( t(e re uired alue t(e documents can cleared.


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o& can I ma'e t(e ?rading Partner %ield acti e. In t(e document type setting EA "used(ere# t(e ]!nter ?rading Partner] %lag is O$. Also I (a e c(ec'ed t(e Field Status settings%or t(e Posting Eey also %or ?rading Partner.


On t(e %irst (and it is not possi*le to update t(e trading partner %ield %or postedocuments, as per SAP Standard. ?(ere are t&o alternati es to t(is:

Alternati e +:

1!V!1S! A$ OC ;!$?S CA SI$0 ? ! P1O2 !; A$ 1!C1!A?!? !; AF1!AS

+. Find out i% t(ere are any clearing documents &it(in t(e main document in uestion&(ic( is not getting cleared due t(e trading partner %ield.

. 0oto F21A: 1eset and re erse t(e clearing documents i% any as %ound in step +.9. 0oto F-7 gi e t(e main document num*erL t(en goto \ ocumentR1e erse\ menu or press C?1 MS IF?MF+ to re erse t(e document.4. 0oto F-7 : 1ecreate t(e main document using \Post &it( re%erence\ %unction o%document (eader &(ic( gets automatically populated "&it( correct ?rading Partner %ield #as per setting de%ined in t(e customer/ endor master data once t(e document is sa ed.J. 0oto F-44/F-9 and t(en try clearing t(e endor/customer.). on8t %orget t(e post t(e clearing documents &(ic( &ere re ersed in Step .

Alternati e : ?(is s(all *e ta'en as t(e &orst case &(ic( s(all not *e recommended asnormal practice.

?o de elop an A2AP &(ic( s(all update t(e trading partner %ield V2 $ in ?a*le2S!0, 2SIE, 2SI and t(en try clearing t(e documents.

<(at is ?rading Partners>

In 2usiness ?erms ?rading partner is your *usiness partner &it(in 0roup &it( &(om youare doing *usiness. In order to identi%y Inter Company transactions trading partner %ielused. Dou need to de%ine all t(e 0roup Companies as company in SAP and all t(ede%ined Companies &ill *e a aila*le %or selection in trading partner %ield. ?rad partner can *e de%aulted in 0 , Customer or Vendor ;aster. I% you need you can

populate trading partner at ocument le el too *y doing settings in ocument ?ype;aster in ? Code O2A .

?rading partner is normally used to control "payment/transaction# endor/custome *usiness &it( t(e group. Somet(ing li'e group/inter group *usiness. Dou (a e to go tomaster record. For eg, in customer master, go to CO$?1O A?A ta* so see AccountControl, in &(ic( you (a e pro ide trading partner num*er/re%erence.


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Simple O er ie& o% Product Costing

SAP Product Costing deals &it( Plan Costing M Actual Costing o% Finis( products oSer ices.

CO comprises Product Costing M cost accounting integrated &it( FI.

It uses Integrated Cost Accounting.

Product costing also (as p(ases depending on t(e ;%g Scenarios. I% you are a normam%g comp, ma'ing goods to stoc' G sale, you (a e to %irst do planning o% t(e costs products initially as a S? COS? o% a product. ?(is is used in many p(ases in SAP CO

accounting. In simple terms, you cost a product *y di%%erent met(ods depending odi%%erent IF! CDC ! p(ases o% product. ?(ese are e elopment o% ne& produ0ro&t( stage *y modi%ying it. ;ature stage "mass prod#. ecline 1etirement o% t(at product %rom ;%gM;'tng#

?(e &(ole CO process starts &it( t(ese P A$$! costs o% products G ends &it(totaling t(e S? Costs %or Actual Production.

?(is is a simple Std cost Accounting system, in &(ic( t(e end result is calculatingVariance *et Planned G Actual G analy=ing t(ose %or %urt(er correcti e actions.

Product costing is &ell integrated to FI, *ut only &(ere o er(ead cost accounting is used.Ot(er&ise normally it used only %or settlement. All t(ese actual costs o% Prod are %insettled/o%%set to FI or Pro%ita*ility segments.

SAP CO is a ery ast G complicated module o% all. It needs deep understanding o%su*@ect. ?(is gi es you an o er ie& glimpse o% SAP CO.

i%%erence *et&een Cost Centers and Internal Orders

<ould any one please tell me t(at+. <(at is t(e *asic di%%erence *et&een Cost Centers and Internal orders>

. I understand t(at t(eir %unctionality is same li'e assessments, distri*ution etc. t(en &(yt(ere are di ided into Cost Centers and Internal orders>9. o& t(e data %lo&s %rom Cost Centers and Internal Orders> i.e. is it %irst into Internorders t(en to Cost Centers or Vice ersa> or else t(e data is maintained independently>4. oes settlement means running t(e Assessment cycle and distri*uting t(e costs to

arious cost centers %rom an internal order>J. o& you determine t(e cost o% an Order or cost %or an order> I.e. (o& a Cost in Ordeis determined>


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A cost center as you &ill 'no& is %or %iBed reporting %or a long time span as part o%company structure "cost center usually T department or &or' center#.

An internal order is used to accumulate cost %or a speci%ic pro@ect or tas' %or a spetime period. An internal order is t(ere%ore used %or a s(ort period &it( a speci%

deadline.Dour internal order &ill usually settle to cost centers "and not isa ersa# according to t(settlement rule in t(e order setup.

An internal order can t(ere%ore *e used to group all t(e eBpenses incurred to plan an(old a con%erence o er a 9 mont( period. ?(e order can *e settled on a mont(ly *asis tocost centers.

<(en t(e con%erence is %inis(ed t(e order can *e settled %inally. ?(e cost o% t(econ%erence &ill t(en *e spread o er or more cost centers, *ut can *e ie&ed in total o

t(e internal order &(en needed.

It is important to understand t(e di%%erence *et&een a settlement and an assessment cycAn assessment cycle distri*utes costs %rom one cost center to arious ot(er cost centerDou cannot assess %rom a cost center to an internal order or isa ersa. Assessment cycare only *et&een cost centers.

Settlements are used %or orders. In t(e setup o% eac( order is a \settlement rule\. In t(isettlement rule you tell t(e system to &(ic( cost centers t(e cost in t(e order must *esettled.

?ypically, you &ill eBecute t(e %ollo&ing procedure at mont(-ends:+. Settle all orders - t(is &ill settle all costs on orders to cost centers.. 1un assessment cycles - $o& t(at you (a e al costs against cost centers %rom your

orders, you can start distri*uting costs *et&een cost centers &it( assessments.

Costs are posted to an order. <(en you process a purc(ase order you post to t(e internalorder and not to a cost center. ?(e same applies to @ournals in FI. Dou &ill post t(e costto t(e order and not to a cost center. Dou &ill t(en settle t(e order on mont(-ends to postto t(e rele ant cost centers. It is ery important to settle t(ese orders ot(er&ise FI and CO&ill not *alance on your system.

Internal orders can also *e used as \statistical\ orders. ?(is is also speci%ied in t(e setupo% t(e order. Dou do not (a e to settle statistical orders. <(en posting costs, you &ill post to t(e cost center and t(e order simultaneously. 2ot( (a e to *e speci%ied &(en posting @ournals or purc(ase orders against statistical orders.

Populating ?ransaction ?ype during Order Settlement


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Dou (a e an internal order t(at you &ant to settle to a *alance s(eet account. ?(isaccounts %ield status ma'es t(e transaction type "2S!0-2!<A1# re uired. uringsettlement you recei e error message FJ 676 stating t(at t(is %ield is status initial *ut t(e%ield is re uired. ?(is %ield is not a aila*le to you in t(e settlement rule de%inition. I possi*le t(at t(is %ield is suppressed> Dou could not locate a means to display or re ui

it i% so. Dou attempted to resol e t(is using a su*stitution t(at &ould popluate t(etransaction type %ield. o&e er, during eBecution you did not (it t(e *rea'point you puinto t(e user eBit. o& to o ercome t(is issue>

Dou can c(ange t(e re uirement o% t(e %ield in t(e \Field Status\ o% t(e accoun"Financial Accounting --R 0eneral edger Accounting --R 2usiness ?ransaction --R 0/Account Posting --R Carry Out and C(ec' ocuments Settings --R ;aintain Field StatusVariants#


In transaction O24+ &(ere you de%ine posting 'eys and its \Field status\. 2ot( \FieldStatus\ are may*e di%%erent, *ut i% in one o% t(em t(e %ield is li'e \re uired entry\ (a e to c(ange it. 2ut i% you are posting a %iBed asset account, you &ill need t(is %icompleted *ecause it de%ines t(e mo ement you are ma'ing.

<(at is Production Order Settlement>

Settlement is not(ing *ut o%%setting t(e costs to t(e FI portion. CO o*@ects carry co&(ic( needs to *e re-assigned to t(e 0/ accounts &(ere it comes %rom.

CO ne er generates any dataL it only trac's t(e same onto some o*@ects &(ic( are

analy=ed %or de%inite purpose o% trac'ing t(e resources &(ic( are de*its in FI as costs0/ #.

In simple &ords, t(e %lo& is li'e %ollo&ing -

+. irect Costs are incurred "li'e material consumption# in %orm o% issues to prod orde?(ese are captured in 0/ . <(ene er you issue, consumption account is de*ited. 2ut arealso de*ited to prod order as

Consumption... rIn entory.......Cr

. Indirect costs are incurred in %orm o% de*its to Cost centers in 0/ s. ?(ese are actualto *e allocated G a*sor*ed in Products ia Prod Orders. So it is allocated to prod order

ia di%% media li'e costing s(eet or Indirect acti ity allocations.ere again Prod order is de*ited &it( some amount.


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<(en t(e costs are incurred t(ese s(ould *e trans%erred %urt(er &(en t(e order is closedor deli ered to stoc'. So &(ene er you deli er t(e order, t(e %ollo&ing entry isgenerated-

In entory.... r

Cost o% Prod /;%g Variance.....CrI% your Fin 0oods] predetermined cost are same as t(at o% actual costs incurred, t(ere &no price di%%erence account a%%ected. 2ut &(en your plan cost "target cost# G actualare di%%erent, t(e di%%erence is OFFS!? or S!??! ! to price di%% accounts as-

Cost o% Prod / ;%g Var.... rPrice di%% acc..........Cr

$ote t(at Price di%% account is not created as COS? ! !;!$?.

I% actual cost is less t(an target cost, entry &ould *e re erse.

o& does one eacti ate a Cost Center

o& does one deacti ate a Cost Center>

I can %ind a t.code to acti ate an Inacti e one *ut (o& do I deacti ate a CC. Or is it simple I cannot see it...

0o to ES7 - C(ange Cost Center. 0o to t(e Control ?a*. ?ic' on t(e c(ec'*oB %ordesired transaction acti ity you &ant to loc'. Any postings made against t(e cost centerunder loc'ed acti ity/ies &ill not *e allo&ed

?(an' you, I 'ne& I could *loc' t(e postings *ut I &ant to some(o& ma'e t(e CostCenter oo' Inacti e.

?o eBplain:

In transaction OE!O$ "C(ange Standard ierarc(y# I (a e 0reen ots %or Acti e CC]s.?(e legend "attac(ed# says a 1ed ot is %or Inacti e CC]s.

o& do you do t(at>

i ;arios, i% you &ant to c(ange t(e status to inacti e, t(e only option as %ar as my'no&ledge is concerned is to c(ange t(e alidity period. <(en you dou*le clic' t(e costcentre, details o% cost centre &ill *e displayed at t(e *ottom *y ? code OE!O$ and you


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&ill %ind t(e status o% cost centre t(ere, @ust rig(t o% t(at you &ill %ind *utton to c(t(e alidity period, c(ange t(e period to some %uture date t(en it turns to inacti e status.

I (ad c(anged t(e Validity Period *e%ore *ut I set it to start rig(t &(ere t(e pre ious time(ori=on ended so loo'ing in t(e %uture t(is &as al&ays acti e.

1e uires an Assignment to a CO O*@ect

?(e %irst time Account 6 7 7 &as only created in FI as a primary eBpense. A%ter t(is account &as created in CO too as a secondary eBpense and any posting &ill appear aerror: Account 6 7 7 re uires an assignment to a CO o*@ect

uestion: o& to correct t(is account *ac' to FI only and not to appear in co>

$ote:Account 6 7 7 re uires an assignment to a CO o*@ect ;essage no. EI 9J

iagnosis Dou (a e not de%ined a CO account assignment %or an account t(at is rele ato cost accounting. System 1esponse Account 6 7 7 is de%ined as a cost element. ?(means t(at you must al&ays speci%y a CO account assignment.


!nter one o% t(e %ollo&ing CO account assignments

Order Cost center / cost center/ acti ity type

Sales order item "%or a pro@ect or cost rele ant#Pro@ect / <2S elementCost o*@ect "Process manu%acturing# $et&or'/ $et&or' acti ities2usiness processPro%ita*ility segment1eal estate o*@ect?(e posting ro& a%%ected is 777, account 6 7 7.

First, i% 0/ account &as created in FI, you can only create primary cost element in CO.

Secondary cost element can only *e created i% no account eBists in FI.

Second, i% you created t(e primary or secondary cost element in CO, you (a e to assigCO account assignment.

Dou can delete cost element in CO "EO74# i% dependent o*@ects %ound.


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?(ird, &(en you create cost element in CO, documents &ould *e also created in Costcenter accounting8 and Pro%it center accounting8 &(en posing in FI. I% no cost elemeBists in CO, no related documents &ould *e created in CCA and PCA.

i%%erence 2et&een Primary and Secondary Cost !lement

!Bplain t(e di%%erence *et&een primary and secondary cost element> <it( an eBample.

Primary cost elements are li'e material costs, personnel costs, energy costs... &(ere acorresponding 0 account eBists in FI to allo& costs to %lo&...

Secondary cost elements are li'e production costs, material o er(eads, productiono er(eadsL t(ey can *e created and administered in only CO. ?(ese are used in internalcost allocation, o er(ead calculation, settlement transactionsL it does not %lo& to FI...

0eneral - Cost !lement

2asically, cost element are carriers o% costs.

Primary Cost !lement

<(en cost element carriers cost *et&een FI and CO t(ey are called Primary, t(e lin' is

esta*lis(ed 0 A/c T Cost element"Primary#. A uestion may arise as to &(et(er all 0accounts are cost element, it again depends upon t(e *usiness re uirement, &(ere COPAis acti e t(en re enue account "0 # are also cost elements, &(ere COPA is not acti et(en re enue account "0 # s(ould not *e made as an cost element.

!Bample....Again cost o% goods sold particularly in VAQ "ma'e to stoc'# is not an cost element,&(ere t(e same CO0S in VAD "ma'e to order# is a cost element. Price i%%erenceaccount s(ould not *e made as cost element.

!ntry &(ile *oo'ing eBpenses

?ra el !Bpenses A/c - &it( Cost Centre r. 1s.DD"&ill *e a 0 A/c and cost element# - entries %lo&s to CO t(ru FI?o Cas( A/c Cr. 1s.DD

Secondary Cost !lement

<(en cost element carries cost &it( in CO, t(en t(ey are called secondary cost element.


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!Bample.... - ?a'e Product Costing

on manu%acture o% t(e goods t(e cost o% t(e a*o e product "production order# is arri eaccumulating material cost M operational cost M o er(eads " #, additi e cost i% any.

?(e cost o% operation is accumulated in cost centre *e it production / production ser iceser ice cost centers, &(ile *oo'ing FI entries.

?(ose operational costs (a e to *e allocated to production order *ased on operationalacti ities carried on and its cost in ol ed in it. ?(ose operation acti ities in CO aretermed as acti ity types and (a e to lin' t(e same in EP ) &it( rates and cost centre "i.e.sender cost centre and recei er production order#.

In order to %ind t(e production order cost, t(e allocation o% cost %rom sender cost centr production order %or t(e operational acti ities carried on and its cost associated &it( i(a e to *e loaded, (ence in CO t(e cost centre allocate t(at portion o% operational cost to

production order, and t(is cost is carried *y a cost element "since t(ere are no FIin ol ement and entries are %lo&ing &it(in CO *y crediting sender cost centre ande*iting recei er production order a cost element (as to *e created.... say \OperationalCost - Acti ity\ t(e entry &ill *e

Operational Cost - Acti ity "Production Order# r 1s.QQ?o Operational Cost - Acti ity "Cost Centre# Cr 1s.QQ

t(e entries are &it( in CO. And t(e cost element created is secondary since it does not(a e a lin' &it( 0 Account in FI correspondingly.

In CO t(e production order and cost centre are co o*@ect including *ut not limited to.

1e uires an Assignment to a CO O*@ect

?(e %irst time Account 6 7 7 &as only created in FI as a primary eBpense. A%ter t(is account &as created in CO too as a secondary eBpense and any posting &ill appear aerror: Account 6 7 7 re uires an assignment to a CO o*@ect

uestion : o& to correct t(is account *ac' to FI only and not to appear in co>

$ote :Account 6 7 7 re uires an assignment to a CO o*@ect

;essage no. EI 9Jiagnosis

Dou (a e not de%ined a CO account assignment %or an account t(at is rele ant to costaccounting.


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System 1esponseAccount 6 7 7 is de%ined as a cost element.?(is means t(at you must al&ays speci%y a CO account assignment.


!nter one o% t(e %ollo&ing CO account assignmentsOrderCost center / cost center/ acti ity typeSales order item "%or a pro@ect or cost rele ant#Pro@ect / <2S elementCost o*@ect "Process manu%acturing# $et&or'/ $et&or' acti ities2usiness processPro%ita*ility segment1eal estate o*@ect

?(e posting ro& a%%ected is 777, account 6 7 7.

First, i% 0/ account &as created in FI, you can only create primary cost element in CO.

Secondary cost element can only *e created i% no account eBists in FI.

Second, i% you created t(e primary or secondary cost element in CO, you (a e to assigCO account assignment.

Dou can delete cost element in CO "EO74# i% dependent o*@ects %ound.

?(ird, &(en you create cost element in CO, documents &ould *e also created in Costcenter accounting8 and Pro%it center accounting8 &(en posing in FI. I% no cost elemeBists in CO, no related documents &ould *e created in CCA and PCA.

ata !ntry

!ntering In oice 1eceipts %or PO

?(e In oice Veri%ication component is part o% t(e ;aterials ;anagement ";;# system.It pro ides t(e lin' *et&een t(e ;; component and t(e Financial Accounting,

Controlling, and Asset Accounting components.In oice Veri%ication in ;aterials ;anagement ser es t(e %ollo&ing purposes:

- It completes t(e materials procurement process - &(ic( starts &it( t(e purc(asere uisition, continues &it( purc(asing and

goods receipt and ends &it( t(e in oice receipt- It allo&s in oices t(at do not originate in materials procurement "%or eBample, ser ice


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eBpenses, course costs, etc.# to *e processed- It allo&s credit memos to *e processed, eit(er as in oice cancellations or discounts

In oice Veri%ication does not (andle t(e payment or t(e analysis o% in oices. ?(e

in%ormation re uired %or t(ese processes is passed on to ot(er departments.In oice Veri%ication tas's include:

- !ntering in oices and credit memos t(at (a e *een recei ed- C(ec'ing t(e accuracy o% in oices &it( respect to contents, prices, and arit(metic- !Becuting t(e account postings resulting %rom an in oice- pdating certain data in t(e SAP system, %or eBample, open items and material prices- C(ec'ing in oices t(at &ere *loc'ed *ecause t(ey aried too greatly %rom t(e purc(aseorder

An eBample on (o& to enter an In oice 1eceipts :-?ransaction code;1 1 - ;; In oice Veri%ication and ;aterial Valuation

First Screen

ocument date: ate o% PO Company code :

ocument type: ?(ere are t&o standard document types in t(e standard system:1! - ?(e in oice is posted gross1$ - ?(e in oice is posted net

Posting date : ate o% open period Currency :

Purc(ase Order : PO $um*er

Second Screen


Amount : !nter t(e gross in oice amount ?aB code :

!nter and t(en clic'Simulate *uttonClic' Ad@ustment on/o%% *utton

Clic' !dit --R $e& item --R 0/ Account

a# !nter t(e0/ Account $um*er and clic' &(et(er e*it orCredit


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*# !nter t(eAmount andCost Center

1epeat Step a# and *# i% you (a e additional 0/ Account $um*er

?(ere must *e no Variance and 2alance must al&ays *e !1O *e%ore you can sa e t(e


i%%erence *et&een <it((olding ?aBes and !Btended ?aBes

<(at is t(e di%%erence *et&een <it((olding ?aBes and !Btended <it((olding ?aBes>

Please read t(is %or t(e same. I (a e mentioned prominent di%%erence *et&een t(e t&o.

<it((olding ?aB Classic <it((olding ?aB "All release# !Btended <it((olding ?aB "%rom

release 4#i%%erence *et&een t(e t&o

S.$o Indi idual Function Classic !Btended+ <it((olding ?aB on Outgoing payment Des Des

? S on Incoming Des9 ? S at t(e time o% Des4 ? S on partial payment DesJ $o. o% &it((olding taB %rom eac( document maB + Se eral) ? S *asis - $et mount Des Des

-0ross amount Des Des-?aB amount BDes

1ounding 1ule Des6 Cas( discount consideration Des

Accumulation+7 ;inimum/;aBimum amt and eBemption Des++ Certi%ication cum*ering Des

+ Calculation Formula Des Des

<it((olding taB is calculated and posted to t(e appropriate &it((olding taB accounts atdi%%erent stages, depending on t(e legal re uirements in eac( country. As a rul&it((olding taB is posted at t(e same time t(at t(e payment is posted, in ot(er &ords t(e


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outgoing payment "Accounts Paya*le# or incoming payment "Accounts 1ecei a*le#, reduced *y t(e &it((olding taB amount.

In certain countries, suc( as 2ra=il, t(e P(ilippines, and Spain, &it((olding taB can ormust *e posted &(en t(e in oice is posted. ?(is means t(at t(e amount recei a*le or

paya*le is reduced *y t(e &it((olding taB amount.!Btended &it((olding taB supports *ot( concepts.

?(e 'ey concept in eBtended &it((olding taB is t(e distinction *et&een &it((olding taBtype and &it((olding taB code. <(ile &it((olding taB types represent *asic calculationrules, speci%ic %eatures o% t(ese rules - in particular t(e percentage rate -are represented *y t(e &it((olding taB code. Dou can de%ine any num*er o% &it((oldintaB codes %or a gi en &it((olding taB type.

I% a particular transaction re uires more t(an one 'ind o% &it((olding taB, t(is is co erein t(e SAP System *y de%ining more t(an one &it((olding taB type.

<(en entering a line item, you can enter &it((olding taB data %or eac( o% t(ese&it((olding taB types.

o& to Con%igure <it((olding ?aB>

Steps %or eBtended &it((olding taB:

+. C(ec' &it((olding taB countries. e%ine !B. <it((olding taB types %or in oice postings9. e%ine !B. <it((olding taB codes4. Formula %or !B. <it((olding taB calculationJ. Assign !B. <it((olding taB types to Company code). Acti ate !B. <it((olding taB6. Create a 0/ a/C %or !B. <it((olding taB

. e%ine A/C %or !B. <it((olding taB " 2<<#+7. ;a'e c(anges in Vendor master "QE7 #++. ;aintain Company Code Settings:Pat(: I;0 --R ogistic --R 0eneral --R ?aBes on goods mo ement --R India --R ;aintain

company code settings+ . Acti ate country ersion %or speci%ic %iscal year positionPat(: I;0 --R FA --R --R FA0S --R ?aBes on sales purc(ases --R 2asic Setting --R India--R Acti ate country speci%ic %or %iscal year position

C(ange in ?aB

?(e transaction code to c(ange your taB rate isF?QP.


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It is re%erence to your taB codes.

?aB rates are al&ays updated &it( re%erence to F1O; A?!.

Dou need not speci%ied t(e ?o ate as t(e current From date *ecomes t(e ?o ate %or t(e

earlier rate.

<(at is Central Value-added ?aB and (o& it is con%igured>

<(at is C!$VA? "Central Value-added ?aB# and (o& it is con%igured>


2e%ore I am going to eBplain &(at cen at is, you (a e to under stand t(e Indian taBCentral !Bcise uty "2! #. It is called as *asic eBcise duty. ! ery manu%acturer is

lia*le to pay t(e eBcise duty in arious 'inds namely 2asic !Bcise uty, Special !Bciseuty, Additional !Bcise uty etc.,

3ust t(in' o er a product &(ic( is reac(ed to a end user, (o& many manu%acturingacti ities are done. So to reduce t(e taB *urden o% t(e end user, t(e 0o t. o% Indintroduce t(e ;O VA? sc(eme &(ic( is no& called C!$VA? sc(eme.

2ased on t(is, i% any manu%acturer purc(ased a material, &(ic( is duty paid, and i% itused %or (is %urt(er manu%acturing acti ity, (e can a ail t(is as credit in (is *oo' *aseon t(e Central !Bcise In oice. At t(e time o% selling (is manu%actured goods, (e is lia*to pay t(e eBcise duty. e can ad@ust t(e credit &(ic( (e (as ta'en into (is *oo' and pay

t(e rest. For eBample:C!$VA? a ailed at t(e time purc(ased arious goods 1s. 7,777 "!Bcise duty alone#

C!$VA? paya*le %or (is product at t(e time sales 1s. J,777e &ill pay only 1s.J777 t(roug( cas( deposit in P A.

?(is customi=ing is in SAP CI$ ;odule. I% you are (a ing t(e CI$ C , go t(roug(.

0ood !Bplanation. In addition to t(is. ?(e C!$VA? means, ?aB on Value Addition ont(e goods manu%actured according to Central !Bcise G Customs Act e%inition. ere t(

alue addition means t(e Additional Ser ices/Acti ities etc. &(ic( con erts t(e Input into Output, and t(e output is ne&ly recogni=ed as per t(e act as !Bcisa*le goods. i'e t(ist(e discussion is goes on %or de%inition.

In 4. SAP ersion, t(ere is no CI$ ersion separately, it is a aila*le &it( Standard SAPit sel%.

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Pro%it Accounting

CO-PA ?rans%er o% Incoming Sales Orders

In I;0, I assigned

+. Value %ields. uantity %ieldsand acti ated trans%er o% incoming sales orders %or \CO-PA trans%er o% Incoming SaOrders\. In CO-PA in%ormation system, I de%ined and eBecuted a report "record type Aactual data#. ?(e actual line item s(o&ed re enue amount 9),777. 2ut &(en I drilleddo&n to t(e alue %ields. ?(e system s(o&ed re enue T 7. o I miss somet(ing inCon%iguration>

P.S As &e are not implementing PP/PC, I do not maintain \ aluation using product cosestimates\ in CO-PA con%iguration.

Su*@ect: 1e: CO-PA ?rans%er o% Incoming Sales OrdersAs t(e data is appearing in t(e PA ta*les *ut not on yr report. One last t(ing t(at you canc(ec' is t(e &(et(er t(e report is loo'ing at current data or a ]summari=ation le el]. I% youare only loo'ing at t(e data %m summari=ation le els, t(en you &ill need to re%res( t(data in t(e summari=ation le els *y running transaction E! . Ot(er&ise any ne& deltaitems &ill not appear in yr report.

C(ec' t(is in 1eport c(ange / eBtras / per%ormance " 4.7a# or summari=ation in V9.


Su*@ect: 1e: CO-PA ?rans%er o% Incoming Sales OrdersIs your operating concern costing *ased or account *ased>I can]t t(in' o% anyt(ing else.

3ust to ma'e sure let8s go step *y step:+. t(ere are transactions in t(e system.

. ?(e report is created as %ollo&s:c(aracteristic T customerEey %igure T re enue, CO0S, order ty

aria*les T period %rom T BB.+ B

period to T BB.+ BPlan/act.ind. T 7ersion T not

applica*le %or actualrecord type T A

9. Value and uantity %ields &ere assigned in I;0 under AC? A POS?I$0 ---R SI$?!1FAC!.


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I% all t(e a*o e is true and it still doesn]t &or', you s(ould 'ic' t(e computer in t(e *...I=i

Su*@ect: 1e: CO-PA ?rans%er o% Incoming Sales Orders

Dou mean, on your report , it also does not &or' &it( record type \A\> On my report, nomatter &it( record type \A\ or \F\, it does not &or'. For you in%ormation, I created ane& report on I !A "SAP demo system# &it( t(e same settings, it &or's &it( recordtype \A\ and \F\. So it mig(t not cause *y t(e record type.

Su*@ect: 1e: CO-PA ?rans%er o% Incoming Sales Orders

?(e pro*lem lies in t(e &ay you created t(e report. It is o* ious t(at t(e system &or's.Dou did pic' up t(e re enue.

id you create a *asic report or a %orm report> I% t(e pro*lem persists, send me a detaidescription o% eac( line and eac( column and I]ll try to %ind t(e solution.

!rror ;essage

FI ocument: ist o% pdate ?erminations

?o analy=e t(e FI update error posting, ma'e use o% report1FV2!177 , FI ocument: listo% update termination.

!Becute t(e report &it( transaction codeSA96 orS!96.

FiBed Asset

Posting to Cost Center and Internal Order

I% you (a e added t(e %ield Internal order in t(e Asset ;aster as a statistical order andyou &ant your depreciation posted not only to t(e cost center *ut also to t(is order.

In transactionOAD1 in t(e I;0 you de%ine (o& depreciation posts to t(e depreciation posting rules - t(ere is a CO assignment *oB &(ere you (a e to tic' *ot( cost centers and

internal orders.Process FiBed Asset epreciation

! ery asset transaction immediately causes a c(ange o% t(e %orecasted depreciationo&e er, it does not immediately cause an update o% t(e depreciation and alue

ad@ustment accounts %or t(e *alance s(eet and pro%it and loss statements. ?(e planndepreciation is posted to t(e general ledger &(en you run t(e periodic depreciation


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posting run. ?(is posting run uses a *atc( input session to post t(e planned depreciation%or eac( posting le el %or eac( indi idual asset as a lump sum amount.

?(e calculation and sc(eduling o% depreciation, interest and re aluation are automaticallcontrolled *y 'eys in t(e system, or you can control t(em manually using a special

posting transaction. In *ot( cases, planned depreciation %rom Asset Accounting must * periodically posted to t(e corresponding asset and eBpense accounts o% t(e general ledgeDou carry out t(is posting using a *atc( input session. In addition to t(e ariousdepreciation types, interest and re aluation, t(is *atc( input session also posts t(eallocation and &riting o%% o% special reser es.

<(en t(e system posts depreciation, it creates collecti e documents. It does not createseparate documents %or eac( asset.

epreciation Posting 1un is done ia transaction code ]AFA2].

?(e program creates *atc( input sessions %or posting depreciation and interest to t(e 0/accounts in Financial Accounting and/or to Controlling.

Fields escription:-

Company code: Dour Company Code

Fiscal Dear : Dour %iscal year

Posting period: Dour depreciation period1eason %or posting run "c(oose one#

Planned posting run: Q "de%ault#

ist assets: "tic' i% you &ant to see t(e detail#

?est run^: "tic' i% you run in test mode else untic' %or production run#

;ain asset num*er: "you can speci%y certain asset num*er i% you clic' repeat run or tes

run# $ote:Clic' t(e eBecute *utton i% t(is is a test run.Clic' t(e menu *ar --R Program --R !Becute in *ac'ground i% t(is is a production run.

Dou s(ould get t(is message: Background job was scheduled for program RABUCH and print out the output!


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1elease and Process t(e 2atc( Input Session in transaction code ]S;9J ].

Process Session 1A2 C 77Q - isplay errors onlyAdditional %unctions

Q - ynpro standard si=eClic' t(e Process *utton

I% t(ere is error, t(e system &ill pop up t(e error message.

Correct t(e error and recreate t(e session in transaction ]AF2 ].

Fields escription:-

Company code: !nter your company code

Fiscal year: !nter your %iscal year

Posting period: !nter your posting period

ist assets: "tic' i% you &ant to see t(e detail#

?est run: "tic' i% you run in test mode else untic' %or production run#

$ote:Clic' t(e eBecute *utton i% t(is is a test run.

Clic' t(e menu *ar --R Program --R !Becute in *ac'ground i% t(is is a production run.Dou s(ould get t(is message:

Background job was scheduled for program RABUCH and print out the output!

Dear-end Closing

?(e year-end closing ena*le t(e company to produced t(e %inal *alance s(eet and pro%and loss statement %or its annual report, &(ic( (as to *e created to meet t(e particularlegal o*ligations in eac( country.

Once t(e %iscal year is closed, you can no longer post or c(ange alues &it(in AsseAccounting "%or eBample, *y recalculating depreciation#. ?(e %iscal year t(at is closedal&ays t(e year %ollo&ing t(e last closed %iscal year. Dou cannot close t(e current %isyear.

A3A2 - Dear-!nd Closing Asset Accounting


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Company code : Dour Company code

Asset classed asset u. const. : Optional

For %iscal year : ast closed %iscal year

nc(ec' ]?est run] i% t(is is a production run

At menu *ar, clic' Program --R !Becute in *ac'ground.

1e erse Dear-end closing

I% you closed a %iscal year too soon, and still need to ma'e corrections, you can reset tlast closed %iscal year in Customi=ing %or :-

Asset Accounting "Periodic processing --R Dear-end closing --R 1e erse#.sing t(is %unction, you can re-open t(e last closed %iscal year, eit(er %or select

depreciation areas in a company code, or %or all depreciation areas in a company codDou do t(is *y c(anging t(e %ield %or t(e last closed %iscal year.

2e care%ul i% you re-open a %iscal year only %or certain depreciation areas, and you nema'e ad@ustment postings only in t(ese areas. Dou cannot use t(e standard transactiontypes %or t(ese postings, since t(e standard transaction types post to all depreciationareas. Instead, you (a e to de%ine your o&n transaction types in Customi=ing %or AsAccounting "?ransactions#, limiting t(em to t(e re uired depreciation areas.

OAA - 1e erse year-end closing %or depreciation area

At t(e desired company code, c(ange t(e %iscal year in ]Closed %iscal year ] column.

Sa e entries and create a ne& re uest.

C(ange Asset %iscal year

A31< - Asset %iscal year c(ange

Company code: Dour Company code

$e& %iscal year: ast closed %iscal year

nc(ec' ]?est run] i% t(is is a production run

At menu *ar, clic' Program --R !Becute in *ac'ground.

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Post Capitali=ation "asset (a en]t *een post in closed %iscal year#

I% you reali=ed t(at t(ere are some %iBed assets t(at (a en]t *een post in a closed %iyear,

o t(e %ollo&ing steps:-+. 1e erse %iscal year closed *y %ollo&ing t(e ]1e erse Dear-end Closing] procedure.

. Open t(e accounting %iscal year ia transaction ]O2J ].

9. Post t(e %iBed asset ac uisitions in t(e re-open %iscal year.

4. 1epeat depreciation run %or t(e last period o% t(at closed %iscal year.

J. 1epeat depreciation run %or t(e last period depreciation run o% t(e current %iscal yea

). Closed %iscal year *y %ollo&ing t(e ]Dear-end closing] procedure.

. Closed t(e accounting %iscal year ia transaction ]O2J ].

;ass c(ange %or assets

Su*@ect: ;ass c(ange %or assets

I am eBperiencing pro*lems in OA7 , Asset ;ass C(ange. I am using 4.)C.

<(at (appened &as t(at I created t(e Su*stitution, and t(en created t(eStep, and I t(en SAV! . I am not sure i% I need to create a 1 ! or not. I(a e already de%ined in a S?!P, "using Formula 2uilder# t(at most assets *elonging to a certain asset class, 7++ &it( a current Cost centre,

7+, are to *e assigned to anot(er Cost Centre 7 , &it(in t(e same Co.Code. I t(en sa ed t(e Su*stitution, alt(oug( I noticed t(at t(ere &as a \>\Icon neBt to t(e 1 !S %older. I am &ell a&are t(at %or ?ime ependent

ata, &e &ould need to speci%y a \Valid From\ date. "A A? , in ?a*le A$ # 2ut,do &e need to speci%y a \Valid ?o\ date as &ell>

;y data is li'e t(is.....

P1!1! ISI?!S: Asset Class T9 ] 7++]

S 2S?I? ?IO$: Valid From is su*stituted *y Constant ]+ .76. 77+]Cost Centre is su*stituted *y Constant ] 27 ]

I% I need to create a 1ule, <(at &ould I need to enter>


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I t(en created a <or' ist, and assigned t(e Su*stitution to it. A%tert(is, I generated t(e <or' list in 2ac'ground using A19+.

! eryt(ing seems o', *ut &(en I c(ec' t(e Assets, I still see t(e oldCost Centre, $O? t(e $e& Cost Centre.

Su*@ect: 1!: ;ass c(ange %or assets

1ules are not re uired.Dou get a> 2ecause you pro*a*ly started to create one and did not%inis(.

For a Cost centre mass c(ange, i% you &ant to (a e it time dependent,you must speci%y ] alid %rom] and ] alid to] in t(e su*stitution rule.In con%ig you determine i% you &ant to use t(e time dependency or not"de%ault is: Des

Asset master data upload

Any one could (elp me, pls> I am ne& to Asset accounting &(ile I (a e a potential @o%or mass upload o% master data using transaction AS7 . Focus is to con ert t(e assuper num*er %rom an old re%erence to a ne& re%erence "to *e determined *y client#

some ot(er %ield modi%ications included in t(e re uest.I &ould *e using 2APIUFIQ! ASS!?UC A$0! %or instance. <(at ta*le/s I s(all loo'into to eBplore t(e system re uirements %or t(is>

?o ma'e a mass c(ange, you (a e t&o options:

+. I% t(e c(ange o% t(e %ield can *e put into an algorit(m "e.g., enter QD as a supnum*er %or all assets in class + 94#, you can use a mass c(ange rule. Dou %irst de%inmass c(ange rule in t(e same &ay as you &ould de%ine an asset su*stitution "IFsomet(ing, ? !$ somet(ing else#, t(en you go into t(e mass c(ange transaction, select

t(e rig(t assets, t(e proper c(ange rule ... and (it !Becute.. Very o%ten, it is easier to prepare t(e data in !Bcel and use transaction AS7 %or t

upload. ere, I can recommend transaction S;< - you simulate "and record# t(e AS7transaction on one %iBed asset master, t(en %ollo& all t(e steps proposed *y t(e syste"de%ine %iBed alues, aria*les, etc.# and %inally upload t(e !Bcel ".cs #. Systemautomatically generate a *atc( input %or all assets. It may ta'e some time %or you i% y

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do it %or t(e %irst time, *ut it is t(e *est &ay i% you &ould ot(er&ise need to de%compleB algorit(ms.

So - use option + i% you (a e a simple algorit(m %or many assets, and option i% \ecase is di%%erent\ or i% you %eel more com%orta*le in !Bcel t(an A2AP. Option

simple, *ut o% course ta'es some time to generate t(e upload and t(en run t(e *atc(sessions "&(ile option + c(anges e eryt(ing instantly in a matter o% seconds#.

I8 e read you post re mass c(anges o% t(e %iBed assets and also interesting in ttransaction code %or t(e mass c(anges.

Also I did not understand %or S;< (o& to simulate "record# AS7 transaction, couldyou pls descri*e clearer (o& to do it> Or *etter send t(e CSV %ile as an eBample_

ere are t(e details:

I. ?o use mass c(ange:+. First, de%ine a mass c(ange rule in transaction OA7 "Accounting - Financiaaccounting - FiBed assets - !n ironment - ;ass c(ange rule#. For eac( company code,you can de%ine one rule "or a se uence o% t(em#. o&e er, all o% t(em &ill al&ayeBecuted at t(e same time. ?(ere%ore, i% you need to de%ine di%%erent rules %or diassets, you &ill (a e to do t(is repeatedly. ?ec(nically, t(is is done in t(e same &ay asAA su*stititution.

. Once t(e rule is de%ined, you need to select assets %or mass c(ange. 0o to transactioA17+ "Accounting - Financial accounting - FiBed assets - !n ironment - <or' list -

0enerate#. !nter selection criteria li'e on any standard AA report, and run !Becute. Icannot simulate t(is no& on my system "&e do not (a e AA#, *ut it s(ould as' &(at you&ant to do "mass c(ange, mass retirement, etc.# and as' %or a name o% t(e &or' list "&rianyt(ing - e.g., Super num*er c(ange#. ?(e system &ill s(o& you a list o% selected assetin a report %ormat. C(ec' it and ma'e sure t(at it is correct. Dou may add or remo esingle assets %rom t(is "no& cannot tell you (o&, *ut it is possi*le#. I% you are (appy &t(e list, sa e it.

9. ?(e last step is eBecution o% t(e c(ange. 0o to transaction A19+ "same pat( as a*o e#eBecute t(e report and i% you are (appy &it( t(e list "same as in step #, press Sa eSystem &ill s(o& you a log o% c(ange "&(at &ent t(roug(, &(ic( errors occurred#. Dou

are done.II. S;<

S;< is a transaction, &(ic( &ill let you mass upload almost any ot(er transaction"F27+, F 7+, AS +, etc.#. Dou do it in t(e %ollo&ing &ay:+. !nter into transaction S;< "no menu pat(#, possi*ly in a de elopment / test system

. First, de%ine a pro@ect, su*pro@ect and o*@ect "relati ely %ormal tas'#.


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9. On t(e (ori=ontal menu, go to 0oto --R 1ecordings. Clic' on \Create recording\.4. !nter t(e name and description o% recording "%reely de%ina*le#.J. I cannot simulate t(is no& in my system, *ut SAP &ill as' you a*out transaction code"AS7 # and &ill ta'e you into t(e AS7 transaction. In t(is step, do t(e c(ange manually.;a'e sure you \touc(\ "c(ange / &rite somet(ing# in all %ields &(ic( you &ant to

update.). Once you are done, sa e t(e recording and return on t(e start page o% S;<. Clic'\!Becute\.

. Dou &ill see a list o% tas's. o t(em one *y one. ?(ey s(ould *e relati ely simple "andI cannot (elp you &it( t(em#. Important is step 9 "maintain source %ields# - (ere youde%ine t(e columns o% your eBcel "CSV# %ile in t(e particular order. In step J "%ieldmapping and con ersion rule#, you assign %ile columns to SAP %ields "note t(at you &isee only t(ose %ields &(ic( you \touc(ed\ during recording#. Dou need to go t(roug( allt(e steps. In t(e end, you get "and run# a *atc( session.6. I% you did t(is in a de elopment system, transport t(e S;< o*@ect "menu !Btras -!Bport pro@ect, !Btras - Import pro@ect#. Dou (a e to do it ia %ile, not ia standard

transports o% con%iguration "it is per(aps more simple#.I cannot simulate it no& "no AA module around#, so I (ope it &ill &or'. et me 'no& i%it does not. ;a'e sure you test it %irst in de elopment or uality system[ And let us 'no&your %eed*ac'[

+. ?(ere is \company\ %ield in t(e Company Code glo*al settings. ?(e 1/9 (elp says t(atit is *eing used %or consolidation. <e can use 0roup C(art o% account to do t(e same.<(at is t(e signi%icance o% t(is %ield>

A#. Company is an organi=ational unit &(ic( is generally used in t(e legal consolidation

to roll up %inancial statements o% se eral company codes. A company can include one omore company codes. I% &e are going %or Consolidation, &e need to enter t(e ) c(aractealp(anumeric company identi%ier t(at relates to t(is company code. Company Codes&it(in a Company must use t(e same c(art o% accounts and %iscal year. And %orconsolidation purpose &e use 0roup COA &(erein &e lin' t(e Operating COA t(ruentering t(e 0 account no. o% t(e 0roup COA in t(e 0 Account o% t(e OperatingCOA.

. <(en &e copy t(e COA, only one Fin Stat Version is *eing copied. A COA can (a emany Fin Stat Versions. <(y copying o% COA allo&s only one Fin St Ver>

A#. A %inancial statement ersion corresponds to t(e c(art o% accounts and &(ereinIndi idual "operational# accounts are assigned to t(e corresponding FS item on t(e lo&esle el o% t(is ersion. 2ut as %or t(e rollup o% Accounts is not possi*le in all t(e FSV&(ic( can *e copied, n rat(er can update manually n create multiple FSVs i% necessarydepending on t(e Financial Statements &(ic( are necessary %or t(e Organi=ation.

9. <(at are t(e in%ormation t(at are not copied to ne& company code &(en &e copycompany code>


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9A#. All t(e Organi=ational units "0lo*al ata# %or a company code &ill * copied to ne&company code upon using t(e copy %unction eBcept %or t(e transactional data.

4. <(et(er one group c(art o% account can *e assigned to Operational c(arts. For !g.I$?A and I$?2 is *eing used *y group o% company as OCA. <(et(er 0CA 01P can *e

assigned to I$?A and I$?2>4A#. Des, 0roup COA can *e assigned i.e., t(e 0 A/c.$o. is lin'ed to t(e 0 Accountso% t(e *ot( Operating COA . ?(at means 0roup COA consists o% uni ue set o% Account&(ic( can *e lin'ed to Op.COA 5+ and Op.COA 5 .

SAP FI/CO ?ips *y:

Ans: .$o.+. In t(e SAP system, consolidation %unctions in %inancial accounting are *ased on companies. A company can comprise one or more company codes. ForeBample: Company A (a e 4 company codes &(ic( is eBisting in di%%erent state and / o

country. <(en Company A &ants to consolidated t(e accounts, it &ill gi e t(e commonlist o% accounts &(ic( in turn called group c(art o% accounts. 0roup c(art o% account isused to de%ine/ list t(e 0 account uni%ormly %or all company codes.

Ans: .$o. . In SAP 1/9 system, &ill allo& only one %inancial statement ersion %orsingle COA &(ic( you need to assign t(e same &(ile copying t(e COA. ?.code O2D

Ans: .$o.9. <(en you &ant to create FDV, PPV, COA etc %or ne& company code&(ic( is as same as eBisting company code, t(en you can copy all t(e in%ormation %romt(e source company code to t(e target company else &(ate er is re uired as per t(e ne&company code re uirement you can only copy t(e same, rest you can create as per t(e

re uirement. %or eBample Fiscal year %or ne& company code may *e s(ortened %iscal&(ic( is di%%er %rom t(e eBisting company code. In t(is case, %iscal year %or ne& comcode you (a e to create and assign it to company code.

Ans: .$o.4. Operational c(art o% accounts is somet(ing di%%er %rom t(e 0roup c(art o%accounts *ut 0roup c(art o% account can *e assigned to Operating c(art o% account + and

t(roug( 0 account no.

Operating c(art o% accounts: ?(e operating c(art o% accounts contains t(e 0 accountst(at you use %or posting in your company code during daily acti ities. Financialaccounting and controlling *ot( use t(is c(art o% accounts. Dou (a e to assign anoperating c(art o% account to a company code.

0roup c(art o% accounts: ?(e group c(art o% accounts contains t(e 0 accounts t(at areused *y t(e entire corporate group. ?(is allo&s t(e company to pro ide reports %or t(eentire corporate group.

o& do I 'no& &(ic( target cost ersion &e are using>


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?o %ind out &(ic( ersion is used %or your ?arget Cost, try t(is menu pat(

I;0 R Controlling --R Product Cost Controlling --R Cost O*@ect Controlling --R ProductCost *y Order --R Period-end Closing --R Variance Calculation --R e%ine ?arget CostVersions "tcode OEV)#.

o& do you c(ange t(e \Input taB code - Assets &it(out input taB\ alue %or a companyin Asset Accounting> ?ec(nically, (o& do you c(ange %ield ;<SE VA %ield in ta*le?7 9C> ?IA.

Dou can use transaction ]O2C ].

Via customi=ing: Asset accounting --R Integration &it( general ledger --R Assign inputtaB indicator %or non-taBa*le ac uisitions

1e uire 01 G IV report

Is t(ere any report on 01 pending %or IV>

Dou could try eBecuting program 1F<!1!77, &it(out postings.?(is is t(e same program &(ic( is used %or period end closing- regrouping o% 01/I1...*ut%or only a report do not create postings. "Or#

;ay *e transaction ;2JS can (elp you out.

1etained Pro%it Account

A%ter you run t(e 0 *alance carry %or&ard, you only manage to 'no& t(e *alance carry%or&ard %or t(e retained pro%it account *ut you don]t (o& muc( is actually post to t(e particular account. Dou (a e try almost all o% t(e standard report *ut still can]t %ind anyreport t(at can s(o& you t(e %igure.

?(e *alance carried %or&ard is only a ]calculated] %igure and not a ]posted] %igure. ?(e *rea'-up o% t(e retained earnings %igure is a aila*le &(en you run t(e *alance carried%or&ard report.

Dou can also deri e t(e *alance *y selecting only t(e PG Accounts %or t(e rele ant period. ?(e net *alance o% t(ese accounts s(ould e ual t(e retained earnings account.

AC payment con%iguration

2ased on 4.72. Is it possi*le to con%igure t(e system %or AC payments or do &e need tupgrade>


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Dou can use 1FFO SU? to produce an AC %ile. Dou may (a e to use user eBits to&rite (eader and trailer records. Please read documentation on t(is program and it is sel%eBplanatory.

oc'ing o% Planning ata in Pro%it Center Accountingo& to loc' planning data in pro%it center accounting.

In 4.) * t(e transaction is SUA 1U6 7749 J - ;aintain Versions you can loc' ersions%or eac( %iscal year

C(anges in endor master

Is t(ere a report &(ic( s(o&s c(anges in endor master data>

$ot only %or one li'e ;E74 or QE74 *ut %or a range li'e all c(anges in endors per code."S(ould *e similar to customer master transaction OVJ+#

Dou can use report \1FEA2 77\.

In t(e accounts paya*le reporting menu t(is program can *e %ound ia:Accounts paya*le --R Ade uacy and documentation --R ;aster data --R isplay o%

endor c(anges

" epending on your SAP ersion o% course#

2an' Statement pload

o& to use t(e program 1F!2EA?Q> ?(is creates t&o %iles S?A?!.?Q? andI?!;.?Q?.

o& are t(ese %iles imported into SAP>

?ry using program 1F!2EA77 to upload t(e t&o %iles.

- one is t(e (eader %ile containing t(e ouse *an' G account in%ormation along &it( t(edate and t(e statement num*er- t(e ot(er is t(e item details


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uestion GAns&ers %or SAP FI/CO Certi%ication Sample uestions

<(ic( o% t(e %ollo&ing statements are correct>


A ;ore t(an one c(art o% accounts can *e created %or eac( client2 ?(e c(art o% accounts contains all t(e 0/ accounts, endor accounts and customeraccountsC ;ore t(an one company code can *e allocated to t(e same c(art o% accounts

?(e c(art o% accounts controls all t(e customi=ing settings in t(e 1/9 system! All accounts &it(in a c(art o% accounts must (a e t(e same taB code

uestion:<(at status reports does Cas( ;anagement and %orecasting include>


A. Cas( management position2. i uidity %orecast C. Credit limit report

. 0/ account *alances !. 2ill (oldings

uestion:<(ic( o% t(e %ollo&ing are clearing procedures in accounts recei a*le>

Ans&er: A. Incoming payment

2. o&n payment re uestC. Credit memo . ?rans%er posting

uestion:<(en creating an O er(ead Cost Order, t(e %irst order in%ormation &(ic( must *eentered is:

Ans&er: A. Order status2. Order type C. Settlement type

. Currency!. Classi%ication code


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uestion:<(en creating an O er(ead Cost Order, t(e settlement rule must *e entered in t(e controldata.<(ic( settlement recei ers are a aila*le %or internal orders>

Ans&er: A. Cost center 2. Orders C. 0eneral ledger accounts

. Asset !. Vendor

uestion:In Controlling, a distinction is made *et&een master data, planning, actual data and t(ein%ormation system.<(ic( o% t(e %ollo&ing master data *elongs to Controlling>

Ans&er: A. 0/ account2. <or' centerC. Cost center

. Acti ity type !. Supplier

uestion:<it(ing O er(ead Cost Controlling acti ities are calculated. A Sender/1ecei errelations(ip eBists. o&e er, not all Sender/1ecei er com*inations are allo&ed.

<(ic( o% t(e %ollo&ing com*inations ma'e *usiness sense>Ans&er: A. Sender. Cost Center, Order, Pro@ect

1ecei er. Cost Center, Order, Pro@ect2. Sender. Order

1ecei er. Cost Center, Pro@ectC. Sender. Cost Center

1ecei er. Cost Center, Order, Pro@ect, Cost O*@ect

uestion:Period closing acti ities are also per%ormed in Controlling. ?(is is dependent on certain prere uisites. <(ic( o% t(e %ollo&ing are ;I$I; ; criteria *e%ore it ma'es sense tocarry out period closing>

Ans&er: A. ?(e posting period (as *een closed.


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2. ;aterials (a e *een &it(dra&n.C. Personnel costs (a e *een incurred.

. O er(ead (as *een incurred. !. An order &as closed.

FI/CO Inter ie& uestions <(at is APC>

APC stands %or Ac uisition and Production costs. Ac uisition means any asset &(ic( yomay ac uire/ purc(ase eBternally. It includes in oice price and ot(er related eBp.Associated &it( it li'e customs, octroi, %reig(t &(ic( you add and arri e at total cost o%ac uisition %or capitali=ation o% t(e asset. For eB Say a computer. ?(e total cost &(ic(you incur %or t(e ac uisition o% t(e computer including installation &ill *e your APC

Production cost means any asset &(ic( is created internally &it(in t(e organi=ation. ?(is

is normally created *y means o% A C and you go on adding cost to t(e A C as and &(enyou incur eBp. %or t(e same. For eB. say addition to t(e o%%ice *uilding. ?(ere%ore APincludes any eBternal ac uisition or internal construction o% eBp. &(ic( needs to *ecapitali=ed.

In OA 2 under 7+ deprn area Ac uisition G prod Cost tic' is acti ated.

?(is is umapat(y, I (a e inter ie& tomorro&, i% any*ody (a e ta'en inter ie& &it( anycompany, 'indly let me 'no& &(at t(e uestions t(ey &ill *e as'ing, (o& &ill *e t(einter ie&. o& t(e uestions &ill *e on con%iguration, implementation side and ot(er

uestions pl=.. S(are &it( me.

Pl. prepares yoursel% on t(e %ollo&ing *road lines:

Implementation eBp.:2rie% a*out t(e pro@ect you did: &.r.t. t(e main acti ity o% t(e client, o& many plantst(ey (ad, <(at modules &ere implemented, <(o &ere t(e implementers, <(at8s t(eimplementation team si=e, o& many &ere in your module team, <(at8s your role in t(e pro@ect &it( respect to t(e acti ities you partoo' in t(e pro@ect, ?(e !nterprise Structure&it( regard to t(e no. o% Company Codes, any 2usiness Areas or Pro%it Centers de%ineCost Centers de%ined, <(at8s t(e period o% t(e pro@ect, <(en did t(ey 0o- i e>, Anyissues you8d sol ed during Support8 p(ase>

uestions on conceptual understanding:a# SAP 1/9 de%inition and 9-?ier Arc(itecture *# 1eal time integration8 ad antage o% SAPc# ASAP met(odologyd# Solution ;anagere# Client / Company / Company Code / 2usiness Area%# 2usiness Area s Pro%it Center Approac(


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g# o& e%%ecti e &ill *e t(e Financial Statements generated t(roug( 2usiness Area(# <it( olding ?aBes s !Btended < ?i# Field Status Concepts "0/ master %ields controlled t(roug( Account 0roup and

ocument entry t(roug( Field Status 0roup set in t(e 0/ master# @# Special 0/ transactions

'# Open item managementl# 1econciliation Accountsm# Su*sidiary edgersn# Sort 'eyo# $egati e Postings Allo&ed p# Special periods

# Only *alances in local currencyr# Important Posting 'eys %or 0/ , A/1, A/P, AA, Stoc' !ntriess# Assessment s istri*utiont# Org. Structure %or FIu# Org. Structure %or CO

# Product Costing: o& t(e alues %lo& in t(e systemCon%iguration:a# !Btended <it( olding ?aBes con%iguration steps 5 rig(t %rom creation o% < ?aB?ypes, Codes to Annual 1eturn *# FI-;; Integration "O2DC con%iguration &it( particular re%erence to O%%-Settingentries#c# FI-S integrationd# o&n Payments transactionse# Interest 5 2alances / Arrears%# Asset Accounting: Asset Class, ;ain Asset, Su*-Asset, 0roup Asset, ep. Areas,

ep. Eey, ?ransaction $o.s "+77- !Bternal ac uisition, +7 5 1etirement &it( 1e enue,etc.#, Imp. ?ransaction Codes.

0eneral uestions:a# !ducational 2ac'ground *# <(at in%luenced you to go in %or SAP career>c# Functional Careerd# Present earnings s !Bpected paye# Inclination to relocate

SAF FI ?ec(nical Inter ie& uestions

+. o& can *e or in &(at &ay *aseline date is important in AutomaticPayment Program run>

?(e 2aseline date is used to calculate t(e due date *y ta'ing into account t(e payment terms. On t(e APP, t(e *aseline date (elps to pic' t(e rele ant in oices%or payment. uring t(e APP run &(en in oices are pulled into t(e run, t(esystem c(ec's t(e $eBt Payment ate8 *e%ore pic'ing t(e in oices to *e paid.


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. <(ile posting transaction, can &e gi e cost centre / production order at time.Des it is possi*le, *ut in suc( situation cost centre &ill *e real and production order isstatically.

I% you assign *ot( cost center and Prd Order t(en since Prod. Order are real co o*@ect,

Cost center entry &ould *e statistical.6. <(ic( ;aster data uploads &ill *e done>

?(e uestion is not ery clear. I% you are tal'ing a*out CO ;aster ata. ?(en Cost centerneed to *e uploaded. Dou can use ata ?rans%er <or'*enc( or &rite a*ap %or it.

. Can &e run Payment Program gi ing " FC endor details # City *an' in Paymentrun program>

Des can *e possi*le, t(is can resol ed t(roug( ran'ing order and *an' optimi=ation in

F2 P.Dou use %urt(er selection in proposal parameter, i% you &ould li'e to %ilter t(e open item *ased on t(e city

+7. <(at does document (eader control> Field status.

++. A%ter entering a document can you delete t(e entry> Can you c(ange t(e document><(ic( %ields8 can/not is c(anged>

ocument (eader cannot *e c(anged, a%ter posting t(e document you cannot c(ange.

Only i% you &ant to c(ange t(e document t(e rese ersal entry.+ . <(at is a special 0 transaction>

?(e transaction ot(er t(an A/P and A/1 is called t(e special g/l transaction %or eB: 2ills o%eBc(ange, Interest paya*le, ac uisition

+9. o& do you re erse cleared documents>

2y doing re ersal posting.

+4. <(at is *ase line date> <(y is t(at used> Can t(is *e c(anged>For payment terms it is used. 2ase line date is t(e due date.

+J. o& many statistical o*@ects can *e selected in &(en you post an FI document><(ere CCtr, PCtr, O; are acti e>

Only t&o


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SAF FI ?ec(nical Inter ie& uestions +

+. ?ell me a*out FI Organi=ational structure>Ans: Client

WOperating Concern

WControlling area+ Controlling Area

WCo. Code + Co. Code W

2us area + 2us area 2us Area9 2us Area 4

. o& many $ormal and Special periods &ill *e t(ere in %iscal year, &(y do u usespecial periods>Ans: + $ormal posting period and 4 special periods are in t(e %iscal year &(ic( can *eused %or posting taB and audit ad@ustments to a closed %iscal year.

9. <(ere do you open and close periods>

Ans: PPV is used to open and close t(e periods *ased on a/c types considering 0Accounts. ?r. Code. O2J .

4. <(at do you enter in Company code 0lo*al settings>Ans: 4 digit alp(anumeric 'ey. $ame o% t(e companyCityCountryCurrency


J.<(at is document type, and &(at does it control> !Bamples.Ans: ocument type is not(ing ouc(ers containing line items. Se eral *usinesstransactions can *e identi%ied &it(in a particular document type.It controls t(e document num*er ranges.It controls t(e eader part o% documentI? controls t(e line item le el o% t(e document

elps %iling o% p(ysical document


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). <(at is posting 'ey and &(at does it control>Ans: ?(ese are special classi%ication 'eys. ?&o c(aracter numerical 'ey it controls t(eentry o% line items.Posting 'ey determines Account typeL e*it/credit posting, Field status o% transaction.

. <(at is %ield status group, &(at does it control>Ans: FS0 is mandatory %ield in 0 Creation. Dou use t(is %ield to de%ine &(ic( %ields displayed &(en you post *usiness transactions to a 0/ account.A %ield may (a e one o% t(e %ollo&ing statuses.- Suppressed- isplay , Optional- 1e uired

6. <(at is c(art o% account and (o& many c(arts o% accounts can *e assigned to acompany>Ans: C(art o% account is a list o% all 0/ accounts used *y one or se eral company code

For eac( 0/ account, t(e c(art o% accounts contains t(e account num*er, account name,and t(e in%ormation t(at controls (o& an account %unctions and (o& a 0/ account iscreated in a Company code.

Dou (a e to assign a c(art o% accounts to eac( company code. ?(is c(art o% accounts ist(e Operating c(art o% accounts and is used %or t(e daily postings in t(is company code.

Dou (a e t(e %ollo&ing options &(en using multiple company codes.Dou can use t(e same c(art o% accounts %or all company codes

I% t(e company codes all (a e t(e same re uirements %or t(e c(art o% accounts set up,assign all o% t(e indi idual company codes to t(e same c(art o% accounts. ?(is could *et(e case i% all company codes are in t(e same country.

In addition to t(e operating c(art o% accounts, you can use t&o additional c(arts o%accounts I% t(e indi idual company codes need di%%erent c(arts o% accounts, you canassign up to t&o c(arts o% accounts in addition to t(e operating c(art o% accounts. ?(iscould *e t(e case i% company codes lie in multiple countries.

?(e use o% di%%erent c(arts o% accounts (as no e%%ect on t(e *alance s(eet and pro%iloss statement. <(en creating t(e *alance s(eet or t(e pro%it and loss statement, you can

c(oose &(et(er to *alance t(e co[ many codes &(ic( use di%%erent c(arts o% accountstoget(er or separately.

. <(at does de%inition o% a c(art o% account contains>Ans: c(art o% account 'ey $ame;aintenance language

engt( o% t(e 0 Account $um*er

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Controlling Integration0roup c(art o% accounts "Consolidation#2loc' Indicator

+7. Can one COA *e assigned to se eral companies>

Ans: yes. One COA can *e assigned to se eral companies.++# <(at is account group and &(at does it control>Ans: Account group determines &(ic( %ields you can con%igure on t(e 0/ master recordIt is necessary to (a e at least t&o one %or 2/S and anot(er one %or PG a/c.It controls t(e $um*er ranges o% 0 A/C.?(e status o% %ields o% t(e master record o% 0 *elongs to company code area.

+ # <(at is reconciliation accountL can you directly enter documents in t(at a/c>

Ans: <(en you p[ ost items to a su*sidiary ledger, t(e system automatically posts t(esame data to t(e general ledger. !ac( su*sidiary ledger (as one or more reconciliationaccounts in t(e general ledger.<e can8t use reconciliation account %or direct postings.

+9# o& do you control %ield status o% 0 master records and %rom &(ere do youcontrol[Ans: Field status ariant is maintained all FS0s.

+4# <(at are t(e segments o% 0 master record>Ans:- COA Segment

A/C group $ature o% accountS(ort teBt0 a/c long teBt?rading partner0roup Account $um*er- Company code segmentAccount currency?aB1econciliation a/c %or a/c typeOI;, I ,FS0.

+J# <(at does Field status group assigned to a 0 master record controls>Ans: It controls t(e account assignments t(at are made to t(e account. Speci%ically t(e%ield status group controls &(et(er postings to cost centers, internal orders, pro%ita*ilitysegments and so on are re uired, not allo&ed "suppressed#, or optional.

+)# <(at is Country and operational c(art o% account> <(y do you use group c(art o%account>


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Ans: Operational c(art o% account 5 ay to day acti ities It is mandatory.Country COA 5 It8s used %or legal speci%ic re uirement o% eac( country. It8s additionand optional.0roup COA used %or consolidation o% Company codes. ?(is is %or group consolidation purpose.

+ # <(at are all t(e segments in a Customer/Vendor master record>Ans: Segments in Customer Segments in Vendor- 0eneral ata segment 0eneral data segment- Company code segment Company code segment- Sales area segment purc(asing organi=ation Segment

+6# <(at is open line item management> <(at do you mean *y clearing open line items>

Ans: Open item management is %urt(er reconciliation %unction. OI; allo&s you todisplay t(e open and cleared items and amounts in an account. OI; s(ould *e used i% an

o%%setting entry is made %or e ery line item posted in t(e account. ?(e a/c is reconciledand cleared against anot(er account. !B. Salary clearing account and 01/I1 Clearingaccount.

+ # <(at is residual payment and part payment>Ans: 1esidual payment it clears original in oice &it( incoming amount and create ne&line item %or remaining outstanding amount.Partial payment it lea es t(e original in oice amount and creates ne&line item %or incoming amount.

7# <(at is internal and eBternal num*er ranges>

Ans: Internal $um*er 1anges: oc. $o &ill *e pro ided *y t(e system automatically inserial order allotting t(e neBt a aila*le progressi e num*er. ?(e num*er must *e innumerical.!Bternal $um*er ranges: oc. $o &ill *e gi en manually *y t(e end user. System &illnot loc' no automatically in t(is case. ser can pic' t(e num*er randomly. $um*er may *e an alp(a numeric.

All SAP 0urus, pls correct me i% i am &rong.

SAP FI/CO Sample uestions and Ans&ers +

+. A*out e olution in t(e &orld o% *usiness, &e can a%%irmati e t(at "Please c(oose t(correct sentence#:

a# ` ?(e internet re olution could turn a aila*le to companies t(e use o% !1P%unctionality. *# ` ?(e neBt generation o% Hne& dimensional products appeared ta'ing %unctionalout o% t(e company, to *ring alue t(roug( eBtending t(e Internet 1e olution.c# ` ?(e internet (as dri en to a colla*orati e en ironment &(ere alue is created


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t(roug( colla*oration &it(in *usiness communities.d# ` In t(e %irst t(e companies &ere loo'ing at Cost reduction and e%%iciency t(roug(integration o% *usiness communities.

. A*out t(e de%inition o% !1P and e-*usiness %unctionalities, &e can say t(at "$ote: &

can (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey arecorrect#:

a# ` !1P o%%ers enterprise centric %unctionality "general ledger, payroll, order entryintegrate core, internal processes. *# ` !1P is my SAP Financials and my SAP 1.c# ` !1P is SAP 1/9, &(ile e-*usiness is mySAP.com.d# ` A*out 2usiness ;odel, !1P can *e considered as enterprise centric and e- *usiness, as eBtended and colla*orati e.e# ` A*out Arc(itecture, !1P can *e considered as an integrated system and e-*usinessas an integrated system and an open integration plat%orm.

%# ` A*out Processes, !1P can (a e t(em integrated, core &it(in enterprises andcolla*orati e, *eyond company *oundaries.

9. <(at is a SAP 2usiness O*@ect "Please c(oose t(e correct sentence#>

a# ` It is all t(e transaction data generated ia transactions. *# ` It is t(e instancied class o% t(e Class 2uilder.c# ` It is composed o% ta*les t(at are related in a *usiness conteBt, including t(e relateapplications programs and it is maintained in t(e Class 1epository.d# ` It is t(e representation o% a central *usiness o*@ect in t(e real &orld, suc( as anemployee, sales order, purc(ase re uisition, in oice and so on.

e# ` It is a se uence o% dialog steps t(at are consistent in a *usiness conteBt and t(at *elong toget(er logically.

4. A*out 2API "2usiness Application Programming Inter%ace#, &(at is true "$ote: &ecan (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey arecorrect#>

a# ` It is a &ell-de%ined inter%ace pro iding access to processes and data o% *usineapplication systems. *# ` 2APIs o%%er a sta*le, standardi=ed inter%ace %or integrating t(ird-party applicaand components in t(e 2usiness Frame&or'.

c# ` A 2API is assigned to one and only one *usiness o*@ect.d# ` In t(e 1/9 !nterprise ersion "4. # &e can use 2API to create an internal orderinside a customi=ed A2AP program.e# ` A *usiness o*@ect in t(e 2usiness O*@ect 1epository "2O1# can (a e manymet(ods %rom &(ic( one or se eral are implemented as 2APIs.

J. <(at can &e say a*out A ! "Application in' !na*ling, $ote: &e can (a e more t(anone correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>


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a# ` 2usiness processes cannot *e distri*uted using A !. *# ` ?(e A ! concept is related to an enterprise structure &it( areas t(at (a e centraltas's and areas &it( tas's t(at are decentrali=ed.c# ` ?(e applications are integrated ia a central data*ase.d# ` ?(e applications are integrated ia t(e message eBc(ange.

e# ` ?(e A ! concept supports t(e implementation and operation o% distri*uted SAPapplications.

). A company code is:

a# ` an independent accounting entity "t(e smallest organi=ation element %or &(ic( acomplete sel%-contained set o% accounts can *e dra&n up#. *# ` an organi=ational unit in an enterprise t(at represents a closed system used %or coaccounting purposes.c# ` an organi=ational unit t(at pro ides an additional e aluation le el %or t(e purposo% segment reporting, %or eBample.

d# ` a dependent accounting entity, according to Fiscal Dear.e# ` t(e (ig(est le el in t(e 1/9 system (ierarc(y.

. Consider t(e %ollo&ing sentences:

.+. ?(e ariant principle is a t(ree-step met(od used in 1/9 to assign special propertiesto one or more 1/9 o*@ects.

. . One o% t(e disad antages to use ariants is t(at it can]t deal &it( t(e maintenance o% properties, &(ic( are common among se eral *usiness o*@ects.

.9. For using t(e ariant principle, you must de%ine t(e ariant, populate it &it( aluesand assign it to t(e 1/9 o*@ects.

.4. ?(is principle is used %or Fiscal Dears, Posting Periods and so on.

<(ic( o% t(em is %alse>a# ` .+ and . . *# ` .+ and .9.c# ` .+.d# ` . .e# ` .9.

6. Consider t(e %ollo&ing sentences:6.+. A %iscal year (as to *e de%ined *y means o% separating *usiness transactions intodi%%erent periods.6. . Special periods are used %or postings, &(ic( are related to t(e process o% t(e year-enclosing. In total, +) special periods can *e used.6.9. ?(e Fiscal Dear ariant only de%ines t(e amount o% periods and t(eir start and %inis


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dates.6.4. ?(e Fiscal Dear is de%ined as a ariant, &(ic( is assigned to t(e c(art o% accounts.

<(ic( o% t(em are true>

a# ` 6.+ and 6. . *# ` 6.+ and 6.9.c# ` 6. and 6.9.d# ` 6. and 6.4.e# ` 6.9 and 6.4.

. <(at is an independent %iscal year ariant "Please c(oose t(e correct sentence#>

a# ` It is a ariant &(ic( t(e postings periods are only e ual to t(e mont(s o% t(e year. *# ` It is a ariant &(ic( you can de%ine di%%erent num*er o% periods, according toyear.

c# ` It is a ariant &(ic( eac( o&n %iscal year uses t(e same num*er o% periods, and t postings periods al&ays start and end at t(e same day o% t(e year.d# ` It is a ariant &(ic( allo&s t(e use o% di%%erent num*er o% posting periods.e# ` It is a ariant not normally used *ecause o% its particularity.

+7. Consider t(e %ollo&ing statements a*out currencies concepts:

+7.+. ?(e currency code identi%ies eac( currency t(at &ill *e used into 1/9 system.+7. . Dou (a e to de%ine t(e entire &orld8s currency into 1/9 system+7.9. !Bc(ange rate types distinguis( t(e eBc(ange rates to *e considered %or arious purposes, suc( as aluation, translation, con ersion, planning, etc.

<(ic( o% t(em is true "$ote: &e can (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please selectt(e sentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

a# ` +7.+. *# ` +7. .c# ` +7.9.d# ` none o% t(em.e# ` all o% t(em.

++. Consider t(e %ollo&ing sentences:

++.+. A *ase currency can *e assigned to an eBc(ange rate type.++. . ?o deal &it( eBc(ange rate spreads, t&o ery e%%icient com*inations o% t(eeBc(ange rate tools are using a *ase currency %or t(e a erage rate ";# and using t(eeBc(ange rate spreads to calculate t(e *uying and selling rates "2 and 0#.++.9. A *ase currency can *e used %or an a erage, a *uying or a selling rate.++.4. ?(e relations *et&een currencies (a e to *e maintained per eBc(ange rate type andcurrency pair in t(e translation %actors.

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+J. <(at can &e de%ine into t(e c(art o% accounts customi=ing transaction "O2+9transaction, $ote: &e can (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(esentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

a# ` escription.

*# ` ;aintenance language.c# ` engt( o% t(e company code.d# ` engt( o% t(e 0/ account num*er.e# ` 2loc'ing / un*loc'ing c(art o% accounts.

+). Consider t(e %ollo&ing sentences a*out t(e c(art o% accounts segment:

+).+. It contains t(e Company Code, Account num*er and t(e %ield status group.+). . <(ene er you need to enter in%ormation %or a company code %or an accountnum*er, you (a e to type again t(e in%ormation related to c(art o% accounts segment.+).9. ?eBts can *e displayed using t(e program HAccount assignment

manual "1FSE? 77#.+).4. Eey &ords %acilitate t(e searc( %or account num*ers.

<(ic( o% t(ese com*inations are %alse "$ote: &e can (a e more t(an one correctsentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

a# ` +).+. *# ` +). .c# ` +).9.d# ` +).4.e# ` none o% t(em.

+ . ?rue or %alse>

+ .+. ! ery company code t(at needs to use an account %rom t(e assigned c(art o%accounts (as to create its o&n company code segment.a# ` ?rue *# ` False

+ . . For PM statement accounts, t(e *alance is carried %or&ard to t(e same account.a# ` ?rue *# ` False

+ .9. In t(e c(art o% accounts segment, it is necessary to indicate &(et(er t(e account &ill

*e a *alance s(eet or a pro%itMloss statement account.a# ` ?rue *# ` False

+ .4. $um*er inter als %or 0/ account master records can o erlap.a# ` ?rue *# ` False

+ .J. It is not possi*le to in%luence t(e appearance o% an account8s master data.a# ` ?rue *# ` False

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+6. Consider t(e %ollo&ing sentences a*out %ield status:

+6.+. Fields &(ic( are UUUUUUUUUUUUU can *e UUUUUUUUUUUU.+6. . Fields &(ic( (a e an entry t(at UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU can *e set to UUUUUUUUU only "e en in c(ange mode#.

<(ic( o% t(e options *elo& matc(es t(e *lan' spaces o% t(ose sentences>

a# ` used/suppressed %or +6.+L must *e c(anged/display %or +6. . *# ` not used/suppressed %or +6.+L must *e c(anged/display %or +6. .c# ` not used/optional %or +6.+L s(ould not *e c(anged/suppressed %or +6. .d# ` not used/suppressed %or +6.+L s(ould not *e c(anged /display %or +6. .e# ` used/optional %or +6.+L must *e c(anged/display %or +6. .

+ . Consider t(e %ollo&ing sentences a*out %ield status:

+ .+. Fields &(ic( UUUUUUUUUUUUU can *e made UUUUUUUUUUUU.+ . . Fields t(at can *e entered, *ut are not re uired, can *e set to UUUUUUUUU entry.

<(ic( o% t(e options *elo& matc(es t(e *lan' spaces o% t(ose sentences>

a# ` must not (a e an entry/optional %or + .+L suppressed %or + . . *# ` must (a e an entry/suppressed %or + .+L suppressed %or + . .c# ` must (a e an entry/optional %or + .+L optional %or + . .d# ` must (a e an entry/re uired %or + .+L optional %or + . .e# ` must not (a e an entry/re uired %or + .+L optional %or + . .

7. Consider t(e %ollo&ing sentences:7.+. 1econciliation accounts are general ledger accounts assigned to t(e *usiness partner

master records to record all transactions in t(e su*-ledger.7. . For accounts &it(out line item display, t(e most important data %rom t(e posted lin

items is stored in a special indeB ta*le.7.9. ?(e account currency must *e in t(e local currency.7.4. Items in accounts &it( open item management means t(e 0/ accounts s(ould (a e

a o%%setting posting %or a gi en *usiness transaction.

<(ic( o% t(ese are true "Please c(oose t(e correct sentence#>

a# ` 7.+ and 7.9. *# ` 7. and 7.4.c# ` 7.+ and 7. .d# ` 7. and 7.9.e# ` 7.+ and 7.4.


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Ans&ers:+. C

. A, C, , !.9. 4. A, 2, C, , !.

J. 2, , !.). A

Item bH2b is t(e de%inition o% controlling area.Item bHCb is t(e de%inition o% *usiness area.Item bH b is not any de%inition.Item bH!b is t(e de%inition o% client.

. In %act, t(e main ad antage o% using ariants is t(at it is easier tomaintain properties, &(ic( are common among se eral *usiness o*@ects.

6. 2. C

+7. A, C.;ost o% t(e &orld8s currencies are already de%ined into 1/9 system.

++. 22e care%ul: A *ase currency can only *e used %or an a erage rate, not %or a selling or a *uying rate.

+ . A

+9. !+4. 2, C, , !.A c(art o% accounts is a ariant, &(ic( contains t(e structure and t(e *asic in%ormationa*out general ledger accounts.

+J. A, 2, , !.+). A, 2.+ . ?rue or %alse:

+ .+. ?rue.+ . . False. For PM statement accounts t(e *alance is carried %or&ard to a retained

earnings account and t(e PM statement account is set to =ero.+ .9. ?rue.+ .4. ?rue.+ .J. False. It is possi*le to in%luence t(e appearance o% an account8s master data usingt(e %ield status.


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9.9. Accounts &it( a %oreign currency as an account currency can *e posted to anycurrency.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

9.4. Dou can use a group c(art o% accounts %or internal purposes.

a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.9.J. ?(e usage o% a %inancial statement ersion %or t(e group c(art o% accounts is optio

a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

4. <(at is t(e disad antage o% using t(e group c(art o% accounts "Please c(oose t(ecorrect sentence#>

a# ` 2ecause c(anges to eBisting 0/ Accounts are e%%ecti e as soon as t(ey (a e *esa ed and could (a e eBtensi e conse uences.

*# ` 2ecause accounts &it( t(e account currency as local currency can only *e postedto t(is local currency.c# ` 2ecause t(e company codes use di%%erent operational c(art o% accounts, you cacarry out cross-company code controlling.d# ` 2ecause t(e group c(art o% accounts must *e assigned to eac( operational c(art o%accounts.e# ` 2ecause you must enter t(e group account num*er in t(e c(art o% accountssegment o% t(e operational account.

J. Consider t(e %ollo&ing statements:

J.+. Dou cannot use t(e country c(art o% accounts i% you desire to use t(e cross-companycode controlling.J. . ?(e disad antage o% using country c(art o% accounts is t(e accounting cler's &(omay *e %amiliar &it( t(e country c(art o% accounts %irst (a e to get used to using t(eoperational c(art o% accounts.J.9. 1econciliation accounts are updated on a daily *asis.

<(ic( o% t(em are %alse "Please c(oose t(e correct sentence#>

a# ` J.+ and J. . *# ` J.+ and J.9.

c# ` J. and J.9.d# ` all o% t(em.e# ` none o% t(em.

). <(ic( are t(e segments o% t(e S ie& o% t(e customer account master data "$ote: &ecan (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey arecorrect#>


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a# ̀ Client. *# ` Company Code.c# ` Controlling Area.d# ` Sales Area.e# ` Purc(asing Organi=ation.

. <(ic( are t(e segments o% t(e ;; ie& o% t(e customer account master data "$ote:&e can (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(eyare correct#>

a# ` Client. *# ` Company Code.c# ` Controlling Area.d# ` Sales Area.e# ` Purc(asing Organi=ation.

6. <(at is t(e segment t(at ma'es complete *ot( customer and endor accounts "Pleasec(oose t(e correct sentence#>

a# ` Client. *# ` Company Code.c# ` Controlling Area.d# ` Sales Area.e# ` Purc(asing Organi=ation.

. <(at c(aracteristics are con%igured as standard %or e ery customer/ endor account"$ote: &e can (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in'

t(ey are correct#>a# ` ine Item isplay. *# ` Company Code.c# ` Currency.d# ` Open Item ;anagement.e# ` Purc(asing Organi=ation.

+7. Consider t(e %ollo&ing statements:

+7.+. $um*er ranges %or customer/ endor accounts can o erlap.+7. . An one-time account is a special customer/ endor master record &(ic( a companyrarely do *usiness.+7.9. ?(e account group is used to control t(e %ields displayed in t(e master record.+7.4. I% you enter an alternati e payer, t(e amount to clear t(e open items due in t(eaccount is paid *y t(e alternati e payer.+7.J. One num*er range can only *e assigned to one account group.


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<(ic( o% t(e a*o e statements are true "$ote: &e can (a e more t(an one correctsentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

a# ` +7.+. *# ` +7. .

c# ` +7.9.d# ` +7.4.e# ` +7.J.

++. ?rue or %alse>

++.+. For e ery *an' t(at is used in t(e system "%or eBample, as a (ouse *an' or as acustomer/ endor *an'# you (a e to create a *an' master record.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

++. . 2an's t(at are used *y your company are de%ined as (ouse *an's.a# ` ?rue. *# `

False.++.9. Dou cannot create *an' master data &(en entering *an' in%ormation in t(ecustomer or endor master record.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

++.4. 2an' Account and 0/ Account are t(e same master data o*@ect.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

++.J. Customers t(at use t(e loc'*oB %unction can create a *atc( input session t(atautomatically updates customer *an'ing in%ormation in t(e master record.

a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.+ . Consider t(e %ollo&ing statements:

+ .+. ?(e system can assign t(e document num*ers or t(e user can assignt(e num*er during document entry.+ .+. A *usiness transaction creates only one document.+ .9. ocument types are de%ined at company code le el.+ .4. $um*er ranges %or document num*ers and account types de%ined %or postings ade%ined *y t(e document types.+ .J. ocument types also de%ine &(et(er in oices are posted &it( t(e net procedure.

C(oose t(e correct option:

a# ` + .+, + .4 and + .J are correct. *# ` + . , + .4 and + .J are correct.c# ` + .9, + .4 and + .J are correct.d# ` + .+, + .9 and + .4 are correct.e# ` + .+, + . and + .J are correct.


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+9. <(at do t(e posting 'eys speci%y "$ote: &e can (a e more t(an one correct sentence.Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

a# ` <(et(er t(e line item is connected to a payment transaction or not. *# ` <(et(er t(e posting is sales-rele ant and t(e sales %igure o% t(e account is to *e

updated *y t(e transaction, %or eBample, *y t(e posting o% a customer in oice.c# ` <(et(er t(e line items contain Hcredit or Hde*it alues.d# ` <(et(er t(e line items are alid %or a *usiness transaction.e# ` <(et(er t(e accounts are allo&ed %or posting.

+4. Consider t(e %ollo&ing statements:

+4.+. A company code must *e assigned to a posting period ariant to (a e t(e control % posting periods.+4. . M8 sym*ol represents all account types in t(e posting period customi=ing screen.+4.9. ?(e account inter al in t(e posting period customi=ing screen can *e *ot( 0/ and

su* ledger accounts.+4.4. ?(e maBimum amounts are de%ined per company code in Htolerance groups .+4.J. It is not possi*le to assign tolerance groups to user logon I 8s.

C(oose t(e correct option:

a# ` +4.+, +4.4 and +4.J are correct. *# ` +4. , +4.4 and +4.J are correct.c# ` +4.9, +4.4 and +4.J are correct.d# ` +4.+, +4. and +4.4 are correct.e# ` +4.+, +4. and +4.J are correct.

+J. <(at %ields o% a FI ocument eader section can *e c(anged a%ter a document (asalready *een posted "$ote: &e can (a e more t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(esentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

a# ` Fiscal Dear. *# ` 1e%erence $um*er.c# ` ?eBt %ields.d# ` eader teBt.e# ` Posting date.

+). A*out t(e c(ange control, &(at conditions *elo& are applica*le "$ote: &e can (a emore t(an one correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

+).+. ?(e posting period is already closed.+). . ?(e line item is not yet cleared.+).9. ?(e document is a credit memo %or an in oice.+).4. ?(e document is not a credit memo %rom a do&n payment.+).J. ?(e line item is eit(er a de*it in a customer account or a credit in a endor account.


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a# ` +).+. *# ` +). .c# ` +).9.d# ` +).4.e# ` +).J.

+ . <(at are t(e prere uisites to ena*le negati e postings "$ote: &e can (a e more t(anone correct sentence. Please select t(e sentences you t(in' t(ey are correct#>

a# ` Dou (a e to de%ine re ersal reasons %or negati e re ersal. *# ` Dou (a e to ensure company code permits negati e postings.c# ` Dou (a e to de%ine t(e document type t(at eBplicitly allo&s negati e postings.d# ` Dou (a e to use cleared items.e# ` Dou (a e to reset cleared items.

+6. <(at is t(e purpose o% t(e terms o% payment "Please c(oose t(e correct sentence#>

a# ` Calculate a cas( discount and in oice due date. *# ` Calculate t(e taB amounts.c# ` !na*le t(e cross-company code transactions.d# ` e%ine t(e *aseline date.e# ` Calculate only t(e re uired conditions %or S in oices.

+ . Consider t(e %ollo&ing statements:

+ .+. ?erms o% payments are copied %rom in oice to credit memos &(en t(ey are lin'edto.

+ . . Inserting a bHVb in t(e in oice re%erence %ield during document entry means t(terms o% payment are acti ated in t(enon-in oice-related credit memos.+ .9. ?(e account type %ield in terms o% payment *asic data screen s(ould *e de%inedseparately, to pre ent any done c(ange in t(e term o% payment.+ .4. ?(e system cannot de%ine t(e splitment o% an installment paymentL at least youde%ine it in t(e terms o% payment.+ .J. ?(e day limits de%ine t(e dates o% t(e cas( discount periods.

<(ic( o% t(e statements a*o e is %alse "Please c(oose t(e correct sentence#>

a# ` + .+. *# ` + . .c# ` + .9.d# ` + .4.e# ` + .J.

7. ?rue or %alse>7.+. SAP supports taB on sales and purc(ases, S sales taB, additional taBes and


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&it((olding taB as taB systems %or di%%erent countries.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

7. . Only national le el o% taBation is allo&ed in t(e 1/9 system.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

7.9. A taB calculation procedure is assigned to e ery company code %or carrying out ta

calculations.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.7.4.A @urisdiction code is a com*ination o% t(e codes o% taB aut(orities t(at taB

mo ements o% goods and use t(eir o&n taB rates.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.

7.J. I% you desire to post manual taB postings, you (a e to %lag t(e HPost AutomaticalOnly %ield o% t(e account master record.a# ` ?rue. *# ` False.


+. 2, C, , !.. A, C, !.

9. ?rue or %alse:9.+. ?rue.9. . ?rue.9.9. False. Accounts &it( a %oreign currency as an account currency can only *e posted tin t(is %oreign currency.9.4. ?rue.9.J. False. Dou must use a %inancial statement ersion %or t(e group c(art o% accounts.

4. C.Item Ha is related to Collecti e Processing %or 0L Accounts ;aster ata.Item H* is not true %or t(e 1/9 system concept. I% t(e account currency is t(e localcurrency, t(e account can *e posted to in any currency.Item Hd and He are some actions to *e done %or using group c(art o% accounts, so, t(are not t(e disad antage.

J. 2.In %act, since all company codes use t(e same operational c(art o% accounts %or postingyou can carry out cross-company code controlling. A*out 1econciliation accounts, t(eyare updated real time.

). A, .. A, !.

6. 2.. A, .

+7. 2, C, .

$O?!: A num*er range can *e assigned to se eral account groups.


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++. ?rue or %alse>

++.+. ?rue.++. . ?rue.++.9. False. In %act, &e can create *an' master data &(en entering *an'

in%ormation in t(e customer or endor master record.++.4. False. !ac( *an' account is re%lected in t(e SAP System *y a com*ination o% (ouse *an' I and account I . ?(is com*ination is entered in a 0/ account t(at represents t(e *an' accounting t(e general ledger.++.J. ?rue.

+ . A.+9. A, 2, C, !.+4. .+J. 2, C.+). 2, , !.

+ . A, 2, C.+6. A.+ . !.

?(e day limits are used to store se eral ersions o% terms o% payment under t(e sameterms o% payment 'ey.

7. ?rue or %alse:7.+. ?rue.7. . False. ?&o types o% taBation can *e represented in t(e 1/9 system: taBation at

national le el and taBation at regional/@urisdiction le el.

7.9. False. A taB calculation procedure is assigned to e ery country %or carrying out tacalculations.7.4. ?rue7.J. False. I% you (a e selected t(is %ield, no manual taB postings are allo&ed.

FI-A1-A1 "F2 # Accounts 1ecei a*le: 2asic Functions - Customers

Customer ;aster Credit ;anagement: E $$1

Central ata E$EE

Customer ;aster Credit ;anagement: E $$1 / EE2!1 Control Area ata E$EEF+

Credit ;anagement : FI Status data O0SDS / E $$1 / EE2!1 / 1!0



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Accounting ata 5 A/1 and A/P 1! I / S1?F / S1?F

In%ormation System FI-2 -P?

2an' Accounting: Payment "2FI2 UC !CEU # ?ransactions 5 0eneral Sections

PAD1 Payment ;edium File 2 E1 / 2EI / E?I /1 A<! / C !C?

PC!C Pre-num*ered C(ec' 2 E1 / 2EI / E?I / S?AP

FI-2 -P?-AP "F; A#

2an' Accounting: Payment ?ransactions 5 Automatic Payments

0lo*al Settings %or Payment Program %or ;A$ ?

Payment 1e uests F A

As ;anagement ine Items in Payment E!D$O

1e uests PAD1

Payment 1e uests E!D$O

Important ?a*les in SAP CO


?a*le $ame escription Important Fields

A SP C(aracteristic Values ;A$ ? / O23!E / A?I$$ / A?

CO-E2AS O er(ead Cost Controlling

A+9 Price per Cost Center ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC / EOE1S

A+9) Price per Controlling Area ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC / EOE1S

A+9 Price per Country / 1egion ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC / EOE1S


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COSC CO O*@ects: Assignment o% Original ;A$ ? / O23$1 / SC?DP /V!1S$

CSSE Cost Center / Cost !lement ;A$ ? / V!1S$ / EOE1S / 03A 1

CSS Cost Center / Acti ity ?ype ;A$ ? / EOE1S / EOS? / S?A1 EAPS CO Period oc's ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 03A 1 / V!1S$

CO-E2ASCO1! O er(ead Cost Controlling: 0eneral Ser ices

CSEA Cost !lements " ata ependent on ;A$ ? / E?OP / ES?A1

CSE2 Cost !lements " ata ependent on ;A$ ? / EOE1S / ES?A1 /A?2I

CSES Cost Center ;aster ata ;A$ ? / EOE1S / EOS? / A?2ICS A Acti ity ;aster ;A$ ? / EOE1S / S?A1 / A?2I

CO-O; "EACC# O er(ead Cost Controlling

CO2E CO O*@ect: ocument eader ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1

CO!3 CO O*@ect: ine Items "*y Fiscal ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 / 2 !I

CO!3 CO O*@ect: ine Items %or Acti ity ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 /

2 !ICO!31 CO O*@ect: ine Items %or SEF "*y ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 /2 !I

CO!3? CO O*@ect: ine Items %or Prices ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 /2 !I

CO!P CO O*@ect: ine Items "*y Period# ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 /2 !I

CO!P CO O*@ect: ine Items %or Acti ity ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 /2 !I

CO!P1 CO O*@ect: ine Items %or SEF "*y ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 /2 !I

CO!P? CO O*@ect: ine Items %or Prices ;A$ ? / EOE1S / 2! $1 /2 !I


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COEA CO O*@ect: Control ata %or Cost ;A$ ? / O23$1 / 03A 1 /ES?A1

COE CO O*@ect: Control ata %or Acti ;A$ ? / ! $1 / O23$1 /03A 1

COEP CO O*@ect: Control ata %or Prima ;A$ ? / ! $1 / O23$1 /03A 1

COE1 CO O*@ect: Control ata %or Stati ;A$ ? / ! $1 / O23$1 /03A 1

COES CO O*@ect: Control ata %or Secon ;A$ ? / ! $1 / O23$1 /03A 1

CO-O;-C! "EEA # Cost !lement Accounting "1econciliation edger#

COFI7+ O*@ect ?a*le %or 1econciliation ;A$ ? / O23$1

COFI7 ?ransaction ependent Fields %or ;A$ ? / O23$1

COFIP Single Plan Items %or 1econciliation 1C $? / 0 USI1I

COFIS Actual ine Items %or 1econciliation 1C $? / 0 USI1I

CO-O;-CCA Cost Center Accounting "Cost Accounting Planning 1E-S# 5 <(atis 1E-S

A+96 Price per Company Code ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC / EOE1S

A+9 Price per Pro%it Center ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC / EOE1S

CO-O;-OPA "EA21# O er(ead Orders: Application e elopment 1/9 CostAccounting Settlement

A AA Settlement ocument: 1ecei er Seg ;A$ ? / 2! $1 / F $1

A A2 Settlement ocument: istri*ution ;A$ ? / 2! $1 / 2 1!0 /

F $1 A AI Settlement 1ules per epreciation ;A$ ? / 2! $1 / F $1 /AFA2!

A AE ocument eader %or Settlement ;A$ ? / 2! $1

A AO ocument Segment: CO O*@ects to * ;A$ ? / 2! $1 / F $1


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A AV ocument Segment: ?ransactions ;A$ ? / 2! $1 / F $1

CO21A Settlement 1ule %or Order Settlem ;A$ ? / O23$1

CO212 istri*ution 1ules Settlement 1ul ;A$ ? / O23$1 / 2 1!0 /

F $1 CO-O;-OPA "EA F# O er(ead Orders: Cost Accounting Orders

A FE Order ;aster ata ;A$ ? / A F$1

A F AD7 !ntity ?a*le: Order ayouts ;A$ ? / ADO ?

!C-PCA "E!+# Pro%it Center Accounting

C!PC Pro%it Center ;aster ata ?a*le ;A$ ? / P1C?1 / A?2I / EOE1S

C!PC? ?eBts %or Pro%it Center ;aster a ;A$ ? / SP1AS / P1C?1 /A?2I

C!PCU2 E1S Assignment o% Pro%it Center to a ;A$ ? / EOE1S / P1C?1 /2 E1S

0 PCA !C-PCA: Actual ine Items 1C $? / 0 USI1I

0 PCC !C-PCA: ?ransaction Attri*utes ;A$ ? / O23$1

0 PCO !C-PCA: O*@ect ?a*le %or Account ;A$ ? / O23$1 0 PCP !C-PCA: Plan ine Items 1C $? / 0 USI1I

!C-PCA 2S "E!+C# PCA 2asic Settings: Customi=ing %or Pro%it Center Accounting

A+4+ ependent on ;aterial and 1ecei e ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC /EOE1S

A+4 ependent on ;aterial ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC / <!1ES

A+49 ependent on ;aterial 0roup ;A$ ? / EAPP / ESC /<!1ES


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Important ?a*les in SAP AA

FI-AA-AA "AA# Asset Accounting: 2asic Functions 5 ;aster ata

A$EA Asset Classes: 0eneral ata A$ E

A$EP Asset Classes: Fld Cont pndnt on C(art A$ E / AFAP

o% epreciation

A$E? Asset Classes: escription SP1AS / A$ E

A$EV Asset Classes: Insurance ?ypes A$ E / V1S F

A$ A Asset ;aster 1ecord Segment 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $A$ 2 epreciation ?erms 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $ / AFA2!

/ 2 A?

A$ ? Asset ?eBts SP1AS / 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $

A$ Asset ;aster 1ecord ser Fields .I$C ! / 2 E1S / A$ $+/A$ $

A$ < Insura*le Values "Dear ependent# 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $ /V1S F /

03A 1

A$ Q Asset ;aster 1ecord Segment 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $

A$ ?ime ependent Asset Allocations 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $ /2 A?

FI-AA-AA "AA # Asset Accounting: 2asic Functions 5 ;aster ata .7

A$A1 Asset ?ypes A$ A1

A$A? Asset ?ype ?eBt SP1AS / A$ A1

FI-AA-AA "A2# Asset Accounting: 2asic Functions 5


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Asset Accounting

A$!E ocument eader Asset Posting 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $ /03A 1 /

$1A$A$!P Asset ine Items 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $ / 03A 1 /

$1A$ / AFA2!

A$!V Asset o&npymt Settlement 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $ /03A 1 /


A$E2 Asset Class: epreciation Area A$ E / AFAP / AFA2! /2 A?

A$ C Asset alue Fields 2 E1S / A$ $+ / A$ $ / 03A 1 /


A$ ;ain Asset $um*er 2 E1S / A$ $+

A$ P Asset Periodic Values 2 E1S / 03A 1 / P!1AF / AF2$1 /

A$ $+ / A$ $ / AFA2!1 FI-S -VS1 "0VA # Special Purpose edger: Validation, Su*stitution and 1ules

0279 Validation / Su*stitution ser VA S!1

02 Su*stitutions S 2S?I

02 9 Validation VA I

SAF FI Fre uently As'ed uestions +

+. <(et(er any FI document &ill *e created during PO"Purc(ase order#> I% pleasemention t(e entry also.

. <(at %actors di%%erentiates %rom one dunning le el and ot(er dunning le el>9. APP ?(ere &ill *e many *an's in a (ouse *an'. I% t(e payment s(ould *e maid %rom


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particular *an' 0 account. <(ere it is need to con%igure.4. <(at are arious types o% ser ers in SAP 1/9J. Can any*ody eBplain me FI-;; integartion.pl eBplain in detaili. ;o ement typesii. Account class

iii. ;aterial types). ;aBimum no. o% dunning le els are created>. In (o& many &ays APP is con%igured

6. <(at is di%% *et&een AA;, 1ecurring entries, Sample document>

Find (ere &it( t(e ans&ers %or your uestions

+. <(et(er any FI document &ill *e created during PO "Purc(ase order#> I% Pl mentiont(e entry also>

Ans: ?(ere is no document t(at is created in FI side during PO. 2ut in controlling t(ere

can *e a commitment posting to a Cost Center. ?(e o%%setting entry is posted at t(e timeo% 01.

. <(at %actors di%%erentiates %rom one dunning le el and ot(er dunning le el

Ans: ?(e most important t(ing t(at di%%erentiates t(e dunning le els is t(e dunning teBts.?(e dunning teBt de%ines t(e urgency o% t(e dunning notice. ?(e ot(er t(ings can *e t(edunning c(arges, minimum G maBimum amounts etc.

9. APP

?(ere &ill *e many *an's in a (ouse *an'. I% t(e payment s(ould *e maid %rom particular *an' 0 account. <(ere it is con%igured.

Ans: ?(ere can *e se eral accounts in t(e same (ouse *an'. <e s(ould assign t(e 0accounts eBclusi ely at t(e time o% creating t(e 2an' master data and t(e *an' accounts.Accordingly &e can do t(e *an' determination in F2 P %or t(e indi idual *an's and t(ecorresponding su* accounts.

?r code %or e%ining *an': FI+ .

4. <(at are arious types o% ser ers in SAP 1/9>

Ans: ?(e ?ypical SAP landscape loo's somet(ing li'e %igure +.4 *elo&:

J. Can any*ody eBplain me FI-;; integartion.pl eBplain in detail

i. ;o ement types:


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Classi%ication 'ey indicating t(e type o% material mo ement "%or eBample, goods receigoods issue, p(ysical stoc' trans%er#.

?(e mo ement type ena*les t(e system to %ind prede%ined posting rules determining (o&t(e accounts o% t(e %inancial accounting system "stoc' and consumption accounts# are to

*e posted and (o& t(e stoc' %ields in t(e material master record are to *e updated.ii. Valuation class

Assignment o% a material to a group o% 0/ accounts

Along &it( ot(er %actors, t(e aluation class determines t(e 0/ accounts t(at areupdated as a result o% a aluation-rele ant transaction or e ent, suc( as a goodsmo ement.

?(e aluation class ma'es it possi*le to:

- Post t(e stoc' alues o% materials o% t(e same material type to di%%erent 0/ accounts- Post t(e stoc' alues o% materials o% di%%erent material types to t(e same 0/ account

iii. ?ransaction/! ent Eey

Eey allo&ing t(e user to di%%erentiate *et&een t(e arious transactions and e ents "sucas p(ysical in entory transactions and goods mo ements# t(at occur &it(in t(e %ield o%in entory management.

?(e transaction/e ent type controls t(e %iling/storage o% documents and t(e assignment o

document num*ers.i . ;aterial ?ype

0roups toget(er materials &it( t(e same *asic attri*utes, %or eBample, ra& materials,semi %inis(ed products, or %inis(ed products.

<(en creating a material master record, you must assign t(e material to a material type.?(e material type you c(oose determines:

- <(et(er t(e material is intended %or a speci%ic purpose, %or eBample, as a con%igura*

material or process material- <(et(er t(e material num*er can *e assigned internally or eBternally- ?(e num*er range %rom &(ic( t(e material num*er is dra&n- <(ic( screens appear and in &(at se uence- <(ic( user department data you may enter- <(at procurement type t(e material (asL t(at is, &(et(er it is manu%actured in-(ouse or

procured eBternally, or *ot(


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?oget(er &it( t(e plant, t(e material type determines t(e material]s in entorymanagement re uirement t(at is:

- <(et(er c(anges in uantity are updated in t(e material master record- <(et(er c(anges in alue are also updated in t(e stoc' accounts in %inancial accounting

). ;aBimum no. o% dunning le els is created>

Ans: le els maBimum.

. In (o& many &ays APP is con%igured>

?r Code: F2 P

6. <(at is di%% *et&een AA;, 1ecurring entries, Sample document>

Account Assignment ;odel:A re%erence %or document entry t(at pro ides de%ault alues %or posting *usinesstransactions. An account assignment model can contain any num*er o% 0/ account itemand can *e c(anged or supplemented at any time. In contrast to sample documents, t(e0/ account items %or account assignment models may *e incomplete.

1ecurring !ntries:

A periodically recurring posting made *y t(e recurring entry program on t(e *asis o%recurring entry original documents.

?(e procedure is compara*le &it( a standing order *y &(ic( *an's are aut(ori=ed tode*it rent payments, payment contri*utions or loan repayments.

Sample ocuments:

Special type o% re%erence document. ata %rom t(is document is used to create de%aulentries on t(e accounting document entry screen.

nli'e an accounting document, a sample document does not update transaction %igures *ut merely ser es as a data source %or an accounting document.

SAF FI Fre uently As'ed uestions

+. <(ere to assign acti ity type in cost centers> O1 (o& to lin' cost centers G acti itytypes>

RR ?(ere is no direct assignment. Dou plan t(e output %or a cost center %irst in 'p ).?(en you] e to plan t(e alue o% t(at cost center &(ic( you *udget %or a period in 'p7).


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Planned Acti ity eBpenditure / Planned Acti ity ty gi es yia planned act rate &(ic( youcan use to aluate your acti ity con%irmations in m%g orders. Dou can also de%ine yoo&n prices, *ut you (a e to run t(e price re aluation i% you &ant to re aluate your actuaacti ity prices.

. For stat. 'ey %igure &(at is t(e signi%icance o% sender G recei er cost elements G cocenters>

RR Stat 'ey %ig are not real account assignments. In simple traditional terms it is t(e *asto allocate or de%ine proportions &it( &(ic( t(e cost is allocated. SEFs are used tocalculate t(e de*it on a recei er o*@ect. ?(ese alues can *e used %or assessing commocosts &(ic( are used *y all t(e ot(er cost centers.

9. o& SEF &or's... Eindly gi e me ? Codes Also.

RR Dou create G plan SEF.

Create using EE7+ G P A$ t(e parameters o% SEF in EP4)+. oes any one 'no& &(at is So%t&are li%e cycle, it &as a uestion as'ed in aninter ie&.

. In 0 master &e (a e a option \2alance in local currency\ and \Account currency\.<(at does it mean>

9. In mo ement type";;#, &(at is alue G uantity string I 'no& it updates alues anduantities in 0 &it( miB o% aluation class, transaction 'ey modi%ier and 0 A/c. 2ut

(o& does it &or' &(en doing a m t type>

4. In FI &(en doing Special 0 transaction &(at determines t(e %ields8 statues o% t(escreen and &(y do &e (a e so many screens %ollo&ed *y it. Is it determined *y postingEeys> is it to determine Account type %or &(ic( &e are using t(e Special 0 and de*itand credit>

: So%t&are i%e Cycle,

Ans: it is not(ing *ut 1oad ;ap - %i e p(ases li'e, Pro@ect Preparation, 2lue print,1eali=ation, Final preparation and 0o-li e support.

: In 0 master &e (a e a option \2alance in local currency\ and \Account currency .<(at does it mean>

Ans: Account currency is t(at t(e 0 account in &(ic( currency do you &ant tomaintain. i% you decided t(at you &ant maintain in company code currency, you can posany currency in t(at account.I% not, you &ant to maintain separate currency %or t(at 0 t(en eBc(ange rate di%%eren&ill come *ecause t(e con ersion rate.


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2alance in local currency - some 0 account can]t *e maintain on open item *asis andcan]t in %oreign currency li'e clearing account and discount account etc., in suc( case youcan assign t(is indicator to s(o& t(e *alance in local currency.

. In mo ement type ";;#, &(at is alue G uantity string I 'no& it updates alues and

uantities in 0 &it( miB o% aluation class, transaction 'ey modi%ier and 0 A/c. 2ut(o& does it &or' &(en doing a m t type>

Ans: 2asically, t(e system does not 'no& &(ic( 0 (as to *e updated &it( &(at. (ere,&e are gi ing a direction to t(e system to update t(e data.

<(at you said is correctL t(e system &ill update t(e alue and ty in t(e material master.Dou &ould (a e seen some more %ields also, li'e ;o ement indicator, consumption,

alue string and transaction e ent 'ey etc.,

<(ile creating a PO, t(e system &ill ta'e t(e ;o ement type as a *ase, &it( ;?, it &ill

identi%y t(e ;I"mo ement indicator - used to de%ine &(et(er it is goods mo ement %or production order, purc(ase order, deli ery note etc#, and it &ill identi%y t(e consumptionli'e it is assets, or consumption or sales order# and it &ill identi%y t(e alue string " it ismust to assigned to mo ement type, t(roug( allocation o% alue string to mo ement typesystem &ill automatically identi%y t(e 0 # and it &ill post t(e entry "dr/cr#in t(e 0 *ased on t(e transaction and e ent 'ey %igure &(ic( is used to determine t(e de*it andcredit entry o% a 0

4. In Field Status 0roup t(ere are options li'e Suppress, optional, 1e uired, isplay. Sot(at it is %ollo&ed *y so many screens and it is determined *y posting 'ey. Its *ot( de*it"or# "2ot(# credit.

uestionnaire &it( Ans&ers %or SAP FI

<(at is t(e di%%erence *et&een company and company code>A company is t(e organi=ational unit used in t(e legal consolidation module to roll up%inancial statements o% se eral company codes.?(e Company Code is t(e smallest organi=ational[ nit %or &(ic( a complete sel%-contained set o% accounts can *e dra&n up %or purposes o% eBternal reporting.

o& many c(art o% accounts can *e attac(ed to a company code>One or more Operati e C(art o% Accounts can *e assigned to a company code. A COA

must *e assigned to a company code. ?(is COA is t(e operati e COA and is used in *ot(FI and CO. One C(art o% Account can *e assigned too many Company codes i.e.,multiple company codes can eit(er s(are t(e same or (a e separate COA. 2ut a companycode "Country speci%ic Company code or International Company code# can (a e acountry speci%ic COA also along &it( Operati e COA. ?(e lin' *et&een t(e regularCOA and t(e country COA appears in t(e alternate num*er %ield o% t(e 0/ masterrecord.

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!g: I% a company]s su*sidiaries are located in *ot( S G ;eBico. <e need to con%igure Company codes - one %or S and anot(er %or ; Bico, %or eg +77 and ;+77. ?(e same&ay &e create COA]s one %or S G one %or ;eBico, SCA and ;QCA. ;eBico (asdi%%erent go t reporting re uirements t(an t(e S so &e &ill need to de%ine a companycode speci%ic to Country ;eBico and also create a country speci%ic COA to *e used, in

addition to normal COA. In tcode O2D)"Comp Code 0lo*al Parameters# o% CC ;+77&e de%ine normal COA i.e., SCA in C(art o% Accounts %ield and ;QCA in CountryC(art/Accts %ield.

<(at are su*stitutions and alidations> <(at is t(e precedent>Validations are used to c(ec' settings and return a message i% t(e prere uisite c(ec'condition is met.Su*stitutions are similar to alidationsL t(ey actually replace and %ill in %ield alues *e(ind t(e scenes &it(out t(e user8s 'no&ledge unli'e alidations t(at create on-screenmsgs to t(e user.

<(at is a controlling area>?(e Controlling Area is t(e central organi=ational unit &it(in CO module. It isrepresentati e o% a contained Cost Accounting en t &(ere costs and re enues can *emanaged.

e%ine relations(ip *et&een controlling area and company code>A controlling area may include one or more company codes &(ic( must use t(e sameoperati e c(art o% accounts as t(e controlling area. A Controlling Area can containmultiple company code assignments *ut a single company code can *e assigned to onlyone controlling area.

<(at is a %iscal year ariant>Fiscal Dear is a period o% + mont(s and SAP pro ides 4 special periods to postingad@ustment !ntries. Fiscal year determines posting periods. Posting periods are used toassign *usiness transactions. Fiscal year may *e year dependent or year independent.

<(at are special periods used %or>?(e Special periods in a %iscal year ariant can *e used %or t(ings li'e posting audit or taad@ustments to a closed %iscal year.

<(at do you mean *y year dependent in %iscal year ariants>Dear ependent: t(e %inancial year is same as calendar year. Starting %rom +st 3an to 9+

ec "&(ere posting periods and t(e calendar mont(s are e ual#Dear Independent: t(e %inancial year is di%%erent %rom calendar year Starting %rom +April to 9+st ;arc( "&(ere t(e posting period mont(s are not e ual to calendar yearmont(s#

<(at are s(ortened %iscal year> <(en are t(ey used>S(ortened Fiscal Dear: a %inancial year, &(ic( (as less t(an + periods.

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.9-<e al&ays copy company code or &e can create manually also> I% possi*le gi ereasons also.

Ans&er: ?(ere are loads o% ta*les t(at get copied o er &(en copying co codes. ?(ismig(t *e incomplete in a manual copy, and (ence t(e manual route is not ad isa*le.

.4-In case o% APP, &(en *an' master data updated>

.J-Suppose in 774 I (a e depreciation 'ey ]A2Gin 77J depreciation 'ey I (a ec(anged to\C \. In &(at &ay my *alances &ould *e a%%ected li'e *alances o%depreciation, accumulated depreciation, assets etc.

Ans&er: ?(e di%%erence in t(e depreciation t(at is posted already and &(at s(ould *e posted &it( (istorical e%%ect &ill *e posted in t(e current accounting period.

.) o& many c(art o% accounts can *e assigned to company code &e can assign

company code to c(art o% account t(roug( O2) > $o& my uestion is in &(at &ay &ecan assign t(ree types o% c(art o% account to company code in one transaction code "Imig(t *e &rong pl= correct me#

Ans&er: ?(ree, alt(oug( t(e group and country c(art o% accounts are optional. ?(e groupc(art o% accounts is assigned to t(e operational c(art o% accounts, and t(e only mandatoCo is t(e Operational Co

. o& many %inancial statement ersions can *e assigned to co. code>

Ans&er: As many FSVs as you &ant can *e assigned to t(e co code i.e. +:n as o% Co

Code: FSV.

I (a e created Company Code and all ot(er con%iguration related to t(e C Code. Also in;; I (a e created purc(ase order, created endor, material etc. I couldn]t acti ate t(ePO due to t(e %ollo&ing error messages in red:

+. ;AI$?AI$ ?O !1A$C! I;I?S FO1 ?O !1A$C! E!D P! ACCO $?ASSI0$;!$?

. CO$?1O I$ ICA?O1S FO1 CO$?1O I$0 A1!A O $O? !QIS?.

I (a e assigned controlling area to company code and I could see t(e controlling area ineBistence ia master %ile and gl eri%ication.

+. ;AI$?AI$ ?O !1A$C! I;I?S FO1 ?O !1A$C! E!D P! ACCO $?ASSI0$;!$? -----R Please %ollo& t(is lin' ---R SP1O ----R ;;----R Purc(asing ---RPurc(ase Order ---R Set ?olerance limits %or price ariance ---R ere you (a e to set %o?olerance 'eys P! and S!. 3ust copy t(em %rom std co. code.

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. CO$?1O I$ ICA?O1S FO1 CO$?1O I$0 A1!A O $O? !QIS?. -----R

In Controlling ---R 0eneral Controlling ---R ;aintain Controlling Area ---R ;aintainControlling Area ---R Acti ate Components/Control Indicators ---R Dou need to c(ec' i%you &ant to acti ate t(e order management/acti ity *ased costing/commitment

management etc.SAP FI FA

+. ?(ere is \company\ %ield in t(e Company Code glo*al settings. ?(e 1/9 (elp says t(atit is *eing used %or consolidation. <e can use 0roup C(art o% account to do t(e same.<(at is t(e signi%icance o% t(is %ield>

. <(en &e copy t(e COA, only one Fin Stat Version is *eing copied. A COA can (a emany Fin Stat Version. <(y copying o% COA allo&s only one Fin St Ver>

9. <(at are t(e in%ormation t(at are not copied to ne& company code &(en &e copycompany code>

4. <(et(er one group c(art o% account can *e assigned to Operational c(arts. For !g.I$?A and I$?2 is *eing used *y group o% company as OCA. <(et(er 0CA 01P can *eassigned to I$?A and I$?2>

+A#. Company is an organi=ational unit &(ic( is generally used in t(e legalconsolidation to roll up %inancial statements o% se eral company codes. A company caninclude one or more company codes. I% &e are going %or Consolidation , &e need to ent(e ) c(aracter alp(anumeric company identi%ier t(at relates to t(is company code.

Company Codes &it(in a Company must use t(e same c(art o% accounts and %iscal year.And %or consolidation purpose &e use 0roup COA &(erein &e lin' t(e Operating COAt(ru entering t(e 0 account no. o% t(e 0roup COA in t(e 0 Account o% t(e OperatingCOA.

A#. A %inancial statement ersion corresponds to t(e c(art o% accounts and &(ereinIndi idual "operational# accounts are assigned to t(e corresponding FS item on t(e lo&esle el o% t(is ersion. 2ut as %or t(e rollup o% Accounts is not possi*le in all t(e FSV&(ic( can *e copied, n rat(er can update manually n create multiple FSVs i% necessarydepending on t(e Financial Statements &(ic( are necessary %or t(e Organi=ation.

9A#. All t(e Organi=ational units "0lo*al ata# %or a company code &ill * copied to ne&company code upon using t(e copy %unction eBcept %or t(e transactional data.

4A#. Des, 0roup COA can *e assigned i.e., t(e 0 A/c.$o. is lin'ed to t(e 0 Accountso% t(e *ot( Operating COA . ?(at means 0roup COA consists o% ni ue set o% Accoun&(ic( can *e lin'ed to Op.COA 5+ and Op.COA 5 .

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Ans: .$o.+. In t(e SAP system, consolidation %unctions in %inancial accounting are *ased on companies. A company can comprise one or more company codes. %or eBampCompany A (a e 4 company codes &(ic( is eBisting in di%%erent state and / or country.<(en Company A &ants to consolidated t(e accounts, it &ill gi e t(e common list o%accounts &(ic( in turn called group c(art o% accounts. 0roup c(art o% account is used to

de%ine/ list t(e 0 account uni%ormly %or all company codes.Ans: .$o. . In SAP 1/9 system, &ill allo& only one %inancial statement ersion %orsingle COA &(ic( you need to assign t(e same &(ile copying t(e COA. ?.code O2D

Ans: .$o.9. <(en you &ant to create FDV, PPV, COA etc %or ne& company code&(ic( is as same as eBisting company code, t(en you can copy all t(e in%ormation %romt(e source company code to t(e target company else &(ate er is re uired as per t(e ne&company code re uirement you can only copy t(e same, rest you can create as per t(ere uirement. %or eBample Fiscal year %or ne& company code may *e s(ortened %iscal&(ic( is di%%er %rom t(e eBisting company code. In t(is case, %iscal year %or ne& com

code you (a e to create and assign it to company code.Ans: .$o.4. Operational c(art o% accounts is somet(ing di%%er %rom t(e 0roup c(art o%accounts *ut 0roup c(art o% account can *e assigned to Operating c(art o% account + and

t(roug( 0 account no.

Operating c(art o% accounts: ?(e operating c(art o% accounts contains t(e 0 accountst(at you use %or posting in your company code during daily acti ities. Financialaccounting and controlling *ot( use t(is c(art o% accounts. Dou (a e to assign anoperating c(art o% account to a company code.

0roup c(art o% accounts: ?(e group c(art o% accounts contains t(e 0 accounts t(at areused *y t(e entire corporate group. ?(is allo&s t(e company to pro ide reports %or t(eentire corporate group

o& do I 'no& &(ic( target cost ersion &e are using>

?o %ind out &(ic( ersion is used %or your ?arget Cost, try t(is menu pat(

I;0 R Controlling --R Product Cost Controlling --R Cost O*@ect Controlling --R ProductCost *y Order --R Period-end Closing --R Variance Calculation --R e%ine ?arget CostVersions "tcode OEV)#.

o& do you c(ange t(e \Input taB code - Assets &it(out input taB\ alue %or a companyin Asset Accounting> ?ec(nically, (o& do you c(ange %ield ;<SE VA %ield in ta*le?7 9C> ?IA.

Dou can used transaction ]O2C ].

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Via customi=ing: Asset accounting --R Integration &it( general ledger --R Assign inputtaB indicator %or non-taBa*le ac uisitions

1e uire 01 G IV report

Is t(ere any report on 01 pending %or IV>

Dou could try eBecuting program 1F<!1!77, &it(out postings.?(is is t(e same program &(ic( is used %or period end closing- regrouping o% 01/I1...*ut%or only a report do not create postings.


;ay *e transaction ;2JS can (elp you out.

1etained Pro%it Account

A%ter you run t(e 0 *alance carry %or&ard, you only manage to 'no& t(e *alance carry%or&ard %or t(e retained pro%it account *ut you don]t (o& muc( is actually post to t(e particular account. Dou (a e try almost all o% t(e standard report *ut still can]t %ind anyreport t(at can s(o& you t(e %igure.

?(e *alance carried %or&ard is only a ]calculated] %igure and not a ]posted] %igure. ?(e *rea'-up o% t(e retained earnings %igure is a aila*le &(en you run t(e *alance carried%or&ard report.

Dou can also deri e t(e *alance *y selecting only t(e PG Accounts %or t(e rele ant period. ?(e net *alance o% t(ese accounts s(ould e ual t(e retained earnings account.

AC payment con%iguration

2ased on 4.72. Is it possi*le to con%igure t(e system %or AC payments or do &e need tupgrade>

Dou can use 1FFO SU? to produce an AC %ile. Dou may (a e to use user eBits to&rite (eader and trailer records. Please read documentation on t(is program and it is sel%


oc'ing o% Planning ata in Pro%it Center Accounting

o& to loc' planning data in pro%it center accounting.

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In 4.) * t(e transaction is SUA 1U6 7749 J - ;aintain Versions you can loc' ersions%or eac( %iscal year

C(anges in endor master

Is t(ere a report &(ic( s(o&s c(anges in endor master data. $ot only %or one li'e ;E74 or QE74 *ut %or a range li'e all c(anges in endors per ccode."s(ould *e similar to customer master transaction OVJ+#

Dou can used report \1FEA2 77\.

In t(e accounts paya*le reporting menu t(is program can *e %ound ia:Accounts paya*le --R Ade uacy and documentation --R ;aster data --R isplay o%

endor c(anges

" epending on your SAP ersion o% course#

2an' Statement pload

o& to use t(e program 1F!2EA?Q> ?(is creates t&o %iles S?A?!.?Q? andI?!;.?Q?.

o& are t(ese %iles imported into SAP>

?ry using program 1F!2EA77 to upload t(e t&o %iles.

- one is t(e (eader %ile containing t(e ouse *an' G account in%ormation along &it( t(edate and t(e statement num*er- t(e ot(er is t(e item details

Integration o% FICO &it( Ot(er ;odules

<(at are t(e steps %or integration o% FICO &it( ot(er modules S , ;; etc.>

Some *asic in%ormation:

FI-;;: ?(e integration *et&een FI-;; (appens in ?-code O2DC.+. <(en PO is created:

---- $o !ntry -----

. <(en 01 is posted


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In entory Account dr "?ransaction Eey 2SQ in O2DC#?o 01I1 account "?.Eey <1Q in ?-code O2DC#

9. <(en In oice is posted

01I1 account r.Vendor account Cr.

4. Payment made to Vendor

Vendor A/c r?o 2an' Clearing A/c Cr.

Points to 'no& : ;o ement ?ypes, Assignment o% ;o ement types to ?-'eys "?-codeO;33#, Value string "I also need some in%ormation on t(is# , O;<$ and O;<2transactions.


?(ere is a close integration */& FI G ;;, actually document %lo&s %rom ;; to FI in t(e%ollo&ing areas suc( as,

+. ;o ement ?ypes:

sed to ena*le t(e system to %ind t(e prede%ined posting rules determining (o& t(eaccounts o% %inancial accounting system are to *e posted G to update t(e stoc' %ields int(e matrl master data."0oods 1eceipt, 0oods Issue, etc#

. Valuation Class:

Assignment o% material to grp o% gl account, used to determine t(e gl accounts t(at areupdated as a result o% goods mo ement.

9. ?ransaction/! ent 'ey:

sed to control t(e storage or %iling o% documents G assignment o% documents. sed todi%%erentiate */& arious transactions suc( as goods mo ement t(at occur in in entory

4. ;aterial ?ype:!ac( material s(ould assign mtrl type in mtrl master record used to update &(et(erc(anges made in ty are updated in material master record G c(ange in alue alsoupdated in stoc' account.

FI-S Integration: ?(e integration is done in ?-code VEOA

9 6

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+. Sales Order Created

---$o !ntry---

. P0I done "0oods issue#

Cost o% 0oods Sold r "Con%igured in O2DC 022 ?-Eey#?o In entory Account

9. 2illing document released to Accounting

Customer Account r.?o Sales 1e enue Account "!1 ?-'ey in Pricing procedure#

$ote : ?(e 0 account is assigned to t(is !1 in VEOA

4. Payment 1ecei ed2an' Clearing A/c r

Customer A/c Cr.

Points to Eno& : 0ood to understand t(e pricing procedure and (o& t(e di%%erenttransaction 'eys are used li'e !1 , !1S etc.

!ntering !Bc(ange 1ate

Dou usedO276 to enter t(e eBc(ange rate ratio "%rom# and ration "to#.

?(ere are t(ree type o% !Bc(ange rate :-

+. ! 1O !uro ollar

. ; Standard translation at a erage rate

9. 1 !Bc(ange rate %or currency re aluation

Some Important ?codes %or FI 0 A1 AP Asset

? Codes etails

Financial Accounting

SP1O !nter I;0

OQ7 Company Code - Create, C(ec', elete


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OQ79 Create 2usiness Area

OE2 Functional Areas

O24J Create Credit Control Area

O2 ;aintain Fiscal Dear Variant

O29 Assign Co. Code to Fiscal Dear Variant

O2+9 Creation o% C(art o% Account "CoA#

O2D Copy C(art o% Account "CoA#

O2D ?ransport C(art o% Account

O2 4 e%ine Account 0roupO2D Copy 0 Accounts %rom t(e C(art to Co. Code

O2J9 e%ine 1etained !arnings

O2J6 ;aintain Financial Statement Versions

O2C4 ;aintain Field Status Variant

O22O e%ine Posting Period Variant

O2A e%ine ocument ?ype G $um*er 1anges

O24+ ;aintain Posting Eeys

O2A4 Create ?olerance 0roups

F2$+ Create 0 $um*er 1anges

O2 + Automatic Posting ocumentation

F2EP Automatic Account AssignmentO2DC ;; Automatic Account Assignment

O2D) !nter 0lo*al Parameters

FS77 Creation o% 0 ;aster 1ecords


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"F-7 # Posting o% 0 ?ransactions

"F279# isplay o% 0 ocument

"FS+7$# isplay o% 0 Accounts

O24) e%ine Interest Calculation ?ypes

O2 9 e%ine Vendor Account 0roup

"QE7+# Creation o% Vendor ;aster

"F-49# Purc(ase In oice Posting

"FE+7$# isplay Vendor Account

F++ e%ine ouse 2an' O226 ;aintain ?erms o% Payment "?oP#

O2 Creation o% Customer Account 0roup

O2A9 Customer ?olerance 0roups

"Q 7+# Creation o% Customer ;aster

"F +7$# isplay Customer Account

"F- 6# Incoming Payment Posting

O2)+ e%ine unning Area

!C76 Copy 1e%erence C(art o% epreciation "Co #

OA 2 e%ine epreciation Area

OAO2 Assign C(art o% epreciation to Co. Code

OAOA e%ine Asset ClassAO 7 Assignment o% Account in Asset Class

OAD etermination o% epreciation Area in Asset Class

"AS7+# Creation o% Asset ;aster


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"AS++# Creation o% Su* Asset

"F- 7# Asset Purc(ase Posting

"AFA2# epreciation 1un

"F- # Asset Sale Posting

"A<7+$# Asset !Bplorer

SAP FI ?ransaction Code ist +

o& to re erse cleared documents>?(e %ollo&ing procedure is to *e %ollo&ed to re erse t(e cleared document.

+. 1eset t(e cleared document and re erse t(e document.Pat( Accounting ---R %inancial Accounting ---R C/ ---R ocument---R 1eset Cleareditems - ?. code : F21AIn t(is screen select resetting and re erse radio *utton and gi e t(e re ersal reason. : 7+and sa e t(e settings.

F-7+ !nter Sample ocument

F-7 !nter 0/ Account Posting

F-79 Clear 0/ Account

F-74 Post &it( Clearing

F-7J Post Foreign Currency Valuation

F-7) Post Incoming Payments

F-7 Post Outgoing Payments

F-+6 Payment &it( Printout

F-+ 1e erse Statistical PostingF- 7 1e erse 2ill ia*ility

F- + !nter ?rans%er Posting

F- !nter Customer In oice


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F- 9 1eturn 2ill o% !Bc(ange Pmt 1e uest

F- J 1e erse C(ec'/2ill o% !Bc(.

F- ) Incoming Payments Fast !ntry

F- !nter Customer Credit ;emo

F- 6 Post Incoming Payments

F- Post Customer o&n Payment

F-97 Post &it( Clearing

F-9+ Post Outgoing Payments

F-9 Clear CustomerF-99 Post 2ill o% !Bc(ange sage

F-94 Post Collection

F-9J Post For%aiting

F-9) 2ill o% !Bc(ange Payment

F-9 Customer o&n Payment 1e uest

F-96 !nter Statistical Posting

F-9 Clear Customer o&n Payment

F-47 2ill o% !Bc(ange Payment

F-4+ !nter Vendor Credit ;emo

F-4 !nter ?rans%er Posting

F-49 !nter Vendor In oiceF-44 Clear Vendor

F-4) 1e erse 1e%inancing Acceptance

F-4 o&n Payment 1e uest


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F-46 Post Vendor o&n Payment

F-4 Customer $oted Item

F-J+ Post &it( Clearing

F-J Post Incoming Payments

F-J9 Post Outgoing Payments

F-J4 Clear Vendor o&n Payment

F-JJ !nter Statistical Posting

F-J) 1e erse Statistical Posting

F-J Vendor $oted ItemF-J6 Payment &it( Printout

F-J Payment 1e uest

F-)7 ;aintain ?a*le: Posting Periods

F-) ;aintain ?a*le: !Bc(ange 1ates

F-)9 Par' Vendor In oice

F-)4 Par' Customer In oice

F-)J Preliminary Posting

F-)) Par' Vendor Credit ;emo

F-) Par' Customer Credit ;emo

F- 7 Ac uisition %rom purc(ase &. endor

F- + Asset ac uis. to clearing accountF- Asset 1etire. %rm Sale &/ Customer

F.7+ A2AP/4 1eport: 2alance S(eet

F.7 Compact 3ournal


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F.79 1econciliation

F.74 0/ : Create Foreign ?rade 1eport

F.7J Foreign Currency Val.: Open Items

F.7) Foreign Currency Valuation:0/ Assts

F.7 0/ : 2alance Carried For&ard

F.76 0/ : Account 2alances

F.7 0/ : Account ist

F.7A 0/ : F?1 1eport on is'

F.72 0/ : Create to 4F.+7 0/ : C(art o% Accounts

F.++ 0/ : 0eneral edger %rom oc.File

F.+ Ad ance ?aB 1eturn

F.+9 A2AP/4 1eport: Automatic Clearing

F.+4 A2AP/4 1eport: 1ecurring !ntries

F.+J A2AP/4 1eport: ist 1ecurr.!ntries

F.+) A2AP/4 1eport: 0/ 2al.Carried F&d

F.+ A2AP/4 1eport: Cust.2al.Con%irmation

F.+6 A2AP/4 1eport: Vend.2al.Con%irmation

F.+ 0/ : 0oods/In oice 1ecei ed Clearing

F.+A Customer/Vendor StatisticsF.+2 ead O%%ice and 2ranc( IndeB

F. 7 A/1: Account ist

F. + A/1: Open Items


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F. A/1: Open Item Sorted ist

F. 9 A/1: Account 2alances

F. 4 A/1: Interest %or ays O erdue

F. J 2ill o% !Bc(ange ist

F. ) A/1: 2alance Interest Calculation

F. A/1: Periodic Account Statements

F. 6 Customers: 1eset Credit imit

F. A/1: Set p In%o System +

F. A Calc.cust.int.on arr.: Post "&/o OI#F. 2 Calc.cust.int.on arr.: Post"&it( OI#

F. C Calc.cust.int.on arr.: &/o postings

F. Customrs: FI-S mast.data comparison

F. ! 1econciliation 2t&n A%%iliated Comps

F. F ;anagement Acct 0roup 1econciliation

F. 0 Create Account 0roup 1econcil. 0/

F.97 A/1: ! aluate In%o System

F.9+ Credit ;anagement - O er ie&

F.9 Credit ;anagement - ;issing ata

F.99 Credit ;anagement - 2rie% O er ie&

F.94 Credit ;anagement - ;ass C(angeF.9J Credit ;aster S(eet

F.9) Ad .1et.on Sls/Pur.Form Printout" !#

F.9 Ad .rept.tB sls/purc(.%orm print "2!


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F.96 ?rans%er Posting o% e%erred ?aB

F.9 C FI ;aint. ta*le ?74 "2ill!Bc?yp#

F.47 A/P: Account ist

F.4+ A/P: Open Items

F.4 A/P: Account 2alances

F.44 A/P: 2alance Interest Calculation

F.4J A/P: Set p In%o System +

F.4) A/P: ! aluate In%o System

F.4 Vendors: calc.o% interest on arrearsF.46 Vendors: FI-;; mast.data comparison

F.4A Calc. end.int.on arr.: Post "&/o OI#

F.42 Calc. end.int.on arr.: Post"&it( OI#

F.4C Calc. end.int.on arr.: &/o postings

F.J7 0/ : Pro%ita*ility Segment Ad@ustmnt

F.J+ 0/ : Open Items

F.J 0/ : Acct 2al.Interest Calculation

F.J9 0/ : Account Assignment ;anual

F.J4 0/ : Structured Account 2alances

F.J) elete 1ecurring ocument

F.J 0/ : elete Sample ocumentsF.J6 OI 2al.Audit ?rail: %r. ocument File

F.J Accum.Clas.Aud.?rail: Create !Btract

F.JA Accum.Clas.Aud.?rail: ! al.!Btract


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F.J2 Accum.OI Aud.?rail: Create !Btract

F.JC Accum.OI Audit ?rail: isplay !Btr.

F.J 0/ : pdate 2al. S(eet Ad@ustment

F.J! 0/ : Post 2alance S(eet Ad@ustment

F.JF 0/ : 2alance S(eet Ad@ustment og

F.J0 0/ : Su*se .Ad@ustment"2A/PC# Sp.!rA

F.JI 0/ : Ad .1ep.%.?B on Sls/Purc(.&.3ur

F.)+ Correspondence: Print 1e uests

F.) Correspondence: Print Int. ocumentsF.)9 Correspondence: elete 1e uests

F.)4 Correspondence: ;aintain 1e uests

F.)J Correspondence: Print etters "Cust#

F.)) Correspondence: Print etters "Vend#

F. 7 2ill/!Bc(ange Pmnt 1e uest unning

F. + ;! &it( is': 2/!Bc(a. Presentation

F. J !Btended 2ill/!Bc(ange In%ormation

F. C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74J

F. 6 C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74J2

F. C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74J0

F.67 ;ass 1e ersal o% ocumentsF.6+ 1e erse Posting %or Accr./ e%er. ocs

F. 7 C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74JF

F. + C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74J


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F. C FI ;aintain ?7+ E "2ill/!Bc(.#

F. 9 ;aintain 2ill ia*ility and 1em.1is'

F. 0eneral edger: 1eport Selection

F. 6 Vendors: 1eport Selection

F. Customers: 1eport Selection

F/ A Create Pricing 1eport

F/ 2 C(ange pricing reports

F/ C isplay pricing reports

F/ !Becute pricing reportsF77 SAPo%%ice: S(ort ;essage

F777 Accounting

F7+7 A2AP/4 1eporting: Fiscal Dear C(ange

F7+$ e*it position 1A single re ersal

F7+O Vacancy 1 single re ersal

F7+P Accruals/de%errals single re ersal

F7+ e*it position ;C single re ersal

F7+1 ;C settlement single re ersal

F7+S 1e erse Periodic Posting

F7+? 1e erse Acc./ e%. 0eneral Contract

F747 1eorgani=ationF74+ 2an' ;aster ata Arc(i ing

F74 0/ Accounts Arc(i ing

F749 Customer Arc(i ing


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F624 C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?2E C

F62)$ C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?2EPV

F62C C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?2EFE

F62F C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74 D

F620 ;aintain 0lo*al ata %or F+++

F62 Inconsistencies ?74 I and ?74 D

F623 ;aintain Clearing Accts "1ec.2an'#

F62E ;aintain A !-Compati*le Pmnt ;et(ods

F62; ;aintain num*.range: Payment re uestF62$ Corr.Acctg ocuments Payment 2loc'

F62O Payment re uest arc(i ing

F621 e els %or Payment 1e uests

F62S etail display o% payment re uests

F62? isplay Payment 1e uests

F62 Create payment runs automatically

F62V 1e ersal o% 2an'-to-2an' ?rans%ers

F62< 1eset Cleared Items: Payt 1e uests

F62 F+++ Customi=ing

F6QQ Payment 1e uest $o. 1anges EI9-F62;

FA9 Call up report &it( report ariantFAEA Con%ig.: S(o& isplay Format

FAEP Con%ig.: ;aintain isplay Format

FA1+ S FI-A1I ;aint. ta*le ?7)+A


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FA1A S FI-A1I ;aint. ta*le ?7)+P/

FA12 C FI-A1I ;aint. ta*le ?7)+1

FA1I A1 Inter%ace: ?(ird-party applicatns

FA1D ?a*le ?7)+S

FA1 ?a*le ?7)+V

FAQ+ 2C sample SAP ! .+

FAQ 2C sample SAP ! .+

F277 Accounting !diting Options

F27+ Post ocumentF27 C(ange ocument

F279 isplay ocument

F279 isplay ocument/Payment sage

F274 ocument C(anges

F27J Post &it( Clearing

F27JUO Post &it( clearing

F27 Control ?otals

F276 1e erse ocument

F27 C(ange ine Items

F2+7 In oice/Credit Fast !ntry

F2++ Post eld ocumentF2+ 1e uest %rom Correspondence

F2+9 1elease %or Payments

F2+ Clear Customer


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F2+E Clear Vendor

F2+S Clear 0/ Account

F2 + !nter Statistical Posting

F2 1e erse Statistical Posting

F29+ !nter $oted Item

F24+ Post ?aB Paya*le

F2J7 0/ Acct Pstg: Single Screen ?rans.

F2)7 !nter Incoming In oices

F2)J !nter Incoming Credit ;emosF2 7 !nter Outgoing In oices

F2 J !nter Outgoing Credit ;emos

F2 C(ec' i% ocuments can *e Arc(i ed

F2A+ Customer o&n Payment 1e uest

F2A Post Customer o&n Payment

F2A9 Clear Customer o&n Payment

F2A) Vendor o&n Payment 1e uest

F2A Post Vendor o&n Payment

F2A UO Post Vendor o&n Payment

F2A6 Clear Vendor o&n Payment

F2A6UO Clear Vendor o&n PaymentF22+ Post Foreign Currency Valn

F22A isplay Acct etermination Con%ig.

F22P ;aintain Acct etermination Con%ig.


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F2C3 Cas( 3ournal

F2C3C7 C FI ;aintain ?a*les ?C3UCU3O 1$A S

F2C3C+ Cas( 3ournal ocument $um*er 1ange

F2C3C C FI ;aint. ?a*les ?C3U?1A$SAC?IO$S

F2C3C9 C FI ;aintain ?a*les ?C3UP1I$?

F2COPD Copy Function ;odule

F2 + !nter 1ecurring !ntry

F2 C(ange 1ecurring !ntry

F2 9 isplay 1ecurring !ntryF2 4 isplay 1ecurring !ntry C(anges

F2 J 1eali=e 1ecurring !ntry

F2 !nter 1ecurring !ntry

F2 F ;enu 2an ue de France

F2!+ Create Payment Ad ice

F2! C(ange Payment Ad ice

F2!9 isplay Payment Ad ice

F2!) elete Payment Ad ice

F2! Add to Payment Ad ice Account

F2F+ C67 1eporting ;inus Sp.0/ Ind.

F2F Financial ?ransactionsF2F9 Control 1eport

F2F4 o&nload ocuments

F2FJ 1eports ;inus Vendor Accounts


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F2F) ocument C(anges

F2F C67 1eports ;inus Sp.0/ Ind.

F2F6 C64 1eports

F2F? Customi=ing 2 F

F2IP ;aintain *an' c(ains %or partner

F2EA isplay Accounting Con%iguration

F2EF F2EP/Carry Out Function "Internal#

F2EP ;aintain Accounting Con%iguration

F2 + isplay Vendor ine ItemsF2 +$ Vendor ine Items

F2 C(ange Vendor ine Items

F2 $ Vendor ine Items

F2 9 isplay 0/ Account ine Items

F2 9$ 0/ Account ine Items

F2 4 C(ange 0/ Account ine Items

F2 4$ 0/ Account ine Items

F2 J isplay Customer ine Items

F2 J$ Customer ine Items

F2 ) C(ange Customer ine Items

F2 )$ Customer ine ItemsF2;+ !nter Sample ocument

F2; C(ange Sample ocument

F2;9 isplay Sample ocument


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F2;4 isplay Sample ocument C(anges

F2;A isplay unning Procedure

F2;! 2an's

F2;P ;aintain unning Procedure

F2$+ Accounting ocument $um*er 1anges

F2$ $um*er 1ange ;aintenance: FIUPDO1

F2P+ !nter Payment 1e uest

F21+ Post &it( 1e%erence ocument

F21 Post ocumentF21A 1eset Cleared Items

F21C 1eset Cleared Items "Payment Cards#

F2S+ !nter Accrual/ e%erral oc.

F2?A isplay ?eBt etermin.Con%iguration

F2?P ;aintain ?eBt etermin.Con%iguration

F2 C(ange Intercompany ocument

F2 9 isplay Intercompany ocument

F2 6 1e erse Cross-Company Code ocument

F2V7 Post Par'ed ocument

F2V+ Par' ocument

F2V C(ange Par'ed ocumentF2V9 isplay Par'ed ocument

F2V4 C(ange Par'ed ocument " eader#

F2VJ ocument C(anges o% Par'ed ocuments


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F2V) Par'ed ocument X

F2V2 Post Par'ed ocument

F2<+ !nter 2ill o% !Bc(ange Pmnt 1e uest

F2< Post 2ill o%!Bc(.acc.to Pmt 1e uest

F2<9 Post 2ill o% !Bc(ange sage

F2<4 1e erse 2ill ia*ility

F2<J Customer C(ec'/2ill o% !Bc(ange

F2<) Vendor C(ec'/2ill o% !Bc(ange

F2< 2an' %ile to %ile system "%or F2< #F2<6 File to 2an' "%or ?ransaction F2< #

F2< C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74J ?A

F2<A C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74)a

F2< 1eturned 2ills o% !Bc(ange Paya*le

F2< Parameter ?ransaction %or F2<

F2<! 2ill/!Bc(.Presentatn - International

F2< C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74J?

F2<1 C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74J<

F2<S C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?74)s

F2 7 isplay/!dit Payment Proposal

F2 + Post Incoming PaymentsF2 Post Outgoing Payments

F2 9 Incoming Payments Fast !ntry

F2 4 Payment &it( Printout


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F2 J Print C(ec' For Payment ocument

F2 6 isplay Payment 1un

F2 A isplay Pmnt Program Con%iguration

F2 0 Failed Customer Payments

F2 P ;aintain Pmnt Program Con%iguration

FC+7 Financial Statements Comparison

FC++ ata !Btract %or FI ?rans%er

FC67 ocument C67

FC6 ocument C6FCAA C(ec' Arc(i ing

FCC+ Payment Cards: Settlement

FCC Payment Cards: 1epeat Settlement

FCC9 Payment Cards: elete ogs

FCC4 Payment Cards: isplay ogs

FCC1 Payment Card ! aluations

FC + isplay C(ec' In%ormation

FC isplay Payment ocument C(ec's

FC 9 Void C(ec's

FC 4 1enum*er C(ec's

FC J Create C(ec' In%ormationFC ) C(ange C(ec' In%ormation/Cas( C(ec'

FC 1eprint C(ec'

FC 6 1e erse C(ec' Payment


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FC Void Issued C(ec'

FC A C(ec' arc(i ing

FC 2 C(ec' retrie al

FC elete Payment 1un C(ec' In%ormation

FC ! elete Voided C(ec's

FC F elete ;anual C(ec's

FC 0 elete cas(ing/eBtract data

FC I C(ec' ots

FC E C(ec' ?racing Initial ;enuFC $ C(ec' 1egister

FC 1 Online Cas(ed C(ec's

FC ? C(ange c(ec'/payment allocation

FC Create 1e%erence %or C(ec'

FC V C FI ;aintain ?a*le ?VOI

FC Q C(ec' !Btract - Creation

FCI<C 2< Customi=ing %or CS

FCI< 77 o&nload In%oO*@ect teBt

FCI< +7 o&nload In%oO*@ect (ierarc(ies

FCE1 International cas(ed c(ec's

FC;; C FI Preparations %or consolidationFC;$ FI Initial Consolidation ;enu

FCV+ Create A/1 Summary

FCV elete A/1 Summary


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FCV9 !arly <arning ist

FCU2<U2!Q 2usiness !Bplorer Analyser

FCU2<U1SA+ 2< Administrator <or'*enc(

FCU2<U1S ! !?! elete 2< uery O*@ects

FCU2<U1S V ;aintain 2< Varia*les

F -+ $um*er range maintenance: FVV U1A$

F 7+ Create Customer "Accounting#

F 7 C(ange Customer "Accounting#

F 7 CO1! ;aintain customerF 79 isplay Customer "Accounting#

F 74 Customer C(anges "Accounting#

F 7J 2loc' Customer "Accounting#

F 7) ;ar' Customer %or eletion "Acctng#

F 76 Con%irm Customer Indi idually"Actng#

F 7 Con%irm Customer ist "Accounting#

F +7 Customer Account 2alance

F +7$ Customer 2alance isplay

F +7$A Customer 2al. isplay &it( <or'list

F ++ Customer Account Analysis

F +J ?rans%er customer c(anges: sendF +) ?rans%er customer c(anges: recei e

F 4 Credit imit C(anges

F 9 C(ange Customer Credit ;anagement


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F 99 isplay Customer Credit ;anagement

F 9 Credit ;anagement ;ass C(ange

F C oans customi=ing menu

F F Cas( ;anagement Implementation ?ool

F I7 !Becute 1eport

F I+ Create 1eport

F I C(ange 1eport

F I9 isplay 1eport

F I4 Create FormF IJ C(ange Form

F I) isplay Form

F I2 2ac'ground Processing

F IC ;aintain Currency ?ranslation ?ype

F IE ;aintain Eey Figures

F I; 1eport ;onitor

F IO ?ransport 1eports

F IP ?ransport Forms

F I Import 1eports %rom Client 777

F I1 Import Forms %rom Client 777

F I? ?ranslation ?ool - rilldo&n 1eportF IV ;aintain 0lo*al Varia*le

F IQ 1eorgani=e rilldo&n 1eports

F ID 1eorgani=e 1eport ata


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F I 1eorgani=e Forms

F E49 Credit ;anagement - ;aster ata ist

F ;$

F OO 2orro&er]s notes order o er ie&

F ?A ?emSe/1!0 ? ata Administration

F ?? ?reasury ata ;edium Administration

F!2A Postprocess !lectronic 2an' Statmt

F!2C 0enerate ;ulticas( %ormat

F!2;S0 isplay Internet ;essagesF!2OAS 1e uest Account Statement ia OFQ

F!2OFQ OFQ Functions

F!2P Post !lectronic 2an' Statement

F!2S?S Searc( String Searc( Simulation

F!S1 Importing o% PO1 File "S&it=erland#

F! 2 Ad@ust VI2!PP a%ter ! 1O con ersion

F! I 1eal !state Implementation 0uide

FFX9 Send planning data to central system

FFX4 1etrie e planning data

FFXJ 1etrie e transmission results

FFX) C(ec' settingsFFX C(ec' all eBternal systems

FFXA ;aintain ?1-C; su*systems

FFX2 Con ert Planning 0roup


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FFXC Con ert planning le el

FFX Con ert *usiness areas

FFX isplay transmission in%ormation

FFXS isplay transmission in%ormation

FFXQ Con%igure t(e central ?1-C; system

FF-+ Outstanding C(ec's

FF- Outstanding 2ills o% !Bc(ange

FF-9 Cas( ;anagement Summary 1ecords

FF-4 C;F ata In Accounting ocumentsFF-J C;F 1ecords %r.;aterials ;anagement

FF-) C;F 1ecords %rom Sales

FF- Forecast Item 3ournal

FF-6 Payment Ad ice 3ournal

FF- 3ournal

FF.+ Standard 0/ Account Interest Scale

FF.9 0/ Account Cas(ed C(ec's

FF.4 Vendor Cas(ed C(ec's

FF.J Import !lectronic 2an' Statement

FF.) isplay !lectronic 2an' Statement

FF. Payment Ad ice ComparisonFF.6 Print Payment Orders

FF. Post Payment Orders

FF. 0enerate payt re . %rom ad ices


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FF/+ Compare 2an' ?erms

FF/ Compare alue date

FF/9 Arc(i e ad ices %rom *an' statements

FF/4 Import electronic c(ec' deposit list

FF/J Post electronic c(ec' deposit list

FF/) eposit/loan mgmt analysis/posting

FF/ eposit/loan management int accruals

FF/6 Import 2an' Statement into Cas( ;gmt

FF/ Compare Ad ices &it( 2an' StatementFF)9 Create Planning ;emo 1ecord

FF)J ist o% Cas( ;anagement ;emo 1ecords

FF) ;anual 2an' Statement

FF)6 ;anual C(ec' eposit ?ransaction

FF)A !dit Cas( ;gmt Pos Payment Ad ices

FF)2 !dit li uidity %orecast planned item

FF 7 Cas( ;gmt Posit./ i uidity Forecast

FF + Cas( Position

FF i uidity %orecast

FF 9 Cas( Concentration

FF 4 se Program to Access Cas( ConcntnFF A Cas( Position

FF 2 i uidity %orecast

FF:+ ;aintain eBc(ange rates


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FF24 Import electronic c(ec' deposit list

FF2J Post electronic c(ec' deposit list

FF UO isplay ?ransmission In%ormation

FFSUO isplay ?ransmission In%ormation

FF? ?elep(one list

FF<+ <ire Aut(ori=ation

FF<1 Post Payment 1e uests %rom Ad ice

FF<1U1! !S?S Create Payment 1e uests %rom Ad ice

FFU+ Standard 0/ Account Interest ScaleFFU9 0/ Account Cas(ed C(ec's

FFU4 Vendor Cas(ed C(ec's

FFUJ Import !lectronic 2an' Statement

FFU) isplay !lectronic 2an' Statement

SAP FI ?ransaction Code ist

F0 FleBi*le 0/ : 1eport Selection

F0I7 !Becute 1eport

F0I+ Create 1eport

F0I C(ange 1eport

F0I9 isplay 1eport

F0I4 Create FormF0IJ C(ange Form

F0I) isplay Form

F0I2 2ac'ground Processing


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F0IC ;aintain Currency ?ranslation ?ype

F0IE ;aintain Eey Figures

F0I; 1eport ;onitor

F0IO ?ransport 1eports

F0IP ?ransport Forms

F0I Import 1eports %rom Client 777

F0I1 Import Forms %rom Client 777

F0I? ?ranslation ?ool - rilldo&n 1eport.

F0IV ;aintain 0lo*al Varia*leF0IQ 1eorgani=e rilldo&n 1eports

F0ID 1eorgani=e 1eport ata

F0I 1eorgani=e Forms

F0;7 Special Purpose edger ;enu

F01P 1eport Painter

F01< 1eport <riter ;enu

FI7+ Create 2an'

FI7 C(ange 2an'

FI79 isplay 2an'

FI74 isplay 2an' C(anges

FI7) ;ar' 2an' %or eletionFI7 C(ange Current $um*er 1ange $um*er

FI+ C(ange ouse 2an's/2an' Accounts

FI+ CO1! C(ange ouse 2an's/2an' Accounts


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FI+9 isplay ouse 2an's/2an' Accounts

FI22 2an' c(ain determination

FI2C Scenarios %or 2an' C(ain etermine.

FI2 Allocation client

FI2F ;aintenance transaction 2?!

FI2 S isplay *an' c(ains %or (ouse *an's

FI2 ;aintain *an' c(ains %or (ouse *an's

FI2 + Control Origin Indicator

FI2 Assign OriginFI2 9 0roup o% ouse 2an' Accounts

FI2PS isplay *an' c(ians %or partners

FI2P ;aintain *an' c(ains %or partner

FI2?S is. *an' c(ains %or acct carry o er

FI2? ;ain. 2an' c(ains %or acctCarry o er

FI C Create In (ouse Cas( Center

FI A FU<FUC S? Store Order: <or'%lo& Customi=ing

FI ! Cross-Client File $ames/Pat(s

FI I$VU<FUC S? Store In entory: <or'%lo& Customi=ing

FI$A 2ranc( to Financial Accounting

FI$F In%o System ! entsFI$P In%o System Processes

FI?PU1!SPO Contact Partner 1esponsi*ilities

FI?PUS!??I$0S Settings %or ?ra el Planning


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FI?PUS!??I$0SU?1!! ?ree ;aintenance Current Settings

FI?VF! ?ree

F3A+ In%lation Ad@ustment o% 0/ Accounts

F3A 1eset ?ransaction ata 0/ Acc.In%l.

F3A9 2alance S(eet/PG &it( In%lation

F3A4 In%l. Ad@ustment o% Open Items "FC#

F3AJ In%l. Ad@. o% Open 1ecei a*les " C#

F3A) In%l. Ad@. o% Open Paya*les " C#

F3!! !Bercise Su*scription 1ig(tFE7+ Create Vendor "Accounting#

FE7 C(ange Vendor "Accounting#

FE7 CO1! ;aintain endor

FE79 isplay Vendor "Accounting#

FE74 Vendor C(anges "Accounting#

FE7J 2loc' Vendor "Accounting#

FE7) ;ar' Vendor %or eletion "Acctng#

FE76 Con%irm Vendor Indi idually "Acctng#

FE7 Con%irm Vendor ist "Accounting#

FE+7 Vendor Account 2alance

FE+7$ Vendor 2alance isplayFE+7$A Vendor 2alance isplay

FE+J ?rans%er endor c(anges: recei e

FE+) ?rans%er endor c(anges: recei e


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FEI7 !Becute 1eport

FEI+ Create 1eport

FEI C(ange 1eport

FEI9 isplay 1eport

FEI4 Create Form

FEIJ C(ange Form

FEI) isplay Form

FEI2 2ac'ground Processing

FEIC ;aintain Currency ?ranslation ?ypeFEIE ;aintain Eey Figures

FEI; 1eport ;onitor

FEIO ?ransport 1eports

FEIP ?ransport Forms

FEI Import 1eports %rom Client 777

FEI1 Import Forms %rom Client 777

FEI? ?ranslation ?ool - rilldo&n 1eport.

FEIV ;aintain 0lo*al Varia*le

FEIQ 1eorgani=e rilldo&n 1eports

FEID 1eorgani=e 1eport ata

FEI 1eorgani=e FormsFE;$

FE;? FI Acct Assignment ;odel ;anagement

F 2+ Post processing oc'*oB ata


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F 2 Import oc'*oB File

F 2P Post oc'*oB ata

F CV Create/!dit ocument ?emplate <F

F;M7 isplay F; ;ain 1ole e%inition

F;M+ ;aintain F; ;ain 1ole e%inition

F;M isplay F; Amount 0roups

F;M9 ;aintain F; Amount 0roups

F;M4 isplay F; 2udget ine 0roups

F;MJ ;aintain F; 2udget ine 0roupsF;M) isplay F; ocument Classes

F;M ;aintain F; ocument Classes

F;M6 isplay F; Acti ity Categories

F;M ;aintain F; Acti ity Categories

F;MA isplay oc.Class--R oc.Cat. Assgmt

F;M2 ;aintain oc.Clase--R oc.Cat.Assgmt

F;79 isplay F; ocument

F; + C(ange Original 2udget

F; isplay Original 2udget

F; J C(ange Supplement

F; ) isplay SupplementF; C(ange 1eturn

F; 6 ?rans%er 2udget

F; isplay 1eturn


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F; isplay Funds Center ierarc(y

F; ! C(ange 2udget ocument

F; F isplay 2udget ocument

F; 0 Funds Center ierarc(y

F; ;aintain Funds Center ierarc(y

F; I Create Funds Center

F; S isplay Funds Center

F; ? C(ange 1eleases

F; C(ange Funds CenterF; V isplay 1eleases

F;9 isplay Commitment Item ierarc(y

F;90 Commitment Item ierarc(y

F;9 ;aintain Commitment Item ierarc(y

F;9I Create Commitment Item

F;9$ Commitment Items %or 0/ Accounts

F;9S isplay Commitment Item

F;9 C(ange Commitment Item

F;46 C(ange Financial 2udget: Initial Scn

F;46U+ PS-C;: Create Planning ayout

F;46U PS-C;: C(ange Planning ayoutF;46U9 PS-C;: isplay Planning ayout

F;4 isplay Financial 2udget: Init.Scrn

F;40 2udget Structure !lement ierarc(y


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F;JI Create Fund

F;JS isplay Fund

F;J C(ange Fund

F;JU ! elete %und preselection

F;JU ISP isplay %und preselection

F;JUS! Preselection Fund

F;)I Create Application o% Funds

F;)S isplay Application o% Funds

F;) C(ange Application o% FundsF; + ;aintain Co er Pools

F; Assign F; Acct Asst to Co er Pool

F; 6 C(aract.0roups %or Co er Pools

F; 0rouping C(ars %or Co er Pool

F; A isplay Co er !ligi*ility 1ules

F; I Create Attri*utes %or F; Acct Asst

F; P ;aintain Co er !ligi*ility 1ules

F; S isplay Co er !ligi*ility 1ules

F; ;aintain Co er !ligi*ility 1ules

F; 2 Copy 2udget Version

F; C Plan ata ?rans%er %rom COF; oc' 2udget Version

F; ! nloc' 2udget Version

F; F elete 2udget Version


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F; 0 1oll p Supplement

F; 1oll up Original 2udget

F; I 1oll p 1eturn

F; 3 1oll p 1eleases

F; E C(ange 2udget Structure

F; isplay 2udget Structure

F; ; elete 2udget Structure

F; $ 0enerate 2udget O*@ect

F; P 1econstruct 2udget istr*td ValuesF; ?otal p 2udget

F; < Ad@ust Funds ;anagement 2udget

F;A+ ;atc(ing: ?otals and 2alances "C2;#

F;A ;atc(ing: C2; ine Items and ?otals

F;A9 ;atc(ing: FI ine Items "C2;#

F;A4 ;atc(ing: FI 2an' ine Items "C2;#

F;AA ;atc(ing: ine Items and ?otals "F;#

F;A2 ;atc(ing: FI F; ine Items

F;AC e eling: F; Commitment ine Items

F;A e eling: FI-F; ?otals 1ecords

F;A! isplay C(ange ocumentsF;AF e el ine Items and ?otals Items

F;27 CO ocument ?rans%er

F;2+ isplay Security Prices-Collect.


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F;2I se 1e enues to Increase !Bpend.2dgt

F;2 77J FIF; 2udget ata !Bport

F;2 77) FIF; 2udget ata Import

F;2V Acti ate A aila*ility Control

F;C Customi=ing in ay-to- ay 2usiness

F;C2 1eassignment: ocument Selection

F;CC 1eassignment: F;-CO Assignment

F;C 1eassignment: elete <or' ist

F;C0 1eassignment: O erall AssignmentF;C$ 1eassignment: Supplement.Acct Assgt

F;C1 1eassignment: isplay <or' ist

F;C? 1eassignment: ?rans%er

F; + C(ange Carry %or&ard 1ules

F; isplay Carry %or&ard 1ules

F; ; ;onitor Closing Operations

F; S Copy Carry %or&ard 1ules

F; ? isplay Carry %or&ard 1ules

F;!+ Import Forms %rom Client 777

F;! Import 1eports %rom Client 777

F;!9 ?ransport FormsF;!4 ?ransport 1eports

F;!J 1eorgani=e Forms

F;!) 1eorgani=e rilldo&n 1eports


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F;! 1eorgani=e 1eport ata

F;!6 ;aintain 2atc( Variants

F;! ?ranslation ?ool - rilldo&n

F;!2 Structure 1eport 2ac'grnd Processing

F;! SAP-!IS: ierarc(y ;aintenance

F;!E F;CA: Create rilldo&n 1eport

F;! F;CA: C(ange rilldo&n 1eport

F;!; F;CA: isplay rilldo&n 1eport

F;!$ F;CA: Create FormF;!O F;CA: C(ange Form

F;!P F;CA: isplay Form

F;! F;CA: 1un rilldo&n 1eport

F;!1 F;CA: rilldo&n ?ool ?est ;onitor

F;! 1O+ Create !uro F; Area

F;! 1O 1e%res( !uro ;aster ata

F;! 1O9 isplay !uro F; Areas

F;! 1O4 eacti ate !uro F; Areas

F;!V ;aintain 0lo*al Varia*le

F;F7 Payment Selection

F;F+ 1e enue ?rans%erF;0+ F;: Create Commitment Item 0roup

F;0 F;: C(ange Commitment Item 0roup

F;09 F;: isplay Commitment Item 0roup


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F;04 F;: elete Commitment Item 0roup

F;0J 0enerate 2S O*@ects %r.Cmmt Item 0rp

F; C C(ec' 2udget Structure !lements in 1

F; 0 0enerate 2udget Struc !lements in 1

F; 00 0enerate 2S !lements %. Se eral Funds

F; ;aster ata C(ec'

F; IS? Apportion ocument in F;

F; V 2udget ;emo ?eBts

F;IA isplay 1ules %or 1e s.Incr.2udgetF;I2 Increase 2udget *y 1e enues

F;IC 0enerate Additional 2udget Incr. ata

F;I elete 1ules %or 1e s Incr. 2udget

F;IP ;aintain 1ules %or 1e s.Incr.2udget

F;IS isplay 1ules %or 1e s.Incr.2udget

F;I ;aintain 1ules %or 1e s.Incr.2udget

F;3+ Fiscal Dear Close: Select Commitment

F;3+U?1 Settlement: Select Commitment

F;3 Fiscal Dear Close: Carr.F&d Commts

F;3 U?1 Settlement: ?rans%er Commitment

F;39 1e erse Commitments Carry %or&ardF;3A 2udget Fiscal Dear Close: Prepare

F;3AU?1 2udget Settlement: Prepare

F;32 etermine 2udget Dear-!nd Closing


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F;P elete Financial 2udget Version

F;17 1econstruct Par'ed ocuments

F;1+ Actual/Commitment 1eport

F;1 Actual/Commitment per Company Code

F;19 Plan/Actual/Commitment 1eport

F;14 Plan/Commitment 1eport &. ierarc(y

F;1JA + Period Forecast: Actual and Plan

F;1)A ?(ree Period isplay: Plan/Actual

F;1A Access 1eport ?reeF;12 Access 1eport ?ree

F;1!UA1C Arc(i e !armar'ed Funds

F;1!U!< 7+ !armar'ed Funds: !uro Preprocessing

F;1!U!< 7 !armar'ed Funds: !uro Post processing

F;1!US!1 E Close !armar'ed Funds

F;1P+6 Clear Su*se uent Postings

F;SS isplay Status Assignment

F;S C(ange Assigned Status

F; 7 isplay Funds 1eser ation oc.?ypes

F; + ;aintain Funds 1eser ation oc.?ypes

F; isplay Funds 1eser tn Fld VariantsF; 9 ;aintain Funds 1es tn Field Variants

F; 4 isplay Funds 1eser ation Fld 0roups

F; J ;aintain Funds 1eser atn Fld 0roups


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F; ) isplay Funds 1eser tn Field Selctn

F; ;aintain Funds 1es tn Field Selection

F; 6 isplay ?emplate ?ype %or Fds 1es tn

F; ;aintain ?emplate ?ype %or Fds 1es n

F; A isplay Fds 1es.?emplate ?ype Fields

F; 2 ;aintain Fds 1es.?emplate ?ype Fields

F; C isplay Funds 1es. 1e%erence ?ype

F; ;aintain Funds 1es.1e%erence ?ype

F; ! isplay Funds 1es.1e%.?ype FieldsF; F ;aintain Fds 1s tn 1e%.?ype Fields

F; 0 isplay 1easons %or ecision

F; ;aintain 1easons %or ecisions

F; I isplay 0roups %or <or'%lo& Fields

F; 3 ;aintain 0roups %or <or'%lo& Fields

F; E isplay Fields in 0roups %or <F

F; ;aintain Fields in 0roups %or <F

F; ; isplay Field Select --RVariant/0roup

F; $ isplay Field Seln--RVariant/0roup

F; V Funds 1es tn Field Status Var.Asst

F;V+ Create Forecast o% 1e enueF;V C(ange Forecast o% 1e enue

F;V9 isplay Forecast o% 1e enue

F;V4 Appro e Forecast o% 1e enue


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F;Q) Funds 1eser ation: ;anual 1eduction

F;D+ Create Funds Commitment

F;D C(ange Funds Commitment

F;D9 isplay Funds Pre commitment

F;D4 Appro e Funds Pre commitment

F;DJ C(ange F; Acct Asst in Funds Prcmmt

F;D) 1educe Funds Pre commitment manually

F; + Create Funds Commitment

F; C(ange Funds CommitmentF; 9 isplay Funds Commitment

F; 4 Appro e Funds Commitment

F; J C(ange F; Acct Asst in Funds Commt

F; ) 1educe Funds Commitment ;anually

F; 2V? Carry For&ard 2alance

F; 1e alue Funds Commitments

F;U 7 elete <or' list

F;U FI eletes FI ocuments ?rans%erred %rom

F;U F; eletes all F; ata "%ast#

F;U OI eletes Cmmts ?rans%erred %rom F;

F;U! 1OU; Parameter maintenance %or euro con .F;U1C7) 1econcile FI Paymts--R F; ?otals Items

F;U1C7 1econcile FI Paymts--R F; ine Items

F;U1C76 1econcile F; Paymts --R F; ine Items

9 +

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F;U1C++ Select Old Payments

F;US+ 9 01/I1: Post OIs to F; Again

F;US 7+ Post Payments on Account to FIF;

F;US 7 isplay <or' list

F$-+ $o. range: FVV U1A$ " oan num*er#

F$-4 $um*er range maintenance: FVV UP$$1

F$-J $um*er range maintenance: FVV US$2$1

F$-) $um*er range maintenance: FVV U1P$1

F$7 Create 2orro&er]s $ote OrderF$++ C(ange *orro&er]s note order

F$+ isplay *orro&er]s note order

F$+9 elete *orro&er]s note order

F$+J Create *orro&er]s note contract

F$+) C(ange *orro&er]s note contract

F$+ isplay *orro&er]s note contract

F$+6 Payo%% *orro&er]s note contract

F$+ 1e erse *orro&er]s note contract

F$+A Create ot(er loan contract

F$+V Create ot(er loan contract

F$ 7 Create *orro&er]s note o%%erF$ + C(ange *orro&er]s note o%%er

F$ isplay *orro&er]s note o%%er

F$ 9 elete *orro&er]s note o%%er


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F$ 4 Acti ate *orro&er]s note o%%er

F$ A C(ange ot(er loan application

F$ V C(ange ot(er loan contract

F$97 Create policy interested party

F$9+ C(ange policy interested party

F$9 isplay policy interested party

F$99 elete policy interested party

F$94 Policy interested party in applic.

F$9J Policy interested party in contractF$9 oan 1e ersal C(ain

F$9A isplay ot(er loan application

F$9V isplay ot(er loan contract

F$47 Create ot(er loan interested party

F$4+ C(ange ot(er loan interested party

F$4 isplay ot(er loan interested party

F$49 elete ot(er loan interested party

F$44 Ot(er loan interest. Party in applic.

F$4J Ot(er loan interested prty in cntrct

F$4A elete ot(er loan application

F$4V elete ot(er loan contractF$JA Ot(er loan application in contract

F$JV Payo%% ot(er loan contract

F$)+ Create collateral alue

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F$) C(ange collateral alue

F$)9 isplay collateral alue

F$ 7 ist J

F$ ist J4

F$67 !nter manual de*it position

F$6+ C(ange manual de*it position

F$6 isplay manual de*it position

F$69 Create &ai er

F$64 C(ange &ai erF$6J isplay &ai er

F$6) !nter de*it position depreciation

F$6 C(ange de*it position depreciation

F$66 isplay de*it position depreciation

F$6A ;anual !ntry: nsc(ed. 1epayment

F$62 ;anual !ntry: Ot(er 2us. Operations

F$6C ;anual !ntry: C(arges

F$6 Post Planned 1ecords

F$A7 Policy application in contract

F$A+ Create mortgage application

F$A C(ange mortgage applicationF$A9 isplay mortgage application

F$A4 Complete mortgage application

F$AJ ;ortgage application in contract

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F$A) Create policy application

F$A C(ange policy application

F$A6 isplay policy application

F$A elete policy application

F$AA 1eacti ate deleted mortgage applic.

F$A2 1eacti ate deleted mortg. int.party

F$AC 1eacti ate deleted mortgage contract

F$A 1eacti ate deleted policy applicat.

F$A! 1eacti ate deleted policy contractF$A0 1eacti ate deleted ot(er loan applic

F$A 1eacti ate del. ot(er loan int.party

F$AI 1eacti ate deleted ot(er loan cntrct

F$AE Select %ile c(aracter

F$A 1eacti ate deleted 2$ contract

F$A; 1eacti ate deleted policy contract

F$AS oans: Account Analysis

F$2+ ?rans%er to a oan

F$2 ?rans%er %rom a oan

F$29 ocument 1e ersal - oans

F$26 2AV In%ormationF$2 2AV trans%er

F$2 oans-Automatic *al. s(eet trans%er

F$20 0uarantee c(arges list

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F$2 A1<I$- oans accounting menu

F$C ?rans%er Customi=ing %or unning

F$C<+ ;aintain Standard 1ole

F$C< ?ransaction 1elease: Ad@ust <or'%lo&

F$ Con ert unning ata in unn. istory

F$!$ Create oan

F$!$A 0 Create 0eneral oan

F$!$ DP Create ;ortgage oan

F$!$PO Create Policy oanF$!$SS Create 2orro&er]s $ote oan

F$F+ 1ollo er: Create %ile

F$F 1ollo er: C(ange %ile

F$F9 1ollo er: isplay %ile

F$F4 1ollo er: Fill %ile

F$F 1ollo er: ! aluations

F$FO ISIS: Create %ile

F$FP ISIS: C(ange %ile

F$F ISIS: isplay %ile

F$F1 ISIS: Fill %ile

F$F? 1ollo er: File e aluationF$F 1ollo er: pdate %ile

F$0 ?otal oan Commitment

F$09 ?otal Commitment

9 )

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F$I+ Create mortgage application

F$I C(ange mortgage application

F$I9 isplay mortgage application

F$I4 elete mortgage application

F$IJ ;ortgage application to o%%er

F$I) ;ortgage application in contract

F$IA Create interested party

F$I2 C(ange interested party

F$IC isplay interested partyF$I elete interested party

F$I! 1eacti ate interested party

F$I ecision-ma'ing

F$I3 Create credit standing

F$IE C(ange credit standing

F$I isplay credit standing

F$I$ Create collateral alue

F$IO C(ange collateral alue

F$IP isplay collateral alue

F$E7 ;ultimillion oan isplay "02A+4#

F$E+ oans to ;anagers "02A+J#F$EO Cond.types - Cond.groups allocation

F$ + 1ollo er: Create ;ain File

F$ 1ollo er: C(ange ;ain File


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F$ 9 1ollo er: ispl. ;ain File Structure

F$ 4 $e& *usiness

F$ J $e& *usiness

F$ ) $e& *usiness

F$;+ Automatic Posting

F$;+S Automatic Posting - Single

F$; 2alance s(eet trans%er

F$;9 oans re ersal module

F$;4 ndisclosed assignmentF$;J Automatic de*it position simulation

F$;) Post dunning c(arges/int.on arrears

F$; oan re ersal c(ain

F$;A Partner data: Settings menu

F$; Su*menu 0eneral oans

F$;! oans management menu

F$;!C oans ;anagement ;enu

F$; oans management menu

F$;I oans in%ormation system

F$;O oans ;enu Policy oans

F$;P 1ollo erF$;S oans ;enu 2orro&er]s $otes

F$$4 isplay general %ile

F$$J !dit general %ile

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F$$) isplay general main %ile

F$$ !dit general main %ile

F$$6 isplay general main %ile

F$$ !dit general o erall %ile

F$O+ Create O*@ect

F$O C(ange O*@ect

F$O9 isplay O*@ect

F$OJ Create collateral

F$O) C(ange collateralF$O isplay collateral

F$O6 Create O*@ects %rom File

F$O Create Collateral %rom File

F$P7 !dit rollo er manually

F$P4 1ollo er: isplay %ile

F$PJ 1ollo er: !dit File

F$P) 1ollo er: isplay main %ile

F$P 1ollo er: !dit main %ile

F$P6 1ollo er: isplay o erall %ile

F$P 1ollo er: !dit o erall %ile

F$ $e& 2usiness StatisticsF$ 9 Post processing IP re@ection

F$ 4 Customer Inc. Payment Post processing

F$ J ?ransact. ?ype - Acct determination.


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F$ ) Compare Flo& ?ype/Account etermine.

F$ 0enerate %lo& type

F$ 6 Automatic Clearing %or O erpayments

F$ Int. ad@ustment runs

F$ F S&iss interest ad@ustment runs

F$ 0 S&iss special interest runs

F$17 oans: Posting 3ournal

F$1) Insur.prt%olio trends - $!<

F$1 ?otals and 2alance istF$16 Account statement

F$1 Planning list

F$1A Ot(er accruals/de%errals

F$12 ;emo record update

F$1C Accruals/de%errals reset

F$1 isplay incoming payments

F$1! 1e erse incoming payments

F$1I Port%olio Analysis iscount/Premium

F$1S 1e ersal Accrual/ e%erral

F$S+ Collateral num*er range

F$S4 Cust. list parameters %or loan order F$S) Installation parameter lists

F$S oan Port%olio ?rend Customi=ing

F$SA Foreign currency aluation


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F$S2 ;aster data summary

F$S 2alance reconciliation list

F$?7 oan correspondence "S&it=erland#

F$?+ Autom. deadline monitoring

F$? Copy teBt modules to client

F$ 2 ?reasury trans%er

F$V7 Payo%% policy contract

F$V+ Create mortgage contract

F$V C(ange mortgage contractF$V9 isplay mortgage contract

F$V4 elete mortgage contract

F$VJ Payo%% mortgage contract

F$V) Create policy contract

F$V C(ange policy contract

F$V6 isplay policy contract

F$V elete policy contract

F$VA Create paid o%% contracts

F$VCO;P1!SSIO$ oans: ocument ata Summari=ation

F$V is*urse Contract

F$VI oans: 0eneral O er ie&F$V; C(ange Contract

F$V1 1eacti ate Contract

F$VS isplay Contract


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F$V< <ai e Contract

F$<F <F oans 1elease: ist o% <or' Items

F$<FU1!P 1elease <or'%lo&: Sync(roni=ation

F$<O oans: Fast Processing

F$<S ousing statistics

F$Q+ 1ollo er: Create ?a*le

F$Q 1ollo er: C(ange ?a*le

F$Q9 1ollo er: isplay ?a*le

F$Q) 1ollo er: elete ?a*leF$Q 1ollo er: eacti ate ?a*le

F$Q6 1ollo er: Print ?a*le

F$Q ?1-! ?: ocumentation

F$Q0 ist o% 2us. Partners ?rans%erred

F$Q ist o% Imported oans

F$D+ $e& 2usiness: Create ?a*le

F$D $e& 2usiness: C(ange ?a*le

F$D9 $e& 2usiness: isplay ?a*le

F$D) $e& 2usiness: elete ?a*le

F$D $e& 2usiness: eacti ate ?a*le

F$D6 $e& 2usiness: Print ?a*leF$ 7 1e@ections report

F$ + Postprocessing payment transactions

F$ A Account etermination Customi=ing


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F$U+ ?a*le maint. trans%erred loans

F$U ?a*le maintenance trans%. partner

F$U P UF! A S< pdate Program %or Field Selection

?codes %or Con%iguring Assets Accounting

S.$o ?CO ! PA1?IC A1S

+ !C76 COPD C A1? OF !P1!CIA?IO$

F?QP C1!A?IO$ OF 7 ?AQ CO !S

9 O2C ASSI0$ ?AQ CO !S FO1 $O$-?AQA2 ! ?1A$SAC?IO$S

4 OAO2 ASSI0$ C A1? OF !P. ?O CO;PA$D CO !J SP!CIFD ACCO $? !?!1;I$A?IO$

) C1!A?! SC1!!$ ADO ? 1 !S


6 AS76 !FI$! $ ;2!1 1A$0!S FO1 ;AS?!1 C ASS!S

AO 7 I$?!01A?IO$ <I? 0

+7 OAD !?!1;I$! !P1!CIA?IO$ A1!AS I$ ASS!? C ASS!S

++ !FI$! SC1!!$ ADO ? FO1 ASS!? ;AS?!1 A?A

+ AO + !FI$! SC1!!$ ADO 1S FO1 ASS!? !P. A1!AS

+9 F2$+ !FI$! $ ;2!1 1A$0!S FO1 !P. POS?I$0S

+4 OAD1 SP!CIFD I$?!1VA S A$ POS?I$0 1 !S